Gay Erotic Stories

The Bechtel Journal, Excerpt 2: THE AWAKENING SLAVE

by Indigo_Blue
20 May 2013

Best Friends Bisexual Coming Out Crush First Time Man Meets His Man Men At Work Novellas Romance Sexual Identity Discovery

“The Bechtel Journal”. This is a series of chronological excerpts from the personal Journal of Matt Bechtel.

---BREAKFAST IN FRENCH--- Was it the fragrance of rain or the smell of fresh coffee in the air? Matt was not sure which of the two it was that woke him up after only a couple of hours sleep. He did know however that it was a pleasant way to be woken up since he enjoyed both. As he laid there in the quiet bed he turned his head to only see the empty spot where Brad had been. “What time is it? Did I oversleep?” He thought as he rolled over and reached for Brad's watch. “Only seven o’clock?” he whispered. “Short night. Two hours sleep at most!” The last time he was aware of was just before five. He rolled back over on his back and crossed his legs. “Oh my aching ass!” he exclaimed quietly. He laid there for a few more minutes reflecting over what had taken place just a few hours earlier. “Things seem so surreal.” He thought aloud. He looked down at the window at the foot of the bed. It was gray rainy morning which gave a sense of coziness to the atmosphere. While looking at the window he noticed a thick white terry robe lying across the foot of the bed. As he slid out of the bed he stopped and sat on the edge of the mattress. “Oh damn! I’m as sore as hell...and my hole!” Exclaiming in a whisper. As he stood up he turned to look at the white sheets that were his and Brad’s playground for most of the night. It looked like some abstract artwork that had been painted with lube and cum. He threw the sheets over the sexual evidence and slipped into his robe. As Matt came out of the bathroom he entered the sitting area to find Brad kicked back on the sofa wearing his thick white terry robe and reading a newspaper. “Morning Bud. There’s coffee over there on that cart and I had them bring up some half and half for you. “Thanks I could use both. You sure are energetic this morning. How long have you been up?” “About an hour.” Brad replied while flipping a page. “You tired?” Matt queried “A little but I’m good. I’ll call for breakfast in a minute. You know what you’d like?” “Give me a sec and I’ll let you know. Where did you get these robes from?” Matt asked as he sat down in an easy chair which was at the corner of the sofa. “I asked for them when I called for the coffee. Nice aren’t they?” “Yeah they are, especially on a morning like this one.” Matt replied while propping up his feet on the coffee table and took a couple of sips of his coffee. “How are you feeling this morning?” It was apparent by Brad’s slight grin that he was more interested in Matt’s response rather than what he was supposedly reading off the paper. “Dude I am so sore! I can’t believe how sore I am. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not bitching but this is a whole different type of pain.” “Well you know what they say about working out the soreness with exercise.” Brad's slight grin changed to a smile as he stared straight at the paper while holding it up. “Well you know what I say about that?” “What…go fuck myself?” “I could, but as you already know, workouts are more fun when you do it with someone else.” “Like it better than handball?” “Not so sure. I don’t get to own your ass in this game.” Matt chuckled and Brad grinned while still looking at the paper pages.

Brad got serious about reading his paper while Matt just set back and nursed his cup of coffee while looking out the window at the gray rainy morning. The two stayed pretty quiet for some time. “Well bud, its seven thirty, you ready for breakfast?” “Sure.” Matt responded while downing his last drop of coffee. “Me too. Anything special?” “Eggs Benedict with grilled tomatoes and asparagus. Cranberry juice too…and a bagel or two.” “You got it!” Brad exclaimed as he folded up the newspaper and headed for the phone. After placing the order he took both cups and refilled them, gave Matt his cup and sat back down on the sofa but closer to Matt. “Thanks for the refill.” “No problem. Breakfast will be here in a few. I’m glad that the conference doesn’t start until ten this morning.” “Me too.” Replied Matt as he lowered his feet and propped his foot up on his knee. “All joking aside Bud…any thoughts about last night?” “As I said to myself while lying awake a while ago ‘Things seem so surreal.’ A lot went on physically between us. Things that in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought I would have done or allowed to be done. At times I felt like my masculinity was in question while submitting to you while at other times I felt that what was happening between us was a fulfillment of things that had to come to pass. The one thing that I can’t explain is what has happened over these last month’s that’s caused me to want you physically so bad as so to speak. It’s strange, because it’s not so much that I wanted to be fucked by you it’s more like I just wanted to be a real intimate part of you and a physical connection seemed to be the only way to make that happen. Does this make any sense?” “It does. Matt let me reassure you that your masculinity has in no way been compromised. You’re a one hundred percent testosterone dripping male. But you’re a sensitive guy too and a giving man, almost to a fault. You’re one of those guys that it’s easier to show what you feel than how to put it into words. I understand that. What you did for us last night says more than can be put into words by any man. You and I have reached a point to where words are no longer a must to say what we want to convey intimately. My thinking is that fucking for us is going to be more than just dick and ass; it’s going to be our own way of sharing and communicating on a deep level. Not to say that it’s not going to be about sex and fucking. That’s a huge added bennie to what’s happened.” Knock! Knock! Knock! “That’s our breakfast.” Brad headed for the door. “Good morning Sir.” “Good morning Lewis.” “Here is your breakfast as ordered.” Brad looked under the dish covers and was pleased with the order. “What is this?” He questioned while holding up an envelope. “Oh yes Sir. I was instructed that this was to be given to Mr. Scarbourgh from a Ms. Julie Anne Landis.” “Thanks Lewis.” “If that will be all Sir I will proceed in making your day ready for you and Mr. Bechtel.” “Sure thing.” Brad responded while reading the envelope. “Lewis.” Matt spoke to get the Butlers attention. “Yes Mr. Bechtel.” “If you would please make sure that the Bed Linens are changed this morning.” “Yes Sir.” Brad looked over at Matt who had a sheepish grin and a slight red face. “Are they real bad?” Brad said in a low voice and a grin of his own. Matt silently replied with a big nod and big grin. Matt got up and headed towards Brad and the Cart that had been made into a table. “That Bitch Julie. She sure knows how to kill a good morning doesn’t she?” Remarked Brad while reading the note. “What’s it say?” asked Matt curiously. “It’s in French.”: “Bonjour, monsieur le Scarbourgh, j'espère que vous avez bien dormi. Comment aimeriez-vous pour dîner ce soir avec moi dans le Gilbert Scott?” “Your French is better than mine. How about in English?” Matt questioned. “Simply put: ‘Good morning Mr. Scarbourgh, I hope you slept well. How would you like to have dinner this evening with me in the Gilbert Scott?’ “What’s your plan?” “I plan on eating this good breakfast and dealing with Ms. Landis later.” “Good.”

The two men ate without much being spoken. It was easy for Matt to see that Brad’s wheels were turning as to how to respond to Ms. Landis. “How the hell does she know that I speak French?” “It’s real easy. All she had to do is look you up on the companies’ personnel profiles. “I’m going to have to do some quick research on her before dinner.” “Good choice. Let me know if you need me to do anything.” “There is.” “What’s that?” “Let’s go take our shower.” Brad answered with a wink, a smile and a nod in the direction of the shower. “Brad…what are you thinking? Lewis is still buzzing around the place.” Matt replied in a low tone of voice and a little smile. “I’m thinking I’m not worried about what Lewis sees or hears.” Brad stood up and spoke low in Matt’s ear. “I’m thinking that I’m horny and we need a shower…come on bud. I’ll lead the way.”

---WET REFLECTIONS--- Brad took a step and looked back at Matt. He nodded with a smile. “Come on bud.” Matt got up and followed. As they passed the bedroom area. Lewis looked up while laying out their clothes. Matt shyly smiled and followed on. As they stepped into the bathroom, in a swift smooth move Brad turned around, shut the door behind Matt as he pushed him up against the door and kissed him slowly, passionately and deeply. Matt broke the kiss as he opened Brad's robe and slid down to his knees. As he carefully wrapped his hand around Brad’s hot hanging sack, he used the careful grip to guide his throbbing cock head to the tip of his tongue. Brad placed his hands on the back of Matt's head and steadied it as he encircled the flared rim around the entire edge and then deep under the rim. Brad moaned loudly and deeply as Matt pleasured him until his shaft released the hot clear precum. “Damn you give good head.” Brad spoke in a moan as he laid his head against the door. Matt placed his hands on Brad's ass Brad began to face fuck him easily and slowly. Matt took the cock deep without a single gag reflex. Brad fucked harder as if to get the gag response but Matt was able to consume the full nine inches as if a professional sword swallower. Brad stopped, pulled out and brought Matt to his feet followed by an immediate deep passionate kiss while the two entangled themselves in each other’s arms..

As both men disrobed they groped, grabbed, embraced and kissed as if wrestling their way to the shower. In the middle of the heated fervor Matt was able to turn on one of the large shower heads. Brad pulled away for a moment as he stepped out of the shower, grabbed the bottle of silicone lube from the cabinet and returned. As he sat the lube on the marble seat he pressed Matt up against the marble wall and pinned his hands at the wrists above his head. As he assaulted Matt with an all-consuming kiss he pressed his fevered manhood against Matt’s. Both felt the raging hardness of each other as they rocked and gyrated their pelvises together. Matt raised his head and gave Brad access to his neck which he enveloped with lips of passion as he kissed and lightly nipped the neck from shoulder to behind the ear while keeping Matt pinned. While being consumed Matt broke the sounds of pleasure. “I want you to fuck me but I don’t know if I can take it!” As Brad turned Matt around, he pressed him up against the wall as if being arrested. Matt widened his stance and placed his foot up on the marble seat to give Brad better access to his begging hole. Taking the lube, He bathed his cock and the hot hole in lube despite the rain of the hot shower. The passion drove his cock to quickly find the slick hole. Placing his hands on Matt’s shoulders he teased his aching but raw and sore hole. He pressed his throbbing cock head against the flexing hole with subtle pushing movements as if trying to enter but not quite able to. Suddenly he rocked his ass forward with a single hard thrust. “Oh Fuck! Oh the fucking pain!” Matt exclaimed loudly. Motionless yet fully and deeply shrouded by Matt, Brad pressed himself firmly against him pinning him to the wall. He slid his hands up Matt’s arms and placed his palms against the backs of his hands. “The pain will have to be part of it. You are mine now! I want to fuck!” Brad whispered in Matt’s ear as he started rocking his ass. Matt looked over his shoulder only to be met by Brad's lips. The deep kiss triggered Brad's instincts to disregard all things except to fuck. He slowly and smoothly thrusted for a very long time while grinding themselves together into the marble wall as they absorbed each other under the hot rain. The slow fuck was just what Matt needed to overcome the pain and relax. Their naked flesh shined from the clean water as the sounds of the shower gave way to echoes of pleasure from both. Brad’s need to fuck hard overtook him. He lowered and placed his hands on Matt’s shoulders. As he did he rammed his cock upward hard and deep into Matt. Matt tightened. ”Oh Fuck!” was his loud response again. Brad rocked and plowed deep with hard ramming thrusts slamming Matt against the wall. “Yes...that’s it…fuck deep...break the pain!” Matt begged loudly. After one last slam Brad began his hard rhythmic fuck. Matt widened more and Brad fucked deeper and harder. Open mouth grunts, groans and moans resonated throughout the bathroom. “Breed me!” Matt commanded. Brad lowered himself slightly and thrusted upward. His hinged movements drove the raging cock deep inside. “I’m cumming!” Brad proclaimed as he plunged…rammed…and fucked harder. As before Matt felt the seed as it found its way into its new host. Brad planted his whole self deep and stopped while he filled Matt. His deep guttural groan was loud as he embedded his flexing tool while trying to empty himself completely into his arrested lover. Matt twisted his head over his shoulder as the two kissed just as hard as they had just fucked allowing Brad's tongue and still hard cock to touch deep within him. Brad slowly fucked until his manhood relaxed and slid from its warm and wet home. Matt turned to face the man who he had once again completely submitted to and leaned his back against the wall as Brad supported himself with his arms and placed his hands on the wall next to Matt’s shoulders. As the water down poured over them Brad leaned into Matt and kissed him long and deep. He broke the kiss and spoke in a low voice while looking Matt in the eyes: “Damn I love fucking you!” “Never thought I’d say this but I like you fucking me. Thanks again.” Matt uttered with a low quiet growl. “My pleasure.” Replied brad in a similar tone as he reached over, turned on the other shower head and returned again to his lovemaking kiss. The two men reveled in the afterglow of their monsoon fuck as they finished out their shower with a lot of intimate body washing.

The two bare assed men stood at the vanity getting ready for their day. Matt spoke up while getting ready to shave: “I have a really strange question I need to ask.” “What’s that?” “Weren’t you concerned about a clean ass last night and just a while ago? Sounds gross as hell but just wanted to know.” Brad Chuckled. “Good question. It did cross my mind but I took a calculated chance.” “Calculated?” “Bud we lived together for six years. I know your body and bathroom habits as good as you do. Nature starts her bidding with you in the afternoon through the early evening. When you dump Bud… you dump, so it was a pretty good hunch that you were clean. Besides if you get shit on my dick I’ll just go wash it off and tell you to go clean your ass and then fuck the hell out of you for getting my dick dirty.” Brad turned to Matt with shaving cream on his face and winked with a big grin. “Sounds like good punishment to me.” Matt smiled back. “But that’s my point, what do I do to make sure that I am clean if I think that I’m not?” “Enemas Bud, just an old fashion enema. Now how that’s done is going to be your personal thing. The other thing is, don’t’ feel embarrassed or hesitate to let me know if you don’t think you’re ready for dick.” “I’m going to do some homework on the subject.” Matt closed the subject as he brushed his hair.

As both men finished getting ready Brad stepped behind Matt and looked Matt in the eyes through the reflection in the mirror as he placed his hands on his hips. “You’ve done well so far bud. I think you’ve got it under control.” He pressed his warm naked body against Matt’s. Matt could feel his pulsing cock as it pressed up against his ass. “Let’s have a little send off before we start this day.” “Damn Brad you just shot a load not more than thirty minutes ago.” “Who said I was going to shoot a load. I just want a little more ass before we head out.” With his hands still on Matt’s hips he pulled him into his rigid shaft. “Lean over the counter for me Bud.” “My ass hole is so raw and sore. The hot water soothed it a while ago. I’m not so sure now.” “Just a little more.” “Damn! Don’t you ever give out and drain.” He asked with a smile as he obliged. As Brad opened up the cabinet and took out the Bottle of “Pinkie” silicone lube, Matt leaned over the vanity counter and looked over his shoulder just to see Brad open the bottle of lube and pour it over his hard cock. He placed a hand back on Matt’s hips while using the other to guide his hard shiny cock head to Matt’s hole. “Widen your stance for me Bud and spread your ass cheeks for me.” Matt no sooner had spread his ass when he felt Brad’s cock seat itself up against his hole and his hands placed on his hips. “Damn you have a nice lookin ass Bud and a hole that knows how to take dick.” “I’m glad you’re impressed.” Matt quipped with a grin while looking back over his shoulder again. “It’s a damn sore hole too!” It amazed Matt that just a couple of days ago he stood at the same vanity informing himself that he needed and wanted Brad to fuck him. With that thought it dawned on him that he better not complain about his current situation…even if he was as sore as he was. “This has to be a quickie Bud…sorry!” Before Matt could respond Brad reached up and put one hand on his shoulder while keeping one on his hip and without any warning slid all the way in and started rocking his ass. Matt sucked air through his clenched teeth: “Oh fuck Brad! Not wasting any time are you?” Matt spoke in a slight broken voice from being jarred. “I wanted in this ass…need to fuck some more.” Brad replied while finding his rhythm. He looked down and watched his cock as it slid in and out of Matt. “Damn you feel good Bud!” The sight of the fuck invigorated him causing him to thrust slightly deeper and harder. He pulled back on Matt's shoulder with each thrust to make sure he was going deep. Matt looked up into the mirror at Brad's reflection. He may have been sore but it was totally worth it. He always liked seeing Brad in the middle of a fuck. It was an art that he seemed to have perfected. Now not only did he get to enjoy the sight of Brad’s perfect performance, he got to experience the feel of it as well. Matt hiked himself up on the counter slightly and widened his legs some more. Brad took the silent hint. He placed both hands on Matt’s shoulders and started fucking harder and deeper. Matt lowered his head and closed his eyes. “You feel so deep!” Brad didn’t say a word. Gripping Matt's shoulders he rammed his cock in to the base…stopped and started grinding it in. “Oh holy fuck!” Matt voiced loudly. Brad disregarded Matt, pulling back and ramming again. After the grind Brad set into fucking Matt’s hole in a near frenzy. He rammed…slammed and rocked himself in as deep as he could go pulling his cock back as far as he could go without pulling out to ensure that every inch and more was being pleasured. His opened mouth moans and groans were sure to be heard through the closed bathroom door. Matt looked back up into the Mirror to catch a glimpse of the fuck. Brad's eyes were closed. His breathing was deep and intense as he drew breath through his clenched teeth and an opened mouth. Brad opened his eyes and looked at Matt's eyes in the mirror. “Don’t forget what I said about my seed in you!” Matt could tell by his demeanor and his movements that Brad was on the verge of unloading. Brad started thrusting harder and deeper…rocking only his ass to control his cock’s destination. “I’m going to breed you!” Deep loud sounds of pleasure accompanied each deep thrust and each got louder and deeper as Brad’s orgasm grew and finally over took him. Matt looked up in the mirror to watch Brad's orgasm overtake him as his eyes were closed and his chiseled facial features became defined as their muscles became taut with pleasure and determination. “Here it comes!...Yes!” Brad exclaimed with a loud gunt. He shoved in deep and held. “Milk it Bud! …Wrap that hole around him and milk him of every drop!” Matt flexed his hole clamping with all his might while cinching down deep inside as if to stroke Brad's pulsing shaft to drain it once and for all. He felt the deep warm bath once again as both men groaned, moaned and sighed over the relaxing release. While coming to his senses Brad supported himself with his arms with his hands on Matt's back and slowly rocked his ass until his cock became limp enough to gently slide out of the wet and warm hole.

As Matt stood up he turned around and wrapped his hand around Brad's warm, slick and shining manhood. He shifted his eyes from his hand hold to Brad's eyes: “You defy male sexuality. I understand libido but you have fucked for near six hours within the last eight. I know that I have at least five loads inside me. Where did all that come from?” “Sex starved I suppose bud. I haven’t fucked in the last eighteen months plus you have done something to my sexual motor.” It’s not unusual for me to fuck three to four times a week but I’ll have to admit that these last few hours have even been a bit much for me.” “Well don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining other than the fact that my hole is so sore and raw and my insides feel so sensitive. I do like the feel of you deep in me.” “…and I like the feel of being deep inside you.” Brad parted Matt’s lips with a deep, long, and intense kiss. “It’s a new and different day Bud.”

---WORD GAMES--- As they stepped out of the bathroom Matt was curious if Lewis the Butler was anywhere around. “What ya looking for bud?’ Brad inquired with a suspicious smile. “Just checking to see if Lewis was still around.” “You afraid he heard or suspected something?” Brad’s smile turned into a grin? “What do you think?” replied Matt with a look of ‘you have got to be joking.’ “I wouldn’t worry about it Bud. It’s a hotel. He’s probably seen and heard things that would even shock us.” “I suppose you’re right! It seemed like we were in there for a long time. We still have time to take our time in getting ready. I’m glad the conference doesn’t start until ten.” “Me too.” “What’s your plan for Ms. Landis?” “I’m planning on checking out the companies’ personal profile on her during lunch. My gut tells me that she’s associated with the Exec that heads up the Design Engineering Department. His last name is Landis as well.” “If that’s the case you’re going to have to watch your P’s and Q’s with her.” “I’ll be a perfect gentleman. Watch I’ll start right now.” Brad headed over to the desk, pulled out the Hotel stationary and envelope and started writing: Fräulein Landis, Lass das meine Einladung an Sie zum Abendessen heute Abend. Es wird mir eine grosse Freude, Sie zu Gilbert Scott begleiten. Ich werde Sie in Ihrem Zimmer rufen am 19.00 Uhr Mit freundlichen Grüssen Bradford Scarbourgh “Brad, what the hell does that say? Why German?” ‘Miss Landis, Let this be my invitation to you for dinner this evening. It will give me great pleasure to escort you to the Gilbert Scott. I will call on you at your room at 7:00 p.m. Sincerely Bradford Scarbourgh’ “She started this little word game and two can play it! I’ll set her up and then set her straight. Like a true gentleman.” Brad headed toward the bedroom and started getting dressed while Matt followed suit. “You know that she has her sights set on you.” Matt remarked. “She even knows that you’re divorced. The one thing that she doesn’t know is that you’ve developed a like, if you will, for man ass.” “My personal life, especially my sex life is of absolutely no concern of hers and I intend on keeping it that way.” “She’s gonna want you to fuck her, you know that.” “Not interested! I have to be a gentleman under these circumstances but the bottom line is she’s just a cunt. She’ll interpret the fuck as some sort of demanding ownership and I won’t have it.” Well I just encourage you to have a good time and enjoy yourself. After all she may be good for some brownie points down the road.” “Point taken.”

Dressed and with all their Tech gear the two got down to the conference room a little early for some coffee and their favorite bagels. Over by the Juice drinks stood Julie Landis. Despite the fact that she was in an apparent conversation some dude, her glances were directed in Brad’s direction once she spotted him. “Matt do me a favor if you will, take my stuff over to our seats while I go deliver my response to Ms. Landis. I’ll be there before things get started.” “Sure thing. You want me to research her while waiting?” “Sure if you don’t mind.” “Not a problem. See you in a few.” While Matt took his seat, Brad approached the beaming and smiling Julie. “Good morning Mr. Scarbourgh.” “Good morning.” “Brad I’d like you to meet a colleague of mine, this is Craig. Craig this is Brad the guy I’ve been telling you about.” “Good to meet you.” Brad replied but unimpressed. “Same here.” Brad figured the best way to avoid the typical introductory banter was to pull out the envelope with the reply as soon as possible. “Craig would you please excuse Julie and myself for a moment before the session starts, I have some correspondence I have to give to her?” Brad reached inside his suit coat and pulled out the envelope. Julie started beaming. “Save my place Craig, I’ll be there in a sec.” Craig took the hint and excused himself. “Brad it was a pleasure to have met you.” “Please open this later if you would. I need to get back to my seat.” Brad requested “Ahhh to bad. If you insist. I’ll catch you during break.”

Brad had no longer got to his seat when he looked across the room and noticed Julie opening the envelope. The look of confusion on her face was priceless. “She doesn’t know a word of German Matt…look.” Matt snickered as he looked up to see the spectacle.

Lunch time came and the two men decided to have lunch in the Chambers Club. “Did you find out anything interesting about Ms. Landis?” Brad asked “She is an Executive Daddies Girl. She works for him in his Design Engineering Department. He has pull…she is spoiled…she gets what she wants…that probably means your dick too.” “My dick?...I don’t think so! She can find another guy to pussy whip.” “Just be careful around her is all I’m getting at.” “Like I said earlier, I’ll watch my P’s and Q’s but I have no plans to tap what she’s got. Speaking of tapping, how does that ass feel?” “Sore!” “That is so hot! I’m getting a rise thinking about more.” “You are unbelievable!” “Why thank you!” Brad grinned a big grin as he returned to eating his lunch. “What are you going to do while I’m out and dining?” “Just chill, take advantage of that Jacuzzi tub, catch up on some news and TV, and maybe find something to read...nurse a sore ass.” Matt smiled.” “Admit it Bud…you’re enjoying this pain aren’t you or at least the reasons you’re in pain?” “Like you said a while ago…it is hot!” While on the subject of being sore or why I am, I have a serious question for you.” “Whats that?” “At those times when you’re rock throbbing hard, how big are you really?” “In all seriousness right at nine in length and somewhere between six to six and a quarter in girth.” “Damn Brad that’s a lot of dick for a virgin ass.” “You’re telling me! That’s one thing that is so awesome. You feel so tight that it feels great…almost addicting. ” “Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought that the feel of dick up my ass would feel so damn good and the way that it intensifies when I cum. I’ve never felt anything like that before. The intensity is beyond description.” “Makes you horny for more doesn’t it?” “Yeah it does. Sort of makes you wonder what’s happening too…what’s changing?” “Those crossroads I was talking about Bud. New direction…changes. Something to think about for sure.”

The two returned to the meeting with a little time to get some coffee and mingle. Brad had just finished pouring his cup when Julie approached him. Matt excused himself and took his seat. “French AND German…my, aren’t we a man of surprises?” She flirted. “A little Italian too. So, are we on for seven?” “Oh without a doubt! I hope you don’t think it presumptuous of me, but I’ve made the reservations for eight that way we can have some time for a cocktail or two.” “That’s fine with me. I’ll be at your room then at seven sharp.” Brad returned to his seat to see Matt setting there with a grin. “Don’t you look like the cat that ate the canary? And no I don’t plan on fucking her.” “Doesn’t sound a hundred percent conclusive to me.” Matt continued with a grin. “Shut the hell up!” Brad grinned back.

---TERMS--- “Well how do I look Bud. This Bow Tie look straight? “Looking good!” “Just for the record Bud, This isn’t a date…it’s an appointment” “You can call it what you want Brad but as far as she’s concerned It’s a date. “It probably is. No matter, I better head off to my appointment. Also for the record, I’d much rather be staying here. That ass of yours has gone far to long without some dick!” “Let me be the judge of that. Now head on out and watch them P’s and Q’s.” Brad stopped the door and playfully blew Matt a kiss. “Night honey!” “Get the hell out of here!” Matt grinned.

Brad knocked twice and waited of a moment until he heard the door unlock. The door opened to a very sexy Julie Landis in a flowing floor length black negligée bracing herself with one arm against the door jam. “Good evening Mr. Scarbourgh. Please do come in.” Brad entered the grand suite very much a gentleman. “Good evening Ms. Landis. Very nice dinner attire although I’m not sure that’s what the Gilbert Scott meant when they defined Dinner Apparel.” “There’s been another slight change to the dinner arrangements if you don’t mind.” “Mind?...It’s your invitation. I don’t mind at all.” “Good. Dinner will be served around eight. May I make you a drink?” “Bourbon and Coke if you will please?” Julie made the drinks, handed Brad his and sat on the sofa. “Have a seat here Brad.” She invited as she patted the seat cushion that was within arm’s length of her. Brad obliged while taking a sip. Julie pulled her legs up under her, making herself comfortable as she sipped on her own drink. Brad noticed that there was a definite difference between this woman setting next to him and the one that had been a pest over the last couple of days. She was in no way as ditsy as she had come across. “How is Matt doing?” “He’s doing good.” “You two have quite a history from what I’ve heard.” “That would depend on what you’ve heard.” “Nothing earth shattering except that you two go back a long ways.” “Seems someones being doing, her homework, or should I say some investigation. We do, to answer your question, all the way back to the ninth grade in high school to be exact. Since then we’ve become extremely close. He was especially an anchor for me while going through my divorce.” “I’m glad that you have someone that is that close and dependable. I’m also glad to hear that you’re free.” She reached over and ran her finger over his shoulder. “Damn you’re a handsome man. You’re almost the spitting image of the actor Josh Holloway.” “It seems you have me at a disadvantage. I’m not sure who Josh Holloway is.” “Are you familiar with the TV Show ‘Lost’?” “I am.” “He plays the character ‘Sawyer’. Very sexy!” “Interesting. I’ve never made that connection. But I’ll take that as a compliment.” “It was meant to be.” She spoke softly as She slid over and placed her forearm on his shoulder. “Brad, let’s cut to the chase, shall we?” “By all means.” “I’m a woman of class, taste and discretion. I’m also a woman that knows what I want and when I want it when it comes to a man. I don’t want a relationship as so to speak but I’m a woman who knows her physical want’s, needs and desires. I know what type of a man it takes to fulfill those desires. Dinner is just a formality. I can tell by your reticence and distance that you’re a man that’s not into relationships at the moment. But you are a man. All I have is a simple request for this moment.” “And what would that be?” “You know as crass and as vulgar as it may sound, there really isn’t any other way to say it other than all I want tonight is to enjoy the physical attributes of you being a man. I simply want us to enjoy the sexual side of who we are together tonight. Notice I didn’t say make love to me. That’s not what I want. What I want is to feel you deep inside of me.” Brad had to admit that he was taken back a bit by this woman’s brazen invitation, but strangely he understood where she was coming from. He was at a crossroad now. One on the verge of turning away from women altogether. Matt was part of this equation that he had to consider too. His dick hadn’t been in a pussy for over a year and a half. In all fairness to himself, Matt and his decisions, maybe he needed this to push him to some final ones. “Julie I too am a man of class, taste and discretion. However, It’s been over eighteen months and like you pointed out, I am a man, and as a man I need to fuck…to put it in vulgar and carnal terms. But I warn you, under these circumstances there will be no love making and when there is nothing more than just sex, it’s sex on my terms. You’ll see that as with most women I’ve bed they get much more than they expect. I’m not mean in bed, but I can be and do like being rough.” “You let me be the judge of that.” She replied as she hiked up her gown and straddled him as she sat on his crotch. Looking him in the eyes she started to slowly untie his bow tie. “Things moving a little fast for you?” she questioned with a sexy grin. “Not so fast that I can’t keep up.”

As she started to unbutton his shirt he rolled her off of him and onto her back while laying her on the sofa and holding himself over her only inches away from her face. He slid his hand down and felt between her wet passage. She rose towards his advance. “On my terms.” He whispered slowly. “On my terms.” As he slid down she parted her legs and placed her hands on the back of his head to guide him to her moist depth. With artful skill Brad brushed and bathed the pink bud with the tip of his tongue. She arched and moaned as to beg for more. As he vigorously tortured her clit she lightly grab him by the hair of his head. “Yes!” She begged. “Don’t stop!” The deeper he ran his tongue in her the more she pleaded until she could bare it no more. As she bucked her pelvis toward him she pulled his face into her. Finally she flailed her arms to the side and grasped the empty air: “No more!...Please!...Oh god Brad...Please!” Brad continued the assault until she started gasping for air. As he slid off her he came to his feet and scooped her up under her back and the backs of her knees and carried her to the bed. In swift smooth moves he removed her sheer black covering and then turned to himself. She lay there in wonder and amazement as he carefully and methodically exposed his masculine frame. With his shirt removed she took in every inch of his tight rigid torso as he kicked off his shoes. As he reached for the buckle of his belt he watched her eyes as they shifted downward while he unbuckled, unbuttoned and unzipped with his pants dropping them to the floor. As he stepped out of them he noticed her eyes shifted to the center of his white jockeys. He could see the anxiety and concern fill her eyes as she saw his hardness and the fullness of his balls fill the white crotch. He placed his thumbs in the waistband and started the reveal and spoke low and slowly: “My Terms.” Her eyes widened slightly in trepidation not anticipation as his stiff fullness was completely revealed and as he removed his jockeys and socks as well. With her sight hard set on his engorged cock and the massive relaxed balls she uttered “Oh my god!”

In anticipation of an intimate night, she had taken the time to place the bottle of “Pinkie” on the night stand. Brad looked at his watch as he took it off then picked up the bottle and uncapped it. While watching her he slowly coated his granite like shaft with the silicone bath. As he advanced she opened her legs wide and drew her knees up. In a slow and controlled motion his throbbing cock head instinctively found the hot slick pink hole as he invaded the space between her legs and slowly forced his way into her as she grabbed the sheets. She closed he eyes, turned her head to the side and drew air threw her pursed lips. Sensing that he was longer than she was deep, he continued the slow push and slide his entire length into her and stopped in order to establish his “Terms”. “Oh god! Please no more Brad. It’s too much!” she pleaded. “You wanted it, so you have it…all of it. I’m not going to hurt you. I know what to do. But I am going to fuck you.” That said he kissed her deeply while he kept his cock motionless deep inside her. As he broke the kiss he moved his lips onto her full firm tits. He encircled the rose of each tit as she arched herself towards him and moaned in both pain and pleasure. Slowly he started rocking his hinged ass while sliding the full length of his manhood. She gasped as his cock head gave relief from the pressure deep within from his fullness. As his thrusting became faster she pulled her legs up and spread them wide for him and pulled on his ass with each inward thrust: “Right there…yes…you feel so good.” His intentions weren’t one for her pleasure however. He refused to let his growing dislike for the opposite sex to be dissuaded. His thrusts were now becoming powerful and forceful, each one followed by the sounds of his balls slapping against her ass. His cock head was now finding its first meeting place deep within creating subtle pain. “Oh the pain.” She uttered. “You’re so hard and deep!” “Yes I know. Pull your legs towards you.” he commanded. “You’re going to feel every inch of me.” Hesitantly she obeyed as Brad increased the intensity of the fuck. Each pull back of his shaft was delivered with a hard forceful thrust that jarred her entire body. Pleased with his performance he continued the hard fuck. His rhythm was met with the sounds that the bed and mattress made as he continued his steady cadence. As she overlooked her discomfort she ran her hands down his back to his flexing ass only to feel the power of his rocking movements. Knock…Knock…Knock. Brad slowed as he questioned her about the intrusion: “Who the hell is that?” “Thank god it’s the Dinner being delivered.” She thankfully remarked, hoping for some relief from his caused pain. “I’ll take care of this!” Brad exclaimed as he pulled out of her and dismounted. “Do not move or go anywhere.” “You want a robe?” “No, I’m good.” He replied as she saw him depart the bedroom fully hard and fully naked. Brad quickly opened the door. The two servers stood there with their carts totally speechless as their eyes surveyed the naked man before them. It was very obvious by Brad’s moist body and the shine that reflected off of his fully hard cock that they had arrived at a most inopportune time. “Oh Sir, we deeply apologize for the intrusion! We will return later.” “Our oversight! Just set it up over there.” Brad replied agitated, while turning around and returning to the woman. The two servers followed his instructions but not without an audible show. They looked at each other and slowed the setup and preparation to hear as much as possible: “Brad you have me sore.” “You wanted dick and I’m not finished giving it to you.” “Oh god Brad!” The two men looked at each other and smiled as they heard the bed start its sounds of movement accompanied by begging, moaning and heavy breathing. Brad dominated her under him for what seemed forever. The only relief he afforded his female captive was when he would pull just long enough to bath his cock in lube and then resume his powerful strong movement. She would adjust her legs the best she could for comfort while it seemed he had little regard for it as he continually thrusted. “Brad cum please, I need you to cum.” “I won’t be finished with you when I do.” He spoke lowly while rocking his ass.” She looked in his eyes with amazement. “That’s right, I won’t be finished” He raised himself up on his arms over her and started rocking and thrusting harder and faster. “Spread your legs.” He commanded. As she did he rammed himself in deep with a grind and then resumed. “Oh god!” See exclaimed. His intensity and depth of his movements increased until he finally plunged to his full length and stopped deep. “God Brad…the pain!” Without a word but with deep groans Brad released himself deep in her. She felt him fill her as his cock flexed and spurted. He pushed harder and deeper so to plant his seed deep inside. With his face taut with power and looking deep in her eyes he spoke: “There you wanted me…you have me. Now I want you on all fours.” “You mean you’re not through?” “I just told you that I wouldn’t be finished.” “But…” “It’s not up for discussion. Get on all fours.” “You are rough.” She said as she did as she was told. While she was assuming the position he coated his cock once again. She had no sooner got in position when Brad entered her deeply. She caught her breath. Brad took her by the hips and immediately started riding her hard. He pulled her into him as he thrusted and rocked forward. “There…feel good?” “It does a little, but how long?” “Until I cum again and then I still might not be finished.” “I’m getting tired though”. She replied while being rocked from the fuck. “Yeah but I’m not.” “Brute.” With that remark, he told her to take hold of the headboard. “But why?” “You’re going to need something to hold onto. Better grab it!” Just in time she did what he told her and then he thrusted, plunged, rammed and rocked non stop. She braced herself as the entire bed rocked. “Oh god Brad, please.” “Please what?” he questioned through clenched teeth.” ‘”Just a little rest.” “Not until I cum.” “Then please cum.” He placed his hands on her waist, lightened his thrusting some and then started a steady continuous rhythm. His breathing became deeper and his movements faster. “Here it comes.” Suddenly he made his plunges each placing his second load deep. With one last thrust she felt the pulse of his cock as he milked it. He turned her on her back and placed his body over hers with a cock that was still rigid. “Open your legs for me once more.’ “I can’t’ “Yes…Just for a little bit more. I’m gonna be nice and easy.” As she parted herself Brad slid into her slowly and smoothly and started to gently rock his ass. He placed his hands under her head and cradled it while he spoke softly and gently. “It’s been long a time since I’ve had a woman. My dick needed a reminder of what it felt like.” “I wanted you in me the first time I laid my eyes on you. I think I got more than I bargained for though. I’ve never had a man your size. Almost more than I can handle.” “You feel him?” he questioned as he caused her to feel him inside with a little deep thrust. “I’ve felt nothing but your dick and pain the whole evening so the answer is yes.” “I’ve got one more load for you.” “You’re not kidding are you?” “Nope.” That said he started a constant gentle fuck. She wrapped her legs around him as he road her. He stayed in motion until he reached his full hardness and then made the moves with both cock and body in order to bring her to her own ecstasy. His experience with women was that it was going to take plenty of motion and staying power on his part for her to find her release. As Brad increased the speed of his thrusts she unwrapped her legs from around him and started rocking her ass in motion with his and spread her legs for him. Her body language was telling him that she was making herself ready. She closed her eyes and started rolling her head back and forth slowly while her moans of pleasure got louder and her breathing got heavier. Brad steadied his body so his only thrusting movement came from his ass and his cock. His breathing too became deep as he increased his speed making sure his shaft brushed against her single point of pleasure. She gently pulled and clawed at his back as her pleasure intensified. “Brad I need to cum! Please!” she pleaded in whispered breath. He raised himself above her as he returned to his deep and fast motion. “Come on now…let it loose…that’s right…now…now!” His coaxing her to orgasm was effective. “”Oh Brad help me….god help me.” As she started to explode Brad too willed himself to reach the height of his pleasure at the same time with hers. As they let loose they bucked and rocked. She grabbed his ass and drove him into her. The smell of sex was strong in the air as their bodies shined with light sweat to try to cool themselves to no avail. Brad plunge once again and held deep. “Take it!” he commanded. “Take every drop of me as I own this!” To her his ass felt like rock as he drove his entire self into her uttermost depths. Finally he relaxed as his essence drained from him and then slowly rolled off of her and onto his back. As they lay there for some time she turned and looked at him: “Just a carnal moment?” she asked “Totally carnal.” He said as he slid off the bed and stood up. “Well carnally speaking you are one sexy animal.” “Thanks. I need to get dressed and go.” “Can’t get much more carnal than that. Fuck em and leave em.” “As I said. On my terms.”

She got out of bed and stood before him. “It’s been a memorable four hours. Thanks.” She then embraced him and kissed him passionately. He broke the kiss “You’re welcome.” Was his only reply. “Tonight has no affect on tomorrow or perhaps the future?” She asked curiously. “Not for me. I’d prefer what happened tonight just to be remembered as that night in London and leave it at that.” He replied as he started loosely getting dressed "All right. I just hope in time I can be more than just a piece of ass.” “I’ll tell you what, until that time you can refer to me as just a dick, anatomically or personally I won’t be offended either way. “That’s fair.” “I need to run, Matt’s waiting up for me.” Brad slid his feet into his shoes and threw the rest that he wasn’t wearing over his shoulder. “What will make it fair is to have dinner one night to make up for the one that is setting over there untouched.” “It’s a deal.” Brad wrapped his free hand around her waist and gave her one last kiss then opened the door and without another word headed down the hall.

---ANALOGIES--- Brad quietly unlocked and opened the door so as not to disturb Matt just in case he was asleep. “Well…well…well, either that was some major dinner or the dessert was good and took long time to eat…and fuck?” Matt said with a big smile while shutting down his laptop. “Never got to eat…dinner that is. Speaking of which I’m damn hungry. Want some room service?” “You order it I’ll eat it.” Looking at a menu Brad decided on the “Ploughmans Lunch”. “Take a look at this Matt…does it sound good?” “It does, seems to have a lot of cheese on it. Something we both like.” “Make us a drink while I order will ya? We’ve some things to talk over. It’s going to be another short night.” Matt turned to the Bar as Brad ordered. “Let me get comfortable Bud and then we can relax and talk.” “It’s been a long time since that dick’s smelt like pussy.” “That’s one of the things we’re going to talk about. Give me a sec and I’ll fill you in.”

Brad emerged from the bedroom with only his day pants on. “Damn Brad, judging from those scratches on your back you drove her over the edge and then some. Here’s your drink.” “She took dick good Bud. I wouldn’t say she’s a whore but she does love dick and knows how to work it over. The weird thing Matt is that the whole time I was fucking her it was like I was half pissed. She had a tough time taking my dick and kept bitching about my size and the pain.” “Figure that.” Matt grinned. “Anyway” Brad continued. ”I felt like in a sense I was taking some anger out on her. If I could have I’d rammed my dick clear through her. It wasn’t fair to her I know.” “Did she have any expectations that may have made you feel that way?” “She had expectations the minute I knocked on the door. That’s probably what made me so pissy. It was obvious that Monica had some unknown expectations of me the whole time we were married that I apparently couldn’t meet. If she or someone expects something of me it would sure be nice to not be blindsided with them. I wasn’t about to let Ms. Landis get away with it tonight from the get-go.” “What tipped you off?” “When she answered the door in a black negligee and informed me that we were going to have dinner in her room. It was also pretty obvious when she told me point blank that I was there to fuck her. Not in those exact words.” “No way! Well it’s obvious that you fucked her but what did you tell her?” “I told her that if she was going to get fucked it was going to be on ‘My Terms’. Actually I reminded her of about that fact four or five times while we were fucking.” “How did she respond?” “She referred to me as an animal…a brute…and finally as carnal.” “Damn! What were your terms?” “Simple…she may have brought me there to fuck her but I was only going to fuck her my way. I warned her that I wasn’t mean but I could get rough and rough I got! She was simply going to get fucked my way and like I mentioned, I fucked her as if I was half pissed.” “I told you that you were going to fuck her before you left.” “I actually had no inclination or desire to do so when I walked out that door. But I found myself doing some quick thinking that changed my mind.” “What was that?” “I’ve got to go piss. Make us a couple more drinks and I’ll enlighten you.”

Room Services timing was just right. Just as Brad came out of the bathroom there was a knock on the door. Much to Brad's (and the servers) surprise, it was one of the same servers that had encountered Brad rock hard and bare ass naked only a couple of hours earlier. “A…ah…Sir…Sir…good evening Sir. Here is the order that you ordered Sir.” The server stammered and stuttered. “It’s alright.” Brad responded with a big smile. Just put the cart over there.” The man did as he was instructed and then quickly exited the room with an obvious red face.” “What the hell was that all about?” Matt asked with a puzzled look on his face. “He’s the one that delivered the Dinner while I was in the middle of fucking. He got more than a tip when I answered the door with nothing on accept a wet hard dick. He and the guy that was with him hung around to get an ear full of what we were doing.” Matt broke out in a heavy chuckle that got Brad to chuckling too. “Damn Brad, have you no shame?” “Maybe that’s why she called me carnal.” Both chuckled at the thought as they got their midnight snack. The two of them sat there quietly eating as if it was their last meal until Brad spoke: “Damn this is good!” “Yep it is.” “Got a question for you.” “What’s that?” Matt responded with a partial mouth full. “Do you know who Josh Holloway is?” “You mean that guy on “Lost” that could be your twin? Yeah I do. Why do you ask?” “Well I guess that answers that!” “Answers what?” “She told me that I was the spitting image of Josh Holloway. I just never made the connection.” “Your hair is just darker is all.” “That’s what she said.” “So what were your thoughts that changed your mind?” Matt asked sort of out of the blue. “Change my mind about what?” “About fucking her.” “Oh…yeah…right! Sorry Bud, got side tracked there. Well, it was primarily about you and about my changing views about women.” “How did I play a part in that decision?” “As I mentioned the other night, I noticed a change in you in relation to me and our relationship. Believe it or not, after some serious soul searching I found myself feeling a similar way about you. You surpassed just being my best friend. The only way that we could have become any closer and relate any deeper was to make it physical. Now here’s the kicker. I have quickly learned that I like and prefer that physical interaction, you being the first and only, with a man. Men are easy to relate to and to interact with. That’s where fucking her came into the picture. I needed to know how I felt and responded to a woman before I came to some personal conclusions since it’s been so long that I’ve interacted with a woman relationally or physically. The verdict after interacting and fucking Ms. Landis is I’m over with women. Anything close with them does nothing for me except irritates and agitates me with very little respect for them as a whole. Thanks to you and my ex it’s made it easier to come to these conclusions. Does any of this make sense Bud?” “It does. Matter-a-fact it’s ironic that you are thinking about some of the same things that’s been on my mind for some time now. Struggling with it is a better way of putting it I guess. Like breaking free and breaking loose and accepting changes that are changing me. What’s different with me is that I’m not so sure how I feel about women.” “I think you’ve defined it best…’struggling’. Reminds me of ‘The Awakening Slave’. “You have me at a loss.” Matt looked puzzled. “You remember when we went to Florence Italy as a part of working on our Masters. We looked at Michael Angelo’s sculpture “The Awakening Slave”. “Brad, we looked at a hundred or more sculptures while there.” “It was that crude unfinished looking sculpture of a Buff Naked man that looked like he was part of the stone.” “I remember now. I made a remark about how his important parts could have at least been finished.” “That’s the one. The Guide said that it was believed to be unfinished but that some believe that it was an esoteric sculpture of man’s grueling struggle to break away from bondage or enslavement. A coming out as so to speak. Breaking away from personal bondage's and trying to step into new changes is and can be grueling is the point I was trying to make with this analogy. Matt sat there quietly for a moment in deep thought. “Damn, that’s a good comparison! If I think about it that’s the way I’ve been feeling over these last few months. It sounds like you’ve come to some set conclusion. I still haven’t reached that point.” “What do you mean Bud?” I’m still attached to pussy somewhat. I’ve never had a strong emotional attachment to the women I’ve been with, so I’ve never had to deal with those sort of issues like you have. However I think if I was to be given the opportunity to fuck a woman I wouldn’t pass it up. It makes me feel good though to know that you’ve finally come to some decisions that are going to make you happy and give you some peace.” “Thanks Matt, I appreciate that and I am happy with the decisions I’ve made. It sounds like we’ve both made some decisions and conclusions that we’re happy with.” “I agree.”

Brad got up, went to the bar, got two snifters, opened the bottle of Cognac and poured a gentlemanly amount and handed one to Matt. “Here’s to us Bud. Having found our direction’s at our crossroads.” “Here here!” and their glasses clinked.

---IN THE DARK--- “I guess we should think about hitting the sheets Bud. It’s almost one. What’s the agenda for tomorrow?” “Tomorrows the last day for the conference and it’s a short day. Things start at ten again and are over at two. We head back to the States Friday. It’s been a fast and eventful five days.” “I’ll say.” Brad replied while pouring a little more Cognac. “You want a little more?” “Just a touch. You up for some sight-seeing tomorrow?” “Sure. I’d also like to find a Rover Dealership if we can. I’d like to see what one is like here compared to back home.” “Sounds good to me.” The two downed their Cognac and headed to the bedroom. Brad went on to the bathroom while Matt stopped and stripped down naked and got the bed ready. By that time Brad had come out and Matt made his way into the Bathroom. As Brad stood on his side of the bed slipping off his day pants he happened to notice the bottle of lube setting on the night stand. It was a pretty good assumption that Matt had some plans for the evening if time had allowed. He slid into bed as if not to notice it at all then took a look at his watch as he removed it. Matt came out turned out the lights and slid into bed. “The bed feels good?” Matt remarked as he turned off the nightstand light. “It sure does bud.” Brad raised up on his arm and leaned close to Matt. “Matt, roll over on your belly Bud.” He spoke low and quietly. Without a word Matt did what he was told. He felt Brad move and then heard the familiar sound of the lube bottle cap opened. “Spread your legs wide for me Bud,” Again Matt complied without a word. The total darkness lent itself to a provocative and sensual environment. Full of wonder and expectation.

As he heard the cap close on the bottle he felt all of the covers being removed as Brad place himself between his legs. His needful anticipation grew as he felt his heart beat faster while hearing Brad’s deep breathing. He felt the heat of his body as he hovered over him. Suddenly he felt the hot hands as they parted his firm ass cheeks and thumbs alternately massaging his tight hole. Both men spoke not a word while letting their actions and reactions speak for themselves. Matt raised his ass towards Brad’s attentive pleasuring moves and softly moaned with pleasure. Brad himself continued the sexual massage until he felt the hole had relaxed and was ready. He ceased the massage and widened the spread of Matt and placed the full throbbing head against the begging entrance. Matt spread his legs wider and raised his ass so to feel nothing but Brad's cock. The push began. Matt felt himself began to part and make way for Brad’s length and width as he pushed ever so slowly so both could enjoy the very feel of the shaft as it slid so carefully in. The movement in the black of night was so vivid and visceral that Matt felt as if he could define every characteristic of the manhood that was filling him …the hot flesh...the veins…the very pulse of the member. His hole felt wide and stretched but without discomfort or pain. Finally the entire length slowly found itself deep inside and came to a slow and final halt while pushing against his prostate. Brad suspended his weight over and above his lover, remaining completely still as Matt moved and rotated his ass in random movements. His actions were as if he was pleasuring his entire insides with Brad's cock or searching for the one place to where he could be completely and totally satisfied. Brad lowered himself onto Matt bonding their entire bodies together as he wrapped his arms under Matt's arms and around his chest. As Matt rose up on his elbows to make room for the embrace Brad began to slowly rock his ass ever so slowly and smoothly ensuring that his motion pleasured Matt with his full length from the very base to the rim. With every stroke Brad delivered a nudge, a nuzzle and a light kiss behind Matt’s ears…his neck…and his shoulders. Without breaking his slow, smooth stride he broke the sounds of sex as he spoke lowly and slowly to Matt behind his ear: “You’re awesome Matt. It’s an honor and pleasure to give myself to you. I love you Bud and I want you to know that every move and every sound is given out of my gratitude and love for you. As you wrap yourself around me deep inside, know that this is my most intimate way of showing you this gratitude and love.” To prove what he had just confessed, Brad raised himself above Matt and passionately loved him. He poured himself into every motion in order to pleasure him in every way. He continued to slide in and out of him slowly yet deeply. His relaxed Ball Sack laid itself behind Matt's own Balls as it brushed against him with each slow thrust. Matt picked up on his rhythmic cadence and started rocking his ass with Brad's timing. The timing was perfect and made their connection euphoric. The only sounds that came from both were quite moans and groans of pleasure and approval against a backdrop of intense heavy breathing. They stayed bonded this way for near an hour when Matt spoke quietly over his shoulder: “Brad what you’re doing to me is unbelievable, near unbearable. You’re awesome. Reach over and turn on the light.” As Brad raised himself up and reached for the light Matt slide out from underneath him. “You ok Bud. Is everything alright?” “All’s great. Lay down on your back for me.” As Brad did what he was asked Matt stood up on his feet and startled him. “I just want you to lay there and enjoy this.” As he lowered himself he took hold of Brad's hard cock and placed the massive head at his entrance. “Close your eyes for me.” Brad closed his eyes as Matt slowly lowered himself, absorbing all what Brad had deep inside. When he had Brad's complete nine inside him he stopped. “Does it feel good?” “Oh fuck yes! Damn Matt, this is a surprise!” “Just let me have my way with you. It’s my turn to pleasure you.” For a moment Matt remained in this squatted position and then started raising himself up and down on the shaft. “Brad your cock feels so massive.” “…and I feel like I’m so deep inside you.” Brad replied while placing his hands on Matt's hips. “Better be careful.” Brad grinned. “You might pump a load out of him.” Matt replied by reaching back and pulling his ass cheeks wide apart as he rode so to feel nothing but Brad's slick shaft as it slowly glided against the sides of his hole. He shifted his legs and feet to where he was now on his knees with Brad still deep inside of him. With Brad's cock still deep inside he started rocking his ass. As he rode him Brad placed his hands on each side of Matt's ass again and guided his movements. “Oh fuck Matt! This feels so good!” “It’s mutual pleasure Brad. You’re cock is so deep…it feel so good! Matt picked up his speed as his rocking became more pronounced. Brad closed his eyes and moaned deeply as he rolled his head slowly side to side in display of sheer pleasure. “Brad…fuck Brad I’m going to cum!” Brad felt Matt’s hands on his chest. He opened his eyes to see what Matt was doing to work himself to shooting a load. He was taken back a little to see that it was just Matt riding his cock. His rocking became faster with a grinding motion to get the cock as deep inside him as possible and to work over his prostate.. “Here it comes Brad…Oh my god! I’m cumming!” Matt’s body became rigid and taut as he leaned back on his stiffened arms as he placed his hands on Brad thighs. His insides and hole tightened around the granite member. His first load shot over Brad's head and onto the headboard. He threw his head back as he continued to wrench his body as it spurted his pearlescent load all over Brad’s neck and chest. “That’s it Bud keep going…drain it!” “Damn Brad!...Fuck!” Matt looked down as he continued to slowly rock. His cock was still draining. He took his shaft in his hand and started slowly stroking and milking as he continued to grind down on Brad's throbbing rod. “Damn Brad! You made me cum from deep inside and I didn’t even touch myself. It is so intense.” While keeping his dick firmly in place, Brad rolled himself and Matt over putting Matt on his back. Matt spread his legs as he pulled his knees up toward him. Brad moved forward slightly and put the calves of Matt’s legs over his shoulders so to rise up his ass without a pillow. He raised himself above Matt as he put his hands on each side of his shoulders and started slowly rocking his ass while keeping his body still. “That was so hot Bud! Let me love you some more.” Matt spoke up low and quiet while looking Brad deep in his eyes and placing his hands on his shoulders near his neck: “I’m going need this on a regular basis when we get back you know.” Brad replied gazing deep in Matt's eyes while continuing his slow screw: “I’m thinking that since I’ve sworn off women I’m going to need it very often myself. That means you won’t have to worry about getting it.” He slid in slowly…deeply and stopped. “You do me good the way you take my dick. You feel so good wrapped around me.” While deep inside and still, Brad, with a big grin, started flexing his cock: “You feel that Bud?” With as a big a grin Matt replied: “Damn that’s so awesome! The fullness I feel from you is incredible. I love the feeling of you inside. Rough fucking is fun but this slow love making is awesome. I get to enjoy the very feel of you total body…inside and out. The feel of your cock is so awesome.” “That’s what I was hoping for tonight Bud. Tonight is about pleasuring the one person I love and care for more than he knows.” Brad leaned down and kissed Matt slowly deep and intensely passionate. Just as the kiss broke Matt spoke: “If you’re not tired, fuck me like this for a while and let me enjoy you.” “You got it Bud.”

For the next hour Brad slowly rocked his ass…then would rock his whole body while keeping himself deep within his lover. At times Matt would wrap his legs around Brad's waist, at other times would spread them as wide as he could in order to take in every inch of Brad. Then they would return to his legs draped over Brad's shoulder. If they weren’t kissing, their eyes were locked onto one another as if trying to read each other’s souls. After a long time of action without words Brad broke the silence: “Matt I wanna breed you.” Matt widened his legs and pulled his knees up towards him as close as possible. “I’m ready. Breed me deep.” Instead of breaking in to a heated raw fervor and fucking with all his might, Brad sped up his slow thrust ever so slightly while he rocked his ass with long deep penetrating movements. His gaze into Matt's eyes were equally penetrating. His breathing got deep…rapid and heavy as he breathed through his nose. As his sexual tension rose he parted his lips with heavy breath and moans and grunts of pleasure while willing himself to keep up his slow, smooth thrusts: “Matt close your eyes, feel what I’m doing to you and feel what’s to come.” With Matt's closed eyes, Brad kept his open to enjoy the pleasures on Matt’s face as he straightened and stiffened his arms to put himself above Matt so that virtually the only thing Matt felt was his cock inside of him. He had now edged himself to the brink. His breathing was heavy and intense. It took all of his will to maintain his slow pursuit but he was determined that this was going to be for and about Matt and not himself: “This is for you Matt.” As he continued the slow thrust Brad felt his seed as it erupted from him. The slow movements heightened his sensations beyond his belief. Despite unloading earlier, he felt as if massive amounts of his cum were flooding into Matt. As he fought his desire to plunge and grind he stayed steadily in motion to milk and drain himself completely into his lover. He could tell by the look on Matt's face that he was feeling the warm seed as it shot into him. Finally Brad slowly slid in as deep as possible and stopped. He tightened and worked over his very insides in order to empty himself and tightened and flexed his cock to completely drain it.

When Matt closed his eyes the darkness sharpened his senses to Brad’s slow movements. A combination of his own body fluids…the lube and Brad’s pre-cum gave a silky smoothness to the shaft as it made its deep penetrating moves. The head of Brad's cock stroked and massaged his prostate to the edge of losing his senses. He knew he needed relief and release but was incapable of defining what it should be. All this stimulation was making him slightly incoherent so that when Brad chose to ‘Breed’ him he gladly welcomed it. Matt felt Brad’s body tightened as his breathing became deep and heavy. He could feel the restraint within his taut body. He slowly and lightly placed his hands on Brad’s ass and felt the bridled energy that wanted to break loose and deliver his life force with brutality in his moves. Then he felt the shaft as it became thick and rigid as the hot fluid shot into him. Behind closed eyes Matt’s sense of smell became keen to the distinct smell of cum that was coating Brad’s shaft as he continued his slow movements to milk and drain himself. When Brad came to a stop Matt firmly pulled him into himself so to drink in as much as possible. Matt could feel Brad’s breath near his face when he opened his eyes. “I felt you pour into me. I wanted it so bad.” “Every bit of it was for you. You’re an awesome man Bud.” “That was so intense. That wasn’t fucking was it?” “Let’s just say it was my way of showing you how much you mean to me.” “I just hope you felt the response in return.” “Beyond a shadow of a doubt Bud…Absolutely!” “You think we make a good team?” “Again…Absolutely! You feel that?” Brad asked while flexing his still hard cock. “I suppose now I’m going to get fucked?” Brad smiled: “Tempting Bud, but I’m spent. Just like the feeling of being hard and being inside of you.” Brad slowly pulled out and looked at his shiny dick and Matt’s wet red hole. “Damn that looks hot.” Matt just grinned a big grin. “You tired Bud?” “Getting that way.” Brad rolled off Matt and onto his side while facing Matt. “Whata ya say we spoon ourselves to sleep?” “Couldn’t think of a better way.” Matt backed himself up to Brad where a sheet of paper couldn’t fit between them. Brad reached down between Matt’s knees and separated his legs and slowly slid his still hard cock into Matt’s slick hole. “After a moan of approval Matt chimed in: “Changed your mind did ya?” “I just couldn’t think of a better way to go to sleep.” “You’re amazing.” “…and so are you. Nite Matt. I love you Bud.” Brad wrapped his arm around Matt and pulled him up close. With a final move he worked his hard dick deep inside his lover…his “Bud” and true to his word left the fucking for a later time as both men contented in their sleep.


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