Gay Erotic Stories

Church Boy

by Solo_DR
12 Nov 2013

Black and Beautiful Parties To Remember Straight Men, Gay Sex

Church boy

I found myself in this old, very familiar place from my past. A place I had not been to for quite some time. As soon as I walked in I could hear the sweet sound of the piano keys blaring, and the even sweeter sound of a voice that filled the air so perfectly. I walked up to him. He hadn't noticed me standing there. He was still singing and playing his heart out. His eyes were closed. I could tell that he was lost deep in his song, an oh too familiar feeling. Then he opened his eyes and saw me standing there. He was shocked at my presence, and even more at the enthusiastic applause I gave him. "Oh wait, wait aren't you.... Oh my god. I love your music man." he blurted out all in one frantic breathe. He got up from the piano fumbling to shake my hand.

"Thanks man, you pretty good yourself." I responded to the somewhat star struck kid. He looked to be maybe 19 or 20. Not much younger than me, but I could tell he hadn't experienced much, especially not outside of the church. He had a real mannish look about him though. Sort of rough, thuggish; but I knew he was nothing but a little church boy.

"So what are [You] doing here?", he asked me. Just then my dad walks in. The Honorable Bishop Robert T. Clark II. I was the III. But I go by Rob T now. You may have heard of me. I guess I'm a somewhat famous guy. A singer, an actor, I won a grammy or two; but here in this place, none of that mattered. Here I was just Rob, the blacksheep, the son who turned his back on his own father and his church. Hell, in my dad's eyes, I turned my turned my back on even God himself.

"Hey dad." I said as the kid stood in shock, finding out that I was the not so beloved son of his own Pastor. My dad and I, we weren't exactly on speaking terms. I think its been maybe five years since I've actually seen the old man. But I figured there's no better time than now to reconnect "Well Bishop aren't you gonna give your son a hug." I say to my father.

"Oh I didn't know I had a son anymore. Aren't you that famous sinner, I mean singer. What is it Rob T." My dad said cutting me deep with his words as he left the room. It had been years and still he hasn't forgiven me for leaving the church to pursue my music. All my life my dad pressured, and pushed me, and groomed me to become a Pastor like him, and his father before him. But I had bigger dreams than what lied in the church. And at only 26 I've managed to make all those dreams and more become realities. I just wish I had my dad, or any of my family to enjoy it with.

"You the Bishop's son? I didn't even know he had a son. And here you are, Rob T." The kid was going on and on, like what he had just saw was a happy father and son moment. "Oh man I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go on like that. It's just that its you. I never thought I'd ever meet you..... You good though right?" The kid said, breaking his role as fan long enough to show a little genuine concern for what he had just saw.

"Its cool man. You shouldn't have had to see that anyway." I said quickly changing the subject back to something lighter. "Dude you got a dope voice. Ever think about recording." I said to the kid who I'd come to find was named Mike. I was always looking out for new talent. Who knew all I had to do was come back home to my father's church to find it. "Seriously man you should let me get you in the studio sometime." The kid was literally speechless. He didn't say a word. He just stood there with this amazed look on his face. I knew what it was like to fall into an opportunity to make your dreams come true and not know how to react to it. So I just gave him my card left. "If you're interested, hit me up. You def need to be in somebody's studio...." "You know what, I'm having a party tonight. Why don't you swing through." I wrote my address on the back of the card. Then gave the kid a little pound on the chest and headed out. "Make sure you come thru tonight."

================================================================ The parties I threw were epic. I had a nice little mansion up in the hills overlooking LA. When I threw a party, which was quite often, everybody showed up. All the A list actors, and musicians, and the models. You could always expect to find my place full of half naked models running around. I mean besides all my actual accomplishment, I was pretty famous for throwing some of the wildest parties you could imagine.

But tonight I was feeling a little down after seeing my pops. So I made sure the party was smaller, more intimate. All I invited were my main crew, five or so guys, some of whom you may have heard of, and a few chicks that I knew would keep my spirits up, among other things. ===============================================================

It was maybe midnight when Mike showed up. We were all in the pool having a great time, and Mike was just sitting there nursing a brew, looking more than out of place. "Dude why don't you get in." I yelled out to him. He tried to give me some half assed excuse that he didn't have a suit, but I called his bluff. "Man don't worry about that. Come on." I got out of the pool and grabbed Mike and led him in the house and upstairs to my closet. "Dude go ahead and pick one." I said pointing him to my dresser that had all my bathing suits in it. He fumbled around the dresser for a minute, then pulled out these little white speedos I usually liked to wear when there were a lot of really hot chicks running around the house.

"Man thats all you got." He said, obviously way too shy to ever sport a suit like that. I wish I had more options for him, but hey speedos work for me. Besides the trunks I had on, all my other bathing suits were small just the same, and built to give everybody the show they wanted to see anyway. But I guess everybody's not Rob T.

"Man you know what, gimme those." I grabbed the speedos from Mike, and stepped out of the trunks. Then I handed them to Mike. He was more than shocked and embarrassed. He never thought he'd be standing here in a famous singer's house, yet along getting to see my meat swing around in front of him. He tried to look up, as not to stare at my dick, but he knew he wanted to look. I mean I don't want to brag, but my music and my parties aren't the only things I'm famous for."Man whats with the shy shit. You never been in a lockerroom before?" I said standing there naked. Mike just stood there looking, though trying not to at the same time. So I started pulling his shirt off over his head. And the kid actually had a pretty nice body on him. Not very toned but solid, and strong natural muscles. Nowhere near the gym rat I was, but a nice shape all the same. I let him undress the rest of the way on his own. As I was slipping my suit on and adjusting my dick in the speedo, Mike was slipping his pants and underwear off, turning his back to me, like a shy little kid in a lockerroom. I was surprised though to see how thick and round his ass was. I had never seen a guy with such a phat ass before. He was rivaling half the girls we had left back in the pool. He quickly slipped my already worn and wet trunks on, and we made our way back down to the pool. Mike hadn't drank more than a beer since he'd been here, so I made him take a few shots before we went back outside, and a hit from the blunt that I was smoking. He damn near choked. I laughed thinking how green he was, how young he was to this world and this life that I lived every day. I remember when I used to be just like that, just like Mike. I was definitely a church boy, and he's definitely one now; but he wont be for long.

When we got back to the pool mostly everybody was gone. There were just two topless girls in the jacuzzi making out and one of my homeboys stalking them from the pool. He was more of a groupie himself, then my actually friend. Mike and I decided to walk over and joined the girls. The groupie guy must have got the hint, because it wasn't long before he had left. After he was gone the four us just hung out in the jacuzzi. Mike and I both making out with a girl of our own, only stopping when they wanted each other again. It was getting really hot in there, and I'm not talking about just the water. At one point after the girls finished kissing they attempted to get me and Mike to kiss each other. I mean it didn't bother me any. It wouldn't have been my first time I kissed a dude. I was no stranger to that. And Mike was a cute kid too, but I could tell he was more than a little uncomfortable with the idea of kissing a man. The way he was making out with the girls, I could tell he had barely had much experience with females, yet along kissing another guy.

"No, no man I'm cool." Mike said trying to get out of the kiss. The girls sighed in disappointment. One thing I hated more than anything was to see a pretty girl disappointed; and here we had two. I moved in closer to Mike, but he backed away from me. So I grab the back of his head and I forced him closer till our lips touched. At first he resisted, then he opened his mouth and let my Vodka soaked tongue in. We made out like two horny curious sorority girls. Rubbing one another's manly bodies and exchanging saliva from mouth to mouth. We kissed for what seemed like forever. When out lips finally parted, we noticed the girls had made their way back over to the pool. Mike now more loosened up, jumped out of the jacuzzi and headed after the girls. I could see that our kiss gave him nice little hardon in my trunks as he swam over and found one of the girls and buried his tongue deep in her mouth. I stayed back in the jacuzzi and watched them for a while, while I finished off my blunt. Then I swam over and joined them. For the next few hours, deep into the night, we all frolicked around with each other in my pool, often taking liberties with one another's mouths. Somewhere around 3am we all ended up passed out in my bed.

A few hours later I woke up with the erg to piss. So I made my way to the bathroom in a drunken haze. After relieving myself, I came back to the bed and noticed that the girls were gone, but I was way too drunk to care. Mike though, was still there passed out, and naked. That made me notice that I was naked too. Mike was laying on his stomach. His bare, slightly hairy, man ass was sticking straight up. It looked so beautiful, so phat, so round. I didn't know what was coming over me. But between the weed I had been smoking all night, the multiple shots I had had, and the sexually energy that had been floating around all night; I was in an erotic haze. My dick started growing at an incredible pace. The lack of blood in my head only intensified my haze. I climbed into the bed and between Mikes legs. Then grabbed a hold of the juicy mounds. Mike didn't move or make a sound. As if it would have deterred me away. Then I began softly placing kisses on the small of his back, just above his ass. After a few kisses, my tongue took over. I started spreading his ass cheeks and slowly running my tongue up and down the crevice. Mike still didn't move an inch. I went further into my haze. Soon my tongue was pressed against his tight little rosebud. I licked it with my wet tongue until it began to open and invite me in. I began to dart and lick in and out of Mikes hairy little hole. He still didn't make a move or a sound. I Then began to lick a trail up his strong back, till my body aligned flat against his. My dick sandwiched between his thick ass cheeks. My lips pressed against his neck and strong shoulders. He still didn't move. So I led my now rock hard 10" up to his wet and waiting hole. I didn't want him to sleep threw this so I licked his neck, just below his ear. He slightly jerked, but he wasn't awake yet. So I got more aggressive and bit his ear lobe. He let out a little moan. He opened his eyes and looked back directly into mine. He whispered "What are you doing Rob." I leaned into him and found his lips again, and then his neck as I entered his back door. He screamed out in pain, but just laid there and allowed me in. I pushed deeper into him and soon his screams of pain became cries of pleasure. I licked his neck one last time before I started easing slowly out of him, bringing both he and myself to our knees with ever inch I retreat. His strong back pressed against my chest, my left hand resting on his stomach, pulling him into me. Then with intensity I began thrusting my dick deep up and into him. His screams return. My right hand finds his throat as both my thrusts and his screams become harder and more intense. I again lick his neck, then I push him down on all fours. He grunts seductively. My left hand still on his stomach, pulling him to me as I thrust my hard dick into his phat ass. With my left hand I force him to arch his back. His hole opens up more to me. I then began fucking him mercilessly. I stand up and push his head into a pillow. I began dicking him long and deep. His screams and grunts become an almost feminine moan. His moans remind me that he's a singer. I thrust my dick deep inside him, the deepest it could go. He screams out giving me a high note. My dick started throbbing and pulsing inside him. And I send my seed deep into the depths of his church boy soul. He moans my name over and over as load after loud of my sinner's cum seep deep inside him. I collapse on his hard sweaty back. Then clinch his ear lobe with my teeth, until he turns his head to face me. He looks deep into my eyes. And our lips meet again. Never saying a word I just lay there on top of him, my dick still buried in the depths of his hole.


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