Gay Erotic Stories

One fucking year to remember

by Creative_Fucker
03 Mar 2015

College Days

*Note the story is starts off slow to set up scene. Nothing "exciting" till chapter 2* *Please give me input at the end! *Sorry for any miss spelling etc. etc.

Chapter 1 - Finding myself

Here is is. The day has come, the ultimate day when boy becomes man. Where he seeks new ambitions, makes his own decisions, and fuckes shit up. Whats this day you ask? What day could possible que such greatness? One word. College. This is every guys dream; hot Babes, alcohol, and no curfews. Well thats what it is for most. But not me. Yeah, thats right not me. Not me because I'm not the average guy. There are many things that don't let me fit the mold of "Jock", "Cool", or "Popular". I'm not a jock because i run. Not to say that runners cannot be jocks, but i can' t be. I am not cool either, this is because i don't talk, or not as much as others that do that is. I require more intellectual conversations not just gossiping about how good Becky is in bed, or who sells the best weed. I'm not popular for this reason, I am that one "smart kid that never talks". Well thats what most think. In reality I'm the quiet crazy friend. When hanging out with my friends I am usually doing stupid loud things. I don't have many friends. I would only consider that i have 4 close friends. Ben, the quiet yet funky one that isn't afraid to speak his mind. Brandon, the smart and very social one, Will is known by everyone for being smart and loved by everyone. Paul, the cops son, everyone thinks Paul is a major crack pot because they believe that he wants to defy his parents yet he hasn't even tried any drugs once. Then there is Morgan, so sweet. She always listen to you when needed. She is sweet to everyone and is known and loved by everyone in the school. But then there is the biggest reason why I don't fit the mold of average guy. I'm gay. Yeah it's true. It's one of my biggest darkest secrets. I have never told anyone. Ever. Not my family, friends, or psychologist. Yeah I said psychologist. My parents make me go. My parents, oh lord. My parents are so uptight. They are both business professionals. They both own their own respectable companies. My father made his millions by being in the high up ranks of the Chrysler group. My mother made her millions by owning a start up tanning business. She now has 130 stores across 5 states. My parents are both very formal and professional. Both wear the standard black and white every day. They both expect the best and nothing less from me. In the 6th grade they started to believe that I was incapable of social relationships. So they send me to a shrink. For 7 years I have meet with Dr. Thompkins. He has had me tell him everything that happens to me. Personal things like when my first kiss was, 7th grade under the bleachers with Allis Whitaker at our middle school formal. When I lost my virginity, 10 grade year in our pool house in the back yard with Megan Williamson. Oh how that was a great night. We explored each others bodies. I hadn't experienced anything like it when I cummed all over her chest. That was one awesome night... Oh course those times are long gone lost in the years past when I was still finding out myself. But college yeah here is was. I was had mixed emotions about that was going to happen. What if I didn't get along with my roommate, what is he found out my secret. What if. What if. What if. To be honest I was petrified. Yet I was excited for one reason, freedom. My parents wouldn't be breathing down my neck 24/7. I would get to know myself more not being in the grasp of my smothering parents. I had decided to go to IUPUI in Indianapolis, Indiana. I chose this school because it was 5 hours away from home so my parents couldn't just drop in without notice. My parents of course were not happy with this school. They believe I belonged in Yale. Or Harvard. But that's not me. I don't do ultra expensive. Not like my parent's 10 million dollar, 11 bedroom mansion. Not like my fathers extensive rare car collection, or my moms half a million dollar jewelry collection. My parents decided that they would make the time to come down with me for the weekend so that they would "make sure that the school fully accommodates me" or whatever bullshit they were pulling. I didn't argue and we took the 5 hour trip down. Pure torture the whole time they were lecturing me about how college can set you up for the future. They gave me the right and wrong lecture about how I shouldn't party and partake in sexual activity(Yeah my psychologist was cool and didn't tell my parents about Megan or Allis). The whole time I wanted to poke my eyes out. Not even after we got out of the car was i relieved of the torture. They nagged everybody that tried to help. The lady that check me into the room, the guy that was in charge of getting furniture to the rooms. I was staying on the top floor of a newly renovated residence hall. This was the "penthouse" of college dorms. All new furniture, Kitchenette, and private bathroom. The room came furnished but my parents persuaded the college to let us bring in our own furniture. They had an interior designer come and and trick out the apartment with new expensive furniture. $4,000 grand couch? Check. $2,500 in lamps? Check. I mean do I need it? No, but I couldn't complain I mean they did get me something's I like. For example a tempurpedic bed, large screen tv, and a new audio system. This was the life. I mean they say study but the set me up for fun. The apartment has a living room/ kitchen combination flanked by 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. My parents walked in for the first time and my mom streaked. "What is that?" She shrieked, "why is there a tv in his room, studying should be his number one priority not playing games or watching tv!" "Calm down Ellen. I had that put in as a reward for all the hard work that William has done." Mom forgot about it quickly as she admired the apartment's new found expensive decor. Eventually they left. But not before my dad had a one-one talk with me in the bedroom. He said "Son, I really am proud of you and what you have done to get here, I thank you for putting up with your mother and I's pushing. I know that I have not been the most fun and entertaining father but I don't want you to think that i don't want you to have fun in college. College was one of the best times of my life, all the parties, drinking, and sex. William I'm not saying go get laid or get drop dead drunk. But have fun in college, I'm saying study hard and get good grades but don't be afraid to go out and make friends and have fun." Wow. My father just shocked me. That was one of the most kind statements that he had ever told me. I mean him drinking and sleeping around? That was the last thing I expected to hear from him. As we went back into the main room he added on "Oh and enjoy the tv, and the Xbox in the bottom left drawer." An Xbox. A piece of technology that a lot of people take advantage of. Yet my mom had shut me down every time I asked for a gaming system. This was exciting my dad gave me a green card to go fuck shit up and have fun. I knew that college was going to be great. So my mother left with some tears shed but finally they got back in their chauffeured car and left.

Chapter 2 - The greetings

I of course being in a two room dorm had a roommate. I have texted him for about two weeks after learning that we would be roommates. His name is Evan. Evan is from a decent sized city, Fort Wayne. Evan seems like a cool guy, he enjoys running, like me, his hobbies are hanging out with friends, going to amusement parks, and taking time to chill and game. Evan was set to come in the next day. So that means I have the apartment to myself. It was only about 4 and I had been given an information sheet on Freshman "meet and greet" things. I decided to go to one that was being held in one of the convention halls. I felt very uncomfortable but I knew I needed to make friends since all my other friends had departed to other colleges. I arrived by foot and was greeted by a overly happy senior. I got a name tag and entered the double doors. The hall was filled with about 200 people milling around making new friends. I instantly wanted to leave yet didn't. I knew I was not capable of going over to a large group of people so I started small. I went up to a pair of two guys that seemed approachable. I greeted them and learned their names. Dimitri and Kole. Dimitry was a muscular African American that was here on an athletic scholarship, and Kole was a redhead from Ohio. Kole was limber and had a good pair of muscles on him as well as Dimitri. We talked about all things we could think about and I felt really comfortable. Over the next 15 minutes we were joined by another group of 10 and I shook hands and tried to remember names. After another 30 minutes of talking with this group we decided to go out to dinner together. We decided to meet at Acapulco restaurant across town. Dimitri and Kole needed a ride as well as two other girls. We walked to the parking garage where my parents had my car delivered to. "Damn bro sweet wheels" Dimitri commented. "Yeah bro this is one hell-a looking Jeep." added on Kole. "Thanks'" I replied trying to seem modest, "it's a slightly lifted 2013 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon, on some custom wheels, and muddling tires." "Man nice ass car, not really a city car but who cares I mean this is straight out of some off-roading magazine type shit." Said Dimitri. We drove to the restaurant where I had some of the best enchiladas ever. I had a great time hanging out with the new friends bonding and having a great time. In those moments I knew that college was starting off great. On the first night of college I had 12 new friends, 3 times the amount that I ever had in high school. After we left the restaurant it was about 8 we went back to the campus where we all went our own ways. Except Dimitri. He stayed around we me and we talked about all types of things we were walking aimlessly around. We finally found ourself in from of my room. I decided to go up and Dimitri decided to come with. We went to the top floor. Dimitri's eyes gleamed at the room, that obviously didn't look the the college dorm on a budget. "Damn bro what the hell I mean your car, and now your nice ass apartment, better than my room for sure all I got is a little as mini fridge and a bed!" So I explained to him about my parents and how my mom had to deck out the apartment. After I had told him that we of course jumped into the video games. I have played all the new games at Ben's house but of course I didn't own them myself, and that showed. Dimitri bested me in every game. But that's expected, what was not was the sexual related comments he made. Every time he bested me he would make a comment like, "look who's the dominant now!" Or "I'll fuck you over again little man". There comment might seem like he is just being cocky. But it was how he said them his tone. I shot comments back when I killed him. About 10 games in my phone pinged. My mom had texted me trying to smother me from 5 hours away. I saw the time and exclaimed "Damn! What the time, I think I'm gunna go to bed I'm generally not a late night man." Then came the weird sexual reference again, "But why not? I mean I can persuade you to start liking the nights." This was one of the most bold statements I have ever said. It wasn't a statement I hadn't said before but taken the context of the situation. I knew that this could change the scope of my whole life, "Yeah, why don't you show me big boy." That second of pure joy could be seen in his eyes. He knew I had been picking up on his references all night and he was glad I was not scared off. I just was glad that I had fully shaved my body before I had came. He leaned over on top of me. He started to kiss me. "Fuck! This is really happening to me. Fuck! What the hell!" I thought to myself. I kissed back we kissed patiently he stuck his tongue In my mouth and I did back. As we kissed we both felt each others bodies. I could feel Dimitri big pecs and abs. His body was meticulous taken care of and he obviously spent time in the gym. As Dimitri felt my body he found abs and pecs. The were not as defined as his yet they still give me a good athletic stature. I could tell Dimitri was the dominant type and I was okay with that, this being my first gay sexual encounter. His kissing was not slow and sweet it was more fast and sloppy. I felt my body roughly. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it off me. He then flipped us over. He was laying on the couch and I was hovering over him. He whispered in my ear to start kissing his body in a seductive way. I pulled off his shirt and found more than expected. His pecs were well defined and his abs on point. I grabbed his pecs and started to kiss and lick them. I could feel my cock growing in my pants wanting to burst out of my pants and get fucked. He grabbed my waist and felt my butt his hands eventually making their way to my crotch where they held my bulge. He aggressively grab at it. He pulled my pants down to my ankles and my underwear not long after. I did the same to him and I was in aw. Dimitri had a beautiful cock. It was around 9 inches of uncut glory. I was in aw. "Not to bad yourself boy" Dimitri said as he admired by 7in thick cock. I took little time to get started I grabbed his cock and started to suck at it. It slowly started to grow to its full size as blood started to rush to it. As it reached the full length I could not reach the base. I tried to deepthroat him up pawn is demand. I couldn't I shoved it all in but was still short of getting it all my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head and shoved harder. I started to gag and pushed back. He boomed "Come in little bitch, no going back now gotta take it all of die trying" I loved it. The constant dominance of him. I could tell that tonight was going to be great, there was only one problem. I was going to choke to death, I could get it all in. He shoved harder and after a couple attempts I got all that I could. I felt like his dick was down my throat. He pulled my head off his cock and I choked. "That's good enough I can't blame you for not getting it all" he replied. He gave me a breather and I went back at it sucks hard and fast. While he did this he was stroking me. He had me stop and complemented me. He said that usually he isn't impressed by anyone else's dick because he is usually bigger but he told me that he was impressed with my girth. He then proceeded to suck me off. I had only gotten one other blow job from a girl. But Dimitri was so good! His mouth showed my cock a awesome time I felt so much pleasure in it. My cock was not as big as his but he had trouble getting my girth in. It felt good to see such a dominant figure having trouble. Finally he got his grip and regained his dominant physique and had me suck at his cock again. Finally he asked if I wanted to be fucked. Of course I said yes. I went down on his cock once more and then sat up. He took me into my room and had my lay on my back at the edge of the bed. He then lifted my legs up into the air and leaned his crotch in and guided his cock into my tight virgin hole. "I know I'm big and your whole isn't big so just tell me if it's too much" He carefully shoved his head in and I gasped. Such pleasure and pain at the same time. He kept going and I moaned in pain and pleasure. He stopped for a moment. "Is that good?" "Man, keep going, don't stop, I'm your little bitch tonight" I begged. He kept shoving and I kept moaning. I couldn't believe my first cock was this big. I moaned and finally he announced it was all in. It felt so good. I told his to start thrusting. It was so much pain, mixed with so much pleasure. It yelled "Fuck! It hurts so good!! Fuck me harder you little baby. I don't ever wanna take a shit again! Fuck me harder!!" Dimitri happily obliged and thrusted harder. He started to moan. Louder and louder. I could tell me was ready to cum. He thrusted harder and harder. The fastest ever. My hole burned. It hurt so good. Finally he moaned the loudest. Then it hit. The white cum squirted all inside me. It was warm and it felt so good. He started to convulse as the cum was coming out.he slowed down and pulled out. My ass fell loobed up and painful. He moaned some more. He let my legs down and then payed on the bed next to me. His dick was shrinking, yet mine was still erect as fuck. He grabbed it with a firm grip and spit. He then preceded to give me the best hand Juan ever, within minutes I was exploding all over my own chest.

*Want more?? What about the room mate? What will happen next? Let me know if you want more of the story!!


More Gay Erotic Stories from Creative_Fucker

One fucking year to remember

*Note the story is starts off slow to set up scene. Nothing


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