Gay Erotic Stories

A Free Workout

by DylanThorneXXX
05 Nov 2014

Athletics Gym Workouts Very Short Stories

So there I was at the gym and Christ knows why. One lost bet and here I was heaving away at some stupid weight contraption. Being thin as a rake and weighing 55Kg didn't help me either, but if there is one thing can be said about me. I'm a man of my word, or at least a bit mental. I’d never been one for physical exercise. I much prefer to sit and scribble at something for hours. My drawings were like a childhood toy. Unique only to me and valued way beyond it’s worth. Since the moment I had walked in the door I was given strange looks. 5’6 dyed black hair with purple highlights and 8 piercings. 4 hoops in one ear, a bar and tragus in the other and my snakebites. I’d borrowed a pair of trackies off of my brother but they were 4 sizes too big and hung off my limply. Not to mention they clashed with my black t-shirt which depicted one of those skulls with elongated teeth to give it more of a grin that had iron nails driven through it. Think it could be said that I look a little out of place. Short, skinny, dark and happy as hell to be there. Every one of the huge gorillas that live in the place stared me down. I kept staring right on back daring one of them to say something to me. After dumping my bag in a locker I walked out onto the gym floor holding my bottle of water. The place stank to high heaven with sweat guys. What few women I could see were all just as sweaty and mean looking as the men. Shoving my iPod in, I strolled passed the glares and hopped onto a bike. Ten minutes of an uphill cycle later and my knees were about to give way. Slouching off I decided to go push one of the heavy things. Near the back on one of the leg extensions some great bear of a guy was heaving weights and nearly screaming in frustration at it. He looked like blood vessel was about to pop in his nose. With a grin I went and sat next to the chest press next to him. “Hey” I said to him as I slotted the pin into the lowest weight. He nearly snapped the seat off when he saw me. Talk about roid rage. Spinning the volume control on my iPod up to full I drowned out his grunts with heavy metal. I smiled at that to. If you asked this guy what kind of music he liked he’d probably say high protein. Yeah It’s a bad joke but I'm exhausted here. You cycle up a hill then think up witticisms! I'm not sure how long I sat their pushing at the handles. Must have been a good 20 minutes. The gym had begun to clear out. It was around 7 on a weekend so I expected the place to close early. It also gave me an excuse to leave rather than doing the full hour. I’d run home and claim to have done the promised hour. Cheap but effective. Panting I rested back in the seat and looked up. Some guy was staring at me across the floor. He wore one of the green t-shirts with the gym emblem on the front. Once he realized I had caught him staring, he strolled up to me. He motioned for me to pull out my headphones. Tugging on my left headphone it came out my ear with a pop but I didn't pull out the other one. I left the music on too. “You’re doing that all wrong.” He said casually. He hulked over my tint form. He was about 6’2. And under his skin tight gym shirt I could see his muscles. He was very well defined. Massive pecks with the overhang and a clearly visible eight back flowing down his chest in elegant bumps. His arms were the same thickness as the average leg and his legs looked like they could snap steel. Muscular as he was and weird as I am, he wasn't my type. Muscles are meh to me. I prefer to see character in someone’s appearance. Most gym lunatics have two personality traits and usually come across as determined or happy. “Yeah but I won’t be here much longer. 30 minutes left and I’m going. Won’t be back.” Infuriatingly he smiled at my rudeness. “Lost a bet?” “Can’t do 10 push-ups in a minute.” He gave a long drawn out whistle. “I know 5 year olds that can do about 20 push-ups in a minute.” “Got their number? I could use a trainer.” This just made him laugh some more and I fumed a little. I was sweating badly. My long hair was plastered to my fringe and I wanted to shower and draw something. A nice picture of this guy trapped underneath a weight machine would look good. “Normally I don’t hand out free sessions but you look like you could use one.” “Pass” I said automatically. “Answer me this. Do your arms hurt?” “No pain no gain.” Another laugh. “Common misconception. The pain should come the day after. Your backs in pain too.” “How do you know?” “You’re leaning out the chair when you push. You’re putting strain on your back rather than the front and you’re wobbling too much.” “Still a pass” “All right but 30 minutes with me will hurt less and you’ll get something out of it.” Brushing my sweaty hair out of my eyes I looked up to tell him “NO!” but then I saw his face. Perfect jaw line, button nose, snow white teeth, soft brown hair and big brown doe eyes. There was no way this guy was older than 18. My cheeks were already flushed from the workout so they hid the blush that would have showed. Trying my hardest to seem casual I shrugged and said “If it gets me out here quicker.” He walked off into the free weight space with me following at his heels like some sort of puppy. Two gorillas still remind and gave me the same glare as the rest. The trainer walked up to a bench press and motioned to wards it. “I’m Simon.” He said. “Lyle.” I feebly replied. “OK Lyle. Ever done a bench press?” He said waving his hand at it. “No.” “Real simple to do. He lay down on it and braced his feet on the floor before picking the empty bar up. “Raise the bar up till right before your elbows lock and bring it down to the top of your chest. Keep your elbows in at your side as you push up. Imagine you’re trying to bend the bar as you do so. Bending it will keep your elbows in.” As he spoke he effortless raised and lowered the bars and I couldn’t help but stare ogled eyed at his chest as the muscles moved beneath his shirt. After showing me a few reps he replaced the bar and swung off the bench. He indicated for me to lie on it. Doing as instructed I lay down, reached up and took hold of the bar. Simon stood behind me and gripped the bar. Together we lifted it above my chest. “Move your hands in a little bit more, perfect. I’m going to hold the bar to see how your technique is then let it go at the top. I’ll say “Your bar” then I’ll let go. Ok?” “Ok” Together we moved through the technique me bending the bar in my hands and allowing my elbows to come in. After 5 of these Simon Held the bar up and said “Your bar.” Supported by Simon the bar was easy to handle. Now by myself the bar swayed as I struggled to balance it. My arms were already worn out from the previous exercise I don’t know how much longer I could keep this up. After about 8 Simon gently took hold of the bar in one hand and placed it back in the rack. My arms flopped by my sides. My breath was ragged and fast. I tried to calm it down but was struggling to do so. “Very good for someone who’s new! The swaying will fade as you get more balanced and know your body a little better.” “The hell I’m doing that again.” I panted out “I can barley hold an empty bar. How much does it weigh?” “25Kg. Your exhausted from your previous workout so I don’t expect you to lift much tonight. It’s more about showing you the technique.” He was interrupted as an announcement was made over the gym tanoy. “Could all customers please finish up and get changed as the gym will be closing in 10 minutes. The few remaining members began to put away their weights or grab what few things they had brought with them and head off to the changing room. I began to pull myself to my feet but Simon told me to wait a moment before dashing off. Returning with a set of keys in one hand he promised to lock up the gym at 8. “Here was me thinking you were nice. Now you just want to hurt me some more.” I said drily. This caused him to chuckle again. I never really focused on his laugh till my iPod was turned off. It was mirthful but annoying. It would have been infectious if he didn’t try to suck air in and laugh it out at the same time. Moving off he picked up a pair of dumbbells that were only 4Kg in weight. Even I could lift theses easily. “You’re technique is good but could use improvement. We’d better try using lower weights so we don’t kill you.” As he walked back to the head of the bench his leg brushed up against mine and I shivered a little. Stop being such a school girl. He’s not even gay I thought. “Same movements as before except this time you twist your arms around and bring the weights closer but keep your arms straight. Don’t knock the weights together.” Despite how tired I was and the sweat that was dripping off me I did as he instructed. It was much easier hoisting these weights but I could see how badly I was doing it. My arms weren’t in unison and I wasn’t braced against the board as much as I thought I was. “Better” Said Simon “But you need to really dig your feet into the ground and brace yourself. Try tensing up your legs and body.” Twisting my feet into the floor I tensed up as began to push and twist the dumbbells in my hands. They rose shakily but I didn’t sway as much and they moved upwards in unison. After 5 reps my muscles felt like molten slag. My blood felt like liquid fire coursing through my veins. My heart was hammering like an industrial pump. I dropped the weights and lay there sucking desperately at the air. I felt like I was boiling alive. “That was much better but you’re still not digging your feet in hard enough.” Simon walked round from the head of the bench to my feet. “Give me five more and I’ll let you go. I’ll even drop you off at your house. Reaching out he put his hands on mythighs and pushed them gently into the floor. My dick immediately responded. I could feel it twitching beneath my baggy trousers and I knew it would become visible soon. I would have killed for a pair of my skinny jeans about now. Feeble I hauled my body up and tried to bat him off of me. I looked up and saw the shock on his face. It was too late. He’d seen me getting hard. I flopped back down on the bench resigned and tried to cover myself. I felt pathetic. “I’m sorry” I stammered out “You were touching my thigh and I was too exhausted to…” “Do five more and I’ll suck your cock.” Looking up I saw the broad smile on his face. His hands squeezed tighter against my thighs. For a moment I was too dumbstruck to reach but as soon as his message had sung in I was scrambling for the weights. I grabbed one of them but the other had rolled just out my reach. I would have to stand to get it and I didn’t want Simon to stop touching me. “Fuck it!” I shouted. I dropped the other weight grabbed Simons thick arm and pulled myself up. Before he could protest I buried my face into his. And wrapped my hands about his strong neck. His lips had a sweet taste to them like lemons or something. I moved my lips back and forth and his momentarily caught off guard began to move with mine. I was dripping with sweat could barely breath and needed to lie down badly but kissing Simon felt so good. I could feel my snake bites pushed against his lips. Most people think they get in the way. If anything they enhance it. His tongue ran along the edge of my lips examining my piercings. I wanted to meet his tongue with my own but I decided to wait. He leaned forward pushing me backwards into the bench. His soft hands snaked their way up my legs to my thigh where they slowed down as they met my skin. His body radiated heat. Slowly his hands worked their way under my shirt. Fingertips brushed against my chest and my t-shirt was pulled gradually up. Until my chest was exposed. Simon broke off the kiss and stood up to pull my sweaty shirt off and dump it to one side. Under the gym lights my skin glistened with the sweat and my piercings dimly sparkled. Both my nipples and my belly button was pierced too. “Even more piercings. How many have you got?” I pointed them all out to him “13. 4 hoops in this ear, tragus and bar in this ear, snake bites, nipples and belly.” “That’s only 11” I stuck my tongue out at him revealing the black and white studs in them. His smile got bigger. I grabbed him by the thighs and pulled him in closer to me. My face buried into his hard stomach. He smelt like cologne and I couldn’t get enough of his musk. Quickly he drew off his own shirt and cast it aside. My legs gripped harder onto the side of the bench in anticipation. Hercules had nothing on this guy. Completely smooth except a tiny streak of soft brown hair between his pecks. The shirt had hidden the best little details about him. Unable to resist I began to paw at chi chest and kiss his abdomen. I worked my way down till I reached the band of his shorts. With my teeth I gripped hold and pulled them down. The cock that sprung out slapped me across the face. 7 inches long, uncut and a great thickness not too much that it would hurt but thick enough I would feel it and with a pulsing purple head. Tentatively I took hold of it in one hand. Stroking the shaft with my finger tips. I traced one of the bulging blue veins and then moved down to his balls. Cupping them in one hand I massaged them together before looking up at him. Simon was desperate for me to move on. His massive hands were on my shoulders massaging me gently. I could tell he wanted to shove my face into his dick and make me swallow him but he didn’t want to kill the mood. Running my tongue up his shaft caused his dick to twitch but I really started the party when I kissed his head. His smile dropped away and a more serious look dominated his features. He was smoldering like a model. I kissed his head again but this time I took a bit off it into my mouth. And brushed the tip with my tongue. His hands stopped massaging and gripped harder as he waited in anticipation. Not wanting to hold back longer I dived onto his meat and swallowed 6 inches of him. My piercings slit along his head and shaft as I swallowed him. He gave a slight moan and one hand moved off my shoulder. It stroked a lock of black hair past my ear and moved down to rest on the back on my neck where it playfully began to tangle in my hair. Moving my head back and forth I build up a steady rhythm. I always ensured that my piercings played with his head on the up stoke. His moans got gently louder as I got faster. He relaxed his hands and went back to massaging my right shoulder again. Looking up into his eyes gave me a thrill I could see how much effect I was having on him. His breaths were long and deep his colossal chest rising and dropping steadily. And how started back at me barley blinking and softly touching me to let me know it felt good. Eventually Simon pulled back from me. “Back in a minute” he whispered. Running off he disappeared for a minute before returning with a gym back. He dropped it on the floor then began to rummage around inside it. He stood up with a condom in one hand and a bottle of lube in the other. Hurriedly he put the condom on and lubed up before he handed the bottle to me. Reaching underneath the bench he pulled out the pin and raised it up till my ass was now on level with his dick. I squirted a dollop of lube into my hand and smeared it all over my hole. The cold tingled against me but I didn’t care. Simon now stood over me his dick in hand. Reaching back over my head I gripped the bench. Simon pushed himself against me. I felt the tip of his dick press in on me. I relaxed as he slowly slid in. My head rocked back flat against the bench as he entered me fully. Grabbing my thighs he began to thrust his hips back and forward. I moaned out loud and Simons hands gripped tighter on my thighs. He fucked me slowly at first to ease me onto him but the more I lessened up to let him in the harder he got. Eventually I was using my arms to stop me sliding off the bench. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” I shouted over the sound of his thighs slamming into my ass. “Fuck me Simon! Fuck me!” He got harder and harder the more I begged him too. He was going so fast that I could barely think. He was so deep inside me. Pre-cum oozed freely out me and dripped over my stomach. He began to stop and then pull out of me. Puzzled I looked up. “Simon?” I asked hesitantly. “Get on your knees” He responded. Eagerly I did as he asked. I was now bend over the bench with my ass waiting for me. Standing behind me Simon grabbed my under the shoulders and lifted me off the floor. Yelping in surprise I wondered what he was doing until he placed my knees on the bench. Standing behind me he wrapped one arm around my body and began to play with my piercings. With his other hand he guided his dick to my ass. Once in he began to fuck me hard again but now he was rolling both my nipple piercings between his thumb and fore finger. He reached down to my left ear and bite my piercings. His breath was hot and fast in my ear and I had to reach one hand behind his head and the other around his hips to prevent myself being fucked onto the floor. I was moaning again and begging him not to stop. His head moved around both my ears and onto my neck. Which was now covered in bruises. Both my nipples were now tender and sore from being squeezed but I didn’t want it to stop. Looking straight ahead I could see us both in the wall length mirrors. Me a cute skinny emo boy and Simon, a titan of a boy riding me so much all I could do was shout and hold on. Simon got bored again and picked me up off the bench. He pushed my legs forward till his hands were behind my knees then bounced me up and down. On his cock. He was really slamming my ass and I was so tired I held his wrists and whimpered in pleasure. His dick had been sliding in and out me for so long. I was amazed he didn’t cum. I hadn’t touched my dick but my pre-cum was now making a sizable pool on the floor. “We need more lube!” Said Simon. He placed me on the bench and reached to grab the bottle. “Wait!” I said stopping him. With one hand I scooped up the pre- cum that was oozing out me and covered his dick in it. With a lustful grin he wrapped his arms round my back and picked me up onto his dick again. Now we were face to face and I could play with his nipples and kiss him. He fucked me hard as he could but both of us were tired verging on exhausted. Simon had begun to grunt as he fucked me. “I’m getting close” His fucking began longer but deeper as he told me this. I reached down to my still oozing cock and began to wank off furiously. “Shoot on my chest!” he shouted. It took me about 20 seconds of wanking before I exploded over him. A great spurt of cum etrupted from my dick and sprayed up both of us. Part of it hit Simon in the face right next to his nose. He glowered that same smoldering look but I thought he was angry. Whilst I was still cumming I leaned forward and licked it off his nose. “You’re so fucking hot emo boy!” He said then kissed me. The salty cum spread over our lips, making him push his face deeper into mine. Once I had cum my ass immediately tightened up and Simon felt this. His fucking became long brutal strokes smashing into me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled tighter until my head was next to his and I was whimpering softly in his ear. “Take me” I whispered above his grunts. No sooner had I said it did he stiffen up. I knew he was Cumming so I kissed his neck and ran my tongue up towards his ear where I began to nibble on his lobe. Both of us now exhausted Simon squatted down on his haunches with me still in his arms and lay back. I sprawled out on top of him like a starfish. We were both dripping with sweat and breathing heavily. I had no idea how Simon had managed to keep me up for so long but I was glad he did. As the world came back into focus for me I sat backwards and looked down at Simon. He was by far the best person I’d ever slept with. I kissed him on the lips one last time before I had to pull him out of me. I turned to look down and did a double take. The condom was completely filled with cum. It had trickled down the side of Simons cock. I never knew a guy could cum so much. With some effort Simon stood up and gathered his things. “We’ll need to shower then leave. If you hang around I’ll drop you off if you want?” “Yeah I’d like that if you don’t mind.” “Course not” he smiled as he said it but he had lost that look. I knew he would only ever have that expression on during sex. I wanted to see it again so badly. We walked to the showers in silence and I got my towel from my locker. We showered together and talked a little about ourselves. I tried to listen to what Simon was saying but I couldn’t help but watching the bubbles from his shower gel run down his ripped body and I could lonely think about the sex we just had. I was tired, my ass would be tendr tomorrow and it was late but I didn’t care. Marching over to Simon I put my hands around his head, pulled him as close as I could, stood on tiptoe and was only just able to reach his lips. With a flicker of a smile Simon reached down and kissed me properly. He explored my mouth feeling all of my piercings. We fell on top of each other again. Apart from me dashing out to get another condom we fucked non-stop in the shower. Due to the hard tiled floor I lay on my side with Simon behind me. He slid into me once again but Simon was too tired to fuck me like before and my arms were nearly dead. Instead he lay there behind me gently fucking for ages. We swapped sides twice because we were going numb. I would have bruises on my hips tomorrow as well. Hot water dripped over my body and face forcing me to close my eyes. I held on tight to Simon’s arms as he used me again. The few times I looked over my shoulder to kiss him he was wearing that expression. He was like an angel warrior going into battle and I lost myself in those eyes. He grabbed my leg and hoisted it over his legs to get better access to my ass. Whilst exposed be massaged my balls with one of his soft hands. I moaned aloud again and kept kissing his arm. If I could live in one moment forever it would be on that shower floor with Simon inside me gently fucking. It took him longer to cum this time but he was so gentle with me it didn’t hurt. Not that he hurt me before I begged him to do it. My load shot out in front of us. We watched the hot water wash it away and lay there bathed in water and sweat. Not wanting to move. A cramp in my leg forced us to get up. We dressed quickly and I helped Simon shut down the gym and lock up. The car journey to my house was filled with bland radio music and silent longing. I only spoke to give directions to Simon. Outside my house I turned to Simon unsure of how to say goodbye but was sparred the hassle. Simon had pulled a card out of his glove box. It was his personal trainer card for the gym which had his number on it. “I know you don’t want to go back to the gym but you’re the best workout I’ve had in a while and there’s no way in hell I’m going back to the old routine.” I took the card with a shy smile and slipped it into my pocket. “Alright whatever” I said. I turned grabbed the handle and pulled but stopped looked back at Simon then leaned forward and pecked him on the cheek. He laughed his stupid laugh again and kissed me properly. “I’ll phone you tomorrow then?” I asked shyly. “Please do. Bye dude.” “See you” I hopped out the car and watched him drive off wondering what a leg work out with Simon would be like.


More Gay Erotic Stories from DylanThorneXXX

A Free Workout

So there I was at the gym and Christ knows why. One lost bet and here I was heaving away at some stupid weight contraption. Being thin as a rake and weighing 55Kg didn't help me either, but if there is one thing can be said about me. I'm a man of my word, or at least a bit mental. I’d never been one for physical exercise. I much prefer to sit and scribble at something for hours. My

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