Gay Erotic Stories

The Return Visit-[GH-06]-part-1-of-1

by Charles-smythe
23 Mar 2016

Discreet Encounters First Time Gay Erotic Stories Sexual Encounters Sexual Identity Discovery Straight Men, Gay Sex

The Return Visit Part-1-of-1

I've visited our local adult bookstore several times now, usually only when my wife Barbara is out of town. I'm not sure I could think up any excuse good enough to explain to her why I wanted to head out late in the evening, alone, and without needing anything at the store. Last Friday night happened to be one of those rare occasions. She was out of town for the evening and not due back until sometime late Saturday. What brought me there on Friday night though, began several months ago.

Like many other guys I've run into on the 'net, I've developed, in my early 40s, a curiosity about things bisexual. Who knows where this came from after 30-years of experiencing and thinking only about firm full breasts and soft, warm pussies? The home sex had certainly settled down into a relatively infrequent routine. Easy access to the Internet, ready pictures, particularly on amateur, real people kinds of sites, and anonymous adult chat sites certainly didn't help. Chat rooms had already led me to a briefly exciting, but potentially disastrous affair with a married woman a couple years ago.

Though I'd promised myself to stay away from them after the affair, the lure of a quick, anonymous, online conversation climaxed by a self-inflicted hand job brought me quickly back to the chat rooms. Then more and more, I found myself talking with other guys, first creating elaborate fantasies about our wives, and then soon, conversations about imagined contact between ourselves.

At first it felt odd, and wrong. But the more I created these elaborate mutual fantasies with guys online, the more intriguing the possibility of them actually becoming real. Instant message chatting brought on the voice-over conversations, which led to my secret purchase of a web-cam that my wife still doesn't know about. The attraction of touching another man's cock gradually became more appealing.

That next level was the least of my worries as I mentally slid closer and closer to something that three years earlier I never thought I'd seek. I made my first visit to our small town's one and only porn shop several months ago. After browsing the aisles of sex toys and girlie magazines until I mustered up the courage, to venture through the 1970s bead chains that passed for a doorway into the video booth area in the back. Ten green pressboard doors were visible in the dim light. The red light indicating its occupancy was only glowing above one door.

I nervously entered a booth far enough away from the occupied one to feel private. After locking the door behind me, I looked around and found myself in a small room. In the middle of the floor a steel-folding chair sat opened in front of a flickering blank green TV screen. The chair made an awfully loud creaking noise as I sat down. Trying to be quiet since I knew there was someone else nearby, I cautiously fished my wallet out of my back pocket and pulled out a small wad of one-dollar bills that I'd been gathering through the day. As I fed the first bill into the slot, I noted a number of washers of varying sizes screwed into the floor-to-ceiling walls separating the booths. I guessed at their origin, though none appeared to allow any view in or out of my booth.

My heart raced and my cock surged as I began to flip through the 23-channels on the monitor. I learned quickly that a dollar only bought you about 3-minutes of video. Feeding additional bills in the machine, I settled back to watch. My cock came out soon enough. Then my jeans slipped down to my ankles, my bare ass pressed against the cold steel seat. I continued to flip quickly and repeatedly through the channels, until finally settling on a gay video. It was my first time to really watch this kind of scene outside of the free 8-second video teasers on some porn web sites. I turned the volume way down so that the stranger in the other booth wouldn't know what kind of film that had me edging towards an orgasm.

I cummed relatively quickly, at least quick enough that I still had money left in the machine. As the first shot of cum splashed across my belly, the metal chair in the other booth abruptly screeched across the floor, and I heard the door open. As I continued pulling on my cock, coaching out the last drops of cum. I heard footsteps in the out side my door, and then they were gone. With the handkerchief from my back pocket, I cleaned myself up. Then taking a deep breath, I left my booth with the videos still running.

Nervously I quickly exited the store without making eye contact with either the clerk or the lone middle-aged guy peering up from the magazine rack as I passed by. Was he the one in the other booth I wondered? I had no way of knowing if he was the one who'd cum moments before me, but the flush on my face, I'm sure, revealed the embarrassment and the exhilaration of my minute's-old ejaculation.

The next night found me back in the bookstore, nervously retracing my footsteps from the night before. Armed with a new stack of crisp one-dollar bills, I aimed for a booth in the corner. Again I chose a booth a couple doors away from the only occupied cubicle. Entering the corner booth, my eyes fixed on the missing washers on the wall. Small holes, mind you, not more than an inch or so in diameter. Nervous caution took hold of me, so I passed on to a couple other booths, before settling into one without holes.

Again, with my cock in hand and pants down around my ankles I scanned several of the monitor's offerings, both gay and straight oral films mostly. I heard footsteps come and go from the other booths, never realizing that I'd been in there for nearly 20-minutes and still without cumming. Feeding my last dollar into the machine, I knew that I'd either have to head home and finish later, or break the twenty in my wallet.

As the screen turned back to a blank and too-bright green, I pulled up my jeans and took the twenty out. Waiting a moment for my boner to recede just enough, I ventured into the bright fluorescence of the main store. Approaching the clerk, I held out the twenty and asked for some ones in exchange. "How many ones?" he inquired.

"What the hell. How 'bout all of 'em", I replied, trying too hard I'm sure to sound casual. While he took a couple minutes trying to find the crispest bills, I turned around to see several other people browsing the store, a couple of other single guys in the magazine section and 2-college age girls whispering and laughing by the dildos. I waited, trying to be patient, for the clerk to finish his count and let me disappear into the back again.

I glanced again at the corner booth, the one with the holes in the wall. After 20-minutes of video and self-flagellation, my curiosity pushed me to that door. No one was in the adjacent cubicle, so I entered, locked the door behind me, and fed in a few bucks. My pants unzipped. My cock returned comfortably to my hands as I settled in, once again, to a threesome video with one guy sucking the other's shaved and massive cock while the buxom woman plumbed the cocksucker's ass with large black strap-on.

Though momentarily lost in the video and my rhythmic stroking, I immediately tensed when I heard the door in the next booth close and lock. Shadows passed over the 2-small peepholes in the very thin wall. From where I sat, I couldn't see who was settling across the wall from me. I was so turned on; so nervous, so excited at that moment that I had to pull my hand off my cock lest I shoot right then and there.

I heard the zipper on the other side. The video soon found the same channel as the one in my booth. Slowly, and quietly, I turned my chair to face the hole. Right then, at that moment I wanted to be watched. I wanted to take this next step of showing my cock in real life, to a real person. Though the hole was only an inch or so around, I knew by the shadows when the guy bent over to peer through.

My cock never felt so hard, or as sensitive as it did right then. I slipped my jeans down below my knees exposing my cock, balls, and thighs to this stranger. I heard no sound from the other side. I could see nothing through the hole, but the light never changed. He never moved.

Excitedly, I stroked my cock for this hidden stranger, slowly at first, trying to allow him room around my fingers to see me. One hand pulled on my shaft while the other fingered my now very tight balls. I cummed quickly and suddenly, with little warning to me, or to the one watching me. The first shot flew up nearly to my nipple, leaving a dark wet stain across my gray t-shirt. I pulled my shirt up higher as 3 or 4-heavier pulses of cum landed on my belly. As the final dribbles of cum dripped from the edge of my tingling cock, I held it out forward for my anonymous neighbor to see. All was silent and still for a moment. I heard his chair back up across the floor, the sound of a zipper again, and then his door opened. From somewhere in the distance, I heard footsteps against the muffled background music of a different film playing for some other horny visitor. It was over.

After wiping myself off, I tried to clean the cum spot off my t-shirt. There was no way to hide it as I walked back through the store to the exit. As I left the place, a guy, perhaps a bit younger than myself, caught my eye, kind of nodded his head toward me with a slight grin. Was it a look of acknowledgement? I don't know. All I did know is that in the 15-minutes that it took to walk home, reminiscing on this first encounter, if you can call it that, I was half-hard again and had to unload a second time before falling asleep on the couch.

Over the next few months, I visited the bookstore 6, maybe 8-more times. Each time, I ventured to the corner booths, the only ones that seemed to regularly contain the peepholes. Sometimes different holes were covered, or new ones had appeared, but I never saw holes large enough to qualify as one of the glory holes I starting to read more about. With each succeeding visit, there were opportunities to watch and/or be watched, always anonymously and always without comment from the other side.

Curiously, I found being watched even more exciting than watching someone else. My cock seemed to tingle more. It became more sensitive when I exposed myself to another people. Invariably, I cummed too quickly, at least for my fullest enjoyment, rarely taking more than a couple minutes when I knew I had an audience. It seems my orgasms were even stronger and fuller when I was being watched through tiny holes in a dark booth than when I was fucking my wife.

As far as I could tell, my voyeurs were all guys. A couple of times I got to do the watching. The first guy that I watched had just finished watching me cum. He stood directly in front of the hole, pulled down his pants and stroked himself only inches from the hole. This was my first real view of another man's hard cock. It looked big, though perhaps in hindsight, it was about the size of my own. He was cut, and very, very hard. I kneaded my sagging, exhausted cock while kneeling on the floor peering through the peephole, a position not unlike I might experience were I sucking that cock. I saw little more than the head of his cock since he stood so close to the hole. Like me, he didn't last long with an audience. I watched, up close, but protected by the dark green paneling, as his cock spurted and oozed strings of cum on to the other side of the wall. After cumming, he quickly zipped and left. I waited until I knew he was gone, not sure I wanted to see who this stranger was.

Only once, that I know of, were females on the other side of the wall. I'd noticed them, at least I think it was them, when I came into the store and headed into the back. Two younger, Hispanic-looking girls, one small and thin with long black hair and almost unnoticeable breasts, the other a bigger girl in tight jeans and a tight top showing off some fairly ample cleavage. I'd not thought much about them and was going about my usual video and stroking routine in the corner cubicle, when the door opened next to me.

Although they never said anything to me, I heard their soft, definitely female voices through the hole. I turned my chair so that my cock and balls faced the two small holes about 10-inches apart in the cubicle divider. It got quiet on the other side as I started stroking myself for them. I closed my eyes, spread my legs, and leaned back, trying to recreate their faces from my brief glimpse of them as I'd passed through the part of the store earlier. I don't know how or why, but stroking for them, I lasted...and lasted...and lasted longer than I had for any of the guys that had watched me before.

It was only when I heard them talking softly between themselves, the walls muffling any chance of me understanding what they said, but as soon as I heard them my balls began to tighten, and the familiar urgency deep in my bowels appeared. I pointed the head of my cock at the hole and emptied myself in 3 or 4-short bursts. One of the girls laughed a little too loudly as the other tried to shush her. Like the guys, they too, quickly left their booth before I had the chance to cover up and see who they really were.

I hadn't been back to the bookstore in a few months, at least not since the encounter with the two girls. There just hadn't been any real opportunities to sneak away from real life. My fantasies were limited or expanded, depending on how one looks at it, to casual chatting and web-caming with other guys and the occasional female. Until last week, that is.

I suppose that the chat rooms, the web-cams, the voyeuristic visits to this bookstore were simply stepping stones along the path to last Friday. I really didn't anticipate anything more than what I'd already experienced. It's a small and quiet town here. The bookstore was never really busy. Probably never more than 5 maybe 6-others have ever been there at the same time as me. Fantasy, distant at that, is where I thought these thoughts and experiences would always lie.

With my wife off to another weekend class, I returned to the bookstore yet again, late on Friday night. As I walked downtown in the dark, I enjoyed the freedom of my dangling cock under my jeans as I'd chosen to leave the boxers at home. One less thing to worry about while I'm there, I'd supposed. The bookstore had its usual compliment of characters, 3-lonely looking men wandering through the video rentals, and one woman buying something at the counter. Accustomed and unembarrassed now, I went straight back through the beaded chain doorway to the video booth area, hardly noticing the faces of the other customers.

Taking up residence in ‘my’ corner booth, I took note of the placement of the 3-small peepholes, surrounded by a small forest of washers of different sizes. Feeding the machine and dropping my pants to my ankles, my cock slowly but smoothly grew in my palm. A new selection of films was available since my last visit several months ago. Again, I settled on a threesome video, 2-men doing the usual things to a young blonde girl and to each other.

Perhaps 5-minutes into my viewing, the door to the next booth opened and then closed. I didn't hear the lock turn, but since there were no other occupied booths, I don't suppose it mattered. Very quickly, I saw the shadow of a face bend down and peer through the middle peephole. I turned my chair to give the face a better look. My balls were already feeling tight. My cock felt ready to spring. I removed my hand, not wanting to generate an eruption right then and there. I let my cock twitch and stand high while my neighbor peered in.

The shadow moved from the wall allowing a thin glimmer of green light to pass through. I heard a zipper and the rustle of pants on the other side, my cue, I guessed, to peek through for a look of my own. The cock on the other side was long and straight. Dark tufts of hair underneath a flat and hairless belly surrounded an already hard 7-inch shaft, tipped by a long plum-shaped cock head. My neighbor stood, slowly stroking himself for me for a couple minutes, then sat down and inched his chair close to the hole to watch me again.

Though I felt almost too close to the edge already, I gripped my cock and began a quick round of stroking for him. I had to squeeze the base of my balls several times to keep from cumming, somehow managing to hold off the inevitable.

The jingle of a key chain on the other side distracted me momentarily, but not as much as the squeaking, wrenching sound of a tightened bolt being loosened on the wall separating us. It took a moment to register what was happening, but soon enough one of the largest washers, right in the middle of the wall began to turn. It turned slowly, moving with the bolt that was spinning in the center. My heart jumped, realizing that very soon, there would be a much bigger hole between us. Confused, excited, curious, scared, too many other thoughts to properly describe here raced through my brain and my gut. Almost unconsciously, I placed two fingers on the spinning washer, permitting the bolt to turn, until it fell and clattered on the floor.

I held the washer in place for just a moment longer, still not sure what I was going to do. Slowly, I peeled the washer away from the wall, opening a hole perhaps 3-inches in diameter in the green wall. I leaned back in my chair, my cock slipping to half-hardness from nerves, I'm sure. I could see more of my neighbor now, though still dark. As my nerves raced and my cock twitched, his fingers came through and circled the edges of the new hole.

I'd read enough about glory holes by now to recognize this as a sign to slide your cock through. Christ, now it was happening, to me, right here and right now. I stood and moved closer to the wall, his 3-fingers waiting there on the bottom of the hole for my cock. With one final hesitation, I pressed my hips forward and guided my cock into the hole. His fingers guided it through to the other side, until my pubic hairs, my balls and my belly were pressed firmly against the cool, green pressboard.

My cock hung there for just a few moments, probably not as long as it seemed, until I felt his hand grip my shaft. Then as he slowly stroked my cock, his fingers caressing the head, pulling my foreskin up and back, and squeezing gently. I wanted to moan out loud, but I'd lost track of whether any of the neighboring booths were occupied or not. I bit my lip, closed my eyes, and let his fingers explore my cock.

Almost without me noticing, his fingers left my cock and were quickly replaced by his hot mouth. He didn't lick or tease my cock with his tongue, but swallowed it whole, taking his mouth all the way to the wall. He sucked me hard, twirling his tongue and lips over the entire length of my shaft and cock head. In moments, he built up a rhythm that had me rocking my hips into the wall, my thrusts meeting his mouth. In the background, I could hear the top button of my jeans clicking against the base of the wall with each thrust. God, it'd been so long since such a good mouth had swallowed my cock. I didn't want the feeling to end.

He sucked me for maybe 3 or 4-minutes before he withdrew his mouth from my cock. I wasn't sure why he'd stopped, until I felt the head of his cock touch the head of mine. I'll be damned if there wasn't a little spark of electricity that jolted through me when I felt them touch. Though I couldn't see, pressed against the wall as I was, the identity of what had contacted my cock was unmistakable.

I was ready now. I withdrew my cock from the tight hole in the wall, and watched as his followed through immediately after. In the dim light of the video screen, the head of his cock glistened. I moved to my knees, much as I had that very first time I'd watched someone else cum through the peephole. This strange new thing hovered now just inches from my face. Already looking solid and rock hard, it just barely fit through the hole, with not much room to spare.

With 2-fingers I reached out and nervously touched the damp tip. It felt oily feeling from pre-cum. My fingers traced the top of his cock to where the wall prevented any further exploration, then back underneath along the canal that would soon erupt. His cock twitched every time my fingers grazed the head.

I gripped this stranger's cock, and stroked it slowly at first, like he’d done to me. Gradually increasing my speed, I felt his shaft expand and contract. His skin felt so hot. The shaft so hard and bony, yet the skin like velvet.

"Suck it," I thought I heard whispered from beyond the wall. I was ready even before I heard, or imagined I heard those words. Gripping his cock and holding it as close to the wall as I could, I licked across the tip, taking in the drips of pre-cum that decorated his cock head. Almost without flavor other than a slight salty tinge, it felt like slippery oil on the tip of my tongue. From there, I ran my lips and tongue the full length of his cock, up one side, and back down the other. Sliding underneath, I repeated this motion on the underside of his cock, letting my mouth stop and hover with his cock head resting on my lower lip.

Apparently he wasn’t pressed against the wall like I’d been, because he thrust forward suddenly, shoving his cock into my mouth. I swallowed him hungrily. I felt his cock sliding through my fingers as it pumped in and out of my wet mouth. I was amazed by how his hard cock so completely filled my mouth. Each stroke seemed to reach deeper before he pulled back to the very edge of my lips. It felt strange, yes, but also strangely natural, to let him fuck my mouth as he was doing.

In hindsight, I probably sensed his eruption before it was happened. I remember now how his cock instantly felt and felt even hotter in my mouth. My mind had mere nano-seconds to register that this big cock was swelling even bigger. When it happened, I swear I almost didn't feel the first shot because his cock was so deep in my mouth. It must've emptied right straight down my throat.

The second and succeeding shots come back to me in more detail. My mouth poised with his cock head just inside my lips, his next blast sprayed the inside of my mouth with his salty and sticky goo. I didn't have time to consider the taste before he shot again. My throat opened and I swallowed back as much as I could. He pulled from me suddenly, just as another full load burst from his cock, this time shooting across my lips and into my beard. He followed with several smaller twitches that had cum oozing and dripping over his cock and into my hands. As I stroked his now sticky and withering shaft, I licked up around the edges of his cock head, cleaning up the last remaining blobs of cum before this cock disappeared back through the hole.

As I was catching my breath, his fingers reappeared at the hole, signaling me to stick my cock back through the hole. But, almost unbeknownst to me, as he'd been cumming, without even being touched, I'd emptied my own load all over my jeans and the floor. My flaccid cock now hung drooping, wet, and satisfied. I fingered the streams of cum on my legs, curious whether it was his or mine. "I'm OK," I mumbled through our 3-inch opening, "I already cummed."

Without another word, he zipped up and left. As I sat there, bare assed on the metal chair, the money in the video ran out. When I ran my tongue around the insides of my mouth I could taste little pockets of strange juices seeped out of from the corners of my mouth. I could feel sticky spots on my beard where his cum was starting to dry. As I pulled up my jeans, I felt the stickiness of my own cum on my legs. Zipping up my pants, I left my booth and headed home.

On the walk home, my mind was awhirl. ‘I finally did it, didn't I? I thought to myself as I walked. ‘Yea, I finally did it.’ I'm still not sure how I feel about it or how I should feel about it. But, yeah now I've done it. ‘But is this the end of this path,’ I asked myself, ‘or yet another stepping-stone to something else? I guess I won't know, at least until the next time my wife leaves town.’

The end…


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Calvin Part-1-of-1 A few nights ago while having a little fun sex. Calvin, a friend’s name came up. We’d had him join us a couple times before and he has a big cock, over nine inches long, that my girl Linda really enjoyed. We decided to see if he wanted to stop by for a little fun. He of course said, “Yes,” and came over the next morning on his way to his mother’s house for a late

Cheating Wife-[E-74]-part-1-of-1

Cheating Wife Part-1-of-1 It was Saturday night and Charles was away on business and would be until Monday. And the kids were visiting their grandparents on their farm. This was her second day all to herself so Barbara figured, what the hell, she was going out for a night on the town. She had been eating healthy and exercising regularly and was feeling particularly confident. She knew


Chris Part-1-of-1 I was forty-five years old when Chris, a guy who I’d been meeting with on regular basis for mutual oral, blew his load in my mouth. A little bit of history about myself, I’m bi and was sucking cock long before I could vote. However until that moment I’d never let any guy to cum in my mouth. I’m really not sure why all those years I never allowed guys to cum in my mouth.


CocksuckerPart-1-of-1.I’m a total and complete cum slut…a cocksucker. No shame, no manly pride. Just a hungry mouth and dripping wet face. I only feel complete when I am on my knees feeling a stiff throbbing cock in my mouth. I don't mind being used at all and also like hearing a guy calling me a cocksucker because that is what I am. . By the time the fourth cock slid through the hole

College Days-[GH-52]-part-1-of-1

College Days Part-1-of-1 .My first college experience happened at in an Adult Bookstore. Everyone I normally hung around with went home for the weekend and left me alone: Alone and horny. I hadn't jacked off or fucked for about two weeks. I had never been in a bookstore and I was curious so I drove to the seedy side of town and found a bookstore that looked promising. I only planned on


Cops, gotta love em… Part-1-of-1 I'd been sucking cocks for a couple of years, but the first time a guy cummed in my mouth was about three months ago. A guy that I’d been friends with for about six months and I were riding around talking. We had given each blowjobs several times since meeting. The second or third time Randy gave me a blowjob he swallowed and has been swallowing ever since.

Curiosity Killed the Cat-[G-12]-part-1-of-1

Curiosity Killed the Cat Part-1-of-1.I’d never thought of being with another man until I started a dialogue with a female in a pen pal relationship, in which I got sucked in her fantasy of seeing me with another man. This relationship ended and I didn't give it much thought until recently when I began to exchange emails with someone I met on line in a social dating network. I like porn and


Curiosity Killed the Cat Part-1-of-1.I’d never thought of being with another man until I started a dialogue with a female in a pen pal relationship, in which I got sucked in her fantasy of seeing me with another man. This relationship ended and I didn't give it much thought until recently when I began to exchange emails with someone I met on line in a social dating network. I like porn and


CuriousPart-1-of-1I’m Arnold an 18 year old senior in high school. Seeing the other boys for years in the shower after gym class made me curious. I placed an ad on the inter-net a couple of months back and started emailing a guy named Kevin. We finally exchanged cell phone numbers and spoke on the phone for a few weeks. Kevin, having already graduated was 2 years older than me. I


DenzelPart-1-of-1I’d managed to snag a job in in one of the better hotel near the DFW airport. I work the night shift. It is normally very quiet at night. I very seldom saw anyone. I was coming to UTA in Arlington and this job allowed me to work on my studies at night.No one on my job knows about my…let’s say…hobby and I wanted to keep it that way so I’ve always been very careful about

Discovering that I’m a Cocksucker-[CS-04]-part-1-of-1

Discovering that I’m a Cocksucker Part-1-of-1.In this forum, in anonymity, I’m not afraid to say it: I have an unbelievably high libido and all my adult life sucking cock has been just about the most important thing to me. My friends all rib me about my promiscuity, but I don’t think even they know how central swallowing cum is to my life. When I’m not doing it, somewhere in my mind I’m

Eighteenth Birthday-[GF-81]-part-1-of-1

Eighteenth Birthday Part-1-of-1 .I don’t mind telling you that I Was excited. It was my 18 Th birthday and my first trip to an adult movie theater. When I moved across the lobby and walked into the darkened theater the smell had been overwhelming. The pungent aroma of sex was thick in the air. The room reeked of the quasi-chlorine smell of cum, cigarettes, sweat and the pungent ammonia

Eighteenth Birthday-[GF-81]-part-1-of-1

Eighteenth Birthday Part-1-of-1 I don’t mind telling you that I was excited. It was my eighteenth birthday and my first trip to an adult movie theater. When I moved across the lobby and walked into the darkened theater the smell had been overwhelming. The pungent aroma of sex was thick in the air. The room reeked of the quasi-chlorine smell of cum, cigarettes, sweat and the pungent ammonia

Encounter at an Adult bookstore-[GH-68]-part-1-of-1

Encounter at an Adult bookstorePart-1-of-1.I always considered myself to be pretty macho guy, only attracted to women. But one day I went to an adult bookstore and that all changed. When I entered the store and there were a few guys looking around the magazine racks and checking out the videos they had for sale. I just happened to glance out the corner of my eye and noticed that another guy


Finally Part-1-of-1 I have a friend Roy who I’d known since the fifth grade when he’d moved into my neighborhood. Never was sure why we were friends because he was a jock, lettering in both wrestling and swimming and I was kind of a geek. Still friends after graduation, he was helping me install a faucet on the kitchen sink. He was under the cabinet and I was working on top of the sink

First blowjob-[GF-38]-part-1-of-1

First blowjobPart-1-of-1.I can’t remember the first time I thought about sucking a dick. It's just kind of always been there, lurking in the back of my mind. I wondered what it would be like to suck a cock. This thought has been happening more and more lately. I'm not sure if it was my desire to try it that was growing, or just the influence of the internet on my mind. .I'm 30 and can

First Gulp-[G-39]-part-1-of-1

First GulpPart-1-of-1.I got up, my legs trembling slightly, breathing hard and sat on the edge of the bed. Joel rolled off the bed and moved around and stood in front of me. .

First threesome-[GF-104}-part-1-of-1

First threesomePart-1-of-1.I had my first threesome and now I am very confused. I am a 27 year old male straight male. The other night I had my first MMF threesome. I am going to give a lot of details and I am sorry if it is too long but I can't get this whole experience out of my mind..I dated Barbara girl years ago when I was in college and we’ve been best friends since and often

First time-[G-40]-part-2-of-1

First time Part-1-of-1.This past summer during a few days off from work, I found myself home surfing through some cruising sites online. I was trying to building up the nerve to actually meet someone and suck my first dick. I had been thinking about it for months but the time was never right. Today would be different, my wife was away for the day and I was off work..I drove over to the

Gay for a day-[L-09]-part-1-of-1

Gay for a DayPart-1-of-1.I don't know what the problem is, but I haven't been getting as much attention as I’m use to from men lately. Things are so slow that just last Friday I had to sneak an empty beer bottle out of Bahamas Joe's just so I'd have something to fuck in the parking lot. I told Alice, one of my girlfriends at work about this problem and she told me that I should forget about

Giving Oral-[GF-117]-part-1-of-1

Giving OralPart-1-of-1.Through my tears I watched the neon of the bar get brighter. Sandra had dumped me, for good this time. I'm not angry with her, but with myself. All my attention had been focused on other things, including porn and everything but her. Maybe a few tequila shots will make me forget. This was the perfect place for alcoholic amnesia. The whole bar was filled with men who

Go Figure-[E-168]-part-1-of-1

Go Figure Part-1-of-1 Charles and my first swinging experience wasn’t at all what we expected. Of course, we really didn't know what to expect, but we were both excited and willing to go all the way with sharing intimacy. And I know I was excited about the prospect of getting laid by a relative stranger and my husband Charles was completely prepared to watch me have sex and orgasms with

Grocery Store Pick-up-[CS-46]-part-1-of-1

Grocery Store Pick-up Part-1-of-1 I’d bought a load of junk at a garage sale for resale. When I got the stuff home I went through the boxes sorting out what was sellable and what was trash. As I pulled things out of the boxes they went into two piles, to keep and discard. Several items later I found a pair of sexy, black lace panties. These too went into the discard pile. I sort about half

Grocery Store Pick-up-[CS-46]-part-1-of-1

Grocery Store Pick-upPart-1-of-1.I’d bought a load of junk at a garage sale for resale. When I got the stuff home I went through the boxes sorting out what was sellable and what was trash. As I pulled thins out of the box they went into 2 piles, to keep and discard. Several items later I found a pair of sexy, black lace panties. These too went into the discard pile. I sort about half the

How I became a Cocksucker – [GF-57]-part-1-of-1

How I became a Cocksucker Part-1-of-1 My friend Roy Don and I were taking a short cut through the woods to get home one day and as we got to this log laying on its side, we sat down to rest. We started talking about girls and after a while Roy Don asked me if I ever had sex with any if the girls in the neighborhood. I said, “No.” Then he asked, “Do you jerk off?” Embarrassed, I


Hunter Part-1-of-1.I was on my fishing boat, working the coves of my favorite lake all afternoon on this warm summer day, with limited success I might add. I spotted him just as I was coming around a bend. He was all alone tanning on the white sandy beach, a healthy looking young man with blonde hair and with a smooth swimmers build. I was surprised to see that he was sunbathing in the

I Sucked a Guy Off-[GF-123]-part-1-of-1

I Sucked a Guy OffPart-1-of-1Stocked up on cokes and junk food, I pulled back onto the highway and left the gas pumps at the convenience store behind. Four hours to go, give or take a few minutes. I’d be glad to leave Oklahoma behind, what a godawful state to drive through. And Tulsa, why would anyone live there?I took a swig of my cold coke and pressed the Scan button on the radio

I swallowed-[CS-71]-part-1-of-1

I swallowed Part-1-of-1 I "swallow" during my first bisexual experience. I was eighteen and it was with a much older man, I'd been fantasizing about sucking a man’s cock for ages, I'd seen a couple of porn magazines with women sucking cocks and I thought a man’s cock was the most beautiful thing and the women all seemed to want to get that cum in their mouths. The though and the pictures made

In the Shower-[GF-26]-part-1-of-1

In the Shower Part-1-of-1 My name is John. I’m nineteen years old and in college living away from home for the first time in my life. I've dated the same girl since I was fifteen and Wendy is thrilled that I’m now home for the summer. The problem is, I had my first gay experience while away and as much as I love her, these experiences were hot as hell and I get hard just thinking about them.

James Sucks Cock-[GF-109]-part-1-of-1

James Sucks CockPart1-of-1..It was so strangely sexy, this new toy James had brought home. I'd secretly always wanted one, but never knew how to ask him for it. It's as if he knew that deep down inside, I did. Now, it was real. A real life-like strap on cock. He even got one that fit into my pussy to stimulate my clit while I was wearing it. It gave me the shivers the first time I put it on


Jean-Paul Part-1-of-1When my wife, Heather and I were out on the town we passed a casino that had a male strippers show on that night. Heather had never seen a male strip show before so she wanted to go in for a look. Inside I waited at the bar having a few drinks while she moved around and checked the place out and watching the dancers. I was on my 3 rd. drink when Heather


Kevin Part-1-of-1 My first time sucking a cock was when I was twenty. I’d been talking to this older man on line for a while and eventually he asked, “Would it be ok if I come to your location to meet you in person?” I said, “Yes, I’d be gladly for you to do that.” I was so fascinated by Kevin that we would often talk for hours on line about more than just sex, we’d also talk of such


Lido’s-(CS-39)-part-1-of-1 Lido’sPart-1-of-1.God I’d be so long since I’d sucked a dick I couldn’t wait. As I pulled into the parking lot the anticipation was building. My ex-girlfriend Linda and I had gotten back together and I’d tried but not even for Linda could I resist the temptation. I’m just too weak. I needed to be on my knees with a hard dick in my mouth sucking and bringing it

Male Dancers-[GF-114]-paet-1-of-1

Male DancersPart-1-of-1.


Male Hooker Part-1-of-1.It was early Friday evening and I was on the way home from the gym. It was a great gym but it was located in a part of town I didn’t normally frequent. I was standing on the corner waiting for the light to change so I could cross to where my car was parked. A car pulled up and even though they had a green light stopped. The driver leaned across the seat and asked,

Mistaken identity-[F-16]-part-1-of-4

Mistaken IdentityPart-1-of-4.

Mistaken identity-[F-16]-part-2-of-4

Mistaken IdentityPart-2-of-4.The small girl’s eyes dilated and her nostrils flared when the lady pressed the tip of the vibrator through the metal ring and between her lips. Screams turned to a groan as she felt it being slowly pressed home, going deeper into her body, shoving tissue aside and stretching her like never before. Along with the fullness was a deep and powerful vibration that

Moonlight Walk-[IR-10]-part-1-of-1

Moonlight Walk part-1-of-1 The evening was beginning with a soft gentle breeze coming in off the gulf, the feel of the coolness on my bare skin was heaven, as Cassandra and I walked, hand in hand down the deserted beach, listening to the soft crash of the waves, and going nowhere. The thought of her next to me, the feel of the soft skin of her hand, the smile when she looked up at me

More Lido Tales-[CS-28]-part-1-0f-1

More Lido Tales Part-1-of-1 Here's a tale that I've always thought was funny. It happened one Saturday afternoon in an adult bookstore called Lidos in Dallas. When you go in the door, on the left is the bookstore where you pay your admission, on the right is a gay movie theater and upstairs is the straight theater. The hallway leading back to the adult theater is line with private viewing

My Best Friend-[GF-29]-part-1-of-1

My Best Friend Part-1-of-1 My best friend, André turned me on as a teenager even before I ever had sex. We went to school together from the first grade on through high school. André was slightly bigger than the rest of us and not exactly a bully, but the aggressive type. You know, always farting in someone's face or telling people to kiss his ass or taking things from people and sticking

My Ex-Girlfriend Barbara - [G-07]-part-1-of-1

My Ex-Girlfriend Barbara Part-1-of-1 So my ex-girlfriend, Barbara, dumped me recently. She said that the only way she'd even consider taking me back was if I at least tried giving a man a blowjob. While we dated, we had a very unorthodox and kinky relationship. Barbara was very dominant and thrived on taking control and seeing what she could get away with. I was straight and her

My fantasy-[GF-05]-part-1-of-1

My fantasyPart-1-of-1 .I'm in my 30's and my first time was a couple of years ago. I'd fantasized about it a lot, secretly though, never spoken to anyone else about it. I'd let 2 guys suck me off and checked out a few online ads and a lot of porn. I finally got my nerve up and saw an ad I liked on craigslist. We e-mailed back and forth a little. He sent me some e-mails of his cock; one

My first BBC-[CS-34]-part-1-of-1

My first BBCPart-1-of-1.Dwight and were chatting on line when I asked him what he was packing. He said 9 inches long and a girth of 4 inches at the top and going up to 5 inches near the base. I told him that it would be an honor if he would allow me to give him a blowjob. He gave me his address and I headed right over. .When Dwight let me in I saw that he was in later 20s. He told me

My first Blowjob-[GF-04}-part-1-of-1

My First BlowjobPart-1-of-1He looked around the dark parking lot nervously and smiled when he was sure we were alone.The sound of his zipper echoed inside my head as he reached into his pants and fished out his cock. It was still just semi-erect but already long and thick with a swollen purple head that glistened with pre-cum. I could feel my mouth water with anticipation. I’d never

My first Blowjob-[GF-04}-part-1-of-1

My First BlowjobPart-1-of-1He looked around the dark parking lot nervously and smiled when he was sure we were alone.The sound of his zipper echoed inside my head as he reached into his pants and fished out his cock. It was still just semi-erect but already long and thick with a swollen purple head that glistened with pre-cum. I could feel my mouth water with anticipation. I’d never

My First Dick-[GH-45]-part-1-of-1

My First Dick Part-1-of-1 I was eighteen years old and I was extremely nervous all day because I knew I was going to force myself to try it…a gloryhole. There was a place a few miles out of town called the XXX bookstore that was opened 24/7. My friends and I had gone in there a few times and one time when I went to use the restroom I saw a strange hall with a lot of doors on either

My first encounter-[GF-53]-part-1-of-1

My first encounter Part-1-of-1 I used to work near the adult bookstores in Kennedale so I would go by every Friday and slowly built up my nerve to go in back where the viewing booths were and watch videos. Well, one day I was there and I wanted to watch a video in a certain both but there was this guy standing in I stayed outside the door until he got the message and walked away.

My First Gloryhole-[GH-86]-part-1-of-1

My First Gloryhole Part-1-of-1Back in 1984 I made my first trip to an adult bookstore. It was in Kennedale, a suburb of Fort Worth. I was very curious about seeing my first porn movie and the life behind the other side of the bookstore. When I walked in the front door I could smell the disinfectant odor that permeated the building, a smell that told me I was in the right place.The

My First-[GF-03]-part-1-of-1

My firstPart-1-of-1My first time was as a college freshman. I was very, very shy and a loner. I took a swimming class. In this class there was a guy named Clifford who used to be very pushy. I avoided him all the time and in the locker room I made sure to take a locker far from every body. Fortunately the class was very small. There were only about 4 guys and 3 girls so I was always able to

My Firsts-[IR-06-part-1-of-1

My FirstPart-1-of-1As my husband, Calvin and I pulled up to the front of the building i was as nervous as you could get. Having heard about some of the things that go on in glory holes I was nervous about who and what i might find.I was the only woman in there and I felt like every eye in the place was on me.After walking around and looking at all the myrid of dildos and books,

My husband was gay-[G-08]-part-1-of-1

My husband was gay Part-1-of-1.I married my husband, Curtis when I was 19 and he was 22. Curtis had been blessed with a large cock that was 8-inches long and 5-inches around, the perfect size for sucking. He loved his cock which he felt wasn’t too big but bigger than most. One look at it and I wanted to suck it. .Curtis stood 6-foot 2, 220lb, with broad shoulders, and a soft fury

Pool Party-[GF-85]-part-1-of-1

Pool PartyPart-1-of-1.I made my public debut as a cocksucker in front of seven of my best friends and this is how it happened. My girlfriend, Linda and I were at a pool party with three other couples. Tony and Sandra owned the place. They’d been friends for years with Linda and me, Bruce and Paige, and Gene and Barbara..We had a great afternoon of swimming and sunning. None of us


Randy Part-1-of-1 Before I got married I used to enjoy occasionally going out at night by myself and frequenting my favorite adult theater. I would always watch a couple hours of porn and then jack-off in the restroom before returning home. It used to be that guys in the audience were discrete in the theaters. Nobody ever exposed themselves. However, it’d been a year since my last visit

Restrooms by the Lake-[GH-91]-part-1-of-1

Restrooms by the Lake Part-1-of-1 At age twenty-seven I realized that I’m like a lot of men the world over. Men who consider themselves essentially straight but men who aren’t opposed, however, to receiving an occasional blowjob from guys who offer it with no strings attached. Men who would blow their load down another guy's throat with no real involvement, no reciprocation and, more often

Rush Hour Cocksucker-[GH-64]-part-1-of-1

Rush Hour CocksuckerPart-1-of-1.I am total and complete cum slut. I have no shame, no manly pride…just a hungry mouth, raging hard dick and dripping wet face..By the time the fourth cock slid through the hole in the wall, I’d already been there long enough to burn through more money than I was accustomed to spending in the video booths but I was on a roll. Even though my jaw was


Sears Part-1-of-1 When I was twenty eight, I was a very happily married full-fledged heterosexual man. My wife Barbara was a very attractive blonde, five years my junior and our bedroom activities were really hot. I considered myself 100% straight, even though I’d received a drunken blowjob from my college roommate, when I was eighteen, which I didn’t return the favor for by the way. It was a

Six Cocks is a Good Day-[G-193]-Part-1-of-1

Six Cocks is a Good Day Part-1-of-1 It’s a good day in the neighborhood. Actually any day I suck 6 cocks is a good day. Before anyone asks, yes to the best of my recollection this is a true account of a day of sucking dicks. I had ads on several gay web-site. The one that got the best results was Squirt. That was back when it only cost something like $15 a year and before the started


Sleepover part-1-of-1 It was Saturday night about seven PM when I arrived home with Tyler. My wife, Barbara, had called me earlier in the day saying that she’d bought a special outfit that she knew I’d like. She’d said, “I’ll have dinner going and will be wearing the outfit for you when you get home.” After I hung up, I realized that she didn’t remember that Tyler was coming home with

Sperm Donor-[GF-139]-part-1-of-1

Sperm Donor Part-1-of-1James was 19, a second year student at Cedar Valley College in Lancaster, Texas had accepted the good-natured kidding from his high school buddies who had gone on to SMU and UTA about his college appellation, but had explained that his great grandfather had been one of the founders and that it was family tradition to go there.James had seen an advertisement in the


A True StoryPart-1-of-2.It was early afternoon when the phone rang. “Hello.”.“Is this Jason?”.I smiled, knowing immediate what he wanted because Jason was my cocking name. “Yes, what can I do for you?”.“Ugh … ugh …” I smiled to myself as he stuttered, obviously new at this. Then in shy voice went on, “I got this number off the wall.”.“The wall,” I asked, knowing full well

Straight Young Guy-[CS-11]-part-1-of-1

Straight Young GuyPart-1-of-1.I’m into giving head to guys in their late teens and early twenties. Straight guys of that age range make me especially horny. I responded to an ad I saw on line last Thursday of a straight young married guy looking for a first time m4m experience and his location was my neighborhood. I wrote back and offered to give him his first man to man blowjob. I was kind

Strange Adult Theater Fun-[GH-102]-part-1-of-1

Strange Adult Theater Fun Part-1-of-1 I was feeling kind of horny and didn’t wanting to jerk off so I decided to go to a place where I’d heard a guy could get sucked off with no problem. In fact there were a couple places in town that was rumored would accommodate a guy’s cock. One was a bookstore with private viewing booths and a couple of glory holes. The other was a small adult

Strip Poker-[SW-30]-part-1-of-1

Strip Poker Part-1-of-1 My wife, Linda and I were having dinner at the home of Wesley and Barbara, married friends of ours. After dinner we were playing poker, which turned into an unplanned game of strip poker, at least unplanned by Linda and me. The game went back and forth, and we all were partially undressed. However, on a large hand, Barbara, the hostess bet ‘All In’ including

Sucking Her Lover's Cock-[SC-83]-part-1-of-1

Sucking Her Lover's Cock Part-1-of-1 One evening I came home from the bar to find that my wife Barbara had a friend over and they were naked in the hot tube. I thought it was odd that she had a naked man in our hot tub but I didn’t say anything. Barbara introduced him and asked me to join them so I quickly took off my clothes and slid into the bubbling hot water with them. Once in there I

Sucking Shawn’s Cock-[CS-55]-part-1-of-1

Sucking Shawn’s Cock Part-1-of-1 . What’s wrong with me? I’m str8 guy but can’t I stop sucking my friends cock. It all started with me having a huge thing for my best friend Shawn’s girlfriend. Linda was 5-foot 5, 120 lbs. and very sexual. And best of all she loved to suck cock more than anything. Shawn dated her for 2 yrs. A year after I got to spend 2 weeks fucking her. She took my

Surprise Suck-[CS-42}-part-1-of-1

Surprise SuckPart-1-of-1 .I’d gone to bed and was laying in the dark, the covers pushed back totally naked and jacking off. And of course fantasizing about sucking some guys cock. I was getting close to busting my nut, when I heard a knock on my door. Fuck Yeah, I thought, I'm going to get some cock tonight. .I jumped out of bed and still naked headed for the door. .I cracked the


Surprise Part-1-of-1 An older guy answered an ad I’d placed online. He saw my ad and said I seemed to be real and discreet after reading it, so he sent me his stat and a faceless picture of his body. I tried IM’ing him based on his email and lucked out, as he was online. He was forty, five foot seven, one hundred thirty pounds and had a cock that looked to be maybe five inches uncut and

The Bus Stop-[G-09]-part-1-of-1

The Bus Stop Part-1-of-1.I was returning home from spring break. Some friends, anxious to get back to the party they just left, hurriedly dropped me off at the bus station in the middle of northern New Jersey. I was a little drunk and stoned, and realized, after checking the posted bus schedule in the semi-darkness that I really screwed up. The bus wasn't due for another 2-hours..Not

The Cats Away-[CS-03}-part-1-of-1

The Cats Away-[CS-03}-part-1-of-1 The Cats AwayPart-1-of-1 .My name is James and I’m a married cocksucker. For the longest time Jerry, my main feeder has been promising to set me up with a few of his friends to whom he’s been bragging about ‘his cocksucker’ and about my talented mouth. It was only when I told him that my wife Barbara would be in out of state visiting relatives for a

The Delivery-[GB-29]-part-1-of-2

The Delivery Part-1-of-2 I do delivery for my own flower shop. I’m nice, tan, very pretty, maybe not exactly big but nice breasts and just really a sight to see or so I’ve been told. Many deliveries come and go but this one did more cumming than going. There is a local business in town that is male dominated and the guys there buy a lot of stuff to take home to the wives or girlfriends.

The Game-[SW-04]-part-1-of-1

The Game Part-1-of-1 As usual Andrea quipped, “Let’s play Strip Poker,” over her Bridge hand. And as usual, she made the same tired old jokes as she drew yet another losing hand. She folded it with disgust and reached for her drink. All was quiet for a second, as usually happened after Andy’s patented line, which marked the halfway point of their Friday night game. This Friday, however,

The Hitch Hiker-[GF-126}-part-1-of-1

The Hitch Hiker Part-1-of-1I was driving over the mountains through Vermont on a cold snowy January night. It was about 9:30 and I was returning home from a business trip to New York. The snow was coming down so hard you could barely see. As I came up the hill past the last little general store I spotted a person standing on the side of the road hitch-hiking. I never pick up hitch-hikers

The Jack-Off Party-[GF-120]-part-1-of-1

The Jack-Off PartyPart-1-of-1.I’d been wanting to have a jack-off party with all married guys for a while now. I was looking at craigslist personals, Men looking for men. I said, “Uuuum,” this might work. I put an ad in

The Nudists-[GF-92]-part-1-of-1

The Nudists. I am retired now, but a few years ago I was doing contact work that required a lot of travel. When I went to Southeast Texas, I stayed with Linda and Carl, a couple I’d met a few years earlier in Houston. They were nudists and I had no problem taking off my clothes and joining them in going nude in their home. .After dinner Carl said, “I want to show you a porn tape.”.I

The Porn Theater-[GH-100]-part-1-of-1

The Porn Theater Part-1-of-1 While visiting in Fort Worth for a conference I met Kevin, another Houstonian. He was staying in a room near me so we quickly became friends and attended the conference and had dinner together. After dinner together, Kevin said, "Come with me, I know exactly what you need." . He drove me to Kennedale to the Log Cabin, a dingy little adult bookstore with a

The Rest Area-[GF-32]-part-1-of-1

The Rest Area Part-1-of-1 Before I gave my first blowjob, I’d had a few experiences with guys, where I played with one guy’s cock for a while before he stroked me off and another instance where I sucked a guy for just a little bit before he got me off. In both cases the guys seemed more satisfied than I was and I never got the chance to pursue taking another guy’s load. However, one night

The Rest Area-[GF-32]-part-1-of-1

The Rest Area Part-1-of-1 Before I gave my first blowjob, I’d had a few experiences with guys, where I played with one guy’s cock for a while before he stroked me off and another instance where I sucked a guy for a little bit before he got me off. In both cases the guys seemed more satisfied than I was and I never got the chance to pursue taking another guy’s load. However, one night while

The Return Visit-[GH-06]-part-1-of-1

The Return Visit Part-1-of-1 I've visited our local adult bookstore several times now, usually only when my wife Barbara is out of town. I'm not sure I could think up any excuse good enough to explain to her why I wanted to head out late in the evening, alone, and without needing anything at the store. Last Friday night happened to be one of those rare occasions. She was out of town for the

The Reunion-[G-38]-part-1-of-1

The Reunion Part-1-of-1.I used to see Tyler very regularly. We are both married and both very bi. But I haven’t seen him in a number of years thanks to a job transfer. Yesterday, out of the blue, I got an email from him telling me that he was in town and that he wanted to see me..I was as nervous as a teenager on his first date, worrying about what to wear, had I aged well, would he

The right circumstances - [GF-160]-part-1-of-1

The right circumstances Part-1-of-1 It’d been a week since the hot 3-some weekend. The weekend involved my buddy Kevin and I getting pretty drunk and double teaming this very hot raven haired girl we had met in a bar. Normally it wouldn’t have been a week since we saw each other, but, even though we were drunk, there had been some ‘cross contamination’ as we fucked the shit out of Linda.

The Steam Room-[G-190]-part-1-of-1

The Steam Room Part-1-of-1 I was looking forward to the next hour or so. I didn’t get to Midtowne Spa very often, so I planed on taking full advantage of the giant hot tub and the steam room. The hot tub is as big as a small swimming pool and is built with a grotto theme. At one end they even have a rock cave with a waterfall cascading across the entrance. You have to pass through the

The Strip Club-[CS-17]-part-1-of-1

SelfOur First MeetingAugust 19, 2014..The Strip Club Part-1-of-1.It was Friday night and I was in the mood to suck some cock. It was my intentions to hit a couple adult bookstores…one with glory-holes and one with a movie theater. They’re active at different times so hitting the hot times at both is easy. Unfortunately at the last minute my plans were thwarted when some of my

The Strip Club-[CS-17]-part-1-of-1

The Strip Club Part-1-of-1.It was Friday night and I was in the mood to suck some cock. It was my intentions to hit a couple adult bookstores…one with glory-holes and one with a movie theater. They’re active at different times so hitting the hot times at both is easy. Unfortunately at the last minute my plans were thwarted when some of my buddies came by at the last minute to get me to go

The Truck Stop-[IR-39]-part-1-of-1

The Truck Stop Part-1-of-1 For those who didn’t read my first story let me introduce myself again. I’m in my mid-thirties and just an average guy. I’m married, six-feet tall, one hundred and eighty-five pounds, with dirty-blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Some say that they’re bedroom eyes. I’d found my first glory hole in a nearby truck stop out on the interstate. It was off I-20

The Visit-[GF-107]-part-1-of-1

The visitPart-1-of-1.When I knocked, the door was quickly opened. He stood in the doorway for a moment, looking at me with a lopsided know it all grin that I wasn’t sure what to do with. He was handsome enough, a day of stubble, broad shoulders, perhaps ten years older than me. He stepped aside and motioned for me to come in. ..

Tit For Tat-[GH-32]-part-1-of-1

Tit For Tat Part-1-of-1 It was another one of those Saturday afternoons. I was at Lido’s, one of the local bookstores, trying to satisfy my hunger for cock but there seemed to be no good candidates. Let me tell you a little about myself. By all accounts, I'm straight. I love everything about women…the way that they woman look, sound, feel, etc, but, as I am sure it is with many guys my age, I


Tutor Part-1-of-1 The first time I sucked a cock was when I was forty eight. I’d always been drawn to men, but because of society's attitude towards homosexuals and my strong religious background I suppress the urges. I kept telling myself that it was just a passing phase and that if I ignored it, it would go away. I was a volunteer tutor with the college athletic program. To keep them

Unexpected Vacation fun-[G-143]-part-1-of-1

Unexpected Vacation Fun Part-1-of-1I was on my two weeks’ vacation with my best friend Austin. We’d returned to a bed and breakfast that we’d stayed at the previous year when a group of friends had also been there, but this year it was just the two of us, Austin and me. Austin was most definitely straight so there was no way I was going to try anything. It was going to be a

Unleashed a beast-(SW-35)-part-1-of-1

Unleashed a beast Part-1-of-1 My wife Barbara and I’d been fantasizing and talking about swinging for a good while and it would really get things hot while having sex and talking about it. I created a profile on a lifestyle site and started looking around. At first when Barbara found out that I’d done this she was taken back but when she started checking out the site she warmed up to the

Used by a 19 year old-[CR-01]-part-1-of-1

I was so hungry despite or perhaps because of the callused way he was treating me that I practically flew to the edge. Not saying a word, he reached down and took the sides of my head. Meekly I let him move me to where he wanted me. I ended up with on my back with my head hanging over one side of the bed and my feet hanging off the other.. Joey stepped up to me, almost but not quite


Victor Several years ago my best friend, Victor…Vic for short came to visit from out-of-state, from Arizona actually. We’d been best friends since middle school. One drunken Saturday afternoon after many years of being very curious about it I decided to make my move. I said, “Hey I have been watching gay porn on the internet and it is really hot. Do you think that’s queer?” Much to my

video booth blowjob-[GH-66]-part-1-of-1

Video Booth blowjob.Part-1-of-1 .I was 19 when I started cruising the adult bookstore video booths. It was quicker and easier than the adult porn theater, the only other place I knew I could cruise, back then. .Each hall in the arcade area offered a different selection of 10 or 12 videos. The first few times I went I would check out the video covers mounted on the wall in the hall by


Vinnie Part-1-of-1 My cousin Vinnie and I used to jerk off together while looking at our dads' porno magazines. We started jacking off together when we were just barely old enough to ejaculate. The next year, we were both able to shoot even big loads and we were fascinated with our cum. Our ritual developed where we would jack off together until one of us felt that tingle in our balls

Waggoner Park II-[CS-75]-part-1-of-1

Waggoner Park II Part-1-of-1 In Waggoner Park part one I told you that James fell in love with my mouth and that Friday nights was our regular drive-in night. I also said that occasionally one of our friends, would invite themselves along to the movies. The worse culprit was Dwayne, a class mate that James and I’d known since his grade school merged with ours for junior high. On

Waggoner Park III-the van-[CS-76]-part-1-of-1

Waggoner Park III The van Part-1-of-1 I wondered what new adventures the van would bring. When I went over to James’ house on Saturday morning the three of us cleaned out the inside of the van and installed curtain rods on the back window and behind the 2 front bucket seats one of those telescoping shower curtain rods. Then we drove the van to Dwayne’s house where his mother made curtains

Waggoner Park IV-panties [CS-77]-part-1-of-1

Waggoner Park IV Panties Part-1-of-1 The next Friday night when we stopped to pick up Dwayne, he said, “My mom wants to see you.” I was nervous when I went into the house. All smiles she handed me a Wal-Mart bag and said, “I bought these for you to wear to the movies tonight. When I looked in the bag it was a pair of powder blue panties. Not knowing what to think I pulled them out. “Try

Waggoner Park-[GF-72]-part-1-of-1

Waggoner Park Part-1-of-1 I’d found the park on a gay web-site that rated cruise site and gave tips about the best time to go and what to look out for. So I can’t say that I was completely innocent about what went on there. Waggoner Park had been there for years. I’d even played junior league games on the baseball fields and had never once imagined what went on here in the woods across the

Wal-Mart-[E-112]-part 1-of-1

Wal-MartPart 1-of-1.I could hardly believe this happened. On Saturday afternoon I was in Walmart with my wife, Barbara. We’d gone out to eat before going to the store and about 10-minutes into our shopping I had the sudden urge to take a crap. So I rush in, went to the only open stall. I was in the smaller restroom at the rear of the store so the handicapped stall was the only one open.

What Have I Done?-[CS-32]-part-1-of-1.

What have I done?Part-1-of-1. I just got home from one of the most surprising encounters of my life. I’d stopped by a buddy of mines house, expecting to watch a Cowboy’s football game. I hadn't seen James since our last golf game in mid-November but we were good enough friends that I could stop by unannounced.. When he answered the door James told me that there's coffee in the kitchen.

Young Guys-[CS-09)-part-1-of-1

Young GuysPart-1-of-1.I recently had an experience with a young married guy in my neighborhood that I meet on line. He came over here and I gave him his first man to man blowjob. He was so horny that he shot his load in my mouth within seconds after I put my mouth on his dick. I haven't heard from him since but I find that is common with straight guys, just a one time fairly anonymous

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