Gay Erotic Stories

Teenage Encounters 3: An Oral Dinner

by Horny-school-boy
12 Apr 2012

Crush Masturbation Muscle Tales From School

The following series is a continuing series of fantasies which i have been experiencing for a few years about some of my classmates from my school life. Names have been changed. Hope you enjoy and i would appreciate your feedback. Thanks. Please don't reprint it, in part or in whole, without permission.

This is the third part of the series and there is ongoing continuity so some parts may not make sense unless you have read earlier parts which can be found on my profile. Thanks for reading and i appreciate any feedback from readers at my email address.

Brad had his butler pick me up outside my house that night and he drove me in silence to Brad’s mansion. During the journey, I pondered over the massive changes that had happened in my life in the past 24 hours alone. At school that day, Brad had been staring at me constantly whenever I had caught his eye, and if no one else was looking he would lick his lips seductively. This simple gesture was enough to get me horny. I had to take my gaze off him and concentrate on hiding the semi I was developing in class. Oh what I wouldn’t give to be inside those lips right now…

I returned the action to him, casually, when we weren’t being watched and he didn’t give up the whole day. In a way I liked it, apart from the obvious fear of being caught doing it to each other and being discovered for who we were, thus making it impossible for Brad to stay at the school without being teased. He obviously liked the danger discovery would bring.

Last period, we had English and I sat behind him on my own. He kept glancing back at me winking, which made me smile every time. I loved him so much. I had a nice view of his arse when he went to get his books, and to put some rubbish in the bin, and during the lesson, I am unsure if it was intentional but, he had his hand in his lap, right next to his knob, which made my imagination run wild and I found it hard to concentrate on my work. About 10 minutes before the class was scheduled to end, he secretly passed me a piece of paper, which when unfolded, revealed a note he had written to me.

Wait behind with me at the end of the lesson. All will be explained.

So I did as he asked and waited behind at the end, as did he. Our teacher Mrs Jacobs was sorting out some files while we stood whispering at the back of the room. ‘I couldn’t wait until tonight to speak to you.’ He said apologetically. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘It’s ok, I could tell there was something you wanted me for.’ I smiled. ‘And you’re lucky you sit in front of me, or if you had passed it to me via messenger they could’ve read it. Writing notes is too suspicious in case anyone sees them. You should know that. You’re a jock, Brad. I’m not. Aren’t people gonna find it a bit weird if you start suddenly passing me notes all the time, when before yesterday we just talked about random unimportant things? Let’s just keep it to texting in school hours, ok?’

‘If you are getting on at me about being suspicious, you’re the one who’s making a scene in front of Mrs Jacobs. Can we trust her not to tell anyone we have talked?’ he asked me, his eyes shining brightly into mine.

‘Yeah, I’m sure we can trust her. But promise me, from now on, you’ll contact me by more conventional methods like texts and emails. Just for the time being.’ I requested of him, hopefully. ‘You’re lucky no one saw you passing me that note, you stupid, hot, sex God.’ I said, my voice getting quieter but deeper as I ended my sentence, making it sound more sexual, letting him know I wanted him.

His eyes had lit up at that and he agreed to my request. ‘I’ll get my butler to pick you up outside your place tonight. Be ready at six.’

‘Six?’ I questioned.

‘Yeah. We have an eventful night ahead of us. And don’t worry. I’ve told the boys not to come round tonight so we should be fine. Just tell your parents you are sleeping over. You’re sleeping in my bed tonight.’ He smiled at me, and I smiled back, with a true feeling of devotion.

‘You’ve got it all planned out, haven’t you?’ I grinned. ‘Well done. Well, I’ll see you tonight, I guess.’ I said, holding his hand for a quick second when Mrs Jacobs had her back turned. He reddened slightly and slyly pecked my cheek, brushed the side fo my face and before he departed. I began to follow him to the door when I heard Mrs Jacob’s voice.

‘John?’ I turned to face her and she walked towards me sensitively. ‘Are you ok? What was that all about?’ She queried. ‘You’re not being bullied, are you?’ I chuckled at the suggestion that Brad would bully me. It seemed so ludicrous that I couldn’t help it.

‘Oh, no, miss, it’s nothing like that.’ I said, in my most honest voice, hoping she didn’t get suspicious of the way Brad suddenly wanted to talk to me within school hours. ‘Listen, miss, could I ask you a massive favour and ask you not to mention me and Brad conversing. They might get the wrong idea, you know?’

She smiled at me and I got a little bit paranoid about what she was guessing at but she replied ‘Don’t worry. I’ll not tell a soul.’ She returned to her work and I took my leave from the classroom.

My parents took a little persuading to let me out two nights in a row but I managed to sweet-talk them into letting me go. Brad’s butler didn’t say a word to me at all after he picked me up, and the whole journey was one of silence in Brad’s Bentley, with my mind wandering to the antics that I and Brad had gotten up to in it late last night and in the early hours of this morning. I got a little turned on by the experience and was glad that the mirror would not allow his butler to see my bulging jeans. Another thing that made me feel a bit uncomfortable was the way Brad’s butler was staring at me in the mirror. Did he know about me and Brad? Had Brad told him?

When we arrived, I left the car as soon as I could and walked up the steps to the front door, where Brad was waiting, holding the door open for me. He kissed me and allowed me to enter. As I entered the mansion for the second time in two days it felt like a fairy-tale. My boyfriend (which still sounded pleasantly weird in my head) had a house from heaven.

I asked him about his butler’s weird behaviour. ‘Don’t worry about him. I haven’t told him but if he does find anything out, he’s too loyal to me and my parent’s memory to tell anyone. And let’s just say his wage is more than complimentary. And on the plus side, he won’t disturb us. He respects my privacy.’

He led me into the dining room, one of the many rooms which had been open to guests at his party the night before. I hadn’t realised then though how big it was. I was in complete awe of Brad and his life. I followed him inside, noticing the lack of plates on the dining table, only two wine glasses.

‘I thought you invited me over for a meal.’ I queried, curiously.

‘I did.’ He confirmed, smirking at me.

‘Well, all’s well and good when a meal doesn’t involve eating wine glasses.’ I joked. ‘It might be a little better if they had wine in them.’ I said, letting a small smile escape to him.

‘You know, they say, that with wine, it gets better with age, but you know me, I prefer something a bit fresher.’ He said, not removing his gaze off me for even a second. ‘Which is why we are going to have some fun. And make our own.’ I must have looked confused to him; because he slanted his glance and I asked him straight out what he meant. ‘Well, being a sportsman, I like competition. So we’re going to get competitive, you and me. Here’s what I propose. We are each going to wank into one of those wine glasses and cum into them. Then we can swap glasses and savour each other’s fresh, hot wine. And just to add a competitive edge to it, why don’t we agree that the first person to cum will get a blow job from the other afterwards, just as a little incentive. How does that sound to you?’

‘I’m so in.’ I replied, licking my lips in anticipation, picking up the nearest wine glass as Brad began unzipping his trousers, pulling them down over his boxers to reveal his majestic semi. He caressed it through the fabric seductively as I had unzipped my trousers and they were around my ankles. The sight of him caressing himself slowly to hardness got me so turned on and on his signal I pulled my boxers down and they fell to my ankles, as did his.

We each positioned the wine glasses just above the heads of our cocks so that they were ready to catch our loads. I counted down from three and then gave him a head start of a second to ensure no allegations of cheating were placed on me afterwards by my sexy competitor. Then we were off, each rolling the foreskin of our uncut cocks over our heads in synchronisation. I changed tactic after a couple of minutes and got into my usual fast rhythm, while Brad took the opposite approach, using slow strokes, to maximise his pleasure. A tactic which I began to wonder if it would have a drastic impact on the outcome of this challenge.

Just watching him slowly caress his smooth shaft, wearing nothing but his thin shirt which clung tightly to his muscular chest, turned me on more than anything, coaxing me to go faster and win this challenge. A challenge which my mind couldn’t quite register. Was I actually doing this? With Brad? It still seemed like an impossibility. I wanked faster and faster, totally focused on the end goal: winning that blow job from Brad.

After a couple more minutes I felt just about ready to climax, and I began to ready myself for my explosion just as Brad wrung his cock a few more times and emptied

a few loads of cum into the bottom of his glass, bouncing on the transparent material as he turned it the right way up to avoid spilling any of it. The sight of that delicious cum in the wine glass was all that filled my mind as I followed mere seconds after him and my orgasm washed over me as my cum squirted out into the wine glass.

As the pleasure faded, I was brought back to reality, turning my glass on the table and relaxing with the sight of my man smirking in victory before me. Realisation dawned over me and I sat down at the table, my cock hitting my stomach as I changed position. He handed me his glass and then took the one with my cum in it and I raised the glass I held in a toast to him. ‘Congratulations.’ With that, we both raised the glasses and gulped down our precious fresh, still hot wine. The heat made it easier to swallow and we were both done in a couple of swallows. Brad’s cum was like a genuine matured wine that was good enough for a God to drink. It was exquisite.

After my breathing had returned to normal, I got up and moved my chair to the edge of the room in the biggest open space and gestured for him to come and sit on the chair which he did. I initiated the prize for him by gently caressing his cock as he had done as I held it up and went for his plump, hanging balls. I sucked gently on them, his breath getting heavier again the more I went on. They tasted slightly of sweat but I had found that the taste of Brad’s sweat was actually a bit of a turn on for me and was quite sweet.

After a while, Brad put his hands on his neck, lifting his arms high into the air and revealing the muscles which I had yearned for since their birth in the gym. I released his sack and licked upwards up the shaft to his juicy red cockhead. I murmured in delight as I licked all around it from beneath him and looked directly into his eyes which were gazing down at me. They were positively gleaming with the pleasure of my act and I dug into my delicious meal, as the cum continued to build up in his hardening balls.

Brad surprised me by lifting his tight shirt and placing it over my head as he got closer to his orgasm, a sign for me that he wanted me to swallow his load for a second time that night – although this had been my plan all along – and also reiterating the fact that there was no escape from completing this prize giving. Not that escape would be an appealing option for either one of us. It seemed like time was at a standstill whilst I continued to suck on his constantly enlarging member, until I felt the tell-tale sign that he was about to deliver another glassful of his steaming wine. I was in another world as his cum spurted out of his hole, filling my mouth instantly with the pressure and making me swallow in quick gulps in order to accommodate the next spray of his cum. As he continued filling my eagerly waiting mouth, he was caught off guard by the intercom which was fitted in each room buzzing into life, bringing us both back into the real world.

He lifted his top off my head and I could see the world again as opposed to Brad’s pubic hair and his toned stomach. I released his cock and noticed a small spot of cum still on its tip as he raced to the doorway where the intercom device was located and clicked the intercom switch after resting a second and trying to get his breathing back to normal. The voice which came through the device was that of his butler. The news was not desirable, to say the least. Brad’s mates had turned up, against his wishes and our planned night together was apparently not now going to happen.

After telling Geoffrey not to reveal that Brad already had company, but that he would be a couple of minutes, he switched off the intercom and turned to me, apologising for the intrusion. ‘I’m so sorry about this.’ Brad sighed, obviously not pleased with this occurrence. ‘I specifically told them... Not tonight!’ he muttered under his breath as he walked back to me.

‘You better clean me off.’ He suggested and I obliged, licking off the remainder of cum from his cock and then pulled up my boxers and trousers over my semi-hard cock, whilst watching Brad pushing down his hard on into his boxers and trousers which did little in the way of hiding the fact that he was still mostly erect, which made me chuckle. He couldn’t help but chuckle as well, holding his cock down in his trousers, willing it to return to its flaccid state, walking slowly to the door. ‘I would tell you to wait in my room,’ he said, ‘but there’s not much point seeing as they’ll be here for ages.’ He looked at me glumly. ‘I can get Geoffrey to give you a lift home once they are in the lounge if you like.’

‘Nah.’ I replied, waving off his suggestion. ‘I’ll wait upstairs. If I get bored I can always get a lift home, can’t I?’ I started up the staircase. ‘Don’t worry, if I do, I won’t make a sound.’ I winked at him as I reached the landing and slipped into his bedroom, for the second time. As soon as I closed the door, I heard him open the front door downstairs, and usher his mates into the lounge.

It occurred to me that his room hadn’t changed at all, but then, why would it have. After all, it had only been 24 hours since I had last been here. Maybe it was because I had recently discovered that a lot could happen within 24 hours that could never be anticipated.

I lay on his bed a while before I looked at the clock. 7:30PM and I was already struggling to find something to do. I stared longingly at the photo of Brad beside his bed. It was a recent one of him in his football uniform, a shirt and some small shorts, which got my approval for showing ample enough of his package. He was kneeling in mud. My mind began to wander about the two of us rolling round naked in a mud bath and this daydream started to give me a semi, but I didn’t feel in the mood to wank by myself right now and the daydream soon lost its affect. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to have Brad up here with me, I thought, as my gaze wandered the room for some activity to fill the time with. I cast my eye around the room and suddenly, an object came into vision which formed an idea in my head. An idea that would make time that little bit more interesting.



More Gay Erotic Stories from Horny-school-boy

Teenage Encounters 1: First Encounter

The following series is a continuing series of fantasies which i have been experiencing for a few years about some of my classmates from my school life. Names have been changed. Hope you enjoy and i would appreciate your feedback. Thanks. Please don't reprint it, in part or in whole, without permission. First point. I had always known I was different. I had always been attracted

Teenage Encounters 2: Backseat In A Bentley

The following series is a continuing series of fantasies which i have been experiencing for a few years about some of my classmates from my school life. Names have been changed. Hope you enjoy and i would appreciate your feedback. Thanks. Please don't reprint it, in part or in whole, without permission.This is the second part of the series and there is ongoing continuity so some parts

Teenage Encounters 3: An Oral Dinner

The following series is a continuing series of fantasies which i have been experiencing for a few years about some of my classmates from my school life. Names have been changed. Hope you enjoy and i would appreciate your feedback. Thanks. Please don't reprint it, in part or in whole, without permission.This is the third part of the series and there is ongoing continuity so some parts

Teenage Encounters 4: Frolics On Film

The following series is a continuing series of fantasies which i have been experiencing for a few years about some of my classmates from my school life. Names have been changed. Hope you enjoy and i would appreciate your feedback. Thanks. Please don't reprint it, in part or in whole, without permission.This is the fourth part of the series and there is ongoing continuity so some parts

Teenage Encounters 5: Biology Blows

The following series is a continuing series of fantasies which i have been experiencing for a few years about some of my classmates from my school life. Names have been changed. Hope you enjoy and i would appreciate your feedback. Thanks. Please don't reprint it, in part or in whole, without permission.This is the fifth part of the series and there is ongoing continuity so some parts


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