"The Layover" is the first in a series of episodes taking members on a journey into the behind-the-scenes lives of the MAP Airline's flight crew. MAP Airlines: Ready When You Are! Layovers are a standard part of the job for flight crew, especially for flight attendants working on long-haul flights. These rest periods ensure that they are well-rested before their next shift. In "The Layover," new flight attendant Mika Ayden discovers that accommodations were not reserved for him. But, not to worry Mika's colleague and fellow flight attendant, Magnus Loki, offers to stay with him regardless of the tight quarters! During the layover, Magnus must prepare a flight review for HR with notes regarding Mika's latest flight service performance. Before starting, he tells Mika his uniform is messy, especially after the long flight, and asks him if he should report it.
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