Gay Erotic Stories

Like Father, Like Son

27 Jun 2012

Family Fun Mature

Sal had gone to work. I was making something to eat and getting ready to finish an article that had a deadline that afternoon. I had stalled too long on this one but it wasn’t difficult. The phone rang and I was sure it was my boss calling to remind me. “Good morning!” I said with great insincerity. “Phil? It’s Rico.” Rico is Sal’s father, his parents live in Boston. He never calls so instantly I knew something was up. “Rico, what’s the matter?” I said bluntly and impatiently. “Rose is sick. She’s in the hospital and they don’t think she is going to last long.” “Rico, I am not going to ask you to go into detail about Rose. We will be there as soon as we can get organized.” “Thanks, Baby. I love you.” “I will keep in touch. But expect us sometime tonight or tomorrow before noon.” Guess I was going to have to take my laptop with me to finish the article. I loved my parents, but never was as close to them as I was to Sal’s. Rose was Jewish and I always found it interesting that she and Rico married back in the late 40s. I met Rose’s sister once and it was evident that she was Orthodox. And nothing about Rose would indicate that. She was very smart and could really read people well. She seemed to take an instant liking to me. Sal said that once he met me, Rose was able to deal with his sexuality. Or at least better ignore it. I was very fond of Rose, but Rico I adored. If there was one thing I regretted it was that we never saw enough of them. Sal, on the other hand seemed content not to go to Boston. Miami was where he was happiest. I had to go there a couple times on an assignment and stayed with them. Sal had to work, so I had them all to myself. It was a blast. Rose was still working and Rico and I would go to the movies or do some Boston sightseeing. I knew about the Mapparium at the Christian Science Monitor and took him because he had never heard of it. He was like a little kid on a field trip. So handsome, so kind, so well-dressed and in spite of all this, he always seemed to be lacking in self-confidence. Just little things, unnecessary apologizing and excessive tidiness around the house, it was as if he was worried someone was going to say he didn’t take good enough care of his home. I was always confrontational with him about it. “Rico, no one really gives a shit if the windows aren’t washed every week.” “But I give a shit; it makes me feel better that the house is spotless.” And it certainly was. “But Rico, I finish a cup of coffee and even in the middle of a sentence, you get up and wash it out. Relax! You make me nervous.” “Do I? I’m sorry, Phil. I never meant to do that.” “And quit saying you’re sorry. These aren’t things to be sorry over, you whiney little fairy; I am just making an observation.” He gave a huge laugh. I surrounded him in a hug and gave him a huge kiss on his lips. He loved it. ` I called Sal. “Hey, this is important. Your mom isn’t well and we had better get to Boston asap.” “I always imagined this call. I have frequent flyer miles. I’ll take care of the tickets. Get us a car. See you in a little while, Baby.” We got to their house by six. Rico was at the hospital so we dropped off our things and went immediately. Rose had had a stroke, it was very bad. They told Rico to call all the family. She was gone by the next morning. It was strange to me that a family this warm really seemed cold about death. There were no tears. Not even questions. It was more a time of happiness than anything else. It was as if everyone had come home for a wedding, not a funeral. Sal had to get back to the bank the day after the funeral. I stayed with Rico for another two days. But I didn’t need to. The man was strong. He didn’t seem sad but maybe grief would come when he came to the realization that he was alone. “Rico, I don’t want you staying up here in this cold city this winter when you are all alone. Sal and I want you in Miami.” “But I am not going to live with children. That is humiliating. I can well take care of myself.” “Yeah, but we need you. I am not making this up. I love you, Sal worships you, and having you around would make our lives richer. Besides, housekeepers are expensive in Miami. Look, if you come down and don’t like it, then just call it a vacation and go home. And if we get sick of looking at your ugly old face we will put you on the first plane back to Boston. Besides, you have never been to Miami. Take a real vacation.” “Phil, no one has ever talked to me with the directness you have. Okay, I trust you. If there is anything the matter, there will be no hard feelings, right?” “I don’t have to answer that, right?” We flew to Miami together the next day. Rico really didn’t have any appropriate clothing so that was our first destination the next day. We went to lunch after shopping. There he was in his new shorts and beach shirt looking happier than I had ever seen him. It was evident where Sal got his looks. Rico really must have been a knockout when he was young because as an old man he was the sexiest thing in that mall. I noticed that he really could turn heads. It is hard for me to ever imagine that he was a ladies man because he was so devoted to his family, but I swear even at 80, he could have had any woman, or man for that matter, of any age, in that restaurant. I felt lucky to have such a fine father-in-law. But 80 is 80. And after all the day’s adventure, Rico needed a nap. I am sure that the change in temperature must have caused his fatigue. He went to bed and I continued my work on a new assignment of reviewing the new concert hall on Miami Beach. All was quiet and after an hour I went to the door of Rico’s room to make sure he was all right. All the stress of the last two months and the excitement of taking a vacation might have been too much for an old man. His eyes were wide open and it startled me at first. But he smiled and I said, “Rested, Henry?” “Henry? Nobody has ever called me that. I like it.” “Yeah, well I like you. And nothing could make me happier than you being here.” “Really, Phil? I thought you and Sal had the perfect marriage and that my coming here would be an intrusion.”

“We have a very great relationship because we are open and honest and don’t have huge demands of each other. Trust me, even at fifty I worry about a time when I end up in your situation, parted from the person who means most to me.” “So, I guess that you, like all the others, think that Rose and I couldn’t live without each other.” “Well, I did imagine it was an ideal marriage.” “Of course you did. We never let on that things were rocky; and had been for a long time.” “Get out of here. You are kidding, right?” “Wrong! These last two weeks have been the happiest I have been since Sal’s little sister was born. I moved closer to him and sat on the edge of his bed. His face was so peaceful. He took my hand and said, “Phil, no one ever really knows what goes on in someone else’s head. Just because I say something or behave in a certain way doesn’t tell you anything about me. We all learn ways to keep the truth from others.” Nothing in his voice was sad, just very wise and matter-of-fact; an old man telling his son-in-law that things aren’t always what they seem. I leaned forward to kiss his forehead and he put his hands on my head and gently pulled me to his lips. This was the most passionate kiss I had ever felt and our tongues explored each other in ecstasy. When my lips left his, I slid over to the other side of the bed and lay my head on his chest. I felt like a baby. And my erection was raging. Rico stroked my hair and said, “Damn, this feels good.” “It sure does.” I put my hand on his crotch and he too had a giant hard on. He said, “It has been about 40 years since I have done anything like this. I hope I don’t disappoint you.” “You could never disappoint anyone, Hank. Just be sure to tell me your limits as we go along.” “But I don’t know what they are.” “If I do something that doesn’t feel right to you, my friend, just say so. If you need me to say or do something extra to help you, tell me that, too.” I put my lips back on his and pulled him close to me. I unbuttoned his shirt and slid my hand to his nipples to see if he got a reaction from my touching them. “Oh, Phil! How did you know that was going to send me over the edge!” “Just enjoy, Rico.” I took his cock in my hand and stroked it while I continued kissing him and pinching his nipples with my other hand. The kissing got even more intense and he was about to explode. “Rico, empty it in my mouth, please.” “You really do that?” he acted puzzled. “When I really like a guy, nothing is better.” I continued stroking and he was, by this time, moaning hard. I pulled off his shirt the rest of the way and he took off his pants and underwear. I got naked, too and then we held each other tight as we enjoyed the warmth of our bodies, lips still locked in passion. I spit in my hand and put my thumb at the opening of his asshole and massaged. His moaning got more and more intense. What a gorgeous piece of cock; strangely he was circumsized. I put his cockhead between my lips as my thumb went in deeper as his muscle relaxed. His ass sucked it all. “Oh, Phil. It is coming.” “Let it go, Handsome, let it go.” He grabbed my head tight and pushed his cock all the way into my mouth. The streams of cum were voluminous. His orgasm seemed to last a full 20 seconds.” His now empty cock fell out of my mouth which was tingling from his spunk. His eyes were filled with tears and he put his lips back on mine for a very loving kiss. “Is this what it feels like with another man?” “Well, not always,” I said. “You and I have something special.” “I haven’t shot a load that size since I was in my 20s. I didn’t think I could do it.” “Henry, you proved you are way more than able. This is a start. I leave it up to you now for anything more. But know that whatever fun you had just now, it was twice as much for me.” “Does this mean I am gay?” he looked puzzled “Who cares? We had a great time and we made each other happy. That is all that matters.” “No, my little boy, Sal, matters, too.” “There is something you don’t know about your son, Rico. Were he to know what we just did, he might even be happier than you and I are. He loves you. He would sacrifice anything for you. And he trusts me and knows that if I were going to have sex with a guy other than him, it would be because the guy is worth it.” “If this is true, then I had no idea how much of a man my son is.” “That’s right. You don’t. You haven’t seen that much of each other since we have been together. And he talks about you all the time. He credits you with everything he has.” “It was not a happy home Sal came from. In that time, just because you and your wife didn’t get along, that was not a good enough reason to live apart. I question all the time if I did the right thing by staying.” “Things were really that bad? Rose always gave the impression that it was the most solid home.” “I don’t know why, but Rose hated me. Sex was only for having children and once we had five, she was through with it. The kids didn’t see much affection between their parents.” “This really stuns me because though Sal never said anything unkind about Rose, he never said much. It has always been you that mattered to him. You did the right thing by staying. I am grateful for it. I have benefitted from it, thank you.” “But where do we go from here? This can’t be an easy situation for anyone now.” “Don’t be so sure of that. You don’t know how gay men think. I am not sure how Sal would react. I am not sure how I would react if it were Sal and my father. But if it gave them happiness, even for a moment, I think I would be grateful. You gotta remember that gay men don’t treat sex the way you are used to.” Rico lay on his side. I put my body next to his and put my once again firm cock between his ass cheeks like a hotdog in a bun. I kissed the back of his neck and touched his face. This time we both fell asleep. The phone rang at 4:00 p.m. and woke me up. Sal usually comes home by 5:30 so being ready for him was going to be important. My boss was calling about some nonsense. Rico remained asleep. The adventure had been a lot for him. I thought about telling Sal what had happened. Thinking about what a great experience we had had. l was hoping to continue with Rico in the daytime and his son at night. l felt I might be coming into my sexual prime. A few minutes later as I was sitting at the computer, Rico came into the study, put his hands on my shoulders and gave me a very soulful kiss. It was unbelievable that he was still so interested after all he had been through but it was evident that he had no intention of stopping. I pulled him down to my lap. He had his head on my shoulder like I was the dad and he my baby boy. “Phil, this has been the best sex I have ever had. I feel like I am about 14 years old.” “Rico, you have had a sheltered sex life. It is time for you to take care of your needs. I have heard that a lot of older men have their first homosexual experience and they feel like they are going through their first real adolescence. You might need more than just me for experience.” “No way! If we can’t continue, then I have finished for good. I just don’t have the guts for anything else. I am old. I can’t take any rejection. You understand that.” “Of course I do. I can’t stand rejection either. That is why I have been rather monogamous with Sal. I would be glad to be your sex teacher but I have to clear it with your son first.” “You mean you are going to tell him what we did today?” “Henry, I have to. We are such a solid couple because we don’t hide things. Trust me, Sal will think that what we did today was as beautiful as we see it.” “Are you gonna tell him tonight?” his voice seemed worried. “I don’t know. I will tell him when it feels right. If he had a busy day at work, and is tired and stressed as is often the case, I don’t think that tonight would be the best time. Stop worrying.” Things were quiet for a few seconds, then I told him, “Look, you are on vacation, just enjoy yourself. If you want to go places and do things while you are here, fine. If you want to have fun with me in bed, I promise it will be more exciting than anything Orlando has to offer. If you don’t want to do any of those things, it is up to you. This is your time. We don’t count. Let us spoil you. But if you want more sexual fun, be specific and tell me what you want to try. I will never do anything that you are uncomfortable with and I will encourage you to be daring. I will be your private theme park. And remember, if you want to do something that is a turn off to me, I will be upfront with you.” I knew I was going to tell Sal before he went to sleep but it wasn’t going to be something rushed. I had to gauge Sal’s mood. “Well, I want to fix dinner tonight,” Rico said with authority. “That has been one of my greatest pleasures in the last 40 years and I would be honored to do it for both of you.” “I can’t wait. Make a list of things you need and I will go get them. The dinner was great and Rico was proud and happy that we enjoyed it so much. Sal, who is not overprotective said, “Pop, you have had a busy day. We’ll clean up. Why don’t you go to bed?” “I never had more fun in my life, I am not ready for bed,” he said with a little boy’s smile. “I have a sense that the future is going to be even more fun for me.” “Dad, I gotta ask you. We have never had you alone like this. But we have never hidden anything. Did you ever have sex with a man?” Rico opened his eyes wide. By this point of the day he was feeling a little high on life. “Once!” he said. “Was it good?” his son asked eagerly. “Best I ever had, Sal.” “I always hoped you had. And I figured you had because that is why you were so easy about me coming out. Wish Mom had been so calm about it.” “Sal, you just don’t understand the time in which we grew up. Those words just weren’t mentioned. Nobody really knew much because no one dared ask. If you asked, you were gonna be called a ‘queer.’” “Do you think that now that you are single again, you might be inclined to try to find some romance with another man? I mean it is much less complicated between two men.” Rico looked scared. He didn’t want to lie and he didn’t want to really confess to what had taken place earlier. l answered for him. “Sal, look, your dad’s head has been racing and I don’t think he is completely comfortable, so I am gonna tell you. He did have sex with a man once, and I know because I was there.” Sal looked confused for an instant and then the truth hit him in the gut. “You’re joking, right?” he sounded a little desperate. “No joke, Sal.” Sal seemed to lose his breath. He looked at me, then he looked at Rico who was nervous. “Was it that good?” he finally muttered. “Answering for myself, I will say it ranked with my greatest sexual moments. You’d have been proud of both of us, Sal,” I said. “My father-in-law is a very gifted lover.” Sal went speechless with a huge smile as ten long seconds passed. “This is great! I’d have never guessed but it makes everything better than ever. Oh wow! To have my father sharing my lover? That is so uninhibited. So daring, so, I don’t know, …., but it makes me very very happy, Dad.” “You mean I don’t have to be embarrassed anymore?” Rico muttered. “I told you, Henry. I told you he would be happy for us.” “But where do we go from here?” Sal wondered candidly. “That’s your call, Sal. Your dad and I decided we won’t do anything else without your approval. Personally, next to you this is the only man I ever found so exciting.” “Phil, that is such bullshit!” Rico insisted. “No, it’s not! Henry,” I flung back. “I have no reason to flatter you. None! Sal, if Rico is open to it, I would love to give him some new experiences. Look, we both know that I know what I am doing, and I also love your father so I am going to put him first. But this would be something I would really feel good about. Sort of like missionary work. Like social work. And Hank would be my new case.” Sal laughed hard and said, “You’re right! If you guys are both agreeable, I can’t think of anything more important for Pop to do while he is on his vacation.” “So this is decided. Rico, go to bed! It’s late, you’re old, and you need your rest because tomorrow will be a busy day.” Rico and Sal laughed together. Rico got up and came over to give a goodnight kiss on my forehead. Then he gave one to Salvatore. Then he went to his room humming. Sal and I were at the dinner table alone. Nothing was said for several minutes. “Nothing could have made me so happy for my father. I don’t know whether it’s right to thank you, Phil.” Sal took my hand. “Nope. Thanking me makes no sense. I am going to have as much fun as he is. Now let’s clean up, and then I want you to ram my ass to the limit.”


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Like Father, Like Son

Sal had gone to work. I was making something to eat and getting ready to finish an article that had a deadline that afternoon. I had stalled too long on this one but it wasn’t difficult. The phone rang and I was sure it was my boss calling to remind me. “Good morning!” I said with great insincerity.“Phil? It’s Rico.” Rico is Sal’s father, his parents live in Boston. He never calls so


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