Gay Erotic Stories

The Step brother

by Horny4Daddy
17 Oct 2014

Family Fun

Aaron grabbed his briefs as his step brother Vincent clambered to close the porn on the large computer screen before grabbing his own underwear and just managing to pull them up before the door to the basement opened.

“Hey just to remind you that Julie and her daughters” Ron paused looking at Aaron

“I mean your mother and sisters are away next weekend and you guys promised to help me decorate the master bedroom as a surprise for your mother”

Aaron knew how Ron felt. He had yet to call him Dad after being married to his mother for 6 months.

“Yeah no problem Dad” Vincent replied hands on hips looking a little flustered Ron looked down

“Have you got a bona going on there son?”

“Dad!” Vincent replied his voice going up a few octaves as his hands quickly covered his crutch

“What? Nothing your old Dad has not seen before, besides hard to bloody ignore, you must take after your old man in the equipment department” Ron winked and grinned.

“So I was thinking purple for a feature wall behind the bed, your mother loves purple” Ron said changing the subject and looking over at Aaron who was sat on the couch with a car magazine over his bulging crutch

“Yeah she would like that” Aaron answered

“Great, well I better let you get on” Ron turned to walk out and stopped and twisted around with a quizzical look on his face as he pointed, his finger waving between the two lads

“I did not disturb you guys jerking off did I?”

Ron picked up his t shirt and through it at his Dad whilst keeping one hand covering his crutch

“Dad give it a rest”

Ron caught the t shirt in his hand and laughed

“Hey I don’t care if you was like, just don’t let your mother find out. Women don’t understand that kind of thing and she will worry your turning into a couple of poofs or something”

“Fuck you Dad” Ron replied with a smile

“Yeah in your dreams buddy. Now don’t forget keep next weekend clear and no stains on the couch”

“OK Dad” Vincent responded not commenting on his Dads remark

“Yeah no problem Ron” Aaron added

It was hard to believe six month ago Aaron had dreaded sharing his basement space with his step brother and had worried it would cramp his style somewhat as well put an end to the amount of time he hung out in just his skimpy briefs or less.

As it turned out within weeks it was like Vincent had shared the space with him for years and the two quickly become comfortable spending time in the large basement in the total buff.

They would sit for hours watching porn online and even would wank off together in what became an almost competitive manner as they competed over who could come the most or the furthest.

There were markers on the long narrow coffee table that indicated how far each had shot whilst stood at one end. Vincent’s were marked in black and Aarons in Red and so far Aaron was leading in distance but Vincent won hands down in sheer volume.

They would chat openly about sex with girls and fantasies they would like to explore as they stroked and viewed graphic site after graphic site online. “I can’t believe how cool your Dad is” Aaron commented as soon as Ron was out of ear shot

“Yeah he is pretty relaxed about that kind of thing you know” Vincent responded wincing as he pulled the elastic waist band of his small briefs forward and down over his arcing cock

“Shit that was fucking hurting trapped in there” Vincent said with a sigh as his cock bounced

Aaron laughed

“You did not lose your stiff the whole time your Dad was stood there?” Aaron asked sounding surprised

“Hey step bro you know by now when I need to nut I need to nut, and nothing gets my dick soft till I bust a load” Vincent replied gripping his girth and closing his eyes as he began to stroke his long thick length

“Well not surprised your Dad noticed. Difficult to hide that beast” Aaron said pulling free his own hard cock and beginning to stroke as he marvelled at Vincent’s impressive member

“Yeah well I get it from him. Although his is bigger” Vincent added casually “How do you know that?” Aaron quickly responded

“I have seen the old guy pop a woody a few times when he thought I was not looking”

“Shit seriously”

“Yeah. It was difficult not to notice you know, when a guys hauling something big you kind of got to look right”

“Yeah sure” Aaron said a little surprised by the open admission.

Sure he knew guys looked and compared but it was one of those things guys done but would very rarely discuss.

They heard the sound of the front door close and moments later the sound of Ron’s car starting and pulling out of the drive.

“How much bigger would you say I am then you bro?” Vincent asked gripping the very base of his cock as it throbbed and the veins that run up the shaft stood pronounced

“Well you have to be a good couple of inches longer and I say thicker girth too” Aaron replied.

Aaron thought his own cock was around the average at 6 inches and he certainly was happy with what he had.

“Come over here a minute bro” Vincent requested as he motioned with his free hand

Aaron stood up and pulled off his briefs before walking over to Vincent, his cock bobbing up and down as he moved.

Vincent slipped off his own briefs as Aaron stood in front of him and then he stepped closer to Aaron and held his cock up

“A bit of difference bro” Vincent commented as he held his cock just inches away from Aarons own hard member

“You’re being kind” Aaron said with a laugh as he held his own cock upright. Aaron could feel his hand trembling at the close proximity to Vincent.

As open as they had been over the last six months the chemistry felt different. They had wrestled and grappled while naked a few times as well as showered together and lathered each other’s torso but that felt like buddies being buddies.

This felt different and Aaron anticipated something more was about to occur. He could not explain it he just sensed it, an instinct deep inside.

Aaron had been examining closely the difference between their cocks when he suddenly looked up and made eye contact with Vincent. There was a silence and Aaron became aware of the warm feel and the smell of Vincent’s breath as he exhaled.

What was just a brief moment felt like an eternity as they looked deep into each other’s eyes as if searching for an answer to a question that neither dare ask.

“So let us see how much difference in size there is” Vincent suddenly said breaking the silence

“What?” Aaron replied confused

“Lets hold them against each other and compare” Vincent said breaking eye contact and looking down

Before Aaron could reply Vincent had edged forward and wrapped his hand around both of their cocks pressing them firmly together. Aaron felt a surge of arousal as both cock throbbed in unison against each other. Aaron felt the warm sensation of a pulsating firm cock pressing against his own and his breath quickly become shallow.

Vincent’s hand grip remained as they both arched back and examined and compared their cocks proudly. Droplets of pre cum appeared from Aarons piss slit and drizzled down until making contact with Vincent’s thick member.

“Yeah I say about 2 inches longer bro and maybe the same again in girth” Vincent commented as his grip tightened around the base of their cocks causing more pre cum to ooze out like when you squeeze the last toothpaste from the tube.

“Yeah” Aaron gasped feeling overwhelmed by the feeling

“You always have so much more pre cum bro. I swear you just get a constant flow of the stuff” Vincent commented as another fresh flow appeared

“Yeah it can be a problem at times”

“Don’t see why, I would love that much pre cum to lube up with” Vincent replied as he began to rub their cocks together causing Aarons pre cum to smear over his own cock

“You are not the one that ends up with large wet patches in your underpants when you have the horn all day bro”

“Yeah I have noticed the stains in your briefs bro. I thought it looked kind of hot”

Aaron quickly looked up and made eye contact with Vincent again as he felt the firm hand continue to embrace both of their cocks.

Vincent edged forward and kissed Aaron on the lips and Aarons eyes opened wide as he tasted the residual saliva

“Is that allowed bro?” Vincent asked

“Yeah I think so”

“You want to stop?”

“No!” Aaron quickly responded before following up with a calmer “no”

“Good” Vincent replied before kissing Aaron again this time prolonging the moment and slipping his tongue just inside Aaron’s mouth briefly

“You ever done this before with anyone?” Vincent asked

“No. Have you?”

“Just fooling around and stuff with guys on the rugby team”

“Just fooling around?” Aaron asked unsure what that covered

“Just male bonding you know”

“Kissing?” Aaron quickly asked

“No kissing” Vincent replied with a laugh before moving his head in for another kiss this time Aaron opening his mouth wide to except Vincent’s warm tongue as it explored inside mixing the tastes of their saliva.

Aaron reached his arms around Vincent and pulled him forward and Vincent released the grip on their cocks and wrapped his own arms around Aaron in return as their torsos and cocks rubbed together in an erratic fashion.

Aaron pulled away saliva dripping from his mouth

“Is this incest bro?”

“We are not blood relatives or anything so I don’t think technically it is. Would you want to stop if it was?” Vincent enquired with a glint in his eyes that said he knew the answer already

“Don’t forget I know all the sort of porn that gets you really hard bro” Vincent added before pecking Aaron on the lips briefly

“I saw how hard and excited you got watching some of that MMF family stuff with those two bros double banging that bird. Can you tell me you did not wonder then what it would be like to have our cocks rubbing together as brothers”

Aaron looked into Vincent’s eyes feeling like he had been trapped in a web of his own making. Aaron after all had been the one to show that porn to Vincent and on some level maybe that is what he had desired. Now he wondered how much else he had given away at the height of arousal while flicking through images and videos online.

“So bro, you’re still hard and I can feel your cock throb when I call you bro. I can feel your lil bro cock leaking all over my big bro cock”

Aaron experienced a surge of excitement as his cock gave away what he felt Aaron moved his head forward this time opening his mouth wide and pushing his tongue within Vincent’s mouth as he embraced him tightly, slobbering as saliva dripped down each of their chins from their lips.

Aaron felt Vincent’s teeth lightly clamp down on his lower lip as he looked at him with menacing eyes and then Vincent opened his mouth and grinned

“So what else do you want from your big bro?”

“I don’t know”

“Come on lil bro. I already feel I know you better than that”.

Aaron remained silent unsure what to say as their naked bodies pressed together and watched as Vincent tilted his head to one side and moved in to kiss Aaron on the neck. Next he felt his soft lips against his collar bone and then lower down on his chest and Vincent’s head lowered as he alternated kisses between Aaron’s nipples, his tongue occasionally licking.

Aaron groaned his hands falling to his side as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes giving in to where ever his step brother was going to kiss. The next kiss was just below the rib cage and another few at his belly button that tickled slightly.

There was a pause and Aaron could feel Vincent’s warm breath brush against his skin sending waves of arousal through his body.

Another kiss this time tender and lingering on his hip making Aaron’s cock throb hard as a new steady flow pre cum began.

Aaron groaned loudly and deeply, his body shuddering at the intense and sudden sensation of Vincent’s warm moist mouth embraced his whole cock. There was nothing that could have prepared him for the feeling of his cock being engulfed so quickly and he felt his body shake as he struggled to catch his breath.

Looking down Aaron watched as Vincent eagerly moved his mouth up and down his saliva wet shaft all the while rapidly stroking his own hard cock.

“I don’t think I can last long” Aaron gasped aware of the build up already happening in his groin that threatened to erupt at any moment.

Vincent did not stop or even slow down if anything he went at it with more vigour, his mouth creating suction as he moved expertly up and down Aarons pulsating cock.

“Bro I am going to cum!” Aaron said with desperation in his voice as he attempted to pull away only to feel Vincent’s hand grasp his ass cheeks firmly and pull him forward so that his member thrust deep down Vincent’s throat.

“Oh fuck!” Aaron cried out his legs threatening to give way as they shook and he felt Vincent’s fiorm grip keeping him in position

Aaron tensed every muscle in his body simultaneously as he let out one last gasp and with that he felt his spunk pumping out, more than he ever believed possible flowing deep into his bros mouth.

Vincent released the grip of his right hand and quickly moved it to his hard cock as he kept his mouth over Aaron’s member. His breath was laboured as he panted, the cock still in his mouth as he wanked with lightening speed. Aaron watched as Vincent buck his hips forward and let loose an incredible spray of jizz that shot at least 5 feet across the floor.

Vincent leaned back a smug smile on his face as he looked up at Aaron whose knees began to buckle.

“Oh shit!” Aaron said looking at his bro in disbelief

“Fuck bro trust you to shoot your biggest load ever when I have my mouth wrapped around your cock”

“Fuck I know, I did not think it was going to stop”.

The two lay on one of the single beds their bodies sweaty from their activity as they stared at the ceiling

“Have you always known your gay?” Aaron asked out of the blue

Vincent chuckled

“I am not gay I am liberated”

Aaron turned his head and looked at him confused

“Sexuality is not a stagnant pond it is a flowing stream. It can flow this way or that way at will but society makes us build dams to prevent this natural flow. It is a wonderful thing seeing beauty in both sexes and exploring both”

“Fuck that is deep. What are you homo Buddha” Aaron replied causing Vincent to chuckle again

“I always knew I was attracted to blokes as well as birds, it was never a question in my mind, never a decision or a choice”

“You went with the flow of your inner stream” Aaron added with a cheeky smile

“Fuck you” Vincent said laughing and grabbing Aaron and starting to tickle him making Aron Giggle and squirm as they wrestled naked on the bed for a few minutes. They calmed down and looked in to each other’s eyes both with broad smiles “Yeah. I played around with mates on a regular basis and never thought anything about it to be honest. Even a number of older blokes including an Uncle”

“You had sex with your Uncle?” Aaron said the sound of shock in his voice

“Yeah my Dads brother Chris, he is one hot dirty fucker I swear.”

“Chris?” Aaron said sounding even more surprised

“Yeah you must have seen him at the wedding”

Aaron blushed a deep crimson

“Short mousy blonde hair, a bit rough around the edges and tattoos on one hand”

“Yeah I know” Aaron said still looking deep into Vincent’s eyes

“Tattoo on his cock too” Vincent added

“I know” Aaron replied under his breath

“What the fuck bro you never said”

“Oh yeah right like I am going to mention that some guy was waving his tattooed dick next to me at the urinals at our parents wedding”

“Did you see him hard?”

“Yes he was hard”

“Did you get hard lil bro?” Vincent asked threatening to tickle Aaron again

Aaron smiled like a naughty child

“Fuck bro you got hard too” Vincent said with a huge grin

“He was pissing with a full on hard on bro” Aaron announced

“Yeah he does that” Vincent said casually

“You have seen him do that too?”

“Bro I have seen him do lots of shit some of which you would not believe”

“Like what?” Aaron was now even more curious about this rugged Uncle

“Let me just say you should never judge a book by the cover”

“What the fuck does that mean”

“It means bro” Vincent leant forward and kissed Aaron on the lips, “It means his appearance is misleading. Big strapping geezer with tattoos and a hard man stare who works as a doorman but when you get him alone” Vincent paused with a twinkle in his eyes


“You want to find out lil bro?”

“Shit yeah”

Vincent jumped from the bed up his flaccid dick flopping around as he quickly moved to the computer.

Vincent opened an e mail account that Aaron had not seen before and began to write an e mail. Aaron stood up to see what he was writing.

“Hey lil bro no peeking, this is going to be a surprise.”


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