Gay Erotic Stories

High and Horny for OLD MEN - My First Gay Sauna Experience!!!

by Loveoldmansperm
30 Apr 2014

Bathhouse Tales Exhibitionism Gay Erotic Stories Older/younger Orgies True Stories

You need to know the initial background of this to see how what just happend came to be, so although I'm pretty sure I told you about my gay sauna a few months ago (maybee not all the detail but I am sure I mentioned it like a month ago when we spoke?). If not - basically this is the details ... and you will understand when you read what happened today why its relvant in how I ended up in this predicament lol

So, I was high and horny one morning about 8 weeks or so ago and decided to go on a bit of a explore and adventure to check out what a real, full tilt major gay sauna was really like. I had only been to what might be described as a gay sauna once before (the time I told you about at the place in surfers) and in all fairness, that was barely a gay sauna and more like an adult shop with two or three bedroom sized rooms including the showers! It says it all really when I can legitimately say gave it up for every man in the place on what should be the busiest time of a Saturday night, and still barely met the criteria for the number of people required to make up a threesome lol

So anyway, this particular morning I was high enough and curious enough to find out where the biggest gay sauna in Sydney was and go on a little field trip of adventure and immoral curiosity - not really sure what I might do there beyond going in and having a look around... I wasn't naive enough to think there was potential that more might happen, but I was nervous enough as it was about going in there by myself with no real certainty as to what i was potentially getting into and the only real "wild card" scenario that I could see eventuating that I thought might be of temptation to me was if there was a really old guy there who I could sneak off and play with in a quiet room where I wouldn't have to worry about dealing with any other guys (by other, I mean to say anyone younger than 70yrsold lol!). The honest truth is, I get off on sex with dirty old men and if they look any younger than 70, I couldn't be less interested... Todd was the exception just because he was the original - but ultimately when you break it down, I just don't feel at all turned on by or have any interest in sexual thoughts or activity with guys who don't fit in that dirty old man criteria.

Anyway.. so I rocked up there and paid the $15 bucks entry... they hand me a towel and a key to a locker, tell me to "Have fun!" and buzz open the next door (which opens up into the locker room and anything from that door forward is fair game haha!).

I got undressed, went to the showers sheepishly had a rinse off and took the opportunity to glance around through the low lit darkeness (which the entire place and every room maintains). There were two other guys in the shower area at the time, both mid 30's I guess and of athletic to normal build... and I was just super glad they didn't just pounce indiscriminantly on me the moment I appeared and got naked... cos neither were doing anything to change my mind about sticking to my old man criteria and that would have been apparent to anyone there if they had see the small little shrunk state of my dick that the party treats cause lol

Lucky it was dark and no one could see hahaha... so... I got out toweled off quickly then wrapped it round the waist and started the adventures... just walking from room to room and seeing what or who was in there, upstairs to the other levels and so on... the place is HUGE... like 3 or 4 floors, each of them easily say twice the size of say the upstairs top floor of the arena to give you an idea. There were steam rooms and saunas on one floor and the next floor was separated into a few different areas with a proper decked out bondage room/s and another seperate area with private cubicles (each the size of a small bathroom with carpet floors, a lube and condom dispenser on the wall and a full floor to ceiling front door that could be closed for privacy)... Now... I'd like to tell you what else was on the other floors above that or what the third area of this level was all about- but I didn't make it past there : /

For the most part, no one was really doing anything except silently sitting naked in the dark in the saunas or steam rooms looking around waiting for someone to do something :( Like... there were heaps of guys there and there were lots of people doing stuff, but I guess everyone had their criteria or had for some reason left their ability to rationalize what they were there for - because the way I see it, if you weren't beyond going to a gay sauna to get off with a stranger in the darkness, well you were going to have a tough time convincing me why then you were beyond approaching one of the other like minded deviots around you for some fun due to a sudden case of feeling too shy!

But as I walked down the corridor that led down between the private cubicles on one side of the room, I saw a dirty old man ahead of me, walking the opposite direction and toward me... it was either a really long corridor or we were walking slowly or I was thinking real fast (prolly the later given the known circumstances hehe), but we hadn't even crossed past each other in the corridor before I had made up my mind that I was going to follow him into whatever sauna or steamroom he went to, and I sure as hell wasn't going to sit and wait for him to make the first move!

But before we went past eachother, he turned and went into one of these cubicles! But I didnt see anyone else going in with him either... so I thought I might just walk on by and have a little glance in to see if there might have been someone already in there with him on the way past!

So I got to the door of the one he was in a few moments later and it was still wide open and he was laying on the floor, all alone and slowly wanking his cock..

So I asked if he would mind me joining him :P

"Definately - come on in..." he said - and without a moment more delay, I was in there with him with and tossing my towel off as I dropped down to the floor naked with him and hastily pushed the door shut behind me... not really taking any care to check if it was fully shut (important!)

First thing he said was "So I take it your into older men?" ... well I was never expecting much more than a very basic run of the mill experience up until that point, but I guess my fairly descriptionate and honest answer that I gave him to that question pretty much ensured that any doubts about why I was in there with him were left outside in that corridor hahaha

He told me to get on top of him in 69 position and suck his cock - which I did without protest immediately. It's big... I was sucking it as deep as I could, then taking a break and licking it all over and up and down before giving it another sucking. My cock was not fully hard yet, but he wasn't interested in that... cos about 30 seconds into wrapping my mouth around his cock, I felt his fingers rubbing up and down over my butt hole... all slippery and wet with lube.

"You like having your ass fuckeed by old men?" I heard him asking - and I momentarily lifted my mouth off his cock to blurt out a one worded answer of "Yes"

Next thing i knew, he was slipping one.. then two, then three fingers in me... fucking my ass with his fingers and stretching my ass slowly more and more as he pushed them deeper and deeper. This went on for what seemed like forever, when I finally just couldn't take it anymore and stopped sucking him again so I could beg him to fuck me. He told me to climb on top of him and sit on it whenever I was ready.

Sidenote - biggest cock I ever taken!

So I got up, and turned myself around ready to sit on him - told him that as much as I really would love him to cum in my ass, he had to put a condom on unfortunately! I grabbed one for him from the dispenser on the wall and threw it down to him to put on. Once I saw that it was on properly, I lowered myself down, reached behind with one hand and grabbed his cock and positioned it firmly against my hole as I slowly sat all the way down on it. It felt like his cock was an elephant trunk... It didnt hurt - he had stretched me ready for it and I wanted it in me so much by the time it was in me - but i felt like my ass was totally FULL of cock... I wondered if I had enough room to be able to ride it enough to do anything for him hahaha

Anyway, I started riding him and telling him how much I love having dirty old man cock in me... telling him how horny I get just at the thought of having an old man cum in my ass bareback and we're both really starting to get pretty out there with the dirty talk back and forth as I'm riding him...

Then he tells me that he wants everyone to see me ride his old cock and then flings open the door (he was laying with his head toward the door and reached behind - because I hadn't actually "clicked" it shut, just semi closed it, he didn't even need to turn the handle!)! Within minutes there must have been guys gathered from both ends of the hallway trying to get a look in. Pretty much all of them not within my interest critera.. but eventually, one of them stepped in and put his cock in my face,..

I told him I wasn't up for sucking it, but he could jerk off on my face if he wanted... well.. that opened the flood gates... next thing I knew, there was about 5 guys in there packed into the room, all jerking off around my face. They all came on me... on my face, on my chest... everywhere they could!

I kept riding this old guys fat cock as cum dripped and dribbled from my face and down my stomach and chest from god knows how many guys as I desperately tried to cum myself, pulling my by then super fucking hard cock that was throbbing in eagerness as I got closer and closer to the finish line hahha

It wasn't long before I let out an involantery gasp that I totally heard myself let out before I knew it was even me doing it - and fuck I came so hard... like exceptionally hard. I remember that just a split second before the first load of cum shot out of my cock, I felt my ass go really really fucking tight as it desperately tried to find room to fit the huge fat cock that I had just moments before been taking quite admirably just seconds before... I thought I was going to pass out and simultaniously squeeze this guys cock right off inside me as the first throbbing wave contracted my ass tight, then instantly transferred the whole desperate attempt to climax into my cock, which throbbed once so hard i almost couldnt keep my hand wrapped around it on the last stroke/pull, then shot the first bit of my load so hard and so far that it surprised even me, dispite the fact I was more than aware there was a good chance this was gonna be interesting cos I was wondering how much tighter my ass was gonna get as it attempted to squeeze out the huge cock in pleasure.

I remember watching it totally clear the guys stomach and chest, go over his shoulder and hit the wall beside the door behind him... like over 2m away i reckon.. the second and the rest then followed, all over his stomach and chest, like it used to when I would ride Todd's hard cock when I first rode him and his pink condom covered cock all those years back ;)

As soon as I was done, I slowly lifted off the cock I was sitting on, now feeling really fucking slutty and guilty and a bit "omg what the fuck am I doing?" regretful... that moment of sanity after cumming that instantly occurrs as the last drop is spent... I could feel my ass still tightly gripping the old mans cock as I tried to lift off it and take it out as I got up off him... I could feel every single inch of it sliding out of me until I finally felt the fat head of his cock stretch my freshly fucked hole just one last time as it popped out of me and freed me to escape!

I was in such a rush to exit the seedy little cubicle full of guys who had just jerked off on or were in the process of jerking off on me, that I nearly tripped over the old man who's cock I had just had in my ass as I made a beeline outta there!

But just as I got to the door, I remembered that I had left my towel on the floor and was still totally naked.. and spun round to pick it up and cover myself for the dash to the showers downstairs and the safety of the locker room and my clothes!

As I bent over, I one of the guys grabbed my ass and then told me to show them all my freshly fucked ass... I kinda didnt have a choice, was already bent over and kinda in a panic by now hahha! I bent over a bit more then reached back with one hand and grabbed the other side of my butt so the guy had one and I had the other side... then pulled my ass apart a bit, so they could get a look (and I am sure if it looked like it felt, it was a very loose sloppy hole lol) then I stood back up and did the runner!

Anyway... that is the important background to this...

Somehow, fucks me how actually, the old guy I was riding pretty much got to the showers at the same time as me... still with a raging hard on and obviosly looking for some more attention.. which I was not interested in at that stage :/ I told him he could jerk off on my face if he liked (just to appease him) and then dropped to my knees in the showers and stared up and smiled at him as I encouraged him to shoot his load all over my face and let me leave.

He came all over my face seconds later, then we both quickly dried off and headed over to the lockers...

Just as I was about to leave, he hands me a peice of paper with his email addy and tells me he would like to keep in contact. I brush it off with a polite yeh no worries and get out of there with no intention of ever being seen again...

Well... that was until two weekends ago... when I was horny as fuck, alone for the weekend and staring at the email address in my wallet that belonged to this guy s I began to think naughty thoughts about his old cock again. High as a kite, ready to do anything without hesitation and with no self control anywhere in sight, I emailed him... and he replied within like 5 minutes to my surprise...

We chatted back and forth on mail for a bit - and next thing you knew, I was heading out the front door for the short walk accross the bridge and to the gay sauna to meet him again. This is where it gets funky...

So while we were chatting over email, he told me how much he had been getting off on what I had done the other day ever since then - saying things like how he had been wanking twice a day since thinking about me covered in cum while I was riding his dick and how turned on he was by it all... and he wanted so badly to see me again there so we could do it again.

By the time we had decided to put plans into action and meet each other there asap, I had also agreed to a bit more... specifically, I agreed to let him use my phone (camera) to take pictures of it this time, for $200 - with the understanding that he could take as many pics as he liked, but I would only send him the ones that didnt show my face or identify me in any way afterwards... and the second part was well... only a matter of time and how high I was - I had told him how much I wanted him to cum in my ass bareback last time with dissppointment as sensibility prevailed, but I was so high this time round that I am pretty sure it was me who brought up the idea of him leaving the condoms out of it this time and just cumming in my ass like I wanted him to do so badly :/

I had a little extra courage treats on the way in and by the time I got in there, I was so fucking high I reckon I would have let ever guy in there fuck me without even a second thought about condoms.

My cock was so fucking shrinky from the gear and I undressed and went to the shower area, and started pulling off as i leant back against the wall and watched the men around me looking my way.

My cock wasn't growing though lol... but that didnt matter it was dark enough no one knew the wiser at that stage and I just stood there with the water trickling down over me as I waited for the guy to arrive and join me in the shower before we got started.

Seemed like forever later, he finally arrived, looked over at me pulling my cock slowly in the shower as we stared accross the room at eachother, then came over and jumped under the same shower as me...

I couldn't help myself... I started talking dirty to him immediately lol

"I'm so fucking horny for your old cock in me... I can't wait to ride it again!"

He whispered a equally naughty reply back in my ear, which made my shrinky one grow semi hard almost instantly right there and then -

"I'm going to fill your ass up with more cum than you could ever imagine - Then I am going to make you show it to everyone there and tell them to cum all over you slut."

We quickly went and grabbed my phone out of the lockers and headed upstairs to the same cubicles again... we didn't bother walking all the way down the end this time, just went into the first one we got to and propped the door wide open with our towels as we took them off.

There were heeeaps more guys there this time than last... later in the day and so so many more...

I handed him my phone and switched it over to the camera mode with flash... told him which button to press and told him he could take pics of anything he liked - but especially make sure he got plenty of his hard dick deep in my ass - particularly as he was cumming and of his hot cum as it dribbled out after...

He told me to get into the 69 position again and suck his cock while he losened me up and took photo's of my ass from that position.

I climbed on top of him without hesitation and positioned my ass up in front of his face, then dropped my face down and took his old man cock in my mouth as deep as I could. I licked up and down his cock shaft and looked up to take breaths in between, glancing out the door to see if people were watching

I could see the flash of the led light from my phone as he snapped away taking photos of his fingers in my ass and hole on display...

Next thing I knew, I looked up again and there were 4 or 5 guys there standing at the door and watching silently...

I knew what I had to do and was well and truely high enough that I wasn't holding back on the slutty behavior one bit!

I looked up and lifted my mouth off his cock propping myself up on one hand and told the guys gathering at the door to come in here and watch me ride the biggest cock I had ever had in me before... bareback!

They all came in, non of them said a word and they stood watching - the old man I was 69ing with pulled his tongue out of my ass momentarily to let them know it was open day on my face for anyone and everyone, so don't be afraid to go out and let others know too - cos he was nearly finished stretching me ready to ride his cock.

A few mins later, the room was fucking packed with guys... surprised there was even room to jerk their cocks there was so many :/

I was so fucking high at this stage that there was not even a moment of doubt, I totally wanted every single guy there to stick his cocks in my mouth and let me suck each and every one of them before pulling out and finishing off on my face and body as another guy replaced them and fucked my mouth.

I sat up and turned around - then told my new favorite older friend that I wanted his cock in my ass "right fucking now"

I spun round and moved my ass back toward his cock, then looked up at one of the observers who was standing nearest the bottle of lube that was hanging off the wall...

I reached out with my right arm and an open hand then told him to give me some lube! He filled the palm of his hand with lube and went to hand it to me... but I pulled my hand in and leant forward so my ass was presented and my face was against the hairy chest of the old man I was sitting on top of.

"can you put it all over my ass please? Get it all inside there... I wanna feel your fingers inside me before I ride this old cock bareback in front of you all"

He didn't say a word, just crouched down and rubbed his hand and fingers up and down my ass crack, then slipped one or two inside me and thrust them in and out a few times.

The old man told me to turn around and fuck me facing the other way this time, cos he was going to take photo's of me sitting on his cock from behind. Nooo problem! I spun back round the other way and then positioned his rock hard dick against my ass, and steadily pushed back against it, feeling the tip slip easily inside first... then quickly dropping myself the rest of the way down onto his dick.

"I want you all to cum on my face while I take a load!" I enthusiastically told the surrounding cocks in the room... and within moments I was surrounded by more cocks than I had ever seen before and my phone was in the hands of one of the guys standing above my cock surrounded face and taking photo's of every moment.

The brief moment of concern about my phone being passed around in the chaos of cocks was quickly overtaken by the joy of knowing that they were taking PLENTY of pictures of me sucking multiple cocks with the white bearded old man beneath me and my naked ass!

I was still not compeltely hard yet, but I didn't care because I was loving the feeling of this guys cock in me... I would have to say that it would even possibly rate as the best, if not just barely a close second to the most pleasurable experience of taking a cock in my ass I have ever had... it was much much bigger than Todd, but he had stretched me and made me ready for him so well before I took it that it felt amazing from the moment it slipped inside me.

I was riding it back and forth like a chick in a porn movie does, feeling the length of it going almost all the way in and out like I had never really done before - but there was plenty of lube to ensure it easily glided in and out of me with each enthusiastic thrust.

My eyes were closed when I felt the first load, which took me by surprise! It went all over my face and eyes, which were luckily shut lol - when I opened them I had the flash of my camera phone in my face as someone took a snap of the first load dribbling down my face and over my mouth - then it began :P

I thanked whoever it was loudly as the others kept jerking off around me, not wiping any of it off and so up for having every load possible on me by the end of this, hopefully so much cum that you couldnt see my face clearly and I could send pics of that to my old man friend :)

I rode for ages... longer than I have ever been fucked before... it didn't ever get uncomfortable and I was in noo hurry! I told them to hand the phone to my friend and begged him to take some photo's of all the guys around me as i dripped spunk off my face and body while I leant forward so his cock was just half way in me - so you could see it was bareback and inside me :)

The whole thing went on for a while more, I took about 8 - 12 loads on my face i reckon... dont know for sure lost count...

Pics of every singe new load and pics of me sucking multiple cocks - plus many pics of me riding a dirty old man's cock without a condom with cum dripping all over me.

He finally announced he was ready blow his load and I got back on my high horse and started saying really dirty stuff - and started to jerk myself off too...

He came really quickly - prolly a minute or two after telling me he was gonna give it to me... I kept riding it as he started cumming and made sure I grinded against him hard... keeping it nice and deep inside me as he shot his load :) Just as he was starting to finish cumming, I was ready to blow - I wasn;t even fully hard cos I was sooo fucking high, more like 3/4... but I shot a huge big gooey sticky mess all over the floor while the others there told me what a slut I was and kept up the photo's...

Then - guuuuiiltt!! noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! I fucking panicked and freaked out biig time again... suddenly completely aware of the fact that I had a complete strangers cock in my ass, he wasn't wearing a condom and he had just blown his load inside me! :/ :/

I was barely even aware of the complete mess of cum that was covering my face and in my hair and mouth... all I could think of was how fucking crazy stupid and regretful for doing this I was and how much I wish I hadn't just let a guy I met at a gay sauna a few weeks ago just once, fuck me bareback on camera at a public sex club!?!?

I did the monster scoot out of there without a word or anything to anyone as I left the cubicle for the walk of shame to the showers where I was going to wash myself off and try and calm down about it...

I got dressed after i washed off and briskly headed for home - still freaking the fuck out!

it was't till about half way that I realized my phone wasn't with me! I left it in there with some guy in my haste to leave!


More Gay Erotic Stories from Loveoldmansperm

High and Horny for OLD MEN - My First Gay Sauna Experience!!!

You need to know the initial background of this to see how what just happend came to be, so although I'm pretty sure I told you about my gay sauna a few months ago (maybee not all the detail but I am sure I mentioned it like a month ago when we spoke?). If not - basically this is the details ... and you will understand when you read what happened today why its relvant in how I ended up


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