Gay Erotic Stories

Jersey Muscle

by MuscleJeff
03 Sep 2014

Discreet Encounters Gym Workouts Muscle

Jersey Muscle

By Muscle Jeff


I was returning home from the gym and was about to turn into my driveway just as a UPS truck was pulling out. Dave, the driver, leaned out his door and said, “Hey, Jeff, I left a small package for you inside your front door.”

“Thanks much, Dave. Have a good one,” I replied. Dave is a nice guy, always takes good care of my packages, wrapping them in plastic on wet days.

I roared up the mountain road to my place up at the top. I parked the car in the garage, grabbed my gym bag with my sweaty, smelly clothes, and walked into the house. I opened the top of the washing machine and threw the contents of the gym bag into the washer, along with some soap, and started it up.

I was feeling good after the workout. My personal trainer, Tim, really worked my chest and triceps today. I work with him 3 days per week and consider him a good insurance policy, to make sure my form is correct and that I’m working as hard as I should. I have a gym at home where I work out solo the other days of the week. I can get a great pump from a hard muscle workout either at the gym with Tim or at my own place, but I also enjoy the conversation with Tim. He’s pretty low-key but will open up if something is on his mind. He’s also a very good-looking guy, short-cropped blond hair, blue eyes, probably about 5’9”, early 30s, stocky, probably a couple of extra pounds around his waist, but he almost always wears long workout pants and a T-shirt covered by a sweat shirt. He has broad shoulders and a sizable chest, but I’ve never seen him stripped down.

Tim has been working with me for a couple of years and I have watched his temples enlarge as his hairline has crept back and have heard chapter and verse about a long list of troubles with his girlfriend, whom he now plans to marry. He’s a genuine nice guy and would make a good husband. I would really like to toss around in the hay with him myself, but I’ve never gotten a signal from him that he’d like to mess around. There are some gay guys in the gym, but Tim doesn’t seem to be close to any of them, let alone train any of them. Thinking about Tim and his muscles had me extra horned up and my cock was twitching in my jeans.

I started for the kitchen to make lunch and suddenly remembered the package that Dave had delivered. I opened the front door and there was a slender mailing envelope tucked inside the storm door. I wonder what this is? The package said the sender was JM. I took it into the kitchen and opened it up. Oh yes, of course, it was from Jersey Muscle and contained a couple of items I had ordered the previous week, including muscle tights and a muscle tank top. Both were in plastic envelopes and seemed to weigh next to nothing.

There was a “Notice” in both envelopes, saying, in effect, don’t wash these items before first wearing them, because the fabric has to “learn” how to adapt to your body. There was also a small red capsule in its own envelope in each of the larger envelopes, and the notice suggested that a capsule be swallowed before wearing the clothing. Sounded a little strange, but I swallowed a capsule and took the new gear into the bathroom. I stripped out of my jeans and t-shirt and started to step into the tights. The fabric seemed very thin and stretchy. I had to pull the middle of the tight’s leg to get the bottom up and over my sizable calf and then pulled the top of the tights to get them up and over my thighs. The crotch and waist fit nicely and I noticed in the mirror that the tights left nothing to the imagination. Indeed, the tights seem to amplify the size of my dick, which, when rock hard, is only 6-1/2 inches long.

I then reached for the muscle tank and put it on. It was also amazingly thin but seemed to adapt to the shape of my torso very quickly. Looking in the mirror, I thought I looked a lot more muscular and leaner than a couple of minutes earlier. The clothes were very flattering. I love them already!

I thought about the pictures in the Jersey Muscle catalog. Their biggest and best-looking hunk had modeled both the tights and the tank, a guy who seemed to be 240 – 250 pounds, assuming he was around 6 feet tall. I’m a bit over 6 feet and weigh 225 pounds. I’ve got wavy reddish blond hair and blue eyes. I’m sometimes called handsome, but the guy in the catalog was just awesome looking. He definitely had a Mediterranean look, maybe Greek. He had very short curly black hair, with a couple of tiny ringlets hanging down onto his forehead. His waist was small and his shoulders, arms, and chest were all huge. An incredible hunk and very handsome!

My cock was rock hard. I looked in the mirror again and turned the lights on so I could really see my reflection. The clothing was incredible. I raised an arm and squeezed my bicep. Wow, what a turn-on, if I do say so myself. My balls were churning, begging for release in a quick jerk-off session, and my cock was sticking straight up in the tights.

I reached down into my crotch with one hand and squeezed my cock. Man, it was hard and fat. It felt great. I checked the mirror once again. My cock looked so huge in the reflection.

I decided that I had to empty my balls. Lunch could wait. I went into my office and sat down in the leather chair at my desk. Muscled hunks were scrolling by on my computer screen. I reached for the bottle of lube and pulled down the tights and my jockstrap so I could get my hand around my cock and start working it. And work it I did! I grabbed my big balls in one hand and stroked my dick with the other. Precum oozed out of the cock head and I rubbed it around the head and the shaft. I squeezed my balls hard and returned to stroking the cock. In a few more seconds, I was blasting a huge, thick load of cum onto my abs and practically shouting as I did. One of my better j/o’s.

I cleaned up and, with my new gear still on, I went into the kitchen to make lunch. While sitting at the dining table with my lunch and reading a magazine, my cock and balls seemed to be unusually restive. The balls were churning and my cock was half hard. I turned back to the magazine. It was a news magazine, so it wasn’t the content that was getting my cock and balls all excited.

After lunch, I went back to the office and settled in to do some work. All afternoon, my cock acted as though it had a life of its own—quite unusual for me. At times, it would rise up to a full hard-on, but mostly it was just half hard. I thought of my teen years, when a young man’s cock is hard most of the time, and smiled. Oh, to be a teenager again but only if we could know all the wisdom and life experiences that have been acquired since then.

Hours flew by and I got a lot of work done at my desk, despite my over-active cock and balls.

Meeting Jason

Around 6:30, I walked into the bathroom to take a piss break and brought my mind back from thinking about a client’s project to focus on my dick. It was too hard for me to whiz but, more amazingly, it seemed markedly larger than normal. I tried to measure its length from tip of little finger to thumb, but the cock was longer than that span of—what?—nine inches. What the fuck is going on here. My dick is definitely not normally nine inches!

While I was still trying to solve the mystery, including wondering whether I was dreaming, the doorbell rang. Without thinking about my X-rated appearance at the moment, I shoved my cock back into my tights and walked to the door. Who the fuck could be here at this hour? (Beyond the delivery schedules for the mail, UPS, and FedEx, people didn’t show up at my door, especially not in the early evening; that’s what mountaintops are for.)

I opened the door and there was the huge hunk from the Jersey Muscle catalog. “Excuse me for disturbing you, but are you Jeff Schmidt?” he asked.

“Y-yes, I am,” I stuttered, dazed by all that had happened in the past 90 seconds and blown away by the unbelievable hunk at the door.

He said, “I’m Jason, and I’m from Jersey Muscle.” He looked me over. “I can see the articles you ordered have arrived,” and he grinned.

“Y-yes, oh, I’m sorry, I probably should more clothing on.” But Jason was standing at the door wearing the same gear that I was, and his crotch looked even more suggestive than mine, even though I had a nine-plus-inch hard-on highly visible through the fabric. This hunk’s cock was pushing up almost to his waistband and it looked as broad as my wrist. I felt faint.

Jason said, “Not to worry. I would guess the fabric is adapting very well to your body. You look great. May I ask: did you take one of the red capsules, too?”

“Huh? Oh, the red capsule. Yes, I took one, just before lunch.”

“Excellent,” said Jason. He looked down at my crotch and said, “I’d guess your dick is responding very well to the training program,” and he smiled broadly.

“Uhh, I’m not sure I understand. But why don’t you come inside? Pardon me for keeping you on the front porch. Excuse me, my mind is not functioning very well.” Jason followed me into the living room and took a seat. I was very uncomfortable and remained standing. “I feel like a fool. The most handsome man I’ve ever met is sitting in my living room and I’m standing here in highly revealing workout gear with a massive hard-on.”

Jason laughed easily and said, “You’re doing just fine. Your huge hard-on is doing the same! But maybe I should explain why I’m here. You may have figured out by now that some of the clothing that Jersey Muscle carries is not your standard clothing. The tights you have on, in particular, are unusual. They can really make you bigger and more muscular, as well as improve your sex life.”

I interrupted the hunk. “But isn’t that standard marketing bullshit?”

Jason responded. “Ordinarily, I’d have to agree with you. But not with our stuff. Let me explain. A great deal of genetic research has focused on muscle growth and we now know there is a gene that, if turned on by a special protein that we’ve synthesized, makes the body grow much larger and more muscular. It also determines the size of the genitals and resets the sex drive. The question is how to turn on that gene. Many doctors and researchers have attempted to do so through the bloodstream or through the digestive system. Neither works. Working with some of the leading experts, we have found that there are some people, especially of Mediterranean origin, who have the gene turned ‘on’, and we’ve found a technique to trigger a positive response in others who do not have that same gene setting.”

“OK,” I said, “I’m sort of with you thus far, but what’s so special about Jersey Muscle clothing and, forgive me for saying this, but why are you here?”

Jason said, “We’ve found a way to turn the gene on by infusing a protein into your system, and our tights are the delivery mechanism for that protein. Most researchers have attempted to use an instantaneous delivery mechanism, like an injection into the bloodstream or a pill or something that you swallow. We have found, however, that this gene responds very slowly, and that’s how the special fabric in our tights works. That’s why we ask that you don’t wash the garment before you wear it.”

“What about the red capsule?” I asked.

“Good question. The capsule is a powerful anti-oxidant. It permits the tights to work much better.”

“You mean my bigger dick and powerful hard-on are a response to the tights?”

Jason said, “Yes, plus about 5 pounds of new muscle, I would guess. Do you know what you weighed this morning?”

“Yes, I weighed myself before my workout. The scale said 225.”

“And the scale is…? Here in your house?” Jason asked.

“Yes, I’ll get it. Just a second, please.” And I scurried into the bedroom to get the scale.

I put it down on the floor and stepped on it. “232 pounds. Holy shit. That is awesome!” I exclaimed, truly shocked at the huge gain in weight. “I had no idea that I had put on so much mass. No wonder I looked pretty good and muscular when I checked myself in the mirror.”

“That’s really terrific. It’s just a start. You’ll gain more muscle mass over the next couple of days,” said Jason.

“How come you don’t say all this in the ads?” I asked.

“We can’t yet, under the regs of the Food and Drug Administration. We think the science and our use of the science are quite solid, but we haven’t gone through the tests and the trials that are required for a new drug. We’ll probably get there, but ours is a tiny company, and we have to take things very slowly.”

“There’s been a great start, but what will happen to me with your program?” I asked.

“Great question,” replied Jason. “What you’ve done thus far is setting off a response in your body that will last about six months. You will gain a total of about 50 pounds of muscle—more or less—and your cock will get to be about the size of mine. Your balls—to use a nontechnical term—will get substantially larger. You’ll be an incredible stud. Well, you are already, but the program will turn you into a super-star.”

“Are there any downsides to this? Any negative reactions?” I asked.

“None that we know of, but the program is very new. You’re just one of a dozen… ahhh, customers of the program”

“But it’s important to understand that this is a temporary result,” Jason continued. Unless the protein is permanently fixed to the gene in your body, you’ll slowly start to lose the gains. Your muscle mass will gradually fade away, and your penis will return to its original size.”

“That’s an ugly outcome,” I stated. “I gather you have an alternative.”

“Yes, that’s why I’m here. In the order you placed for your tights and muscle tank, you selected the ‘Extra Service’ option. That’s where I come in. My job is to provide the ‘extra service’ for selected customers and on selected items in our catalog. As I explained, the tights you’re wearing plus the red capsules will give you an enormous muscle boost and will also enlarge your penis and testicles for six months or so. It’s also possible to make the changes permanent. There will be no charge for this service, since you had selected the ‘Extra Service’ Option, and we’ve screened your physical attributes to make sure you meet the criteria. We have a way that we can make your body changes permanent. This is going to sound mighty weird, but I am fortunate to manufacture the necessary protein in my body. We think it’s part of my genetic make-up—my Mediterranean background. And we have the delivery system worked out, too.”

Taking Advantage of the ‘Extra Service’ Option

“Well, tell me more!” I said, eager to hear about the details and sensing that Jason was moving much too slowly to explain the program.

“I think you should sit down, Jeff. What I’m about to explain is likely to knock you off your feet.”

“Ok, tell me more,” as I took a seat just a couple feet from Jason.

“We’ve found that semen is an excellent delivery system. The protein is concentrated in my semen to a very high degree. The trick is to get the semen into your body so it can be fixed to the genes in your chromosome.”

“You mean, if I suck a load out of your cock, I would get an infusion of protein?” I asked.

“Not quite, but you’re close. Sucking a load out of me, to use street terminology, wouldn’t work, because the protein is destroyed in the digestive system. The key is a very slow absorption into the body, through the rectum.”

I laughed. “You mean you deliver the protein by fucking the patient.”


I laughed some more. “That’s either the most original pick-up line I’ve ever heard or else…”

Jason responded, looking very serious, “I know it sounds very strange. But it’s true and the process works.”

I looked at Jason, first at his super handsome face and then at his muscular torso and my eyes settled on his crotch. His monstrous hard-on had shoved above the top of his tights and an uncut plum-sized head was clearly visible. “I’m sort of at a loss for words here, Jason. Assuming that you’ve been delivering the truth, I’d definitely like to begin the delivery program,” and I laughed some more. “You’re the most handsome guy I’ve ever seen and the thought of having sex with you is more than I could fantasize in my wildest dreams.” My cock was throbbing and I had to grab it for just a second or two.

Jason said, “Thank you and you are the best-looking customer we’ve ever had. It would be my great pleasure to deliver the protein into your very hot-looking ass. If it’s OK with you, why don’t we get a little more comfortable and make this process as pleasurable as possible.”

“What about disease? I asked. “I know I’m clean but having an unknown partner fuck me is a risk I wouldn’t take.”

Jason said, “Excellent question.” He pulled a piece of paper out of his workout bag and showed me the test results from a couple of weeks ago. It said he had no sexually transmitted diseases and was HIV negative. “And I know that you’re clean and HIV negative, too,” he added.

“How do you know that?”

“You submitted a card with a blood specimen with your application for ‘Extra Service,’ and the test results came back negative.” Jason continued, “Why don’t we get more comfortable?”

“Sounds perfect to me,” as I stood up and moved toward Jason. He got on his feet, too, and our bodies crashed together, with arms reaching around backs and shoulders, and we kissed deeply.

I broke away for a moment to ask, “Jason, how quickly does the protein get fixed to the gene?”

He said, “The honest answer is that we’re not entirely sure. There’s only a one-third chance that one fuck will do the job. Our program allows for four applications of the semen.”

“Wow, that’s the best news that I’ve heard in a long time!” I responded.

We resumed kissing and groping with our hands. One of my hands went to Jason’s crotch and I got a good feel of his massive cock, which was now leaking pre-cum down the front of his tights. I moaned and became faint as I tried to comprehend this enormous slab of man-meat entering my ass.

Jason said, “I can read your mind. Not to worry, we’ll take it slow. In time, your ass will take all of my cock, I promise. You’ll be very pleased.”

“Why don’t we go to the bedroom and get more comfortable,” I suggested.

Jason reached down and picked me up in his heavily muscled arms. He moved his head down toward mine and we kissed deeply as he walked slowly toward the bedroom. One of my arms was wrapped around his back and I felt his broad and thick lats. My cock was harder than it has ever been and I was so horny for this huge hunk.

I realized I had underestimated Jason’s size. He stood about 6 feet 3 inches—not “just” six feet. And he had to weigh 275 pounds, maybe 25 – 30 pounds more than I had estimated.

We reached the bed and Jason slowly lowered me onto it. He moved in atop me on all fours, while still kissing me. We each began to remove the other’s muscle tank, and I got a look at Jason’s enormous, thick, and wide chest and 8-pack abs. He was simply unbelievable. His massive cock was dribbling pre-cum onto my abs. I reached up and started to feel the mountain of hot muscle. “Man, this is the hottest fucking muscle I’ve ever seen,” I said.

“I’m fantastically turned on by you, too,” Jason exclaimed. He began to pull off my tights, as my thick cock slapped my abs. “Really nice,” Jason continued. “You’re very hot and I can’t wait to plow your ass—I mean, inject my special protein into your system,” and he laughed.

I laughed, too. He stepped off the bed for a moment to finish removing my tights, and he then pulled his off, too. I got my first look at his entire, heavily-muscled body and his fantastic fuck pole. His dick had grown to more than a foot long and was as thick as the middle of a baseball bat. The pre-cum was flowing out of the head of his cock in a steady stream.

“Come here,” I said, and I reached over to pull his body and his cock toward me. I took Jason’s cock into my mouth, straining my jaw muscles to open it far enough to accommodate the plum-sized head of his cock. I was rewarded with a shot of pre-cum, and Jason threw his head back in pleasure. I wrapped my tongue around his cock and then took as much of his cock as possible into my mouth. The plum got stuck in the back of my mouth, unable to fit through the opening to my throat.

Jason said, “Yeah, work that big cock, take it into your throat, man. Use your tongue. You like that big cock?”

“Oh yeah, this cock is great, the best ever. Your pre-cum is so sweet, and there’s so much of it.”

“Shut up and get the cock back into your mouth. Get it all hot and ready to breed your ass.”

I was a little surprised by sudden use of direct language, but I followed directions and resumed the work on Jason’s mammoth cock. He was moaning continuously and was anxiously pumping his dick into my face.

Suddenly, Jason pulled his cock out, saying, “I don’t want to blow a load too soon. I want my first load to go up your hot ass.” He climbed on top of me, supported on all fours. His dick found its way into my crotch, shoving its way in between my legs. As he kissed me deeply, his cock was fucking itself between my thighs. Jason was in real heat and I was very hot as well.

He rocked back onto his knees and pushed my legs up and over my head as he pressed on the back of my knees. He looked at my ass, saying, “Oh, that’s nice. I’m gonna eat your ass and get it ready to be fucked.” Jason thrust his mouth into my rosebud, exposing my nerves to the great pleasure of his hot tongue. He lapped at my ass very well, and fucked my rosebud with his sharply-tapered tongue. Jason kept at this for many minutes, and I lightly stroked my big cock as he got me hotter and hotter.

Suddenly, he shoved my legs a little further over my head and placed his cockhead on my rosebud. I felt the huge head of his fuck pole get shoved an inch into my butt, and I sucked air sharply as there was a jolt of pain. He said, “Jeff, why don’t you take a ‘hit’ of poppers, so that you can handle my cock more easily?”

As Jason suggested, I took a hit and immediately felt the rush. The next instant, he pushed his man-meat into me a bit, and it felt like someone attempting to shove the end of a 2 x 4 piece of lumber into my ass. Jason moved the head of his shaft in and out of my rosebud, as he lubed the hole with his stream of pre-cum. His enormous cock went slightly deeper into my ass, and then he pulled out. He kept up the process, going slightly deeper each time.

The poppers helped. They dulled the pain and also made me even hornier for Jason’s big dick.

My ass is no virgin, but I have never taken a cock as big as Jason’s, both in terms of its length and also its girth. He was only a few inches into me, but it felt like a semi-tractor trailer truck was attempting to back into me. Fortunately, Jason was taking it very easy, and with some hissing on my part, I could take it, thanks also to the poppers.

With nearly half his cock inside my ass, he stood up, with one leg on each side of my butt. He squatted down, sending his fuck machine straight down into my ass. “Yeah, stud, I’m gonna start fucking you now. Take my big man-meat. I’m gonna fuck you and breed you, man.” He sunk it deep. My ass felt full—not so much painful as full. He then started to piston me slowly, pulling his massive cock almost all the way out and then easing all the way back in. It was amazing to look up and see his fuck pole plunge way down into me. Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.

The pain ceased and the feeling was replaced with pleasure. Great pleasure. Jason’s cock began to move a little faster. Within a couple of minutes, he was fucking me hard and fast, shouting obscenities almost nonstop. I was doing the same. “Fuck me, you big, hot stud. Give me your huge cock. I want it all. Yeah, come on, breed me, Jason. Oh, I love this. I love how you fuck me. Oh, you’re the greatest.”

“Jeff, I love fucking your ass. You have a great ass. Yeah, take my cock, man. Oh yeah, fucking you feels so good. I’m gonna breed you and make you as big as me. Are you ready for my cum?”

“Yeah, Jason, give me your cum load. Oh, I want your cum. Make me big.”

“Jeff, you’re gonna get my load. Get ready, man. Yeah, oh, you’re so hot. I’m gonna blow.”

And with that, I felt Jason begin to pump his loads of cum into my ass. He was shouting for joy as he pumped my ass full of his muscle babies. His orgasm went on and on. His cum spurts were measured by the dozen, and he was shouting the entire time.

As he bred my ass and pounded it with his fantastic cock, I went over the edge and began my orgasm, shooting my cum load down onto my chest, my neck, and into my mouth. I, too, was shouting with joy. The involuntary tightening of my ass muscles squeezed Jason’s cock, and he blasted even more cum into me.

The orgasm went on for a long time, but finally Jason pulled his enormous cock out of my ass and slumped onto the bed alongside me. He was exhausted. I was spent, too, but held my ball-like position because I didn’t want to lose any of his cum load.

Jason said, “Relax, Jeff. Don’t worry, if you spill some cum, I’ll replace it,” and his handsome face grinned.

I smiled, too. “Jason, that was the best fuck ever. Man, that was great!” I pulled the bed covers up over us and rolled to my side and kissed Jason for a long, long time. I rested my head on Jason’s chest and closed my eyes. We both fell asleep.

I had a great dream about getting huge and having muscle sex with an awesome hunk. It’s a lot more than just a dream.

I awakened. It was very dark outside. Jason was sound asleep and my head had remained on his chest. I turned a light on. It was a little after midnight. I looked down and saw that the blanket rose to a large peak over Jason’s crotch. That made me very hungry for his big dick. I slipped under the covers and moved down toward his crotch. Jason had a huge hard-on and it was pulsating against the covers. Without disturbing the sleeping Adonis, I got my tongue in the space under his cock head and moved it around the plum. I kissed the side of the head and licked it again and again. Jason began to moan. He would probably start to awaken. I became a little more aggressive, attempting to get the cock head into my mouth but without touching his hips or stomach.

Suddenly, I felt his hand on my head and Jason said, “This has been a great way to awaken. Come up here; I want to kiss you.”

I sure couldn’t turn down that request! I said, “Hello, handsome,” as I got my head back above the covers. We kissed and I pawed his mighty pecs and squeezed his nipples. Jason squirmed and groaned at that.

“Hey, why don’t you suck my cock some more,” he said. He pushed the covers down so that access to his huge cock was easier. I put my mouth on the huge purple head of his cock and tasted some dried cum and some of my ass juices from our last go-around. Jason let loose with “Oh yeah. That feels great. Take that big cock into your mouth.”

I tried to do as he requested, taking as much of his great cock as possible. I put one hand on and around his balls, which were huge and full. I moved his cock in and out of my mouth, licking all around his mighty shaft. Jason was moaning throughout, so I must be doing something right. I sucked and sucked and was rewarded with a stream of pre-cum, slow at first but then becoming quite steady.

Jason said, “Why don’t you climb up on that cock? Put your ass on my big dick.”

I grabbed the bottle of lube and poppers and greased up my butthole and his cock. I took a “hit” and I climbed on top of him, gradually lowering my ass on his cock head, one millimeter at a time. It was so enormous and my hole started out so small. It was tough going and very slow, but I was gradually sinking ever farther down on his shaft.

Jason was helping with verbal encouragement and subtle shifts in his hips and legs so that my butthole was centered on his fuck pole. It was nowhere near as painful as last night’s fuck. Indeed, I was already feeling a lot of pleasure from Jason’s dick. I bottomed out, with a big sense of relief and pleasure that I had taken all of his massive cock. Jason was very pleased, too. He said, “Great work, now start to ride that big cock. Please yourself on that big cock.”

I began to rise up on the dick and then settle back down. Jason said, “Take it all the way up to the head,” and I rose up fully on my knees. Then I lowered my ass ‘til my butt was on Jason’s lower abs. I repeated the process, with more and more feeling. Jason’s cock was hitting my prostate and every stroke caused a near-orgasmic feeling in my ass. I leaned forward and kissed Jason’s lips. He lifted his butt from the bed, shoving his cock more rapidly into my ass. I put my hands on his pecs, and grabbed and felt the huge, hot muscles. Jason obviously liked that, as he “ooooohed” and “ahhhhhhhed.” He shoved his cock very aggressively into my ass. I was getting pretty close to cumming and told him so. Jason accelerated his fucking, with deep, long strokes. His eyes were starting to roll up into his sockets and I was rapidly being blasted into the next galaxy. I announced that I was gonna cum, and, sure ‘nuf, rope after rope of cum was blasted out of my cock onto Jason’s hair, head, neck, and upper chest. As I blasted off, my ass contracted on his cock, and Jason began his orgasm. He shouted one obscenity after another as his mighty orgasm erupted, sending waves of hot cum up into my butt. It was awesome to experience the event.

Eventually, we were finished, and I rolled off Jason, still enjoying the phenomenal high of a massive orgasm.

Jason asked, “How’d you like to clean off my dick with your mouth?” Good idea, so with my mouth and tongue, I licked and sucked and lapped up the remainder of his cum. Then I kissed him hard and placed my head back on his chest. Within seconds, we were both asleep once more.

I had powerful dreams of very hot manly sex, pumping loads of cum into well-muscled asses of great-looking jocks. In one dream, my ass was being plowed by an Adonis of a man with a huge, foot-long cock. He fucked me so hard and so well that I uncontrollably shot a load. After that dream, I slowly started to regain consciousness, and my cock was almost painfully hard. It was also wet. Then I realized it was being sucked slowly. Fingers on a hand were gently squeezing one of my nipples, an enormous turn-on for me.

Jason moved his mouth up to mine and kissed me—long and hard. We kissed and kissed. It was so erotic, he’s such a great lover. My already hard cock got even harder, to the point that it was now quite painful. Suddenly, Jason moved back down to my crotch and resumed sucking on my cock. Up and down, up and down on my long cock, making me feel fantastic. Every once in a while, he’d move down to my balls and give them a good bath. The feeling was so great that my mind was in outer space. I slowly realized that I wasn’t doing a very good job taking care of Jason. Belatedly, I reached over to him with one hand grabbing one of his butt cheeks, which were so plump and so hard. He moaned with pleasure and I squeezed his butt some more. Jason squirmed around, and my hand found his butt crack. I ran a couple of fingers up and down his crack, and my index finger found his very tight hole. Jason moaned ever louder.

“Yeah, man, I like that a lot,” Jason said. “You’ve got me so hot.” And he moaned some more.

I was so turned on and was pretty close to spurting a load out of my very hard cock. Had I just blasted a load in my last dream? I think that if Jason had gotten into my crotch, I would have shot. However, I seemed in control of the action, and my fingers played in my big hunk’s ass crack. My index finger returned to his hot hole, and I pushed it in to the second knuckle. Jason moaned some more. I pulled the index finger out and shoved the longer middle finger into his hole and found his prostate. I massaged it with my finger and Jason writhed almost out of control.

“Oh yeah, you big stud, that feels so good. I want you to fuck me, Jeff.”

That surprised me, since I had assumed that Jason was exclusively a top. “You want my cock in your ass?” I asked in some slight amazement.

“Yeah, you big hunk,” he said, “I want you to pump a load of your protein into my ass.”

I was too hot to ask him for an explanation of his “protein” comment, figuring that we’d discuss it later.

I rolled Jason onto his back and I took up the position on my knees with my cock aiming at his very hot hole. He put his legs onto my shoulders, and I bent forward to eat his hole. I pushed his butt up in the air and inserted my tongue into his hole. It was very hot and sweet. I shoved my tongue in and out of his butt, and Jason reacted with a chorus of moans. I got the hole good and wet.

I straightened my body upright and moved my throbbing cock toward his hole. There was a fair amount of precum on the head of my dick, and I placed it onto Jason’s rosebud. “Oh yeah, Jeff, shove your big cock into my ass. Fuck my ass good.”

I did as Jason directed, pressing my dick into his hole, slowly at first and then more of it with each stroke. I was very surprised at how much longer my cock was than yesterday. The realization that I had a huge cock was so hot for me that I almost shot my load right then and there. Finally, my cock bottomed out in his hole. I pulled out most of the way and then shoved my cock back in with vigor, receiving loud moans from Jason as I did so. I began to take long strokes—something I had never been able to do with my tiny 6.5-inch dick—and gradually stepped up the pace. I readjusted my position a bit and placed my hands on his huge meaty pecs. They were so incredibly muscular, so wide, and so hard, that I almost blew my load on the spot.

Jason was also panting and pounding his big cock. I drove my dick deep into his hot ass with several more strokes, and Jason shouted out and grabbed his cock with both hands. “Jeff, I’m gonna cum,” he gasped.

With that, Jason’s huge cock began to fire the first of its salvos, with the shots going way over his head and splattering against the headboard of the bed. His ass clenched tightly around my cock and was pulsating, which forced me to begin my orgasm, too. I began to shoot load after load deep into his hot ass. We were both bellowing like huge wild animals in heat. No one was counting how many blasts of cum we fired, but Jason easily pumped out 12 or 15 ropes of cum, and each triggered my cock into firing more.

When finished with my incredible orgasm, I collapsed to Jason’s side. We kissed deeply and fell back asleep.

I had more dreams of huge muscles, enormous cocks, hot man sex, and pumping out loads of cum. All were very pleasurable dreams.

Finally, it was morning. I opened one eye and saw sunlight streaming through the vertical blinds that I never got around to closing last night. Jason was still asleep, lying on his side, facing me, with his head on my bicep, so I couldn’t move very much without disturbing him. I watched him for quite a while, thinking about the incredible things that had occurred in the past 12 hours and amazed that this beautiful muscle-man was lying next to me in bed. He was so hugely muscular. His chest and shoulders were thicker and broader than any man I had ever been with, yet his waist was very small. His thighs widened out once more and his calves were also huge. And have I mentioned how handsome he is?

I moved my head a few inches until our lips almost touched. I extended my tongue through my lips and barely touched Jason’s lips. I slowly worked my tongue through his lips. He jerked a bit and his eyelids fluttered briefly. He moaned and began to awaken. His mouth pulled my tongue further into him and his big right arm swept around to my head and shoulders. He pulled me closer to him. His jaw opened a bit and he pulled my tongue deeply into his mouth in a passionate kiss that went on for several minutes.

My cock was rock hard, even though it had pumped 3 huge loads of cum overnight. I could also feel Jason’s enormous prick attempting to pierce my lower abs. I reached down with my left arm and grabbed a handful of his hot ass. He moaned some more.

I backed my lips away from his to be able to speak. “So, last night was not just the hottest dream ever. You really are in bed next to me.”

Jason chuckled and said, “I think the hot dreams will continue today. It looks like our cocks are more than ready for action.”

I asked, “Would you like some morning coffee before we start fucking?”

Jason replied, “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I also have to take a crap and make sure my ass is clean to be able to take your big cock,” and he smiled and leaned over to kiss me.

“Sounds like a program,” I added and got out of bed. “How do you take your coffee?” I asked.

“Black, if you please.”

I walked into the bathroom to take a long morning piss and then went into the kitchen to make some coffee. I poured coffee into two mugs and returned to the bedroom. Jason was in the bathroom doing his thing. I climbed back into bed and flipped on the morning TV news.

A couple of minutes later, Jason returned looking happy and refreshed. “Well, that’s an improvement,” he said, smiling, referring I guess to the load he had dumped in the toilet.

We each took a swallow of hot coffee and then rolled to a tight embrace in the center of the bed. Jason said, “I’d like you to fuck me again this morning. If my protein has been affixed to your genes, then your protein could give me a new growth spurt.”

“Ah ha!” I responded. “That’s what you were meant last night. You’re suggesting we could trade protein supplements back and forth, each getting new benefits?” I asked.

“I think so,” Jason responded, “although this part of the program is not fully tested. I hope we’ll have some pleasant surprises!” and he laughed.

“We’ll sure have a great time doing the scientific work,” I wisecracked.

With that, Jason lunged for my cock, which was only half hard. He took it into his mouth in one giant gulp and sucked on it for a few seconds. It fell out of his mouth and he said, “Jeff, without a doubt, your dick is longer and fatter around than it was last night. I’d guess it’s now very close to 10 inches in length.”

“Wow, great, but get back to work and make it hard so I can fuck you with it,” I said with a smile.

Meanwhile, my hands were feeling up the huge hunk who was sucking my dick. They roamed over his thick, wide shoulders, his enormous and broad back, his huge muscular arms, and his fantastic melon-like glutes. Without taking my cock out of his mouth, I worked my body around so I could take his cock into my mouth. Within a few seconds, it grew to more than a foot in length and became rock hard. I took as much of his cock into my mouth as I could, sucking it, pleasuring it with my tongue, and bathing his balls. I got one of his huge, hard balls into my mouth and was struggling to get the second one in, as well. Finally, with some help from my hands, I made it, and Jason moaned loudly. I closed my mouth slightly, putting some pressure on his balls, and he moaned some more. Back to his cock, and my hands reached up to his pecs, and I squeezed his nipples hard. More moans.

Jason let my cock drop out of his mouth long enough to say, “Hey stud, if you do much more of that, I’ll give you a load of cum.”

“OK, get up on all fours,” I ordered, and Jason did so. I got between his legs and, while pulling apart his butt cheeks, drilled into his butt hole with my tongue. Ummmm, man, it tasted so manly and sweet. I had to have more of his ass. I tried to separate his cheeks a bit further so I could get deeper into his hole. I licked, slathered his rosebud, and attempted to get my tongue up into that sweet ass.

Meanwhile, I received a constant stream of moans from Jason indicating his pleasure with my work.

“OK, stud, here comes the main event,” I said as I moved up behind him cock-first and inserted my big dick into his hot, sweet ass.

“Oh, yeah, man, that feels so good,” was Jason’s immediate response. I shoved my cock into his ass steadily and slowly until my pubes bumped into his butt cheeks. Then I started to pull out, reversing direction after my cockhead had gone past his sphincter muscle at the entrance to his hole. Jason moaned again, and I shoved my cock back in all the way, moving a bit faster. With some difficulty, as I ravaged his hole, Jason said, “Hey, Jeff, there’s no question that your cock is bigger today than it was last night.”

“Yeah, in both our dreams,” was my smart-aleck reply. But it started me wondering whether the increase in cock size has been accompanied by an increase in nerves, so that the experience is more intense. We’ll have to get back to that one.

I continued to long-stroke the big muscle-man, using every millimeter of my cock to please his ass. And it did seem to generate pleasure. Jason rewarded me with a constant stream of encouraging obscenities.

By now, I was fucking him very hard and with deep strokes. “Flip over on your back, big man,” I requested. “I want to look at my hot, handsome, muscular stud as I fuck him.”

Jason obliged me, and I quickly shoved my dick back in his hole. He put his muscular legs over my shoulders and, using my hips and back, lifted his butt well up in the air as I drove my cock into him. Jason was now working on his cock, and my fingers were working on his nips as I fucked him hard. He was pleased and seemed to be nearing his climax. I drove into him harder and faster, and he worked his cock at high speed.

“Oh, Jeff, I’m gonna cum,” he muttered as the first volley from his cock shot over his head hitting the wall somewhere. His hole began to spasm and grab my cock ever tighter, which sent me over the edge.

“Me, too, Jason,” I shouted, and I pumped load after load into his sweet hole. Jason was now shouting, too, as his cock spurted enormous quantities of cum.

Like the previous orgasms, this one went on for an incredibly long period of time—by far longer than anything I had previously experienced. The pleasure of the orgasm set new records for me, too.

When I was finished, I was out of breath and I rolled off Jason, collapsing at his side. “Whewwwww, that was unbelievable,” I managed to say. “I’m wiped but I’m also fantastically hungry. Let’s get some breakfast.”

“Good idea,” responded Jason. “I’m hungry, too.”

I looked at the big stud and saw cum was oozing out of his hole. “Why don’t I find a butt-plug for you so you don’t lose all my cum?”

Jason said, “Good idea. You worked long and with a very hard cock to pump a gallon of cum into me. I don’t want to lose any.”

I went into a drawer in my closet and found a big metal butt-plug that had a thin rubber-like sleeve connecting the plug to a disk that stayed on the outside of the ass. I smeared some lube on the business end of the plug and asked Jason to raise his ass off the bed. His hole was pretty well opened up, so it was no effort at all to shove the plug past his sphincter and up into his ass. The plug instantly settled into position and Jason got out of bed.

“That feels pretty good,” he said. “I’ve never had one of those up my ass before. It almost feels like a rather sizable cock is up there. I like it.”

“Well, it should keep most of the cum in place—until I can add more!” I responded with a big grin. I kissed him hard and put my arms around him. “What a night! The best ever.”

“We’re not through yet,” observed Jason. “What are we gonna eat? I’m famished.”

“How about more coffee, OJ, bacon and eggs?” I asked.

“Sounds good. What can I do to help?”

“How about refilling our coffee mugs, and I’ll get the bacon and a pan out for you.”

“Consider it done.”

An hour later, we had wolfed down a huge breakfast as we sat at the kitchen table in all our nakedness and were reading the morning paper, pointing out articles to each other.

Jason changed the subject: “I wonder if the proteins have been fixed to the genes in your body. I sure like the idea that the proteins in your cum would be feeding my genes a slightly different protein meal, one that would allow me to grow bigger.”

I rose from my seat at the table and slowly stepped over behind Jason. As I began to speak, my hands wandered over his broad, thick shoulders and down to his pecs and nips, “I don’t know, how would we find out whether you’ve grown larger?”

“Well, we should weigh ourselves, both morning and night, keeping a record of our weights. We ought to be able to tell within a couple of days if our genes have been fixed with new protein, provided we take in plenty of raw protein in our diet.”

“We each at 3 eggs for breakfast, plus drank a protein shake, so we’ve taken in plenty of raw material,” I added.

“How about getting your scale and a piece of paper and let’s weigh each other,” Jason suggested.

“Good idea,” as I ran off to the bathroom to get the scale.

“278 pounds,” the scale read. I said, “Wow, Jason, you’re really a huge guy! I wouldn’t have imagined you weighed 278!”

I stepped up. “235 pounds, 10 more than yesterday.”

Jason said, “278 is 3 more than yesterday for me, an all-time high. It’s early, but I think the results are encouraging. We never did eat dinner last night, but we’ve both gained weight, so I’d guess we’re building muscle.”

“Man, that’s so hot. You’re already so huge and great looking, Jason. What’s your goal, man? How big do you want to?”

“I’ve been on a plateau for more than six months,” he replied. “Until now, I haven’t seen the possibility of getting another genetic fix that would permit me to grow bigger.” He reached up behind him and pulled my torso down to his level so we could kiss. “That’s where you come in, Jeff.”

“What about Jersey Muscle’s other customers, to whom you’ve delivered the protein injections?” I asked.

“None of those guys can hold a candle to you,” said Jason. “I delivered my cum into their asses, fulfilling the company’s commitment, but I wasn’t interested in getting fucked by any of them nor taking their cumloads. With you, it’s an entirely different story!”

We kissed again, this time with much more intensity.

“Wow, you’re a hot man!” I said, almost gasping after a passionate kiss. “Not to change the subject or anything, but what do you want to do today,? I asked.

Jason said, “I’d like to get a long, intense workout in, but we ought to let our systems digest breakfast first. I’ll also need to call the office. Most important, we need to get to know each other better, both inside and out,” he mischievously grinned.

“Sounds good. How about calling your office and then maybe we can fuck around for an hour or so until it’s time to hit the gym.”

Jason said that plan worked and he went off to find his cellphone. I cleaned up the breakfast dishes and went into the bathroom to clean myself up a bit, too, with a special focus on my butt. Then I put on the Jersey Muscle tights and muscle tank. Almost instantly, I felt a rush through my body and could swear that my muscles got a little larger and better toned. My cock responded positively, too! I thought this would be a great time to take the second capsule that had arrived with the muscle tights and tank, so I swallowed it down with a glass of water.

I walked into the gym, which is attached to the house, and looked around. It was pretty neat, but I moved a couple of weight bars and dumbbells to their proper place. I didn’t want Jason to trip over things in here.

Then I walked back to the bedroom and Jason was just entering from the kitchen.

“Well, the office says that we’ve sold a couple more sets of muscle tights/tanks complete with the ‘Extra Service Option,’ so I will have to figure out how to schedule those calls in the next couple of days.”

Those words fell on me like a ton of bricks. While Jason and I had known each other for barely 15 hours and neither of us had said anything about any commitment, I hadn’t figured on sharing this hot hunk with anyone else.

Jason could read my mind. “Yipes, Jeff, I’m sorry to do this, but it’s my job, and Jersey Muscle pays me a helluva lot of money.”

Feeling very jealous and sorry for myself, I said, “Jason, couldn’t we put your cum in a tube and inject that up the butt of your clients? I hate to think of sharing your fantastic cock—and the rest of you, too—with anyone else.”

He said quietly, “Well, that’s an idea to think about. But I don’t have to go anywhere or see anyone else right away. I have at least a couple of days to spend here with you, and I’m very much looking forward to doing so—assuming I’m welcome to stay.”

“What? Are you kidding? Of course, you’re welcome to stay. I want you to stay!” I blurted out.

He waited a few seconds and added, “Meanwhile, I’m very horny and I’d love to pump a big load of cum into your butt,” with a big grin on his handsome face.

I instantly decided that I had no right attempting to lay exclusive claim to this hunk, at least not right now, and I responded, “Best idea of the morning! Let’s get to it.”

I kissed Jason hard and started to pull off my tights and tank. He helped.

“Oh, what are we gonna do with your butt plug?” I asked out loud. “We’ve been keeping my last cumload in your ass, but it’s your turn to fuck me, right, Jason?”

Jason thought for a few seconds and then said, “Well, how about this change of tactics? We could do ‘switch fucks,’ where I’ll fuck you for a few minutes, then we turn tables and you fuck me. Then back to me and we alternate. Both of us should hold back from cumming as long as possible.”

“I think that’ll work,” I said. “So, we’ll leave the butt plug in place until it’s time for my cock to slide into that hot ass of yours, right?

“Right,” Jason confirmed.

We leapt into bed and began to make love, going well beyond his company’s pledge of “Extra Service.”

Jason positioned me on my back and then got between my legs. He pushed my legs over my head and shoved my butt up in the air. He then plunged his head into my butthole and began to eat it out. He drew his tongue into a spear-like instrument and poked it into my hot hole. He speared the hole again and again, with each one generating great pleasure for me. I was moaning and moaning.

“Jeff, your hole is so hot and tastes so great.”

I said, “You’re probably tasting your own cum, you hot stud. When are you gonna fuck me?”

“All in due time. I’m not through getting your hole good and wet.”

He speared my hole some more and then ran his mouth and tongue from my hole to my balls and then along the entire length of my cock. The pleasure of this huge stud licking at the main features in my crotch was so hot that I could blow a load any second.

Jeff rolled my ass up higher and straddled my ass between his legs. He eased his body straight down, aiming his enormous cock at my hole. He made contact and inserted his cock head into my hole. My nerves were set on fire. I called out, “Oh, yes! Fuck me, Jason. Fuck my ass.”

He proceeded to do exactly that. His cock continued to sink into the depths of my body until his balls were squeezed against my butt. He then pulled almost all the way out and plunged his cock all the way in with a little more speed. Out and then back in, picking up more speed with each stroke. A few more strokes and then he pulled out and stood up.

I looked up at him wondering why the hell had he stopped.

He looked down and said, “Your turn now.” I must have given him an incredulous look. “We agreed to do switch fucks, remember?”

“Oh, yeah,” I said as my mind returned to this galaxy. Without saying a word, Jason got down on all fours on the bed. The huge black butt plug was staring up at me. I approached him from behind, grabbed the base of the plug, and started to pull it out. “Push out a bit,” I said. He did and the plug almost shot out of his ass. Fortunately, no shit came out. I took the butt plug into the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth, which I got warm and wet. I returned to Jason, and wiped his butt-crack and hole.

Now that Jason was clean, I moved in behind him and laid my cock in his ass crack and moved it forward and back. It felt great for me and apparently for Jason, too, because he moaned in pleasure. I raised my eyes a bit and looked at his mighty, muscular back. The scene was almost orgasmic. He was just a beautiful man.

“Hey, are you gonna fuck me this week?” Jason asked.

“I’m just enjoying this moment,” I replied.

“Well, why don’t you do your enjoying as you fuck my ass with your big dick?”

I grabbed the sides of his ass with my hands, pushed my knees back, and bent down with my tongue spearing his hole. I pushed my tongue into him and spread his butt cheeks apart. I got a squirt of cum and some ass juices. Jason was moaning. I probed his hole some more, and more cum came out.

I reached over for the bottle of lube and smeared some on my very hard cock. Then I immediately plunged my cock into his hole—all the way in. Jason gasped, groaned, and said, “Oh yeah. Oh, fuck me with your big cock, Jeff. Give me that cock.”

I did. I pulled my cock back out and shoved it deep into his bowels. I pulled out once more and pistoned into him with more speed, much as he had done.

Jason was groaning and muttering obscenities constantly. His arms and hands were pounding the bed. I slapped one of his ass cheeks hard and he groaned loudly. I pushed his shoulders down onto the bed and asked him to raise his butt so I could fuck him harder.

As I plunged my cock deep into him, he really yelled. I gave him another half-dozen hard fucks and then I pulled out.

“Hey, why did you do that?” Jason asked.

“Your turn, stud,” I replied.

“Oh, I was really enjoying that fuck,” Jason said. “No question that your cock is a lot longer than it was yesterday. I thought it was about to come out of my mouth. Now, get on your back.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good attitude.”

He pulled my legs so that my ass was half off the bed. My legs went over his shoulders. He raised his long, rock-hard cock and shoved it into my hole. The feeling was awesome. He long-stroked into me, and then pulled out. Again and again. I reached up and tugged on his nips with my fingers. “Oh, yeah, Jeff, I like that.” I pulled harder and he fucked my ass harder. I reached a few inches lower with one hand and ran my fingers on his washboard abs. This man was so incredible.

“Jeff, I’m gonna lose it here. You’re so hot and you’re making me blow a load.”

In another second, he drew in a sharp breath and then roared as his cock delivered a huge load into my ass. Seemingly, he pumped cum into me for two minutes.

Meanwhile, his orgasm triggered an almost-instant response in me. My cock began to shoot enormous quantities of cum, far more than I had ever blasted. The first several blasts went over my head and splattered on the wall behind me. The next few hit my face, jaw, and upper torso. My orgasm was unbelievable and I vaguely remember shouting in great pleasure.

Jason sort of collapsed and crashed alongside me. He almost passed out. Maybe he actually did for a second or two. Both of us were completely exhausted and needed a few minutes before we could even speak. I closed my eyes and began to dream. I’m not sure I really fell asleep but I suppose I did.

It might have been a couple of minutes later when Jason rolled toward me and was pressed up tightly against my side. “Man, that was one unbelievable fuck!”

Slowly, I responded, “Yeah, you said it, you hot stud.” I backed away from him a bit so I could roll toward him. I wrapped an arm over his side and reached in for a kiss. That went on for a couple of minutes. I’ve never known such passion in my life. “Jason, you are fucking awesome!”

Heading to the Gym Jason and I finally migrated from the bedroom to the kitchen with just a towel wrapped around each of our midsections. We were both ravenous. We had eaten a big breakfast just a couple of hours earlier, but we needed some protein before hitting the gym. I put several home-made whole-wheat croissants into the toaster oven, and Jason said he’d whip up some protein shakes so we could get a hard start on some protein, which should help our gym workouts.

I munched on a croissant while inhaling a protein shake and Jason did the same. We sat side-by-side at the table for a couple of minutes with an arm wrapped around the other’s shoulder as we worked on the protein snack.

Conversation was limited as we worked on the food. When his glass was almost empty, Jason asked, “Jeff, those croissants were fantastic. Are there any more?”

“Yes, there’s another one in the toaster oven for each of us.”

Jason was out of his chair in a flash, saying, “I’ll get them.” He returned with the two croissants on a plate and allowed one to slide off onto my plate. He leaned over and kissed me, saying, “These are probably not on our workout menu, but they sure are good!”

“Thanks, I’m glad you like them. They’re easy enough to make but the dough takes a long time to rise.”

Jason leaned back in his chair and patted his muscular abs. “Wow, nice full belly, my cock is drained, my ass has a good cumload in it, I’ve got a big hunk sitting next to me, the world looks pretty good to me.” He laughed and leaned over for another kiss.

It was time to hit the gym.

Jason and I piled into my Jeep and we roared down the mountain road for the 5-minute trip to the gym.

I told Jason about my trainer, Tim. Jason asked, “Is there anything between the two of you that I need to know about?”

“No,” I said. “Maybe I have wished at times there was something going on with Tim, but, no, he seems to be a very nice, low-key guy leading a straight life with his girlfriend.”

“OK,” replied Jason. “Will you be working out with him today?”

“Probably not. I trained with him yesterday afternoon. We ordinarily train 3 days per week.”

We pulled up to the gym and hopped out, each rather conservatively dressed in baggy shorts and a tank top.

Continued in the next chapter. Thanks for reading!


More Gay Erotic Stories from MuscleJeff

A Surprise at Airport Security

A Surprise at Airport SecurityBy Muscle Jeff This is a true story! My travels almost always deliver some surprises, especially to me. Here I was at London’s Heathrow, about to fly to Prague for the next leg of my vacation trip through Europe after an exciting five days in London. I had stayed with an old fuck bud, Alex, in London, and we got in some great muscle workouts and

Jersey Muscle

Jersey MuscleBy Muscle JeffJeffI was returning home from the gym and was about to turn into my driveway just as a UPS truck was pulling out. Dave, the driver, leaned out his door and said, “Hey, Jeff, I left a small package for you inside your front door.”“Thanks much, Dave. Have a good one,” I replied. Dave is a nice guy, always takes good care of my packages, wrapping them


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