Gay Erotic Stories

Dr. Goodlove

by Nathan Harvey
04 Jan 2002

Doctor Men In Prison

Warning: this is work of fiction; this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if your are not eighteen or this turns you off, don't read it. Dr Goodlove By Nathan Harvey I had done it the hard way, me Morris Goodlove--kid from the wrong side of the tracks, I was graduating from UIC at the top of my class as a medical doctor. It had been a long hard fight but I finally made it. I always though I had a lot going for me, for one thing I was bright and the other was my foster parents had taught me that no matter how bad things got there was always a way. I had made it all those years in med school now all I had to survive was my Cook County internship and residency. As my Foster father had always said, “ If you want it bad enough you will do anything to get it. I’d been working at the Leathers Bar all through med school because I needed the money and there weren’t many places in town that would hire an ugly half-breed Mexican-Italian like me. Ryan wasn’t about to hire me until he found I was part Mexican and also bilingual. Assuring me I could have the job for as long as I wanted if I met his basic requirements. What I quickly found out was that meant any time his wife wasn’t putting out he was going to fuck my ass. Now don’t get me wrong, I had cocks up the ass growing up. When you live in the kind of neighborhood like ours, and you’re small like a girl, you learn fast to give the bullies whatever they want to keep from getting your ass pounded. Then when it gets around that you’re a cunt boy, you have all the studs after you. Well I put out to them all; it sure beat getting my ass beat off, right? Now, for my regular duties at the Leathers Ryan had be working at the bar training me to be a bartender. After closing I mopped the floors and cleaned the restrooms. It was after we were all done for the night that Ryan took me into the ladies’ rest room and knowing it was this or no job, I began stripping. After looking me over, he said I was one damn fine looking boy with one great ass, and then he bore down on me taking his pleasures. At first I was just a body to him, a hole to fuck. Well, I was more than he expected and after our first fuck he began to treat me differently. Now when he fucked me it was like he was making love to me. At first I tried to close my mind to his feelings, trying to remember that I was only doing it for the money, but I began wanting him, loving him, and from that point onward the die was set for my life. Now Ryan could read me like a book and it wasn’t too long after that he was giving my ass to his buddies. I had become his cunt boy now in everyway. As for my other duties, waiting on our customers it was a snap. I looked Mexican enough so that the changing neighborhood of Mexicans seemed to gravitate to our bar. I had though my secret was safe about being a cunt boy, but one night one of the drunk bitches in the bar had called me a ‘chiflado’ and from that night on there was no hiding it from anyone. God how I hated all those drunken sluts with their long black hair and tight dresses showing everything they had and putting out to anyone that would buy them a drink. Those sluts had the guts to call me a queer! When some of the guys found out I was studying to be a doctor, they began warming up to me--if only to get Ruffies so they could get a piece of ass from their girlfriends. I was only too happy to oblige, hoping the sluts would get knocked up. Now that it had become common knowledge about me being Ryan’s cunt, we began attracting some of the local gays in the bar. Before we had catered to mostly middle aged married men sneaking around on their wives, and ladies out looking for a little excitement, but it was rapidly becoming a watering hole for boys looking for a fast fuck or a guy wanting to get into the pants of another guy. Rarely, we did we get a few couples that would dance, but mostly the Leathers was now the type of bar were men and women came to flaunt themselves intent on getting free drinks. Then it wouldn’t be long before a guy would come for drinks and slipping me a fifty, he would wink and tell me to add something special to his ‘date’s drink. When Ryan got wind of what I was doing, he really didn’t give a shit as long as business was good. By the time I’d finished my residency at Cook, the Leathers was one damn swinging bar for anyone on the make be it the gay or straight crowd. When I finally gave my notice, Ryan begged me to stay saying he would make it more than worth my while. After he was finally convinced that I was indeed leaving, he put up a big sign up on the bar saying we were going to have a going away party to end all parties. I knew what he meant--he was going to miss the business I’d brought in as well as fucking my ass! My party was well into high gear when all hell broke loose. Suddenly there were flashbulbs everywhere and someone was lining us up. To make it simple--we had been raided. By morning my picture was all over the Chicago Tribune sensationalizing me working at this dive and declaring I was doling out Ruffies to earn my way through medical school. Before that damn Tribune article, I had been considered by most of the doctors and nurses at the hospital to be the pick of the litter, but after that exposé, I was suddenly one of the great unwashed. Even after our court appearance (and they could prove nothing) I knew it was over for me. I could hear the snickers and laughter now everywhere I went, and I just wanted to die. I had worked years, prostituted myself, sold out my beliefs—shit--I had sold my soul to make it and now all those choice offers from prestigious hospitals just vanished. My one an only viable offer was from a prison somewhere in Mexico--probably because I was a half-breed and bilingual. I had tried to talk to several of the doctors, but no one wanted anything to do with me. I knew if I was going to work as a doctor, it would be out of the country until this scandal was forgotten. I set about loading my rusted out LeBaron with my few belongings and I didn’t even bother to give anyone my forwarding address. I had no real friends that would miss me--only the ones that had used me. Pulling away from my rundown boarding housem, I had a bitter feeling in my stomach. After leaving Illinois, I figured that to save money, I would drive straight through to Del Rio and cross over the border to Acuna. I only hoped that by the time I got there I would be in a little better mental shape than I was at this point. After passing through Missouri and Oklahoma, it was almost dawn and I knew I had to stop. My ass was numb and I could barely keep my eyes open. I was simply exhausted. I pulled into this motel just outside of Fort Worth. This seedy night clerk looked me over before asking how long I wanted the room. It was more than obvious that they rented a lot of their rooms by the hour. God only knows how long I slept, but when I woke I was sweating like a stuck pig and I had this raging hard-on. Climbing out of the sweat soaked bed I staggered into the tiny cubical that passed for a shower, flicking on the cold water. Standing in the needle spray of water, I began to relieve myself of my affliction. It felt good to get it off without getting my ass fucked for a change. After my lathering up and taking a leisurely shower, it was time to hit the road again. While I was pulling out of the motel, I realized just how hungry I was and I began looking for a place to eat. Suddenly the traffic was getting all bunched up and slowing up ahead. I rolled down my window asking the office directing the traffic what the hold up was. He told me there was a serious accident ahead. I told him I was a doctor and offered my services. Pulling me out of the line, he began leading me in a meandering path through the cars until we came upon this overturned car. Getting out of my car and grabbing my black bag, I began running toward the car only for someone to tell me to stop. The wreck was leaking gas and might explode--and there was nothing but this damn old Mexican in the truck anyway. Pushing myself past the officer and the medics standing there watching the smoking wreck, I managed to crawl into the window and began checking out the situation. The smell of gas was everywhere and working as quickly as I could, I managed to cut the victim free of his seat belt and began pulling him out of the window. I had this choice--to move him and risk further injury or to let him burn. I chose to move him, and as soon as I had pulled him a few feet, two cops were suddenly helping me drag him away. We had no sooner got him a few more yards from his truck, than we were knocked flat by the explosion of the wreck. Then the medics who had been numbly watching sprang into action--now that there was no danger of them getting hurt. Loading the man onto a gurney one hotshot medic pushed me away, telling me to leave it to the professionals do it. Standing there covered in gas and mud I though, “Sure-- now that someone did the dangerous part!” Thinking, “To hell with the lot of you” I got back in my car I and headed out, damming all of humanity. Save a guy’s life and then get pushed away like a piece of trash. I was so steamed; I almost missed seeing this truck stop. Stopping at this mom and pop restaurant and taking one of my bags, I asked the old guy at the counter if I could shower and change. Smelling the gas on me, he asked if I’d seen the wreck they were talking about on the news, and of how the medics had risked their lives to save this man. I told him what had really happened and about my pulling the guy out of the truck, and then getting pushed away. He nodded like he really believed me and pointed to a door saying to help myself to the trucker’s showers. Pushing the door open, I was startled by this big black trucker using the communal showers. Nodding a greeting, I began stripping. In ten minutes I was all showered and fresh, when I felt his hands on my shoulders as he pulled me back against him. It had been weeks since I’d had a cock up my ass and suddenly I wanted him bad. As his hands came around seizing my nipples, in a blind fit of lust I spread my legs and hunched over surrendering my ass to him. He knew the minute he was inside me that I knew my way around the track, and he began pumping like a animal. After feeling him explode inside me he just moaned saying, “Baby you got one sweet ass!” As his cock slid from my ass, I managed to turn and sunk to my knees, taking his cock into my mouth. I needed him bad. Sucking him deep into my throat, he was now all over me grinding and pumping until finally he let loose again with his firepower. Pulling out of my throat, he swore that I was one hot bitch. A couple of minutes later he was dressed and out of there. Standing up, I was feeling a lot better now. I slid into a fresh pair of jockeys and pulled on a clean suit. With a few strokes a the comb in by hair, I was as presentable as I would ever get. After exiting the trucker’s quarters I began looking around for the black trucker. The place was empty, save the waitress--Maggie, her nametag advertised. She asked if I was ready to order. After calling in my order, she then asked if I was the doctor like her husband had said, adding that most of us Mexicans didn’t ever get to school like the Americans did. Telling her I was born in Chicago and I had just graduated, she then asked if I was going to Mexico on vacation or business. When I told her ‘The Lacuna’ in Acuna Mexico she got this worried look, saying I’d better be thinking about someplace else to practice--that place was nothing but sin, disease and pestilence. Everybody knew that--them that them that went in there--came out in a box! About then the old coot told her to mind her own business, that I looked like I could take care of myself. Shuffling away she was lamenting aloud “There’s nothing but killers and rapists in that place, god help you son!” Shi--I thought, and me with this five-year contract with them--this really makes my day. Well, at least the meal had been good, and finishing as I started to pay, the old guy was telling me not to mind his woman, she was a gossip. Handing him a ten spot, he gave me change and wished me luck, saying I was sure going to need it. Pulling out of the lot, I knew Del Rio was only about an hour away and then I would be crossing over the Rio Grand and into another world. It seemed strange driving through all the green along the road; I had always though of Texas as a barren wasteland, from the way my father had talked. Slowing as I began coming to civilization, I was delighted and surprised to pass a lovely park-like setting where people were swimming and frolicking like children. God I thought, What am I thinking, I’m a doctor. That old life is behind me now, when my contract is up I can come home and things will be different. I had helped that man back there and I was going to help those poor men in Lacuna. This was why I had become a doctor. Maybe this is on tract with what I had decided to do with my life. My thoughts began to brighten as I continued my drive, passing through Del Rio’s charming little business district on my way to the bridge--and Acuna. I could see the bronzed faces of the men, many of them with the same features I bore. I began to relax feeling for the first time in my life that I was among my own kind. Stopping at the bridge that spanned the Rio Grande, separating the two countries, when I told the American guard I was going to work in Mexico, he didn’t even look up. After going on, telling him I was the new Doctor for Lacuna, he just shrugged his shoulders, asking if I was a citizen of the United States, or of Mexico. I could tell by his every action he dismissed me as just another Mexican in his mind. Moving over the bridge to the Mexican inspection point, this rather brusque Mexican border guard began his inquiry, asking who I was and where I was going with so much luggage. Telling him I was the new Doctor for Lacuna, he smiled and suddenly began treating me like royalty. Asking directions to Lacuna, this guy pulled out a wrinkled piece of paper and began drawing me a map while chattering away in his brand of rapid-fire Spanish. About then some wise ass in a car filled with airmen from one of the many bases in the state, began shouting for me to get out of the way. Hearing the shouting, another guard descended on the driver and ordered him out of their car. Pulling away, I could see the poor bastard getting patted down and everyone in the car was out and all over the road being searched. Chuckling to myself, I was thinking better never to wise-off to the police in Mexico--they had their own ways of handling things. Driving into Acuna it was picture perfect, dusk had fallen and the lights of the town had come on showing off the old fashioned buildings filled with little bars and shops to their best advantage. The darkness seemed to make the buildings--as well as the crowd--more than they were--not the shabby adobe and cement structures in disrepair with the milling crowds, searching for a cheap good time. Now they seemed to just reflect an enchanting old world at fiesta time. In reality, in a few hours the gaily-lit streets that were crowded with Americans on vacation, eager to have a good time, would be dark with only a few drunken tourists struggling to get home with their gaudy, worthless trinkets. As I left all that behind me, about five miles out of town the paved road turned to gravel. Fearing I was lost and stopping to check the map, I found I was headed in the right direction--in fact the only direction I could go. Driving into the growing blackness the headlights cut through the night and in the distance, I began to see lights ahead. I knew this had to be Lacuna and feeling a sigh of relief, I began to relax--I was almost there. This was where I would live and work for the next five years. In a strange sort of way, I felt like I was home. The town was nice, the weather beautiful—apparently it wasn’t going to be ALL bad. Now as I got even closer, I could make out a chain link fence bordering the road with signs warning ‘Electrico.’ Getting even closer, I came to a gate and someone began flagging me down. After coming to a stop and rolling my window down, in his rapid-fire Spanish and his rapidly gesturing hands, I managed to find out he was the ‘Carcelero’ and in my limited Spanish, I knew he was telling me he was the prison keeper. Telling him I was the ‘Nuevo Medico’ he broke out into a big grin and in perfect English said, “We have been expecting you Senior Medico. Your rooms are ready; please pull into the compound and Emanuel will take you to your quarters.” After pulling through the now open gate, this bull of a man in white pants and jacket-like top--but barefooted--approached my car saying he was my ‘cuidador’. When I didn’t understand, he went on trying to make me understand, ‘guarda’, ‘encargado’. Finally, I realized he was assigned to guard me. “What the hell?” I thought, “What have I gotten myself into--that I need a guard?” Turning to his bull of a man, I asked in my faltering Spanish, “Why do I need a guard?” In perfect English he turned to me and smiled saying, “To keep you from getting raped Senior Medico.” Trying to think of something to change the subject, I asked if he had worked here long. There was a long pause and then looking straight ahead as if he were talking about the weather he said, “No Senior Medico, I am here for the rest of my life. I killed my lover because he was cheating on me and then I cut the cock and balls off of the man that was fucking him.” Looking over at him, I found it hard to believe that he could have been gay before he came in this place, but I was probably going to find out quite a lot in the next few weeks. Suddenly waving his arm and almost hitting me in the face, he kept saying “Aqui mismo, Senior Medico this is your hacienda.” Leaping out and pulling these old wooden doors open, I saw what was supposed to be a garage and pulling in, even before I had the engine shut down, Emanuel was pulling my luggage out of the car. Letting him struggle with my bags, I went on ahead to see my new home. As I came around the front of the low adobe building, I couldn’t help but notice the heavy wrought iron bars on all the windows and then that heavy solid oak door with the iron straps across it. Stepping into the dim room, I was relieved to find at least I had electricity. Flicking on the switch, the room seemed to come alive. The walls bore the sign that at one time they had been white washed and the floor was of dark polished tiles. Someone that had taste had gone to a great effort to make the room pleasant by putting oriental rugs on the floor and surrounding them with comfortable leather armchairs in front of the fireplace. The nichos around the room were filled with paper flowers giving the place a warm cozy feeling. Whoever had done this room had excelled in simple good taste. I was startled when someone entered from the outside asking if there were anything I wanted. All I had to do was just ask. Then after a pause he asked, “A woman from the town for the night?” When I replied ‘no,’ he smiled saying, “I though not. Then perhaps a young boy or older man; whatever you want is yours for the asking” Blushing saying there was nothing I needed he smiled saying, “Please doctor, I have been around too many men not to know you have needs and wants--I know the look of hunger in a man’s eyes”. By then Emanuel was struggling into the room with my bags and this tall, elegant man pointed to a door telling him to settle me in the bedroom. No sooner had the bedroom door slammed shut than the man extended his hand saying, “I am Adolph Gonzalez. I run this place. I am the one that hired you.” After shaking his hand in this sort of stupid formality, he then moved to a credenza and opening said, “Let’s the two of us have a drink and get to know one another.” Pouring me a drink of what looked like brandy, he took his glass and setting by the hearth began, “I am gay. I understand how the men feel and I sympathize with them--and I even encourage them to freely fraternize with one another.” Then in this low quiet voice he continued, “Our main problem here used to be just gonorrhea and syphilis, but now we have this AIDS thing. We are desperate for you to help us, doctor. Poor Emanuel was suffering from Gonorrhea when they brought him here and he was so ignorant he thought it was a punishment from god for his killing a man.” About then Emanuel had come out of the bedroom and was standing with his head bowed in shame. Looking at the outline of his enormous cock running down his wrinkled trousers I was thinking, “My god this man is hung like an animal.” With a wave of his hand Adolph Gonzalez dismissed him, telling me he was cured now, but afraid to touch another man for fear of retribution. “You see as their warden, it is up to me to see that each of the weaker men has a protector, a companion so to speak. Now you as their doctor will keep them healthy.” As we settled into our chairs, I couldn’t help but stair into Adolph’s black eyes, and as he talked, I kept thinking of Maurier’s Svengali. Sitting there wordlessly sipping his brandy, his black hair set off by this gray strip of gray, he was as compelling a figure of a man as he was ageless. His limpid black eyes seemed to be watching my every move. Then slowly standing and taking my glass, he said I must be tired. Watching him move effortlessly to the credenza, he turned then and began undoing his shirt. Smiling he asked, “Do I read you right doctor? You’re in need of companionship?” Looking up at his tall, elegant body dusted by this coal black hair, I could feel the blood rushing to my face and my groin. I found myself stuttering, “But I shouldn’t.” And he said in this low, calm voice, “But you will, won’t you?” Watching as his pants slide down his legs exposing his long, pendulous cock, any protest I may have had in me just died in my throat unspoken. Stepping out of his trousers, as he moved closer, his cock had now risen to full staff as he said, “I was sure you would want company tonight, doctor.” Holding his arms out to me to come to him, he knew as well as I did that he could do anything he wanted with me now. Leading me to the bedroom, he had almost stripped me naked by the time we reached the door. Pushing it open with one hand and leading me to the bed, in one swift motion I was on my back with my legs over his shoulders. Feeling his fingers in my ass shortly thereafter, I found myself completely surrendering to him. To say he was good was the understatement of the year--as his cock touched my anus it seemed to be alive and it was like his whole body was in motion as his cock began drilling into me. His hands had moved to my nipples and working them, my whole body came alive and my ass seemed to suck his enormous shaft effortlessly into my body. It was all but apparent my Svengali was a master at making love, and even though his cock wasn’t the largest I’d had, it was setting my insides on fire. Within seconds I was begging for more as he began felling me with his cum. Sliding out of my hungry ass he chuckled saying it was time to treat my first patient. Not understanding what exactly he meant, it was when the door opened and Emanuel came in his head bowed that I began to realize he was going to have this beast screw me. In that low smooth voice he began explaining to me in English that Emanuel had done this terrible thing to another man and he in his ignorant way, he was convinced that god was punishing him with impotency. Laying there looking at that hulk of a man, I was terrified when I saw the size of his still soft cock. I knew it would do no good to run. Laying there looking at this animal, life began to show in that thing between his legs until at last it was bobbing and swaying--eager to find a hole to expel its load. Emanuel’s eyes were now glazed over in sexual lust as he crawled up on the bed and clumsily lifted my legs over his shoulders. Adolph was now warning him to be gentle with me. Had it not been for Adolph stretching and lubricating my ass with his cum, I would have been torn apart when this beast began working his massive cock into my ass. Ever so slowly as his cock disappeared into my ass, Adolph kept admonishing Emanuel to be gentle, and to give my body time to accept him. Slowing he kept going until my poor stretched body had taken all of him. It was then that Emanuel began his courtship of my ass. As his organ began its work, I could see the wanton lust on his face and suddenly this longing--it was as if he had clamed my body as his property. Slowly the resentment and fear was replaced with desire and looking up at that manly beast, lust began sweeping through my body and I found myself pumping back, driving him even deeper inside me. Now looking into those of black pools of Emanuel’s eyes, lust had had been replaced with adoration and I realized the beast was falling in love with me. Looking franticly at Adolph, he just smiled saying in his poor stupid mind he felt he belonged to me now, and he would be my lover and my protector. Almost as an afterthought, as he was gathering up his clothes, he warned me not to give Emanuel any reason to be jealous, because he had killed a man for betraying him. As the door closed I heard him say, “Congratulations doctor, you have treated your first patient here at Lacuna.” Like all things--even pain can be addictive--even desired--and as the night progressed, this poor sex-hungry beast kept at me, satisfying years of pent up emotions. My body had now begun responding to him automatically and finding myself pushing back with his every thrust, he managed to drive himself even deeper inside me. It must have been well into the morning when he cradled me in his arms and as I wept, he licked the tears from my face. I had had many men in my past, but this was the first time I had given myself to anyone body and soul. Feeling his strength and warmth, I must have then drifted off into a deep sleep. I fought waking, but this persistent shaking finally brought me back to reality. There standing over the bed was the ridiculous sight of this hulk and animal of a man with this little frilly apron around his hairy body, holding a tray. Sitting up, unable to believe my eyes I was looking at one of the swishiest fagots I’d ever seen. Leaning back, as he placed the tray, he kneeled at my bedside watching me eat with this lovesick expression on his face. After shoving a piece of jelled toast in my mouth, he just glowed. “Well,” I thought, “if I have to live here as a mare to this stallion, I was going to rather like his taking care of me.” I had no sooner finished the dregs of that terrible coffee than he announced that my shower was ready. Only then did I realize the damage he had done to my poor ass when I tried to stand. After helping me to the shower, he washed me almost like a mother washes her young son. I learned from Emanuel than that the only clothing that was worn in the prison was the white pajama like outfits of this rough bleached muslin. Outfitted as such with sandals on our feet, Emanuel and I made our way to the clinic. On entering I was stunned to see how poor the equipment was and how little drugs and medicines were stocked. Looking over the basic but old equipment, I was startled by Adolph’s voice behind me saying, “We need much. We have been without a doctor for a long time. You will make out a list and I will see that you have what you need.” Before I had a chance to respond, the men began coming in two at a time. It was sometimes hard to tell which one was the protector. When you see two great hulks sitting there, only after close observation did the difference emerge. It was as Adolph had said, these were hardened criminals, they were in for lifetime sentences and it was essentially survival of the fittest. He had taken Darwin type, but extreme measures letting the men chose for themselves who would be masculine who feminine one for the men’s safety. Two by two I began working up their files, making careful note of who were the dominant and the submissive ones, because in most cases, just looking it was impossible to tell. As I would ask them questions and write comments in their files, Emanuel would hover over me like a mother. It was now apparent to all from his actions that I was his property and no one to be trifled with. Doling out a few pills here and giving a shot there, most of the time all I needed to do was to explain to them how to hygienically care for themselves and their partners. When there was any doubt about my instructions, Emanuel would tell them to strip and I would then show them how to care for themselves. After the fifth set of men, this soon became my basic routine to teach them-- hygiene. It was not an unpleasant task touching and feeling these men, and they responded to my touch. I found time passing quickly and soon the weeks had turned into months. The men were kept busy building; either by working on a new chapel in the compound, or the workroom where they made pottery to sell to the tourists. As for me, I was treating everything from an impacted tooth, to a broken limb, and to appendicitis. True we lost a few inmates to AIDS, but then we all expected that. I t was amazing at how well our little community was working. Only when a new member was added, did we have some rough going for a while until it was decided how he was going to fit into our society. By now I was completely addicted to Emanuel. His cock had become the delight of my life. It was when I wanted to show him how much I had begun to care for him, that he explained he wanted me to hurt him--to beat him. At first I didn’t understand and I went to Adolph because quite frankly, I was afraid if I hurt Emanuel and in the process angered him, he might kill me. That was when Adolph explained to me his lover had been his Master and had trained him with pain. He loved me and if I wanted to show him how much I loved him, I would need to inflect pain on him--in other words, beat him and fist fuck him. I knew such things went on, but to do this to another man frightened me, but after that first lash of the whip and seeing him glowing at me in absolute adoration, I really began getting into it. I had never controlled a man like this, and feeling this rush, I began pounding on his back and ass. It was when I tied him to the bed and began working my fist into his ass, that he began begging for me to fuck him with my arm. Somehow this mad feeling came over me and I now felt like his body was my plaything. He really did belong to me body and soul. I was the Master he the slave. Time meant nothing to us in our cloistered world and little did I realize at the time how much I had bonded to Emanuel. When Adolph called me to his office telling me my time of service was over, I suddenly realized I could never leave him or this place. Over the last five years I had spent most everything I made on drugs and bandages and things for the men. When one of them was seriously ill, I would sit with them and worry over them and care for them like they were my children. It seemed strange, me among all these thugs and rapists and killer--and yet I moved in complete safety--they knew I was here for them. As for Emanuel--they knew we were in love and I had become one of them by choice. Adolph like Svengali had spun his web and I was his property now as much as Emanuel was mine. When he pushed the contract into my hands and I promptly had signed it, I saw the glittering triumph in his eyes and I found myself thinking, “You smart bastard! You know I can never leave Emanuel.” Comments to Nathan Harvey At


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Caught in the Act

Disclaimer: This is fiction; the characters are not depictions of any real persons, living or dead. What you make of this story is entirely your own perception. Barry and I were setting in the Leathers bar wondering why we bothered to waste our time here night after night. It was always the same dismal scene. Everyone would sit around on Friday night posing and primping and making


We'd just returned from helping Jason, my brother, move into his new apartment. Mother was telling every one that would listen to her how wonderful Jason was, and how close he and his little brother were. She kept telling people it was because that Jason had a hand in caring for his little brother. Jason had even been the one to suggest Mark for my name. Damn, I hated it when she

Chico's Boy

Warning: this is a work of fiction; this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if your are under eighteen or if this turns you off, don't read it. Chico’s Boy By Nathan Harvey As we pointed our old clunker south, I was excited about starting my new life. Looking over that that handsome Mexican stud, he was everything

Destiny's Child

As a child growing up I never really gave any thought how different I was from the other guys. I played all the same games that they did, swam bare ass with them and smoked my first cigarettes with them in back of our garage. Sometimes in the summer we would all sit in a huddle talking about what we were going to be when we grew up. Then as we began getting older, we began comparing our cocks

Dr. Goodlove

Warning: this is work of fiction; this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if your are not eighteen or this turns you off, don't read it. Dr Goodlove By Nathan Harvey I had done it the hard way, me Morris Goodlove--kid from the wrong side of the tracks, I was graduating from UIC at the top of my class as a medical


It had been over four years, almost five since Grandpa had been appointed as my legal guardian. He had to pull a lot of strings, because I was not really his grandson by blood. I’d been adopted by my parents and he and I weren’t really related. He had a lot of pull in our county, so he managed to get custody of me. It didn’t take me long for me to find out why he wanted me. From

El Rancho

The valley was surrounded by miles of dusty arid wasteland, making El Rancho an Eden in a wasteland. It was a handsome ranch with low buildings of white stucco and red tile roofs, nestled in this green valley with garden like pastures and walking trails. Casey Morrison had selected the perfect secluded spot for his Gay tourist ranch. He did no advertising and the only way past the

Executive Sweets

I'd gotten up late this morning and I had to rush to dress for work. I wanted to look especially nice today; I was being interview by personnel for a new promotion. The office grapevine had it that that the new position was an important service position to Mr. Sams the company president. I'd been with the company for five years and I'd done every thing to get ahead. I lived in

First Love

Ever since I was a small kid I’d spent all my free time in my bedroom on my computer. It had become the window to my world, my teacher in all things that I could never asked my parents about. I could go always go on line and find answers to anything I needed to know. My computer wasn’t like it was for me in High School, it never called me a nerd or a fag, it was my friend and

First Time

Warning: this is a work of fiction; this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if this turns you off, don't read it. First time By Nathan Harvey Bobby Tyler and I had been buddies as far back as kindergarten and I think I was in love with him even then. I know they always say gay people are not born that way, but I

Friend, Lover, Master

It was a great day when I graduated collage. This would be an end of putting up with all the dumb hicks in this small town. This was the first day of my new life. Ever since I was a small kid I’d planed on ways of getting out of this dumpy little town of South Bend. It was a town of losers. I was tired of all the simpering religious fagots and easy women who pranced around in their

Full Circle

Warning: this is a work of fiction; this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if your are not eighteen or this turns you off, don't read it. Full Circle By Nathan Harvey I was Carlson Tennyson and I was a man to be reckoned with. I am in my early thirties and I was already richer than any man deserves to be. It was

Getting Religion

It was an unusually gray day for Rome, the rain was coming down in buckets as they say in America. Samuel Johnson and his Ward, Joshua had been in Rome just last year on a pleasure trip. Today they were just finishing their glasses of wine in a charming little ‘Restaurant’ on the Via Salaria. It was just a few steps from their hotel, The La Pergola. Unfortunately this trip to Rome

Gladiator, Part 1

The Gladiators was thought to be one of the most exclusive fraternities at school. In reality it was an off campus organization completely free from any school influence or domination. Gladiators were always the hunks that stood out on campus because of their beautiful bodies and high ranking scholastic standings. In class they were always the smart ones at the top of their game.

Gladiator, Part 2

I was on the steps waiting for him a little early but Eric was right on time and he picked me up. Slowing this silver Sebring convertible he waved me down to the street. As I climbed into his car he said he had the top down because he loved the fresh air evening air and asked if I minded. He said he loved that free feeling early fall in the air as he cruised the drive from school

Gladiator, Part 3

Holding his hand out to me he said the other pledges seemed to have already had theirs it was now my turn. As we moved through the doors of the ballroom and into this long hall we approached this handsome older man in a leather thong that had been standing guard. Turning then and leading us to this door at the end of the hall. Then reaching in front of us he opened the door for us

Gladiator, Part 4

I heard my name called then. I was ready now eager for the fight. Eric leaned over saying do you best and if you lose I will make you a good master. My fight seemed to go on forever. He had this bear hug on me and I thought then that I was done for. The oil had made our body's slick and we had a hard time holding on to each other. Quickly sliding down a little I managed to grab

Good Neighbor

Good Neighbor By Nathan Harvey This is a work of fiction meant to be read for pleasure only. The retirement party from work was over and now I am launched into those golden years that the young people talk about. However, and a big however I find that the myth of retirement quickly faded. Two little money and two much time is tarnishing that brass ring that retirement is all


We had been raised as brothers for years even though I was adopted when I was fourteen. Kelly never let me forget that I was different and that we weren’t blood relatives. It was after his mother died that Walter wanted a companion for Kelly. He had to pull a lot of strings to get me adopted, but he had money and power. He’d had always told Kelly that he’d adopted Christopher just


In the six months since I’d moved to Chicago, I hadn’t been able to find a job. I was at the end of my rope. Finally, I had to go to my landlord Mr. Clint to tell him after living there for only six months, I had to move. I knew I had a year’s lease, but I told him I was desperate, broke and I’d done everything to try to find a job. Mr. Clint seemed very understanding. He said that

It Happened One Night

Warning: This is a work of fiction; this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. If you are not eighteen, or if this turns you off--sign off now. It Happened one Night By Nathan Harvey I had run the advertisement in the Tribune over the weekend and it read simply, ‘Wanted roommate to share expenses of a large lakefront

Jail Bait

For a week now I had been hitching rides more interested in the studs that were driving than were they were going. Hitchhiking had been a great way of getting picked up by some hunky studs. Oh I did sort of a have a destination in mind but if a guy with a great looking body or flashing a big cock stopped I could always make a slight detour. So to speak you might say I was blowing

Janitor's Delight

It was a hot day as I stood in line at the "Mail Box etc" with my package. I was waiting to get my box wrapped, posted and ship back for my refund. I'd ordered a Dave Lord dildo and they sent me a replica of piece of meat that looked like it had been cast from a rogue elephant. It was the biggest black dong I'd ever seen. It was just too much to expect to take. I sure would like

Kennel Boy

It was going to be an early Fall. I could see by the few scraggly leaves left on our trees that winter was not far off. Setting there on the porch of that rundown shack of a farmhouse, all there was to do was watch those dust devils whirling across the landscape. I hated the fucking State of Texas from the day I was sent here. I knew from experience that we were in for two more

Leather Man

I'd just left Makielski's art store after picking up my art supplies and suffering sticker shock at pre-stretched canvas prices. I'd have to go back to stretching my own canvas, --at least until I started selling more of my work and making more money. Putting the canvas in back with some of my other paintings, I pulled out of the parking lot to get my goodies home. Still thinking


It was blistering hot that summer day and I was sitting on the porch of that rundown little farmhouse I felt like white trash. Sunday afternoons were the pits. I’d just graduated from their hick little high school and was glad to be done with those jerks. They were even happier to get rid of me, telling me I was the most disruptive student they ever had. Now I was eighteen and


The kids had called me Lochinvar in school ever since Mrs. Simmons read that damn poem by Scott in English literature class. It was Bill Simmons that had first started calling me Lochinvar in class. It caught on like wildfire and before the week was out everyone was calling me Lochinvar. Bill was the biggest kid in school and really a bully but he also was the best looking kid. He


Michael and I had been buddies for as long as I could remember. We started chumming around together as little kids and stayed friends all through grade school and high school. Michael had always been my hero. He was bigger than I was and seemed so smart in everything. I thought he was the most wonderful boy in the world. When we horsed around wrestling, he was always the winner,

New Boy In Town

Warning: this is a work of fiction; this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. If you are not eighteen or this turns you off, don't read it. New Boy in Town By Nathan Harvey Not bad for a little five foot four lightweight. As the top scholar of my class I’d had many offers but the best was from this Mr. Warren guy. He

New World Five

Warning: this is a work of fiction; this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if this turns you off, don't read it. New World Five By Nathan Harvey I was setting at the table listing to my breeders telling me about the old world of earth. They talked about things like trees, lakes, and sunsets that had once existed

On Probation

Warning: this is work of fiction; this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. If you’re not eighteen or this turns you off, don't read it. On Probation By Nathan Harvey I’d been working at the DownTowner now every since I was of age. There weren’t many places in town that would hire a high school dropout on probation,


Warning: this is a work of fiction; this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if your are under eighteen or if this turns you off, don't read it. Persuasion By Nathan Harvey Sitting next to Bobby in the car it was hard to believe how much my life had changed since he’d come into my life. For three years High school


It was late when my bus finally pulled into South Bend. We had engine trouble and had been delayed for hours somewhere in Tennessee. Now, we were pulling into South Bend hours late. I had all the stuff I owned stuffed in one ratty little suitcase I’d gotten from Goodwill. I knew I had to find a place to stay tonight but it was just two late to find anything and I was almost broke.

Pretty Daddies

It was a hot day and I was sitting on the front steps watching Kelly playing with his kids. The only thing I hated about these houses was there were no front porches. There was no polite way to watch your neighbors without appearing to be nosey. I like the porches that I grew up in with. It was a wide sweeping space stretching across the front of the houses and had that neat

Reporting For Duty Sir!

I was almost finished with my four-year tour of duty in the Air Force. I was glad to get out because I wanted to go to college and start a new life. Service had been good to me. I’d see a good part of the country and loved when I was stationed in Orlando, but that was now coming to an end. I hated the restrictions and lack of personal freedom. I really never liked being ordered


Warning: this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex featuring consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if this turns you off, don't read it. Disclaimer: This is fiction; the characters are not depictions of any real persons, living or dead. What you make of this story is entirely your own perception. Rocco By Nathan Harvey Rocco had been our building super for as

Service Boy

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. Service Boy By Nathan Harvey Professor Robert Cassias Carlyle ran a tight ship when

Service Boy, Part 1

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. Service Boy By Nathan Harvey Professor Robert Cassias Carlyle ran a tight ship when

Service Boy, Part 2

As the black cop’s patrol car pulled out on the highway I pulled out behind him. I had no idea where I was, what day it was or even what month it was. All I knew was I was following this beautiful black cop and I would go anywhere to have that cock of his inside me. Seeing his directionals signaling a turn, I began slowing. We were then traveling down this service road and he then

Shower Buddies

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. Shower Buddies By Nathan Harvey All through High School the only class I dreaded was gym. At first it was because I was so bad in sports that nobody wanted me on

Sissy Boy

It was a bummer sitting in Spanish Class looking at Miss Silvers droning on in that dull hypnotic voice, “ Me Casa Es Su Casa.” I was trying do finish a drawing when I looked up and she was standing there watching me. In a shrill voice she warned me I was going to fail her Spanish class if I didn’t shape up real fast. Damn I though, I needed at least one year of a language to get

Slave Boy

It was hard to believe my mother was getting remarried. I hated the idea of living out in the country with none of my old friends being around to hang with, and worst of all was the guy she was marrying had a son that was about a year older than me. They both seemed nice enough and I liked Jason, my new stepfather, but I just didn't trust his son Joshua. Mother and I moved

Sons Of Eros

What is it that they say, you can never go home again? It seemed strange being back in Elkhart. After ten years it was hard to even recognize it as my hometown. The Malls were the new downtown; everywhere in the country and Elkhart was no exception. All the elegant stores I’d remembered along Main St. were now gone and the street had become nothing but cheap bars and empty

Stud Farm

I would remember June 23, 2000 now as more than my birthday. It was my day of liberation. ‘I’ Jeffery Lancer was free at last. That was the new name I’d chosen when I decided to start out on my new life. I wanted to leave all the memories of my past or anyone that knew me behind. All I was leaving was nineteen years of abuse with foster parents and being shuttled from home to home.

Tennessee Justice System

Warning: this is a work of fiction; this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if this turns you off, don't read it. Tennessee Justice System By Nathan Harvey As far back as people can remember they were saying little Gary Saven was headed for trouble. Now in a town of less than three hundred, everyone knew me; they

Terminal Man

I had been planning for weeks on hitching a ride to South Bend to look for work. I had all my stuff crammed into one of those old marine duffel bags and I was anxious to start a new life somewhere. Peru was a small town and their just wasn’t many jobs there for a nineteen year that had just graduated from High School. Most of my classmates were either farm boys or going to college

The Apprentice, Part 1

We had just two days until our graduation from Center High and we decided to do a little celebrating early. Kyle’s parents were going out of town, so he said he could get wheels for our party. So Friday night he snuck his father’s big Buick out of their garage and picked us up. We were off then to cross over the state line into Michigan where I knew we could get booze at the Last Chance Liquor

The Apprentice, Part 2: Conclusion

It was just a short walk from downtown to my father’s house, just five miles and lifting my duffel on my shoulder I decided to jog. After that long bus ride I needed to flex my stiff muscles and get some blood moving. It was when I approached the house I had lived in so many years that it now seemed so dark and lonely. Climbing the stairs and unlocking the door, I was again struck at how silent

The Big One

It was a slow night at the bar. I knew most of the people there-- hell I'd been fucked by most of the studs that were in the room. I'd been coming here ever since High School when I realized I was gay. I'd become a regular here even before I could order a drink. Back then Walter, the bartender, knew how old I was but pretended I was legal. He liked having me around to suck him

The Choosing

Warning: this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex, featuring consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if this turns you off, don't read it. Disclaimer: This is fiction; the characters are not depictions of any real persons, living or dead. What you make of this story is entirely your own perception. The Choosing By Nathan Harvey I just managed to make it in

The Faternity

I had never admitted even to myself that I was gay but I decided that on my eighteenth birthday I wanted to get a job, find my own place and find out about life. When applying for my first job I was interview by the owner of the firm I was ready to admit I like men. When I first laid eyes on David I was ready to admit that I would do anything to be with that man. He was tall,

The Final Step

Warning: this is a work of fiction; this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if this turns you off, don't read it. The Final Step By Nathan Harvey All my life I had heard my father talk about how the niggers were ruining the country and they all should be put on a leaky ship and sent back to African. If it wasn’t the

The Foreman

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Foreman By Nathan Harvey Maxwell Construction Company was building this new

The Game

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Game By Nathan Harvey We had heard all the jokes about twins all our lives and

The Game, Conculsion

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Game, The Conclusion By Nathan Harvey All the way back to South Bend Harvey and

The Game, Part 2

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Game Part 2 Harry and Harvey Even though we had moved on, we kept in touch

The Game, Part 3

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Game, Part 3 By Nathan Harvey Harvey and I hadn’t been this excited about

The Game, Part 4

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Game, Part 4 By Nathan Harvey The party had been our final device to pull Kyle so

The Isle of Mann

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. Isle of Mann. By Nathan Harvey The bar was practically empty and I’d given up

The Major

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Major By Nathan Harvey His name was Michael Lansing, but everyone at Cal

The Mall Rat

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. Mall Rat By Nathan Harvey All my life I have been hung up on clothes. I had stacks of

The Orgy

Warning: this is a fiction, this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. if your are under eighteen or if this subject matter offends you, don't read it. The Orgy By Nathan Harvey This was my last year in college and I wanted this spring vacation to be special. I had had asked my dad if I could go with the guys in my

The Pony Ranch

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Pony Ranch By Nathan Harvey Dallas had been plagued with street kids, run away

The Preacher's Son

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Preacher’s Son By Nathan Harvey Bobby Adams and I had been friends ever since our

The Secretary, Part 1

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Secretary, Part 1 By Nathan Harvey It was when I started High School that I began

The Secretary, Part 2

The Secretary, Part 2 By Nathan Harvey The work that day was especially grueling, but it kept my mind off of what I had to do. I knew it was going to be a very profitable day for the salvage end of our business. It seemed like everyone was house cleaning for winter. It was almost dark by the time we had finished unloading and separating the salvageable material and scrap from the

The Secretary, Part 3

Showing up at the unemployment agency, I took one of the number took a seat and waited. Sitting there watching as each person stood when their number was called and made their way to some interviewer’s desk. As the minutes turned to hours, I began getting despondent. Then my number was finally called and I made my way over to a tired looking lady with the long black hair. Smiling

The Super

When I woke this morning it was with a feeling of despair. I’d been primed for weeks to go on vacation and I was looking forward to getting a lot of hot sex. Now for the next two week I was going to be broke and stuck in my apartment. Some vacation this was turning out to be. It was bad enough to have my car getting a new engine in the garage, but it was costing me two thousand

The Tutor

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Tutor By Nathan Harvey I know how I got roped into tutoring Mattie Morrison.

The Wild Card In The Deck

We had just gotten back from our family reunion and mother was telling every one how wonderful Walter was about looking out for his little brother. She kept telling people it was because she and her husband of thirty years had made sure that Walter had a hand in caring for me; he had even been the one to suggest Levi for my name. Damn, I hated it when she talked about us like we

The Wish

Warning: this story is a work of fiction and contains graphic descriptions of hardcore sex between consenting male adults doing unnatural acts. All participants in this story are over the age of 18 at the time of the story. If you are not eighteen or the subject matter offends you, please log off. The Wish By Nathan Harvey It was a cold rainy night as I trudged through the streets


God, how I hated the winter. We were having one of those Lake effect snowstorms and it looked like I was going to be trapped in my cottage for the entire weekend. People had told me that living at Beverly Shores in the winter had its drawbacks. Most of the cottages, if you could call fourteen room homes cottages, were now deserted. I had found this little lot and with the help of

Tom, Dick And Harry

It all started back in Chicago when three of us sat around a little table on our afternoon coffee break. We had been bitching for months about wanting to do something different for our vacation this coming year. Then Harry brought up the idea of these package deals for seeing Europe, and we decided to look into it. After calling around to get a few prices, we decided that the three

Trucker Man

It had been a dumb thing to do telling Jerry I was going to stay later at the beach and to let them leave without me. We had just planned to be gone for the day but it was so nice, I wanted to spend the weekend. Jerry said he had to be back to be in a wedding so I loaded my extra beach crap into his van and told them I would just hitch a ride back Monday morning. I wanted to

Trucker Man's Service Boy

By Nathan Harvey This is a work of fiction meant to be read for pleasure only. There is no way to say it other than I am a whore---I am here at this truck stop just outside of Chicago. My duties are to let any and all truckers who want to be serviced use me any and all ways. There is nothing I won’t do to give a trucker sexual pleasure. I am well versed in getting fucked, sucking

Varsity Queer

I'd never admitted to myself that I was gay but in my senior year of high school it was decided for me in a big way. You must remember that in the fifties it was a whole different world for gay people. We didn't have AIDS but we had a lot of social stigma attached to being gay. It simply wasn't a wise thing to let people know that you liked looking at men's cocks let alone that

White Boy For Sale

Warning: this story contains graphic depictions of hardcore sex. if this turns you off, don't read it. This is a work of fiction and the characters and events never happened. It wasn’t as if I was running away, I was eighteen and just released from of Juvey hall. They had been damn well glad to get rid of me calling me nothing but a troublemaker. Now at eighteen I was on my own.

Wild In The Woods

It was one of those wonderful summers when the weather was like something out of the Garden of Eden. After painting in my studio all winter I wanted to go into the woods and do forest landscapes. I'd always done portraits and cityscapes and made good money from them, now I felt it was time to try painting from nature. We have a deep woodlands close by so I decided to camp out and


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