Gay Erotic Stories

Roommate Desires Part 3

by Sexychrispylove
06 Jan 2016

Friends Straight Men, Gay Sex True Stories

Thank you, so much, for all the love and support. I forgot how wonderful the Nifty community is since my last series. For those of you who were confused by my last intro and by some of the things in the last two chapters, just shoot me an E-Mail. Yes, I am still in contact with Mr. Madison. No, I am not still in contact with his son (the Jake from that series). As you saw in the last chapter, I am definitely still in contact with Matteo. The Jake from this series (I really wish I named him something different) and I lived together in the dorms during our sophomore year of college and obviously now have an apartment together. For those of you thinking we’ve had orgies from what has been said already; we have not. Yes, he’s seen me having sex with guys and I’ve seen him having sex with girls. It happens in a dorm room. I’ve seen him naked almost as much as I’ve seen Matteo naked just because we’re both pretty free spirits as far as nudity goes. If I could, I’d go to class naked. Also, my E-Mail is for any of you who don’t know. Please send more love in any way possible. Anyways, let’s get to the story. Here are scenes from the last chapter. If you haven’t read it yet, now might be a good time to go back.

“You sucked my dick!” He shouted back. “What the fuck do you want me to say? I didn’t think it would be too weird or anything, but it was.”

“I do… But I am sorry. I wish I wasn’t a fucking asshole… I miss you.” I fell asleep shortly after in his arms. When I woke up, Matteo had a leg draped over mine and I could slightly feel his bulge against my back. I, of course, responded by slapping him and saying, “Shut the fuck up and get ready for my cock, daddy.”

Part 3 I woke up from a dead sleep to the sound of Jake’s alarm clock in the other room. My head was pounding from a heavy night of drinking. I pounded on the wall and heard something slam in the other room before the sound stopped. The world was still slightly spinning, so getting out of bed was quite a difficult task. I looked around for my underwear, but they weren’t in sight, so I stepped over Peter who was passed out on my floor and walked to the bathroom to relieve myself. Midstream, Jake hurried in and got in the shower. “Fuck, I’m gonna be so late! I hit the snooze too many times!” He sounded pissed. He had an interview for a big internship today, but made the regretful decision to drink with Peter and me last night. “Do you need me to do anything?” I shook the piss from my dick and flushed. Jake made a frustrated sound in the shower and I laughed. “Can you get coffee going for me and find my blue and white striped tie?” He pleaded. “You got it, sir.” I made my way to my bedroom to put on some underwear, first. Then I walked into the kitchen and turned the coffee pot on, then went into the mess that was his room. How he lived like that baffled me. His tie ended up being buried in the bottom of his closet. Jake rushed back into his bedroom and began to get dressed. I sat on his bed and asked, “So, what do you think the odds of you getting this internship are? It would be a pretty great addition to your resume.” “I’m not too sure. There are 5 preliminary interviews from now to January. If I make it past that, there is a test I have to take in February. The last step is the actual training in Florida. They schedule it during spring break because it’s a couple of days long. The position starts as soon as the school year is over.” He was almost ready, so I stood and began to tie his tie for him. “It’s sad that you’re going into the world of business professionalism and still can’t tie a tie,” I laughed. “Shutup, I just can’t do something upside down and backwards.” He checked his side out in his mirror as I adjusted his tie. I couldn’t help but stare as he turned to check out his full form. He was too wrapped up in making sure everything was just right to notice where my eyes rested. He looked perfect. I so much enjoyed watching him assemble his whole ensemble, but so badly wanted to strip him of it. “Looking good, stud. Good luck today.” I lightly punched his arm and he raced out the door, grabbing a cup of coffee on his way out. I went and grabbed myself a cup. It was warm and the taste soothed my headache. It had been three days since Jake and I had our little blow out. Things seemed to be back to normal, which really eased my nerves. I made my way back into my room where Peter was still passed out on the floor. How he ended up there, I was not sure. He was using my clothes from yesterday as a pillow and looked fucking adorable. I decided to take a shower, so I slid off my underwear and walked back into the bathroom. I stood under the scolding hot stream of water for what seemed like an eternity before the curtain opened and Peter stepped into the tub with me. He came up behind me and kissed the back of my neck before wrapping his arms around me and pressing his body against my back and his junk against my ass. “How about a bath,” he managed between soft kisses on my neck and shoulders. I turned and kissed him hard before putting the stopper in the drain and switching the shower setting to the regular faucet. We both sat down facing each other. The tub was small so we had to put our legs on either side of each other. It sounds more uncomfortable than it is. “Last night was fun,” I said with a wink. “You know, I don’t always have to be just a booty call.” He replied. He had been hinting for a while that he wanted something more. “I know. All in good time, but for now, let’s just keep it simple.” I hated that I seemed to hurt everyone, but I clearly was not ready for any sort of settle down. There was nothing wrong with Peter, except for the fact that he wasn’t Matteo. I know that’s wrong of me, but I can’t help the way I feel. Peter began to slowly jerk himself off, so I started playing with myself, too. He scooted himself as close to me as he could so that I could move myself almost on his lap. He pulled my head to him and kissed me. As we kissed, we switched from jerking our own cocks to each others. I reached behind me to turn off the tub because it was getting high and then fell deep into another kiss. Funny story, Peter was actually the reason Jake and I ended up being roommates. The two of them were joining the same fraternity. Peter and I met at a party and hooked up that night in Jake’s dorm. Jake didn’t have a roommate and Peter is still in the closet. He didn’t want his roommate knowing and my roommate was a homophobic piece of shit. Jake’s roommate never showed up at school, so he lucked out with a room to himself. He was the only one who knew about Peter and was cool with helping him hide his sexual conquests. Peter ended up living in the fraternity house the next year (why, I don’t know) and Jake and I decided to room together. By this point, Peter and I were still passionately making out and getting closer to orgasm. He squeezed my shoulder to let me know he was close and picked up the pace on my cock. He came shortly before I did, allowing his seed to spread itself in the water. We both released a good amount. The designs our combined spunk made looked awesome, floating in the water. “You are so fucking adorable.” Peter smiled at me. I blushed a bit, “Why do you say that?” “Whenever you cum… have you noticed that you giggle just slightly and have this adorable smile?” He leaned in to kiss me softly. “You just look so incredibly happy in that moment of pleasure. And I’ve gotta say, I wish I could see you that happy more often.” “Who isn’t happy after a good cum?” I asked. He smiled and shook his head, “It’s different with you. You’re normally reserved and slightly conflicted. But… in that moment, you’re free.” I lay back in the tub, still smiling, and asked, “So what are your plans for the day?” “I’m probably just going to hang out back at the house. You got anything special planned? Can I expect to see a show tonight?” He queried. Peter loved my shows. “The last one I saw was you and Jake. I was shocked that he let you blow him! I would have done just about anything to take your place, Chris. Lucky fuckin’ bastard.” “Yeah, it was pretty great. He tasted sweet. I don’t think that’ll happen again anytime soon, though. He was pretty upset about it afterwards.” I admitted. “You guys seemed fine last night.” “We had a bit of a blow up the next day, though. All seems well now. I think I’ll just go back to solo shows. I’ve been making more points that way, anyway. The stripping DJ thing seems to really work. The viewers really love the tease.” I laughed. “I won’t lie; I am obsessed with watching when you do it.” He hesitated, but continued, “You know, I’ve thought about maybe joining you for a fuck show. I’ve seen a couple of different cameras where guys wear masks to hide their identity.” “The second you want to, let me know. I’ll give you a cut of the money.” “Not necessary. I just want to enjoy fucking you for the world to see.” He stood and grabbed a towel. His beautiful cock dangled between his legs as he dried himself off. I reached out and grabbed his dick, pulling him toward me, “You can’t leave before I get a kiss goodbye.” Peter leaned in and kissed me softly, “Be careful grabbing that. You might start something we can’t finish right now.” I laughed and stood in the tub after pulling the plug. I started the shower back up and cleaned myself up. When I made my way to my bedroom, Peter was just sliding on his shirt. “Hey, I borrowed a pair of underwear,” he held up the pair I ripped off him from the night before. I snorted out a laugh, “Sorry bout that. I was just too excited to get to the goods!” Peter left and I decided to start a show. I had all day to myself and nothing better to do. I put on a yellow, microfiber, and slightly see-through jock; a sleeveless, yellow T-shirt; and a loose-fitting pair of blue jeans left unbuttoned. I sent out a blast to my growing list of Twitter followers and logged onto the website. I set my goal for 25 points per flash request, 50 per minute long flashes, and 100 per wild request. The number of viewers started at 50 and grew to over 700 within a half hour. I had the music pumping and danced for the camera, constantly rubbing my bulge and lifting my shirt to show my abs. The requests started coming in pretty quickly at about the 45 minute mark. Mostly, people were tipping for a quick cock or ass flash and the occasional feet flash. When I got a 100 point request to get hard, I put on a cock ring to increase the motivation to send me request points. After about three hours, I had made it to a little over 3,000 points (somewhere in the ball park of $150) and had four purchases from my wish list: a new sexy, see-through thong, a large container of my favorite lube, a butt plug, and a new set of bigger anal beads. I also got a request for one of those cock cloners that replicate your cock for a dildo. I charge a $30 gift card each. I slid out of the jeans and tee that I was wearing and went into the front room to watch some TV. Jake got home a bit later looking exhausted. His hair was disheveled, his shirt was un-tucked, and his tie was loosened. He threw his bag on the ground and plopped down on the other side of the couch. “Dude, you look like shit.” I observed. “Well, after the day I’ve had at least I can say that I’m still alive, I guess.” He sighed. “What happened?” “I blew the fucking interview,” he ran his hands through his hair roughly. “The snobby bitch started it off acting like she didn’t want to give me the time of day.” I got up and went to the kitchen to grab a beer for each of us. When I went back in the living room he had his shirt off and pants undone. For a guy ready to jump off a bridge, he still looked fucking amazing; especially when he had a just-fucked hair kind of thing going on. “Thanks,” he muttered after I tossed him his drink. Before I even took my first sip, he had his completely finished. I handed him mine and ended up getting the entire case and sat it between the two of us. “Do you want me to hunt her down and break her fuckin’ knee caps?” I asked. He half-laughed as a reply, “So how did your day go?” “Well, Peter and I took a bath this morning after you left and then I made over $300 bucks on my cam. Was a pretty decent day if I do say so myself.” He looked shocked. “Oh! And someone bought me a better set of anal beads from my wish list! That was pretty exciting.” “Three hundred dollars? What the fuck? Is that what you normally end up getting?” He was dumbstruck. “Hell no. Today was one of the best days I’ve had in a while. I mean, I have hit it a few times before, and once or twice more. It just depends on what’s going on, who’s online to view, and what other cams are running.” I took a swig of my beer and added, “Had one of those fucking voyeur shows been on, I would have made less than half of what I did.” Jake got a funny look on his face, “Did you at least clean the bathtub?” I laughed, “I’ll get it later. Plus, a little cum never hurt anybody.” “Oh, fuck. You couldn’t have at least swallowed?” He grinned. “Like you’re not used to having our fuck juices around. What bed do you think we used when your room was our fuck palace?” I giggled and blocked the pillow he threw at me. “You fucked on my bed?” He said with disgust. “Did you expect us to use the bare, plastic covered bed? You could have at least supplied us with sheets for it and maybe we would have gone over there.” “I just figured one of you bent the other over my desk and went to town.” He drank some more of his beer, “You know, the decent way to do a hook up in someone else’s room.” “Where’s the fun in that? Plus, it would have been me bent over the desk and that just sounds uncomfortable.” “So you’re a bottom then? But I’ve seen you fuck plenty of guys. Probably more than have fucked you.” “Why are you watching?” I laughed. “And that’s really just with Peter. I’m up for anything. He doesn’t like things in his ass. I mean I have fucked him a few times, but it’s far and few between. But let me tell you, it is a treat. His ass is a mother fucking masterpiece. It’s perfectly bubbled and one of the tightest holes I’ve ever had the pleasure of poking.” “Well that’s more than I ever wanted to know about him. So, how different is an ass from a pussy?” “I’ve got nothing to compare it to. I’ve never even seen a pussy in person. And from what I’ve seen in pictures, who would? It looks like a swamp monster that eats dick for dinner.” I laughed, “Haven’t you ever entered through a girl’s back door?” “Nah, I’ve never been to Brown County. Haven’t ever really considered it, though.” “You should. From what I’ve heard of guys that have tried both, nothing beats the ass.” “Can I ask you something?” He had a serious tone to his voice. “Shoot.” I tried to sound confident, but was worried about what might come out. “Had you ever thought about me like that before?” “What?” I knew this was like walking on thin ice. “The other day, when we were on the cam. You seemed… eager… for lack of a better term. When we kissed, you kind of really got into it. Then when I was jacking you off, you got real tense… almost like you were ready to blow. Then when you were sucking me off… you were a more enthusiastic blow than I’ve ever had. Like, I won’t lie; it was probably one of my best blow jobs, if not the best. And I’ve had a lot of blow jobs.” He had stopped drinking and just watched my face for a reaction. I tried my hardest not to give him one that would sell me out, “It’s all for the money. The people on that website send more points the more enthusiastic you are. I wanted to put on a good show.” “How successful do you think we could be if we did a longer show that involved more stuff like that?” He questioned. “Well, I’d be hesitant to try. Last time didn’t end so well and I thought I’d be looking for a new roommate.” I was still hesitant with how I worded my replies. “You never have to worry about that, my friend. I don’t know why I got such a weird head about it. I think it was just because it was a first for me. You know, change is never a good thing. But I’ve been thinking about it and it’s really kind of ridiculous how upset and weird I got. It was a kiss, a hand job, and a blow job. It’s not like with that I was swearing off girls or anything. Like you said, it’s all about putting on a good show. I think it would be worth a try if we could make good money off of the good, horny gays of the world that like to get off to that shit.” “I think you are letting the money get to your head. I’ve been thinking about it, too, and I think it was a mistake. We’re good friends and shouldn’t cross that line. Plus, you’re straight! Doesn’t that nullify it all?” It killed me to say that. “I can be straight and still be blown by a guy.” He was completely convinced. “Here’s the problem. They’re going to want us to kiss, we won’t get near as many points with just me blowing you, and would you even be able to get to climax from getting worked over by me?” “First of all, don’t insult me. I could rub my dick against a tree and cum. Second, kissing is fine, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. And third, don’t they just want to see a blowjob? Does it really matter who it’s from?” “They want to see the straight guy ‘go gay.’ I’m expected to blow you, but it’s like a real turn on when the straight guy sucks his buddy’s cock.” He thought it over for a bit, “If the price is right, I think I could do it.” I gave him a doubtful look and he defended himself, “When you think about it, it’s sucking on a piece of flesh. Nothing more.” “You’ve offended my cock. He is not just a piece of flesh. And it’s more than that. It can be more intimate than actual fucking. Your mouth would be around my dick. That’s just… beyond the normal limits of intimacy.” “I’ll be fine. We’d have to work up to it. But I think it’ll work.” He fiercely continued. “Okay, what limitations would we have? Are we going to fuck?” I asked. “Fucking is off the table. We can do everything up to fucking.” “So you’ll eat my ass then?” I quipped. “Ew, no.” “I just mention it because it will come up, they will want us to rim each other.” “Would you eat my ass?” He questioned. I tried not to sound urgent, “If you said yes, I would. So long as you cleaned up beforehand.” “Okay, we’ll put that on the maybe. Next.” “How would you feel about cumming somewhere on my body, or me cumming somewhere on your body?” “I think I’d be good with that. Next.” “What about eating cum?” “Mine, not yours.” He was becoming quick and direct, almost robotic, with his answers. “Really?” I was surprised. “I enjoy recycling my love juice back into the system from time to time.” He laughed. “Okay, that’s about all the big ones. So, you really think you’ll be able to manage it?” I wondered. “I guess we’ll find out when we get to it.” “That’s the problem, though. If we say yes to something and you end up not liking it after we’ve already received the points, the requester can report us and get us penalized. You’ve got to go through with things.” He rubbed his chin, almost like he was deep in thought. “Well, what if we did a test run?” “What do you mean?” I started to get a bit nervous. “Right now, let’s go through all the possible scenarios. That way we’ll know my hard limits going into it. We can list them out in the biography part.” “Are you sure? Jake, if we start something like this, there’s no going back…” I worried. “It’s just for the sake of having appropriate boundaries. If either of us says stop, we stop.” He stood and slid off his pants, and then moved the beer from the couch to the table in front of us. His hairy body always sent excited shivers through my body. The briefs he was wearing showed a perfect outline of his outstanding dick. He slowly approached me and climbed onto my lap, doing a slow gyrating motion with his hips. At this point, I couldn’t contain my feelings. My stiffening boner betrayed me and I knew he could feel it. “It seems that you may have been telling a lie before, Chris. You sure are getting into this quicker than you originally let on.”


More Gay Erotic Stories from Sexychrispylove

Roommate Desires Part 1

“What do you think? Would 500 points work?” I pondered. “Fuck, dude. I don’t know. Kissing?” Jake debated. “The people want to see a show. Cocks out was 250. I think a kiss would be double that, at least.” I flexed for the camera while negotiating the price. I knew I could talk him into it if I persisted. Jake is a sucker for any kind of money. I finally talked him into

Roommate Desires Part 2

After my story being submitted for such a short time, I have received so much love and support from you all! For those of you who have written to tell me (and especially to those of you who chose to show me), I so much appreciate it. I guess I forgot to add the disclaimer part to the first chapter. While most of the events in this line of stories are based on truth, I have changed

Roommate Desires Part 3

Thank you, so much, for all the love and support. I forgot how wonderful the Nifty community is since my last series. For those of you who were confused by my last intro and by some of the things in the last two chapters, just shoot me an E-Mail. Yes, I am still in contact with Mr. Madison. No, I am not still in contact with his son (the Jake from that series). As you saw in the

Roommate Desires Part 4

Hello everyone! I love each and every one of you who has written to me to let me know how much you are enjoying my writing. Yes, it has been quite a while since the last part, but I am currently facing some technical issues. My laptop died on me. Now I’m reliant on many other people to get connection to the outside world. I’m so happy that most have you have read the other series to catch

Roommate Desires Part 5

First, let me shout out some love to all of you wonderful people! I heard your words of encouragement and I have appreciated every bit of it. You are all amazing people. My technical issues have been solved, which leads me into my shout-out this week! Thank you from the deepest part of my heart, Cory H. For those of you wondering why this man deserves the shout-out this week, he has cured

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