Gay Erotic Stories

Cadet Firefighter

by Peterson
15 Dec 2014

Chance Encounters Military Straight Men, Gay Sex Tales From School Tales From The Locker Room

This is a story of sex between adult male members of the MILITARY. All legal disclaimers apply. If this topic offends you, do not read any further; and ask yourself why you are at this site. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some areas) and too young to be reading such material or if you are in a locale or country where it is not legal to read such material then please leave immediately and come back when it is legal for you to do so. We’ll be glad to have you back. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or locations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental, although it may be loosely based on real events and people. The story is in no way meant to disrespect, demean, discredit or dishonor the men serving in uniform. On the contrary, the author has the greatest respect and admiration for our men in the military and it is the author’s belief that men should be allowed to serve their country honorably, protecting all freedoms, including their own freedom to be who they are. If you meet the criteria then read on, enjoy, and kindly let me know what you think. On the sites that provide for you to rate the stories or leave comments, I value your thoughts and opinion; I would also like to hear from you personally. Personal stories and accounts of your own similar experiences are always welcome. Contact me at

Cadet Firefighter Sean felt a sudden surge of pride as he heard his name called over the school's PA system. "Sean Brady, you are requested to report to your post immediately! Repeat, Sean Brady, report to your post immediately!" He closed his history book and stood up, kicking his chair back. He looked at Mr. Brown, the homeroom teacher and got his nod to go. He strode out of the room with a feeling of embarrassed pride as the other students watched him leave. He was the only cadet firefighter in the school. "I'm going with you," Cody Hill said as he followed him out of the room. “Get back in there, you’ll be counted absent,” Sean said. “I don’t care. Wait up!" Cody Hill called after him as he was going out the door. Sean was down the stairs and at the door before Cody caught up with him. It was a Catholic high school and he ducked into the chapel, knelt down and crossed himself and said a quick prayer then rushed to the door. “Wait up!” Cody called after him again. “I don’t have time to wait!” he said over his shoulder as he took off in a fast trot toward the parking lot. What the hell did he mean, wait up! Shit, didn't he get it? Cody caught up with him as Sean was opening the trunk of his car to get his suit and gear out. "I'll help you," Cody said as he grabbed the heavy drab firefighter's suit with the bright yellow stripes out of the trunk. As he was peeling off his shirt, Sean heard the bell sound inside the school. Good, that meant there would be kids watching him from the windows. He fumbled with his belt buckle then practically ripped the buttons of his jeans open. He kicked off his sneakers in the same motion that he took off his jeans. "Shit, man, you're stripping down in the parking lot," Cody said. "Do you see a changing room anywhere?" Sean said as he hefted his briefs up, but they stretched back down under the weight of his manhood. "Hell, nobody's gonna mind," Cody said, laughing. "Shit half the school is probably watching you right now." "Nobody's gonna see any more than they see in gym class," Sean said as he pulled on the heavy pants. Cody had his firefighter's boots set out ready and he held them for Sean to step into them. Then he held his coat for him to slip on. While Sean was zipping and buckling his suit on, Cody got his helmet and gloves out of the trunk then he grabbed Sean's jeans to get his keys out of his pocket. "Thanks," Sean said as he climbed in his car and started it up. "Call me," Cody said as his buddy drove off. “Call me, I wanta hear all about it!” The excitement and pride of being watched as the only cadet firefighter in school quickly gave way to the excitement of actually going to a fire. His mind was already there, thinking what he would do, remembering the training. Of course, if there really was a big fire, he wouldn't be allowed to actually go into the building but he would work outside, maybe help man the hoses or help people that were rescued and brought out. Shit! He didn't know the location! He grabbed his cell phone and punched auto-dial and hit the number. "This is Cadet Sean Brady, enroute," he said before the operator could speak. "What is the location?" "Linwood and Radcliff. Near the armory. Do you know it?" the dispatcher replied. "Yes, Ma'am. I'm on my way." "Be careful, S….." He disconnected before she finished and tossed his phone on the seat. "Dammit!" he swore, as he grabbed the blue light; he'd forgotten that, too. He shoved it out the window and slapped it onto the roof then sped to the location. As he approached Linwood and Radcliff he could see the smoke. It was a real fire! He rounded the corner off Linwood and swerved into a no-parking spot across the street. He was out of his car and several strides away before the door slammed closed. "Hey, Brady," Brooks called out to him, "that light on the top of your car.…you're supposed to turn it on when you're enroute." "Fuck!" Sean swore under his breath. He hoped Lt. Johnson hadn't noticed that he hadn't turned on the light. He ran up to Johnson. "Cadet Brady reporting, sir," he said "Glad you could make it, Brady," Johnson drawled without looking around from the big hose he was holding. "Next time turn your light on." "Yes, sir," Sean said, his face flushed warm with embarrassment. "Can I take that for you?" Sean asked with a sense of urgency. "No, just observe and stand by for when you're needed." Sean was hurt and disappointed. He was tired of observing and standing by. Just then Conner stumbled out of a side door of the building, half-dragging Brooks with him. Sean ran to help. "I didn't think I would ever say this, Brady, but am I glad to see you," Conner said. "Help Brooks over to the wagon." "What's going on in there?" Sean asked as he helped the other firefighter over to the ambulance. An EMT slapped an oxygen mask on Brooks face. Sean turned and ran back to his "observation" post. A couple of minutes later, Conner came out of the building with a middle-aged man who was coughing so hard he was almost gagging. "I think you better have `em put in another call," Conner yelled to Johnson "I'm on it," Lt. Johnson said calmly. "Well, you've got yourself a real live one, Brady." "Yes, sir. Is it going to take another unit?" "Looks that way," Lt. Johnson said as he walked a few steps away to call in for another unit. Just then Sean heard someone crying out and looked up to see a woman hanging out a third-floor window waving her arms and crying. Without thinking or hesitation he dashed into the building. "Third floor, south window," he said to himself as he ran into the hallway through the thick smoke. He found the stairs, counting them on the way up. His brain seemed to kick into automatic; registering the stairs and the floors without even thinking about it, yeah, just like they trained him. He guessed where the room was and tried the door. It was locked! He stepped back and rushed forward, slamming his shoulder against the door. It gave way, along with part of the frame. Luckily, it was the right room. He ran to the window and grabbed the woman. She was half-fighting him as he picked her up. "It's okay. I'm going to get you out of here," Sean said, using all of his strength to hold the woman in his arms. She suddenly relaxed and he ran with her down the stairs. Again, his brain counted and registered the steps down and the floors and the landings without him thinking about any of it. At last he stumbled through the door into the open air and the woman began wailing. "My little girl is in there," she cried. Sean felt his stomach turn. "Why didn't you tell me!" he said, as he laid her in the grass near the curb. Shit, why didn't he ask! He was supposed to ask if there was anybody else in the room and he didn't do that. Shit, he was fucking up at every turn. "Brady!" He didn't know who yelled his name and he didn't care. He ran back into the building and retraced his route up the stairs and found the door he'd knocked down. "Hey! Little girl! Where are you!" he yelled as he rushed madly from one room to the next. "God, let her be all right," he prayed, almost crying with fear. "If you can hear me, holler real loud!" He heard a loud whimpering then from a closet. He snatched the door open to see a little girl, about seven, cowering back behind the clothes, as if she could be safe from the fire there. As it happened, she was safer there than anyplace else in the apartment. He snatched her up and ran out. She didn't weigh anything and he fairly flew down the stairs with her under one arm. He ran over and gave her to the woman at the curb where the EMTs were already working on her. "Mr. McCutcheon....he's an elderly man in apartment 4-B. Do you know if they've got him out?" the woman asked, sobbing with happiness as she held her little girl. Sean looked at the paramedic. "Nobody's brought an elderly man over here to us," the man said. Sean turned and ran into Lt. Johnson. "Brady….!" "There's an elderly man in 4-B," he blurted and ran to the building again. "Brady! Goddamit, Brady!" Sean left the senior officer swearing as he dashed back into the building. He found Mr. McCutcheon unconscious. He was a small man and he was easy to carry except that the smoke was so bad by now that Sean had to feel his way down the stairs and the hallways. He finally saw the light of the open door. He fairly leapt into the fresh air and stumbled toward the medic. "I've got him," the medic said as he steadied the man with one arm and slapped an oxygen mask on Brady with the other. "Lt. Johnson is looking for you, I would run like hell if I were you, in the other direction, and hide," he said. Brady thought about it as he sucked in the precious air. The medic wasn't done checking him out and it would have been a stupid thing to do anyway. He would have to face the man eventually. He started to stand up but was brought back down with a terrible pain in his leg and ankle. Shit, when did that happen? He hadn’t felt anything when he was carrying the old man out. The medic knelt down to check him out. "Stay off of it till we can get you in the wagon," the medic told him. "Oh, shit, here comes Lt. Johnson," he added under his breath. "Goddam it, Brady, what the hell were you thinking!! You know you're not allowed to go into a Goddam burning building!!" Johnson yelled as he strode up to him. Brady jerked the oxygen mask off. "It just happened, sir. I just did it, without thinking," Brady said. "That's what you trained me to do, isn't it?" He sucked up the pain as he got up to stand in front of the lieutenant to show more respect, and wondered if he had sounded a little too cocky. "Not till I tell you to do it," Johnson barked. "What's the prognosis?" he asked the medic. "It's nothing I can't walk off," Brady said. "I'm asking the medic," Johnson snapped angrily. "Yes, sir….but I've been injured enough in football to know it's nothing I can't walk off." "Right, is that what you were trying to do when I saw you limping over here and then trying to get up on you feet just now? I'm talking to the expert," Johnson growled, nodding to the medic. "And this ain't football," he added. "He's got a badly sprained ankle and a banged-up knee that he ought to have looked at, and some burns on his neck and face and hands," the EMT said. Sean didn't even know he'd hurt his knee and he didn't know about the burns till the medic mentioned it. He quickly tried to hide his hands. "Let's see `em," Johnson demanded. Sean held his hands out, determined to hide the grimace of pain. "Geezusss, what the fuck am I supposed to do now," Johnson growled. "The captain is going to have your ass and mine when he finds out about this." "Is there any reason he has to know?" Sean asked. "He'll see it in the reports, that you required medical attention." "Then I won't get medical attention," Sean said. "The hell you won't!" Johnson bellowed. "Excuse me, Lieutenant." They all looked around at the tall, broad-shouldered youth in his mid twenties who had come upon the scene. He was dressed in green camo shorts, black jump boots and an army-green T-shirt. "I couldn't help overhearing," he said. "I'm Corporal Casey. I was at the armory and came over to see if I could help. I'm a certified EMT, Marines. Let me take your man over to the armory and have a look." Lt. Johnson wasn't quick to say no. He was thinking about it and seemed a little relieved that maybe he had a way out. "I really can't let you take responsibility for one of my men," he said. "I'll see that he gets any medical attention I can't render," the corporal said. "Let me go with him, sir," Sean said. "I don't want to get either one of us in trouble." Johnson thought for a moment then nodded. "Okay. But I'm not finished with you, Brady. Well, maybe I am. You can't follow orders, I can't have you in my unit." "Yes, sir,” Sean said as bravely as he could, but his heart sank at the thought that he might be expelled from the cadets. Cpl. Casey was helping Sean to his feet. "I'll see that he reports back to you, lieutenant," he said. Sean picked up his firefighter boots and Casey picked up his hat and slapped it on his head. He tried to maneuver as much on his own as he could but he was glad he had the big marine to help keep the weight off his right leg. "You damn near had your ass deep-sixed back there," Casey said. "Thanks for coming to my rescue, but I don't want to get you in trouble," Sean said. "If you'll just help me back to my car.……" "Hey, I saw your Lt. Johnson's temper. I don't want him turning it on me," Casey said. "I told the man I would take care of you and that's what's gonna happen, unless you want to make a dash for your car on your own." He feigned letting go of him. "I don't think I could get far," Sean admitted. Cpl. Casey helped him through the heavy doors of the armory and into a small office just inside the door. "Right in there," he said, nodding to another door. The adjoining room was a first-aid station, with a vinyl-covered examining table. Casey helped him up on the table on his back. "Okay, let's get you out of this monkey suit," he said as he began undoing the top. He helped him out of it then started unbuckling the pants. "What do you need to take my pants off for?" Sean asked. "The medic said you had a banged-up knee," Casey said. Sean let the marine strip him down to his shorts and socks. "I'll get something for those burns," Casey said. He went to a wall cabinet and got some medical supplies. He applied a light ointment on the burns on Sean's face and neck then squeezed some on his hands and told him to rub it in. "I'm going to give you some of this to take home with you; keep it on day and night for a few days,” he said as he wrapped light bandages around his hands. Then he opened a small bottle and held it up to Sean's nose. "Take in a deep breath, each nostril." "What is it?" "It's gonna make it easier for me to examine you," Casey said. "You're gonna thank me when I look at that ankle. Don't take it yet. I have to know where the pain is." He barely winced when Casey examined his knee. "I don't feel anything broken but I'll examine it from the other side," Casey said as he moved down to the foot of the table. Sean looked down at his ankle, swollen to twice its normal size and turning a funny color. He held his breath. "YYYAAAHHHHHH!" he yelled when Corporal Casey gripped it. He sucked in some air and cringed as the corporal examined his ankle. "Okay, take a dose," Casey told him. Sean breathed in the acrid aroma in each nostril from the liquid in the bottle and in a matter of seconds he could feel his face getting warm and his head spinning. "Keep the bottle, take it when you need it," Casey told him. "Uhhnnnnn," Sean groaned as the medic continued to examine his ankle. It seemed to hurt but it was like a pain that he couldn't feel. "I don't feel anything broken here either but we need to wait till the swelling goes down to be sure.” He went to the cabinet again and brought out an ice pack. He broke it open and wrapped it around his ankle. “You're going to have to stay off of it for awhile," Casey said. "Okay, let's turn you over on your stomach." He helped him over on his stomach and examined his knee from the back. "It feels okay," Sean said. "Feels okay to me, too," said Casey. "Now, anything else banged up or bruised?" he asked as he moved his rough hands up the backs of Sean's thighs. "I don't think so, I didn't hurt my legs. I know nothing's bruised that far up," he said as Casey's hands pushed up against his butt. But he wasn't really giving a damn that Casey was continuing his examination, right up his thighs, squeezing his butt. "That hurt?" Casey asked. "No. No," he giggled, "in fact, it feels sort of good." He heard himself but didn't believe he was uttering the words. It was the stuff in the bottle, shit, making him feel high. Casey massaged his butt muscles for a moment then moved to the small of his back and on up to his shoulders. Sean winced when he touched his right shoulder. "What's that?" Casey asked, moving around to the head of the table. "I don’t know, I never noticed it hurting till you touched it," Sean said. "That's the reason for a complete exam, to find injuries you don't know you have," Casey said. He stood at the head of the table, bent over Sean's head as he gently felt the thick shoulder muscles. "I think it's just bruised. You've got plenty of muscle on these shoulders for protection. But just to be certain, I want you to move you up on the table so your head and shoulders are over the end of the table." Sean pulled himself up on the table, wincing again from the pain in his shoulder. "Okay, take another whiff of that magic in the bottle; I'm going to examine your shoulder more thoroughly. The way you winced, I think there's something there." Sean breathed in a couple more deep breaths and started spinning off again. Casey stood right at his head as he probed and squeezed his shoulder, the front of his shorts smashed right against his head. "I want you to raise your head up and turn it slowly from side to side a couple of times, tell me if it hurts," Casey said. Casey didn't back away any when Sean lifted his head up and he found his face smashed right in the front of the guy's shorts. He turned his head slowly to one side, then to the other side and it seemed like Casey was pushing his crotch harder against this face. He could smell the musk and feel the rubbery lump of his manhood and a funny tremor ran down his spine. "Okay, one more time, both sides," Casey said. Casey's hand come down to squeeze Sean's neck then moved to his face. Sean had his eyes closed but he opened them when he felt something warm against his cheek and suddenly found himself face to face with the guy's bare cock! He had shoved his shorts down under his balls and there was the biggest cock Sean had ever seen, up close and personal. "I think all that's needed here is a little massage," Casey said as he dug his fingers into his shoulder muscles. "Just tell me if it hurts." Sean couldn't tell him anything. He couldn't speak. He couldn't find his voice. His brain was running amuck, his head still whirling around from whatever was in the bottle and he was having the weirdest feelings….Geezuss, where did the feelings come from! What made this studly marine think he could do this? Sean found himself overtaken by a strange desire that seemed to rise out of his inner being, as if it were breaking free for the first time from the stifling inhibitions that had kept him prisoner for so long. He wondered what Casey would do if he…... Aww, shit, where did THAT come from! He never had a thought like that in his life! But he was having them now. He still fought it but he couldn't help that he liked the feel of the big marine's manhood smashed in his face and it was getting even bigger and more firm and he thought Casey probably wanted him to….. He was scared of the thoughts whirling around in his head; frightened of his feelings; scared shitless of what he suddenly wanted to do....yeah, do it while he still had the courage from the bottle, before the stuff wore off. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth and the rubbery male flesh filled the opening of his parted lips. He touched it with his tongue and whimpered from a tremor that went through him. Casey shifted his position and Sean adjusted his head and the next thing there was a thick, hot, meaty cock in his mouth!! "Awwwhhhh," Casey moaned softly. "UUhhnnnnnn," Sean moaned with surprised pleasure. From the moment of the initial touch and taste, he was suddenly consumed with the desire to suck the man's cock. Never in his wildest, most perverted dreams or fantasies had he thought of such a thing but he went at the big Marine like a hungry puppy, choking and slobbering and snapping his head back and forth, trying desperately to take all of the big cock in his mouth. "Hey, you don't have to swallow it whole the first time," Casey told him. "Just suck it, nice and slow and easy." Sean settled down and let Casey pump his cock back and forth through his lips the way he wanted it. He lifted one good arm and touched the man's balls. He cupped and hefted them. They were big and heavy. "Ohh, fuck, have you ever done this before?" Casey asked. Unable to speak, Sean shook his head. "Goddam, kid, you're a natural." Sean didn't know if he should take that as a compliment but he didn't care. All he cared about was the big, hot cock in his mouth. He sucked it for a while and the stuff began to wear off, and it was like he was sobering up but it still didn't matter that he was sucking cock with a clear head. He liked it; he wanted to give the big marine pleasure. He wanted to suck his manliness out of him and into himself. "You don't have to take my load," Casey told him as he continued to massage his shoulder and neck. Sean panicked for a second. It was the first he'd thought about the marine going off. He wished he could have another snort of the good stuff so he wouldn't care if he shot off in his mouth. He would've liked to see what it was like to have a big load shot in his mouth; the feel of it and the taste of it. He had tasted his own come a couple of times by accident and he didn't particularly like it but he'd always wondered if all come tasted the same. Casey's movements were becoming shaky and his legs started to shake. "I'm about to come," he gasped. Sean braced himself for whatever would happen. Even with a clear head, he didn't care if Casey shot off in his mouth. For a moment he thought he just might...he was trembling and his cock was bucking hard and he wasn't pulling the last second he withdrew his cock, just in time to spurt a heavy load of come all over Sean's face. He gasped and got some in his mouth and moaned with excitement. He kept his mouth open for a wider target but Casey aimed to the side and finished shooting his load on the lower part of the table and on the floor. "Goddam!" Casey swore softly as he straightened and stumbled back on shaky legs. Sean lay there with come on his face and some in his mouth, undecided what to do with it. It didn't taste like his own and it didn't taste good or bad; it was the idea of swallowing it that panicked him. Finally, he spit it out in a big glob on the floor. "Aw, shit, I'm sorry, did I get some in your mouth?" Casey said. "Yeah, first shot, but it's okay," Sean said breathlessly. Casey got a bottle of something out of the cabinet. "I'll go back and get something to wipe off your face," he said. "Meanwhile, you can rinse your mouth out with this. Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that." "It's okay," Sean said. When Casey was gone he shoved himself up as he sat up with his legs over the edge of the table. Casey walked across the gymnasium floor to the showers and returned with a wet washcloth and a towel. He gave them to Sean then got some paper towels to clean the come off the table and the floor. When Sean struggled to get his clothes back on, Casey helped him. "You said that was your first time; do you remember?" "Yeah, I remember. It was my first time." "I didn't know. It all happened so fast," Casey said. "Tell me about it," Sean said. "What the hell is that stuff you gave me?" Casey rattled off a long medical term then said, "It's a fancy name for poppers. Although it's higher powered than poppers you buy on the street. Look, I don't think we need to tell anybody about any of this. I mean, I don't think your burns or injuries are anything that needs a doctor, so your record with your lieutenant will be clean." "Thanks." He knew what Casey was saying was that he would keep quiet if Sean did. The guy was probably worried that he was underage. Well, let him think it. When he had his pants on him, Casey helped him on with his boots. Sean winced when he helped him put his jacket on. "I don't remember how the hell I hurt my shoulder," he said. "Probably knocking down a door or something," Casey said. "Oh, yeah, I did take a door down," Sean said. "It's nothing serious. If you want to come back, I'll be glad to have another look at it and massage it for you again. It should be okay in a few days," Casey said. "And I should have another look at that ankle after the swelling goes down. Or somebody should." As Sean took a couple of steps to test his ankle, Casey grabbed a pair of crutches from a corner. "Here, try these. Compliments of the marines." "Is a civilian supposed to walk away with a pair of marine crutches?" Sean asked. "Don't worry about it. Bring them back when you don't need them. I can go get your car for you if you want to." "No, I can make it," Sean said. He didn't go right home and he didn't go back to school. He drove around in a mind-numbing stupor, thinking about what had happened, wondering how and why it'd happened. He was a hero of sorts at school, with his hands bandaged and on crutches after going to fight a fire. The girls loved that. But what would those same girls think if they knew what he and Cpl. Casey had done. There was a big round of applause when he walked into study hall. He slumped with embarrassment and made it to his seat where he put his head down. He went to boys' physical education class the next period out on the athletic field where he sat on the bleachers and watched. It was a revelation, sitting there watching the other guys playing a rough game of football wearing just shorts and T-shirts. He found himself watching the guys, individually, instead of the team and the game. Their powerful thigh muscles bulging and rippling when they moved, and their muscular arms and the solid sound of muscle banging against muscle. After Phys Ed class Justin Blake came over to help him get on his crutches. He smelled of fresh male sweat and for the first time Sean admitted/realized that he thought it was sexy. Hell, Justin was sexy in his sweaty T-shirt clinging to his hard muscles. "I gotta tell you, Brady, you've got balls the size of grapefruits, doing what you did," Justin said. "I didn't do anything," Brady said. He couldn't tell anybody about what he'd done….it had to be kept Justin didn't know anything. "That's not what I heard," Justin said. "You dragged three people out of the burning building." "Who told you that?" "Word gets around fast," Justin said. "All I did was help those people when the other guys brought them out," Sean lied. "Is that how you got burned and banged up?" Justin asked. "You've got balls, Brady." "You would've done the same thing," Sean said. "I don't know if I could've," Justin said. "Look, just let it go, huh? I did what I was trained to do, just like everybody else." He couldn't concentrate on anything in school and he was distracted at home. The experience with Corporal Casey haunted him. Not just the worry that it'd happened, but the awful, gnawing desire to go back. Cody came over to his house and was all questions about Sean's first experience as a real firefighter. "Were you scared?" Cody asked. "There wasn't time to be scared," Sean said. "I would have been if I'd stopped to think about what I was doing, but when you see somebody yelling from the window of a burning building, you just react. You would have done the same thing." "I don't think I would've had the guts." "You would have," Sean assured him. "Sean….." "Yeah?" "Can I try on your gear?" Sean looked at him and smiled. Cody was treating him like a hero. It was embarrassing, but sort of nice. "Sure," he said, "Go down and get it out of my car." Cody lugged it up stairs and Sean helped him on with it. Cody looked at himself in the mirror. "I don't look as studly in it as you do," he said. "It's not about being studly," Sean said. "It's about the training then doing the job, just like anybody else. It’s just work clothes." "No, this ain't like anybody else doing their job. You firefighters have got balls," Cody said. "I'm not a firefighter," Sean said. "I'm a long way from being a firefighter. I may never be one. I'm in trouble, man, for going into that building. I may lose my uniform and my credentials." "That'd be a shame to lose the uniform," Cody said with a grin. "All the girls think you look really studly in it. Especially when you strip down in the parking lot to put it on." "Oh, they were watching," Sean said with a smile. "It was all everybody was talking about," Cody said. "I just wish everybody would stop treating me like a hero. It's nothing you or anybody else couldn't do if you decided you wanted to," Sean told him. "Well, you've got balls." "You sound like Justin," Sean said. "Hey, if Justin said you've got balls, you've got ‘em," Cody declared. "I just wanta tell you, I admire you a lot. All the guys do; even the ones who are jealous of you." "Thanks, man," Sean said. "That means a lot." "And the girls….well, we don't even have to go there," Cody said. "No, go ahead, go there. What're you hearing the girls say?" Sean asked. "Aw, hell, you know what the girls are saying, Sean. They all want to sleep with you." "Don't I wish that was something besides in my dreams," Sean scoffed. "Did you ever think what would happen if you walked into the girls locker room?" Cody asked. "Yeah, I would get my ass tossed out of school," Sean said. "You would be gang-banged," Cody said. "Those girls would fuck your eyeballs out." "You arrange it, I'll deliver," Sean said, laughing. He wondered if his friend would think he was so studly if he knew what he'd done with the marine. Sean didn't feel any less a stud, but he didn't think Cody would agree with that.

Chapter II

Sean struggled with new, strange feelings that began to haunt him. He found himself looking at the other guys in a different way; noticing things about them that he'd never paid any particular attention to before. Like the way a guy walked, or the way his butt filled out his jeans, or his thighs....the muscles in his arms. He had an especially hard time in the locker room and showers. Where he saw just plain friends and teammates before, he was seeing hot studs. He sat in class or home room and day-dreamed about being dragged back to the showers after PE class and forced as a sex slave by the entire team. He took the daydream home with him and experienced it again through a dream that night. Even though the feelings frightened him, he dwelled on them just the same. His hands were healing fast and he was getting around on his ankle pretty good, using only one crutch, and his knee was okay. Deep down he knew he was making more of his injuries than they deserved. He was milking it, and he knew why; he liked the attention from the girls and the admiration from the guys. Beyond that, deep down, he had to admit that he wanted to take Cpl. Casey up on his offer to massage his shoulder. And he did have to return the crutches. He took the crutches back one day right after school. Cpl. Casey was the only one at the armory again. He wondered what the corporal's job was, that he was always there alone. He was in his brief, green gym shorts and a white T-shirt, looking studly as before. Sean tapped on the glass in the door. "I brought the crutches back," he said. "Hey, Brady, it's great to see you maneuvering under your own power," Casey said. He took a close look at Sean's face and neck. "The burns are coming along nicely. Let's see your hands." “I used the stuff you gave me,” Sean said as held his hands out for him. "You're a fast healer. How's the knee, and the shoulder?" he asked. "The knee is fine," Sean said. "The shoulder....." He shrugged and worked his shoulder and winced a little, feigning pain. "It's still a little sore." "Got time for a massage?" "Yeah, if you've got the time," Sean said. "Go in and take off your shirt and climb up on the table, head and shoulders hanging over the end of the table. Except lay on your back." Sean pulled his shirt off over his head as he went into the medical room and stretched out on his back on the table while Cpl. Casey got some stuff out of the cabinet to rub on it. He also handed him the small bottle to breathe to dull the pain. "I don't think I'll need that," Sean said. "Better safe than sorry," Casey said. "Go ahead, use it this one more time. It’ll make you feel better." Sean knew deep down that it was a charade but he went along with it; he didn’t need the stuff and they both knew it, at least not for the pain—the pain in his shoulder was a charade—but he used it because he needed it for the courage it gave him. He raised up and snorted the stuff into each nostril a couple of times then lay back with his head hanging over the end of the table. Casey came over and stood at the head of the table. He put some stuff on his hands and began to massage Sean's shoulder. After only a moment, he was smashing himself against Sean's head and forehead, like before. Sean relaxed his neck and let his head hang lower over the end of the table. He wanted this and the corporal knew it. He probably knew that was the reason he was there. He let his head hang low so Cpl. Casey's shorts smashed against his face. Sean opened his mouth so the marine would feel his hot breath through his shorts. Suddenly, Casey brought one hand down and deftly shoved the front of his shorts down and tucked the waistband under his balls. "That what you want?" he said. "Yeah," Sean whispered softly. His big, rubbery cock literally fell into Sean's open mouth. There were no pretenses; the poppers had washed away all inhibitions. Sean closed his lips around the thick cock and began wallowing around it with his tongue and sucking it back and forth through his lips. "Ohhh, yeahhhhh...that's what you wanted...that's what you came down here for, isn't it...Suck it, kid...suck it...suck it deep...real deep. Relax your throat muscles and let your throat open up. It's easier to take it all the way in this position; my cock fits the curvature of your throat." Casey was right. It fit perfect. So wonderfully perfect, as he quickly found out. Before it had throbbed to full hardness, the head slipped easily through the gaping opening and snaked down into Sean's throat. Deeper and deeper till his nose was buried in Casey's balls. "Ohh, fuck, that was easier than I thought," Sean gasped when he came up for air. Sean let the big marine use his throat like a girl's pussy. He reached up with his hands around the man's butt to pull him in tighter. He no longer cared where the strange, new feelings came from; he only wished they had come sooner. His excitement soared and he felt his own cock bursting at the seams of his shorts. When he couldn't stand it any longer he reached down and fumbled with the buttons of his jeans. "Want me to do that for you?" Casey asked as he brushed Sean's trembling hands aside and undid the buttons and laid the fly open. "Raise your butt up," he said as he shoved Sean's jeans and shorts down to his thighs. Sean's cock popped free, smacking loudly against his belly, then quivered and throbbed painfully up over his navel. "Geezusss, kid!" Sean swore. "That thing is huge!" Yeah, it felt huge in Sean's hand as he fisted it hard, in rhythm with Casey's big cock pumping in and out of his throat. He was nearly beside himself with lust. He grabbed Casey's butt again, pulling him tight against his face as he gulped and swallowed his big cock. He wanted more! God, he wished Casey was a foot long! His own cock bucked and quivered up over his belly and he felt the warmth of precome oozing out. "Goddam, I gotta have a feel of that thing to believe it," Casey said as he leaned over and wrapped his hand around Sean's cock. "Fuck, I can't even get my hand around the fucker! Yeah, that is the second biggest cock I ever saw." Sean was surprised when Casey took his cock in his hand for a feel....he was more surprised when he didn't let go. He wasn't exactly jacking him off but he was pumping his cock and squeezing out the ball juice and rubbing it all over the head. He wondered who the first biggest cock was that Casey knew about, and how big it was. He looked up to see Casey with the bottle to his nose. He watched him breathe in several deep breaths then capped the bottle then put it down. "I've never done this before but you're so goddamn cute and sexy and that cock is so fuckin' huge and awesome and.…shit, I'm gonna do it, and if you ever tell anybody, I'll break you in two." With that, as the poppers kicked in, he bent over and took Sean's cock in his mouth. "OOhuummpphhhh!" Sean gasped around Casey's cock. It was the most incredible thing he'd ever felt. No girl's pussy ever felt so wonderful as Casey's hot, live mouth. He humped his butt up off the table to drive it deep through his lips. Several times he pressed too hard against his throat and Casey rose up. "Naw, I can't take that thing down my throat like you're doing to me," he said. "I can't believe I'm saying it, as a marine, but its one fuckin' challenge I'm not up to. But don't worry, I'll finish you off. Just don't come in my mouth!" he said emphatically, "But I'll jack you off." It was more than Sean could have hoped for. This big studly marine going down on him and promising to jack him off to the end. Sean sucked the big marine cock hungrily, slobbering so bad that his spit ran down his face into his ears. My God, what's it all about, he wondered. From what deep recesses in his brain did it come from, and what was the strange attraction to another man? He wasn’t ready for it to be over but Casey couldn’t hold back. He went off first, without pulling his cock out of Sean's throat. It was a weird sensation, feeling the thick ropes of come shot deep in his throat but he liked it except that he wished he could get it in his mouth and get a full-load taste of it again. Casey's intense climax triggered his own and he reached down and grabbed Casey's fist to let him know he was close. "Getting close?" Casey cooed. "Sure, I'll finish you off." He stopped sucking him but stayed leaned over with Sean's cock alongside his face and he licked and kissed the shaft. "Shoot it, stud, I wanta see this big cannon go off." Casey got his wish. Sean went off like a cannon. He couldn't see it but he could feel the impact of the stuff hurtling through his cock and he knew it was going to be a geyser. The first shot sailed out of his cock and it was a couple of seconds before it landed on his chest and he knew it had shot up a long way. "God----Damn!" Casey exclaimed. Sean kept coming, long, thick ropes shot out of his cock and sailed who knew where. Casey held on till he was finished then milked his hand tightly around his cock to pull the last of his load out over his knuckles. "Shit, that ain't no cannon, that's a rocket launcher!" he said as he rose up and slowly pulled his cock out of Sean's throat. The big, rubbery cock dragged across Sean's face, leaving a trail of warm come that he tried to capture with his tongue. Fuck, he wished Casey hadn’t gone off so quick. He breathed in the first real air he'd had through it all. He tried to raise his head but his neck muscles were numb and he had to lift his head up with his hands. There was come everywhere. Casey was wiping it off his own face and shoulder. "You've got the second biggest cock I ever saw but that is THE BIGGEST load I ever saw," Casey said. He helped Sean sit up and stand down from the table. "Think you can make it back to the showers?" "Yeah, and I sure need one," Sean said. Corporal Casey took him back and showed him the showers then left him alone. Sean was drying off when Casey came back to check on him, now fully dressed. "Can I ask you something? How come you pegged me for this?" Sean asked. "I didn't peg you. It just happened," Casey said. "I just saw you standing there so young and looking so studly in that firefighter’s outfit and it came over me that I had to get you alone." "But how'd you know....I mean, what made you think I would do it?" Sean asked. "Nothing. I just had to find out. Putting it simply, you were too good not to take the chance," Casey told him with a smile. When Sean was dressed and about to leave, Casey said, "Hey, don’t be a stranger. Drop by again sometime....anytime."

Chapter III

He had taken the crutches back, his ankle was fine and his shoulder was feeling fine so there was no reason to go back to the armory and he decided he wouldn’t, despite Casey’s invitation. It wasn’t as simple as a decision; it turned into a battle; he found himself fighting the urge to go back. But it was futile; something drew him back. Something besides Corporal Casey's invitation; he told himself it was the ruins of the apartment building. It was lame but it was all the excuse he needed. He drove to the location and walked around the charred ruins of the sad looking building that a dozen people once called home. He tried to picture himself running into the burning building, not once, but three times. He didn't know where that courage came from but it was enough to know he had it. He would always remember this as the place where he found his courage. The whole time he was inspecting the ruins he felt the tugging in his loins. On the way back to his car he glanced over at the armory. Yeah, there was the real reason he'd come. Who was he kidding? But there were cars parked all around and on the side streets. The marines must be having drill, he thought, so Corporal Casey wouldn't be there by himself anyway. He shrugged it off and headed for his car, but the force drew him back, with a new vision of the fantasy of being dragged into the locker room. The armory had a locker room….and dozens of hunky marines. He walked down the block to the armory, his imagination running wild. Closer, he could hear the shouts of cadence. He slipped inside and into the office. There was no one there. He walked through the office and stepped into the gymnasium. There were thirty or so guys doing calisthenics; no shirts, just heavy jump boots and very short green or camo shorts. He stifled a gasp of pleasant surprise at the muscular youth out front leading them. He didn't look much older than Sean. Cpl. Casey saw him come in and broke ranks and went up to say something to the young leader, then came trotting over to him. "Hey, Brady." "Hey. I was just driving by....checking out the building that burned." “Yeah, it’s a mess,” Casey said. Just then the men stopped but kept running in place. "New recruit, Casey?" someone yelled. "Bring him on!" "Yeah, let him show us what he's got!" The leader walked over to them. Damn, he looked young. "Don't mind these guys, they're always looking for fresh meat to sign up," he said. "This is Brady the guy who got three people out of that apartment building," Casey told the leader. "It's always an honor to meet a hero," the young leader said, putting out his hand. "Jason Brawn." Sean was embarrassed. He shook the guy's hand but couldn't think of anything to say except thanks. He was tongue-tied just looking at the guy. Brawn was a good name for him. He was built! Huge balls of muscle on his shoulders and thick triceps and biceps. His pecs were like two big, thick steaks that'd been slapped on his rib cage. Even his tits were big, like pencil erasers. Sean forced himself not to look down his abs but he could see them rippling gently as the guy moved and breathed. He wondered how old the guy was. Young. Didn't look more than seventeen. "Are you interested in joining the marines?" Jason asked. "No, I....well, actually, I never thought about it....I was just checking out the burned building, then thought I'd come over and see if Corporal Casey might be here," Sean said. "Well, if you ever want to talk about look like you could handle it easily enough. old are you?" "Eighteen," Sean said with a scowl, wondering how old the leader was. "Shit, I wasn't built like that when I was seventeen," he remarked. "You sure got there quick, then," Sean said, giving him an easy once-over. "Can I ask how old you are?" "Nineteen," the youth replied. "Not that much difference, then," Sean said. "Well, you don’t need your parent's signature, but we would like to have their approval," Jason said. "I've never talked about it with my parents," Sean said. "Like I said, I never thought about it myself." "Think about it, you would make a hell of a marine," Jason said. With that he turned and walked back to the formation to take his place in front of the men. Sean’s eyes were glued to his massive thighs and the big bubble butt churning and flexing inside his shorts. "Geez, how the hell did a guy that age get to be a leader of a bunch of tough marines?" Sean asked. "Actually, he just turned nineteen. He's not a platoon leader or anything, but you saw how he's built; that made him a natural for PT instructor," Casey said. "What rank is he?" "PFC. Damn good for a nineteen year old. That's only one stripe under me," Casey said. "Well, I have to get back in formation. Hey, do you want to step in and join these flakes what you've got? Think the ankle is okay for it?”" It was more than Sean could refuse. Not that he could show these studs much but he was so pleased to be asked to join in; it would give him a chance to watch the muscular leader in motion. He peeled off his shirt and took his place in formation beside Casey to the sound of hoots and hollers from the men. They did jumping jacks, sit-ups, running in place, push-ups and jumping-jack roll-overs, nothing that he hadn't learned in football practice and cadet training. He actually was showing them what he had and he felt proud to be among them. Jason called a halt but kept them running in place for a couple of minutes, his thick pecs bouncing solidly. Then he slowed to just moving around, and the men began shaking their arms and whatever they wanted to do to cool down. Sean's mind was racing ahead. Sweat ran down their naked chests and made their muscles glisten and he was thinking they would surely all go into the showers and maybe they would invite him. He no sooner thought it than it was spoken. "Okay, men, hit the showers," Jason said. "Drill at 0500 on Sunday!" Sean started walk away. "Hey, aren't you going to shower?" Casey asked. He stopped and turned, unable to answer at first. "I didn't figure I was allowed to," he said. "Sure you're allowed to," Casey said. Fuck, yes, he wanted to shower with these hunky marines but he was afraid to. Casey sensed, or saw, his fear. "Don't worry, nothing like that is going to happen," he said quietly. "Nothing that you don't want to happen, at least. None of these guys know...I never told a soul." "I would need to get my gym bag out of my car," Sean said huskily. "Go ahead, get it." The short walk to his car gave light to the daydream of being had in the showers at school by the entire team, and that dream was transcended to the armory showers full of marines. God, what would it be like to be made a slave to a platoon of stud-marines! By the time Sean got back with his gym bag the shower room was filled with boisterous, naked marines. He walked into the locker area adjoining the shower room and tossed his bag on a bench. He undressed, proudly, for he had a better build than even some of the marines that he could see through the steam. Cpl. Casey came out of the showers and showed him where the clean towels were kept. "How do you like being a marine for a day?" he asked. "It's great." "Yeah, I'll bet this is better than the locker room at school," Casey said, laughing softly. Sean only smiled. "Listen, if you want some action, just give me the word, I'll see if I can get something going," he said in a low tone. "I don't's sort of scary, this many guys…..” "Replace those high school boys in your fantasy with a bunch of marines," Casey said. "Yeah, that did cross my mind. But…, man, I just don’t know how it would work out….how you would make it happen." "Let me worry about that. All you gotta do is follow my lead. And don't worry, it won't get out of hand. They're marines and they're horny but they're not barbarians. Some of them won't even get involved." Sean looked all around again, into the steamy shower room, his pulse quickened at the thought of letting his guard down in front of three dozen studly marines. He took in a quick breath and Casey laughed. "Does that mean yes?" he asked. "I don't know….I'm scared to….." "Hey, it's your call. It's your fantasy. But if you don’t want to….maybe another time," Casey told him. Sean didn’t want to wait till another time, or take the chance that there would even be another time. He was so excited over the idea that his heart was thumping in his chest." Okay. Okay, I'm good to go," he said bravely. "You sure?" "No, I'm not sure at all," he said, laughing nervously. "But I'm gonna kick my ass for the rest of my life if I let this opportunity slip past me." "Yeah, sometimes opportunity only knocks once," Casey said. "Okay, give me the nod if you want me to get the ball rolling." Sean sauntered into the showers, determined to appear confident but he was a little jittery about being in the middle of all these naked guys. They had no idea what was on his mind. They were all ages and sizes and shapes, except that there was no fat on any of them. There were some guys who looked well past thirty down to the nineteen-year-old PFC. They were tall and lanky, and average and short and well-built, hairy, smooth. "Hell, kid, you're already built like a marine, why don’t you just sign up," someone remarked as Sean moved under a shower. "Thanks," he mumbled, embarrassed. PFC Brawn came up to him, so confident and self-assured that he reeked with masculinity. “I'm serious, you ought to think about joining," he said. "The marines aren't going to throw anything at you that you can't handle. Hell, boot camp would be a cake walk compared to some of the guys who join up." "I don't know, right now I'm a cadet firefighter and that's all I can handle right now, till I get out of school," Sean said. "I understand. Just think it over," the youth said. "You can sign up any time and get a delayed entry," he went on. "You could join today, for example, but not be called up till months from now, after you graduate, so you could still be a firefighter till your call-up date." There were encouraging words from all around, making Sean think he might want to forget being a firefighter and go right into the marines. But he had worked too hard for it, and he liked it. Casey came up to get some soap out of the liquid soap dispenser under his shower. "Still good to go?" he asked under his breath. "Yeah, I guess," he replied nervously, wondering what Casey was going to do or say to get things started. Casey went back under his own shower with his handful of soap. "Hey, Brady, one thing PFC Brawn didn't tell you, I'll bet, is the initiation that all new marine recruits have to go through," he said, loud enough so the others heard. "Brawn always keeps that a secret." "I'm not a marine recruit, not yet anyway," Sean said. "Hey, guys I think we ought to initiate him anyway. Hell, he's gonna be a marine one of these days, for sure," Casey said. "Hell, yeah, why not?" someone chimed in. "Yeah, lets show the kid what real marines are made of; what he's gotta be made of to be a marine," someone else said. "Yeah, what've you got in mind for him, Cpl. Casey?" It dawned on Sean that the others didn't have a clue what Casey was talking about; they were just going along with it. "Well, I don't know about you guys but calisthenics then a warm shower always makes me horny as hell," Casey said. "You too?" someone put in, laughing. "Fuck….he is awful cute," someone else said. "Yeah, and look at those nice, smooth muscles." He still thought the guys were clueless and only going along with the joke. "Yeah, and look at that nice, smooth, tight ass," another said. "Shit, man, you were looking at his horse-cock." Now he thought Casey's little plan was gaining momentum fast and his heart thumped in his chest as he tried to imagine what these guys had in mind to do to him. They would probably follow Casey's lead. The remark about his ass frightened him a little. If the guy was talking about fucking him in the ass….no way. Casey walked over under Sean's shower. "For starters, how about you get down on your knees and see what marine cock tastes like," Casey said in a gruff, authoritative tone. He grabbed Sean by the shoulder and forced him to his knees. "Hey, leave him alone," someone said. "Yeah, you're going to scare him from joining up," PFC Brawn said. But Corporal Casey put pressure on Sean's shoulders and Sean felt his knees going weak and then they were buckling in obedience. He was more scared than he'd ever been in his life. If all of these joined in.…. He was face to face with Casey's big cock, lolling out like a hunk of Polish sausage, a trickle of water running down it from the shower like he was taking a piss. He could see others moving through the heavy steam, moving closer, to watch and see what was going to happen. He swallowed hard. Casey flopped his cock back and forth, hitting him in the face. Somebody else got caught up in it and came up behind him and twisted his arms behind his back, up high so he was forced to lean forward. "Suck it," one of them said. "See what marine cock tastes like." When he didn't move quickly enough, they twisted his arms higher. He yelped and leaned in to take Casey's cock in his mouth. "OOoaaawwhhhhhhh!" Casey moaned loudly as he wrapped his hands around Sean's head. "Awww, fuck, guys, you oughta feel this!...fuckin Goddam firefighters mouth on a marine's cock." "We intend to," someone standing close by said. Sean could see a pair of very muscular, hairy thighs and another big cock hanging between them. He didn't look any higher. Nothing higher than their waists mattered, not to them and not to him. Sean tried to suck Casey's cock but Casey was being forceful and fucking his mouth. Sean choked and gagged when he shoved it too deep. "Hey, don't make him gag and get sick," someone said. Casey pulled his cock out and turned Sean's head to one of the other guys who was waiting, and shoved his face at him. Sean opened his mouth and took the guy's cock. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh," the guy moaned, tossing his head back. "Fuck, Casey, you're right.…Geezussss, I never felt anything this good before." "Come on, you fuckers, it can't be better than pussy," someone drawled. "Yeah? Just fuckin' wait till he slides those hot lips down around your cock." "Let me have at him, I never had my cock sucked before," the other guy said. They changed places and several more marines gathered in closer. Back and forth he went, from one to the other, then to back to Casey, then they were all closing in on him with their cocks crossed like swords, all vying for his mouth. Others had gathered around to watch and wait their turn. "Bunch of sick fuckers. I hope the captain doesn't decide to drop by," somebody grumbled as he walked out of the shower. "Hey, somebody bolt the door on the inside." A couple more guys left the shower without saying anything but one of them came back, apparently having bolted the door. Most of them stayed; Sean guessed about twenty or so. It scared him, being in the middle of that many horny marines but it excited him more. They began milling around, new cocks appearing out of the steam. Sean shifted his weight several times to take the pressure off of his knees. "Hey, go get one of the benches for him to lay on," someone said. "This might take awhile and he might as well be comfortable." Two men brought a bench into the showers and set it in the middle of the room. Sean was helped to his feet and laid on the bench. Someone immediately stepped astraddle the bench and his head and dropped his balls into Sean's mouth. "OOhhhhh, fuckin' shit! You oughta feel this....dude's sucking my balls. Easy, guy, don’t chew ‘em off." A feeling of great contentment and belonging came over Sean as he serviced one after another of the marines. He felt like he belonged there, doing what he was doing; this is where he had always belonged. And these guys made it okay for him to be doing it. Nobody was berating him or putting him down as a fag or anything; they were just enjoying getting their cocks sucked. As time went on, some of the guys started getting off so they could be on their way. Sean was drenched and splattered with hot come from every angle as the momentum built up among them to shoot their loads. He didn't complain when he got it in the face, and they began aiming for his mouth. He was delighted and surprised that every guy's come had a distinct taste; and horribly surprised that he liked it! Little by little the group began to dwindle, leaving their man-seed streaked all over Sean as they left, or in his mouth. Sean had lost track of Cpl. Casey, and he had only caught glimpses of young PFC Brawn. Maybe Casey had left. Sean hoped Brawn was still there. "Uh-oh, here comes Horse," somebody said. Guys sort of stood back to make room and suddenly Sean looked up to see the biggest cock he could imagine hanging over his face; a huge black cock. He had seen the big black marine at the far end of the platoon when they were doing calisthenics but he hadn't seen him go to the showers. There he was, standing over his head like a great black Colossus, his cock hanging out, it looked like a foot long, in a wide arch. My God, what am I possibly going to do with it, Sean wondered fearfully. I wonder how big it gets when he's hard? Horse, as he was called, patted the side of his cock, causing it to swing back and forth like a pendulum, and the arch began to straighten. "Goddam, Horse, you're not gonna make him suck that thing," someone said. "Give me one good reason why not?" Horse said. "For starters, that thing is registered as a lethal weapon." Despite the pangs of fear, Sean was anxious to get hold of the giant cock; anxious to see what a black cock tasted like. He let his mouth go slack as a signal to the Horse that he wanted his cock. He wanted desperately to take it all the way down his throat but he held out little hope of being able to do that. But the Horse had other ideas. "Take it before it gets completely hard and it'll slide right down your throat, a perfect fit," the big man said as he bent his knees to lower his cock to Sean's waiting mouth. "MMMnnnnnnnn," Sean moaned as his mouth was quickly filled with warm black cockmeat. He reached up with his hands around the thick tube, amazed that he could wrap both hands around the inches that were left, and his hands wouldn't reach all the way around it. "Sounds like he likes black cock," someone said. "I think he likes any cock." Horse was moving up and down, nudging the head of his cock hard against Sean's throat. His cock was growing longer and harder so it was easy to put more force behind it without it bending. Sean tried to relax his throat muscles but he was too tense from fear. "Take it now, take it later," Horse said. "Later is going to be a lot harder." It sounded like a veiled threat. Sean wondered if any of the others would come to his rescue if the big stud got really physical. Somehow, he doubted if any of them would mess with him, judging from the way they backed away when he approached. He fought down his fear gallantly, opening his throat to the huge cock, even lifting his head up to let Horse know that he was game to try it. Horse pressed his cock with his thumb to push it straight down, then bent his knees to put pressure behind his cock. "AAwwwggghhhhhhh!" Sean groaned as the thick, hot cock forced his throat open and bored deeper in his throat. "Holy Shit, look at that! He's taking it!" "Is he taking it or is Horse making him take it?" somebody asked. "He's taking it like a man," Horse declared. "Like a marine; not like you bunch of pussies." "What do you mean pussies, you never asked me to suck your cock, Horse," someone whined jokingly. "Fuck, he's taking it all the way! I wouldn't believe it if I wasn't standing here watching it." "Hell, I don't believe the size of the guy's cock, let alone someone swallowing the fucker," someone said. Sean was unable to maintain his control and he started to gag and choke. He was in a panic before the huge cock was pulled out of his mouth. The marine pulled it out and stroked it for a moment. The others moved in closer to watch. It was apparently the first time any of them had seen Horse with a hardon. "Geezusss!!" "I never seen anything so big!" It looked monstrously huge from where Sean lay, looking up at it; like a club standing out from Horse's pubes. He judged it to be as big as a forearm, and he was surprised that he had actually taken it down to his balls. "Don't think I'm queer or anything, Horse, but I gotta feel that and see if it's real." Sean was pleasantly stunned to see PFC Jason Brawn reach around and wrap his hand around the big black cock. It was the first time that that he knew any of the marines had touched another of their buddies. "Feel free, but it's gonna take two hands," Horse said. Jason wrapped his other hand around it and was able to entwine his fingertips. The Horse was anxious to get back to what he was doing. "You gonna play with it or suck it?" he asked Jason. "Cause I've got a stud here who wants to suck it if you don't." Jason quickly let go of his cock and Horse aimed it once more at Sean's mouth. "We won't go that deep again now that it's hard," Horse told him. "Just chow down on what you can handle." Sean tried to suck it but there was little room to move his tongue the way he wanted to in order to make the man feel good. "Don't be afraid to chew on it, it's a tough hunk of meat," The Horse said. Sean folded his lips around his teeth as best he could and began chewing on the meaty cock. The marine cried out and groaned with pleasure. He liked the gentle pain, and Sean chewed on it like he was eating a big, juicy sausage. "Shit, kid, you've got me so hot, I'm gonna come….just keep doing what you're doing....don't fuckin' stop....I'm gonna blast your fuckin' tonsils out....don't you dare fuckin' stop." He was nearly right. Sean didn't have enough of the shaft in his mouth to feel the pulsating surge through the big cock but he knew in a split second by the sudden swelling of the head that the marine was coming. A second later, the huge cock was shooting great loads of thick, hot come into his mouth. Unlike the others, even those with powerful spurts, The Horse's cock was pumping it out like a fire hose with steady spurts. Along with the bulk of cock meat, Sean's mouth was soon filled with come and it was running out the corners of his mouth faster than he could swallow it and running down his face. There was so much of it that he had to let it run. There was a strange excitement in being so overpowered by the big marine, being used as the vessel of his manliness. God, is he ever going to stop, Sean wondered. He didn't mind, he was simply amazed at the volume of semen bring shot out of the thick cannon. The volume finally began to subside and The Horse was shoving more of his cock into Sean's mouth. The slick come lubricated the way into his throat and he finished him off with his cock all the way to his stomach. He pursed his lips around the thick meat to draw out the last drops of come as the marine pulled his cock out of his throat. Free of his mouth, it fell with a heavy smack against his thigh then swung out in a wide, proud arch. "Geezusss, if I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe it," Casey said "He's all lubed up, right down his throat, if you wanta fuck his face," The Horse said as he turned back to his shower. One of the marines straddled the bench behind him, and lifted Sean's legs up and spread them out wide. "No, I can't do that," Sean said. "How do you know, have ever tried it?" the marine asked. "No….no....but I can't do it. There are too many of you, you guys would kill me." Another marine stepped up to the head of the bench. "He's talking too much," he said as he dropped his cock into Sean's mouth. "Go ahead, fuck him, then I get my turn next," he told his buddy. Still others formed a line behind their buddies to wait their turns at Sean’s mouth and his butt. Sean made only a token effort to get up and he was quickly pinned to the bench. He tried to look around to find Casey. Where the hell was Casey? He said they wouldn't do anything he didn't want them to do; he said it wouldn't get out of hand. Well, it was getting out of hand damned fast. He struggled again, but not too hard and to no avail. They held him secure as thick, long fingers probed inside his ass with lubricant and he knew it was going to happen. His thoughts flashed to a girl being raped and he wondered how they dealt with it. He put up a valiant fight but it was no use. There were too many of them. He did the only thing he could do; he relaxed and let it happen. Might as well; there was a hot cock pressing at the tight, vulnerable opening of his body and he was helpless but to let it happen. The marine probed and pushed and twisted and probed till suddenly his cock popped through. "AAAWWWwgggghhhhhhhhh!" His cry was muffled by the thick steam. The pain was unthinkable; unbearable, except that he had to bear it. He cried out again. "Somebody shove a cock in his mouth before he brings the whole neighborhood in on us," the marine said. Someone straddled Sean's head and shoved his cock in his mouth. The other marine shoved his cock deeper and deeper in his ass, plowing a path through his insides, till he was all the way in and Sean could feel his balls resting against his butt. "Fuckin' unbelievable!" he moaned. "Shit, you can't imagine how tight he is!" "Fuck him, man. I want my turn," someone said. Thankfully the marine held still a moment longer to enjoy the sensations of having his cock squeezed by another guy's ass, and it gave Sean a chance to work through the pain so that it was at least bearable by the time he pulled back and shoved in again. His head hanging over the end of the bench made it easy for him to swallow the other marine's cock. Gradually, the pain began to subside and Sean was surprised to feel pleasure creep in where the pain had been. He wanted to be shocked; horribly stunned that he was feeling any pleasure at all from being raped but who was he kidding? Deep down, even if he hadn’t known it, this was what he wanted. If he'd fought hard enough, they would have let him go. But this was the fantasy being brought to life. The marine lost control and lost his load deep in Sean's guts. It felt good, like a soothing balm to the delicate inner muscles that were so brutalized by the big cock. When he pulled out, another quickly took his place, and another took his place at his mouth. No two of them fucked the same way. For some it was simply a motion they went through to get their rocks off. Others seemed to enjoy the new experience and tried every different angle to see how it felt. A couple of them actually seemed to try to make Sean enjoy it. One especially, found Sean's joy spot...his prostate...and delighted in fucking his cock back and forth over to drive the boy crazy. "You like that, don't you?" he murmured. "You like it...right...there," he said as he shoved across the tiny love nut. "Ohhhh, yeahhhhh...ohhhh...ohhhhhh, yeah, that feels so good," Sean moaned. "Ohhh, fuck me...ohhh, yeah...fuck me, you big stud-marine." "Hell, listen to that, Mayford is making him beg for it!" Two Marines made it a point of working up their climaxes so they would come at the same time. Sean welcomed the double climax. He could no longer feel the come shooting in his ass but he could tell by the sudden hardness and bucking of the guy's cock that he was going off inside him. The other Marine pulled his cock out at the last second and shot his load all over Sean's face. Rivulets of warm, thick come ran slowly down his face and neck and dripped to the floor. When the last of them were done, they went back to join their buddies in the shower, leaving Sean alone and gasping for air. What now, he wondered? Where the fuck did Casey disappear to? Suddenly he appeared, then Jason. "Oh, man, I thought you left," Sean moaned. "You need a minute to rest?" Casey asked. “Rest?” Sean said. ` "Let him rest till the others are gone," Jason said quietly. The Horse and another guy returned to the shower room to see what was still going on. They were dressed. "What'd we do, fuck him out of commission?" he asked, laughing. "Just letting him rest up for a minute before we tear into him again," Casey said. "Did you get a crack at his ass, Horse?" "No I guess I left before they started fucking him. But he gave me some incredible head." "You wanta haul that big black cock out and give it to him?" Jason asked. "Naw, I would have to shower again and I gotta get going." "Okay." "Don't sound so fuckin' anxious for us to leave," Horse said, laughing. "Know what I think? I think you two have got the hots for him more than just getting your rocks off. You guys wanta hang back so you can make love to the little stud. That's it, you're in love with him, ain't you?" "Yeah, I'm in love with him, aren't you, Casey?" Jason said. "Yeah." It was dismissed as a joke. Despite the intense pleasure from all of the Marines, Sean wanted it to be just him and Jason and maybe Casey. He would have been happy with just Jason but he figured now that Casey would stick around to lock up. There was something in Jason's voice that made Sean wonder if he might really mean what he said. Not being in love, maybe, but having feelings deeper than just getting his cock sucked or getting a piece of male ass. He wished it were just him and Jason so he could find out. When the three of them were alone, Casey and Jason fucked him for another hour, taking turns at his ass and getting their cocks sucked. It was the first time Jason had experienced male sex and he was insatiable. This was so different from all the rest. They were more gentle, almost loving, wanting to make him enjoy it as much as they did. Maybe they are in love with me, in their own way, Sean thought. When they were finished they helped Sean to a shower. He was surprised when they all got under the same shower and the two Marines soaped him up and helped him stay on his feet. He doubted they wouldn't have done that if there had been anyone else around. They helped him back out to the locker room and gave him a towel. "I gotta tell you, this has been the most incredible thing I ever got into," Jason said. "Me, too," Sean said. "Are you okay?" Casey asked. "I mean, can you drive home okay?" "Yeah, I'm okay" Sean said. "I think I'm more okay than I've ever been in my life." "You really liked it, didn't you, being gang-banged," Casey said. Sean didn't like the way he said it but he admitted it. "Yeah." "Enough that you would want to do it again," Jason asked. "I mean without so many other guys, and not here. It was stupid to do it here in the armory. You could go with us on maneuvers sometime." "Yeah, I could go for that," Sean said, although he didn't know how he would be allowed to. When Jason and Sean were waiting outside the armory for Casey to lock the place up, Jason expressed his deeper feelings. "Look, I was thinking, maybe you would like to get together, just the two of us," he said. "We're about the same age, maybe we've got more in common than the rest of the guys. Sometimes they like to treat me like a punk kid because I'm younger than any of them. This was the first time I ever did anything like that." "It was the first time I ever got fucked," Sean said. "Well, I saw you were enjoying the hell out of it, and it got me to wondering what it'd feel like, but I couldn't do anything with any of the other guys. But you and me could get together and.…." "Sean Brady, I'm in the book," Sean said quickly as Casey was coming out. Again, he drove aimlessly for over an hour after he left the armory. He wasn't ready to go home and settle back into that little world so soon after exploring the whole new world that he had just discovered. That night he relived the orgy in his mind and fell asleep to dream about it. He stayed away from the armory for awhile after that. Something about it frightened him. When it soaked in what he had done he realized how explosive a situation he had let himself into. He wondered if the Marines gave any thought to what they had done. By any standards, he had been gang raped. He swelled a little bit inside with the knowledge that he could have a whole platoon of Marines in the stockade if he opened his mouth. He wouldn't do that, of course. He was a totally willing participant. And he definitely wanted to see Jason again. Maybe even The Horse. He was intrigued by the huge black cock, and challenged. The gang experience had a profound effect on Sean. It wasn't shock or denial, or guilt or remorse or any of those things. It was as if there was a window opened up and he could see a whole other world that he never knew existed. He thought about it all the time. His muscles tingled at the thought of being with all those Marine studs. His asshole itched. It opened the window to a new, braver view of his own locker room at school. He saw the other athletes in a whole different light. He pictured the scene with the Marines being played out with his teammates. Not that it could ever happen, but it was a wonderful fantasy.

Chapter IV

He hadn't heard anything from the station since the fire and he was afraid he might have been suspended. Finally, he couldn't take the suspense any longer and he called Lt. Johnson. "No, there's been no action taken; officially, nothing out of the ordinary happened," Johnson told him. "Oh, then I'm still a cadet?" "Unless you resigned," Johnson said. "What about Captain Hale?" "He knows what happened but he can't say anything to you because it didn't happen," Johnson said. "Look, kid, you screwed up and Hale's not happy about it but he's gonna expect you to have the balls to face him. Your best bet would be to come down here to the station house and work your way back into his good graces like nothing did happen." So Sean concentrated on redeeming himself at the fire station and with Captain Hale. He volunteered for extra duty hours to scrub down the station house, clean the refrigerator and the stove and cabinets. He wiped down the equipment in the weight room. He cleaned the upstairs sleeping quarters, moving all of the bunks to scrub and wax the floor. He washed the windows. Anything any of the guys could think of for him to do. He even washed and dried the dishes when he was there over mealtime. There was a tradition, though, that a rookie didn't touch the engines. He knew the firefighters liked seeing a rookie cadet doing the menial jobs that they would've had to do but the engines were off limits. His efforts didn't go unnoticed by the captain. He pulled him off his work one day and called him into his office. Sean was up in the sleeping quarters when the captain yelled for him. He was working in his shorts and hearing the tone in the captain's voice, he slid down the pole just the way he was. He rushed to the captain's office and knocked at the open door. "Come in, and close the door, for chrissakes, before somebody sees you," Captain Hale said. "I can go put my jeans on, sir, but you sounded urgent, like I oughta get my ass down here," Sean said. "I'm supposed to sound that way, whether it's urgent or not. Which it isn't. I just wanted to tell you that I've noticed the way you've been busting your butt around here, and let you know it's not necessary." "I just wanted to do everything I could to......" "I know, to redeem yourself," the captain cut in. "It's beginning to look more like you're sucking up. You don't have to do that. Not to me, and not to any of the guys." "I definitely don't mind, sir. I don't mean I don't mind sucking up. I don't mind doing the work." "But you would, wouldn't you....suck up....if that's what it took to stay a cadet." "Yes, sir, I would be the biggest suck-up you ever saw if I have to. I will do ANYTHING to stay a cadet." "Well, we're going to hand back some of these duties to the men, before they get used to being pampered," the captain said. "Look, you broke the rules, under pressure. As it happened, everything turned out all right, you saved some people's lives, which is the reason I haven't demanded your uniform. But when you break the rules, you break the trust. The men have to know they can trust you in a pinch. I called you in here to see if you're ready for a couple of tests." "Yes, sir. What kind of tests, sir?" "I want you to come down to the station and cook supper for the men." "Me? Cook supper? Cook.....??" "Yeah, that's what we do," he said. "The men take turns making their specialties and shopping for groceries. Have you got a specialty, Brady? " "My specialty is pretty much hamburgers and French fries," Sean said. He was a little fearful that he might be expected to prepare a full-fledged meal and he would surely fail that test. "Then make the best damned hamburgers and French fries these guys ever ate," the captain said. "I can do that, sir," Sean said eagerly. He went to the station on Friday night, happy to skip a date and being with his friends. He arrived early to find the men in the lounge or sitting outside in front of the fire station. "What'd you bring to eat?" Adamson asked. "Yeah, how come you're empty handed?" asked Conner. "I thought....I mean, I was supposed to come and make supper, but I thought there would be stuff here." "If you're gonna cook it, you gotta buy the stuff," Conner said. Sean wondered if he was supposed to buy groceries with his own money. He would be glad to do it, but Conner got up and went inside to get some money. "I guess this means supper is going to be late," he drawled. "I didn't know. I guarantee it won't happen again," Sean said. "Fuckin' right it won't," Conner said. He went into the kitchen to check and see what he needed to buy then he rushed to the store. He was nervous even buying groceries for the men. He bought onions and lettuce and tomatoes and the biggest potatoes he could find, and chopped sirloin instead of plain old hamburger. Even though he was just fixing hamburgers he was nervous as hell. He didn't know how much influence the men in general had with the captain but he wanted to impress these guys and win back their trust. He made the French fries with real potatoes in a skillet of hot oil. He sliced big onions and tomatoes and spread them out on lettuce so it looked good. He put out mayo, mustard, ketchup and some special hamburger sauce. To cover all bases he made some of the hamburgers rare, some medium and some well done and put them on three different plates. When everything was ready he went into the day room and announced that supper was ready. Nobody moved. He repeated it, waiting nervously for some response. Finally, one guy turned off the TV and Conner laid down his magazine, all rather begrudgingly. He thought they might be pissed because supper was late. Sean went outside to tell Johnson and Brooks that supper was ready. He stood at the counter as the men filed into the kitchen. "What do you want to drink?" he asked bravely. "Water." "Coke." "Whatever's in the refrigerator." "Beer," said Brooks. Sean went to the refrigerator to get their drinks. There was no beer. "There's no beer," he said timidly. "You didn't buy beer?" Brooks growled. "I didn't know....I was supposed to buy drinks," Sean stammered. "And I couldn't buy beer anyway, I'm not old enough." "He's just playing with your head, we're not allowed to drink on duty," Conner said. "Give him a fuckin' coke." When they were served, Sean stood back and watched them eat and waited for their reactions. "Aren't you gonna eat?" Johnson asked. Brooks suddenly dropped his hamburger on his plate. "Hell, if he ain't eating it, I sure as hell ain't eating it. We don't know what he put in these things." "I didn't know I was allowed.....supposed to eat.....with you guys," Sean stammered. One of them kicked a chair out from the table for him. He sat down, his stomach tied in knots. He would've rather stood aside and watched than try to stuff a hamburger down his stomach that was tied in knots. He tried to watch them out of the corner of his eye. Nobody was saying anything and there was not an expression on any of their faces that told him anything. It was like a table of poker players. Johnson was the first to finish eating. "Best damned hamburgers I ever ate," he said, without emotion. Sean's heart thumped over a couple of beats. One by one, the others finished and told him how good they were. Sean was so happy he couldn't finish eating. As the men were getting up from the table he stood up and began clearing the table. "Hun-uh," Conner said, taking the plates from him. "When you cook, you don't clean up." Sean was so relieved and happy that he felt like his chest was going to pop right out of his shirt. He hung around for a few minutes, unsure whether he was supposed to stay in the kitchen or leave. He didn't think he should stay with them. He had never hung out with them before and cooking hamburgers didn't mean he was fully accepted into their inner circle. "Well, if that's all, I guess I'll be going," he said meekly. "Next Saturday, you come in and make breakfast," Lt. Johnson said without looking around. "What time should I be here?" Sean asked, trying his best to hide his excitement. "Well, you show up in time for supper Friday night," Johnson said. "Plan to stay the night here." Sean was so happy he could hardly stand still. He wanted to shout, he was so damned happy. He barely managed not to skip and hop to his car. All week long he practiced making breakfast at home. When his mother found out what he had to do she showed him how to make omelets. She said men always liked omelets if they were made right. Friday after school he went to the store and bought everything he needed for making omelets, paying for it out of his own pocket. If he got reimbursed, fine. If not, that was okay, too. He was nervous as hell. He was actually going to spend the night with the firemen! He hoped to fit in without appearing to be too eager. These guys took the job all in stride, and he wanted to be as laid-back as they were. Conner made chili for supper. It was good chili. He told Sean to clean up. After he finished he was invited to come into the day room and Johnson invited even him to sit outside in front of the station. He went with Johnson. He felt damned proud and important sitting out there with a real firefighter, waving at the cars that honked. He hoped that some of his friends might drive by and see him. Johnson didn't talk much. He seemed to be in his own, quiet world, so Sean didn't talk either. "It's good to have somebody that doesn't think he's gotta be running off at the mouth every minute," Lt. Johnson said. "You weren’t saying anything, I figured you like it quiet," Sean said. "Good. We're going to get along fine." It was well after sundown and despite his excitement, Sean was getting sleepy. He worried and stewed about it for a while before he worked up the courage to ask where he was supposed to sleep. "Upstairs, last bunk on the left down from the pole," Johnson said. "How about in the morning? What time do I have to get up to make breakfast?" "Somebody will wake you up," Johnson said. When Sean was walking inside, Johnson added, "It'd be a good idea to shower before you hit the rack. You don't know what the night's going to bring." Sean didn't ask why, except that he figured Johnson was referring to a possible call. That excited him, although he didn't think he would be taken along on a call again for a very long time. Maybe not till he finished firefighters school. He had the shower to himself, for which he was glad. As much as he wanted to be around the hunky firefighters, he didn't trust himself in such intimate quarters with them. One of them might guess his little secret, and it might not be like it was with the Marines. He didn't ask how he was supposed to sleep. He slipped on a pair of briefs and stretched out on the last bunk. The bunkroom was lit only by the light coming in from the opening around the pole, and the light from the stairs. He lay quietly and alone, soaking up the atmosphere and relishing the moment to himself. He knew he was on his way to becoming a firefighter; he didn't have to be told. And it wouldn't depend on breakfast or making hamburgers. He could feel that he was being accepted. Begrudgingly, maybe, but that's the way it was supposed to be with a rookie cadet. Sleep came easy. He was only vaguely aware of others coming up the stairs. Twice he felt a presence in close to his bunk and he almost opened his eyes, but didn't. "Fucker!" someone said under his breath. It was someone close, almost over his bed. "Yeah," said someone else. That was all he heard before he drifted off to a sound sleep. He awoke to somebody shaking his shoulder. It was Conner. Sean rubbed his eyes and stretched and saw that Conner was naked. He took in his nakedness but managed to not look openly. "Better get up, the guys are usually starving for breakfast," Conner said. "Somebody was supposed to wake me up," Sean said as he scrambled out of his bunk. "Somebody is waking you up," Conner said. He was more nervous than before when he'd cooked hamburgers. It was worse this time because the men were all in the kitchen, standing around watching him. It was like they were just waiting for him to do something wrong. "What the hell are you doing to those eggs?" Brooks growled as he came into the kitchen. "He's making omelets," Adamson said. "He's making what! I ain't eating no omelets," Brooks said. "I want my eggs over easy." "Brooks, have you ever eaten an omelet?" Conner asked. "No." "Then shut the fuck up till you've tried it." All the men, except Brooks, dug right into breakfast. Sean didn't have to be told that he had done good. Brooks ate begrudgingly but cleaned his plate. He glanced at Sean when he was getting up from the table and Sean quickly wiped the smile off his face. "Just because I ate it don't mean I like it," he said. "He liked it," one of the men said, clamping his hand on Sean's shoulder as he was leaving. "If he didn't he would've told you to bend over." Captain Hale told Sean he wanted him to arrange to start staying overnight at the firehouse at least once a month. Sean told him he could stay more often if he wanted him to, and they agreed that he would spend a night every two weeks. He was beside himself. He wanted to tell everybody at school, but the only one he had to tell was Cody. Cody told everyone else. The guys who were already jealous of him were even more jealous and several guys asked how they could join the cadets. He stalled them off, saying he would bring them an application and set up an appointment for them with the captain. He wouldn't for awhile, of course; he wanted to bask in the comradeship of the station house and the firefighters all to himself. School was drawing to a close, bringing the warmer days of spring. Sean had mixed emotions about graduating. He was going to miss the kids at school, but he was anxious to start his life. He had a job lined up till he went off to firefighter's school. He hoped there was an opening with the department when he graduated from the academy. There was a good chance, he thought, because he was top on the list. He could hardly wait to become part of their tight-knit fraternity. It would take awhile; he knew he still had to pay his dues, but he would be paying them as a real rookie, not as a rookie cadet. His omelets and hamburgers became staples for the meals he cooked. Brooks even came around and begrudgingly admitted that he liked his omelets. He was feeling comfortable in the company of the older guys. They were accepting him, although still with the requisite begrudging attitude. It was okay. He liked being treated as the young, green cadet. Sill, he longed to be one of them, more on equal terms, but he knew that had to be earned. It was worth sacrificing dates and hanging out with friends to be around them. The men were even asking him to work out with them. It was a small workout room so they had to work out in shifts; two or three guys at a time, with the rest fully on standby in case those working out happened to be in the showers when a call came in. Even those working out had to have their suits hung in the weight room while they were in there. It was hard to concentrate on lifting weights with the hunky firemen in their workout shorts and no shirts. They were in the shower one night, him and Conner and Johnson. "Damn, Brady, how did you get built like that at your age?" Johnson asked, eyeing his body openly. Sean noticed with pride that Conner's eyes also unmistakably took in his manhood in their sweep up and down his naked body. "I started working out when I was twelve," Sean said. "What I wanta know is how'd you grow a cock like that at your age?" Conner asked. His eyes were fixed boldly now on Sean's manhood. "Shit, you might have the biggest cock in the whole company. Now that would be a kick in the ass, wouldn't it?" he said to Johnson, "having some high school kid come in here and show us all up." "Hey, some guys have got better genes than others," Johnson said with a shrug. With all the time on their hands, they had plenty of time to work out and the firefighters were in better shape than a lot of the Marines over at the armory. Sean especially liked working out on Friday nights after supper was over. It was a gratifying feeling to work out and then shower and hit the rack. It was also nice to hear the remarks about this body and his big cock. The word had gotten around about how he was hung and others were openly noticing and kidding him about it. One night Conner was standing at the sinks lathering up his face. "You might want to shave before you go to bed," he said. Sean couldn't help looking at him funny. He only had to shave about once a week and he thought it odd that Conner would suggest it. He rubbed his hand over his face; he barely had a stubble. Conner reached over and rubbed his face. "We play the odds here," he said. "It's been awhile since we got called out and the longer it is the more likely it becomes. Just suggesting that you be ready. A call comes in in the middle of the night, you don't know how long you're going to be out." "Yeah, I guess you're right. I never thought of it," Sean said and went to get his shaving kit from his bunk. He didn't have a locker yet. That was another badge of acceptance that he hadn't earned. He had to keep his stuff on his bunk or on the floor beside it when he stayed over. He felt stupid when he discovered that he didn't have any shaving cream in his kit. It wasn't something he used often enough to worry about. "I forgot to pack shaving cream," he said sheepishly when he came back. Conner shoved his down the narrow shelf in front of him. "Thanks." "You got a razor?" Conner asked. "Yeah, right here." "Has it got a blade in it?" Sean glanced in the mirror to see Conner's mischievous grin. "I didn't know if you used a blade or if you put cream on your face and let the cat lick it off." Sean's face got red but they both broke out laughing and it felt good to be laughing at himself with the other fireman. What Conner did next surprised the hell out of him, so much that his eyes popped wide. He had his stuff gathered up and was leaving. "You're gonna make it, Brady," Conner said as he smacked Sean hard on the butt and walked out. Sean stood there gaping at himself in the mirror, and the image of the broad-shouldered, naked firefighter walking out of the shower room. His butt stung a little but it felt good. It felt good inside, that the guy had shown such casual, macho intimacy. One Friday night they invited him to join in a game of poker. Strip poker, Conner said, but Sean didn’t really believe him. He had never heard of guys playing strip poker among themselves, but either way, he didn't know how to play poker. "Hell, he's just trying to get you out of your clothes," one of them drawled. "Just take `em off and be done with it." Sean didn't know if they were kidding about that or not. Maybe they had guessed his secret. Maybe somebody had heard about what happened with the Marines at the armory. They were all looking at him like they were waiting for him to do what he was told. He hesitated for a minute then started unlacing his shoes. He wondered if this was going to be like the Marines. He was a little scared but deep down he hoped so. He would be a slave to these studs if they wanted him to. He had his shoes and shirt off when Lt. Johnson stopped him. "What the hell's going on?" he asked with a curious scowl at Sean taking off his clothes. None of the men said anything. A couple of them glanced at Sean, as if the question was directed at him. Maybe it was. "They asked me to....p-play strip poker, but I don't know how, so they....they t-told me to just take to just take my clothes off anyway," he stammered. Shaking his head, Johnson picked up his shirt and tossed it at him. "You gotta learn when these fuckheads are messing with your head," he said. Sean could feel his face turning red. "I was going up to bed anyway," he said quickly but he was embarrassed that he had been duped again. Still, deep down he didn't mind the men laughing at him. It was all part of paying his dues. He took his shirt and headed up the stairs. "Fucker!" someone mumbled under his breath. Sean tightened at the chill that ran down his back. It was the same voice as the other night; the voice that had called him “fucker” in the dark. He lay in his bunk thinking about his future as a fireman. Graduation was only days away and he could begin working towards the only goal he'd ever had for himself. At first, when he was a little boy, it was the big, red fire engines and the sirens that attracted him. Later it was the firefighters themselves. How he envied and admired them. He wasn't sure when the admiration turned into something else; he just knew things were changing for him. He fell into a gentle sleep, happy in his skin and in the world around him. He wondered if it would ever be like with the Marines with these guys. He didn't know how long he had slept or what time it was when he came awake with a start from the feel of a hand on his leg. He didn't know whether to wake up or pretend he was still asleep. He blinked his eyes open and raised up on his elbows and rubbed his eyes. He thought he was in a dream at first when he saw the men standing around his bunk. There were four of them; Johnson, Conner, Brooks and Adamson, and they were all naked! The scene at the armory locker room flashed before him and a charge of excitement shot down his spine. "What's up?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. "Something wrong? Did we gat a call?" What a dumb question; if there was a call they wouldn't be standing around naked. "No. Some of the guys went together and got you a graduation present," Johnson said. "You did? Man, thanks, but you didn't have to," he said, all the while, wondering why they had waited till he was asleep and then woke him up to give him a present; and why it was only four of them. And why were they all naked? "Well, we thought you could use this," Conner said, handing him a small gift-wrapped box. Sean was sure it was a watch. He sat up and opened it. He was right. Except it was no ordinary watch. It was a firefighter's watch, with the emblem on the leather band. "Wow! Thanks! Thanks a lot, guys." "We got you this, too," Johnson said, handing him another package. He opened it to find a dark blue T-shirt with the firefighter's emblem across the chest, and there was a firefighter's baseball cap. "You guys didn't have to do all of this," Sean said. "There's something else," Conner said. He was grinning as he handed Sean another long, heavy box. Sean noticed the others were grinning too and he figured it was some sort of gag gift. His eyes popped wide when he took off the lid and found a big dildo encased in a condom. Beside it was a box of X-Large condoms. The men broke out laughing. Sean felt his face flush warm with embarrassment. He didn't know what to think, let alone what to say. The condoms he could understand and appreciate. They were a studly sort of gift to give a guy. But why were they giving him a dildo? Were they trying to tell him something? Or was the dildo just modeling the condom? "We figured a stud like you probably goes through a dozen condoms a week," Conner said as he picked up the dildo. "These aren't ordinary condoms," he went on as he picked up the dildo and held it up. "Yeah, after seeing you in the shower, we had to special order the super size for you," Brooks put in. "We had to have something to display the condom on and nobody was willing to offer his cock so we bought the dildo, just to demonstrate the size," Conner added he held the dildo up closer for Sean to see. "Take a good close look." Sean did a double take when he saw the firefighter's emblem on the base of the condom. He laughed nervously, still unsure what to say. "This neat.... thanks, guys," he said finally. He hated that his voice sounded so boyish. "You do use condoms, don't you?" Johnson asked. "You do have REASON to use condoms, right? You're not a virgin, are you?" Brooks asked. "Get real guys. If you looked like him and were hung like him in high school, would you be a virgin?" Conner scoffed. "Yes," Sean replied. "I mean, no, I'm not a virgin....and yes, I use condoms." "Use these with pride," Conner said. "When you're rolling it on and sliding that big horse cock into some poor unsuspecting girl, it's like you're fucking her for all of us. So do us proud." "Is that how it is with the married guys? When they screw their wives, they're screwing her for all of us?" Sean asked smartly. "Don't be a smart ass, rookie," Conner growled. "One thing for sure, I'll be thinking about you guys when I use `em," Sean said. "Well, firefighters don't use ordinary condoms, so when you get these used up, let me know, I'll tell you where to order more with the emblem on them," Johnson said. Sean sighed shaking his head. He was almost overwhelmed and he had to fight back the wetness building up in his eyes. "Thanks. I appreciate it more than I can tell you." "By the way, you can start sleeping naked," Johnson said. "The rest of us do." "Okay." "Starting now," said Johnson as he reached down and snapped the waistband of Sean's briefs. Sean started to take them off but Johnson and Conner, on each side of the bed, took hold and pulled them down his legs and Adamson and Brooks pulled them off his feet and tossed them aside. "There, that's better, isn't it?" Lt. Johnson said. "Yes, sir. And thanks again, guys." "There is a catch to all of this," Conner said. "A condition." "What's that?" Sean asked. He suspected from the tone of Conner's voice that what was coming was pretty big. "Before you can wear the watch, you have to be initiated," Conner said. "W-what....what kind of initiation?" Sean shivered inside imagining what they might do to him. "Something all rookies have to go through," Conner said as he stood with his knees against the edge of the bunk and his big cock hanging out over Sean's face. "You get the idea?" he asked huskily. Sean swallowed, so hard that it was an audible gulp. His eyes were wide and his mouth hung slack. He suspected what was coming but he was still excitedly surprised that it was true. But he remembered the other times when he’d been duped. “I’m not sure I do,” he said with total innocence. “We’ve fucked with his head so many times, how is he supposed to know when we’re serious?” Adamson said. "Okay, look, you're a great cook and all, but there’s one thing you’ve never tried. Its time you found out what firefighter meat tastes like," Conner said. Sean looked at the man, past his cock, past his deeply-ridged abs, to his handsome face. It was a gentle look, but he still couldn't be sure he was serious and he didn't want to reach out for the guy's cock and have them be playing another joke on him. "You're not playing with my head this time," he said huskily. "No, it's the other way around this time. You play with my head," Conner said as he twisted his hips, causing his big cock to swing back and forth. Sean was still hesitant. If he reached out for Conner's cock and they were only kidding around, he would be the laughing stock of the station. Heaven only knew what names they would call him. Maybe even be kicked out of the station. " guys...g-go through this initiation?" he asked. Despite his experience with the Marines, he was nervous as hell, but he was sort of glad for his stammering voice. He didn't want to appear too eager. He wanted to appear reluctant and even a little scared. "No, actually, the idea of the initiation came up a couple of years ago," Johnson said. "Then I--I'm the first....?" "You ought to be honored. Nobody got us a firefighter's watch or custom-made condoms," Johnson said. "You said you would do anything....whatever it takes to become a firefighter. You told Captain Hale that, right?" Conner reminded him. "Yes," he said meekly. "When you say you'll do whatever it takes, you have to mean it," Brooks said. "Any of us here would've done it when we were rookies if that's what it took." "So did you mean it?" Conner asked. Sean hesitated. "Yeah, I....yeah, I g-guess I did." "Then it's time to prove it," he said, lifting his cock out over Sean's face. Sean hesitated a second longer then raised up, licking his lips and opened his mouth. "You're going to have to open wider than that," Conner said. Sean wet his lips again....a nervous gesture....and opened his mouth wider to accommodate the thick hunk of meat. Conner hunkered down and dropped the head of his cock into his mouth. Sean stifled his moan of pleasure and prayed they weren't playing games with him. He mouthed the hot cock awkwardly, as if he didn't know what to do with it. After a moment he moved off it. "I....I d-don't know how to do this," he said rather apologetically. "You're doing fine," Conner said as he shoved his hardening cock back into Sean's mouth. Sean took it willingly but with proper reluctance. He developed his skills gradually, so he was sure that the men would think he was new at it. "Lay your head back," Conner told him. He laid back with his head tilted up. Maybe he took the position too quickly. "One of the requirements is, you gotta deep-throat all of us at least once," Conner said as he stood on the bed astraddle Sean's head and lowered himself over his face. He guided his cock into Sean's mouth and lowered himself slowly, forcing the head of his cock through the opening of Sean's throat. Sean gagged to let them know that he was choking on the big cock. When Conner started to rise up, Sean grabbed his hips and held him in place to also show how determined he was to take the big cock down his throat. "Now this guy wants to be a firefighter real bad," Conner said with a smile. One by one the four men took turns feeding him their cocks. He took them all without complaining, but with the proper degree of difficulty. Then they made him stand up and Adamson stretched out on his bunk on his back with his legs spread wide apart. "Now it's time to get down to business," he said as he held his cock straight up. "Next requirement is to suck me off. All the way." "Y-you mean......y-you're gonnna...shoot in my mouth?" Sean asked as he climbed on the bunk between the muscular thighs. "Yeah, that’s right." Sean hesitated again then went down on his big, thick cock. "I'm gonna go off in your mouth, but it's up to you whether you swallow it or not," he said. "That's not a requirement. Yet." "But it counts for extra points if you do," Johnson added. "Not swallowing sort of leaves some doubt, you know, about how bad you wanta pass your initiation." "Yeah, and some doubt how far you can be trusted. There's absolutely no doubt that you can trust a guy who will swallow your load," Adamson put in. Sean decided he’d better take them at their word whether they were shitting him or not. He got down to sucking the man's cock, not too eagerly at first, but after awhile, when Adamson was squirming around and moaning and had his hands around Sean's head and was thrusting his cock up into his mouth, Sean sucked him hard to meet his every demand. "I'm comming!" Adamson gasped suddenly. Sean stiffened, as if from fear, but he let Adamson keep his head in place. As he shot his load, Sean lathered it around his cockhead but he didn't swallow it. When he was finished Adamson let go of Sean's head. Sean stayed on his hands and knees, his head hung in humiliation with his mouthful of come. "You want something to spit it out in?" one of them asked. He shook his head and made a big show of swallowing the come. He grimaced from the awful taste of the stuff that made the men laugh. Another fireman stretched out on his bunk and offered him his cock. As he was finishing with the fourth guy he felt hands on his butt, and he knew the initiation wasn't over just because he had sucked them all off. They were going to fuck him. The four firemen lifted him up and turned him across the bunk. Another pair of big hands pulled his hips up and he was on his hands and knees, crossways on the bunk. Conner was standing squarely in front of him, his big cock lolling out in his face. Sean felt other hands feeling his butt. There was no imagining anymore what they were going to do. "Are you guys....gonna....f-fuck me?" he asked timidly over his shoulder. "That's sort of what we had in mind." "You don't have to," Lt. Johnson put in quickly. "We don't force anybody to do anything." "But if I don't, you're gonna have some're not gonna trust me completely. Right?" "There could be a little doubt." Sean hung his head in submission. "Does that mean its okay?" one of them asked. "I said I would do anything to be a firefighter. I meant it," Sean said. "Whew! God, he's got a great ass. Which one of us is gonna go first?" "Rank, gentlemen. Rank," Lt. Johnson said. "Aw, fuck, lieutenant, don't pull rank on us," Brooks growled. "Okay, we flip a coin." They were all naked, no place to put a coin. "You got a coin?" Johnson asked Sean. "In my pants pocket," he said, but he stayed in position and let them get the coin. He didn't even look around to see who won the coin toss. Sean kept his head hanging down as somebody fingered his butt and worked cool lube into his asshole. When he felt the heat of a cock pressing at his hole he looked over his shoulder with a look of fear. The fear was partly real. It was Conner aiming his cock at his asshole and he was big. It was going to hurt, for real. He exhaled loudly and braced himself for the initial penetration. "You ever been fucked before?" Conner asked. "No," he lied. "Fuckin' lucky bastard," someone said. "Not only is that the finest looking butt I've seen in a long time, it's a virgin ass." "I'll take it as easy as I can," Conner told him. "Thanks." As Conner applied pressure against his asshole, Sean closed his eyes and prayed for the next couple of minutes to pass quickly. He gave a hard shove and suddenly the head of his cock popped through Sean's asshole. "AAAUUUHHHNNN!" he cried through clenched teeth, tossing his head back in painful agony. He wasn't pretending, but he was making it look much worse than it was. "Better shove something in his mouth so he don't make so much noise," someone said, and walked around and shoved his cock in his mouth. Sean uttered another loud whimpering groan around the hot cock as Conner buried his cock in his ass to the hilt. In a way, he was glad it was Conner. He would be stretched so he could take the others more easily. "Goddamn, this is hot! And tight! Fuck, there's nothing like a tight, virgin ass," Conner moaned “Just how many tight virgin asses have you had?” Brook asked. “My share, most of your share, too,” Conner replied. Sean smiled inside. If they only knew about the Marines over in the armory. On his hands and knees, Sean hunkered his hips down to take Conner's big cock at the angle he liked best. His head was tilted back so Johnson was fucking his cock straight down his throat. And Sean groaned and whimpered like a puppy with a sad look of fear in his eyes, like he really was being used. He figured one of the requirements would be for the guys to shoot their loads up in his ass but Conner pulled out before he went off. "Who's next?" he asked as he stood back, fisting his slick cock. Another cock plugged Sean's asshole and Johnson stepped aside for Conner to step up to his face. Sean wasn't sure who was fucking him, but he was bigger than Conner. After another round Sean realized that part of the initiation was that they were making him take their cocks in his mouth, still warm and slick out of his ass. They fucked him round-robin for well over an hour. He lost count of how many turns they took with his mouth and his ass, and wondered why no one else had come up to the sleeping quarters. Finally, he felt the liquid heat of someone's cum shooting deep in his ass. It felt good. So good that with the way the guy was moving his cock, lobbing it around inside him, Sean shot his load all over his bunk. He was glad for the thick cock in his mouth that muffled his outcry. He didn't really want the guys to know that they had made it so good that he had shot his load. One by one they deposited their hot loads in his asshole then stepped around to the other side of the bunk for him to suck their cocks clean. Then Johnson wrapped his arm around his waist and pulled him up to his feet, pulling him back against him. "That was fuckin' awesome. Are you okay, kid?" "Yeah, I--I think so," Sean said. "Except it feels like there's about a gallon of stuff running out of my ass." One of them grabbed a towel and stopped the flow of come. "It might take a few minutes for your asshole to close up. Do you wanta lie down for a little bit?" "No, I...I shot all over my bunk," he said sheepishly. They broke out in laughter. "Fuck, kid, you not only wanta be a firefighter awfully bad, you wanta enjoy getting qualified. Somebody change his bunk while I take him to the shower." Two of the men quickly began stripping his bunk to put on clean sheets. Johnson helped him to the shower and steadied him under the stinging spray. "Did I make it?" Sean asked. "Did I pass the initiation?" "With flying colors," Lt. Johnson said. When they returned from the showers, the others were standing around his bunk, waiting and smiling. There was something lying in the middle of his bunk. "What's this?" he asked. "Put it on," Johnson said with authority. He picked it up. It was a deep red jockstrap with the firefighters' emblem on the pouch. "That's your badge of achievement," Johnson said. "Wear it with pride." Sean pulled the jockstrap on and was surprised when the men adjusted it around his waist and even adjusted the front, hefting the pouch that held his heavy manhood. "Am I allowed to sleep in it?" Sean asked. "Sure. You would honor us if you did," Johnson said. "One rule. Don't ever wash it," Conner said. He laid on his back looking up at the four handsome, muscular firefighters. "You sure you're okay? Do need or want anything before we all hit the racks?" "No, I think I've had about all I want or need or can handle for one night," he said. The men went to their bunks and someone turned out the stairway light. "Good night, little stud." They all told him good night. "Guys?" "Yeah?" "I was thinking....I proved to you guys that you could depend on me to do anything and be there for you in any situation. How do I know you guys will do the same for me?" There was total silence and he didn't pursue it. “You said the jockstrap is my badge of achievement. If I wear it around here….if other guys see me wearing it, are they gonna know how I earned it?” Another silence. "Just tell me, am I going to be expected to take on the whole company?" Sean asked. "No. We were elected as the initiation committee," Johnson said. "They know what the red jockstrap stands for. But anything you do with any of the others is strictly your own choice." "But it would be a good idea if I did," Sean surmised. "If you feel like you have to, or want to. You're well broken in, it won't hurt so much." Before he went to sleep, Sean stuffed the dildo into his shaving kit. He didn’t want anybody to see it. In the morning he would sneak it down to his car and hide it in the trunk.

Sean was sure he was in deep trouble when Capt. Hale called him into his office. He couldn't imagine what he'd done, but the captain didn't call you in his office for casual conversation. "Sir, Cadet Brady reporting as ordered," he said briskly as he stood at attention. "At ease and sit down, Brady," the captain said. That could be a good or a bad sign. It was more casual and at-ease, but it could also mean that he was going to be there for a while and it could be a long ass-chewing. "Cutting straight to the chase, Brady.…are the rumors I'm hearing true?" "What rumors?" "Rumors about you." "I don't know what rumors you could be hearing about me, sir." "I don't want to know, officially, what goes on in the lives of my men, either on duty or off, but unofficially, it's my job to look out for you, as a cadet." "Yes, sir, I hope that doesn't cause you any problem," Sean said. "You tell me if I've got a problem," he said. ` "I don't know, sir, I don't understand…..." "I think you do, but I'll put it in plain words so you do understand. Are there sex parties going on up in the sleeping quarters?" Sean could feel his face growing warm and he knew he must be turning red. He didn't want to rat the guys out but he didn't want to lie to the captain either. "Never mind, I'm getting my answer from watching your face," the captain said. "It was…." He had to stop and swallow. "....well, there initiation, Captain," Sean said as bravely as he could in his defense. "Taking you to a strip club, or even a whore house….that would be an initiation. You're old enough for that. But you're not old enough to be messing around with a bunch of grown men. Do you realize what that could do to the department if it ever got out? It would close this unit down, probably lose me my job, along with a bunch of other good men." "Sir, I'm not going to tell anyone about what happened," he said, wondering why the captain was making it sound like it was his fault. "Just tell me, are you being forced to do anything you don't want to do, Brady?" he asked. Geezuss, what a loaded question! If he answered yes, he would be getting the guys in trouble and probably a big investigation would follow. If he said no, he would be admitting that he….he liked it. "N-no, sir….not....well, maybe at first....the first time, because I thought I had to go through an initiation.…that's what they told me. But....after that, sir.… now, I…." He swallowed hard, too embarrassed to finish. "You what?" "I was a willing participant," Sean he admitted bravely. "How old are you, Brady? In years, months and days?" "I was eighteen a couple of months ago, before anything happened, if that’s what you’re worried about," he replied. "Well, that makes it not quite so bad, but now that I know about what’s going on, I have to make some choices...take some action." Sean closed his eyes and held his breath, waiting for the death sentence. "This is off the record, you understand." "Yes, sir." "I'm ordering you, Cadet Brady, to keep your mouth shut about anything and everything that goes on around here," the man said. “And if you ever need me to intervene on your behalf, just let me know.” "Yes, sir." He couldn't believe the captain was so calm and understanding about it.

Chapter V Sean was still living his fantasy. All except the one about the team in the school locker room. He was going to have to forget that one, what with graduation right around the corner. There was a sort of desperation among the seniors those last few days; as if they had to get everything said to everyone before they all went their separate ways. Sean made the rounds of all his teachers first, to thank them for all they'd done for him, and especially for being so understanding about him being a cadet firefighter. Then he concentrated on his classmates. He proudly showed off his new watch, much to the envy of all the guys. They were more envious seeing him in the bright red firefighters jockstrap. Some of them bugged him about the applications he was supposed to pick up. "It'd be better if you wait till I graduate from firefighter's school," he told them. "My word of recommendation will mean more when I'm a full-fledged firefighter." It satisfied them for the moment. He got the surprise of his life when Jennifer Locke came up to him in the hallway, a warm, maybe mischievous smile on her face. Jennifer was one of the cheerleaders and undisputedly the most beautiful girl in school. She also drove to the university close by to train as a gymnast that made her the top cheerleader. She was always friendly in her own way, but there was something about her that made guys feel unworthy to even be around her, much less ask her out. Part of it was because she dated a lot of college guys. Sean realized that he wasn't as nervous around her as he used to be but she still rendered him speechless at that moment. They stood smiling at each for a brief moment. "Well, it's about over," Sean said. It was lame, but he felt Jennifer was expecting him to say something first. "Walk me to my locker?" she said with a flip of her long hair. "Sure," Sean said as he quickly stepped in stride with her. He felt proud as hell, walking down the hallway with Jennifer and all the guys wondering what was going on. "I want your autograph," Jennifer said as she opened her locker. "Sure, but....we won't get our yearbooks till….." "Not the yearbook," she cut in, her smile growing more mischievous as she reached in her locker. "This," she said, holding something to her breasts to hide it from passers-by. "What is it?" Sean asked. She held it up to show him. He could feel his face growing hot and his head was suddenly spinning. It was a lavender thong with tiny white lace around the triangular patch of material. There were a couple of names already scrawled on it. "Geezuss, Jennifer, that's….." "I'm only asking a special few boys to autograph it," she said. "Boys I don't want to forget. And you are one of those guys." She handed him a deep purple pen and placed the thong on a textbook for him to write on. "Geez, Jen...I didn't know….." He stammered as he took the pen. There was Ben Strader's and Jock Mitchell's names already on it. "You might have known, if you'd asked me out just once in the last four years," she said. "Damn, Jennifer, everybody was afraid to ask you out," he said as he signed his name at the lower-most point of the triangle, imagining his signature curving right around her pussy when she put it on. She held it up and looked at his signature. "Is there some significance in where you signed your name?" she asked with a twinkle in her eyes. "Yeah….yeah, there is," he said. "Goddamn, Jennifer, I wish I'd known! But you were so damned beautiful and….." He paused to look her up and down. "You kept yourself in such terrific shape as a gymnast, and you always dated college guys." "The reason I dated college guys was because I never got asked by anyone here at school," she said. "And the reason we didn't have the balls to ask was because you were dating those older guys and we thought you would turn us down," he said. He made a swipe at the sweat breaking out on his forehead. Jennifer laughed, that soft, husky laugh that drove guys nuts. "Well, I think that's the first time I caused a boy to break out in a sweat," she said. "No, it's not," he assured her emphatically. "You've caused guys more sweat than Phys Ed class," he said. "Come on, Sean, you can't be so desperate that you break out in a sweat just from talking to me," she said. "It's what you're telling me….that I could've dated you, and now….damn, now it's too late!" "Why is too late?" she asked with a coy grin. He gaped at her. Was she saying it was okay? That she wanted him to ask her out? "Y-you....I heard you were leaving for college someplace right after graduation," he said. "Yes but I have three days before I leave," she said. He swallowed so hard it became an audible gulp. "It might surprise you to know that you've caused me to break out in a sweat a few times, but girls are able not to show it," she said. "Why would I....Come on, Jen, you're blowing me away here," he said, laughing nervously. "I feel like I had the winning numbers for the lottery but lost my ticket." "Can we go someplace after school and talk?" she asked. "Yes. Hell, yes," he said. "I have to take my car home. Can you pick me up?" "Yeah. Sure," he replied. He couldn't feel his feet touching the ground as he walked to his locker. "What the hell is that stupid grin all about?" Jock Mitchell asked him as they met in the hallway. "You should know," Sean said. "You signed it, too." "Hey, you too, huh?" Jock said with a broad grin. "Who else? I was the first to sign it." "Ben." "Just three of us, huh?" "So far," Sean said. "Did she tell you? About nobody asking her out?" "Yeah, I'm going home and shoot myself after last bell," Jock said. "I would join you but I have to pick her up at her house," Sean said cockily. Jock reared back with a surprised, grinning scowl. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah, she has to take her car home then she wants to go someplace." "And do what?" Sean shrugged. "She said to talk." "Yeah, right," Jock scoffed. "There's only one reason she asked you instead of any of the rest of us." "Why?" "That pocket rocket you're carrying between your legs." "Oh, yeah, right, like I'm going to get a chance to shoot off the rocket," he scoffed. Jock put out his hand. "Bet you. You're gonna fuck Jennifer Locke." "One can only hope," Sean said. "Goddam, what I wouldn't give to be in your shoes. Can you just imagine how flexible she is, being a gymnast, not to mention that body, and she's gotta have the tightest pussy in the state with all the training and exercise." "Look, Jock, I gotta get going. I've got stuff to get out of my gym locker before I go pick her up. And I'm going to pop the rocket right here just talking about it." "Hey, man, where're you taking her?" "I don't know, she didn't say." He laughed. "Hell, I wouldn't tell you anyway, you just wanta sneak around and watch." "Shit, man, I feel like I'm in the presence of a god," Jock said, holding up his hands. "Just do me one, two favors." "What?" "Tell me about it; all the details. And give her a few jabs for me." Sean laughed. "I can do that, but I doubt she's gonna feel any difference between my jabs and yours," he said. "That's okay, you'll know it and I'll know it. I'll be thinking about it and I want you to concentrate and say to yourself, Okay this one is Jock. And this one, and this one and….." "Hold on, you're only getting two or three thrusts," Sean joked.

Jennifer climbed into Sean's pickup and settled anxiously in the seat. Sean waited to see where she wanted to go. "You know, this is the first time I've eve


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