Gay Erotic Stories

Losing My Cherry To Dad

by Bottomslut4tops
16 Jun 2015

Family Fun First Time Gay Erotic Stories Older/younger

Losing My Cherry To Dad

My parents divorced when I was about 5 years old. Dad evidently had had a long time sexual affair and when Mom found out about it, she couldn’t accept that. I rarely saw my father once they separated as he moved to California shortly thereafter. During the summer months, I would almost always visit Dad for 3 or 4 weeks and I really enjoyed those visits. I loved him so deeply and missed him so very, very much.

As I got older, I truly lusted for Dad and his hunky body. For as long as I can remember, I always thought about Dad’s body when I jacked off. He was so handsome, so very masculine, and had a taut, muscular and hairy body. He was 6’ 5”, about 225 lbs., had thick, black hair and dark features. His lower facial and chin area always looked darker than the rest of his face; he always appeared as if he needed a shave, even immediately after he had one. He was scruffy, and I thought it was so very attractive and sexy! I loved it when he'd nuzzled his face against any part of my body; the sensation of his whiskers rubbing my flesh always sent pleasant shivers up and down my spine.

My mother on the other hand, was very petite. I evidently took after her side of the family as my body is slim and very young looking. I also am fairly smooth, having very little body hair. My chest & nipples are like that of a pre-teen boy. Even my armpits are bare! Except for my head, the hairiest part of my body is my pubic area, and that doesn’t have much of a thick growth either.

When it was time for me to choose a university, I decided to apply to a college near my Dad’s home so that I could live with him. Surprisingly enough, both of my parents readily agreed with my decision as they both would save a lot of money on room and board. Once I was accepted by the university I chose, I was ecstatic! I was so anxious to move out to California and begin living with Dad. At the beginning of that August, I flew to San Francisco with only a few suitcases. Mom and & I had arranged with a moving company to have most of my belongings shipped out west before I had left.

Dad met me at the airport, and within an hour we were back at his lovely home. He had redecorated the bedroom I usually used when I had visited there in the past, and I was really pleased with the results. The walk-in closet and attached bathroom were basically unchanged, but Dad had added a large desk, a bookcase and an armchair to the bedroom furniture; it was as private as an apartment, but without a kitchen. It was perfect for a student.

After I unpacked my suitcases, we went out for a leisurely dinner, and then returned home as I was suffering from jet lag. Dad fixed himself a batch of martinis, and brought a glass of red wine to me, snugly ensconced in his spacious sofa. For a while, we kind of caught up on what was going on in our lives, and then Dad asked how my love life was going and whether there were any girls that I had left behind.

I decided to be very honest with Dad, and told him that I was positive that I was gay. I mentioned how I had dated girls while I was in high school, had made out with some of them, but was never sexually aroused by any of them. I also told him that I was not necessarily turned on by males around my age, and that when I did masturbate, I always had to fantasize about older, more mature, hairy, masculine men……….…. men much like him.

Dad asked how my experiences with males had been, and I told him that I was still a total virgin and that that part of my life had not yet been a priority. I explained that I wasn’t ‘untouched’ by choice, but that I just never had had the opportunity to be with an older man sexually.

Dad thanked me for being so honest with him, and then related something to me that totally flipped me out! “Son, your Mom never wanted you to know, but you’re old enough to know all the details of our divorce now. I am also gay. The affair I had during my marriage was not with a woman, but with another man. That’s why your mother couldn't handle the situation; that’s why divorce was the only answer for her.”

I didn't say anything, but I know that my jaw dropped open.

“I always knew I was gay, but I did fall in love with your mother, and sexually we were very compatible. Your mother wanted us to marry and I so very much wanted children. We tied the knot after we got out of college and were so very happy when you were born. I cherished you, and my biggest regret so far in my life, is that the truth of my sexuality was exposed, which led to us being separated during your growing years. You cannot believe how much I missed not having you with me all these years. Anyways, after being faithful to your mother for the first 3 years of our marriage, I eventually became sexually involved with another married man who was in the same situation as me. Being with another man sexually was something we both truly needed; something we couldn’t live without, despite how happy we were with our individual families. Maybe you can’t understand this now, but hopefully someday you’ll realize that you cannot really deny your true self to yourself.”

I can't remember how late we stayed up that night, but we were both very open and sharing. Eventually, I gave Dad a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek and headed for my room.

Though I was super tired, I did not immediately fall asleep. Dad’s revelations had my brain churning. I never would have guessed him to have been gay. He was just so masculine. But, in thinking about it, during all my previous visits, I had never seen any pictures, or even heard him mention, any women friends. All the friends of Dad’s I did meet in the past were males. On the other hand, I was always aware of the men that Mom was dating or seeing. When I closed my eyes, I was envisioning Dad naked with other men in his bed. I became jealous. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Dad and I ended up having sex together some day? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Dad was the man who would take my cherry? Oh, dear God, he wouldn’t have to take it…….... I would easily just give it away to him!

Shortly thereafter I decided that my main priority now was to do my best to try to seduce my hot, sexy father into having sex with me.

It was the sound of the coffee grinder that woke me the next morning. I could hear Dad poking around in the kitchen, so I decided to crawl out of bed. I padded off to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face, grabbed a robe and headed to the door. Midway I stopped. I needed to wear something sexy.

I went through the drawer containing my underwear, and found a skimpy pair of bikini briefs. They basically were a black fish-net material except for the crotch, which was a pouch lined with a black, silky fabric. The fish-net seat had a seam running up the ass crack which separated the butt cheeks into two sections so that it molded to each ass cheek, thereby accentuating the buttocks and the crack. They actually were uncomfortable because of the fabric seam but they were sexy, slutty, and provocative. I had bought these on the Internet, but, except for modeling privately in them, had never worn them for anyone. I had never had the opportunity. They were for ‘future use’ and suddenly I was hoping that THAT TIME WAS NOW!!!!!

I put them on, adjusted the briefs a bit, and admired myself in the mirror. “I hope Daddy is ready to pop a cherry this morning”, was the thought that ran through my mind as I flung open my bedroom door and headed off to the kitchen. Dad was sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper and having coffee, wearing only a light robe, slightly open. “Good morning”, I said as I entered the room. I noticed that a napkin had fallen to the floor near Dad's feet. . I bent over to pick it up, without bending my knees, giving Dad a fantastic view of the globes of my ass in the revealing briefs, only about 2 feet from his face, and when I straightened up and turned around, I noticed a tent forming in his robe as he looked me straight in the eye, and then let his eyes roam down my body. I blushed and turned away, thinking I’d get a super hardon if I stared at Dad’s crotch much longer. I went to the refrigerator, poured myself a glass of orange juice, and walked over to the sink to drink it. Somehow I felt Dad’s eyes watching me, so I yawned loudly, stretched, and then spread my legs apart and tensed my ass muscles to accentuate the curves of my butt. I sipped my juice and looked out the window towards the pool and patio area, holding my pose for Dad. After a few minutes of complete silence, I heard Dad’s chair scrape the floor, heard him stand and walk up behind me. His footsteps stopped close by; I could feel the heat emanating from his masculine body. He lightly placed the tips of his fingers on the skin of my shoulders, and then ran them down my back, and finally around my waist to pull me back to him. My body shivered. Feeling his hairy body against my smooth flesh caused my dick to respond; I could feel it getting hard. He whispered extremely close to my ear "Don't worry, son, Daddy isn't going to hurt you, he just wants to see how his boy has grown."

"I'm not afraid, Dad."

He ran his hands up my stomach to my chest, cupping my pecs in his big hands and squeezing them, lightly brushing his thick, rough fingertips over my nipples, which sent a shock through my body and made me moan, almost imperceptibly. I was shaking a bit, frightened and yet so happy; happy that he had finally noticed me sexually and that what I've dreamed about for years may finally come true. He took my hands in his and spread my arms out straight from my sides, like a T, and ran his hands over them, sending shivers down my spine, and as he did, I could feel something hard and hot pressing against my bottom. I had to bite my lip to keep from passing out at the thought of what might happen here. "Is this what you want, Son? Is that why you've been parading your beautiful, innocent, boyish body before me?"

"Oh yeah, Dad. I've been wanting this to happen for as long as I can remember." I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck as he pushed his groin against me, and I prayed that he wouldn't hurt me, but knew that he might; in more ways than one.

Dad turned me around to face him and I could see his eyes running up and down my torso and legs, checking me out as he put his hands on my shoulders and massaged the muscles there, and then, without warning, he placed one hand behind my neck and pulled my face to meet his, placing his lips against mine and kissing me lightly and sweetly. "Daddy loves you, son" he says. "And now Daddy wants to share that love in ways that only two men can share...... and that’s right son, I said MEN..... You’ve grown into a fine young man and I've neglected telling you so, but now I'm going to show you how much I've thought about you lately. And I’m very pleased to know that you’ve been hoping for this to happen too." And with that, he placed both hands on my shoulders and put pressure on them, forcing me slowly to a kneeling position. When I was fully on my knees, Dad looked me straight in the eyes as he removed the belt of his robe and let it fall towards the floor. With the belt gone, the flaps of fabric opened to reveal him in all his glory; fully erect and pointing right at me, the boy who has loved, admired and worshipped him for all these years. I looked up into Dad’s eyes and he nodded his approval, saying nothing, yet somehow saying everything; how much he wanted me, how much he wanted me to do whatever I felt like doing and how much it would please him (which is, ultimately, my goal in life). I leaned forward and lightly kissed the head of his thick and long monster, wet and shiny from the cock honey oozing from his piss slit....... smelling the erotic muskiness of his crotch, inhaling him and becoming intoxicated by the idea of giving myself to him. I licked a circle around the head and heard his quick intake of air, which signaled me to go on......... licking and tracing the bulging veins of his cock with the tip of my tongue; wanting only to show him how much I've dreamed of this and how much I desired to be in the arms of my strong Dad………… As I closed my mouth on his cock head my lips felt the heat of his penis and the soft, velvety smooth feel of it; I couldn’t resist licking the head. The back of Dad’s hand was on my head guiding his ramrod further in my mouth; he told me to suck his cock, and suck it I did.

I begin to lap at his manhood, greedily. I've wanted this for so long. Dad placed both of his hands on my head and quietly whispered, "Slow down, son; Dad wants to enjoy this. Now see if you can get my prick further into your mouth". And I did, letting it glide past my tonsils, inch by inch, and savoring every moment of this bonding with my hot Daddy, jealously wanting what has been denied me all these years. As he fed me, he began to push his fat cock further, choking me momentarily, but then I opened up easily for him and swallowed his entire shaft, loving his hands on my head, guiding me, loving his manhood in my mouth, the taste of his sticky sweetness leaking against my throat and tongue, his low moans of pleasure.

Daddy coddled my head against his crotch as he fed me, pistoning his manhood deeper and deeper into my throat, and I felt his balls against my chin begin to tighten a bit, but then he quickly pulled out, took a deep breath and stepped back from me, not wanting to climax yet, as if he knew I’ve waited for so long to be alone with him like this. I looked up surprised and a little sad, wishing he'd let me continue, but he stepped forward and placed his hands under my armpits and lifted me up to him, wrapping me tightly in his arms and kissing the top of my head. "Oh son, you know exactly how to please this Dad of yours and I'd love for this to go on and on. But I have other pleasures yet in store for you right now; pleasures for the both of us."

He roughly scuffed the top of my head with his palm in a fun dad/son gesture, and turned me around to face away from him. "Lean over the kitchen counter, Son. Do this for me, Hon. Bend over and lay your chest and arms against the smooth surface, open your legs to me and let Dad take care of you for a while." Of course I had no idea what he had in mind, but I did as I was told, because I was beginning to suspect that this was to be the most important day of my life, and I want so much to make Daddy happy. As I laid my body and face against the counter top, Dad dropped to his knees behind me and lovingly stroked my bottom through my briefs, feeling the round globes against his palm, the warmth of the fabric as it clung tightly to my flesh. He ran his hands up to my hips and hooked his fingers under the waist band and began to slowly pull the briefs down, teasing himself by letting my crack become more and more exposed, as his mouth began to water with lust for his son's virgin pussy.

I didn't know what felt better, his strong hands on my legs, feeling the muscles tensing there as he licked me, or his hot tongue as it plunged deeper and deeper into me, wetting me, teasing me and opening me up to him. I shook and shivered all over; I moaned. I whimpered small cries of passion. I pressed my butt back against him. The swirling tongue lapping at my hole was maddening. His hard, huge hands had my cheeks pried wide apart, my love tunnel open for his enthusiastic licking. I grunted like a beast, shook violently, and realized I was shooting a load, my dick abruptly spurting without so much as me touching it.

Dad continued this for a long time, what seems like hours, just licking, sucking, biting my lips down there, and occasionally letting a thumb slip inside, to pull me wider apart for his hungry mouth and tongue. I was in a state of ecstasy and had no idea what day it was anymore, nor did I care, only knowing that I loved this feeling and hoped it never ended. Dad stopped and leaned back to look at his handiwork, the saliva running down my inner thighs from the way he piggishly ate me open, and then he began to kiss my round cheeks and to kiss and lick a trail up from the top of my crack, up to the center of my back, further up between my shoulder blades and finally to the base of my skull, licking and kissing and blowing his hot breath on me. This brought him to a position mirroring mine; a kind of spoon position, with me bent over the counter, hugging it, him bent over me, hugging me. Dad’s hands had worked their way down my arms to my hands and he intertwined his fingers with mine, locking our hands together and gripping the countertop with me, as he slowly pushed the head of his turgid cock into the tiny pink puckered opening he'd been tonguing and slobbering over. And my surprise was so real and intense as the head of his cock popped into me and began the journey to find its way past my second sphincter muscle, as I moaned lowly and tried to match my breathing to his. All the while he was whispering "This is it, Son. This is how your Dad makes love to you; how I show you what you were born for, and what your purpose will be from this day forward". And deeper and deeper his large, thick cock went, searching for that place that no man has been before, or ever will, because this is now his property, as he has claimed my pussy for his own. The pain was intense but I did not cry out or complain. In a few moments the searing, burning pain was replaced with a feeling of fullness and extreme pleasure.

We began to rock together, Dad coaxing me to open up for him, me breathing deeply and enjoying the feel of him inching his way deeper and deeper into his young son’s hungry pussy. By then I was really enjoying the sensations and I pushed back a little; when Dad felt me do that he grabbed my hips and pushed his cock all the way inside of me. I gasped loudly from the onslaught.

As he picked up the pace just a bit, I could feel the edge of the counter grinding into my lower abdomen as he took me further and further, his fingers gripping the counter edge, intertwined with mine as he plowed me like a freshly mown field that needed seeding, and in a trancelike state, we rocked together like this for what seemed an eternity, him whispering of his love for me, of how he had never felt anything so good in his life, and how he will never again give this kind of passion to anyone but me. And then he stopped……

Suddenly he withdrew from me and spun me around to face him once again, kissing me passionately; his tongue exploring my mouth, wrestling with mine as he placed his hands on my buttocks and lifted me up. And naturally, I wrapped my legs around his waist, my hands behind his neck as our tongues battled, and he slid me down onto his throbbing erection, piercing me once again; me, supported only by Daddy’s strong hands on my bottom as he moved me up and down on his blood engorged manhood.

Then he began to walk down the hall to his bedroom. To the bed he had shared with other men for the past dozen or more years since his divorce from Mom. To the bed I had been denied on my other visits. And I knew at that moment that my life would never be the same, that I belonged to Dad completely now, and that this is what I'd dreamed about and wanted forever. He placed me down on my back on the bed and climbed on top of me, lifting my legs above his strong shoulders and entered me once more, pinning me to the bed with his thick, juicy, baby maker and took complete control of my body and soul.

Dad’s eyes locked onto mine as he entered me this time, one quick thrust as he plunged his throbbing cock in all the way to the base, his big egg shaped hairy balls bouncing against my butt cheeks as his welcomed monster invaded and claimed me. My eyes left his as I began to beg him, "Daddy, please, please, PLEASE....... oh oh oh oh OH OH OH OH……... please daddy, show me I belong to you, show me that you'll never let me go again, Sir………….. Please?" And he did; both raping me and making love to me at the same time, his animal passion not to be denied, whether it hurt me or not, he’d gone past the point of knowing or caring…….. He only wanted us to become one. He pulled my feet down around his waist and behind his back so that my heels dug into his buttocks, pulling him even farther into me, deeper and harder, the sweat gathering on his brow and hairy chest, and beginning to drip down onto my body and face as he grunted and groaned with pleasure and animal lust, bringing himself so close, so very close.

Dad leaned down and kissed me hungrily and passionately, like he’d never kissed me before, thrilling me to my inner depths with his strength and desire for me, and I opened up to him completely and at that moment he slipped even further into me, hitting home with his manhood buried deep within me. "I love you, Son, I love you so fuckin' much" he said, between grunts and thrusts. And, suddenly he straightened up, his hands on my shoulders for support, and his body stiffened; everything came to a complete standstill. Time had stopped for us and this is the moment we've both waited for. His cock expanded to its fullest, hardest, roundest dimensions and his balls pulled up into his groin as his spasming cock exploded in the ultimate moment of bonding with his loving son. Geysers of his seed erupted from his cock as he howled in animal delight, painting the walls of my boy cunt with the same seed that I was made of, that created me, exploding deeper and deeper into me, as I let go and let myself join him, shooting up and onto his chest and stomach, my head thrashing back and forth on the pillow in a mix of pain and pleasure of being filled and fucked by the man I so dearly loved. And after what seemed like a lifetime, Dad’s howls subsided and he collapsed into my arms, his chest heaving against mine, his cock still deep inside me, and we fell into a deep slumber together, glued together like this by our own sex fluids, resting up for another round. And, other rounds for forever…………..


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