Gay Erotic Stories

Ask the Doctor, Part 4

by Blindside
17 Nov 2014

Just For Fun--Jokes/Poems

Ask the Doctor, Part 4 -This is a fictional story.

Dear Doc: Last night, I proposed to the girl of my dreams (we’ve dated for over six months). She said “yes”, provided we do a “test drive” in the bedroom, as she need to know I could “perform.” That’s all fine and dandy, but I signed a pledge six years ago when I was eighteen that I would not engage in sexual relations until I was married (I do not even masturbate). What should I do? Signed, Under Contract

Dear Contract: Normally I would say you should honor your commitment, however with the passage of six years, it appears to me you need to move on. That said, I’m a bit concerned that your girl friend would put you in a situation which requires compromising your principles. I say, go for it … what could it hurt? Let me know, I care. PS: Are your balls blue by any chance?

Dear Doctor: The gym I go to recently sponsored free testicle and prostate screening for the guys. When I showed up for my appointment, the Doctor examined my genitals and then stuck his finger up my ass … for about 50 seconds (I popped a boner). Several of guys at the gym think the Doctor might be a pervert. Your opinion please, Signed, Muscle Bound

Dear Muscle: Yeah, I think so. A prostate exam should not take over 20 seconds, at most. Next time, go to your personal physician.

Dear Doctor: My husband and I have a routine during the week for sexual activity. Mondays and Thursdays, we have intercourse. Tuesdays and Fridays, I give him either a blow job or hand job. On Wednesdays, he fingers me. I’d like more variety in our sexual relations. Any suggestions would be appreciated? Signed, Bored

Dear Bored: You should be so bored. So, you take the week-ends off? Maybe you guys need a threesome to spice things up.

Dear Doctor: I’m a 24 year-old female who has had sexual relations with five different guys over the past several years. What is it about you guys that require me to suck you off prior to intercourse? I don’t mind doing it, but can’t you men get it up on your own? Signed, Curious

Dear Curious: Ha! Guess what honey? It’s what we do. Get over it and continue to suck.

Dear Doc: My roommate left last Thursday for a family emergency. On Friday, his girlfriend shows up on Friday (as usual). One thing led to another, and we ended up in bed. She told me I was “the best fuck she had ever had.” So what do I do if my roommate finds out? His girlfriend has already invited me to her apartment next Thursday. Signed, Roommate.

Dear Roommate: You sir, are in trouble, but I guess you know that. Suggest to the girlfriend that you have the threesome with your roommate. That way, she gets hers and he gets it too. Let me know. I care.

Dear Doctor: For whatever reason, I never developed pubic hair. So at the age of twenty-four, I remain hairless. I’ve been to several doctors, who haven’t a clue. It’s embarrassing, especially at the gym. What should I do? Signed, No Bush

Dear Bush: By now, you must have noticed at the gym that many young men shave their pubes. It is what it is; get over it pal.

Dear Doctor: Quite by accident, I discovered my grown son is gay. Should I confront him, or just let this alone. I love my son, but this is a disappointment. Signed, Dad Dear Dad: It is fairly uncommon these days for gay men to be in the closet. He’ll probably tell you when the time is right. Please respect his decision; you can’t do anything about it.

Dear Doctor: My girlfriend and I have an active sex life. But here’s the problem. After I ejaculate, I retain my erection for up to 30 minutes or more. There has even been an occasion when I cum again when taking a shower with my partner. Is the normal? Signed, Hard on

Dear Hard: I’m not sure, but it sounds a bit strange to me. I suggest you speak to your personal physician. Some guys should be so lucky!

Dear Doc: I took your suggestion and agreed to do a “test drive” with the girl I asked to marry me several weeks ago. Wow! We fucked until the cows came home … or so I thought. Once we had finished, she announced that I fell “short” of her expectations (I have a small penis). I would have been better off waiting until our wedding night for her to find out. Thanks much … asshole. Signed No Longer Under Contract

Dear Contract: Excuse me sir, but you’re better off without the bitch. Find someone that appreciates your (small) size.

Dear Doctor: After being divorced for three months, I have concluded that women are nothing but trouble. That said, I still have needs, if you get my drift. Are there women out there who want sexual “relations” without the “relationship” part? Help me please, as I have to get off soon! Signed, Needs a Fuck

Dear Fuck: Yeah, I know such women. They’re called prostitutes. And yeah, there are women who you describe … you just got to find them. Or try this: If you and your ex are still friends, call her up and suggest a roll in the hay. Maybe she needs the same thing you do. Let me know because I care.

Dear Doc: Yesterday I was in class and couldn’t take my eyes off a hot co-ed on the front row. Half way thru the class, I ejaculated in my pants … but I didn’t have an erection. Is this normal? Signed, Big Man on Campus

Dear Big: Well, it can happen, but I don’t see anything to be concerned about. How was that mess in your underwear?

Dear Doc: My wife cut me off about eight years ago, saying she no longer enjoyed sex (I don’t think she ever did). I stayed in the marriage for the sake of our kids, who are now in college. I’d like to now divorce my wife, but am not sure I have a good reason. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Signed, Had It

Dear Had: How ‘bout “alienation of affection?” That ought to work. Good luck Sir.

Dear Doctor: I’m a twenty-four married young professional, working in the financial services industry. I’ve been told I’m very good looking. During the day, I see many clients, mostly couples trying to get their financial house in order. Yesterday, a woman hit on me while her husband went to the restroom. As if the ring on my finger didn’t show. I was stunned, and didn’t really have a response. This is the third time this has happened. What’s a snappy response? Signed, Apparently Hot

Dear Hot: Oh, this is easy. Next time, say “I’d love to fuck you madam, so let’s check with your husband when he returns.” That ought to do it.

Dear Doctor: My husband of ten years is a wonderful father of our three children and a good provider. However, he is lacking in the romance department. When we do have sex, which isn’t often, he can last about three minutes before ejaculating. And then he rolls over and goes to sleep. I’ve tried to talk with him about this, but he ignores me. Please help! Signed, Wants More

Dear Wants: Send the kids to the grandparents and book a cruise where he will be a captive audience. Let me know if this works because I care.

Dear Doc: To help with college expenses, I do “gay for pay” porn. It’s no big deal to me, but my girlfriend nearly lost it when she found out (yeah, I told her). I only do safe sex and am tested monthly. The money is so good, I can’t give it up. What can I say to get her off my case, as this is only temporarily until I graduate? By the way, she and I have sex on a regular basis. Signed, Queer for a Dollar

Dear Queer: Don’t know why you told her in the first place, but it’s done. I see nothing wrong with this and applaud you for practicing safe sex. So what would she have you do to meet expenses? Work the night shift at some convenience store? Tell her to chill. So, how’s that asshole of yours doing these days?

Dear Doctor: I have it on rather good authority that my husband is having an affair with another man. It doesn’t surprise me, since we haven’t had sex in over a year. Should I confront him? I’d like nothing better than a divorce, as he is financially well off, of which I’d get fifty percent. Signed, Married to a Homo

Dear Married: Sure, I’d confront him. What’s he going to say? He probably wants out as well, but don’t be surprised that all of the sudden, you’re both “broke.”

Dear Doctor: I am a forty year old guy in good health. My wife bullied me into seeing a doctor for a check-up. About the time we got to the rectal exam, I refused to participate. There is no way I am going to allow a guy to stick his finger up my ass. The doctor concluded the examination and told me perhaps I’d best find another physician. Can he do that? He also billed me for the full amount. Signed, No Ass Play

Dear Ass: Yeah, he can do that. What is it about taking care of yourself that you don’t understand? Now bend over and spread those cheeks.

Dear Doc: I came home a day early from a business trip and caught my wife having sex with my neighbor. Of course I packed up my stuff and left the apartment. Now the neighbor has called me, apologized, and offered to let me fuck his wife to even the score (she’s hot). What do you think of this arrangement? Signed, Neighbor Guy

Dear Guy: I guess if all parties agree, it’s OK with me. This sounds somewhat weird in my book.

Hey Doc! Every Sunday morning, my roommate and I “manscape” each other, shaving our chests and pubes. Typically, we each get an erection and then jack off together. I’m wondering sir, if perhaps we might be queer? Signed, Smooth Chest

Dear Chest: I doubt it. But keep it at masturbation and you’ll be OK.

Dear Doctor: I was married last Saturday to a great guy. By mutual consent, we agreed not to have sex prior to our wedding night. The first time was somewhat awkward, and I was unable to satisfy my new husband. You see Doctor, he has a very large erect penis which frankly I can’t take. It’s very painful. Any suggestions? Signed, New Bride

Dear Bride: Short of seeing your personal physician for a consultation, I suggest your husband be on the bottom, whereby you can control the depth of penetration into your vagina while you’re on top.. Once you are satisfied (and he’s not), then you can finish him off with a hand job or oral sex. Let me know if this works because I care.

Dear Doc: My daughter met a young man at the university, who will be visiting us during the holidays. I suspect they have had sex, but of course don’t really know. What should my response be when they want to share the same bedroom during the visit. Her mother is about to freak. Signed, Dad

Dear Dad: Well first, you don’t know if the situation will even arise, so both you and your wife need to chill. Technically, it’s “your house, your rules.” They are probably having sex anyway, but if you don’t want to encourage it, then don’t.

Dear Doc: I am sleeping with two different women, both of whom do not know about the other. One is the best fuck on the planet, but not too bright. The other on is an average fuck, but very intelligent and a good conversationalist. I want to settle down in the next few years, but I’m left with the obvious question: Good fuck or brains. Your opinion please, and just so you know, the dumb one has a trust fund from Daddy. She is loaded! Signed, Perplexed . Dear Perplexed: I think this is easy. You can always make money overtime, and work with your partner to establish good sexual relations. But remember, you can’t fix stupid. Hope this helps!

Dear Doc: I’m six feet tall, one hundred ninety pounds, reasonably muscular, and somewhat good looking. My problem is the fact I have a very small penis (three inches erect), but I know how to use it. I’m embarrassed to go to the gym and shower in the locker room. The women I have slept with seem satisfied with my performance, but I’m still somewhat embarrassed. Signed, Small

Dear Small: First, if the women you sleep with are satisfied, then you have nothing to worry about. Regarding the locker room, please know that men are not interested whatsoever in the size of your penis; they are only concerned about the size of their own. Chill, my friend.

Dear Doc: Do you think the Pope masturbates? My fraternity brothers want to know. Signed, Brothers

Dear Brothers: You have asked the wrong question, which is, “Has the Pope EVER masturbated?” Probably, but haven’t you assholes have something better to do?

Dear Doctor: Last month, my older brother married a girl that I had sex with several years ago. Prior to the wedding, she and I agreed to take that secret to the grave with us. Last night, my now sister-in-law called me, saying we “need to get together.” The translation is that she wants to have sex with me. Seems my brother is a complete flop in the bedroom. And while I’m always looking for a good fuck, I’m not sure this is a good idea. What do you think? Signed, In-Law

Dear Law: You’ve got to be kidding. This is the worst Idea I’ve ever heard. Forget it pal … it is nothing but trouble.

Hey Doc: Last Sunday morning, my roommate came out of his bedroom, completely naked, with a piss hard on. He proceeded to pour himself a cup of coffee and then stood in front of the counter, boner and all, and engaged me in conversation. This went on for about fifteen minutes. It was embarrassing to say the least. Do you think he’s gay? Signed, Straight

Dear Straight: Probably not, but you might express your embarrassment to him. Did he have a big dick?

Dear Doctor: I’ve been dating a really nice guy for about two months now. Last night, he suggested we “cement” our relationship … in bed. I declined, noting that it was my intention to remain a virgin until marriage. He then asked whether I would be willing to give him a hand job. I said maybe, but frankly am not entirely sure what a hand job is. Can you help? Signed, Apparently Naïve

Dear Naïve: Here’s how this works. Your boyfriend lays naked on the bed. You bring his penis to full erection and masturbate him until he ejaculates. It’s really quite simple. Be careful however. When he starts to jerk uncontrollably, be prepared for one big sticky mess!

Dear Doc: When I went for my physical several days ago, my Doctor told me I had an “overactive prostrate”, and suggested prostrate massage. I agreed, but then he sent his physician assistant in, who proceeded with the procedure. How fucking embarrassing. Not only was I laid out naked on the exam table, in stirrups, but I popped a boner as well, AND ejaculated while the PA was doing his thing. I’m pissed! What should I do? Signed, Butthole

Dear Butthole: Well, did the therapy help? If so, chill my friend. Besides, didn’t it feel good?

Dear Doctor: I will be married next Saturday to an amazing woman. She has suggested, and I have agreed, to have sexual intercourse two hours before the wedding. I’m a bit uncomfortable with this, but am going to go through with it. Do you think anyone at the wedding will know I’ve busted a nut before the nuptials? Will I get a hard on during the ceremony? Signed, Groom

Dear Groom: Never had this one before, but hey! Go for it! And no, you won’t get a hard on during the ceremony, unless of course your bride rubs your crotch as you say “I do”. Good luck pal.

Dear Doc: My husband is a great lover; however he retains an erection for approximately forty minutes after he has ejaculated. Is this normal? I told him he needs to see a Doctor. Signed, Concerned

Dear Concerned: Probably. Some men should be so lucky.

Dear Doctor: My girl friend and I have finally agreed to have sex. She’s afraid she will bleed. Actually I am too. What should I do if she does? Signed, Screwing a Virgin

Dear Screw: Nothing. It will pass very quickly. Now, puncture that membrane and make her a woman!

Dear Doc: I remember swimming naked in high school PE class, but understand that no longer is the case. Frankly, it was fun as I recall. What happened? Signed, Swimmer

Dear Swimmer: Same old shit pal. Someone thought it was perverted. Who knew back then?

Dear Doctor: I have a large penis, which makes it difficult to buy pants that fit correctly without showing a bulge. I’ve tried underwear that would “hide” what I have, but nothing has worked thus far. Any suggestions, as I’m tired of looking like a freak. Signed, Large

Dear Large: OK, here’s what you do. Find a small tailor shop that specializes in men’s clothing. They can “fit you to size”, or they should be able to without any embarrassment. Believe me, they see this every day and can deal with it very effectively. Good Luck.

Dear Doctor: I have what I’ll call a minor ED problem. My doctor is sending me to get a ultrasound on my penis to evaluate the blood flow. He didn’t explain the process, and I’m a bit concerned how this all works. Do you know? Signed, Limp

Dear Limp: The Doctor will inject a solution into your penis, which will cause an erection. He will then do a ultra sound on your penis to evaluate the blood flow. Your erection may last an hour or longer, however the Doctor will not let you leave with an erection. A nurse will probably be present, however the Doctor should respect your privacy. Dear Doc: My Doctor sent to a dermatologist for a full body scan, looking (I guess) for moles from sun damage. When the nurse brought me to the exam room, she said she would be assisting the doctor, and that I should undress completely. She then left the room. When the Doctor arrived, he had the nurse with him, and preceded to exam me from head to toe (including penis, ball, and asshole). The nurse just stood there while the Doc did his thing. In the mean time, I popped a boner. It was really embarrassing. Was it really necessary to have the nurse present? Signed, Embarrassed

Dear Embarrassed: It looks as if the nurse was not serving any function whatsoever. Next time, tell the Doctor that you’d appreciate a gown and to leave the nurse somewhere else.

Dear Doctor: I’m a young professional, working at a very conservative financial institution. Management expects their employees to participate in community affairs (which I do) and to be a good family person, including being married, having kids, and attending church. The problem is, I am a closet gay, although I am straight acting. My boss is on my ass about settling down. How do I respond? Signed, Closet

Dear Closet: Tell him you have dated numerous women, but all they want is sex. You however, are looking for a nice Christian woman, who is a virgin … like you.

Dear Doctor: My older brother is unable to father children, due to an abnormally low sperm count. He has asked me to “stand in” for him … that is, have sex with his wife (she’s hot) and get her pregnant (and I doubt if we’d score a baby on the first try). Needless to say, I’m a bit reluctant to do this, for a variety of reasons. Do you have an opinion of this Doc? Signed, Stand In.

Dear Stand: Well, this is indeed a new one. While I’m sure this has been done before, I believe there are some legal issues which the three of you should deal with. As an example, what if they get divorced, and she comes to YOU for child support? Or Medical bills? I suggest the three of you see an attorney.

Dear Doc: I play basketball with nine other guys every Saturday afternoon at the gym. After the game, we all hit the showers and then go to the bar for some adult beverages. I’m the only guy on the team who is uncircumcised. One of the guys, who is a urologist, pulled me aside at the bar and suggested that I “have that fixed”, referring of course to my uncut penis. I think he’s trying to drum up business. What’s a snappy response to this guy? Signed, Uncut and Not Going There

Dear Going: The good doctor should know that circumcised men are the minority in this world. While circumcision is practiced widely in the US, it is not common in Europe, Asia, Central and South America. Tell this dude that you prefer to remain with the majority of men on the planet. And why is the doctor looking at your dick in the shower anyway?

Hi Doc! Several weeks ago, I met this fantastic woman who I was very attracted to. I think the feeling was mutual. We’ve had about five dates, which have gone well. Yesterday, she asked if I would play on her beach volleyball team, as one of the regular guys was ill. I agreed. Then she told me they play at the “clothing optional” beach. I said OK, but now I’m having second thoughts. You see Doctor, I have a small dick and don’t want to embarrass myself. Your thought would be appreciated. Signed, Small

Dear Dick: Well, when in Rome pal … Don’t worry about it. If she dumps you because of your “size”, then she isn’t worth having to begin with. Now remove those trunks, OK?

Dear Doctor: I have a rather extensive “bush”, if you get my drift. My girl friend, who I am having sex with, has asked that I shave my pubic hair, as it occasionally gets in her teeth when she is give me a blow job. Personally, I like my bush. What should I do? Signed, Bushy

Dear Bushy: OK pal, here’s the story. Shave that mess off, or go without blow jobs. Which one will it be? I’d vote for the razor myself.

Dear Doc: I’m a drill instructor in the military. I caught two of my men masturbating in the latrine yesterday. I’ve already told them there would be punishment. What do you think it should be? Signed, Gunny Sergeant

Dear Gunny: Oh, this is easy. Put them both in the showers, turn on the cold water, and make they stand at attention for about an hour. Trust me, they won’t be jerk’in anytime soon.


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When we last left Carter, he was “promoted” to the job of personal cocksucker to the captain. We now continue with our story. So there I stood, in front of the captain, who had dropped his pants and boxers and was sporting a huge erection. “Suck my dick, Carter.” I knelt down in front of the captain and placed his manhood inside my mouth. “Suck it hard.” Being the

Big Dick, Little Dick

Tonight was the night. My new girl friend of three weeks was hot, and I was counting on getting laid--or if that didn’t work out--at least a blowjob. My absolute minimum requirement however, would be a hand job. I picked my date up at her sorority. After a very expensive dinner, we took in a movie. We were all over each other in the theater. I honestly can’t even remember what the movie

Bonding With Dad

When I was in high school, my dad promised me a car for college if I could get a scholarship. He and mom had been divorced for years, but he had agreed to pay for college. Dad lived several hundred miles away, although I had seen him several times a year since he and mom split up. I think he had several girl friends, but I really never knew. I did know however, that I was conceived out of

Bridegroom's Cherry

I met Randy on the first day of college. My name is Keith. Randy and I had been assigned as roommates at one of the dorms. We hit it off immediately. Randy was tall and lanky while I was of medium height with a little flab. Nonetheless, we had a lot in common even though we had initially chosen different majors…he in pre-law, me in marketing and sales. My dad was in sales and had taught me

Brig Time for Me

“Get the fuck in my office private!” yelled the sergeant, as he pushed me across the barracks floor. I had screwed up badly, having called the sergeant a ‘dick head’ under my breath. The bastard heard me! “Stand at attention!” barked the sergeant, once we’d reached his office. I was scared shitless. There was no telling what my fate would be. Sarge picked up the phone and quickly dialed a

Can't Cum? See Your Doctor!

After two years of marriage, my wife and I decided to conceive a baby. We tried repeatedly for about two months, oftentimes making love several times a day. I would even sneak home at lunch for a quickie, thinking that would be the one that “took.” As we continued to try, something very weird overcame my body: I could no longer ejaculate. This was indeed a problem, considering we’re

Can't Cum? Hey! See Your Doctor!

After two years of marriage, my wife and I decided to conceive a baby. We tried repeatedly for about two months, oftentimes making love several times a day. I would even sneak home at lunch for a quickie, thinking that would be the one that “took.” As we continued to try, something very weird overcame my body: I could no longer ejaculate. This was indeed a problem, considering we’re

Caught By My Wife!

It was about 11 pm. Linda and I had been watching television. She gave me the “look,” which was her signal she wanted to be fucked. And since her brother was arriving tomorrow for a visit, I thought it best to knock some off tonight, as it might be the only opportunity for the next several days. My name is Marc. Linda headed towards the bedroom. I hit the shower and shaved…even splashed

Clyde, Louise & Wilber

I grew up on a small farm in a very strict environment. There was no drinking, smoking, swearing, and certainly no talk of sex. My folks dragged me to church at every opportunity. Father had no tolerance for misbehavior. One time, he caught my older brother smoking behind the barn. He whipped him something fierce that same afternoon. I don’t think my brother ever smoked again. The day

Clyde, Louise, & Wilber

I grew up on a small farm in a very strict environment. There was no drinking, smoking, swearing, and certainly no talk of sex. My folks dragged me to church at every opportunity. Father had no tolerance for misbehavior. One time, he caught my older brother smoking behind the barn. He whipped him something fierce that same afternoon. I don’t think my brother ever smoked again. The day

Coach & Me, Part 1

As one of the top high school wrestlers in the state, it went without saying that an athletic scholarship would be mine for the asking. Three universities were competing for my talents. And after careful consideration, I made my selection, packed my bags, and headed out for college. The first week of college was devoted to getting familiarized with the campus, selecting classes, and making

Coach & Me, Part 2

When we last left Parker, he was finishing up his freshman year at state college, having participated on the wrestling team. Due to an early injury, the coach had nursed him back to health, using systematic massage therapy sessions, which included an occasional blowjob. We now continue with our story… *** Returning to the university in the fall, I once again signed up to a member of the

Coach & Me, Part 3

Parker is now a junior at the university. Continuing with our story … *** The wrestling team had now grown to fourteen members in my junior year. Once again, we all gathered in the practice room at the beginning of the semester. And once again, we had a new coach. Seems the alumni association had fired the last one, again due to his inability to bring home a state championship. It

Coach & Me, Part 4

When last we left Parker, he was heading to his senior year on the wrestling team. Our story continues … Finally I was a senior. Hot shit, to say the least. Regretfully our wrestling team had failed to win a state championship during my stay at the university. Frankly, I thought it was because we never had consistent coaching. This would be the fourth coach in as many years. There we

Coach Takes a Hands On Approach

“Oay men! Hit the showers! Slade, you come with me to the office!” The Friday afternoon swim practice for the varsity men had just been concluded. My star swimmer, Slade, was clearly a disappointment. This was my first year coaching at the university, and it was vitality important that the team perform well. Slade followed me into the office, where I shut the door and took a seat at my

Dad & Danny - Sex Education

This is a work of fiction – enjoy! Growing up, I was your basic nerd. Having no friends, I spent most of my time reading, playing the piano, or working on the computer. I had no interest in sports whatsoever, nor did I participate in any after school activities. Being an only child, my parents pretty well protected me from the bad influences of human behavior, which was fine with me.

Discipline Unit #1

Growing up, I was your basic juvenile delinquent. If there was a car to be stolen, it was gone together with everything in it. Several of my buddies broke into a house one time and stole stereo equipment, jewelry, and all the liquor we could haul. It became a thrill just to steal. Luckily, we had never been caught…until our senior year in high school. To make this part of the story short,

Enlarge This Dick!

As a young college student in a large metropolitan city, I was always looking for an easy way to make a buck. Just to meet incidental expenses, you know. And I positively refused to work at a fast food joint, flipping burgers. One Sunday morning I was cruising through the classified adds in the newspaper, under the heading “Part Time.” And there it was…an intriguing ad. “Wanted: Men ages

Examination of the Police Force, Part 1

After graduation from medical school and participating in the required intern and residency programs, I established my practice. Mainly, my focus was on sports medicine together with occasional men’s health issues. Into my second year of practice, I had plenty of business to make a comfortable living. Luckily, I was able to share office space with a psychiatrist. We also shared a

Examination of the Police Force, Part 2

“The police officer is here for his physical exam Doctor,” said the receptionist, as she handed me the paperwork. “Oh yeah, right,” I said, “Just put him in the exam room.” It was the second cop that month. I read over the paper work. A 51-year-old man, married, two grown children. Been on the force 25 years, mainly as a patrolman. Damn! Next time I hope they send me a rookie. The younger

Examination of the Police Force, Part 3

Several weeks later, I noticed another cop had scheduled an exam for the next day. Unlike the first two, the police administration office had sent some paperwork regarding this individual. The cop was actually a cadet, who had to pass the physical in order to be certified as a full time police officer. Didn’t seem like an issue at the time. It was Friday, at 7:30 am. The receptionist had

Examination of the Police Force, Part 4

I was extremely pissed. My 3:30 pm appointment had not materialized. It was now 4 pm. It is rare that I schedule a physical exam so late in the day, but I made an exception because it was part of the contract with the Police Department. I instructed the receptionist that, if the cop ever showed up, put him in the exam room and let me know. In the mean time, I decided to catch up on the daily

Examination of the Police Force, Part 5

It was Wednesday morning. The schedule was packed in the morning, what with several sports injuries that had to be dealt with. After lunch, yet another policeman would be coming for his physical. Hope he didn’t have an attitude like the last one, or some fat slob like the second one. Hopefully, I’d be done by 3 pm, as I was planning to take the remainder of the week off…play some golf, and

Examination of the Police Force, Part 6

Having just returned from vacation, I was having re-entry problems. After a busy Monday morning, the receptionist informed me that another cop was scheduled for a physical exam at 3 pm. Maybe I needed to reevaluate my contract with the police administration office…I really didn’t need the business, although the money was nothing to sneeze about…just the time it took to do the exams. I was

Examination of the Police Force, Part 7

After examining the last cop, I decided that perhaps it would be best to terminate my relationship with the police force. I quickly reviewed the terms of the contract and luckily found a clause, which would allow me to cancel. I therefore had the receptionist draft a cancellation letter (the contract required 5 days written notice). In the meantime, and unbeknownst to me, an appointment had

Future Father In-Law Examination

After returning to college after the holiday break, I was introduced to Michelle by one of my fraternity brothers. My name is Gary. God she was pretty…and smart. Michelle and I fell in love immediately. We were both in our senior year and would be graduating in May. I couldn’t believe the luck I’d had, finding the perfect girl. By early March, Michelle and I decided to get married

Guilty or Innocent?

To make a long story short, the police arrested me on a Monday morning for allegedly forcing a young woman (hereafter referred to as ‘bitch’ or ‘cunt’) to perform oral sex in the restroom of a mid-town bar. Unfortunately, I just happened to be at the bar where the incident occurred, which wasn’t a good sign. Fortunately, I had an attorney friend who not only bailed me out of jail, but also

Guilty or Innocent?

To make a long story short, the police arrested me on a Monday morning for allegedly forcing a young woman (hereafter referred to as ‘bitch’ or ‘cunt’) to perform oral sex in the restroom of a mid-town bar. Unfortunately, I just happened to be at the bar where the incident occurred, which wasn’t a good sign. Fortunately, I had an attorney friend who not only bailed me out of jail, but also

Hemorrhoids and a Hard-On

I absolutely, positively, had to do something about my hemorrhoids. The pain was awful! And the scratching was disgusting! I must have the most ugly butt hole on the planet! Something had to be done! Not having seen a doctor since my college days, naturally I was apprehensive to start now. And notwithstanding that fact, I didn’t even have a regular physician. Certainly, I wasn’t going to

Masturbation Therapy

Having been married for about 10 years with two kids, my wife and I decided it was time for me to have a vasectomy. She had been on the pill, but was unhappy with the side effects. Additionally, my wife was scared to death of having another child, which resulted in infrequent sexual intercourse. This is pretty tough on a 30-year-old still horny bastard. At least my wife would give me several

Military Doc, Part 1

During my senior year in college, one of my professors suggested I attend medical school. I was a smart kid, and would graduate with a degree in biology. The trouble with this suggestion however, was the fact I had no money. There was a solution however, and that was to let the military pay for med school, knowing full well I’d have to commit to eight years in the army. Well, one does what

Military Doc, Part 2

After spending one year in the middle of nowhere, I was transferred back state side. After my arrival however, I decided being on an isolated base in the Pacific wasn’t so bad after all. The military medical facility I was assigned was very large and filled with a multitude of doctors. Upon my arrival, I was ushered into the office of the head physician. I was about to learn he was a

Military Doc, Part 3

After a year of hell working stateside for General “shit head”, I got transferred to a medium sized military base in Europe. This was now my third year of my eight-year commitment to the military. Time was going very slowly. Upon my arrival at the base, I was assigned to emergency room duties. This was okay with me, as it would give me some additional experience as well as allow me to

Military Doc, Part 4

It was my fourth year of indentured servitude with the Military medical team. I really wasn’t too anxious to leave Europe, but didn’t have a choice when reassigned to a stateside facility on the west coast. The base was a combination of various functions, including a recruitment and high-tech training center. I would be working in the hospital, making rounds and sometimes alternating in the

Military Doc, Part 5

It was the beginning of my fifth year as a military doctor. I was somewhat concerned that nothing had been said regarding a transfer, although my current assignment at a west coast facility was okay with me. The warm weather suited me just fine. On a Monday morning, the chief medical officer called me to his office. “Major, we’d like you to stay in this area. Would that be acceptable?”

Military Doc, Part 6

So here I am in year six of my commitment to the military, which landed me on the east coast at a large medical facility. At first I was assigned to the emergency room, where I dealt mainly with military dependents. This was basically shit duty, particularly dealing with officer’s wives and their spoiled children. Everyone thinks they’re special. After several months of the emergency room,

Military Doc, Part 7

It was now year seven of my military obligation. Two more years to go, and I’d be out on my own and hopefully making some serious money. I’d had about enough military as any one individual should have to take in a lifetime. Leaving the east coast, the military transferred me to sunny Florida. I was assigned to a small base of approximately 1,500 men and women. I wasn’t quite sure what the

Military Doc, Part 8

Finally! This was the final year of my military career! I started out marking off the days on the calendar, but discontinued that practice after it became clear it was only prolonging the agony! My last assignment was back to the west coast, where I was put in charge of the recruitment center. Among other duties, it was my charge to ensure all the hunky young recruits were in the best of

My Friend Skip - Part 1

After twenty years of marriage, my wife and I decided to divorce. We had simply grown apart. She had her life and I had mine. Being the nice guy, I moved out and settled into an apartment. I decided that women were nothing but trouble, and thus made no effort to find female companionship. Five months after the divorce, my life was less than perfect. After work, I would typically stop by

My Prostate Exam

“Okay, sir…if you’ll just stand up and lift your gown, we’ll finish your exam.” So there I was, practically naked, standing before a doctor I’d never seen before. After turning 40 years of age, my employer insisted I have a complete physical exam. I lifted the skimpy gown, exposing my manhood to the doctor, who had rolled up a small stool, put on some gloves, and took a seat. “Just relax,

Sir! Yes Sir!, Part 1

To make a long story short, I grew up in a totally dysfunctional household. My parents were the town drunks, which meant I had little or no supervision. Nor did I have any siblings to hang out with. Nor did we have any money to speak of. My dad worked odd jobs and made just enough money to survive on. Of course there was always money for liquor. By the way, my name is Cooper, but they call

Sir! Yes Sir!, Part 2

Part 2 Arriving at the training base, I checked in with the officer of the day who assigned me to a barracks. “You’ll be bunking temporarily upstairs in this building with a sergeant. We’re out of room in the barracks you’re suppose to be in.” I grabbed my stuff, headed upstairs, and found my room. It was somewhat small, with two bunks, two closets, several chairs, a small couch, and a

Sir! Yes Sir!, Part 3

Part 3 The following morning, I boarded a Military Air Command flight heading east. I loved California and was in hopes I would be able to return. I was sitting in the back of the plane, next to a black lieutenant. About 70 minutes into the flight, the pilot came on the public address system, “Gentlemen, we have a slight problem with the aircraft, and I’m going to make an unscheduled

Sir! Yes Sir!, Part 4

Part 4 The morning after I sucked off the corporal in the steam room, I headed to the warehouse, wondering if the corporal would make good on his promise. Once at the warehouse, we all lined up for roll call and the corporal started to make assignments for the day. Then it came my turn. “Cooper … report to the office. I have a job for you.” Yeah, I’ll bet … a blowjob. As I broke ranks

Sir! Yes Sir!, Part 5

Part 5 The following morning, I headed to the infirmary for my physical exam that the sergeant had explained was necessary for my promotion to corporal. I’d had a physical at military basic training that was run like a cattle car where 20 naked men were humiliated by overzealous medics. I remember several guys got a hardon, which was not overlooked by the medics. Once at the infirmary, I

Sir! Yes Sir!, Part 6

Part 6 Arriving in California, I took the military bus from the airport to the base where this all started. In addition to a recruitment center, the base also served other functions such as logistics and commissioned officer training. Nothing much had changed at the base since I had left. Once on the base, I headed to the administration building to check in. There was a corporal at the

Sports Medicine

Our next installment takes a strange and bizarre twist. A newly married coed (and apparently a nymphomaniac at that) consults with our doctor about her bridegroom’s poor performance in bed. It was late in the spring semester and I was looking forward to taking a break during the summer months. Being a doctor can be stressful, and perhaps it’d be a good idea to get away for a while. It was

Sports Medicine, Part 1

After graduation from medical school, I was very fortunate to join a group of doctors who had a thriving practice in a mid-sized university town. In fact, our offices were just opposite the university. They call me Doctor. I specialized in sports medicine, which generally deals with aches and pains such as tennis elbow, torn ligaments, and the like. Other doctors in the group all have their

Sports Medicine, Part 2

Picking up on our story, the doctor returns to the gymnasium for a second examination of three swimmers. Saturday morning arrived and I was flushed with excitement. Basically, I had tricked the coach into a second examination of three of his men, all of whom had the potential to pop a boner during a physical examination. Showing up at the gymnasium at 10:45am, I met with the coach. He

Sports Medicine, Part 3

Continuing with our story, the doctor examines the coach, who has not had a physical exam since college. “Ah … coach … how ya do’in? The coach sat on the exam table, ready for his examination. “Yeah … I’m fine, but not too happy about this. Can we get this over with?” “Sure, coach … if you’ll just disrobe, we’ll get started.” The coach got up and commenced removing his clothes.

Sports Medicine, Part 4

When we last left our good doctor, the assistant football coach had called concerned about the sexual maturity of his star line backer. I agreed to come to the gym that afternoon to assess the situation. “Well coach, what’s the problem?” The assistant football coach was a tall, well built man … looked like he might have been in the Marine Corps, what with all the tattoos on his massive arms.

Sports Medicine, Part 5

The medical practice is open on Saturday, basically to serve those patients who might have some difficulty arranging for an appointment during the week, due to work commitments. I had pulled Saturday duty, which didn’t necessarily bother me, given the fact all the doctors alternated … plus, any doctor who worked on Saturday was off on the following Monday. It was generally a busy day and I’d

Sports Medicine, Part 6

The spring semester had ended, and the university had quickly emptied out. It was pretty boring without all the college kids around in the summer, but the clinic kept busy. Mostly, I saw middle age men with sports injuries of one kind or another. It always amazes me how 40 year old men still think they’re 18 years old, only to find their bodies won’t tolerate the abuse we all could take when a

Sports Medicine, Part 7

It was late in the spring semester and I was looking forward to taking a break during the summer months. Being a doctor can be stressful, and perhaps it’d be a good idea to get away for a while. It was early afternoon on a Thursday, and I’d just finished up examining the Assistant Dean of the university. He was a thirty something guy, in reasonably good health. I needed to watch myself with

State Trooper, Part 1

Part 1 – A fictional story. Ever since I can remember, the thought of being a state highway patrolman consumed me. I think it had something to do with watching all those old highway patrol movies from the ‘50s and ‘60s that got me going. The absolute thrill of tracking down a criminal and putting them behind bars sent chills up my spine. It would be my job to personally hunt down every

State Trooper, Part 2

Part 2 – A fictional story. After a brief vacation back home with my folks, I headed to the state capitol to begin the eight-week training course to become a highway patrolman. Man, was I excited! My dream had come true! However, I continued to remind myself that this wasn’t a done deal yet. While it was true the highway patrol only accepted one out of every five applicants, it was also

State Trooper, Part 3

Part 3 – A fictional story. The following Monday, I was assigned a patrol car along with a specific area of the interstate highway, which amounted to about 25 miles. My job was simply to drive north 25 miles, turn around, and return south. I was free to run radar, or simply cruise the highway. It was suggested however, that an abundance of traffic violations would add to the state coffers.

State Trooper, Part 4

Part 4 – A fictional story. On Saturday, I called Rick’s sister … her name was Beth … and arranged to meet her on Sunday afternoon at a small restaurant in the suburbs. By meeting her there, we both would have the opportunity to leave, should it be necessary to do so. Beth told me what she’d be wearing, so I’d be able to recognize her. Once at the restaurant, I immediately spotted Beth

State Trooper, Part 5

The following week, Rick didn’t say a word about our previous Sunday afternoon activities. I couldn’t figure out if this was a one-time event or if Rick would hold me hostage because he was my supervising sergeant. I made an attempt to call Beth several times and left messages. Because she didn’t call me back, I made the assumption she had moved on to someone else. Just as well, I guess.

State Trooper, Part 6

The south patrol was totally dysfunctional. Sergeant Adams was a crusty old fart, having served on the patrol for over thirty years. His gut hung over his belt and he was generally unkempt. The men in the south patrol however, were a bunch of tough bastards and didn’t take any shit from anyone. Because of the crime infested area, there were two men to each patrol car, which gave me some

State Trooper, Part 7

After catching Tyrone and Sergeant Adams going at it, I kicked both of them out of my apartment. This was a very unfortunate incident, but not exactly my fault … now was it? I was somewhat reluctant to return to the South Patrol for duty, but really didn’t have much of a choice. When checking my box for any mail, I discovered that Sergeant Adams had reassigned me to the East Patrol, which

The Sergeant Re-enlists - Part 3

This is a story of fiction … enjoy! Part 3 – The Sergeant meets his Captain … and gets a new assignment. I left the clinic after my physical exam at about 1100 hours, so it was a good time to get some early chow at the mess hall. I reminded myself that the appointment with my new Captain was at 1500 hours. After lunch, I returned to the barracks, hoping the Corporal was not there. He

The Sergeant Re-enlists, Part 1

This is a work of fiction … enjoy! PART ONE – The Sergeant Gets Transferred After serving nearly twenty years in the military, it was time to make a decision. Should I re-up for another four years, or call it quits? Given the geo-political climate, I certainly didn’t want to end up wounded in a war, or perhaps dead! I had enlisted shortly after my high school graduation, so at only

The Sergeant Re-enlists, Part 2

This is a work of fiction…enjoy! PART TWO – The Sergeant has a Physical Exam I awoke about 0600 hours, only to hear the Corporal in the shower. He had made up his rack already and I noticed his uniform was laid out. I had to pee. Entering the bathroom, the Corporal stuck his head out from the Shower. “Hey! Good morning Sergeant!” I stood at the urinal. ”Yeah! Morning Corporal!”


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