Gay Erotic Stories

SuperSlutSlave: Chapter 1 - Downfall

by GeilZeit
20 May 2014

Fantasy Super Heroes

no copyright infringement intended, implied or otherwise infered. Just a wicked fun nasty sex story of a superhero & his kinks... enjoy.

Super Slut Slave :Part 1 "The Downfall"

Metropolis 01:00 - The night felt unussaully chill & cold around him as he floated high above the worst streets of Metropolis. He hated to come to this part of town and see all the horrible and awful citizens of Metropolis. Here the worst of crimes happened & no matter how many he stopped or locked away the next day two or even four more criminals would spring up to replace the one's he had arrested. He tried to never give up on anyone or anything but these slum streets of Metropolis had little or no hope of ever being saved from the criminal element. Which made it the perfect stomping grounds for Lex Luthor to control or own. Here the most lurid, wanton & sometimes debased aspects of humanity were on display. The Seedy motels were conviently located across the street from the stripclubs, bars, & liqour stores. Scanning the night below him with his x-ray vision he searched for any sign of Luthor or his abducted friend Jimmy Olsen. Then suddenly he felt a blast of ice envolp him holding him trapped in a block of ice from his neck down. The block of ice fell suddenly to the earth catching Superman by suprise. Right before it crashed into the cars in the street beneath him a cushion of snow suddenly materialized under it to catch it. Superman struggles in vain to break out of the ice encasement. Then he hears the laughter of Mr. Freeze from behind him. "That was to easy Kal-El. Surely the son of Krypton can muster more of a fight?" "Where is Jimmy? What have you done to him?!?" Superman demanded of Mr. Freeze "All will be explained to you in due time Kal, but for now my special kyrptonite ice will hold you nicely" he said The color drained from superman's face as he realized that's why he couldn't easily break apart this ice with his superstrength!"Somehow Mr. Freeze has obtained Kryptonite for his freeze gun. The ice is infused with thousands of shards of kryptonite and it's draining my powers!!" he thought to himself Then the henchmen of Mr. Freeze appear to load his ice tomb onto a forklift to take him away to the clutches of his evil archvillian and his dastardly plan to destroy the man of steel. Superman starts to blackout from the exposure to the green kyptonite laced ice saping him of his alien abilities. When he woke again Superman realized he was in a terrible predicament, robbed of his powers and laying in a cold puddle of melted icewater that faintly glowed green from all the thousands of kryptonite shards of ice. Slowly he opened his eyse and can see only faintly the outline of a massive large leather bed not to far away from where they left his icetomb to melt. He also for the first time in his life feels cold all over. He can feel the floor beneath his body & he slowly struggles to sit up as his body is still weakened from the ice and water. He feels the water under his hands as he realizes his entire costume is still covered in kryptonite ice water. Shivering he struggles to stand on the floor. He teeters until he blindly feels his way to the bed. He slowly crawls off the floor onto the bed in his weakened state. Suddenly a monitor opposite of the bed turns on showing the face of his arch villian the only man to ever defeat Superman... Lex Luthor. "Hello my kryptonian plaything. I am so glad to welcome you to your lifetime of servitude to the world's smartest man. How is my Superslut Slave feeling" Lex Luthor gloated from the monitor "You're fooling yourself Luthor! I am no one's plaything! Least of all yours! I already feel my powers coming back now that i'm free of the ice." Superslut lied "I will find you and put you in the Phantom Zone myself this time to make sure you never bother anyone on any planet again!" he thundered for the last time at Luthor "I don't think so my soon to be cocksucking whore" Luthor sneered at him At this superslave's cock suddenly sprang to life. The massive organ slowly pulsed and thrilled at the thought of sucking & fucking. He had never been with anyone in that way as he was to strong and would likely kill anyone he had sex with. "Now that you've been soaking in that kryptonite bath for hours my scientests and I have determined it will take you weeks if not months to recover your alien superpowers. Without those you are mine to do with as I please. Plus now that you've been removed from the picture for the foreseeable future I can begin to finally destroy the rest of the Justice League while I conquer the Earth. Once that's done no one not even my superslut suck slave will be able to stop me or free the planet from the grip of Luthor." He confidently told Superslut. Again his cock stretched at the thought of being powerless & being called names by his nemisis who had now taken his powers for the next few weeks if not months. Suddenly he found his 15" thick supercock stretched taughtly in his soaked through red underwear. his face blushed a bright red as Luthor smikred at the sight of the kryptonian on his knees in bed bending backwards arching his back as his superboner tented his red underwear up & out the head of his cock finally sprang over the edgo of his yellow belt loop. "Well superqueer hear something you like? If I had known you wanted to be my bitch all these years I would've locked your superstupid ass up earlier." he leered into the monitor "I'll figure a way out of here somehow Luthor! we will stop you & your villians!" Superslut said half heartedly as his cock started to ooze precum as Luthor simply called him names "I don't think so my superslave, even as we speak Batman is being raped by Black Manta's massive nubian cock. As a mere human he was much easier to catch and beat into submission. Even though i needed Mr. Freeze's help to subdue you, you will always be my superbitch. One by one we'll be picking off the Justice League & forcing you all to be our whores or destroying those that we can't tame. However with my mind, Grod's & Brainiac's working to defeat your Leaguer's you have no hope. Surrender now supercumslut or do you like the abuse & humiliation I give you?" "I, I am going to sto... stop, yo... yo.. oyou..." Superslut stammered his words as his cock arched up & out of his briefs he held it in his hands and everytime luthor insulted him he leaked more and more precum he felt so good, yet also ashamed and embarressed that this villian had control of him so easily he knew he had to resist, yet he did the opposite, he submitted. he stripped off his costume and lay back on the bed arching his back & slowly masturbated for the first time in his life he let himself feel his sexuality. Precum oozes over his right hand while he jerks his cock. He luridly thrust his cock at Luthor through his slippery hand. it felt so good to him such a pleasurable sensation as he'd never before experienced or thought he ever could have. Working his shaft with his right hand he cupped his balls in his left hand as he slowly squeezed them as he jacked his monster cock. Luthor sat back & undid his pants zipper and started to play with his dick while watching his superwhore play with himself. He knew he would conquer the superhero today he never dreamed that Superslut would respond so eagerly to his commands. He surmised that being deprived of a sexlife or sexual release had made him easier to control. Still it was quite enjoyable to watch his new slave stroke that extra large cock of his that seemied to continously ooze precum. Superwhore just couldn't stop expierincing this wave of pleasure he'd never before been able or allowed to experience. He closed his eyes as he kept masturbating his mamoth sized dick. Thinking suddenly of Batman tied up & being violated raped against his will by a large black cock. As he thought of it his dick only got harder and started to leak even more precum. He gulped hard as his cock apporached an orgasmic release. While he was writhing with eyes closed back arched and cock furiously pumped & worked by his hands he didn't notice the red lights flicker to life above him. So distracted he didn't hear the two other men enter the room from the door behind the bed. suddenly as he was approaching orgasm he felt sick and even weaker. Nausea gripped him as the two men showed him to his horror a piece of red and green kryptonite. In terror Kal-el suddenly looked at both of the men & he realized in shock that they looked just like him. Two younger versions of himself. As his cock shot it's massive release of cum the first copy of superman collected every drop of sperm from his alien cock into a tube which sucked it into a vial. He suddered and shoke as his cock expelled torrents of cum. Then before he knew it the second clone took the dual colored kyrptonite piece & proceeded to wrap it around his large cock. Not just wrap it around but locking it up & forming a cage for his cock to rest in. While it stopped cumming the cock of superslut quickly deflated while exposed to the kryptonite combonation. After the second clone had finished Superwhore's cock was sealed in a kyrpotonite cock cage. Superslut felt nothing but agony and pain at the nearness of the kyrptonite near his overly sensitive member. "Now then Superslut, welcome to your new life of being our bitch. These two lovely men are your clones, Once you knew the second one as Conner Kent your "cousin" from kyrpton. Luckily I was able to reactivate his genetic safe words & from there he was so happy to be sucking his older brother "Match's" Cock or as we call him M. He's not as smart as Conner is but just as sexy & twice as lethal in every way. I'd say his cock is even larger than yours was or ever will be again superslave." Luthor proudly proclaimed to his now fallen foe. "How do you like your new cock cage superqueer?" He leered into the monitor "Luth o ooooo o r or... I will we...weeee... will... .. " he stammered helpless as his mind and thoughts were so scattered and conflicted. He liked the abuse but he knew he had to stop Lex & save his friends from being raped or taken like he was. Yet what could he do? he was powerless for weeks, & now the kryptonite cock cage how would he get out of it? He said the only thing he could... "Yes master, I will serve you and obey, my body is yours to do with as you will Luthor you've won. Just free Olsen & promise me you won't use me to hurt anyone." Lex just laughed at this, then in his most menacing voice told his fallen foe "Your will is now mine & you will obey every order or wish I have. Before your ever allowed access to your powers again you'll be made into our plaything. First we will make you a complient whore to service any and every cock that you see. You will obey orders from your clones & myself at all times. You no longer will think or act on your own again. If you think to disobey we will punish you. For being such a pain in my ass all these years your first punishment is your cock cage. You will not get hard or cum until or IF I let you. I think we'll see how many weeks it will take the kryptonite to shrink your massive cock down to something more suitable for a submissive cum whore like you truly are 'Cum-L' ." Superslut's face was covered in a fearful expression at this news, his jaw dropped and he then hung his head in shame as his cock burned with desire and craved Luthor's degrading name calling. Suddenly his mouth was invaded by M's large penis. Not hard he was still an imressive 11" semi errect as he forced Cum-L to be his suck slave. Fucking his skull with his hardening tool he violated superslut's mouth; raping his throat as his cock hardened to it's full massive 17" length & 10" fat girth. It choked superbitch so much that for the 1st time in his life Supercumdump couldn't breathe. He hungrily sucked M's huge tool and started breathing with his nose to keep from blacking out as M continued to rape his face forcefully. Conner had stripped and slipped into bed with Kal-El. His cock was only 13" but was also quite thick as well. He was already hard from watching Superman's face being fucked by M. He slowly spread apart superslut's ass checks and rubbed his throbing oozing hard cock against it until he found superslave's pink tight asshole. Slowly Conner entered the former man of steel who had always disregarded dismissed and belittled Conner making him feel inferior to superslut. "Now who is the Inferior one?" he thought as his cock began to thrust into Superwhore's virgin ass. Slowly he let his cock slide into Superqueer a cm at a time making him groan around M's hard prick in his mouth as Conner's meat split him. He felt so violated as his twin clones raped his face and ass. Yet he also felt complete as they both used his holes like the cumslut he really was. At this last thought Superslut's cock started to harden again in the cage until it touched or rubbed against the ridges of the red-green kryptonite cock cage that Luthor's clone slaves had encased him in. Then Luthor's face faded from the monitor. In it's place came the image of Black Manta's cock ramming into Batman's ass as he begged for mercy. Bruce was pleading with Manta to not fuck him. As Superbitch watched he realized that Robin was laying under Bruce and being fucked by Batman's cock while Black Manta raped him. Making him rape his boy wonder in the process of being fucked by a cock larger than his own. Supertart couldn't believe his eyes two of the best members of the League just taken down & treated like common street whores. Degraded and robbed of any "powers" , power or authority; just forced to serve real men. Watching the dynamic duo being raped by villians also only turned on Superwhore even more his cock got hard again & was once more shocked by the cock cage. Superslut writhed in ecstasy as his clones used him as the truely degraded whore that he really was meant to be. Conner whispered into his ears over & over while fucking him "Who is the superboy now?,You little pathetic cum junkie superslut" They used the superslut fucking him senseless for fortyfive minutes. Conner finally let himself cum inside his former mentors abused throbbing tight ass. As they lay there spent M having already cum in Superwhores mouth once slid out of his mouth and then positioned his cock right next to Conner's fat throbbing cum coated cock. He then thrust his massive member inside superwhore double penetrating his hot tight ass causing him to cry out in pain and for the first time in his life he knew anguish. Superslut passed out from the sensation of feeling their cocks tear his virgin hole apart. When he came to a short while later he felt his cock leaking cum as they both proceeded to pound his prostate repeatedly causing both orgasmic pleasure & bone crushing excreciating pain. He was delierous and losing all sense of his old macho selfimage. His super virgin ass deflowered & fucked by what is essetntial himself. Yes superslut was fucking himself. Double fucking his ass & this thought sent him ove the edge his cock started shooting cum even though he couldn't get hard anymore. Torrents of cum spilled from his caged member as the guys continued to fuck his guts. All three of them groaning panting and writhing in carnal bliss and pleasure as they all came at once. Superslut reveled in the feeling of all their cum inside of him now his stomach mouth and ass. he suddenly felt at peace and nothing else mattered to superslut anymore. He knew that Luthor had won but now all that mattered was getting the cockcage off so he could play with his clones unfettered or restricted. The blivion of sleep took superwhore as he lay weak disoriented and begining to like his new occupation of SuperSlutSlave.



More Gay Erotic Stories from GeilZeit

SuperSlutSlave: Chapter 1 - Downfall

no copyright infringement intended, implied or otherwise infered. Just a wicked fun nasty sex story of a superhero & his kinks... enjoy.Super Slut Slave :Part 1


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