Gay Erotic Stories

Daniel The Italian Artist Chapter 5

by Colourfast
04 Mar 2016

Chance Encounters College Days Cultural Exchange Discreet Encounters Gay Erotic Stories Mature Novellas Older/younger

Chapter 5 The Invitation When Daniel and Adrian arrived at the dinner party all the other quests had already arrived. They were socializing enjoying a drink and looking at the extensive art collection of the middle aged couple. The host couple, Donna and Tom Radford was smartly dressed and each was rather beautiful in their own way. Donna was a brunette and wore a form fitting dress which accented her slim body. Donna smiled with a twinkle in her eye as she greeted both Adrian and Daniel. The young boy was not sure if she had a special smile for either Adrian or Daniel or perhaps both. Tom was quiet friendly and outgoing and shook hands with Adrian and Daniel and seemed to hold Daniel's hand a bit firmer as he looked him in the eye. They were obliviously very wealthy given the size of the house and the art collection which was evident throughout the house and in a room dedicated primarily for works of art. They were looking to purchase some rare artifacts from Egypt and the Middle East. The other guests greeted the last two arrivals with enthusiastic greetings and smiles as they chatted and exchanged pleasantries about art and world affairs. The Egyptian man was accompanied by a girl from Thailand who had large hands for a girl and seemed a little bit masculine in her build although she was beautiful. Daniel learned later that she was actually a boi. There was an older American couple who were also art collectors and bought and sold a variety of art and artifacts. They were very well dressed and looked to be sophisticated and were very friendly. Serge had invited an Italian gentleman who was outwardly gay and greeted Daniel with a kiss on each cheek as the two conversed in their native language. Daniel was so relieved to have someone to speak with in Italian and the two soon found that they had a lot in common and drifted into a living room and sat and chatted for the next thirty minutes before the dinner was served. The handsome Italian man's name was Fabio and he was mid fifties and took a liking to the young cute Italian. He complimented Daniel on his clothing and rather good look and loved to see Daniel cross his legs took notice of the cock being displayed as he did. He commented on Daniel's effeminate mannerism and said he found it very sexy. Daniel was delighted that the two could laugh and converse in Italian and was so pleased that the older man liked his look and was delighted when the man would smile even more when Daniel would touch his hair and cross his legs. Daniel thought to himself "How I do like older men. It is wonderful that so many mature men like younger gay guys". The mature Italian man invited Daniel for lunch the next day and Daniel readily accepted the invitation. "He is such a sexy man well dressed, worldly and a nice body and perhaps a nice cock" Daniel thought to himself. They touched hands when they were heading to the dinner table and both knew that they would enjoy meeting again. At the large dinner table individuals were across from their partners Daniel was seated between the Egyptian man and the older American lady who was very sweet and complimented Daniel on his courage to leave Italy and attend a college in another country where English was the main language. She had passed Daniel her business card as she was interested in following up with him on his art work. She said that she wanted to get a piece when he was still young and unknown. Daniel was thrilled with the idea. He was not sure of her intention when she touched and caressed his thigh lightly as a form of encouragement. The Egyptian man was smitten with Daniel and after dinner when alone with the young Italian boy he said that perhaps when he and Adrian had completed some business that Daniel could be involved in some capacity. Daniel touched his hand in reply and said yes whatever he could do to help them. It would be a learning experience for him. The Egyptian man seemed delighted and Daniel mused to himself that perhaps he could help Adrian with his business as these men seemed to like to have a young effeminate boy around. The conversation at dinner ranged from the arts to music, politics, religion and travel. Daniel was not out of place in the conversation given his English skills. When he had difficulty understanding a question or to make his response clearer the Italian gentleman helped out as his English was impeccable. He smiled at Daniel when he was able to help knowing what it was like to learn a second language. The evening was very interesting and Daniel had met a number of people. He went back to the hotel with Adrian as the man was flying out early in the morning and this would be their last night together for a time. They arrived at the hotel and Adrian packed his valise to be ready for the morning. When they undressed and got in bed Adrian said that he was pretty tired with all of the activity and business of the last number of days and that Daniel had certainly tired him out today. Daniel said that it was not a problem and that he would take care of him. The older man lay back on the bed under the covers with the cute Italian who kissed his ear and whispered how lovely and sexy the older man was and how he loved him. He then told him about his short private chat with the Egyptian man and he hoped that he could help in any way he could. "He seemed to like me" Daniel said. "Oh yes indeed he would like a cute effeminate boy like you and would go out of his way to get business completed if he thought he could get his hands on you". "You would want him to have me" Daniel asked as kissed the man's ear and started to stroke his cock as it hardened? "Would you want to watch me with him or another man" the boy asked? The older man replied "Not him but perhaps another man like the distinguished Italian gentleman who was there tonight, a man with class and sophistication". Daniel replied "Oh you like him do you? He is a nice man and I am meeting him for lunch tomorrow." The older man continued "Oh very nice I think you two would make a lovely couple. He will like your effeminate gay boy look and how you dress" The two kissed passionately as the boy masturbated the older man stroking his hard cock that the boy could barely get his hand completely around it. The older man was so very excited as this was such a different situation and he loved the sweet cute Italian boy. The boy stroked him with gentleness and kissed him with hot passionate kisses. After a bit more sexy chat and kissing the older man felt his cum beginning to build and within minutes he exploded with a massive and very erotic organism. He found it so very erotic as nobody had masturbated him like this in a very long time. The semen shot straight up with several squirts and the rest rolled like hot lava over the cute boy's hand as he finished stroking the softening cock as the man recovered his breathing. The two lovers a young cute effeminate gay Italian boy and a mature man that liked young boys like Daniel fell asleep in each other's arms. They awoke very early the next morning the older man checked out of the hotel and the young boy stayed in bed until around 8:00 and then he showered and left for Mona's Salon and Spa. He arrived there as it opened and was warmly greeted by Mona and the girls. He told them that he wanted to have his hair dyed and he wanted to become a brunette as they had suggested. The girls were delighted with his decision. As there was an opening in the schedule one of them was free to do it immediately. He told Mona that he wanted to discuss the more delicate matter in private when she had a minute. The girls fussed over him and completed the dye job and a manicure within ninety minutes and he was good to go. He looked in the mirror and was a bit shocked as he didn't recognize the cute young boy staring back. "Oh my heavens" he cried out" I look so very different." The girls told him the cut looked so much more natural and sexier on a brunette than a blonde. He turned from side to side looking turning and preening. He looked lovely with his tight pants showing his nice round bum and he smiled to himself as he seemed to look and feel ever more gay and effeminate. He met with Mona and told her of his decision to do the procedure of the hair removal from the perineum and the perianus. However the pubic hair above and around the base of his cock he would not remove and let it grow back and then he could shave it and dye it as to how he felt at any one time. Then he went back to the condo to change and go to the restaurant for lunch with the lovely Italian man. As it was late August with warm summer weather Daniel choose to wear a pair of white very tight and light cotton pants that showed his round bum very nicely and his boy cock nestled in a light silky breathable g string . He wore a tight fitting olive coloured silky chemise with long sleeves and wide collar which was open just two buttons. He arrived at the expensive restaurant and waited to be seated standing with his thighs tightly pressed together and touched his hair when an older gentleman standing just behind him smiled at the cute boy. He was starting to get a thrill from older men looking at him and returned the smile and a quiet "Hello." The gentleman answered with a hello and said "It seems to be busy here today". "Is it" replied the cute boy "this is my first time here so I would not know." "Well then, welcome, it is a very nice restaurant" and he smiled showing an interest in the young boy and stealing a glance at the boy's delicious round bum and tight pants. Daniel seeing the man looking him over again touched his hair and then stood with a hand on his hip and seemingly thrust his hips forward just slightly bringing attention to his boy bulge which was evident in the tight white pants. The man being caught looking at the pretty boy smiled and blushed at the same time. Daniel getting more courageous said "Dining out is so much fun, you do get to see and meet nice people" as he quickly touched the man's hand. Seemingly not having startled the man Daniel looked around and then whispered" You do like what you see?" and winked at the man. Before the gentleman had a chance to reply the maitre d' arrived and greeted them. Daniel told him who he was meeting and he was ushered to a table in the middle of the restaurant. When Daniel arrived at the table the Italian man who was looking at them approaching his table was truly surprised to see Daniel with a different coloured hair. He stood and welcomed Daniel holding his hands and then giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. The instinctive maitre d' held Daniel's chair for him inviting him to be seated. Daniel loved the attention and thanked the man with a warm smile and was seated. He crossed his legs and joined his hands laying them on the table. Fabio smiled at Daniel and said "You have your hair a different colour it looks lovely and you are even prettier if that was possible" and touched the boy's hand. "Thank you" said Daniel "you are so very kind and to invite me to lunch at this wonderful restaurant." He looked around quickly and saw that the older gentleman was seated with a lady not far from him and facing him. He smiled at the man and quickly touched his lips with his tongue. He returned his attention to Fabio and said "This is such a posh and expensive restaurant. I can't really afford the prices to be eating here". Fabio replied" No problem this is my treat sweet boy". The two chatted and laughed throughout the luncheon. Daniel wondered if the bonding of a close friendship was because they were both from Italy or another reason. Whatever he enjoyed the man's company and was attracted to the good looks and friendliness of the man. He was obliviously gay and made no secret of it. Several times Daniel glanced at the other man who was in deep friendly conversation with the woman at his table. At one point Daniel went to the washroom and was sure the man had looked at him from behind thinking that he would be looking at my bum. When he returned he was sure the man was looking at him again and would have noticed his boy bulge as it was a bit excited and Daniel loved the feeling that he was being admired. Shortly after the couple departed the maitre d' arrived with a note on a small silver tray. Daniel was surprised and took it and read the contents and looked toward the entrance but the man was not there. The written message Daniel read was "Yes I did like what I saw" and the note continued "text me if interested" and a telephone number was given. Daniel looked at Fabio and said "Seems I have an admirer" and passed him the note. "Understandable that you receive such attention sweet boy" said Fabio. Then Fabio told Daniel about the main reason he wanted to meet him today. He wanted to invite Daniel to accompany him on a four day three night cruise leaving the next afternoon from the port in this city. Passengers could meet the cruise at any port of call and book a minimum of three nights and debarque at another port. In this case it would be in Florida and then they could stay another day or two if Daniel liked and fly back here after that. Daniel was totally surprised about such an invitation from an older man he barely knew. Fabio said that it was a fun cruise for gay people mostly couples he thought as most rooms were based on double occupancy. He also said that he needed to know later that afternoon as he had to make some changes in the reservation. Daniel was interested but needed some time to think about it. He also said that he was not sure if he had the appropriate wardrobe for a cruise. What do guys wear when on such a cruise? Fabio replied that it would be not a problem as they could go shopping to purchase clothing for the boy. He continued saying that there must be a proper men's clothing store in the city. Daniel smiling said that he knew of a wonderful haberdashery specially suited for gay me. "Wonderful" said Fabio "we can go there later today or tomorrow morning. What do you think Daniel?" The boy was still in shock from the invitation and told Fabio that he needed a couple of hours to make a decision as he needed to think about it. They agreed that Daniel would contact him within a few hours and if he was going would give Fabio his passport information. They left the restaurant and Daniel went directly to La Galerie to speak with Serge to ask him about Fabio and to get some counsel about going on a cruise with the man. Serge greeted the boy with a hug and the two sat in Serge's office and discussed the matter. Serge told Daniel that he had known Fabio for a number of years and actually he suggested to him that he invite Daniel. Fabio had asked Serge if he knew of any reliable boys who he could invite on the cruise on short notice as Serge knew the man's tastes for cute boys. He said that he thought of Daniel immediately and it was by coincidence that Daniel was at the dinner party. Serge continued saying "You are gaining more confidence and becoming much more effeminate and gay. Older men are so very attracted to you Daniel. You are cute and dress very nicely and have a lovely bum and are so stylish with your new hair style." Daniel agreed saying that he found older men admiring him and told Serge about the man in the restaurant and the note he received. "Oh my Daniel if a man in that establishment sends you a note and you like him and get a good feeling about him then follow up with him sweet boy." He continued "If you go on the cruise with Fabio you will have a good time. He is a wonderful man and how shall I say this to you discreetly and he continued in a lower voice, very well hung if you know what I mean". Daniel thanked Serge and shortly after contacted Fabio and told him that he would go on the cruise and could send him the passport info as soon as he get back to the condo. Fabio thought that it was wonderful that the boy was going to accompany him on the cruise. He told Daniel that they would have to meet for shopping in the morning as he was busy in the afternoon and again this evening. However he suggested to Daniel that he start looking for some clothing perhaps visit the store and get their suggestions. Daniel thought that was a great idea and soon as he sent the info to Fabio he headed to the clothing store Chez Andre. Along the way he contacted the man who sent him the note from the restaurant sending a message with his name attached and asked the man to give him a call. At Chez Andre he asked for Carl and within minutes the lovely Spanish boy greeted him warmly with a hug which seemed to be customary in this establishment. Daniel explained that he was going on a cruise for few days and needed to pick out some clothing today and would be back with a friend tomorrow to pay for the purchases. This was not an unusual thing as it was customary in this store that older men purchased clothing for young boy friends or lovers. Carl had lots of ideas on what Daniel should wear while on the cruise and selected a number of pairs of short pants of various colours and styles, a pair of white skinny jeans and some other sailor style pants. He matched these with some striped tops with sea faring logos. To complement these items he selected a couple of pairs of deck shoes and sandals. He said to Daniel that he needed some swimwear a pair of trunks and also something special that he had sold recently to effeminate gay guys. As they were in a private change room he brought out a couple of women's style bathing suits with low cut backs. Daniel viewed the suite with a sense of surprise and excitement in his eyes. He asked "Are guys really wearing these in public?" Carl replied that he thought that Daniel would see a few very effeminate guys wearing them on the cruise. "Try one on" he encouraged Daniel. Daniel took a rose coloured one and went behind the change screen to put it on. When he emerged from behind the curtain he felt excited and when he looked in the mirror he loved what he saw. Carl said that "he looked just darling and would attract a lot of attention". What was needed was a robe to wear over it when not sunbathing. Carl also said that Daniel had to do something to hide the bulge in the suit. He then pointed to Daniel's hardening boy cock pushing against the material and making a terrible bulge. Carl who had become familiar with Daniel stepped closer to the boy and said that it looked lovely as he caressed his cock but he continued "it had no place showing as it did in this stylish bathing suit". Daniel kissed Carl and said "Thank you for all your help. You are a wonderful person but you are too young. I like older guys Carl. However I have friend who you would like very much." After he left Chez Andre Daniel received a call from the mysterious man at the restaurant who invited the young Italian boy to his condo in the downtown area for a drink that evening. Daniel accepted the invitation and agreed to come over after supper. He then went back to his condo to take a swim, relax and think about all that was happening. He called Arthur and told him about the lovely sales clerk at Chez Andre and thought that both of them should connect. He also made contact with Richard and informed him that he would be away for a number of days and would see him when he returned. That evening he took a taxi to the home of the gentleman he met at the restaurant and was impressed that the condo was in a building in the downtown area an obvious expensive part of the city to live in near parks and shopping and the business district not far away. When he entered the building he was most impressed as there was a concierge which welcomed guests and contacted the condo owners of an individual's arrival. Daniel took the elevator up to the residence where he was greeted at the door by Lawrence the handsome gentleman he met briefly in the restaurant earlier that day. They entered a large living room and where Daniel was introduced to the sophisticated and strikingly beautiful lady who was with the mature gentleman earlier that day. It was his wife Laura and also introduced him to a beautiful young African-American girl who looks to be in her mid teens but who was older. Laura commented saying "Lawrence, as always such good taste in young boys but you have excelled this time as this boy looks so tasty" and smiled at Daniel. The young Italian boy greeted them both and was asked a number of questions about his background and future as a student in the art college as Lawrence got a glass of wine for him. As he replies Daniel got a chance to look at the two women. Laura, a strikingly beautiful for an older lady very slim with nice features and very fashionably dressed was wearing silk pants and matching chemise and accented with expensive jewelry. Her companion as they two stood close together and seemed rather closely acquainted as they touched each other affectionately with slight caresses was a very beautiful girl. She was wearing fashionable tights with a silk blouse which was tucked into the pants which accented her long slim colt like legs and the tights allowed her bubble like bum to be very prominent. Through the sheer loose silk blouse which seemed to mold to her breasts which were quiet visible showing the prominent bold thick aureoles which seemed to make up most of the small pear shaped breasts. After a few more minutes Laura said "Lawrence we are going to retire, you enjoy your new friend" and the two of them left with the older lady caressing the round melon ass cheek of the young girl. The older gentleman asked Daniel to sit across from him and the two chatted. Daniel learned that he was a prominent successful lawyer and his wife was a professor at a local university. Her friend was one in a string of young university girls that she entertained regularly. The handsome man spoke and looked at Daniel as the young boy crossed his legs giving views of the boy cock as he did so. He also touched his hair and used his hands animatedly as he spoke about being new in America and how different it was from back home. Daniel was finding it very exciting having this older sophisticated man look him over with excited eyes. After some time Lawrence asked Daniel if liked older men as he had seen him in the restaurant earlier in the day and the two seemed very friendly. Leaning back promoting his best gay effeminate pose he replied that he truly did. Meeting such nice men here in America which he could not at home was such a thrill. Lawrence then stood up and took Daniel by the hand and said" let's go to my bedroom and get acquainted sweet boy". The two went to the big master bedroom and as they passed a bedroom Daniel heard muffled voices and a girl moaning with pleasure and crying softly. Laura loved to get young university girls and pleasure them with her mouth and then pleasure them more with a large strap-on dildo. It was the pounding of the dildo that made the girl moan and cry out with pleasure and pain. The two ented the large master bedroom and Lawrence held the boy and kissed him gently on the mouth. "You are so cute" he said to Daniel. "The moment I saw you at the restaurant and as you looked so gay and effeminate I wanted you". He kissed him harder and explored his mouth with his tongue. Daniel replied saying " I do like elderly gentlemen especially those who are handsome and like my being gay. It turns me on so very much and I want them to fuck my ass". Lawrence then sat in an arm chair and said to Daniel "I want you to strip for me, make out you are in a lovely gay stripper night club and you are performing a lap dance for me". Daniel loved the idea and started to sway back and forth lifting his arms over his head and gyrating his hips. His eyes were closed and he was in a world of his own dancing for this handsome gentleman. He unbuttoned his chemise slowly and pulled it from his pants and then pinched his nipples as he looked into the older man's eyes. He approached him and bend down and kissed the older man and then whispered in his ear asking "You like what you see"? Then he gently bit the man's ear and kissing it. "Lick and pinch them" he said offering himself to the older man. Lawrence reached up and caressed the smooth chest and then pinched the nipples pulling hard on them as he was thinking I am really going to fuck this boy. Daniel stood up and then unbuckled his belt and started to slowly unzip his tight jeans. He tugged them off and stood with his burgundy silk briefs with his boy cock showing nicely. He turned around and looked over his shoulder at the older man presenting him with a view of a perfect round bubble bum. He reached behind and started to lower the briefs. "Come and taste you handsome man I want you so very much". Lawrence stood and then kneeled and kissed the smooth cheeks as he helped lower the silky briefs. Daniel bent over and his cheeks spread for the man who licked and kissed the sweet ass which smelled of the lavender body wash which Daniel had used just a few hours earlier. He loved smelling sweet and could wait until he had the little hair which was there removed permanently. He felt the broad strokes of the man's tongue on his anus and he moaned loving every moment of it. This is what he had dreamed of meeting older handsome mature men, powerful and rich who loved young boys like him. He stood turned and kissed the man tasting the lavender fragrance from his mouth and tongue. He started to undress the older man unbuttoning his shirt quickly and then kissing his neck and broad hairy chest kissing and biting the sensitive nipples. He quickly knelt and unbuckled the pants and they dropped quickly to the floor showing tented boxer shorts. Daniel reached into them and took out a hard fat cock cut with a mushroom head that was quickly getting harder. He kissed the tip and sucked it loving the musky taste and odor. His saliva made the cock so very wet and he sucked it as he was becoming more and more proficient with sucking older men's cocks. He stood up and went to the bed taking down the bed covers and got on the bed and said to the nature man. "Come and fuck me. Fuck me hard" Then he turned over and knelt up on the bed presenting his lovely round ass. Lawrence was very aroused and finished undressing looking at the handsome boy. He was thinking that this must have been the cutest boy he had ever had in his bed. He was lovely so effeminate and such a smooth body and the boy being Italian with his sexy accent added to the ambiance of the scene. He reached into the bedside table drawer and took out some gel which he applied to his cock and then a bit to the boy's anus. He knew it was going to be tight just from having licked and fingered it just moments ago. He climbed up on the bed and got up close to the boy and put his cock on the boy's lower back and pushed his balls against the smooth globes of the young ass. He then leaned in and kissed the boy's neck and whispered in his ear "You are so cute, pretty boy. You are the first Italian boy I have ever fucked and am so very excited." Then he leaned back and took hold of the lovely ass cheeks and spread them wide open allowing his hard fat cock with the mushroom head to get close to the boy's tight anus. He pushed against it and had to put more pressure on it in order to enter. When he did the boy gasped and yelled with both pleasure and pain as the mushroom head pushed into the boy's anus. He was bent over and cried out loudly without any concerned of who may have heard him. He moaned and cried out encouragement to the mature man to do him harder. In the neighbouring bedroom Laura and the lovely young girl were lying on the bed kissing and embracing when they heard the moans of pleasure and pain. They looked at each other and smiled both knowing what damage and pleasure Lawrence's mushroom cock head could do. Laura was smiling as she said "the young Italian boy does have a nice bum and Lawrence does like cute young boys". The young girl added "He is partial to a young girl's ass also as you may fondly remember Laura". In the bedroom Lawrence was pounding the ass of the young Italian boy who was meeting his thrusts as the two had found a lovely rhythm. Lawrence withdrew and told the boy to get on his back as he wanted to see the pleasure on his beautiful cute face as he was being fucked. Daniel suggested that he would like to mount the hard cock and told that the mature man to lie on his back. This the gentlemen did with his cock not softening any at all. The young boy kneeled on the bed with his knees on either side of the man's hips and then moved up and sat back on the hard cock which entered him with ease but still the mushroom head stretched his ass differently. Daniel had never experienced such pleasure as he rode the man and he was pinching his nipples and moaning loudly as he felt the hard cock move inside his ass. His own cute boy cock was very hard and slapped up and down as he moved on the man. The boy rode the man with relentless vigor both of them moaning each in his own zone but also meeting each other's thrusts with an almost practiced rhythm. Lawrence breathing hard announced that he was going to cum and Daniel leaned forward and kissed the man hard on the mouth as the man gripped the boy's ass cheeks and pulled them toward him as he exploded in the boy's ass. Several huge squirts of semen jetted from his cock and then as he slowed more semen flowed out as he pulled the boy toward him as he bucked and shivered finishing his orgasm. Daniel continued to kiss the handsome man as he recovered his breathing. The cute young boy leaned back and looked at the man as he masturbated. As he did so he recalled their erotic meeting earlier that day. Daniel could not believe how very bold he had become over just a few days "asking the man if he had liked what he saw". With that exciting thought his boy cock exploded shooting his semen in a high arc which landed on the man's chest. Daniel shook and shivered as he recovered his breathing then he stretched out on the man and brought his mouth up to the man's chest and licked the semen up and followed with a kiss on the man's mouth as they savored the taste of the salty wetness. The two then fell asleep and when they awoke several hours later they were embraced in each other's arms. Lawrence said it was unfortunate he had a busy day ahead and that Daniel was going away because he would like to have another session the next night. Daniel kissed him and reached down and stroked the man's cock as it hardened and on each upward stroke his grip was stopped by the mushroom head. Daniel looked at it and now understood why he had cried out in passion and pain earlier when Lawrence had first entered him. He then asked the man if he thought that Laura and the girl had heard him when he was moaning loudly. Lawrence smiled and replied quickly saying "Without any doubt they heard you cry out. You are a wonderful lover and I want to have you again. From the moment I saw you I wanted you". "What about Laura" Daniel asked? Lawrence replied "We have an agreement that we can have lovers to meet our individual desires and we sometimes share them". When Lawrence was hard enough he mounted the young Italian boy and rode him hard until organism. Lawrence rose early in the morning and Daniel slept another couple of hours. When he awoke he contacted Fabio and made arrangements to meet him at the men's clothing store Chez Andre later that morning. He learned from Fabio that he had to be ready to leave at 3:00 that afternoon and Fabio would pick him up from his condo. He hurried home changed called Arthur and the two went to Chez Andre thirty minutes before he was to meet Fabio. He wanted to make sure all of the items were ready and also he wanted to introduce Carl to Arthur. When all of that was accomplished he said god bye to Arthur and met Fabio who paid for the purchases. He returned home to the condo to pack and to meet with Arthur and find out what he thought about Carl.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Colourfast

Daniel Italian Artist

A story about an effeminate Italian boy who moves to America to study at an art school. Chapter 1The BeginningDaniel, an Italian boy in his late teens is starting a fine arts program at a college in the US. He had been awarded a full scholarship as part of an exchange program with the international arts community. He arrives before classes begin and has to stay in a hotel at his expense as

Daniel Italian Artist Chapter 2

Chapter 2The PartyAt the end of their successful meeting Serge invited Adrian and of course Daniel to a party at the home of his employer for that evening. It was an event with a large number of people invited from the arts and business community artists, buyers and supporters of the arts and some musicians and a few from the theatre community. Adrian and Daniel arrived together and Daniel

Daniel The Italian Artist Chapter 3

Chapter 3The DateThe next morning, a leisurely Saturday at 9:00 AM Adrian was seated in the Café Metropolitan in the business district. Most of the early breakfast tourists had already finished and were off to their tours and explorations for the day. He sat outside alone at a table in the middle of the café enjoying the morning sun and a coffee as he read the morning newspaper. He looked up

Daniel The Italian Artist Chapter 4

Chapter 4More to LearnSunday morning around 11:00 Daniel awoke from a long well deserved and needed sleep. He was lying back thinking about the previous evening and trying to recollect what had transpired. He remembered in the afternoon going to the pool and meeting Campbell with the huge cock showing in his Speedos and Arthur the cute boy of East Indian heritage. Later he went to the party

Daniel The Italian Artist Chapter 5

Chapter 5The InvitationWhen Daniel and Adrian arrived at the dinner party all the other quests had already arrived. They were socializing enjoying a drink and looking at the extensive art collection of the middle aged couple. The host couple, Donna and Tom Radford was smartly dressed and each was rather beautiful in their own way.Donna was a brunette and wore a form fitting dress which

Daniel The Italian Artist Chapter 6

Chapter 6The CruiseDaniel and Fabio arrived at the cruise ship at four o'clock just in time to get to the suite and get settled away just as their luggage arrived. It was a comfortable room on the port side with a balcony. They were informed that there was always a happy hour in the bars on the ship from 4 to 7 each evening. Supper was served in two seating's the early at 6:00 and then a


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