Gay Erotic Stories

Going Home Again Chapter 1

by Dirk Von Heiserstahl
31 Oct 2011

Coming Out Discipline Interracial

Note: This story is fiction. Much of my info is from the internet. Have I heard this story from someone who claims it is true. You will have to judge that for yourself. If sex between men is a no no in your town or you are under 18 years old (I was reading this stuff when I was 12) PLEASE GO AWAY! Oh, my mother just told me to say, USE PROTECTION AND PLAY SAFE!!

Going Home Again Chapter 1

Someone who had a lot of influence once said, You can’t go home again.” Well let me tell you about a trip I made to home again. (Oh, it was Thomas Wolfe I was just told who made that strange remark.) In my story, I did go home again but things were not like they were when I was a kid.

I was born north of Kansas City and lived in KC a lot of my growing up years. In fact it was in Jackson County that I got started enjoying male to male love making. I happen to know that I was not the first nor the last to make the acquaintance of that mode of loving in that county. If my story is good enough, I might just tell you about what happened the DAY of my high school prom.

My Dad is in the Marines and he was happy when I signed up to go to the recruit training depot in San Diego after my graduation from high school. Well, this story takes place after I have gone thru boot and even after I went for school at Camp Pendleton which is close to Oceanside, Calif. MCRD sure makes a man out of a boy and I am proof. I am now a PFC which is private first class.

I got a four week leave from where I am in California and had the money to fly roundtrip to old KC.

Wait a minute. Maybe I had better tell you what happened the day of my high school prom which was held two years ago when I was 18 years and three months old. That was before I got to be a Marine. Believe it or not, I was a virgin and was saving myself for the girl I was to marry…if I ever found one.

OK.. First off. When this happened I was already signed up to go to the Marine Corp Recruit Depot at San Diego, California. (A long ways from K.C.)

All thru high school I was in the same class with my cousin Vernon who I thought hated me with a great deal of enthusiasm. I was 18 and 3 months and he was 18 and two months. I had two girl friends, Clarisa and Wendy, he was a loner with no known female friends. I had an old Ford truck, he had an older Honda. I was in The Pen and Scroll Society, he was barely literate. Do you get the picture??? Yes, he hated me and I guess he had good reason.

For the night of the prom, I had promised Clarisa to take her. Wendy was tied up with prom arrangements and she approved of the plan. Vernon had no plans that I knew about as I seldom spoke to him in school or at home.

About 10:00 AM of prom day, ten hours before I was to pick up Clarisa, Vernon called my mother and asked that I be sent over to his house, a block away from mine. Thinking it was something important, I went.

Vernon’s parents, my aunt and uncle, while watching the news on KSTAR, said Vernon was getting over a cold in his room. “We are going up to the old home place for the weekend. You should go with us.” my relatives invited and added, “Vernon is going and you two would have a marvelous time.” I said I wished I could but I had to go to the dance that night. My aunt and uncle did not seem to know anything about the prom program.

I went up the narrow stairway to the very neat room in the converted attic and Vernon greeted me like he was my best buddy. “I am a little under the weather, Dirk,” Vernon said to me, “but I want to wish you a great time at the dance.” I thanked him but I still was wondering what was going on. Vernon did not appear to be ill at all and was dressed in clothes suitable for being outdoors.

“I heard you were a little under the weather, Vernon,” I commented as I tried to check visually what might be his ailment.

My cousin laughed and said, “I have had a few drinks of elderberry wine but I am OK. Here, Dirk, have a glass of this wine. It is really quite good.” Vernon poured a glass half full of the wine and handed it to me. “I am going to have my own ‘prom night,’ up at our cabin on the Blue river for the weekend with the folks.”

“Thanks, I could use a pick me up as I have been busy getting ready for the dance.” The wine was not good but then it was something one of the aunts had made, I thought. Vernon and I chatted for awhile and then I felt sleepy. I could not keep my eyes open. I think I dozed off in an arm chair near the bed.

When I woke up, I was naked and on a pile of blankets on the floor. It was after four o’clock My butt hole felt tender and I touched it and found it was greasy, my mouth had a terrible taste to it. There was no mystery. Vernon had drugged me and used me for his sexual pleasures. The house was empty as my relatives had gone on their weekend of reminiscing taking my rapist with them. My aunt and uncle obviously did not know I was still in the house.

Looking about for my clothes, I found eight well posed pictures made by Vernon with a digital camera and printed on his computer printer. In each I was shown to be enjoying sucking Vernon’s five inch hard cock or being fucked with it as I smiled to show I loved being fucked. In the pictures where I was sucking his cock, I had the whole thing in my mouth. In the pictures where I was being fucked, the whole thing was in my ass. Two photos were of me being whipped with Vernon’s belt and when I looked in a mirror I could see the whip marks still fiery red.

I had been date raped and whipped without even enjoying a date with Vernon. Knowing that the pictures left for my edification were only copies of other nasty photos that my cousin had in safe keeping, I knew I was really screwed and could do nothing about it. Or could I?

I sat on the toilet in my Vernon’s bathroom and discharged what had to be two or more of Vernon’s ejaculations and how many did I swallow I had no way of knowing. Looking in the bowl, I was surprised at the amount of cum he had dumped in me. The little bastard must have great balls, I thought at the time.

After taking a hot shower in my aunt’s bathroom, I felt better and I rushed home to finish getting ready for the dance as it was then nearly five o’clock.

The dance itself was not outstanding and I could feel my anal opening hurting pretty bad in some of the wild steps the local band lead us into. Clarisa and also Wendy when I got a chance to dance with her made comments on how stiff I was dancing. They would have understood if they knew I had been fucked probably three or more times that afternoon. Not a big cock but one used with abandon, I could be sure.

I slept all day Sunday, missing one of the Royals better baseball games. When I awoke in the late evening, I realized I had had a nightmare about being gang banged by a lot of men and I was in a cold sweat. Revenge was on my mind.

Making a list of every thing I knew about Vernon, I began to look for his soft spots and found a few. One thing was that Vernon liked art movies and the only art movie theatre he liked was in North KC. His usual night to go to the movie was Friday night as he stayed home on Saturdays so he could go to church with his folks Sunday mornings. I needed to know what Vernon did after he saw his movie there in North Kansas City.

I also made a list of things I could do to get my revenge. For some reason, I first put down that I knew George W. a black kid from school that had told me he had fucked a white friend of mine. (I think he wanted to fuck me but had never really come out and said it. I was not known as gay, and I did not think I was.) George and I were watching the Royals and one guy on the team looked like a guy George and I both knew from school who was said to be gay. When I said the player looked like Ron, George said “You know he is gay don’t you? I know he is cause I have fucked him a couple times up in the park. When I asked George a question I had no right to ask him, that is did Ron fuck him back, George took a few minutes and then said, with a grin, “That’s kinda personal, Dirk.” I was left to think that out.

Another thing that came to mind was the old stable house on the grounds of my cousin, Quenton‘s old home place also in North Kansas City. The property was now vacant but my dad had a key to the barn so he could store some furniture in it. I knew where the key was hanging.

Another thing in my favor was that I had nearly six hundred dollars in the bank and I would not mind spending two hundred to get revenge.

Monday, after school let out, Vernon was waiting for me next to my truck. “How did you like our party, Dirk?” he asked me with a smirk on his face. “I have a couple sets of those pictures if you want another set. You know like for your mother.” Vernon added with an unfriendly laugh. I did not answer his taunts. “Maybe we should go to my place and you can blow me good. Your mouth sure felt good on my dick Saturday.” After another pause. Vernon added, “So did that tight ass of yours on my hard peter.” I still remained silent but just glared at my cousin. “Look, Dirk, I got you good. If I show those pictures around school you will be fucking dead to all your fancy friends. I ain’t got that many friends so I won’t be any worse off than I am now. If my dick feels unliked, I might just show them around.”

So, it was out in the open. I was being blackmailed into being Vernon’s sex slave. My resolve to get revenge took a big leap into being greater.

“If I was to suck your dick, what would you be doing for me?” I asked my rapist cousin.

Vernon’s face became a snarl. “I am your fuckin’ master and you will be my fuckin’ slave and what I tell you to do you will do fast and good. Get me?” I knew that the bastard meant what he said.

I suddenly wanted to see and taste that cock that had been brought to a climax in my mouth without my participation in the sex act. What the hell? I was already an involuntary cocksucker so why not see what the real thing was like.? In the back of my mind, was also the thought that Vernon would not suspect I was planning revenge if I offered to at least suck him off.

“Don’t have a stroke, Cousin,” I said with the idea to calm my enemy down, “We can go to the park and I will try to suck you off but I have things to do later so we will have to go now.” Vernon told me to get in my truck and follow him to the local park that had several “make-out places” that the kids at school knew about. I knew from experience with Clarisa about one spot that was safe at night but might still be safe in the late afternoon.

Twenty minutes later our two trucks were parked side by side and Vernon and I had moved back into some shrubs and trees to a spot that was clear on the ground in an area about the size of a small bed. (I had once licked Clarisa’s pussy in that spot and she had sucked me almost to climax and then used her hand to bring me off.)

“On your knees, my fuckin’ fag boy. Open my fly and bring my pants and shorts down to my hips, Slave,” Vernon ordered me as soon as we verified that the area was clear of other persons. I did as my cousin commanded. “Now lick and kiss the head of my cock, Slave,” Vernon continued in his imperial manner. I looked at the hard little cock Vernon had in a small pube bush. I grasped his five and a half inch erection in my hand.. I almost laughed at how like a little boy’s penis my rapist cousin’s prick was. This was the cock that had fucked my ass for at least two and maybe three full action fucks? No wonder my ass was not really sore and bruised by the little thing.

“It looks pretty good, Vernon,” I said from my kneeling position. Vernon slapped my face.

“You will call me Sir while you enjoy the pleasure I give you to suck my cock, Slave!!!” Vernon stated. I noted the slap and added it to my list of points of revenge. “And you only speak when I speak to you while you are on your knees to serve me, Slave!!!”

I licked and kissed the small bullet shaped cock knob and noted pre-cum oozing out of the piss slit. When I lapped the sticky liquid up it had little or no taste. Then I allowed my lips to be pressed open as Vernon entered my oral cavity with his funny little penis. It may have been the first penis I had ever taken into my mouth but it did not qualify as really sucking a cock, I told myself. I had to tell myself that Vernon was only a few months younger than me and I was over eighteen with nearly eight inches of cock when erect.

No wonder now why he had posed those pictures when I was seemingly to be sucking his cock all the way in my mouth and in my ass his balls seemed to be prominent and not his cock. I thought that the doctor had used a finger to check my prostate that was half the size of Vernon’s cock.

I found I had to squeeze my lip together to put any pressure on the small dick in my lips but it seemed to do the trick. “OH YEAHHhhhhhhh!!!!” Vernon cried out after maybe eight or ten minutes of being his cocksucker. When I looked at the cock I had been trying to fellate, there was a few drops of liquid coming out of the piss hole. “That was nice,” I said as I stood up and Vernon was afraid to slap me when I was able to hit him with an upper cut to his jaw.

Where was all that creamy cum I had seen in the toilet bowl?

“You are a good cocksucker, Dirk,” my cousin finally acknowledged “We must do this more often.“ Vernon was laughing at me as we drove off in different directions.

While Vernon was driving to his home to enjoy reliving my humiliation at being his cocksucker, I headed my truck to the neighborhood where I knew George, my black friend, was working in a fast food place.

When I got the opportunity to speak to George, I asked him when he would have a few free minutes. “My break is due in twenty minutes,” George replied and he gave me the strange look like he was asking what his break had to do with me.

I took a hamburger and a soft drink to my truck as George watched me. In twenty minutes he was at my passenger side door and I let him in. The truck was in a crowded area of the parking lot so my friend had to know that there was no sexual overtones to my wanting to meet him.

“What is this about, Dirk?” George asked me and I told him the whole story of how Vernon had raped me and was now blackmailing me. “What a bastard! No one I know likes that son of a bitch and now I hate his guts!” George exclaimed. “Some one should screw him up good.” my companion added with a look of disgust on his ebony face.

When George asked me what I was going to do about Vernon, I told him my plan. “There is one hundred dollars in cash for you and fifty dollars each for two of your buddies if you do as I have planned out,” I told my black friend. “Now I will be out of town with my mother that night at my uncle’s house in Olathe, Kansas. If you do this little job, and take lots of pictures, you will be my friend for life as well as richer by a hundred dollars. I will also pay all of your expenses, of course.”

“You’re on, Buddy,” George replied. “I like your plan and I have just the two guys to help me with it. When you get back Sunday evening, I sure as hell will have good news for you. Maybe we can have a little friendly party later if the news suits you. Whata you say? These two guys are good at it and well hung too.”

“And the beer for the party is on me, Pal,” I replied.

The story will continue even if you don’t like it in a few days. If you do like it, my email is Please be kind as I am not much of a writer. All comments will be considered and I hope to jerk off to some of the better ones.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Dirk Von Heiserstahl

Going Home Again Chapter 1

Note: This story is fiction. Much of my info is from the internet. Have I heard this story from someone who claims it is true. You will have to judge that for yourself. If sex between men is a no no in your town or you are under 18 years old (I was reading this stuff when I was 12) PLEASE GO AWAY! Oh, my mother just told me to say, USE PROTECTION AND PLAY SAFE!!Going Home Again

Going Home Again Chapter 2x

Note: Still only make believe, but I think somewhere it did happen. Like before, if you are less than 18, read Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn as I see them as a couple gay kids. If you feel compelled to have sex, PLAY SAFE and NEVER PUT YOUR DICK WHERE YOU NEED PROTECION (READ CONDOM) WITHOUT ONE ON AND IN GOOD CONDITION.Going Home Again Chapter 2Tuesday and Wednesday,


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