Gay Erotic Stories

Cum Hole for Black Men Pt. 5 - Pimped

by WellFuckD
27 May 2021

Gay Erotic Stories Interracial

After the Washington brothers finished with me, they left and left me naked on the floor of the public bathroom – full of their cum and soaked in piss. It was after dinner time, and I knew I’d have to come up with a story for my mother for why I was so late and so dirty. My underpants were in shreds. I put on the rest of my clothes and left to go home.

My mother was very angry, and sent me to take a shower, telling me to just throw my clothes away. I told her I had been playing basketball with some friends and it had gotten a little rough, and I lost track of time. She was very strict, and even though I was 18, I was still in school, and she sent me off to bed.

All through the night I thought of how I had been turned out by a group of black men in a public bathroom. I felt ashamed, though it also felt natural while it was happening. Leroy had ordered me to meet him the next night to go to Harlem. I was nervous, but I knew too that he would find me if I didn’t show up.

The school day came and went, and I knew I would have to walk home past the basketball courts again. I had told my mother I was playing ball again after school and would be late. She said that was fine, but it was time to find myself a girl.

As I approached the basketball court, I could see a group of black men, and I saw Leroy sitting on the bench, not shooting hoops. He saw me walking, and yelled, “get over here white boy!” I was so nervous I stopped in my tracks. He looked me directly in the eye, cupped his dick, and nodded. I walked over to him.

“You ready to go to Harlem white boy, and do what you were trained to do yesterday?” “I can’t be home late,” I said, “I have school tomorrow.” “Tomorrow you won’t care about school,” he said, “I’m parked over there.”

He pointed to a beat up, red Cadillac two door on the other side of the basketball court with dark, tinted windows. “Let’s go,” he said.

Leroy led me over, opened the door on the passenger side, and nudged me into the backseat. I sort of fell forward, and he pushed the front seat back so I couldn’t get out easily. He got into the driver’s seat, started the car, and off we went. I couldn’t see out the windows because of the tint. He didn’t speak to me for the 45 minutes it took us to get to Harlem.

When the car stopped, Leroy got out. He pushed the driver’s seat forward and said, “get out white boy. We here.” He tugged my arm and I got out of the car. It was the most run-down block I’d ever seen, with people all over the streets and lot of noise. It was also very hot.

Leroy put his arm around my shoulder like he had done yesterday and led me toward a three-story building with crumbling brick, and many broken out windows. We walked up three flights of stairs, some of which were broken or missing. When we got to the top, there were two doors. One of the doors had a hand written sign taped to it that read:

Blow job $10 Pussy $20 Both $25

“That’s you pussy,” he said, “this is your job tonight. I advertised you around.” I was so nervous I didn’t know what to say. He opened the door, and shoved me in.

The room was sparsely furnished with a table and some chairs. It was smokey and smelled of what I would later learn was crack cocaine. There was a much older black man in a wife beater and dark trousers sitting at the table with a cigarette in his mouth.

“This is Oscar. He’s going to get you ready, so do whatever he says. Oscar – you can just call this one ‘pussy,’ cuz that’s what he is.”

Oscar got up slowly leaving the cigarette in his mouth. He motioned me toward the only door that was off that main room. “C’mon pussy,”” he said, “We don’t have much time.”

I followed Oscar into what was the bedroom. Two mattresses were stacked on top of each other on the bare floor. There was no bedding on them. A dining chair was the only other piece of furniture. There was another door off the bedroom that led into the bathroom, which was filthy, and smelled of urine.

“Get your clothes off and stand in the tub,” he commanded. Again, I was so nervous, but I began to strip. I stepped into the tub, and Oscar told me to lean forward. As soon as I did, he pushed my head down to the edge of the tub, and I felt him sticking something up my ass, and then he turned the water on, and I was filled.

The douching went on for about 10 minutes, during which time Oscar smoked his cigarette and read a newspaper. When it was over, he turned on the shower until I was wet from head to toe. He applied hair remover all over my body and legs.

“The brothers mostly been in prison, so they like a more feminine feel.” When he was done, the only hair left on me was on my head. I was cold, and I was shaking a little bit.

“Let’s get you warmed up, bitch,” he said. With that he lowered his trousers and sat down on the toilet. His huge black dick hung between his legs. “Kneel down and suck me, pussy.”

I was naked, hairless and douched in a filthy bathroom somewhere in Harlem. I got down on my knees and crawled across the dirty floor as he spread his legs. When I was close, I breathed in the smell of his sweaty balls. I opened my mouth like I had been trained the day before and took his dick in halfway, while I licked the shaft. Oscar moaned, and I felt his already large dick begin to grow in my mouth.

As I sucked him, I began to relax. This felt natural and right. After about 10 minutes of my sucking his dick, I felt him tense, and then he came in my mouth. I was learning the signs of a man about to cum, and I knew I should be ready to swallow every drop.

Oscar pulled his dick out of my mouth and stuffed it back in his pants. “You’re a good little pussy,” he said, “Leroy’s gonna make a bundle on you. You’ll be sore, but happy.”

With that, he led me back into the bedroom, and toward the mattresses stacked on the floor. “Get up on here on all 4’s and face your pussy toward the door. Only speak if you’re asked a question. Do whatever the men want, no matter what it is. Leroy gets their money ahead of time, and we want ‘em happy.”

I got up on the bed like Oscar had instructed me. “What time will I be done?” I asked sheepishly, “My mother won’t want me home too late.”

Oscar smiled. “Don’t worry about that pussy.” He pulled what looked like a pipe from his pants pocket and put it in my mouth. He lit it, and it sizzled a little, like something was burning. “Breathe in a few times, pussy,” he said, “This will put you in the right frame of mind.”

It smelled bad, but I inhaled a few times. Immediately my head was spinning. My arms felt a little weak, and my asshole was puckering.

“You ready now,” he said, and left the room. When he opened the door, I could hear music, and lots of male voices. I could smell the crack burning too.

Leroy was in the doorway with two big, muscular black men. “Pussy, this is Dice & Freddy,” he said, “They gonna fuck you, and they paid good money so give ‘em what they want.”

They approached the bed. I was so high; I shook my ass a little for them. Dice slapped it hard, and I fell forward so my head was close to Freddy. “Open your mouth,” he said. I looked up and opened my mouth. He stuck the head of his big dick in my mouth and immediately started pissing. I was surprised, and it started splashing around until I closed my mouth tightly as I had learned yesterday.

Dice was fingering me, and I was moaning while I swallowed Freddy’s piss. Dice moved into position behind me, and I instinctively spread my legs a little further apart. He penetrated me easily. His dick felt so good I pushed back. Freddy finished pissing, and his dick started to get hard, still in my mouth. Dice unloaded in my cunt and motioned Freddy to come and take his place. While Freddy fucked me, Dice opened the bedroom door and walked out into the main room.

“Leave that door open dawg,” I heard Leroy say, “case any of you need the toilet…the one in the bathroom.” The guys all laughed.

Freddy shot his load and pulled out. He left the room, and someone else came in. I heard Oscar’s voice, and felt him wipe my ass with a baby wipe. “Paying customers like to think the pussy is fresh,” he said with a laugh. He came around in front of me and stuck the crack pipe in my mouth again. I inhaled. I was out of my mind with lust now.

It was dark and the only light in the room was coming from the other room. Men continued to come into the bedroom, all of them black men, sometimes one, sometimes two or more. I was fucked repeatedly in both my mouth and pussy, usually both at the same time. I was sweating, covered in cum and piss. I was now asking for the crack pipe.

Finally, there was a lull in the action, and I collapsed flat on the mattress.

“Hey pussy!” Leroy called, “you ain’t finished. Get out here!” I knew I had to do what he said. I rolled over and put my feet on the floor. I went to stand but stumbled forward, I was so high. I got my balance as best I could and walked forward through the door, and into the main room. If I could have seen myself, my hair was a mess, my eyes were bloodshot, my lips were swollen, and I had cum running out of my ass.

There were still about 10 guys in the room, most of them smoking. I had no idea what time it was. The lights were dim.

“We got some more dick for you pussy,” Leroy said, “You a crack whore now, baby, so we good if you crawl around and suck us off.” I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I got on all fours and crawled to the first man offering me his big black dick. I sucked it like it was my first one of the night. It must have taken at least another hour to suck off all of the other men in the room. They continued talking and smoking, and no one acknowledged me unless I was sucking his dick.

At some point I’d taken another hit off the pipe, and I must have passed out. I woke up on the floor in the main room with the sun streaming through the window. There were empty cans and bottles all over the room. It smelled, or I smelled, and my head was still spinning.

Oscar came out of the bedroom wearing nothing but a loosely tied robe, smoking a cigarette. “You finally awake, pussy?” he stated more than asked, “You did real good last night. The men liked that mouth and pussy.”

He walked over to where I was lying on the floor until he was standing over me. I looked up, and immediately stared at his huge meat hanging in full view under the robe.

“Go ahead,” he said, “No need to be shy about what you are anymore. We all saw the full pussy in you all night long.”

It took all my strength to get up on all fours and take his dick in my mouth. I sucked him while he stood smoking his cigarette, ashes falling down on me.

“I might as well fuck you while we alone,” he said, “Go get up on the chair on all 4’s and spread that pussy. Oscar’s got a bad back.” I obeyed immediately. Oscar fucked me long and hard, and unlike the paying customers, he seemed to be interested in my pleasure, slowing down or stopping to make sure it felt good for me. After he came, he patted my ass and said, “go shower up, bitch. Leroy be here soon.”

I went back to where the bathroom was and got in the shower with the hot water running. I let the cum run out of me for a couple of minutes. I was coming down from the high and I started to panic thinking about the fact that I was out all night. How would I explain to my mother? I finished my shower and grabbed the only towel in the bathroom.

As I came out of the bathroom, Leroy was back and standing in the bedroom. There was a grocery bag on the bed.

“Where are my clothes?” I asked, “I have to get home.”

Leroy pointed to the bag. “There’s something in there for you to wear, pussy.”

I walked over to the bed and opened the bag. They weren’t the clothes I wore to Harlem the night before, so I dumped the bag out on the bed. There was a black, stretchy miniskirt, a silky gold tank top, and a pair of heels like a hooker would wear.

“What’s this?” I asked in a panic, “I can’t wear this…”

“You did real good last night, bitch,” he said, “made Leroy a lot of money. But you COST me money with the crack you did all night, so I need you to make me some more money to pay for that. You gonna walk the street tonight, baby, and sell that pussy – and Leroy get you some more crack.”

I was almost shaking now, and felt tears welling up in my eyes. “But I have to get home, Leroy…”

“No,” he said, “This your life now. Until Leroy done with you, that sweet pussy gonna make me money. That’s what you are baby. You’re a white pussy.”


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