Gay Erotic Stories

Sam and Will in Sitges

by Cheshiregay
28 Jan 2021

Exhibitionism Gay Erotic Stories

Sam & Will in Sitges

Sam and Will, two early-twenties lads from Bristol, were on the third day of their June holiday in Sitges. They were staying in Pedro and Juan’s flat, an airbnb. Sam and Will had hit it off with the two Spanish lads. Sam has been a naturist ever since his step-dad and step-brother moved in with his mum and him when he was twelve. Will has been led into naturism by Sam when they moved in together at the beginning of the year.

Pedro and Juan were just a bit older than Sam and Will and were totally cool with the English boys, as they called Sam and Will, being naturists. They had been curious about their fully shaved bodies but soon got used to seeing Sam and Will smooth from the neck down, their white bodies already with a bit of tan they had got from the naturist beach they had directed Sam and Will to on their first full day.

Over breakfast, Sam and Will naked, Pedro and Juan in shorts, Pedro told Sam and Will about a hill walk they often did together. Pedro explained that it was a short five km trail starting up in the hills and back down to the outskirts of Sitges. They often took the bus there but Pedro offered to take them in the car to the starting point and to meet-up with Will and Sam at the end of their walk. If they were interested, that is. Will and Sam liked the idea of the walk and agreed to it readily.

Juan chipped in “you know it’s totally legal to hike naked in Spain. Just saying, since you like being naked. Are you up for it?”

Before Sam or Will could reply, Juan added “It’s a really quiet walk, mainly country, passing one or two houses at most.”

Sam looked over at Will questioningly and Juan said excitedly, “ok I think the English boys want to hike naked!”

Will gave a daggers glare at Sam as Pedro served out more coffee.

Pedro smiled, “They don’t say no so I think that means yes too!”

They all laugh, Sam said “yeah I’m up for that” leaving Will to sit there uncertain for a few moments.

Juan added “Go on Will, you want to join Sam naked on the walk don’t you? It’s just like being on the beach, you know”

Will, tight lipped, nodded in agreement. Breakfast cleared, they were soon ready to go.

“OK, so you have good trainers, yes? Rucksack, plenty of water - oh and here is the map”, said Pedro.

All dressed in shorts and trainers they leave the flat and get into the car and soon they are parked up on a quiet area in the hills above Sitges. They all get out of the car. Juan goes through the map with Sam and Will, pointing out the path to take.

“OK English boys”, Pedro says, “shorts off, put them in the car, and we will see you at the end of the walk”, pointing to a car park at the end of the trail on the map.

Sam looked at Will, checking out if Will would agree to leaving their shorts being in the car.

Will stammered, “erm, I thought we’d be keeping the shorts in our rucksack. You know, just in case.”

Juan replied, cutting Will off, “Don’t be English pussy boys. It’s best way to hike naked. With no clothes in rucksack. No chickening out! Very freeing yes? Relax, you’re on holiday remember!”

Pedro added, “Yes, dare you! You will thank us really. It will be awesome.”

No words between them, Will watched as Sam dropped his shorts and threw them into the boot of the car. All eyes were on Will as he did likewise.

Pedro slammed the boot shut exclaiming “There you go English boys. Now lets smother you in suntan lotion so you don’t burn your English bums”

Pedro slathered Sam in lotion as Juan’s hands roamed freely over Will. Finished, Pedro said “You are all ready to go. Enjoy the hike”.

With the sun on their naked smooth bodies, Sam and Will watched Pedro and Juan get in the car and drive off with their shorts.

“Shit, no going back now” laughed Will nervously as they started down the track.

The track was well signposted and they crossed a few fields, soon getting used to being naked in the warm sun. Will, with the rucksack with the water on his back, Sam unencumbered, just with trainers on.

They were about half way through the walk when they saw people walking towards them. There was nothing for them to do except carry on walking towards the group. There were a lot of laughs and a lot of photos taken as Sam and Will slowly made their way past the group of twenty or more camera-ready Japanese tourists.

“I thought Pedro said the trail was quiet” Will said.

“Guess he couldn’t have known about tourist hikes”, replied Sam.

They stopped to have some water, remembering that Juan had said it was a home-made rehydration drink - salt, sugar and other stuff. It tasted bitter but they both drank a half-litre each.

Ten minutes on Will stopped to look at the map. What appeared to be three houses was in fact nearer to fifty and the trail seemed to be much closer to the houses than the map suggested. Not only that, Will could feel himself chubbing up. He looked over at Sam who was half-mast himself.

“Fuck, I think they spiked our water with viagra. And we have to walk through this newly-built hamlet naked and semi now. Fuck” exclaimed Will.

“Should have guessed there was a reason they were so insistent on them taking our shorts. No going back though”, Sam replied chuckling.

By the time they had covered the next half kilometre to the hamlet, both Sam and Will were truly boned up, with cocks throbbing. Their hope that the hamlet would be quiet was misplaced. The track went past a sports field where a football match was being played. A whistle went to stop play and about eighty pairs of eyes were on Sam and Will as they walked the length of the field.

“I’ll fucking kill Pedro and Juan when we see them”, Will said as they finally got to the end of the sports field to a huge roar from the crowd.

“Chill, Will” was the reply from Sam, who seemed to be taking the events in his stride and enjoying his hard cock slapping against thigh as he walked along.

The last two km of the trail passed uneventfully. They even saw a naked couple walking the opposite way. They had a brief chat with the couple but thought better of warning them about the football pitch. They finally descended into the car park where Pedro and Juan said they would meet up.

After a few minutes, scanning the car park, Will turned to Sam, stating the obvious, “They’re not here”.

They were just about to panic when a voice shouted over, “Hey, you must be Will and Sam, yes? I have message from Pedro. They had to go hospital, Pedro’s mum. He asked if I could meet you. Take care of you. My name is Miquel and this is my friend Carlos.”

Relieved, Sam and Will said Hi to Miquel and Carlos.

Then Miquel said, “ok you get dressed, we can go”.

There was a pause while Sam and Will waited for their shorts. None were offered by Miquel or Carlos

“Erm”, said Sam, “Pedro did give you our shorts didn’t he?”

There was a moment of silence then Miquel laughed, “What? OMG No, they went straight to the hospital. Pedro phoned me, asked me to meet you, look after you until they got back. He never mentioned anything about shorts, sorry.”

“So WTF are we going to do?”, stuttered Will angrily, some other people looking at them now, pointing at their out of place nakedness in the car park.

“I don’t know. let me call Pedro”, said Carlos. Carlos made a call while they stood outside the car. There were a lot of laughs, lots of yes, lots of no being said. Will, Sam and Miquel looked on waiting for the call to end.

Carlos said, “OMG Pedro is so very sorry, he forgot all about your shorts in their car and that is at the hospital now. They will be three or four hours at least. I said that me and Miquel are happy to look after you until then. We would be happy to give you some clothes but we don’t have any spare in the car, sorry.”

Carlos continued, “Pedro suggested we go to the beach or a bar”, winking at Miquel.

Miquel said, “I’m sure we could all do with a beer, yes?”

“They’ll allow us in naked?”, asked Sam.

“The one I’m thinking about will”, said Carlos.

And without thinking their day could get any worse, Sam and Will got into the car with two complete strangers.

Fortunately, because shirtless men in cars is such a common sight in Sitges, very few pedestrians gave Sam and Will a second glance as the car crawled slowly through the busy streets of the old town. Those that did give a second glance gave them a third glance and a smile or chuckle. None of this was doing any good for their embarrassing viagra-induced boners in the back seat of Miquel’s car.

Carlos had been on his mobile most of the journey into town speaking swiftly in Spanish, making a lot of calls, with both him and Miquel laughing at various points. Finally he put his phone down.

“It is all sorted”, Carlos said, “We go to Mantos Bar, but we drop you two off in the deliveries area and Albert will meet you, so you don’t have to walk up the street naked to it. Then Miquel and me will park the car and meet you inside. You can leave rucksack and everything in the car, you wont need those in the bar. OK? Will? Sam?”

Relieved that they wouldn’t have to walk to the bar through busy town centre streets, Sam and Will replied “yeah that’s cool, thanks Carlos”.

They travelled through a few more streets, then turned into a deliveries yard and pulled up. Carlos got on to the phone, and a minute later a man in his fifties, presumably Albert, opened a door and walked up to the car.

“These the English boys? Sam? Will?” Albert asked. Carlos nodded.

Winking to Carlos, Albert said Pedro and Carlos “Ok, you park the car and we see you inside in a few minutes yes?”

Sam and Will, like lambs to the slaughter get out of the car, only a pair of trainers each to their name and follow Albert through an unmarked door, which slams firmly shut after them.

“Follow me, follow me”, said Albert in a strong accent. They followed through a poorly lit corridor until they came out into the bar area. Mantos was definitely a gay bar, with all the rainbow flags and erotic pictures of naked men on the walls. There were thirty or more guys sitting around sipping beer, chatting quietly, and there wasn’t one of them under fifty. Silence fell and all eyes turned when Sam and Will entered and the room.

“Ok English boys, let’s get you to work yes? Carlos said you work three hours then he come back for you. Carlos said you were happy to be paid in beer. So go now, collect glasses and see if any customer need a fresh beer.”

Sam and Will just stood there, not moving. Albert continued “What are you waiting for? This is the arrangement, yes? Ah, OK, Carlos said you were both a bit slow. Cmon boys, get to it!” Albert clapped his hands as if to say start, quickly. “I will pour you both a beer ready for when you bring dirty glasses. Go now go.”

Sam and Will just looked at each other, gobsmacked.

Sam said, “Fuck, Carlos has planned this, the bastard! Fuck, how long did he say, three hours? Fuck!”

Will tersely replied to Sam, “This was your fucking idea. You got us into it. Dickhead!”

Sam took stock of the situation. They had no idea where in Sitges they were, no keys for the airbnb they were staying at, no phone, and no clothes except for the trainers they were stood in. They were boned up and had no idea of what to do.They were well and truly fucked.

Sam replied “At least we get free beer!”.

Sam shouted, “Hey Albert, can you phone Carlos for me? Do you know Pedro and Juan?”

Albert smiled, “Later boys. You clear tables and get new orders. Then we talk to Carlos, yes? Now go go. Or do you want me to call the police and they take you to the station naked eh?”

One look between them and Sam and Will knew that they were better off, if only slightly, being in Albert’s bar doing unpaid bar work bare assed naked and boned, than being led out of the bar cuffed and naked and taken to a police station.

“No, no, no, Boss!” stammered Will. Where did the boss come from? Will had no idea.

“That’s better”, smiled Albert. “You can both call me Boss. Good. Now get to work English boys.”

Sam and Will were left with no choice. So they got to work, going round tables, collecting empties and taking orders for more beer. They were being ogled because they were young slim smooth and boned. And there were more than one phone pointed at them taking photos.

Sam called over to Albert, “Boss please to tell them to stop taking photos of Will and me”.

Albert replied “it’s a free country and if they want to take photos I’m not going to stop them.”

And that was that. The old men were obviously getting in touch with their friends because the bar slowly filled up. Albert poured the beers happily and let Sam and Will collect the tips in a separate jar. Albert also made sure that Sam and Will had a beer on the go at all times.

The hours passed and Sam again asked Albert about calling Carlos or Pedro or Juan.

Albert replied “I don’t know any Pedro or Juan.”

He called Carlos but the phone went straight to voicemail. Sam and Will were starting to panic but Albert reassured them it would all be ok. He said, “Just work this shift and I will arrange a taxi for you to your airbnb.”

Sam and Will continued to work the bar and in fact started to enjoy the banter from the old guys, who were describing in lurid detail what they would like to do with Will and Sam if they were twenty years younger.

Will and Sam must have worked at the bar for five or six hours when they saw two familiar faces at the bar, Miquel and Carlos, who strode straight up to Sam and Will and kissed them on both cheeks and slapped their naked butts hard.

“Well how are our two English bar bitches? Having fun?” Carlos asked.

Without waiting for a reply Carlos continued, “I heard from Pedro, he is coming back from the hospital now. We said for them to meet us here and they can take you home. You have enjoyed your naked hike and bar tending? eh English boys? Pedro said you would.”

Sam and Will did not answer. What do you, the readers, think? What will Sam and Will say to Pedro and Juan when they arrive at Mantos? When will Sam and Will get their shorts back?

Send your ideas to me at and I can write the next part of Sam and Will’s holiday in Sitges.


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