Gay Erotic Stories

Alex's New Life, Part 1

by Taigastar
25 Mar 2010

Bondage Fantasy Fetish Sci-Fi Fantasy

Alex lay on his back, completely unconscious and unaware of his surroundings. His naked body was positioned on a dark green table with his feet apart. Touching a console, his captor observed a small electronic screen, checking readings. He was sure Alex would remain unconscious—the drugs feeding in from the table were very potent. After entering a few commands onto the screen, Alex’s captor exited the room and bolted it shut from the outside, leaving Alex and the table completely still in the faint light of the console. The table received the commands from the console and began to shift slowly, snaking a very thin green thread up between Alex’s glutes and into his rectum. The thread-like probe was designed to be narrow, ensuring it would not even trigger the nerves in Alex’s anus to sense it. Once inside, the table began the second phase of its operation; microscopic enzymes jettisoned from the string and through the vulnerable, soft tissue inside their new host’s body. For a brief instant, Alex’s body rippled from head to toe, then returned to normal. The table set to work, wrapping each part of Alex’s body in a sort of sleeve, holding it for an hour, then retreating and moving on to the next part. Arms, legs, hands, feet, head, chest, and abdomen all received the same treatment. A long tube snaked up between Alex’s spread legs and enveloped his penis, expanding to completely encase his testicles and backside. They stayed encased for a longer timeframe before the table retreated from the area. Another tube-like shape reached up and pushed past Alex’s lips, enveloping his tongue, then retreated after another hour. The same occurred for each nipple, one at a time, and back to his penis. The table then covered Alex’s entire body for two more hours, then retreated. The console beeped its completion. Hours later, Alex’s eyes fluttered open, then squinted against the light of the room. His entire body felt sluggish and chilly, exposed to the air. He grunted, completely disoriented. “Ah, you’re awake. Good. How do you feel?” “Where am I?” Alex couldn’t remember anything. “You’re safe. Are you thirsty?” Alex managed a nod, and his captor held a cup to his lips and tilted Alex’s head to drink it. Alex drank deeply, realizing he was thirstier than he initially believed. Alex smacked his lips a few times, then licked them. Something felt odd on his tongue, but he chose to ignore it. He felt some strength flow through his body and struggled to rise. He sat up in a fluid motion, his hands balancing him on the smooth tabletop. As his weight shifted forward, so did his penis and scrotum, feeling the tables coolness. “Where am I?” “My lab,” his captor said. “You’ll be happy to know that everything was a complete success.” “What do you mean? Who are you?” Alex felt his muscles tighten for a second. “You may refer to me as ‘Master,’ as you are now my slave. And I am quite proud of making you into my slave, hence, everything was a complete success.” “Fuck you!” Alex slid himself forward across the table. “I’m nobody’s slave!” “Take a look in the mirror and see for yourself; I’ve changed you completely.” Alex glanced at a large mirror hanging on one of the walls. He was much taller than he used to be, and more muscular. He could see the definition on his muscles, a first for him. He noticed his head was completely bald, then realized the rest of his body was equally hairless. Following the line of flesh from his hairless groin, Alex discovered that his penis was significantly bigger, the head (now covered by a previously nonexistent foreskin) hung between his knees, and the shaft rested over two large testicles in a very low-hanging scrotum. A large, thick metal ring pierced the head of his massive meat, matched with two smaller ones in his nipples. He screamed, frightened, and noticed two metal studs in his tongue. “What the fuck did you do to me? I look like a freak!” His captor laughed. “I made you what I wanted in a slave. The hair on your head will grow, eventually; I wanted to watch it grow in at various stages before deciding what style you will wear. I made you look more masculine, as I do not want a girly-looking slave. If I want feminine, I’d have taken a woman. The penis is emphasis on the masculinity, obviously. Your piercings are for me to play with and my way of controlling how you will respond to things, and your back tattoo is a slave marking. Even if you leave, you will always be a slave.” “I will never be your slave!” Alex leapt off the table and ran to the door. “Slave, get back here,” his captor said casually. Instantly, Alex stopped dead in his tracks, turned, and slowly walked back. “As you can see, I have priority over your motor functions. This is because I want to watch the struggle as your mind breaks and accepts your body’s new role as slave. “Fuck you!” Alex tried to swing, but found his arm would not respond to the desire to strike his captor. He tried to turn, but his legs remained in place. His captor laughed again. “You cannot hurt me, nor can you leave me. I am Master, you are Slave. There is nothing you can do about it.” He grabbed one of Alex’s new piercings and twisted. Alex cried out in pain. “You know you love it.” Instantly, Alex’s scream became a moan of pleasure, the nerves sending waves of ecstasy through his new body. “I will not be your slave,” Alex argued, his voice a whimper. “It will be just a matter of time,” his captor assured. “Now, kneel.” Alex’s legs bent, and he fell to his knees; there was a clunk as his penis hit the ground. His captor undid his pants and retrieved a penis, not as massive as Alex’s, but impressively sized, nonetheless. “Suck and swallow my cum.” Before Alex could voice a protest, his lips parted and he took the head in his mouth. He began to suck, his muscles programmed to fellate perfectly. Alex fought the physical sensations, forcing himself to stop, but failed. He knelt before his captor, helplessly sucking cock until there was an explosion inside his mouth. Instinctively, he swallowed it all, and continued licking the head clean. Alex was disgusted with himself, yet part of him felt satisfied. “Excellent, Slave!” He pet Alex’s head approvingly. “Now, lay on the table.” Alex’s body complied. “Now, I want you to see something amazing.” He grabbed Alex’s cock and began stroking it, but the member remained flaccid. “You can never be hard again, unless I reprogram you to do so. I have made you undoubtedly masculine, but took away everything that makes you a man. You are a slave, you will eat cum and nothing else, and you will eventually accept this as your life.” Alex’s eyes widened in fear. He wanted to cry, but his body would not let him. His captor pulled his hips toward the end of the table and pushed his legs apart. “No, please! Don’t!” His protests went ignored, his captor pushing his erect member into Alex’s tight hole and fucking furiously. Time held no meaning for Alex as his captor plowed him endlessly, each thrust sending shivers and thrills through him, and Alex wished he were dead. After an eternity, his captor began to hiss and buck. “Please,” Alex pleaded, hoping the inevitable would not happen. He remained ignored, his captor ramming hard into his ass and unleashing massive amounts of cum into his hole. Alex lay back, wishing he could just cry, utterly humiliated. Alex’s captor sighed contentedly, running his fingers along Alex’s smooth chest. “Get used to it, slave. That’s all you’ll ever be good for now.” He pulled his dick out and walked around the table to Alex’s mouth. “Clean it off.” Alex made a face as his body shifted to take his captor’s cock, covered in cum from his own ass, into his mouth. The taste was unlike anything he’d ever experienced, and he wanted to puke in spite of his tongue happily lapping cock. “And that’s enough, slave.” His captor pulled away. “I’ll leave you alone for a bit, maybe you’ll enjoy your new body while I’m gone.” He retrieved his pants from the floor and left the room, sliding the bolt as he departed, leaving Alex alone and naked. Alex curled into the fetal position on the table, its dark green surface cool against the touch of his skin. He could not block the world out, his senses keeping him in the reality he now faced. His ass hurt from being fucked for the first time, cum dribbled out, cold when exposed to the air; he could taste his captor’s cum still; his cock was limp and touched the table behind his knees, and he could feel the piercings in his skin. He was left completely alone, hairless and naked, and yet he also felt a twinge of joy at the situation. As the sense of joy seeped into his thoughts, Alex wished he were dead; clearly, half of his feelings were not his own anymore. From behind, the table’s console made a barely audible beep. Its surface rippled and stretched, snaking another probe upwards and seeking Alex’s sensitive hole. Alex gasped as the probe penetrated him, much gentler than his captor had been. The probe gently began to expand, widening itself and Alex’s hole until the flesh could expand no more. As the probe began to vibrate, Alex tried to shift away from it and escape further violation, but found it was too far inside of him. He sighed again, his body impaled anally on a giant vibrator. He shifted his position again, stretching his legs to their full length. He briefly admired their musculature before frowning as his new penis entered view. It was impressively long, and proportionately thick, with a beautiful hood of foreskin covering the head. His balls were equally impressive, perfectly smooth as they rested in their pouch. He felt equally bitter, seeing the thick metal ring piercing his head, knowing that he’d never be hard again. The stimulation in his ass would very likely have had him rock-hard, normally. His balls would probably have ached for release as well. Neither activity was possible anymore. He glanced down at his chest, seeing his buff, defined pecs and ripped abdomen. His captor had known what he was doing: he was totally male, but so completely not at the same time. As he was staring at his chest and stomach heave with each breath, he felt a rush of pleasure jolt his entire body. The vibrations had intensified, and his nerves exploded in pleasure at the stimulation. He came to the realization that he wanted something more as he lay there. He wanted to suck cock again, to taste cum, to be the slave he was chosen to be. Each tingle through his ass rippled across his entire frame, wracking his mind with desires to submit, to accept his new life. Alex drew another breath and released it. He tried fighting the urge. The vibrations continued, but he could not tell how much time was passing—either a long period of time, or minutes that felt like hours. He was overwhelmed. He looked down at his knee-length member and stared at it. It lay between his legs limp and useless, much like he was feeling. He gripped the flaccid shaft and brought it up to his face, studying his dickhead. Before his capture, he’d been cut. Staring at his new foreskin, he decided to see what he’d lacked in previous years. He slid the skin back, exposing his pierced, purplish head completely. As disgusted as it made him, there was a certain sexiness to it. He slid the skin over the head again, then back down. He could feel how much more sensitive he was, yet the stimulation he felt was not enough to give him an erection. He brought the cockhead to his lips and licked the tip gently. His tongue studs clinked the ring. The sound aroused him, an erotic interruption of the table-vibrator’s soft hum. He slipped more of his cock into his mouth and began to suck. He could barely fit the entire head in, but he could feel the piercing at the back of his throat. His tongue studs rubbed against the sensitive head. He felt thrilled at the pleasurable sensations he experienced, but found he wanted to suck a different cock next. The door opened abruptly, allowing Alex’s captor to enter. He roared with laughter. “Ah, I see you’re playing with your new body,” he said with satisfied amusement. He walked over and nodded approvingly. “Suck all you want. You won’t cum, either.” He watched Alex a moment longer, then pressed the console. The vibrating extension of the table retreated, disappearing into the flat surface. “Keep your cock in your mouth, kneel on the floor, then let go of your dick. I want to hear it clunk on the cement.” Alex moved as he was ordered, dropping to his knees on the bare cement floor. He pushed the head out with his tongue and other oral muscles, and his saliva-covered dick hit the floor with the metallic sound he was asked to provide. “Do you want my cock, slave?” Alex sat in silence. His body wanted to lunge at his captor’s cock and cram it into any available orifice. His mind, however, was hesitant. He wanted to say no, but he also wanted to submit to his body’s urges. “If I agree to this,” he said, “will you let me get hard?” He thought for a moment. “Or cum, instead?” His captor laughed loudly. “Slave, you misunderstand the situation. You are my thing. Whether or not you agree is irrelevant. You do not get to negotiate.” He placed a hand atop Alex’s bald head. “Still, maybe I’ll be nice and set you free like this. You can go out into the world with no clothes, no wallet, nothing; I’d be interested to see how you get along—unable to perform sexually, hugely hung, hairless. Eventually, your need to be with another person would win out over your shame-induced solitude. It’s already happening.” He saw Alex’s expression change into something resembling defeat. “Now, before I proceed with that plan, I will ask you one question. Do you want to be my plaything?” It was not much of a choice. Either way would be a freak, though as a slave he would at least have companionship. And a cock to service. Alex did not bother to hesitate. “Yes,” he whispered. “What?” Yes, Master,” Alex said loudly. “Excellent. Now get on the table and show me you want me inside you.” Alex got up and sat back on the table, spreading his legs wide to expose his ass. “Please, Master, I want you inside of me.” He realized his actions and words were completely voluntary now. “Please fuck me again.” Alex’s master smiled, then he walked over and put his hand on Alex’s ever-flaccid penis. “In time, you’ll come to love this.” He picked up the massive member and let it drop lifelessly to the table, its piercing making a clang on impact. He picked it up again and draped it upwards, across Alex’s abdomen and pulled Alex’s spread legs closer to him. His cock slid effortlessly into Alex’s worked hole, and he began pounding furiously. He exploded into the hole quickly, then stepped back. “Slave, I want you to get on the floor on your hands and knees.” Alex complied, sliding his bare legs over the side of the table and onto the floor, lowering himself to his knees, punctuated with the sound of his piercing hitting the ground, and then placed his open palms on the floor. He felt his master’s cum start to drip out of his hole and down the underside of his balls. He hoped his master would fuck him again, to add more cum to his hungry asshole. He awaited instructions, actions, anything, but there was only silence. “Master?” In response to his speaking, he felt pain surge through his massive balls. His stomach twisted and he felt the urge to vomit from the sheer force of the blow. He cried out, only to receive a second blow to his balls. “Silence!” Master punched Alex’s balls a third time to emphasize the command. “You will not speak unless spoken to. I gave you massive balls for this reason. If you speak out of turn again, you will be punished in the same manner. Is that clear?” “Forgive me, Master,” Alex pleaded. His answer was another painful blow to the balls. Startled, he cried out, only to realize a moment too late that he made noise out of turn. Yet again, he was struck in the balls. Despite the agony, he managed to remain silent. “I asked you a question. You will answer it. Are you clear on the punishment for speaking out of turn?” “Yes, Master,” Alex whimpered. He felt his arms trembling from the pain of his punishment. He had the sensation that his new lifestyle would be filled with pain if he did not do better. “From this point on, I will not repeat myself. You will listen and obey instructions the first time, or you will be punished. I expect you to be more useful than that dick of yours.” As emphasis, he nudged the limp member with his foot. “Anyway, it’s time for you to meet your roommate.” He walked over to the door and opened it, allowing another man to enter on all fours. He was similarly muscular, equally hairless, and had an equally huge dick dragging between his legs. The only differences were the shape of the face and a slightly redder pigment to the skin. “The two of you will sleep on the floor. When I want you, I will come for one or both of you, and you shall follow me. For now, I’ll leave you two to get acquainted.” He closed the door behind him, sparing a single glance at his two slaves. Alex stared at the other slave, unsure of everything. He found himself marginally saddened that he would need to compete for his new master’s attention, but found it erotically comforting that he was not the only one of his kind. He pondered the thought; he thought of himself as something different, separated from his old life and body. Before he could think further, the new slave walked past and began to lick Alex’s exposed, cum-filled hole. Alex let out a startled noise, but remained still. There was something he enjoyed about having his master’s cum lapped out of his well-fucked hole. The other slave’s licking was almost animalistic as it probed for every drop of cum. He knew his useless meat would have been hard at the sensations he now felt. Part of him yearned to have some brief moment for either erection or orgasm. The slave finished licking Alex’s hole clean and walked back to face him. He pressed his lips to the other’s and pushed his tongue through. Alex felt the other slave’s two tongue studs rub against his own, and returned the kiss, enjoying the lingering taste of cum. When they broke their kiss, the new slave spoke. “I want to feel your dick.” Alex shifted, willing to comply, and found himself yearning for the same. He sat back, his muscular butt cheeks resting on the heels of his feet. He adjusted his position and looked down his muscled chest and abdomen to his massive, utterly useless dick with the large ring going through the enlarged slit at its tip. His balls still ached from his punishment, but the pain was beginning to subside. The other slave drew closer, his hands probing Alex’s meat before licking along the entire length of the shaft. The slave then sat back in a mirror of Alex’s, revealing an identically sculpted torso. Alex leaned forward and mimicked the other’s actions, feeling the enlarged shaft, licking it sensually. When he finished, he sat back in the same position. “I’m James,” the other slave said after a moment. “Alex,” he replied. He stared from his dick to James’ identical one, then at James’ face. It seemed so awkward to proceed, in spite of their circumstances. James was his competition for their master’s attention, but also the only person that could understand him. He looked down at James’ groin again. “How long have you been like this?” “Not too long,” James answered. “I haven’t been able to keep track of how long I’ve been here.” He felt a pang of desire as he stared at Alex. “I feel weird. I’m so horny, I want to fuck around with you so badly, but since I can’t get hard, I just don’t have as strong an urge.” “I feel the same way,” Alex said in a vain attempt to comfort his fellow slave. The words felt totally wrong. The entire conversation felt wrong, the only rightness was the sensation of animalistic desire he felt. Rather than say more, Alex opted to walk over to James on all fours and wrap himself around the other. James shifted and lay back, stretching his legs out and entwining them around Alex’s. They lay with their bodies pressed together, their hands and legs wrapped around each other, tongues probing the other’s mouth, their identical studs clunking against each other with each motion. They ground the bases of their shafts together for no other reason than to feel more of each other. Eventually the broke apart, lying next to each other on the bare floor. James grabbed his limp member and playfully swung it over across Alex’s stomach. Alex let out an amused chuckle and did the same. They stared at their cocks, draped across the other, identical in every way. Alex sat up and pulled his dick back, turning the large piercing until he found a small seam in the metal. He pulled James’ dick over and linked his piercing into the other, connecting them. “Our cocks are kissing,” Alex said, amused. “It’s the only thing they can do,” James said, a strange tone in his voice. “Big, limp, useless floppy cocks that do nothing but hang there. It’s kind of hot, especially knowing that you’re the same.” “That was kind of hot,” Alex commented, feeling a rush through his body. “Do you know what your tattoo says?” James had a sly grin on his face. “No. I don’t know where Master put it. I presume on my back,” Alex replied. James rolled onto his stomach, enjoying the slight tug on his linked dickhead. Alex saw words written at the base of James’s spine, reading: “I am a slave. I am so useless; my cock can’t even get hard. Make me feel useful by fucking my asshole.” Above the words was a tribal design. Alex studied it for a moment before discerning the pattern to be a penis with cum spraying out of it. “I have the same?” James rolled onto his back. “Yeah. The two of us are useless slaves, forever limp. And I love having a huge cock that can’t ever get hard linked to yours, which will never get hard.” Alex straddled James, their cocks essentially forgotten as they lay on the floor between James’ legs. “I’m glad to be useless with you.”

When their master had returned, he found both slaves asleep on the floor. Looking closely, he noticed that both slaves had linked themselves together by the giant rings going through their enormous dickheads, as well as having linked their nipple rings together. He nodded approvingly. He was right to get a second slave, as both would help the other accept their new life. Clearly, he realized, they had also explored the sensuality of their new bodies with one another. Staring that their intertwined legs and dicks, the Master smiled at his greatest work to date—so obvious and unable to be hidden, the massive dicks on his slaves would make them too self-conscious to ever think of escape. “Slaves,” he said sternly. “The first one unhooked, back in order, and at attention will get to swallow my cock. Get up now!” With a start, Alex and James fumbled with their nipple rings, unhooking their torsos. Alex was immediately opening the ring in his penis and separating it from James. While he felt close to the other slave and did not want to separate himself, Master was the first priority. With his ring secured once more, he stood at attention. He noticed, with a pang of loss, that James had already been standing at attention. He had lost the race to swallow his master’s cock. Alex watched his master praise James’ ability to follow directions and order him to his knees. He bit his lip as he watched the other slave suck cock happily, his being filled with envy for his fellow slave and shame at his own inadequacy. One word came to mind to describe him in that moment—useless; his dick was useless, his balls were useless, and he was useless as well, not even good enough to deserve sucking Master’s cock. He thought about the word, and how in a single day he’d adopted it as something to describe him—with James it was something that brought them together, with Master it was a means of control, and on his own it was a hell. Master and James moaned in pleasure at their activity, making Alex look on in envy once more. Suddenly, Master pulled his dick from James’ mouth. “Enough. I’ve decided that you both need some more modification.” Master pressed a button on the console’s table and it expands to twice its size. “Both of you on the table, on your backs.” Immediately, both slaves complied. Master input commands into the console and the table built a shell from their sculpted waists down past their feet. Both slaves felt numbness where the table covered them. Master stroked himself as the table’s process continued, his gaze intent on the console. After a short time, the table retracted the shells covering the slaves’ lower bodies. Both looked down to see their new modifications—their feet had become bigger, as had their already enormous cocks and balls! “Eighteen and a half inches for each foot, and your dicks are now ankle-length and twelve inches around, with appropriately scaled balls,” Master said without looking up from the console. He continued stroking himself. “On your knees, both of you,” he ordered. Both slaves obeyed instantly. He finished jerking as he walked away from the console, letting his cum splatter to the floor. “When I leave the room, the both of you will lap up every last drop. You will share my gift. Am I clear?” “Yes, Master,” both slaves answered in unison. “Good,” Master said, nodding. He approached the door. “I’ll be back later.” He exited and closed the door behind him. Frantic and eager, both slaves dove at the splatters of cum on the floor, their pierced tongues dragging along the flat surface, savoring every ounce of flavor they could acquire, each droplet sheer ecstasy for them. Once the floor was cleaned, the pair looked at each other and pressed their lips against the other in a ferocious kiss. They pushed their tongues into the other’s, sliding along in the hope of tasting residual cum. As they kissed, they pressed closer and closer into each other until they were kneeling upright with their chests pressed together. James broke away from the kiss and gave Alex an appraising look. He scooted back and grabbed the base of his new ankle-length shaft, then swung it playfully at Alex’s muscled abdomen. Alex looked down in silence before breaking into a wide, playful grin. James swung again, only to be caught by Alex, who held the flaccid meat in both hands and brought it to his lips. He watched as the other slave licked his dickhead and underneath his foreskin, the sensation sending pleasure through him, though not enough to arouse. “I want to lick your feet,” he told Alex. Alex stopped licking James’ meat and let it drop to the floor, the piercing making its erotic clunk as it landed. He rose, then seated himself, stretching his legs our so his massive feet were near James’ mouth. James adjusted his position as well, imposing his feet upon Alex. “Big, floppy, useless feet. Big, floppy, useless cock. Big, floppy, useless balls,” Alex put his nose to James’ foot and inhaled deeply. “Two useless slaves with massive, useless appendages.” Somehow, the more it was said between him and James, the sexier it felt. “Big, floppy, useless feet,” James repeated and sucked on one of Alex’s toes, his pierced tongue swirling around it. Alex twitched at the sensation. James moved to another toe, then another, each time swirling his tongue around, each time making Alex’s feet twitch at the sensation. After the tenth toe, James began to lick the soles. Alex giggled as the sensation rushed through him. “I love being a slave with you,” Alex said once his giggles had subsided. “Useless slave,” James corrected. He licked one of Alex’s huge soles again. “You’re so useless, you can’t even get it right?” “Absolutely useless,” Alex agreed, content with his new form and the adjective he adopted to describe himself.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Taigastar

Alex's New Life, Part 1

Alex lay on his back, completely unconscious and unaware of his surroundings. His naked body was positioned on a dark green table with his feet apart. Touching a console, his captor observed a small electronic screen, checking readings. He was sure Alex would remain unconscious—the drugs feeding in from the table were very potent. After entering a few commands onto the screen,


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