Gay Erotic Stories

Digital Beginnings

by Fcukwolf
01 Oct 2009

Crush First Time Friends Hairy Mature Romance Sexual Identity Discovery

“Oh fuck it!” said Colin as he slammed the controller down and got up from behind his PC desk. He’d spent the best part of 4 hours playing an online game as was getting bored now. “I need some action” he thought to himself. It has been almost 8 years now since Colin had lost his wife Pauline from cancer and he longed for companionship again.

Colin, who is now 48 is a very good looking guy who’s 6ft 5, 30 waist, very muscular with a nice covering of thick black hair which trailed right down his chest and down to his 8” thick cock and big rounded balls.

As he got up and made his way to the bathroom his mobile went off. “Hey Colin, long time no speak. It’s Jack here. Am in your neck of the woods and wondered if you fancy meeting for a drink?”. Jack was a guy Colin had met online from one of the games he plays and the two of them had become good friends as Jack too once had a wife who passed away in similar circumstances to Pauline. “Bloody hell Jack!” replied Colin. “It’s great to hear from you buddy. Forgotten had given you my number! What you doing this neck of the woods?” “I’ve just been visiting family in Cardiff and remembered you said you lived just half an hours’ drive away so thought perfect opportunity to call round and finally meet the guy I’ve been talking to online for the past 6 years in person!” replied Jack. “That’s great Jack! Be nice to meet in person at last! I told you doubt I’d ever get out to Toronto to visit! But you had said you had family in Cardiff and was hoping to get over sometime. What time you thinking of calling round?” “Well, lets say I get to you for around 7ish if that’s ok?” “Yeah that’s great! I’ll text you the details! Do you want me to get anything in to drink or eat?” “Leave that to me Col! We can order something in later. I think can remember what you favourite tipple was so will get that sorted. Right gotta go for now. Eva’s taking me to Cardiff castle for a tour and then wants to nip to the shops!” “Haha have fun Jack! Be good to see you at last! Have a good one and see you later!” Click! Jack had hung the phone up. “How weird” thought Colin. “Was only thinking about Jack the other day and wondered why he hadn’t responded to my last few emails”.

Jack is 58 and slightly taller and masculine to Colin. Jack had moved to Toronto in the early 70s and had been married for 30 years. Colin had met Jack on an online forum and they had got talking and discovered they had more in common than just the gamming. For the first time in 8 years Colin was anxious about meeting Jack as Jack had once sent him a pic of himself with just a pair of swim shorts whilst on holiday in Bali and Colin had felt some attraction he had never experienced before and now was going to meet the guy in real life!

As this was going to be their first meeting Colin thought had better spruce up the place a bit and put something other than his tatty jeans and t-shirt on. About 6:45pm Colin was all ready. The house was immaculate and he’d got changed into a tanned pair of chinos and put on a navy short sleeve shirt with the top 2 buttons undone so a sly stem of black hair was visible on his chest. He felt strange. Was excited, nervous and felt a little randy which was strange for Colin. He had admitted he had liked the look of Jack but never told him he got an errection from his pic. Colin could feel his cock start to stiffen and could see the bulge in his trousers growing all the time.

Suddenly “Ding Dong” the doorbell went. “Fuck!!!” thought Colin.. “Why won’t this fucking hard-on go! Oh well to late now! Jack won’t notice I’m sure!”. Colin stood up and went to answer the door. As Colin opened the door he stopped and was astounded by the guy who stood before him. He could feel his cock grow even bigger than it was and was hoping it wasn’t showing as the guy before him was a vision of perfection. “He’s more attractive than his pic! Fuck!”. Quickly Colin said “Good Evening.. you must be Jack? I’m Colin. Please come in”. Jack smiled and in a Canadian accent replied “Hi Col great to finally meet you in person! Thank you for the kind welcome. Oh here this is your favourite tipple isn’t it?” As he said this he handed Colin a bag with 3 bottles of Russian vodka and 3 bottles of high octane energy drink (equivalent to Red Bull) inside. “Thanks Jack you rememberd!” Colin replied with a smile and patted Jack on the back as he walked in. He was sure Jack had noticed Colin’s enormous bulge and had made a wink as walked past, mind you the Chinos were a very tight fit and be a bit awkward trying to hide anything.

“You drinking this with me too then Jack or you on something soft with driving?” Colin called out as he went into the kitchen and got out 2 large tumblers and ice from the freezer. “Be rude not too” Jack replied. “Hope you didn’t mind the short notice Col mate. Just am heading down to London for a few days before heading home and just had to see you before going”. “No worries Jack. Have to admit was getting concerned as hadn’t heard from you for a while and you hadn’t said anything about going away so am just glad your ok and am made up to meet you at last!”. Jack had taken a seat on the larger leather couch and taken his jacket off and loosens his tie as Colin walks over and hands Jack one of the tumblers and goes to take his seat on the couch opposite. “No Col please sit here next to me. Sorry didn’t tell you. It was a last minute plan. Eva rang and said she had 2 weeks off work and her and Terry had a surprise for me as had missed coming over for my 50th.” Feeling nervous and excited at the same time Colin took the seat next to Jack and settled down.

“Sorry Col, have to say it but Damn you’re a fine looking guy! That pic you sent me doesn’t do you justice.” As saying this Jack had placed his hand on Colin’s thigh and was moving it slowly but surely up to between his legs and towards Colin’s ever stiffening cock. “Thhhank you.” Said Colin who’s voice was trembling a little as had never expected this or been in a situation like this before. It was scary yet new and exciting for Colin and could tell Jack could feel Colin’s anxiety growing. “Col its ok mate” soothed Jack. “I have liked you since we have started chatting online. Then when you sent me that pic that was all the proof I needed. Before I met and married Cindy I was bi but due to how things were back then could never admit it or go far as it was seen as a big no no. But as the years passed with Cindy I hid them and thought they were gone. That was until you!” “Jack I have a confession to make. I have only ever been with girls. In fact Pauline was my first and only. However, the pic you sent me caused feelings I had never felt possible towards another guy before and this feels so strange and new to me that….” Colin was stopped by Jack who put a finger to Colins mouth and “shhhh just relax.” As soon as this was said Jack leant over and holding Colin by the head kissed him passionately. Colin pulled back at first a little surprised but kissed Jack back with more force than had thought.

Whilst embraced Jack moved one hand down and started to unbutton Colins shirt and felt around the hairy chest. “mmm lovely and manly. I love a hairy guy!” said Jack. Jack pulled back from Colins mouth teasing his tongue in his mouth as he did. Jack let go and unbuttoned Colins shirt fully and started licking and tugging the hair and nipples on Colins chest. “Oh fuck Jack that feels so good” called out Colin. “Colin, I have longed for you so much! To be able to taste you and hold your naked body in mine. Just to be lying naked next to you. It has driven me wild that I have never been able to tell you this as have valued your trust and friendship for many years that I couldn’t bear to loose you! Colin I love you!” Colin was taken aback a little by his friends confession but without hesitating said “Jack.. I have felt the same. I have never felt this way about a guy but as never felt these feelings before haven’t known how to say it to you as thought would lose you!” “Oh Col, we are a right pair! Can we leave the chat for now as I don’t know about you but feel this is a dream and a very errotic one at that and don’t want this to end we can talk later!!”.

As soon as he said this Jack stood up and started to strip off out of his suit in front of Colin. He never took his eyes from Colin’s’ gaze as he first untied and pulled off his tie. Next he unbuttoned his shirt slowly as if teasing. When the shirt was unbuttoned he pulled it off slowly and threw it aw Colin. “Wow Jack! You are so fucking hot!!” rasped Colin who had at this point also taken his shirt right off and rubbing what by this time was an enormous bulge in his pants. Without saying a word Jack continued. He rubbed his hands up and down and all over his muscled body and ran them down to his belt which he unbuckled and pulled from his trousers with ease. With a large grin on his face Jack undid his trousers and slid them down his legs and stood there in a black jock with an enormous bulge. “Oh fuck Jack you are gorgeous!!”. Before taking his trousers fully off Jack turned round and bent over in front of Colin so to show Colin his well muscled and defined hairy crack. As he was in this position he seemed to wiggle it whilst taking his shoes and trousers off. “mmmm yes wow” mouthed Colin who had now got himself up and was taking off his shoes and trousers as quickly as possibly but was fumbling with the belt as was so excited. “Let me do that Col”. With that said Jack stood up close to him and with one hand reached down and felt the full bulge of Colin’s hardened cock and with the other unbuckled his belt and pushed his trousers round to his ankles which Colin obediently stepped out of. The pair was both wearing black jocks and Jack grinned saying “Seems we definitely have more in common than we thought”. Jack kneeled down in front of Colin and placed his mouth round the bulge in the front of Colins jock and tugged them down to round his ankles. Colins cut 8” thick cock sprung up like a dolphin jumping out the water. “Fuck Col! Its beautiful” whispered Jack. With that said Jack put his mouth over the bulbous head and took the whole cock down the back of his throat and went to town licking and sucking. “Oh fuck Jack!! That feels so good! Oh fuck yes!”. Jack continued sucking and licking Colins cock at times using one hand to work and play with Colin’s balls. After several minutes Colin Said “Jack be careful I think I am going to….” Colin was unable to finish his sentence as Jack lunched on his cock like a hungry beast and sucked it fast and hard deep throating as Colin let loose an explosion of cum deep into Jacks throat. But Jack didn’t stop and he continued to suck harder and harder he went. “Oh fuck Jack yes yes yes…” Suddenly without warning Colin let rip another blast of cum. This time thicker than the last. When Jack was sure he had got every last drop he moved his mouth from Colin’s cock and licked his lips, stood up and kissed Colin. “Fuck Col! Twice in one sess down my throat! Your cum tasted so good! I love it!” “Sorry couldn’t warn you Jack but…” “Shh I could tell you were near and wanted to taste all of you! Plus 2 loads is better than one hey!” This was said with a wink and Colin could see Jack was pleased with him. “Col, I am sorry if sound rude or presumptuous but could I stay the night?” “Jack I would be happy for you to stay in fact I insist!”.

Following this the men sat down and drank and talked about their pasts and about themselves and headed up to bed at 2am the following morning. Nothing more happened when they went up stairs as Jack had wished the 2 of them lay there both naked cuddled up to each other and kissed. Looks like Jacks wish was fulfilled and he got to lay with Colin in his arms. The following morning Jack awoke and found that Colin was already up and about. Jack saw a dressing gown and with a note on it. “Morning babes.. Didn’t want to wake you.. You look so peaceful asleep. Put this on as you may feel a little cold. I am always an early bird so will go down and make coffee and breakfast. Love Colin x” “Awww” said Jack as he stretched and grabbed the dressing gown and got out of bed and tied it around himself. He went out of the room and headed out on the landing. As he started towards the stairs his nose was filled with the scent of coffee and bacon and eggs. “mmm.. what a way to start the day off” Jack said to himself as he carried on down the hall onto the stairs and slowly descended. As Jack stepped from the last step into the living room he looked over and saw Colin in just the black jock from last night leant over the worktop with a glass of OJ reading the paper. “What a way to start the day! The smell of fresh brewed coffee and bacon and eggs. Mind you prefer the view hey?!?” “Good morning Jack” Colin replied turning round giving him a large grin. “Sorry didn’t want to wake you! See you got my note. Take a seat and I’ll bring breakfast over its almost ready”. Jack took a seat on one of the 3 stools at the breakfast bar and watched Colin working away. “Anything I can do Col. I feel like a spare part just sat here watching!” “No its ok almost done Jack.. plus hey you’re my guest remember!”. Within minutes the breakfast was served. Bacon, Sausages, fried egg, tomatoes, mushrooms, hash browns, black pudding and a rack of fresh hot buttered toast and a decanter of piping hot fresh coffee. “My god Col!” said Jack “Careful could get used to this! First time in many years have I been treated like this and never by such a special and most beautiful guy!!”. Colin took the seat opposite Jack and gave a shy grin. “Col, last night was special to me and I believe it was for you too? I have something really important I wish to talk to you about.” At this point he looked Colin straight in the eyes. “Yes Jack last night was special to me also. What is it you want to talk to me about your making me nervous here”. “Ok I am going to bite the bullet and come out with it. We aren’t getting any younger are we?” “No Jack that is true.” “Well I have a proposition for you.. I want you to come back to Toronto and live with me…” Almost choking on the piece of toast he was eating Colin said “What? Me come and live with you in Toronto??” “that’s what I said so what do you think?” “I am speechless Jack… I mean we have only just met! And…..” “Shh come on Col.. we have been friends what 7 almost 8 years now.. I think we both know each other pretty well by now and know all each other good and bad points. I have to admit I have never felt this way about anyone before but after last night all my suspicions were verified and I believe and know your who I want to be with! Plus I can’t be living in that huge house on my own and be depressed going back alone after last night can I?” Colin gazed into Jacks eyes and could see Jack pleading and that he was genuine and Colin had to admit he had fallen with Jack over the years but didn’t realise how much until now. Colin took hold of jack by the hand and looked deep into his eyes, kissed him and said “Jack you are right.. I have nothing to keep me here.. I was an only child and both my parents have passed away. I don’t work so nothing to tie me here. If you will have me I am yours!”. “Col, you have just made me the happiest man in the world! I love you so much and couldn’t bear to return alone! Thank you so much for being you I love you.” With that said Jack got up and went over to Colin and pulled him up and kissed.

2 months later Colin had all the paperwork and everything in order to clear the move to Toronto. Jack had returned to help. At 5pm Colin and Jack got up and stood at the door. This is the beginning of a new chapter thought Colin. What does this mean for the lives of Colin and Jack? What will the future hold? Who knows?


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