Gay Erotic Stories

Oh yes, I am a real, committed EXHIBITIONIST!!!

by Nudeinstreet
23 May 2011


Hi everyone :-) I am Sven from Germany. I hope you all can understand my bad English! This story is partly invented, especially the last third. But about 70% is the TRUTH! It was the Thursday before Easter, 21 April 2011, around 10 in the morning. It was a (for the far west of Germany) unusually warm spring day with temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius, about 86 degrees Fahrenheit. I had taken a few days off and would not stay on such a beautiful day at home. The bright blue skies and warm temperatures I had to use, to enjoy a long hike, in my special exhibitionistic way. Especially because all the hectic Easter holidaymakers made their purchases before they held the annual ritual on the motorways in the South: The hours-long traffic jam on the highway! I was aware that the city was full of frantic people and wanted to “surprise” them a bit :-) is my story, I hope you will enjoy it!!!!!

Oh yes, I am a real, committed EXHIBITIONIST!!!

I am an exhibitionist who LOVE to be seen outside naked and stroking my cock. To be sure, many people can see me stark naked, I show ONLY in BROAD DAYLIGHT!!! Either, I leave my home completely naked from head to toe already (only when I'm very drunk and using poppers), or I wear (usually) my "hiking clothes" to make me gradually more and more horny and hornier. I am always wearing a very old and very worn out, pierced with holes, t-shirt and a kilt. Of course I wear under the kilt, as it should be, no underwear. BTW: because I do not have, I never wear underwear! Even then I wear no shoes! In warm weather barefoot is better! I always put my keys under a flower pot in front of my house so I can not lose them. To explain those kilts: All my kilts are held together with Velcro (no buttons or zippers). Through the perpetual use, some are completely worn out and almost open "by itself"! I have several kilts in various colors. For me, it is really exciting and a major TURN-ON, to feel my dick hanging and swinging naked in the air behind that thin piece of fabric and nobody first!!! I have sewn all my kilts, so that a narrow slot remains open on the right side when I wear them. So, that day I left my home at around 10:00 in the morning to enjoy my exhibitionist hike. After maybe 15 minutes, I moved the kilt, so that the slot was just at the front. At each step, this narrow gap in my kilt moves directly between my legs, open and closed, like a small stage curtain and my still soft cock was in FULL VIEW, for ANYONE oncoming pedestrians! Then about an hour and maybe 5 miles (about 8 kilometers), after I started my hike, I teared slowly and piece by piece, my t-shirt at the damaged parts off of my body. Every bit of the shirt I dropped to the sidewalk and walked on unconcerned. Finally, my upper body was naked. Than, I only wore the kilt and nothing else. Some people on the street looked at me in surprise fashion, but most reacted as if they had not seen my limp dick in the open slot of the kilt. Sometimes, someone looked directly at my (with each step swinging) cock, watched in disbelief in my eyes and again immediately and unequivocally and intensely interested in salacious on my dick. Interestingly, the guys looked very closely at my genitals, as they would compare the size in mind. And that is exactly that what excites me!!! I enjoyed it so much, for a couple of hours. Only in my kilt, I strolled through the city and played with my nipples. With each second that passed, I became more and more hot and horny. But before my cock began to grow stiff, I had to ensure that an "accident" happened. I stretched my stomach, which also expanded the waist band of my kilt and listened to this typical sound of the velcro. And suddenly: "Rrrrrrrratsh”. The velcro opened, and the kilt fell to the ground. I left the kilt, completely unattended, lying there on the ground, where it was dropped. As a matter of course I walked on through the city center. Meanwhile, I played with my nipples and moaning softly but audibly. I got more and more horny by working my nipples and the looks of the people, especially the guys. Meanwhile, my dick was rock hard and I was stark naked from head to toe in bright daylight and in full view of the crowd. The time came for the final performance of my involuntary audience present. With legs spread wide apart I was standing in front of a large number of people who are frightened at first usually scurried over. But there were stood only a few at first and then more and watched the "spectacle"interested and attentive.

I squeezed my nipples between my thumb and index fingers moaning loud and clear with growing lust. I moved my hips back and forth and my throbbing and rock hard cock danced up and down by the movement. Always harder I worked on my nipples which leads me to moan louder and more pleasurable. Now I couldn't hold it any longer ... I took my dick in my hand and jerked off slowly and powerfully the hard throbbing cock. My balls were swinging back and forth with every stroke on my dick. I enjoyed the looks on the faces of my audience, which had changed from interest to desire. I enjoyed every single view of my stark naked, in pleasure and ecstasy trembling body and then I felt this feeling. It starts to tingle in my feet and climbed up the legs. It reached my bounce balls filled to bursting then came the tingling from the head down and climbed along the neck and harden my nipples down further and bounces on the tingling in my balls that came up from below. And suddenly, out of nowhere: came a the universe shocking and absolutely intense flavor. I tryed to focus my on what happened, but I had no chance. I could only let it happen, because it now dominates me. I felt like every single little hair sets up on my body, deep escapes from within myself, with almost a natural matter of course, the loudest and most prolonged extremely close to my vocal chords ripping moaning that I suppress never could while contracted every single small muscle fiber of my body. My rock-hard cock was getting harder and swelled incredible.

And than: EXPLOSION!!! I shot an eruption after another out of my throbbing cock. The loads flew out of my dick in a high arc. Some of the guys, who were standing in front of me had their dicks in their hands and jerked their throbbing bones.

After I came, I stood completely out of breath in the crowd. Calming down slowly, while my cock was also slowly softened now, I watched the guys who jerked their cocks in front of me and enjoyed it.

Finally, I was on my way home. I wanted to go home as soon as possible because I had eaten nothing and eventually got very hungry. After I have walked about 20 minutes, I reached the place where I had "lost" my kilt. I thought: "Now just wrap the kilt around my hips and walk home quickly."


Even for a convinced exhibitionist like I am, existing such situations, where I do not want to be naked in public: If I have, already, shot my cum and hornyness had left mind.

What now? I had no choice: I could only walk home, like I was, stark naked through the city in broad daylight! Obviously, I have not even tried to hide my male goods.

Some passing cars honked their horns, but not more than even in normal road traffic. Oncoming pedestrians reacted uninterested and I gave them no attention. They were totally indifferent to me and in my mind I was already at breakfast, actually I was pretty careless and had no other worries, but my hunger. I became more and even more, unaware about my birthday suit step by step forward to my home, until I completely forgot that was stark naked. On warm spring and summer days, I walked barefoot as usual, so there was nothing strange to me, quite the opposite!

My limp dick swung from side to side with each step. As I strolled through the city, I subconsciously looked down at me and saw that my cock slowly grew hard again (no idea why) and bobbed up and down with every step I made.

I went completely unimpressed. I was weak from the last show. I just wanted to get home. I did not want to grow horny and tried to think of things unerotic. But it was jinxed my dick was hard as a rock again and as I scratch my shoulder (due to a mosquito or whatever), I had accidentally touched my left nipple with my forearm. That's it. A tremor raced through my entire body and without wanting to, again I was COMPLETELY HORNY!!!!! My cock throbbed again and I had NO choice. Then my brain was registering also at it again, my environment. Honking cars and, hastily, passing pedestrians awakened in me, again, the TOTAL lust. Meanwhile, it was about 3:30 in the afternoon and the traffic was really busy in the streets. In all the companys came service end. Everyone wanted to go in the Easterholidays. On this way I had in about 1 mile (1.6 km) run under a bridge. The bridge is one of the busiest highways in North Rhine Westphalia, the A57. Sometimes there are 8 lanes (including the hard shoulder), 4 in each direction. During rush hour, it is ALWAYS crowded ... even more so if the holiday season begins (including short break). This evening rush hour and holiday traffic started slowly!

So why not?

I climbed up the service stairs to the highway and stood on the hard shoulder of the highway. This was the first time for me that I was completely naked and with a hard cock in the bright sunlight on the highway, and thousands of cars raced past me and everyone had a full and clear view on my stark naked body.

Hundreds of cars honked their horns and I was getting hornier and hornier. I stood with wide spread legs on the guardrail. I held out my stark naked body of the motorway traffic, for all the people in their cars. Everyone could see my hot body, in the bright sunlight! More and more cars had honked their horns. That made me more and more and even more hornier!

At this point the fiction starts!

THAT horny, I was standing there, working on my nipples! Oh man, that was HOT!!! Suddenly, a BMW Z3 Roadster convertible, with the top down, stopped right next to me, on the hard shoulder. The driver, he was maybe 32 years old, wore no shirt and only boxer shorts and flip Flopps.

He asked me: “Hey man, are you crazy, to stand stark naked, with your hard cock on the highway and showing your body for everyone to see?”

I replied: "No I am not crazy!" He asked: “Why are you doing such weird and sick stuff?” My answer came like a shot with a heavy breath: "Okay man, you have found a naked guy with legs spread wide apart on the highway! This guy has a rock-hard cock, that shows, contrary to the traffic. He is playing with his nipples and give all the people a perfect full view in the broad daylight! You ask, why he does it and you have no idea why!?! I tell you why. I LOVE it, to show my naked body to the public! I LOVE it, to jerk off my cock, until my cum shoots out of my dick! I LOVE it when, especially, other guys see me as I do it, till I come and when they see me coming! I LOVE it, to moan out loud. Very very loud, be hearing in a far distance from each one I want to be heard moaning, so that everybody knows I am going to shoot my cum! I LOVE it, when many views meeting my stark naked body and my rock hard cock! THE MORE, THE BETTER! Because I am an EXHIBITIONIST!!!"

During this conversation, I continuously worked my nipples between my fingers, as if that were a completely normal thing. The athletic blonde-haired and handsome guy, tried to look in my face, but he stared over and over again on my cock, that was standing upright and hard, and throbbed.

I was pretending, as if I had not noticed, but in his thin fabric boxer shorts, awoke some life. For this guy, the boxer shorts were obviously 3-4 sizes too big. The waistband was too big, so it hang loose. A sweet trail of blond hair was reaching in his low-hanging fabric. Well-shaven pubic hair was clearly visible! Through the right leg hole, his Cock was sliding out slowly, but steadily. It began to harden, while he was talking to me. He did not notice that his, circumcised, cock was visible.

He then said to me: "I don't understand, how a man could get horny, when showing of his naked body and his hard cock in broad daylight. This is sick!"

I said to him: "So then, obviously, you are sick too! Or why you go out in the bright sunlight, with the top down, while only wearing some boxer´s, which are 3-4 sizes too big? Further, you are staring again and again directly and clearly at my hard cock and it seems, you like, what you see!"

He: "You are really crazy! How do you get the weird idea that I like what I see?"

Non stop working my nipples and very clearly audible moaning, while moving my hips slowly back and forth, so that my cock swung up and down, I said, calmly and with an enjoyable moan, to him: "So, look down on you and then tell me again, you do not like to see my naked body in public!"

He looked down on his body and then noticed, that his cock had slipped out of the opening and was hard as a rock.

"Shit!" He said aloud, and then: "Well now it does not matter!"

With these words, he grabbed the waistband and pulled the shorts to shreds and threw it across the bridge and told me to sit in his car. I sat down beside him and we drove off. In a leisurely pace, with about 50 miles per hour (about 80 kilometers per hour), we drove to the middle of three lanes. Slowly, with the average speed of trucks on the right track, we followed the highway. Hundreds of cars, whether outdated sedans, SUVs and vans are in the left lane, we crept by at a speed of more than 0.3 miles (about 0.5 kilometers), of the trucks.

He then said to me: "You really like it, to show up your naked body in daylight?"

"Oh yeah man, really much!" I said, and he replied: "Well, it seems, your time has come!" I asked: “What time?”

He: "Time to show off, you little exhibitionist for a performance! Put your left leg on the seat and your right leg on the passenger door!"

I said: "No way. I'll fall out the car!"

He: "Don't worry! It will not happen to you, because we are much too slow!"

So I did, how I were been told to, and it was awesome! Slowly, we drove past the trucks, what took a good 15 minutes, until we passed by. When we reached the next truck, he stepped on the gas, until we were next to the cab and he slowed down, again. I almost could hold on to the trucks side mirror. I was in full view for the truck driver, so he could clearly see my stark naked body. Many of them watching me very closely, as I pinched my nipples for them to see and for my pleasure. Of course, I moaned out loud! Some of the trucks drivers get their cocks out of their pants and jerked it vigorously. On the left lane, traffic was also slowing down, because the people were looking surprised, what I was doing, for everyone in full view and in bright sunlight.

My new friend, now also, got up increasingly out of his seat. He programmed the cruise control to the required speed. He made sure, he became fully visible, too. His knees were steering the car. With his hands, he also worked on his nipples. Sometimes, he grabbed his big hard cock, with one hand and stroked that meat a couple minutes.

While I still worked on my nipples and enjoyed to be seen, doing it, I was watching at my blond guy, working his cock and noticed, he really became more horny.

He was getting more horny and started to groan loudly, when I was suddenly pulled forward. At the right moment, he has noticed that traffic stood still before us. TRAFFIC JAM! Both of us were very shocked, but laughed again directly. There, we stood! In the middle of a long line of cars. Now, no moving of vehicles anymore. But we moved!

On both sides, next to us, the people stared in disbelief at two naked bodies, our two. We both were sweating and our two stark naked bodys glistened in the bright sun.

Der Lkw-Fahrer (in seinen frühen 40ern), der mich vorher so intensiv beobachtet hatte, kurbelte sein Fenster rechts neben uns runter und sagte zu uns:

"Hey guys, what's the matter with both of you ... when will it go on?"

Andy, my new friend and I, we looked at the truck driver. Then we looked at us and Andy said to me: "Well then, get out of the car and climb up, right here, on the central crash barrier for all around us in full view and give them what they want!"

So, I stepped out of the car and went onto the highway. I climbed up on that crash barrier and continued my exhibitionist show. Suddenly, Andy stood beside me and told me as he slowly and enjoyably stroked his big dick! He said: "This is really the madness. Not even in my dreams, I thought that this is so exciting! They all look quite obvious on us and even, very interested. Look around, some of them are now already out their vehicles, on the highway, stroking their cocks!"

It made us so hot, being watched and viewed, as we touched our stark naked bodys in bright sunlight. We both enjoyed it. We were groaning louder and louder, until we could not hold back any longer. Then, we simultaneously had a fantastic orgasm. We came! Our hot cum was shooting out of our throbbing cocks. For all those around us standing vehicles and their drivers to see!!! Then we both heard other men moaning and looked in their direction. One by other, they shot their cum on the highway, or even on their cars. In the evening, it was still light, when Andy brought me home and stayed with me. Since then we have regularly our exhibitionistic tours!

Hugs, Sven ;-)


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Oh yes, I am a real, committed EXHIBITIONIST!!!

Hi everyone :-)I am Sven from Germany. I hope you all can understand my bad English!This story is partly invented, especially the last third. But about 70% is the TRUTH! It was the Thursday before Easter, 21 April 2011, around 10 in the morning. It was a (for the far west of Germany) unusually warm spring day with temperatures around 30 degrees Celsius, about 86 degrees Fahrenheit.I had


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