Gay Erotic Stories

69 in the nurses office Part Two

by Jules21
24 Dec 2012

First Time Romance Tales From School

Later that day as Justin walked home(slowly as he could barely put weight on his right leg) he went over what had gone on in the nurses examination room in his head. Over and over again he remembered what it was like to Kiss Toby's soft lips and run his hands over Toby's smooth flawless skin. He particularly had enjoyed their second round when Toby had done things to him he had only ever seen in the videos from the porn sites he visited sometimes. After they had made out for what seemed like ten minutes Toby sucked Justin until he was hard and then stopped. He was kneeling over Justin's cock at the end of the bed and grinning up at him. “I think you will like this” Toby took off Justin's shoes and pushed his pants off. “when was the last time you had a shower?” “Why do I stink?” Justin sniffed his pits “No. Just making sure you are clean...down there” Toby said and reached under justin with both his hands and grabbed his legs. “put your legs up on my shoulders” “You're not gonna...I'm not ready!” Justin said but propped his legs up on Toby's shoulders any way. He knew that even if he wasn’t ready he would let Toby fuck him if he wanted. “No no, don’t worry but you're gonna like this just as much as that” Toby said and then pushed Justin's legs so that they were resting on his own shoulders. In this position Justin's ass was in the air pointing right at Toby. “Good nice and clean, now hold your legs in place right where they are” Justin did so and Toby spit on Justin's whole, he then used his thumb and rubbed Justin's whole. The sensation sent a tingling feeling through him and a whimper escaped his lips. Toby looked down at him and smiled a smile that told Justin he could trust him. Toby kept rubbing Justin's whole with his thumb pushing slightly now and then. When ever he did this Justin let out a little moan. Eventually Toby got his whole thumb in Justin's ass. He kept it in for a minute or two so Justin could get used to the feeling. It was a mixture of pleasure and having to go to the bathroom. Toby smiled and gently pulled out his thumb then put it back in again faster this time and all at once. “Ooh shit!” Justin said Panic flitted quickly across Toby's face “did I hurt you?” he pulled out his thumb and bent down so his and Justin's faces were about an inch apart. “no, it was just a shock, that's all” Justin kissed Toby “put it back in Toby now!” Toby didn't lean away from Justin as he quickly jammed his thumb into his whole and rubbed gently on something that sent a shock wave of pleasure through Justin's body. “Oh Shit Toby” Justin said and let go one of his legs to pulled Toby's head to him and kiss him fiercely “Told you didn't I?” Toby said and took his thumb out only to ram it back in “Oh wow” Justin whimpered and let his other leg go and clung to Toby pulling him closer so their chests touched. “I want the real thing. Put your cock in me” “Your not ready, my cock is at least two fingers wide.” Toby said “Maybe I can stick in another finger though.” Justin kissed Toby and yelled out when he felt Toby's fore finger go in his ass “Aah! fuck yes” Toby smiled and while still finger fucking Justin's ass he kissed down his chest and then took Justin's dick which was slick with pre-cum into his mouth. Justin came momentarily this orgasm was even bigger and better then the last one. His load was so much that Toby couldn’t swallow it fast enough and it leaked out the sides of his mouth and down Justin's cock. these droplets Toby licked up almost at once into his mouth. Justin felt great, he lay they spent and satisfied, well almost satisfied. “Toby...give me your cock” Justin said out of breath “I want you cock Toby” Toby pulled out his fingers and straddled Justin's chest then shoved his cock down Justin's throat. Justin gagged horribly but he didn't care he didn't dare pull away. “yea that's it take my cock, take it all babe.” Toby said pulling out only to his bulbos head and then ramming back in. “Aah fuck you suck like a little cock slut Justin. Yea that's it Justin my little cock slut” Toby's body shook all over as his load went down Justin's throat. It lasted a minute load after load of salty sweet cum. “wow, are you sure you never have sucked a dick before?” Toby said as he withdrew his cock. “You're better then Stacy” “nope, I’m a fast learner” Justin said “I'll say” Toby laughed and backed up and laid down beside Justin who looked over at him. “Now what?” Justin said “do we go back to how it was before. You ignoring me and me secretly pinning over you?” Toby looked puzzled for a moment then a smile crossed his features “Am I that bad at flirting that you would think that after this I would just ignore you?” Justin looked down at his deflating dick “well the school jock doesn’t usually fall for the skinny gay boy” “well this one did” Toby pulled toby's head around and kissed him “we have to keep it secret though. I can't be as open as you. I would be kicked off the team and people would bully you worse then ever. I promise I will stop Tim from beating you up and calling you names. “I understand and thank you” Justin sighed relief spreading through him. Toby pulled him to his side and put his arm around Justin who laid his head against Toby's chest. It was only a few minutes of this when Justin realized and dull throb coming from his knee. He tried to move it and swore out loud. Toby looked at him in alarm “I think we made it worse, i wasn't supposed to do any physical activity” “Was it worth it though?” Toby asked “as if you really have to ask?” Justin said raising an eye brow.

Justin's reminiscing of the afternoon was interrupted as he tripped over a crack in the sidewalk and nearly fell on his bad knee. He grabbed the chain link fence to steady himself and then kept walking and remembering. When the period was over Justin and Toby got dressed before the nurse came back and left for their classes. Not before though agreeing to meet the next day during lunch at the back of the school on the basket ball courts no one used. They quickly kissed then both left the examination room at the same time both going different directions.

Justin was brought back to the present as he tripped over the front steps to his house. It was only one level, it had two bedrooms, and one tiny bathroom. His mom and him had lived here ever since Justin's dad had left when Justin was only a baby. The house was blue with white trimming around the windows. Justin walked up the steps and through the front door into the living room. An old faded tan couch, tv, blue Lay z boy recliner, and his friend Ronny short for veronica greeted him. Veronica had her feet up on the coffee table and her hands flying over the touch screen of her i-phone. She had long brown mousy hair, a long drawn face, and tired looking eyes. “Hey dude, bought time you got home. Your school get out at like three thirty” Veronica said without looking up from her phone. She went to a private school outside of town. Her parents were those rich posh snooty type you saw in expensive cars. They had met in a music store five years ago and had been best friends every since. “Ya, so?” Justin looked at his own cell phone which was not as fancy and expensive as Ronny's. It was four o'clock. He must have dawdled on his walk home, thinking about Toby. Justin felt his face grow hot. Ronny who noticed everything smirked “what happened” “N-nothing, come on lets go up to my room I gotta put my stuff away.” Justin tried not to think about Toby as he took his jacket off and hung it up int he closet. Ronny didn't move she stood there with her arms crossed in front of her “Dalton's Academy” blazer and peaked an eye brow. “oh. Yea cause being late is that embarrassing for you” “Really nothing happened, I was just a bit slower today” Justin said “now can we please go up to my room?” Ronny dropped her arms but not her suspicious face. She did how ever take off her blazer and hang it up in the closet. “Did Tim beat you again” she took Justin's face in her hand and turned it this way and that then satisfied she let her hand drop. “No, he tripped me and I fell and bruised my knee” Justin said then quickly “it's fine now Nurse made me put ice on it all afternoon” “That bastard” Ronny said then looked up as the front door opened. “why can't he leave my little Justin alone?” Justin's mom stood in the doorway in her coat her nurses uniform underneath and he purse slung over her right shoulder. She had light curly brown hair like Justin except her's went down to her shoulders and also had hazel eyes like Justin. “hey Ronny how are you today dear?” “Hey Mrs. B” Ronny said his mother had kept his fathers name of Benson even though he left her. 'It was less paper work' she used to tell Justin when ever he asked. “I'm fine, makin your little Justin is the same” Ronny smirked at Justin quickly as his mother put away her coat and purse int he closet, she knew he found it embarrassing when she called him this. “Isn't that supposed to be my job?” Justin's mother smiled and walked over to him with her arms open. Justin felt his resolve crumble and happily let himself be hugged by his mother. “how are you baby?” “Fine, Nurse Cobb said it was just a bruise, put ice on it all day” Justin said as his mom removed her arms and placed her hands on his shoulders. She gave him her “Is there anything you're not telling me?” look “that's all really. Actually it was almost way more but...” Justin tried and failed to not blush as he said “it was thanks to Toby that nothing else happened” “Oh, but aren't Toby and Tim friends?” his mother looked puzzled “Yea...” Justin searched for a way he could tell them without telling them but came up with nothing. He glanced sideways at Ronny who thankfully came to the rescue. “well you know Highschool Mrs. B the “cool” kids don't really have “friends” they just have admirers. I guess Toby got tired of Tim's shit....about time too” the last bit Ronny muttered so only she and Justin could hear it. “Oh” then a moment later something seemed to dawn on her“Ooh I see. Well it was decent of Toby to stick up for you. Let me take a look at that knee” Justin let his mom look at his knee while sitting on the couch. She lifted his leg up and down and tapped it slightly to test his reflexes. “seems fine to me, maybe a bit swollen we will have to put it on ice tonight for a bit” she looked him over once more then smiled “oh go on, dinners at six you staying Ronny?” “you know it Mrs. B” Ronny said “come on Justin let's go to your room and you can tell me about your day” Justin lead the way to his room the whole time Ronny smirked at him. Once they were in hos room she closed the door behind her and turned on him. “Spill it. Now!” she smiled a wicked smile Justin sighed, sat down on his bed and stared across the room at his desk and computer. “You're not gonna believe it but...” and he slowly told Ronny everything he and Toby had done. Afterwards Ronny sat on his bed across from him her mouth open in shock and excitement. “Little Justin finally got some!” Ronny practically yelled and fell over laughing “Shh I don’t want my mom to hear. She will go all sex talk on me and try and teach me how to put a condom on a banana.” Justin said though he was smiling “I can't believe it, you are gonna get laid before me and I’m a year older then you” Ronny said. She was seventeen and Justin was eighteen “I can hardly believe it myself, I keep thinking I’m gonna wake up and it will all have been the best wet dream I've ever had.” Justin said. “And the biggest boner ever” Ronny said smirking again

that night supper was was quiet except for the sounds of knives and forks scraping on the plates. Justin's mom had made her famous mac and cheese in the oven. She kept shooting sly smiles in his direction. Justin knew that she thought something else had happened and he was pretty sure she had figured it out. She was just waiting for him to break down and tell her. Well she was going to be disappointed he wasn't going to tell her, Toby had told him not to tell any one. It's bad enough he told Ronny; though she went to a different school which was good thing because she wasn't exactly good at keeping secrets. “So how is school going Ronny?” Justin's mother said “Oh you know, it goes. The cool kids or as i like to call them the retarded kids still act like jerks. And the uncool kids or as i like to call them the decent poeple, still hate the cool kids.” Ronny said “and I continue to not give fat flying fuck about it all” Justin snorted into his drink and choked slightly his mother gave him a reproving glance and looked at Ronny “I uh meant your studies dear” she smiled and Justin could tell she wished she hadn't asked. Her and Ronny never but heads much but Justin's mother is constantly forgetting that Ronny loves to shock her. “Sorry Mrs. B” Ronny said and actually meant it Justin knew Ronny respected her for how she had raised him alone for so long. “studies are fine, though the Gym teacher keeps threatening to kick me outta class.” “Oh why would he do that?” Justin's mother asked and Justin could tell from the look on Ronny's face she didn't want to know the answer because he did know the answer. Ronny was good in most of her classes and only skipped them a few times a year(which was good for Ronny) Gym how ever was not Ronny's favourite class so she spent most of them making out with her current boyfriend at the time in the equipment room. I smiled and shock my head slightly at Ronny. “Oh, I’m not very good at it thats all” she smiled her perfect innocent girl smile Justin's mother wasn't fooled though she gave her a sideways glance and said “well you should try and attend some classes so you don’t fail. I' sure it is a compulsory for you to graduate next June” Ronny laughed “Yes, I’m planning on making an appearance or two next semester that should make Mr. Larry happy.” Justin seeing his mother had gone into mom mode quickly finished his mac n cheese and stood up and took his plate to the sink. “well Ronny don't you have to get going, I’ll walk you to the buss stop” Ronny looked up at the clock and her face fell. “yea, guess I better get back or the rent's send out the military after me. Back to the dragans den i go” Justin smiled at her sympathetically Ronny and her mother did not get along, mainly because Ronny wasn't the high society, girly girl she had wanted. Ronny's father was so involved in his work he really didn't care what happened at home. “You can stay here tonight if you want” Ronny looked at Justin's mother “that ok Mrs. B?” “of course dear. I’ll get the air mattress and extra blankets out of the linen closet.” his mother smiled kindly at her “Thanks Mrs. B” Ronny's face split into a wide grateful smile “Oh your welcome” Justin's mother smiled back just as warmly After they had helped his mother with the dishes Ronny, Justin and his Mother spent the evening in the living room in front of the T.V. They watched NCIS, CSI, and a re-run of Glee. Throughout the evening Ronny and Justin exchanged texts about Toby and the finer details of his and Justin's afternoon in the nurses office. Every once in a while they would both burst out laughing and Justin's mom would roll her eyes at them. When it came time for them to go to bed they blew up the air mattress and made it up next to Justin's bed. They lay in bed silent for a while then began talking in whispers about Toby once more. It seemed Ronny loved hearing about the encounter as much as Justin loved to talk about it. They had pretty much exhausted the sex when Ronny asked something Justin had been worrying about. “But does he want just sex or something more?” Ronny said and looked at him with her piercing stare “I think he wants something more.” Justin said and remembered briefly how gently Toby kissed him and how guilty he looked when he thought he had hurt Justin. “he certainly kissed like he wants more” Ronny smiled and laid down “I hope so for your case” “yea, me to” Justin said quietly and closed his eyes.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Jules21

69 in the nurses office

a story not only about sex but the beginnings of a new relationship. Please let me know what you think even if it's crappyThe class bell rang and Justin was jerked awake from an excellent dream in which Toby the grade twelves blond haired blue eyed hunk had been fucking him hard with his cock. Justin started to gather his books and then became aware of some one standing beside his desk

69 in the nurses office Part Two

Later that day as Justin walked home(slowly as he could barely put weight on his right leg) he went over what had gone on in the nurses examination room in his head. Over and over again he remembered what it was like to Kiss Toby's soft lips and run his hands over Toby's smooth flawless skin. He particularly had enjoyed their second round when Toby had done things to him he had only ever seen in


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