Gay Erotic Stories

Uncle Jack, Part 4

by Poked
25 Feb 2009

Bears, Daddies & Cubs Chance Encounters Coming Out Crush Discreet Encounters Exotic Family Fun Free Form Friends Gay Erotic Stories Hairy Man Meets His Man Mature Men On Holiday Muscle Older/younger Public Places Sex On The Road Summer Adventures Tales From The Locker Room Voyeurism

Dad took me to the airport and stood with me while I checked in at the curb. After check-in I told him I would be just fine. He gave me a hug and told me to have a good time, then drove off. I went into the airport with a small carry on bag over my shoulder.

At the gate a good-looking guy behind the counter, helped me choose a seat. I told him this was my very first flight and could I have a seat where I could stretch my long legs out. He leaned over the counter and took a long look at my legs, and I'm sure, my cock, snaking down the inside of my thigh in the tight jeans, didn't go unnoticed either. He smiled with one eyebrow slightly raised and then winked. "I see exactly what you mean. There's an empty seat in first class. Since this is your first flight, why don't we put you there so you can really see what it's like to fly?"

Hey, that was fine with me. I didn't know what the difference was anyway. On board, I showed the lady in uniform my seat number and she directed me to my seat on the aisle, just before going into another section of the plane. There was a wall behind the seat, but it didn't seem to affect the way the seat reclined. I watched as the other passengers boarded. There were a couple of guys that I would have really enjoyed sitting next to. Once everyone was in their seat, we waited a while and a final passenger boarded. The guy that helped pick my seat came on board behind him and closed the door.

The man walked over to where I sat, excused himself, and squeezed by to plop down into the window seat next to me. I looked him over. "Not bad" I thought. He had very strong looking heavy thighs that bulged in the suit pants he wore. The same was with the shoulders and biceps stretching the dress shirt when he took off his suit jacket. He leaned across me handing the jacket to the young man to store away, excusing himself once again. The aroma of scented oil and raw masculinity wafted into the air and my cock nudged in recognition against my thigh.

I took him to be about thirty to thirty-five. His hair reminded me of the color of dried wheat in the summer sunshine. His green eyes, set wide apart, spoke of a no nonsense demeanor. The raw masculine sexuality of this man brought only one word to mind. STUD!!! in every sense of the word. I wanted this man. I was nervous, without a clue as to how I might approach this man that seemed unapproachable. My palms began to sweat and I rubbed them on the arms of the seat.

"Your first flight?" Did he speak? The voice, as rich and low as a bow moving across the strings of a cello.

"What?" my voice cracked, "Oh, Oh yes." Dummy, say something intelligent. "I'm on my way to meet my Uncle Jack. He's taking me on a cruise." That was brilliant. Now he thinks you’re just a kid. We hadn't even left the ground and I already made an ass of myself. "Oh, well I hope you have a good time." His smile put everything around us in a blurred haze. The drone of the plane's engines and the chatter of everyone around us faded into the beautiful sounds of the cello. I felt weak. I know I was young, but I'd never felt anything close to how this man made me feel. What was I thinking? I didn't even know this guy. He got involved in his laptop and we didn't talk much the rest of the trip. The good looking guy came by and served us drinks. He rubbed his crotch against my shoulder. "Oh I'm sorry. Did that bother you?" "No, not at all." We smiled at each other. Now I was eighteen and tasted my first drink. I ordered a vodka tonic, more to let the guy know I was of age then wanting to drink. Later, about half way through the flight, the man put his computer down and lowered the back of the seat. I had been listening to some jazz music but now I laid it down. "My name's William, Bill... by the way, what were you listening to?" "Oh, some jazz. I like the older greats like Billy Holiday, Sarah Vaughn, B. B. King. It's mellow and sad, in a nice way. I'm Karl."

"Well Karl, it nice to meet you. I wanted to say thanks for not trying to talk my head off. I had some important work to go over. Most people I sit next to on a plane always seem to want to talk and it isn't always welcome when I have work to do." "That's cool man. I don't like to bother people unless they want to be bothered." Bill chuckled deep in his throat.

We talked for a while and then I dosed off. When I woke up, my head was on Bill's strong shoulder. He seemed to be sleeping too. I took the chance to really take him in. One of my hands lay next to his thigh. I could feel the heat of him as if steam were rising from his pores. The strong muscled chest rose and fell with his breathing. I had to control my desire to take my hand and caress that hard chest; and rub the nipple protruding through the shirt material. The aroma of him, once again made my cock lurch. An announcement came over the loud speaker that we would land soon. Bill stirred. "Wake up sleepyhead we're about to land." He spoke softly. I raised my head from his shoulder reluctantly. "Sorry, I guess I used you as a pillow."

"No problem. It felt good having you feel relaxed enough with me to do that."

"Well you've got a big shoulder to lean on. You must go to the gym a lot."

"Three or four times a week. I go after I finish work so it's usually late. You know the gym on Tremont St.?"

"No! I've never been to a gym except in school. I'll be going to college this fall and will probably use the gym there."

I didn't want the flight to be over. I guess sometimes you meet people that everything clicks with but they just pass through you're life. This must be one of those times. Boldly I let the back of my hand brush hard against his thigh. Oh my God, like fucking steel it was. Bill didn't pull away. I did it again just to make sure. Again Bill didn't pull away, and I could have sworn he pushed back a little. Don't be ridiculous. This was a lady's man all the way I told myself.

We were the first off the plane. "Here's my card. When you get back give me a call and maybe we can get together so you can tell me about this great vacation of yours."

"Thanks Bill. I'll do that." Coming out of the gate, Uncle Jack stood waiting. We hugged and Uncle Jack kissed my right on the lips, in front of the whole terminal of people. I turned to introduce Bill, but he was gone. I could not see him through the crowd.

The cab rushed us through the crazy traffic and to a beautiful hotel that overlooked the bay and Miami Beach. The room was painted in pastels and very elegant but tropical furnishings. There was a balcony and off to the right we could see the port of Miami. "Which one is the one we're taking Uncle Jack?"

He came over and encircled me with his strong arms and nuzzled my neck with his face and lips. "Ours isn't there yet. It'll come in sometime during the night and be there in the morning." His hands slid down my torso and he grabbed my crotch. "Let's get you out of these tight jeans. They must be uncomfortable after wearing them all day." He undid the belt and pulled down the zipper. Reaching down inside my jockeys, he gently squeezed my cock and nuts rolling them around in his palm. Now he pulled on the jean legs and dropped to his knees to take off one leg at a time. Uncle jack buried his face in my crotch, rubbing it all over my cock and balls.

I was usually the one on my knees in front of him first; but I placed my hands on his head and ran my fingers through his hair, enjoying the feelings that started coursing through my body. Uncle Jack sucked on my growing hard on through the jockeys. He licked and sucked until the wet material outlined my cock. I kept pushing my hips forward, wanting to shove my cock deep into his throat. He obviously wanted to sexually tease me. I had already teased myself on the long plane ride with Bill, so this teasing started bringing out the animal in me.

My need to cum was at a very crucial point. I pulled on my own jockeys, sending them down past my crotch and ass cheeks. I grabbed my dick and Uncle Jack's head. With one shove, my cock entered his mouth and forced its way into his throat. I screamed, "Oh yeah man. Good fucking mouth. Suck it Uncle Jack. Fucking suck it hard. I need to fucking cum so bad." I held his head and fucked his face like a man reaching the summit of Mount Everest.

I pounded my hips forward regardless of whether he was choking or not. I fucked his lips with a vengeance. My cock head tore into his throat and my big fucking balls slapped against his chin almost painfully. This was it. This was what men were for. To be fucking and sucking and tasting and shooting their cum loads into each other--real men doing real men. I pressed him back up against the rail and grabbed the top of it. Using it for leverage, I did body presses as I pumped my steel rod into his face. Uncle Jack grabbed my ass cheeks and helped pull my hips into him. He moved a hand into my ass crack and felt for the sphincter muscle. He rammed his dry hard finger as deep as he could up into my asshole. I screamed and let loose a thick hot load of cum.

"Arghhhhhh Yeah you fuck! Arghhhhhhh Eat it damn it eat it. Please! Oh! Oh please! Oh Uncle Jack. Yes! Yes! Oh I'm cumming. I'm cumming."

I felt the cum in my balls gather up and head through the thick shaft of meat. I squeezed my ass cheeks on Uncle Jack's finger, trying to hold it in as long as I could. He used his finger to feather my prostrate and I blew the thickest hottest fucking load than I had shot in a long time. My cock kept pulsing in his throat and he kept sucking it all down. He took it all. He never let any cum escape his lips. He drank my nectar and wouldn't let me back off. He sucked and ate my cum until there was nothing left and continued to suck until my legs gave way and I collapsed on the tiled balcony.

"Oh fuck Uncle Jack. I haven't had a blowjob like that in such a long time--maybe never."

"I could tell you were all tensed up as soon as you got off the plane. You kept looking around as if you were meeting someone other than me. I figured we'd take care of your needs first and move on from there. "Thanks, Uncle Jack. I was looking around because I wanted to introduce you to someone I met on the plane, but he disappeared." He helped me up off the floor and we went into the room.

"Well, are you hungry Karl? If you don't want to go out I could send up for some room service. They usually have some very nice Cuban boys deliver." He smiled in that slight smirky way that always said "How about it baby." "No thanks. The flight made me so tired I'm really not hungry--not for food anyway." I tried smiling the same way he did. Uncle Jack laughed and I threw a pillow at him. He ran over and tackled me onto the bed, laughing and kissing.

"Uncle Jack, if you don't mind, get out of my bed.”

"Why?" He stood up.

"I don't let any man into my bed unless he's naked." I smiled and laughed with glee as he ripped at his clothing to get them off as fast as he could.

"I'm going to fuck you silly nephew. You're about to find out what your uncle's cock is for." "Well, hurry up. I think I already found out; but I want to know if you remember what it's for." Uncle Jack jumped and landed on top of me laughing and biting my neck. His hard cock nuzzled under my balls making my ass twitch. He reached on the nightstand and grabbed the lube. "This is going to be a long session Karl." He entered me slowly. His cock filled my ass hole. The thick shaft pushed it's way deep and deeper. I felt the big balls press into my ass crack.

Uncle Jack pressed his shoulders down into the backs of my thighs until his chest hairs tickled my nipples. His hips moved in a long slow steady rhythm. I could feel the entire length of the fat shaft rubbing every crevasse in it's path. I felt my ass muscles give way to his cock head. I closed my eyes and in my mind could see Uncle Jack's beautiful cock head and shaft making its way in and pulling out for reentry. He kissed my face, my eyes, my lips, in soft passionate caresses of love. Those full wonderful lips pressing against mine in loving exploring gentleness.

How I loved my uncle. How I loved all the things he taught me; and how he helped me understand myself. He never approached me until he found out I'd already sucked his cock on my own. Now he was making love to my body in such a gentle caring way. With every movement of his cock inside me I loved him even more. Uncle Jack fucked me for a long time. I felt the intensifying excitement. My cock had grown hard again. My prostate was being tortured in exquisite pleasure. He began to growl.

"Uphoof! Uphoof! Arghh! arghhhh! So good Karl. Your fucking ass is so good. Do you feel it Karl? My cock? Sliding in long and easy? You feel every inch of it?" he whispered in my ear. The feelings built. The excitement slowly climbed higher, and higher. I thought it couldn't go much higher, that we were just at the top; but it kept climbing. When would we go over? When would we reach the edge and tumble over the waterfall spewing our cum together?

I could feel Uncle Jack's cock expand; the cock head grow to hammer size. It was pounding slow and hard now, to the easy rocking rhythm of his hips. I could hear myself pleading, "Please Uncle Jack. Please fuck me harder. Please let me feel you shoot your hot cum inside my ass."

"You want it so bad. You're so fucking hungry for it--hungry for my fucking cock; hungry for my fucking cum. You're my little nephew cock sucker needing to get fucked; wanting my big ass cock to fuck you good."

He knelt straight up and pushed my legs as far as he could over my head. I watched him, watching his cock drive into me. He hadn't quickened his rhythm; but he drove it harder, slamming his giant cock into the dark recess of my ass. Then Uncle Jack drove his monster meat in to his balls. His entire body began to shake. He pulled out to the flared cock head and rammed it one more time, banging my ass. I felt the explosion of his fucking cock, shooting thick wads of cum into my ass. I felt the thick loads pulse out of his cock head into my hot waiting hole. I closed my eyes and saw, in my head, his cock as it shot deep inside me. Tears came to my eyes with the need to have that wonderful cock like an army cannon popping off globs of cum up my ass tunnel.

Uncle Jack brought my legs down and lay on top of me. His full weight felt so great. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed everywhere my lips could reach. He rested his head on my smooth chest and kept his imbedded cock nice and snug inside my butt. I closed my eyes, listening to the sound of a bow moving across the strings of a cello.


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