Gay Erotic Stories

Ronnie Makes Up His Mind

by Bob_N_Head2
13 Oct 2011

Family Fun First Time Sex On The Road Threesomes

To My Readers: I am giving you a work of fiction but I hope you almost believe it happened. I will feel good if you do believe. Just maybe it did. I also hope you will find a part in the plot for you to imagine being involved as you might want to be. It might just have been written about you.. However, it is also a story in which men have sex with men (as they sometimes do) and if such a theme is offensive to you I would prefer you seek reading matter elsewhere. Please follow your local laws in this regard. If you are under 18 years old you might not be old enough to read this. If a character is under the age of 18 (some might be) all precautions were taken to keep them safe. NOTE: Even if it seems the sex was unprotected, WE URGE YOU TO ALWAYS PLAY SAFE (This story follows “Ronnie’s Education Continues”

Ronnie Makes Up His Mind

With my cousin, Ronnie sleeping in the back of the older GM van, I found the downtown section of Dallas and I parked in a fast food parking lot, drinking diet coke from a large container until Ronnie began to stir. When my cousin, who I had only met the day before at a rather strange barbeque, sat up and asked for a swallow of my drink, I ask him which hotel did he want to stay in that night.

“There are a couple good ones out by DFW,” the sleepy guy replied.

“Where the hell is DFW?” I inquired and my mind asked me if I had heard that as VFW or the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

“Oh, right, “ Ronnie replied after looking at me like I had flipped my lid. “You are from California so you don’t know Dallas. That is the big airport here that I’ll be flying out of at 8:00 AM tomorrow to Austin with these papers.” My cousin picked up a large manila envelope from the seat behind him. “I’ll drive now since I know DFW quite well.”

“Maybe you better get dressed better first, Cuz,” I suggested. “Here are your shorts and sox and shoes.” I continued as I handed his clothes I had put inside of his white t-shirt.”

“Thanks, Bob. I am sure glad you stayed and watched out for me at that damn feed store.” Ronnie said with a sad grin. I got the impression he wanted to say more but he quietly dressed and got out. Where we had parked, there were some trees and the young man took a leak against a tree before getting behind the van’s steering wheel. “We will be staying in Grapevine tonight.”

After driving several miles, we stopped and got burgers and fries and coffee. Both of us were hungry and we had the right to be after the exercises those cowboys and rednecks in that little Texas town had put us through. Ronnie made several attempts to get the pubic hair out from between his teeth. A sure sign the guy was a virgin in that sort of sex.

The trip from where I had parked took about fifty minutes of which twenty was spent on our quick lunch. I guessed we drove a good twenty five miles from that spot in Dallas to the hotel Ronnie chose to stay in overnight.

It was not a cheap hotel like Ronnie had mentioned in his plans for our Sunday trip but a really nice one. When the desk clerk inquired about our luggage, we explain the Ronnie was on a business trip only and was to catch a plane early the next morning so we left a wake up call request for 6:30 AM, giving the traveler an hour and a half to get ready and to be in the check in for an hour. Fortunately, the hotel was quite close to DFW.

At Ronnie’s request, I went down to the coffee shop and got bacon and eggs, fried potatoes and toast for each of us and coffee. A bellboy was commandeered to take the food up on a serving cart. My cousin took a long shower and brushed his clothes neat again while I was gone.

We ate fairly much in silence as Ronnie was deep in thought and I did not want to disturb him. Finally my cousin spoke. “This is the hotel I was in about a month ago and where I sucked that guy that got this all started,” my cousin informed me. “I found out, while you went for this food, that the guy is getting off duty in about forty minutes. I kind of want to see him again. He is an assistant room clerk.”

“OK.” I replied, “I’ll take a walk while you do what you want to do.” I thought I should at least offer to give them privacy.

“No, Bob,” Ronnie stated strongly, “I want you right here and the three of us will do whatever we do.” Ronnie did not seem to want to talk about the last twenty four action filled hours so we watched a rerun of an old movie on the TV. I enjoyed it but my companion was lost in some other thought plane and I don’t think he got any sense out of the flick at all.

Finally, as they liked to write on the conversation slide in the old silent movies, there was a light knocking on the door and Ronnie got up and opened it. A very neatly dressed man very similar to Ronnie in age and general looks, came in and the two shook hands. The two exchanged friendly but not affectionate greetings and Ronnie introduced me as his cousin Bob and the new guest as Kenny. We also shook hands.

“Maybe we should all strip since Kenny has a date in two hours elsewhere,” Ronnie said as he began removing his clothing. Kenny and I both followed my cousin’s lead and we were again stark naked in a few minutes.

Kenny had been using the tanning room in the hotel as he had an even tan on his slender body. The only hair on his torso was his light brown pubic hairs over his close to eight inch cock. The young man was masculine in every aspect except he seemed pleased to see that my cousin and I both had ten inch boners for his enjoyment.

Ronnie sat on one bed and patted the spaces next to his naked body. “C’mon, Guys, sit here a sec before the party starts.” Kenny and I did as Ronnie asked us to do. We looked to my cousin to find out what was on his mind. “Bob, this is the hotel I was in a month ago and Kenny was the man I told you about.”

I remembered that Ronnie had confessed to me, just about 24 hours before that he had sucked the cock of a guy he had been having sex with so I began to see what the attraction was between my cousin and Kenny. It was Ronnie’s first attempt at sucking cock although he had been having non reciprocal sex with men for some years as he had told me later. Kenny was trying to get the drift of the conversation and his cock had become flaccid.

“Well, I don’t think Kenny will mind when I tell you that he has been almost a regular cocksucker for me and I have fucked him on several occasions.” Ronnie looked at Kenny who merely shrugged his shoulders at the exposure. “During all that time,” Ronnie continued, “I never reciprocated other than a hand job when the mood was on me. The night I sucked Ken off, I had been thinking that straight guys often lick the pussy of the girl they are planning to fuck and are fucking. That is right isn’t it?” Ronnie ended his revelation with a question.

I answered in the affirmative while Ken again shrugged his shoulders and then nodded also in the affirmative. We looked to Ronnie to see if he planned to give us more information about that night a month before. “Well, when I was first going down on Ken, I mentally justified my actions as licking his pussy before I fucked him which I told myself was normal. After I had fucked him good, why did I want to go ahead and make him cum in my mouth??? That is what I did and that is my problem now. Sucking Ken’s dick and swallowing his cum made me think I wanted to suck him and more guys in the future. I told Bob and he agreed to help me learn the tricks of cocksucking and also how to get screwed in the butt by strangers. That is another problem of mine. If I was to do a job I wanted to do that job all the way the best I could do it.” Ron was grinning at us when he finished.

“You know, Ron,” I ventured, “sucking one cock like you did does not qualify you to be gay.”

After what has been called by real writers as ‘a pregnant pause,’ Ronnie went on, “ Thanks Bob for that opinion. To cut a long and maybe boring explanation short, I want to tell Bob that I am not going to continue as a cocksucker after this party. I was not comfortable sucking all those guy’s ugly dicks except for that first hitchhiker. He was kind of nice I guess because he was respectful and complimented me several times while I was doing his young cock. Anyway,” Ronnie continued after another short pause, ”Being gay is just not my nature. I love Wanda and we are getting married and there will be no more gay stuff for me.” Ronnie stopped and looked at his friend, Kenny. “Well just maybe I might suck Ken off again sometime when the mood is right when we have a future party. When we party before I take a plane trip. Ken will be my only gay sex partner.”

“You don’t need to suck my cock, Ron,” Ken interrupted the monologue that my cousin had been giving us. “I suck your cock and enjoy you fucking my ass for that reason. I enjoy it. I was more shocked than pleased last month when you blew me.”

“Well you sure put a lot of cum in my mouth, Ken.” Ron, (using the short names of my companions as they were doing.) replied laughing softly. “Never the less, I called Wanda and she is on her way here and she will be flying with me to Austin in the morning. Now, I want you guys to advise me. Should I tell Wanda about how I spent this Sunday?” Ron looked at us as if we were “Dear Abbey,”

Ken spoke first and told Ron to keep it to himself as telling Wanda would only be a source of trouble later on. I agreed with Ken and added, “You should let Wanda have her secrets and you should have at least this one.”

“That is what I wanted to hear,” Ron spoke after listening to our advice. He then went on, “Bob, I have got you a room down the hall three doors and you can get the key at the desk. You take the car back to the ranch. We won’t bother you in the morning when we leave so I want to say thanks for what you did for me today. If you had not made it clear to me that I am just not man enough to be gay, I could have ended up letting old Gramps fuck my ass on a regular schedule.” Ron was laughing but I knew he meant well.

“I am glad you found the right path to take for you, Ron,” I replied. “You can be sure I will not be telling anyone of our Sunday adventures.”

“OK, we have forty five minutes before room service will be bringing up a snack for Wanda and me so let’s have the final performance of Ronnie the cocksucker. I want to suck both of your cocks so you can know that a lot of guys will be doing without the services of a great cocksucker. Ken, you are first.”

Ken started to protest that Ron did not have to do that for him but Ron took a grip on Ken’s semi-hard cock and pulled it into his mouth. Ken, could not help getting a hard-on and Ron did start suck his friend. I am sure you know that I have done and watched a lot of blow jobs in my fellatio career. I could not fault any move that Ron made as he made his cocksucking a pleasure for Ken and when Ken’s climax was on him, Ron swallowed the discharge of cock chowder into his stomach like a good cocksucker should.

As I watched, my cock got hard and was out the full ten and a half inches, the cum slot was dripping peter juice like a sink in a bathroom that needed a new washer. I wanted very badly to feel my pride in that warm cave, riding on that hard hot tongue.

“OH! Oh, ooooooooooo,” Ken moaned as his testes fired his cock cream into my cousin’s throat. “Damn, Ron,” Ken was finally able to say after he had sunk to his knees following his ejaculation, “that has to be the best blow job I have ever had. I’ve had guys suck me since I was fourteen and none have ever been that good.”

While Ken continued to praise Ron for his fellatio skills, I was trying to get him to move back so I could have my turn. By brute force, I finally got into the spot in front of Ron’s mouth and I slipped my sucker rod into the mouth that was waiting for it. When Ron wrapped his tongue around my pecker knob and twisted my dick an eighth turn to the right then an eighth turn to the left as he stroked the shaft that was too much to be engulfed in his mouth, I knew why Ken had grown weak in the knees and had collapsed. I wanted to learn from the master right then.

How Ron could do all the tricks he did with my rampant prong, I could not fathom but he had skills and talents gained in one day that I had not learned in some years of trying to pleasure men both gay and straight. Some men are naturals. There were more tricks but I want to keep most of them as my secret or at least mine and Ken’s secrets.

Not wanting to but still wanting to feel it happen, I discharged a copious amount of creamy white cum in Ron’s throat and I had to grab my cousin’s shoulders to keep on my feet.

“WOW!,” Ron exclaimed as we stood back in awe of the master cocksucker, “You guys taste pretty good. Especially since I had such sour cum loads this afternoon. I might be persuaded to suck you guys off again in a year or so. Can you wait?” Ron laughed in glee at his little joke.

“Let me and Ken blow you, Ron,” I pleaded as I stroked his beauty of an erection. “You have given us the most glorious blow jobs either of us can hope to have and it would only be fair if you let pay you back with out poor talents.”

Ron pulled a blanket over his hard on and said, “I know you guys are kidding, but I want to save my cum for Wanda when we get to bed later. If everybody was like Bob and Ken, I would have a hard time swearing off of gay life after just one day of practicing it, but I know better and I know it is not for me and my desires to be the top in everything I do. I just don‘t see me sucking dick on a guy I would not speak to on the plane.or bus.”

When we prepared to part, Ken and I both just shook Ron's hand. There was no offer to end the party with one of Ron's great French kisses.

After a few more minutes, I dressed and Ken dressed and we went downstairs to the Hotel desk and I got the key that was being saved for me. I left a wake up call for noon.

Later while having a dinner with Ken, my new friend invited me to a party he had been invited to earlier. “Those guys will go crazy over that dick of yours, Also I am hungry for it too.” Ken told me to encourage me to go with him and it did not take much to convince me to go.


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