Gay Erotic Stories

Relinquishing Control

by Tiemeup07
06 Aug 2012

Muscle Older/younger Role Playing Sci-Fi Fantasy Threesomes

I took a moment to pause at the window in order to catch a cool breeze. The heat in the palace forge was stifling and I was so hot the sweat was dripping off me freely, and my robes were soaked. I turned back to face the room, and my bodyguards immediately caught my eyes first, a regular occurrence. Of course, considering their massive frames, it was hard to miss them. The guards were both powerfully built, well over six feet tall and over 200 lbs of solid, hard muscle. Such a build was not uncommon among his guards, as their training was rigorous and they trained hard for the honor to be chosen to serve close to their Lord and Master, to protect me. They were clad in the traditional uniform of my personal bodyguards: Thick, black leather boots with metal bars over the toes. Tight, black leather pants with thick, wide black belts adorned with a large buckle showing the seal of his majesty’s house. They upper bodies were largely uncovered, to display their strength to any foes who would dare try to attack their Master. They wore black leather vests that had no buttons or buckles, leaving the middle open and their torsos exposed. To complete the ensemble, each wore arm bands above their enormous biceps and collars around their beefy necks, both similar in appearance to their belts. All of the clothes were trimmed with steel, etched with mystical symbols, creating a simple, yet strong and imposing visage. Swords and daggers hung from their belts and each had an axe handle seen at easy reach above their shoulders. Of course my body guards were mostly for show, an intimidating image to put physical form to my invisible power, as my skills in magic were most assuredly strong enough to prevent anything from harming me. One guard, Brock, the larger of the two, was dark haired; deep brown, almost black. It was cut short, and faded down to cover his square jaw, chin and upper lip with a short stubble. I would guess his age to be around 40. My eyes traveled lower, taking in Brock’s mountainous pecs and flat stomach, both covered with a mat of short dark hairs. And even lower, his thighs, calfs, and the bulge at his crotch were all massive and clearly defined. My other bodyguard, Drell, was similar in his powerful stature and strong, squared jaw. He was only an inch or two shorter, at the most, 20 fewer lbs, and looked to be in his late 20s. He had light brown or dirty blond hair, was clean shaven and had a smooth, hairless torso, with abdominal muscles that were astonishingly defined. Looking at my massive protectors was starting to have an effect on my own muscle. Their enormous size never failed to arouse my desire, especially considering how they dwarfed me. At 23, 5’6” and 150lbs, with a strong, but lean frame, I would be less than insignificant in the face of these two titans, were it not for my position and powers. Each guard stood erect and tall, unmoving, showing no signs of discomfort in the sweltering heat, even though their leather uniforms were obviously only enhancing the high temperature. The sweat was dripping freely and running in rivulets in some places over the leather. So great was their devotion that that paid no heed to the heat, instead focusing their attention to everything else, watching for any possible threat, even though here, in the palace especially, there was no risk of danger. After finally turning my attention back to the forge, I was pleased to see that the master blacksmith and his underlings were ahead of schedule. Taking this into account, and feeling a need to alleviate my arousal, I decided to have a little fun. “Blacksmith, you and the others finish what you are doing and leave for the moment. I want to be alone.” They all quickly finish their current tasks, bowed and exited the room. All except for Brock and Drell. They never left my presence unless specifically ordered. Looking at them, I may have seen the slightest hint of confusion in their eyes, but otherwise had remained as they were. I slowly walked in a circle around the guards, appreciating their full, round backsides and broad, defined backs, before stopping again in front of them. The palace was well aware of my tastes. My desire for men was nothing of note and many of his male subjects, as well as a few of his guards, came to my bed willingly. Though I was getting tired with how subservient they all were. I had no knowledge of my current guards’ desires, though I felt no fear now in my plans. Even if their devotion to me weren’t strong enough to halt any aggressive move toward me, my magic could. If I found these two desire women instead, I would simply go find one of other favorite guards to please me. It was no fun forcing them. It took from the pleasure. Though, with the desires I craved now, I hoped that these two were so-oriented. I also hoped they would be brave enough to give me what he truly wanted. “Why don’t you remove your vests.” They both immediately took off their vests and let them drop to the floor. They didn’t need justification from their Lord to obey his words. I walked around them again, closer this time, appreciating the peaks and valleys of his guards’ frames, watching the sweat bead on their skin and drip off their bodies. When I return to their fronts again I asked, “You both are new to the position of Royal Escort. How do you feel being my protectors?” Brock answered first, “I am honored beyond words, my Lord Bram. I will die before harm lays a hand on you.” Then Drell, “My life has meaning in your presence Master. I have brought pride and honor to my family line that no member before has.” Both of their voices were deep, masculine, husky. “And why are you so honored?” “You are the light that holds back the dark. You are our hope for the future against the tides of evil.” It was Brock who spoke, and Drell made an agreeable grunt and nod. Clearly Brock was taking the lead. “And you both would do anything for me, correct?” “Unquestionably, Master.” “Absolutely my Lord Bram” Both pounded their right fist to their chest with their oath in salute. “Do you prefer women or men, Drell?” His eyes betrayed him for an instant, so thrown off was he about the change in direction of the conversation, “I am pleased with both, your majesty.” “And you Brock?” “Men, my Lord” I smiled at my good fortune. “I am feeling rather aroused at the moment, and am going to retire to my chambers to relax. Would you two men like to help me sate my lusts?” This time Drell answered first, “Yes Master” Brock was not far behind with his answer, “I would be honored to serve my Lord in all that he requires.” I could already tell Brock was going to be one of my favorites, if not THE favorite. As I reflected on this, I noticed a bead of sweat forming on the tip of one of Brock’s large nipples. They were large, thick, and plump. I stepped in close to him and licked off the bead before it could drop. It was very salty and it made me want more immediately. Brock made no move at his master’s advance, ever the vigilant guard, though I felt a slight tightening of Brock’s pectoral muscle as my tongue made contact. Curious, I moved to the other nipple, where another bead had formed and was hanging from the tip. This time, I latched on to the nipple and began to suckle, keeping my eyes on Brock’s face. To his credit, Brock put a massive effort into keeping his composure, as duty would dictate. The muscles in his body tensed, his piercing gray eyes were strained, but he remained at attention. Very pleased with finding such a sensitive button, I continued to suck on the nip, biting a little and scraping his teeth across the sensitive flesh, and then took the other between my thumb and forefinger and began pulling and twisting and massaging. This proved to be too much for the mighty Brock, who after a few seconds finally closed his eyes, parted his full lips and let out the most masculine groan of pleasure one could ever hope to hear. Happy with making my diligent and professional guard break posture, I released my holds and stepped back. “I think you are going to bring me much pleasure in the future, Brock.” “I am happy you are pleased with me Master.” The words were said with a slight pant, as Brock seem to be a little out of breath from his ordeal. Drell had not moved during my little experiment. “Don’t worry Drell, I haven’t forgotten you. Why don’t you two put your clothes back on, and follow me.” “Yes, my Lord” Walking through the hallways, we came to the my bed chamber. The guards posted outside opened the door for their Lord and his escort. As it was customary for the body guards to follow me everywhere, they were used to their presence. Once inside, I immediately began to disrobe, and ordered Drell to shut the door and then told both men to undress as well. Now I stood in front of two massive, muscular men, complete nude, and my erect member gave no doubt to my arousal. As amazingly handsome as these men were clothed, seeing them naked was breathtaking. As hinted by his torso, Brock’s entire body was very tan and was covered with short, dark fur. His 8” dick was standing proud at attention, mirroring the rest of his body. Looking at it, I knew it was so thick I would not be able to get my hand around it. His massive balls hung very low and I was sure I wouldn’t be able to fit even one of them inside my mouth. Drell was equally impressive. His entire body was smooth and pale. His manhood was only semi erect (probably because he looked a little nervous) but was already the length of Brock’s, though definitely not as thick. His ball sac was also impressive though not as large or low as Brock’s. It took nearly all my restraint not to pounce on these men right then, but there were matters to discuss first, if I was to achieve my hidden desires. “Now then, before we get started, I would like to propose something to you both. As you no doubt know, I have had other guards as guests to my chambers before, correct.” “Yes Lord Bram” “As you can probably imagine, it was difficult for them to overcome the fact that I am their Lord and Master. While they were thoroughly enjoyable, they were hesitant and I was forced to take the lead. These men were similarly built as you two, and I, obviously smaller and physically weaker in stature, had to guide them through the process as if it were their first times. I don’t know about you, but I find that rather comical, and well, unsatisfying. I am hoping that you two are up to the task to helping me achieve fulfillment.” “We will do anything our Lord asks of us, Master.” Brock said. “Simple to say, my dear Brock, but not so simple to give. You see, what I want from you Brock, and you Drell, is for you to be the Master while in this bedroom.” “My Lord?” “I wish to be dominated and overpowered sexually. I desire to relinquish control to the two of you. Take the lead and force me to please you; to be subservient to you. Treat me as though I do not have the abilities I possess. Like I am any common man you wish to ravage. As if YOU are the lord and master here, not I.”

Both men looked unsure and confused. Drell spoke first, “But you ARE our lord and Master, your highness. How can we possibly treat you in such a way?” Though he still looked unsure, Brock also looked as though he was calculating and trying to decide if he could do this. I saw an opening. “Brock, tell me, how are you with the men you are with? What are they like? What attracts you?” After a short pause, Brock responded, “I like smaller, younger men than I, my Lord. I like to exert my strength over them. Control them. Show them I am in charge…Sometimes I like to bind them while I take my pleasure.” This was more than I could have hoped for, “That is exactly how I wish for you to treat me my dear Brock. As though I am one any one of those young men, and not the master of this land. I won’t use the powers that I have so the two of you can take me and dominate me. Can you do that for me, Brock? Can you bring me that pleasure?” At this time Brock looked indecisive and Drell looked a little worried, though both of their manhoods were rising to attention. It was time to drive the dagger home. “Very well, if you two cannot rise to this challenge and give me the pleasure I desire, then we shall never speak of this again and I shall find another for some less fulfilling amusement. I am not upset with either of you for not being able to help me, and you will not be punished in any way. This conversation never happened.” With that I began to walk past them to the door. Just before my hand touched the handle, a large powerful hand gripped my throat and slammed me into something hard, which turned out to be Drell’s muscular chest. Now I was looking into Bram’s eyes. His face was inches from mine and he had the sexiest, smoldering angry gaze. He was gripping my throat firmly, keeping me in place against Drell’s body. “Did I give you permission to leave, slave?” He practically growled the question. I smiled, pleased that I would finally get what I truly wanted, “I knew you had it in…” Brock’s grip tightened so that I couldn’t breathe or speak anymore, “I don’t believe I gave you permission to speak either. From now on, in this room, you will refer to us as ‘sir’ or ‘master’. You will not speak unless spoken to, or the consequences will be severe. Do you understand boy?” “…Yes sir.” “Good. Drell, hold our new bitch in place.” After a moment of hesitation, Brock shot a glare at his fellow guard, “Be a man, Drell! This is your duty within this room!” With that, Bram felt one of Drell’s strong forearms replace Brock’s hand across my neck and with his other hand he collected my smaller hands and pinned them behind me, between my back and his stomach. With his hands free, Brock began removing his collar and arm bands as well as Drell’s while he held me fast. Then he took of his arm bands and fastened it around my neck. Even though it was smaller of the two types of bands, it was still very loose. With that done, he stepped in close, pressing his entire massive frame against me, trapping me between his and Drell’s bodies. Looking down at me again, he spoke in a soft, seductive voice that was still incredibly masculine, “Are you going to obey us boy? Are you going to please us as we command? Be our little sex slave?” “Yes please sir.” “Good boy. Now worship our bodies. We haven’t washed in a number of days and need a good tongue bathing” Drell finally spoke up, “Before you do…” and with that he tied my wrists together behind my back “…you have to earn the right to touch our bodies.” Brock slapped Drell on the back, “Excellent idea. Now get to work boy” “Yes masters” Both men were no standing in front of me, their massive bodies filling my field of vision, and my arms were secured behind me. I stepped in close to Bram and Drell and breathed in deep. Their manly smell filling my being. As hard as I was before, their scent made my erection painful. Apparently I delayed a second too long, because Brock’s hand was suddenly on the back of my head and buried my face in his massive chest. Forcing me to suck on his sensitive nipples again. I could feel Brock’s muscles quiver as I licked and suckled his protruding tits. I felt his hand leave the back of my head and saw him closed his eyes and put both of his hands behind his head. The sight was amazing as his muscles were put on display. Not to be left out, I heard Drell say, “My turn” as he gripped my shoulders and forced me to my knees, shoving his now 10” dick into my mouth. I choked on its length, but I licked and sucked as best as I could, wanting to please my new Masters. I felt Brock come in behind me, his dick and balls pressed against my cheek. I glanced up and saw that they were making out above me, gripping each others muscles as their tongues wrestled inside their mouths. My mouth was then steered to Brock’s thick, throbbing manhood. I opened my mouth as wide as I could but could only manage to take in a few inches. “Come on boy. You can do better than that” Brock taunted. And then I felt 4 hands on the back of my head, forcing more of Brock’s dick into my mouth and down my throat. I thought my jaws were going to unhinge but it tasted so good. “That’s right boy, take it all” The massive men began taking turns fucking my mouth, gripping my head and thrusting over and over into my mouth, and I did my best to please them, hands bound behind my back as they were. “What do you say Brock? You think this cock sucker has earned the right to touch us?” “I think so Drell. What do you say boy? You wanna feel us up? Worship our muscles?” At this both men flexed in a pose that made all of their muscles bulge. “mmmph mmm” I currently had Brock’s huge dick stuffed in my mouth. “Whats that boy? I couldn’t quite make that out.” Brocked teased as he pulled out his dick with a loud, wet slurp. “Yes please sirs.” And with that Drell reach behind me and with a flick my hands were free. While he was down there he gave my ass a quick, yet firm, smack. I guess the look of pain and arousal that flashed across my face was noticed by Brock who then said, “Did you like that boy? You like when your Master slaps that little bubble butt of yours?” To be honest I didn’t really know if I liked it or not, but looking up into Brock’s commanding, dominant gaze, I suddenly heard myself say, “Yes sir” “Well now, I think we should give the little slave what he wants,” Drell said. “Lets play a little game,” As he spoke he led Brock to the bed and pushed him onto his back. Then he grabbed me and positioned me on my hands and knees on top of Brock. “You can worship your Master Brock’s body and muscles as long as you want, but the whole time I am gonna be smacking your ass like you deserve it. When you want the spanking to stop, you get tied up again and no more touching. That sound fair bitch?” “Yes sir. Thank you sirs” Under me, Brock once again put his hands behind his head, stretched out, and gave me the most sexy smoldering look of a predator who has his prey right where he wants. I reached out and the moment I touched one of Brock’s huge biceps… WHACK Drell’s large hand slapped both ass cheeks simultaneously, sending a ripple up through my whole body. I gripped and kneaded Brock’s biceps, pecs, nipples, abs, thighs, calves over and over. All with Drell slapping away at my butt. My ass cheeks were throbbing but I just couldn’t get enough of Brock’s body. This must have gone on for half an hour before finally, with an especially hard SMACK, I couldn’t take anymore. “Please sirs, No more” Brock quickly and roughly gripped my face and kissed me hard and long. Ravaging my mouth. By the time he broke away I was light headed, and I realized that Drell had tied up my hands behind my back again. “That was a good boy. Well done” Brock praised, and inside I swelled with pride and happiness. Brock was a very good Master. “Thank you sir” “Brock you have got to take a look at this slave’s ass. Its as red as a cherry!” Brock quickly slipped out from under me, leaving me faced down on the bed. I felt his and Drell’s hands rubbing and pinching my sore and aching ass. “You’re right Drell, that ass looks good enough to eat” I felt a thick, wide wet tongue at my ass hole and looked back to see Brock’s face buried in my butt, eating out my ass. The scruff on his face scratched my red cheeks, making them sting, but I didn’t care. His tongue felt so good. “Oh thank you sir!” Brock was grunting and growling like a wild animal as he attacked my hole. My head was again gripped and forced forward and I was face to face with Drell’s crotch, as he was now sitting directly in front of me. I opened up and sucking his dick while Brock continued to eat out my hole. When my hole was thoroughly wet and slippery Brock pulled away, pulled me off of Drell’s dick, and flipped me over onto my back. “Get over here Drell and warm up his hole. This boy needs to be fucked.” Drell took up the position between my legs, gripping my ankles, while Brock kneeled over my face, lowering his ass onto my face while chuckling, “Time to repay the favor boy.” Brocks ass was just as amazing as the rest of him. Big round muscular meaty cheeks, all covered with a downy mat of short, dark, hair. His ass hole was also hairy as such. Normally a hairy hot was a turn off for me but Brock’s was just the right amount of fur. Giving me no other option, I began to lick and suck and chew on the hole now plastered to my face, pinning my head to the bed. The smell was intoxicating. It smelled of men and sex, but not shit, for which I was grateful. Just then I felt Drell’s cock start to press at my hole. Brock’s saliva allowed the head to enter easily, at which point he held still. It felt so good having a cock in my ass again. It had been so long since I had been with a man brave enough to enter the Lord of these lands. Drell still had not entered me any further than his dick head and I wanted more. With Brock’s muscular butt on my face I managed to muffle out, “Peesss phuk mme shhir!” “You asked from it slave.” And with that Drell slammed all 10” of his dick into me.” “MMMMMAAAAAHHHPPPPPPHHHH!!!” I screamed into Brock’s ass. “Oh fuck yeah Drell! His scream just vibrated all the way up through my bowels into my gullet. Keep fucking this bad boy the way he deserves it. The way he likes it” Drell took Brock’s words very seriously as he fucked me in earnest. Pulling out and slamming into me at an impressive pace. Brock raised himself up and asked, “Feel good boy? You like your Master fucking you hard?” “Yes sir! Thank you sir! Please fuck my like the sex slave I am sir! “Good boy” and the Brock lowered his massive lowhanging balls for me to lick and suck. Forcing one into my mouth and then the other. He alternated feeding me his balls and ass while Drell fucked me harder and harder. Finally, Drell let loose a battle cry and pulled out just as his seed squirt onto my chest and belly. As Drell was recovering from his orgasm, Brock removed himself from my face, scooped up the cum covering my torso and held his sticky hand over my face. “You want his seed boy?” “Yes sir” “How much do you want it boy?” “So much sir. Please give it to me.” And Brock lowered his hand to my face, allowing me to lick the semen from his hand, smearing some onto my face in the process. When his strong hand was clear, Brock licked my face clean and then kissed me again, sharing the cum still in our mouths. By this time Drell had regained his composure, “Your turn Brock. Give it to the little slut. His ass is incredible.” Brock gave me another of his predatory grins, “You heard the man, boy. I hope you’re ready for this.” “I am sir. Please fuck me sir. Fill me up.” Brock flipped me over again, hands still ties behind my back. SO my face was pressed into the bed and my ass was in the air. He slowly and steadily pressed his fat dick into my hole. His girth preventing him from slamming in the way Drell did. I had to bite into the bed linens to keep from screaming. His size was stretching my asshole beyond my limits but his thickness also was rubbing against my prostate, making me shiver with pleasure. Brock continued to slowly fuck me, drawing out the pleasure. He leaned down over me, laying on top of me as he fucked me. Brock became feral and primal as he fucked me. Grunting and growling. Whispering gruffly into my ear: “You like me fucking you boy?” “Oh yes sir” “You like being my slave, boy?” “Yes sir!” “Who is your Master, boy?” “You are sir!” And with that Brock pulled out of my ass, turned me over once again, and shoved his dick into my mouth as he shot his load. Spurt after spurt filled my mouth and it just didn’t end. I swallowed as fast as I could and by the time Brock was finished, my stomach felt full of his seed. He collapsed on top of me and his weight was crushing in the most erotic way. Drell, who had been cheering Brock on the whole time, managed to lift him off me. “Pull yourself together big boy. Don’t want to crush our little slave now do we?” Both of my muscled guards then lifted me off the bed and untied my hands, when a loud knocking came from the door. “Your Highness,” one of my guards called, “the time for the council meeting approaches.” I looked to Brock, who gave me a wink and a nod. Free to answer, I called back, “Thank you guard, I will be ready soon.” Once the guard was gone, I turned back to my companions, “Why don’t the three of us get cleaned up in the baths before returning to business as usual.” “That sounds like an excellent plan, My Lord” Brock said. “I thank you both for giving me such pleasure today. I look forward to future reoccurrences” “We do as well, Highness” Drell answered. I was glad to see how seamlessly they transitioned back from Masters to loyal bodyguards. This was very good. And so the three of us headed to the baths and I imagined all the possibilities that the future held.


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Relinquishing Control

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