Gay Erotic Stories

Tiny Tanga Trouble, Part 2

by Jason C
25 Nov 2009

Exhibitionism Outdoor Sex Public Places Sex On The Beach Summer Adventures True Stories

(This is the second part of a true story that I began telling in “Tiny Tanga Trouble, Part One”. My name is Jason, and I’ve been writing about a day I spent last summer at a nearby gay beach wearing a tiny red tanga and a cockring underneath. I’d been strutting around the beach in this truly minimal swimsuit, constantly adjusting it and feeling myself up at the same time, meeting guys and giving them a teasing glimpse of everything… basically indulging my exhibitionist impulses to the max. It was a beautiful day, and all was going well until I found myself naked in the waves, with a full-on erection that now I could not stuff back into the tiny swimsuit.)

The sand was soon rinsed out from my swimsuit – the wet tanga looked ridiculously tiny as I held it in the palm of my right hand – but there was no way I could put it back on with my cock fully erect like this. It wouldn’t fit until the erection had faded a bit. I tried daydreaming about other things… not to think about how exposed and vulnerable I was at that moment – after all, I couldn’t leave the water without exposing my erection to two dozen guys within view! But feeling the tight grip of the cockring (damn it!) and the cool massage of the undulating waters, I was stuck in a losing game. If anything, my cock just kept throbbing harder and harder, begging for release. And of course I found myself totally turned on by the lack of control I had over my situation now.

Just now there was a lot of foot traffic up and down the shore – no chance for me to leave the water just yet! And as the beach filled up, it seemed like the average age of guys was steadily declining, and the average size of swimsuit was, too. All I could do was stand there in the water and watch as one beautiful specimen after another walked by. I began fixating on a slender, pale, young guy walking towards me, wearing a beige crocheted bikini with dangling beads. His long curly hair, close-trimmed goatee, and hairy chest and legs gave him a very different look from most other guys on the beach, who were mainly tanned and smooth. As he passed by, I saw that his bikini actually had string tie-sides; I began to wonder whether he would undo those ties once he reached the place where he would be lying out to soak up the sun… would he go for it? Would he expose that gorgeous hairy little ass for all to see? I’d have to go for a stroll down the beach in a little while and check the situation out.

Meanwhile I had something else to worry about. I was getting very cold standing in the water, and I had to get out, however embarrassing that might be. So as soon as I could find a relative break in the shoreline foot traffic, I stuffed my perfectly rigid, shaved cock as best I could into the tanga. I tried several ways to fit it all in, but in the end I had to content myself with stuffing balls and most of my shaft into the pouch but leaving the head sticking a couple inches out of the top. I tried to tell myself no one would notice. Ha. Even if the shoreline was relatively deserted, there were still a dozen or so men lying out on the sand who would get an eyeful of me on my way to my blanket. Oh hell. I sprinted out of the water and made a dash for it. As I did, my running motion jiggled my cock out further and further from the top. The tanga pouch was becoming useless to me at this point, and the rear panel had risen completely up my crack. Halfway up the beach, I gave up all pretense and just used both hands to cover myself as I ran for cover. I tried not to look around, but since I could actually hear some chatter and laughter left and right, I knew that all eyes were on me. I reached my blanket and dove straight down on my stomach to cover up until I could regain control of the situation. Only then did I look around – yes, those guys around me were all still looking over and smiling. I smiled back – no point in being embarrassed at that point, I guess. I’ve already said that I like to push my boundaries a bit, and I had just done it. Best thing to do now was to try to relax and read a bit… forget about things, let my cock calm down, then see whether I might be able to stuff it back into the pouch. I pulled the rear of my tanga out of my ass and smoothed things over… time to behave for a while. And sure enough, after reading a few pages of my magazine, still lying on my stomach, I found I could finally stuff my cock back, head-down, into the swimsuit and start thinking about my next little episode. My mind drifted: should I stroll down the beach a bit and find my little friend with the tempting tie-side bikini? …or see what happened to Adonis in that form-fitting orange speedo?

Actually, this turned out not to be an option – as it turned out, my orange-clad Adonis was approaching along the shoreline just now, heading back the way he’d come. I thought about running down to the water, just to casually cross paths with him again on my way into the surf. But trying the same trick twice might seem too desperate – I decided I would just catch him next time. Watching Adonis disappear around the bend, I decided that it would be a good time just to take a stroll and see what would happen. I rolled over on my side and adjusted the pouch and straps of my suit. Then I stood up and, scanning the beach left and right, started to think about my parade route. I decided not to follow the shoreline but to walk along the edge of the dunes, where my path would take me very close to lots of sunbathing men in various states of undress. A new wave of horniness overtook me as I imagined myself following a jagged path that would thread its way as close as possible each guy’s blanket – taking my little exhibitionist show to them, rather than requiring them to come check me out. Not only would my itinerary seem more daring, but by walking, I’d be making myself more nearly naked – my tanga would ride up my crack and my package would start to become more and more exposed as it swayed side to side, flopping heavily with each footfall.

I had been walking along the dunes for a couple minutes, having already passed by Salt-and-Pepper, Red, and some of my other new friends, when I began to notice how strong the sun felt on my shoulders and back. I decided that it was probably better for me to apply another coating of lotion before taking a long walk. I returned to my blanket area and was starting to fish out the sunscreen from my bag when I remembered that I’d also brought SPF-8 “dark tanning oil” as well. I thought about it for a moment and decided that maybe I didn’t need to go for the full sunscreen at this point, just a little boost of body oil. I loved the idea of oiling myself up so that I’d be glistening and slippery for my walk. Slathered in oil, would I even be able to keep my tanga on, or would it simply slip off on its own as I walked? I was getting such a hard-on just thinking about adventures to come!

Like I had done earlier, I stood proudly out in the open as I began to apply the oil and massage it slowly into my face, neck, shoulders, chest, sides, and abs. The show for my neighbors was on again, and this time I wasn’t holding anything back. As I rubbed the oil around my chest, I began to tweak my nipples and arch my back. My left hand now descended to my package and started squeezing it lightly. My hands next applied rivers of oil straight down my sides, ignoring the tanga straps and rubbing up and down from thigh to torso in a continuous motion. As I bent over to continue down each leg, I could see Salt-and-Pepper get up off his towel and head my way. I continued with my erotic oil massage, pretending not to notice him until he was right in front of me.

“Do you need some help with your back?” he said in his sexy, deep voice. He really was very friendly, and very attractive up close – tan, with a boxer’s deep chest, thick arms, and compact build. He was looking mighty fine that tight, low-rise black speedo.

“That would be great,” I said. I handed him the bottle of oil and turned to face away from the sea. He began applying the oil between my shoulder blades – innocently, only a little at first. Soon he realized that I wanted a thicker coating, so he kept slathering the oil on me over and over, gradually extending his reach. His heavy, blunt fingers worked the oil into the area between my shoulder blades, occasionally continuing his strokes to blend the oil into my shoulders, sides, and lower back. I was standing and facing the dunes, and there he was behind me, out of my direct view. I liked Salt’s gentle, deep voice as he kept up the small-talk, and as I felt his strong hands massaging my shoulders and thought about his handsome face and killer build, I really became very very horny. His strokes gradually became more vigorous on my back, applying more and more force… I stumbled forward a step from the pressure, then regained my balance. Without saying a word, he then wrapped his left hand around my chest to stabilize me and continued rubbing with his right hand. As his left hand was pressing against my pecs, my right nipple became squeezed between two of his fingers… soon I found myself in trouble... he was manhandling me, gently and firmly. There was an all-out seduction going on here, perhaps on both our parts, and I was to starting to feel almost drunk with horniness.

Just then I accidentally kicked over the oil bottle in the sand (really, it was an accident), and it began pouring out. I dove down on hands and knees onto my blanket to right it again and save what was left in the bottle. I turned and handed him the oil again; then, rather than standing up where I had been, I remained where I was, down on all fours. “Maybe this would make it easier for you to oil me up?” I said. Of course, there was nothing about my new doggie-style position that would make it easier for him to apply oil to my back – my pose was a blatant provocation. Salt didn’t question my idea; he calmly kneeled down behind me in the space between my legs, poured out a little more oil on his hands, and continued massaging my back. Had it been another guy, maybe I would have said we were done after my upper back, but I was enjoying this too much. I loved that I was not only getting an erotic massage in this suggestive position, but also getting it while nearly naked in front of other guys in public! I began sticking my ass out, getting ready to start pushing gently against his thighs. “I would love it if you could get my lower back, too,” I said.

“I would be only too happy to do that for you,” he said. I loved that we were two strangers speaking to each other in such polite language, while our bodies were clearly communicating in terms that were more intimate and animal! His sturdy fingers massaged the oil deep into my lower back, now caressing, now pressing hard. I sighed deeply, arched my back, and told him how good it felt. At the same time, I was spreading my ass cheeks wide and pressing them up against his thighs and groin. And yes, something was definitely swelling up big inside that little speedo of his. Through the two thin layers of nylon that were separating us, I could feel the warmth of his cock-head on my pucker, which was now almost dilating in anticipation! At the same time, my cock was about to burst its tight pouch!

Salt knew now that I wouldn’t object if his hands began applying oil all over my tanga-clad butt, so he didn’t even ask. At first he only worked around the tanga – of course, most of my butt was already exposed in this tiny suit. Slowly his fingers began to explore beneath the tanga, too; then he began gently to pull the rear triangle this way and that to apply oil absolutely everywhere – he was being very thorough and meticulous. While Salt was absorbed in his work, I took a moment to look around me. I saw that all my neighbors were now looking with great interest our way – in fact, some of them were now standing up and a few had moved closer for a better view. What could I do but smile at them? It was clear I was just loving this – getting the butt massage of a lifetime and becoming hard as a rock!

“Just pull it off me,” I whispered.


“Tear it off me!” I insisted. He did as I asked, pulling the tanga down to my knees in a single jerk, actually ripping one of the string sides in the process. My swollen cock sprang out of its confinement, oozing a stream of precum (probably this was not yet visible to anyone).

“Shit, I’m sorry,” he said. But he didn’t act sorry; instead, he just continued pulling what was left of the tanga off my right leg and tossed it nearby. There I was finally, with my bare naked ass openly exposed and scandalously poised up against another man’s scantily clad package… all in front of a crowd of men. There was no going back now.

I really have to give Salt credit. He was not intimidated by the situation of performing in public – he was clearly into it now. Paying no attention to the other guys, he let his oily hands explore my ass freely. He even took a second to release his own swelling cock from the side of the speedo pouch and hide it between my ass cheeks (so far this was our little secret). No penetration yet, but I could feel his huge, warm head pressing up against me, and I was dying with impatience – I wanted to get fucked so bad, in front of all these guys! Salt was in control now, and I simply put my face down in my blanket to enjoy being ravished in public like this. Salt reached around me now and began applying oil to my cock and balls – I was about to explode. “I love a smooth pair of balls!” he whispered in my ear. His cock was now pressing up against my balls, and I could feel his warm, smooth-shaved pubic skin against my well-lubricated pucker. I was dying, I had to close my eyes.

“Put it in!” I said, closing my eyes. “Fuck me!!” He just laughed – I didn’t need to say that. But Salt was taking time to do things right. He reached beyond my cock and started oiling up his own; I couldn’t see it, but I could feel his big oily cock slipping this way and that between my legs and groin. Whatever the view of this scene may have been from the side, I’m pretty certain the other guys on the beach knew that we two were no longer thinking about the oil as sunscreen. I looked around quickly to see who was watching… I was shocked (and pleased) to see that about eight or ten guys had left their positions and were now walking towards us… starting to form a loose circle around us. Retired-Porn-Star was there; he had his hand down his blue speedo and was slowly stroking what appeared to be a massive cock inside. Red was there, too, with his hand down his boardies. There were also several older guys, a few of them with their dicks out and jerking more blatantly. I looked for my young friend Hairy, with or without his crocheted string bikini, but… no luck.

Salt stopped oiling up his cock, pulled back, and stood up for a moment; I could hear him slipping off his speedo. Remaining on my hands and knees, legs spread and ass cheeks open wide, I now looked back at my naked fuck-buddy – and what I saw did not disappoint. He was evenly tanned and muscular, and completely shaved from his neck to his feet. His cock was even longer and thicker than I’d expected (sorry, I didn’t have time to measure it), and its massive pink head was quivering with excitement. There was no longer any pretense about what was going to happen: we were two completely naked and smooth men on a public beach, and we were about to do it doggie-style in front of a dozen other guys!

Thankfully, caught up in the moment as I was, I did one smart thing – I dug out a condom from my bag and tossed it to Salt. No discussion necessary – he slipped it on efficiently, oiled himself up again, and got back down into position between my legs. I was ready for anything at this point, but Salt began cautiously, prepping my hole with a couple fingers and massaging my prostate. I writhed and moaned with pleasure, burying my face in the blanket and aching for what would come next. I didn’t even dare touch my own cock, I knew I was so close to cumming that I would explode as soon as Salt stuck his cock in me. But he teased me a bit, letting me feel his enormous cock-head at the point-of-entry, pressing it in just a tiny bit, but then slipping it out and rubbing it all up and down my well-oiled crack and buttocks. My ass pucker was throbbing now, begging for him to fuck me. My cock was swollen purple and my balls ready to explode. Oh god, just do it, I thought… I need this so bad, right now! I want to feel you in me! His massive cock was so close to its willing target, but he kept it circling before plunging in, teasing and prepping me for what now seemed like an eternity. He was clearly playing for the audience as much as he was for me (and looking back, I have to admire that aspect, though at the time…).

Suddenly he did something unexpected – he reached under my right side with his strong, muscular arm, and with incredible force, he flipped me on my back in a single motion. I landed on my back, legs akimbo and my oiled, shaved cock and balls fully exposed, swollen and tortured as they were by the cockring. I was stunned, and before I could even react, Salt was lying on top of me (how I love to feel the weight of a mature man on top of me!), kissing me with his strong and insistent tongue. I gave up all defense and all control – his deep kissing felt so good. He was holding my arms back above my head and kissing me into oblivion, and all the while I could feel his cock slipping and sliding against my oily thighs. I looked up and now could not avoid seeing the faces of a dozen excited men right up close, each of them now enjoying being in the position of predators and seeing me helpless like this. Now Salt really took control – placing his strong hands on my thighs, he separated and lifted my legs, then skillfully he entered my ass in a single motion. I had been waiting for this moment for what seemed like hours by now, and my sphincter offered no resistance… but oh my god, did he fill me up! I didn’t know when the length of his cock would end as he kept pushing it in. You’ve got to be kidding me, I thought, this is unbelievable! By the time Salt had begun his third thrust into me, I was cumming in wave after wave of hot jism. The first spurt hit me in the face, and my quivering, shaking cock erupted a half-dozen more spurts in all different directions as Salt pumped me – it was the greatest orgasm I’d ever had (and the reason why I’m writing this story!).

Soon I was done, but Salt wasn’t. He was just getting started. Now it was his turn to put on a show. He took one of my feet in each hand and spread them out as far as he could reach. Without interrupting the fucking, he got to his knees and, pulling me up off the blanket with him, then let loose with a deep, rapid thrusting like I’d seen or experienced before – repeatedly pulling out to the tip of his head before thrusting himself all the way in again. By now, pretty much all the guys in the family circle had stripped off their suits and were jerking themselves and/or their buddy. I could barely take it all in, since I was mainly concentrating on the pain and pleasure of being fucked like this, on and on, after I’d already cum.

Finally – thank god!! – Salt pulled out, ripped off the condom, and sprayed his seed all over me, saying “fuck, fuck yeah, oh yeah!” My jism had erupted out in a series of spurts, but his was like a single milky stream, lasting for several seconds – good golly, never seen anything like that before, either. My entire body was covered in a thick layer of oil and jism. Guys around us were still jerking and cumming. Soon there were cum stains in the sand in a radial pattern all around me (I felt like I was at the center of a very original art work!).

“That was awesome,” I said, when I finally caught my breath. “Unbelievable… thank you!” I stammered. Salt just smiled. He was already getting back into his little black speedo – even so, he was having a little trouble stuffing himself back in. Then without a word, he went down to the waterline to clean up. I was not ready to join him. I was still on my back and covered in various kinds of goo (and loving it). I felt like lying there like that, amid all the evidence, until the next park ranger came around in his jeep. But this crazy thought soon passed, and I set my mind to something far more urgent: removing the cockring, which had more than served its purpose today. So with great relief – and lots of lubrication –I managed to slip my shrinking cock and then my balls out. For a while, I just lay there gently caressing my cock, balls, and ass, and reveling in the thought of what had just happened. Slowly came to my senses and got my bearings. I realized that my ripped tanga was gone. It should have been by my blanket, somewhere nearby. The crowd had already dispersed, and I guessed that maybe someone had picked it up as a souvenir. Apparently it had been a one-time-use swimsuit.

I somehow expected that after this amazing sex, I might get to chat with Salt – you know, to get to know him, tell him what an amazing stud he was, see what else he was into, etc. But he was already back over at his blanket, and now he was acting aloof. Sigh. I was still lying there on my back – naked, exposed, and covered in jism – when I heard once again the approach of footsteps from my left side. I looked over, and a heavy, deeply tan man in his 60s was walking by in an unflattering yellow thong. “You got what you deserved, you little slut!” he said with a laugh. I was slightly surprised and hurt. The euphoria had passed.

But thinking about it later – after I’d washed off, gotten dressed, and walked back to the car – I had to admit that actually I had gotten just what I deserved… and just what I wanted, too! Just in case anyone missed it: I had been expertly fucked by a very handsome total stranger, in public, in front of a crowd of (mostly) attractive older men. Maybe that’s not exactly a dream-come-true for every guy out there, but it was something I’d been fantasizing about for a long time, and I’d finally made it happen for real!

Now I’m looking forward to visiting that beach again next summer and thinking about how to top this experience! And to start with, if anyone has any suggestions for where I can buy an even tinier, more attention-grabbing swimsuit, that would be great!


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More Gay Erotic Stories from Jason C

Tiny Tanga Trouble, Part 1

The following is a true story. My name is Jason (sorry, no last name) – I’m a gay, 32-year-old software engineer. I’ve been out since college, and I’ve dated a few guys off and on… but I’m still not ready to settle down with anyone – it’s too exciting to be out playing around. I am a smaller guy (5’-8” tall) and in good shape (150 pounds) – I go to the gym 3-to-4 times a week to stay fit.

Tiny Tanga Trouble, Part 2

(This is the second part of a true story that I began telling in “Tiny Tanga Trouble, Part One”. My name is Jason, and I’ve been writing about a day I spent last summer at a nearby gay beach wearing a tiny red tanga and a cockring underneath. I’d been strutting around the beach in this truly minimal swimsuit, constantly adjusting it and feeling myself up at the same time, meeting guys and


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