Gay Erotic Stories

Suck Slave Superman, Part 4

by Hector Oppenheimer
30 Aug 1999

Super Heroes

The following story is the fourth chapter of a fantasy story involving the Man of Steel. It involves oral sex performed by the Superhero upon males on Earth. The acts of fellatio by Superman are not voluntary. If this subject matter offends, then stop reading this post now. Superman and some characters are trademarks of and copyright DC Comics. Superman Suck Slave (Ch.4) (MMMMM/M, Oral, NC, Celeb) As Luthor closed the door to the apartment bedroom where the vanquished Man of Steel lay on his back naked and unconscious, with a cooling pool of Luthor's semen slowly seeping into his mouth, he encountered the anxious group of males who had just ravished and debauched Lex's arch nemesis. "How'd we do, Lex?" asked the eager 34 year old, black haired, Italo-Irish, stud who had led the most recent assault on Superman's masculinity. "Tony slipped him the Swiss bio shit while he was swallowing my load, and from the way he crawled like a dog begging for Wu's bone, and the fucking load that flying cocksucker shot when he swallowed Wu's cum, it looks like your plan worked." "Boys," laughed the beaming Luthor as he clasped his arms around the shoulders of Tony, Wu and Collin, "you guys have out done yourselves. We got ourselves a flying, Kryptonian cockhound. That is one fucked up dick addict back there. Did you see the look on his face? Pure bliss! I've already wired a very substantial bonus into your bank accounts, my friends. Everybody involved in this project is getting a nice, fat reward." declared Luthor as he and Superman's rapists entered the elevator. "Thanks, Lex," said the Tony, the 22 year old hirsute Hispanic stud whose cock and stolen Superman's virginity. "Does this mean that Superman is now a real faggot?" "No my friend," chuckled Luthor. "And that is the real beauty of what we have done here tonight. Superman is straight and always will be straight. He hates sucking cock and will always hate sucking cock. But he has no choice. The stuff that you slipped into his mouth while he was swallowing Collin's semen has made an irreversible physiological change to the Man of Steel. The receptors in his brain have been permanently transformed. Neither I nor all of the scientists I employ could change his sexual orientation. But his need to swallow human semen will be irresistible. Oh, he may be able to hold out for a few days at most, but his superhuman resistance will ultimately collapse, and he will be unable to stop his knees from buckling, or his lips from wrapping around a cock as he relinquishes his masculinity to another man. Conversion was never my goal in this operation, my friend. It has always been subjugation. We just have a few more minor details to address, and Superman will be our cocksucking whore forever! "From the way he begged for cock, I thought tonight had done the trick," interjected Wu. "What minor details are left?" "Well my hot dicked friend, tonight we successfully converted Superman into a cumjunkie -- literally. Unfortunately there is a limitless supply of cum in the world. We have to make sure that our new semen swallower only sucks the dicks we tell him to suck. It's kinda like we are his pimps and he is our hooker. Now if a prostitute gives it away for free to anybody, a pimp doesn't make any money. Now we got ourselves one hot whore. There is a lot of money to be made whoring this cocksucker out. If we play this right this fucking bitch will fatten all of our bank accounts." "Come on guys," continued Luthor as the elevator stopped and he prepare to leave the apartment building, "We have more work to do." Rendered unconscious once again by gaseous Red Krypton, the Man of Steel remained naked on the floor of his own apartment until early the next morning. And like the first and second times after the Man of Steel had been face fucked by Luthor's henchmen, the semen filled Superstud's sleep was again invaded by lurid visual flashbacks of hair enveloped penises ejaculating copious wads of thick semen into his mouth, and graphic memories of lust drive male voices ordering the cock-engorged Superman to "suck it, man, suck it", " eat it, cocksucker", " blow me, queer boy", "suck, faggot, suck", " lick my balls, cunt", and " swallow every drop, bitch". The worst memories that haunted the most powerful heterosexual male in history were those of himself groveling before the smirking Wu Chao, and begging for permission to suck the penis of the former Chinese gymnast after Luthor's sinister henchman embarked upon a cock insertion and withdrawal strategy. The mind of the formidable Kryptonian hunk cruelly replayed the shameful words Superman had uttered as the kneeling Man of Steel told the Chinese stud who towered above him how much the desperate superhero needed the hard cock that sprouted proudly from Wu's groin. And that same superhuman mind would not let Superman forget the plea he uttered to Wu Chao when the contemptuous agent of Luthor ordered the beaten Man of Steel to "beg me to stick it back in your mouth," after having roughly withdrawn his rigid penis from in between Superman's cock clenching lips. Those damning words "Please stick your cock back in my mouth. I need it bad. Please, let me suck it some more" had come out of your mouth Superman's mind brutally reminded him. It was you who thanked another male for letting you suck his dick, intoned Superman's steel trap memory. That was you, Superman who slavishly obeyed a mere human male's order to lick the cum slot of his dick and it was you obediently told a criminal how grateful you would be if he came in your mouth. And most damning of all, Superman's mind repeated endlessly, it was you who ejaculated with pure joy when that Chinese gangster's phallus dumped a load of warm semen into your mouth, on your tongue, and down your throat. These were the thoughts that tormented the sleeping Man of Steel. But while these hideously graphic memories tortured the psyche of the defiled heterosexual superhero, anyone looking down on the face of the naked Kryptonian stud lying on his back with the remnants of Luthor's cum wad drying on his face, would only have seen an expression of contentment and serenity. The unconscious Man of Steel looked like one very gratified faggot. It was obvious that the permanently altered, and now temporarily satisfied, pleasure centers of Superman's brain had clearly taken charge of the cum-loaded son of Krypton. While the conquered and debased Man of Steel lay comatose and bare in his apartment, the merciless Luthor began addressing the "minor details" necessary to finish his grand plan to convert the extraordinary specimen of Kryptonian manhood into a submissive, cocksucking whore. "Collin, I have a job for you," ordered Luthor as he hit the print key on his computer. "I need this message hand delivered to Lois Lane. She's been keeping out of sight ever since she set up our flying faggot. Lois was able to slip a distant cousin onto the payroll of the Daily Planet. Superman knows the guy and likes the guy, but is completely ignorant of his link to Lois. He's only 19, but he's going to be very important in completing the final phase of our plan." "Sure thing, Lex," answered the smiling 34 year old, black haired, hairy chested, Italo-Irish, ex-US Navy SEAL, whose powerful ejaculation into Superman's mouth had prevented the Man of Steel from detecting and saving himself from Luthor's hideous cum-addicting concoction. "Tony," barked Luthor at the 22 year old Hispanic stud who had taken Superman's virginity, "Get me Nigeria on the phone. It's time we started making some money with our new cunt. Call General Azikiwe at his estate outside of Lagos. I am going to take him up on his offer of $350,000 for one night of making love to the throat of our Kryptonian cocksucker. Azikiwe has been a good business partner. Superman despises Azikiwe for siphoning off Nigeria's oil profits, and thwarted Azikiwe's plans to rig oil prices. Aside from mine, Azikiwe's cock is probably the last one's on earth that Superman would want to suck," continued Luthor. "After you've contacted Azikiwe, get down to the airport. You're going to Nigeria to personally present our new suck slave to my old friend." "You got it boss," answered Luthor's henchman. "Can I get some head from the bitch after she's finished sucking off buddy?" asked Tony as he grabbed his crotch. "Absolutely, my friend," assured Luthor. "Just don't let Azikiwe or his associates see it happen. He might get a little upset watching you get blown by the flying sperm bank for free while he has to shell out over a third of a million bucks! If this works out you, Collin, Tom, and Wu are going to be flying all over the world delivering pussy face for his cum injections. Superman has enemies all around the world --- rich, powerful enemies with lots of hate and lots of cash. I intend to find those enemies and offer them the chance to avenge themselves, for a modest fee of course. We are all going to be very wealthy pimps, my friend," observed Luthor. "Now, get on the phone." While the relentless Luthor worked on finishing his plan to force the awesome Man of Steel into a cocksucking prostitute, the semen-filled heart throb of millions began to stir from his red Kryptonite induced slumber. Although a bit groggy from the residual amounts of red Kryptonite gas that still circulated in his blood stream, the naked Man of Steel, his face bearing dried cum flecks from Luthor's cock, was inexplicably euphoric. As he stumbled around his apartment and relived each reprehensible act of sexual debasement inflicted upon him by Luthor's henchmen, the Man of Steel continued to experience a bizarre and totally inexplicable feeling of serenity and contentment. Even when he re-entered his shower, the same shower where his gang rape had started, and began to wash away the loathsome traces of his archenemy's semen from his face, he could not shake the warm feeling of fulfillment that enveloped him. The physical sensation of serenity was so powerful that he unintentionally began to fondle his cock and balls with his left hand when he remembered the terrible moment that the head of Collin's erect penis wedged itself in between Superman's unresisting lips and entered his mouth. It was only when Superman had worked up a full-masted Kryptonian boner that he realized what his hand had been doing. He recoiled in horror, ran out of the shower, stood soaking wet in front of the full length mirror on the back of his bathroom door, looked at himself, and groaned "what is happening to me?"when his disbelieving eyes saw that his impressive slab of made-to-please females meat was still at full mast. Within a fraction of a second the panicked stricken superhero had smashed the bathroom door and its offending mirror to pieces, hurled his magnificent wet body onto his bed, and buried his face into his pillow --- the same pillow that the cocky 34 year old stud Collin had shoved behind Superman's head to make sure the Man of Steel could not turn away as the muscular and hirsute Italo-Irish hunk slowly undressed before lying on top of the subjugated Man of Steel, dry humping and tonguing the prostrate superstud, and lovingly explaining why Superman was destined to suck dick, before once again inserting his turgid penis into the throat of the unresisting Man of Steel. It was also the same pillow that the first defiler of Superman, the hot dicked Hispanic Tony, had also used to position Superman's head after wedging it between Tony's strong, hairy thighs before rubbing his hot Latin dickhead across the lips of the violated hero. And it was also the same pillow into which Wu Chao had threaten to cum if the blowjob he was receiving from the now cum-addicted Superman wasn't up to par. Contact with the pillow brought these and other memories from his nights of rape and humiliation flooding into the mind of the traumatized Kryptonian male, tormenting him beyond belief, but keeping him hard as well. For the next day and a half the mind-fucked Man of Steel wandered naked around his apartment while riding a weird emotional roller coaster of ambivalence; torn between an inexplicable sense of physical contentment and the appalling memories of his inability to resist giving head to Lex Luthor and his gang members. Superman's agony was made worse by the numerous times his magnificent dick inexplicably hardened whenever the son of Krypton recalled any of the many times another male had ejaculated into his mouth. His routine of self-recrimination, dismay, introspection and denial was only interrupted by the knock on his door of deliverymen as Luthor continued shipping envelopes filled with lurid photographs of the superhero's nights of mass fellatio, first in the abandoned vault in the basement of a skyscraper, and then in the abandoned mine tunnel. With each knock the Man of Steel would put on a bathrobe, open the door, sign "Clark Kent" on the receipt, retreat into his apartment and for some unfathomable reason open each envelope. The many shots of himself, on his knees, naked, slobbering on the dick of another man, while sprouting and sometimes stroking his own Kryptonian boner, nauseated him but also reinforced the Man of Steel's growing doubts about himself. The stiff rod that Superman threw while looking at a close up of a cum spewing cock, coated with his own saliva, as it was thrust still ejaculating into his mouth appeared to be virtually irrefutable evidence that the allegations of Luthor and his henchmen were true --- Superman was a cocksucking fairy; a homo, a cum swallower, a faggot, a queer pussy face who was destined to kneel before other men and fellate them until they ejaculated their warm, sperm filled loads of semen into his mouth -- loads that he would eagerly swallow. "What was it Collin had said to me just before I opened my mouth and let him insert is penis?" Superman asked himself "Oh, yes," he remembered Collin's damning words: "You were sent to Earth to suck cock! Some of us were born to be sucked, while others, such as you, were born to suck. You know you want it. You need that cock. Trust me. Open up those pretty lips of yours and wrap them around that dick." "And I did just that," recalled the despondent Man of Steel as he gazed down on his once again hardening phallus. "I opened my mouth and let him stick his dick in it. I willing blew a man, lots of men. I swallowed their semen. I lapped and clean their balls. I played with myself while sucking them. I crawled on my hands and knees across my own bedroom floor and begged a Chinese gangster to stick his dick in my mouth. I let the most evil man on the face of the earth insert his penis into my mouth. I didn't even try to stop him from shoving his cock down my throat; me the most powerful being on the planet. I went down on my most hated enemy right in front of the woman I loved. I had a hard on blowing Lex Luthor. I had the first orgasm of my life while swallowing Luthor's cum -- just as he predicted. I had never ejaculated until I felt Lex Luthor's penis spew a load down my throat. The only times I have ever ejaculated in my life have occurred while I was sucking on a cock or swallowing a wad of semen! I don't want to be a faggot! But what other possible explanation could there be?!?!?!?!?? The dazed and emotionally spent Man of Steel, still clad in his in his bathrobe, finally feel asleep out of sheer exhaustion on his sofa surrounding by hundreds of ghastly photographs of his mouth being penetrated by hardened dicks. Just before dawn the Man of Steel was awakened from yet another nightmarish sleep by something he had never experienced in his entire life --- stomach cramps and chills. The invulnerable Kryptonian hunk knew that he was completely immune to all illness, and was thus at a total loss as to what was causing these unpleasant and unfamiliar reactions. While lying on his sofa struggling to find an explanation, Superman also realized that the inexplicable feelings of euphoria, well-being, contentment, and serenity had disappeared. They had been replaced by irritability, anxiety and restlessness. The cramps, chills and bad feelings gradually got worse as the morning progressed. By noon a new unpleasant feeling joined anxiety, restlessness and irritability --- craving. The troubled Man of Steel began to experience a sensation somewhat akin to hunger. He had this overwhelming sense that his body needed something, but he had no idea what that thing might be. Eating and drinking helped ease the cramps, but did nothing to satisfy this intensifying longing. And worst off all it seemed that any of the hundreds of lewd photographs of him sucking on dicks, not just the oral cum shots, gave him a hard on. By 1:00 PM, the damn thing wouldn't go down. Around 2:30 in the afternoon, the virtually panic stricken Man of Steel heard a knock on the door of his apartment. At first he assumed it was another delivery of pictures of him sucking dicks, but a quick glance with his x-ray vision through the door revealed that the person knocking on the door was a friend --- Gunnar Adolphson, a 19 year old college student and lifeguard who was doing a one year internship at the Daily Planet. Gunnar, the son of Swedish immigrants, had attached himself to Clark Kent from the beginning of his internship, and a warm friendship had developed between the two as the veteran reporter took the young intern under his wings. "Hello. Mr. Kent? Are you alright? Are you there?" asked the blond, blue-eyed, lanky Swede. "We've been worried about you at the office. No one has heard from you. Hello? Anyone home?" Gunnar continued as he again knocked on the door to Superman's apartment. "Wait a minute, Gunnar," shouted Superman, as he swiftly scooped up the hundreds of damning photographs of his dick pierced mouth, along with the wreckage of his bathroom door and mirror. "Finally, a friendly face; a break in this madness," thought the Man of Steel as his spirit lifted for the first time in many days. "Come on in Gunnar," said the Man of Steel, still in his hard on-concealing bathrobe, as he opened the door to Clark Kent's apartment. "Boy are you a sight for sore eyes," he continued as he grasped the hand of the handsome Swede and shook it "We were worried about you Clark," said the lean Swede as he sat down in the chair across from Clark and nonchalantly spread his long blond hair covered legs while lofting his left leg over the arm of the chair. "Are you okay? No one knew where you were or if anything was the matter. Someone called the personnel office and said that you were on vacation, but it didn't sound right to me. Are you okay? You don't quick look your old self." "Just a few stomach cramps, Gunnar. Thanks for stopping by. I really could use the company," Clark said as he found himself staring at the handsome college sophomore. "I thought you could," said the smiling Swedish male as he leaned back and innocuously slipped the tips of the three middle fingers of his right hand into the waistband of the navy blue gym shorts he had worn. "Perhaps it's something you ate, Clark" said the towheaded Swede as he glanced around the room. "Or maybe you need to eat something. Can I get you anything to eat, Clark?" asked the 19 year male as he glanced at the noticeably anxious and restless superhero living under the guise of Clark Kent. "Clark? Hello, Clark. Are you okay?" Gunnar repeated to the apparently distracted male seated on the couch across from him. "Huh? What?" Kent asked, his visual lock on Gunnar temporarily broken by the blond male's question. "I asked if I could get you something to eat, Clark." repeated the young Adolphson as he casually slipped a little more of his right hand into his shorts. "You know, for your cramps, Clark. Maybe you need something in your stomach to make the cramps go away," continued the wiry 19 year old as he watched Clark's eyes focus on Gunnar's right hand while it continued its almost imperceptible journey below the waistband of his gym shorts. "Uh, no, Gunnar, no thanks. Not right now. Maybe later, thanks for asking, and thanks for stopping by," Clark replied as he leaned forward a bit without taking his eyes off of the young Swede's slowly descending hand. "How are things going back at the Daily Planet?" "Pretty good Clark, pretty good," answered the intern as he slipped even more of his right hand beneath his waistband. "I was getting worried about you," Gunnar said as he watched Clark Kent eyes continue to follow his right hand's slow journey into his navy blue shorts. "Uh, yeah, thanks Gunnar, I'm okay," answered Clark without averting his eyes from the blond's hand as it moved inexorably into his shorts. "Hmmmm, this is looking good," Gunnar thought to himself as he felt his finger tips come into contact with the head of his detumescent penis. "I better not screw this up," he thought as he began to scrutinize his seemingly mesmerized host. "He is one awesome mother," observed Gunnar as he subtly looked at the powerful chest that was clearly visible through the partially opened top of the bathrobe of his host. "Hmmmmmm, speaking of bathrobes, it looks like we have a tent in that bathrobe. Yup, somebody is throwing a bone," mused the 19 year old swimmer as he began to slowly massage the tip of his cock with his fingers. "It looks like I'll have to throw a bone of my own, and see if the dog goes for it," chuckled Gunnar to himself as he felt the first stirring of erection in his dick. "So, Clark. What do you think will make those cramps go away?" Gunnar asked as he casually hoisted his t-shirt up a bit with his left hand and began to absentmindedly scratch his firm abdomen while continuing to slowly stimulate his now rapidly rising dick. The words "Uh, maybe later" trailed out of Clark as he fixated on the full masted erection that was now clearly visible beneath the thin material of Gunnar's navy blue gym shorts. "Maybe you need something else besides food in your stomach, I dunno, medicine, juice, syrup, something. You sure do have a hungry look in your eyes, Clark," continued the horny Swede as he now began to slowly and deliberately stroke the conspicuous hard on which was now undeniably the center Clark's attention. The spellbound superhero mumbled some barely audible gibberish as his x-ray vision spontaneously activated while staring at the outlines of the Swedish hard on as it was being stroked in the gym shorts on which he was focused. Within a fraction of a second, the thin gym shorts material had been penetrated and Clark/Superman found himself staring at a stiff, 19 year old boner while it was getting stroked. His mouth dropped open slightly while his left hand slipped underneath his robe and grasped his incredibly hard, Kryptonian erection. "This is it," Gunnar said to himself as he watched the robe of the transfixed male in front of him fall open and reveal a hard on in the process of being stroked. "It's now or never," thought the lanky Swedish male as he slowly began to rise from the chair while now blatantly stroking his fully-masted cock which bulged against the thin blue material of his gym shorts. "Are you there, Clark? Are you still with me?" asked the tense 19 year old life guard as he stood up and began moving towards the half-nude, masturbating male seated across from him From the formidable male specimen in front of Gunnar, there was nly silence. For the only thing that Clark/Superman was focused on was the stroked Swedish cock as it moved closer and closer. Hearing no response from the seemingly possessed male in front of him, the young Swede slowly closed the remaining few feet that separated him from his prey. For far from being just a college intern, Gunnar Adolphson was the distant cousin who the perfidious Lois Lane had slipped onto the payroll of the Daily Planet. He was a college student, and he was interning at the Daily Planet, but right now the newspaper business was the last thing he was going to think about. "Clark, can you hear me?" Gunnar asked as he stopped in front of the masturbating male who sat exposed on the sofa, his face a few inches away from the young Swede's hand and boner stuffed shorts. "Is there something you want? Is there something you need? Is there something you have to have?" Gunnar asked as he began to slowly lower his shorts with his unoccupied left hand. There was still only silence from the seated, exposed male as he devoted all of his attention to the crotch which filled his vision. "I think we both know what you need, don't we, Clark" said the horny 19 year old as the lowering waistband began to expose the top of his blond pubes. "Yeah," whispered the smiling Swedish hunk as his confidence grew. "It won't be too much longer," Gunnar continued as he stopped stroking his meat and used his right hand to assist in removing his shorts. The seated Clark/Man of Steel slowly nodded and ran his tongue over his top lip as he watched the turgid Swedish sex muscle being bent downwards as the material from the gym shorts temporarily snagged it. The seated Kryptonian hunk felt his head move forwards almost as if it were acting on its own as the base of the hair enshrouded cock came into view. He also felt his x-ray vision shut down as his normal eyesight took in the incredible scene of phallic splendor as more of the stiff, downward pointing rod cleared its fabric prison. And while his eyes transmitted dramatic closeup images of the slowly emerging phallus back to his brain, his nose began to detect and transmit the distinctive scent of a hot male crotch. His chin began to drop and his tongue re-emerged to lick both his upper and lower lips. "You're almost there, my man, you're almost there," Gunnar said in a quiet, reassuring voice as more and more of his hot dick came into view, until only the head of his hard shaft remained snagged in the thin blue material. "Hold on baby, just hold on another second and it will all be yours" whispered Gunnar as his hands gave his blue gym shorts a final downward tug removing the last bit of confining material from his rigid organ. "There it is, baby. You got it! It's all yours, my man! Take it. Go for it now, baby!" gasped the horny 19 year old as his shorts dropped to the floor and his suddenly freed dick sprang upwards and smacked the seated Clark/Superman on the right cheek. A low "unnggghhh" escaped from the mouth of the seated superhero as he thrust his head forwards and began to slurp ravenously at the juncture of Gunnar's hard rod and hair flecked ballsack. "It's all yours, baby! Take it! Go for it!" urged the elated 19 year old as he felt a warm, wet tongue envelope the base of his hard cock and the front of his scrotum. "Work that tongue, baby! Ooooh, yes, my man! Do it! Do it! Lick that rod" groaned the lust-driven intern as he pushed his crotch against the face of the male who was tonguing away at his cock. "This is fucking awesome" thought the gleeful 19 year old as he felt Cark/Superman's tongue and lips devour the base of his erection. "Go for the head, man. Go for the head," exhorted the beaming youth as he looked down at the powerful male below who had begun to wrap his lips around the center of Gunnar's proud cock. "Higher, man, higher! Go for the head, baby!" moaned the hot male as he grasped the back of Superman's head and moved it upwards. Once his taste buds recorded the presence of dick, any resistance or control left in Superman was lost forever. As his head was coaxed upwards by the standing blond hunk, the dick hungry Man of Steel surrendered all self-control and obediently began lapping and sucking the underside of the cock. Instantly detecting that Superman had submitted and he was now in total control of the situation, the horny Swede slowly guided Superman's penis devouring mouth upwards towards the head of his sex organ. Within seconds Superman was slurping at the base of the velvety cockhead, and moments later the head itself was lodged firmly in between his lips. "Take it in baby , take it in!" groaned Gunnar as he began to slowly slide his dick into the mouth of the seated Kryptonian hunk. "Oh yes baby,. That's what you need. Come on, baby. Starting sucking on it. That's right, suck it, baby. Make daddy happy." moaned the blond Swede as he continued to feed the Man of Steel hot dick. "Suck that dick, baby. Suck that dick. Oh that feels so good, doesn't it baby? You like daddy's dick don't ya?" asked the proud intern as he felt Superman obey his orders and start to suck on his hard Swedish cock. "Show daddy how much need him, baby. Bury daddy's bone in your throat," exhorted the 19 year old as he watched his dick vanish into the sucking and lapping mouth below. Feasting on the rigid Swedish cock that was now lodged deeply in his throat, Superman truly became what Luthor had so desperately wanted him to become -- a complete and total suckslave. The handsome, invincible Kryptonian hunk unconditionally surrendered control of his mouth and body to the beaming 19 year old, whose cock was now beginning to piston in and out of his Kryptonian throat. When Gunnar told him to suck, Superman sucked. When Gunnar told him to lick, he licked. When Gunnar told him to "make love to the head", he kissed and nuzzled the head of Gunnar's dick. When Gunnar told him to kiss his balls, the Man of Steel bent over and began kissing them and did not stop kissing the hair covered Swedish scrotum until Gunnar told him to lick his way up Gunnar's cockshaft. And when Gunnar took a page out of Wu Chao's book, withdrew his cock from Superman's mouth and walked across the room. Superman instantly obeyed Gunnar's order to crawl to him across his living room on all fours and beg to be allowed to suck his cock. "Your really are a hungry faggot, aren't you?" Gunnar declared scornfully as he watched the Man of Steel crawl towards his Superman-saliva dampened cock. "Yes, I am a faggot," replied the famished for cock superhero as he starred longingly at the rigid column of Swedish dick meat that towered gloriously above him like an enemy's banner hoisted over a defeated foe. "You were born to suck cock, weren't you, bitch?" crowed the increasingly confident and aggressive 19 year old after he had reinserted his dick into Superman's ravenous mouth. "Yes I was" mumbled the dick plugged Man of Steel as he impaled himself on the lanky Swede's phallus. "Tony was right when he said that you liked having a hard cock stuck in your throat, wasn't he? Tony was right was he said you like servicing a real man, and that you are nothing but a fucking pansy. He was right when he told everyone that you crave having a hot stud fuck your pussy mouth, right you miserable cocksucking faggot?" snarled the 19 year old as he grabbed a handful of Superman's hair and yanked the sucking superstud off of his rampant meat. "Yes, yes, yes!" groaned the Man of Steel as he knelt before his blond dominator's hard dick. "It's all true. I am a faggot. I suck cock. I let men cum in my mouth. I like having men cum in my mouth. I swallow cum. I need cum. I was placed on the earth to suck dicks. I'll blow anyone you tell me to blow. I'll suck any cock. I need cock. I need your cock! Please let me suck your cock, please," begged the degraded and nearly incoherent son of Krypton. "Not so fast, you fucking fairy" snapped the now swaggering young male as he tantalized the semen-addicted superhero by holding his rigid Swedish prick just outside of Superman's mouth. "The only cocks you're gonna suck are those we tell you to suck. You are our fucking suckslave! Do you understand?" demanded the deliberately cruel young male as Gunnar jerked the head of the lust-driven Man of Steel upwards and away from the penis Superman craved, and forced him to look into Gunnar's piecing blue eyes. "You are our whore!" shouted the haughty Swede. "Say it! Say it now! I am a fucking whore! I am a suckslave faggot! Say it, you piece of shit!" Gunnar yelled into the face of the despondent Man of Steel as he pushed Superman backwards onto the floor. "Yes, yes, yes! I am your suckslave! I am your whore!" moaned the humiliated Man of Steel as he lay on his back, naked and conquered at the feet of the scornful college male. "I am a suckslave faggot! Please let me suck on your cock" begged the totally defeated Man of Steel. "I am your faggot suckslave. Please, I am your faggot suckslave. I am your faggot suckslave." "Good. That's what we like to hear," declared the 19 year old. "Now get up on your knees like a good little whore and I'll let you suck on my cock. "That's right," Gunnar continued in mock sincerity as he watched the staggeringly powerful, but completely vanquished, super male get off of his back, rise to his knees and submissively open his mouth. "Well, it looks like our little cunt has finally learned her place. Yeah," continued the gloating blond, "I think you're gonna be a really good whore after all. And do you know what we do for really good whores?" Gunnar asked staring directly into the face of Luthor's debased foe. "We reward them. Here's your reward, sweetheart! Start sucking," ordered the youthful blond as he stuck his dick back into Superman's mouth. "Your life is over Superman. After today it will never be the same," Gunnar calmly stated as he looked down with disgust as the cock-crazed Man of Steel sucked ravenously on his dick. " Oh, you'll still be able to fly around in that faggot suit pretending to defend truth, justice and the American way, but your real life, your secret life, will be that of a whore, a whore for Lex Luthor, a cocksucking whore to be precise. You are going to be spending a lot of time on your knees giving head, just like you're doing now. That pathetic hard on you're sprouting is proof that you like giving head, isn't it?" asked the gloating Swede as he once again pulled his dick out of Superman's mouth and slowly waved the saliva covered shaft in front of the beaten Man of Steel. "But then, that's what you like to do, isn't it Superman? You need to suck on a nice, hard dick like this don't you? You're looking forward to your new life as a suckslave aren't you faggot? You want this dick back in your pathetic pussy mouth don't you, cunt? You want me to dump a big, gooey load of my ball juice down your pathetic homo throat don't you? "Yes, please, yes," whimpered the despondent superhero. "Very good, faggot. Now get your pussy lips over hear and suck me off! I've been saving up a load for you for days. I wanna get rid of it now. Get your face over here and blow me, cunt." It was a crushed and broken Man of Steel who opened his mouth and resumed fellating the 19 year old hunk who stood over him, legs proudly apart, hands across his chest, with an expression of total triumph on his face "That's right, Superman. Suck that dick. You wanted it; now you'll do all the work, like a good little whore. Service my rod. Worship my cock with your mouth," the blond 19 year old commanded as he looked down at the naked, boner spouting Man of Steel gobbling his hard penis. With the chemically altered pleasure centers of the semen-addicted superhero in total control, the conquered Man of Steel focused all of his oral efforts and skills on pleasing his young master's dick in order to obtain a load of the priceless cum which his pleasure centers demanded. And so as he shamefully face fucked his mouth on the Swede's turgid cock, Superman's tongue licked and slurped all along the impressive column of flesh in order to increase the college male's joy and trigger the orgasm so intensely needed by the Kryptonian hunk. Even the haughty blond college male was impressed by the blow job he was getting from the male he had so viciously berated. "Superman gives fantastic head," Gunnar realized as he experienced incredible sensations of intense pleasure from the suck job Superman was giving him. "I've never been blown like this before," he realized as Superman's ceaseless sucking and out of this world tonguing, began to put the horny Swede over the edge. "Oh, man, bitch. I can't hold back much longer" echoed into Superman's ears as he continued to worship Gunnar's cock with every oral skill he could muster. "Oh, shit! Fuck! Yes!" is all that the sucking Man of Steel heard as the hard Swedish dick stuffed in his mouth began to ejaculate. Long, thick streams of white, sperm filled semen erupted from the slot at the end of the dick Superman was sucking and began to fill his cum-hungry mouth. The blond covered swimmer's legs in front of the kneeling superhero began to buckle as Gunnar's body was wracked by incredible pleasures. The feeling of the orgasm was so intense that the 19 year old had to grab onto the shoulders of the sucking Man of Steel to steady himself while his dick continued to spew its load of warm jism into Superman's mouth. As Superman's taste buds recorded the first taste of semen, the pleasure centers of Superman's brain ordered swallowing to begin immediately and unleashed another tongue assault on the ejaculating rod still wedged in Superman's mouth. The momentarily overcome college male could only hold onto the strong shoulders of the Man of Steel as Superman devoured every drop of semen that jettisoned from Gunnar's cock. Even after the young Swede had stopped ejaculating, Superman's mouth kept servicing his rod as the pleasure centers of Superman's brain kept issuing their orders for cum. "Whoa, back off, bitch" snapped the exhausted Swede as he pulled his tender dick out of Superman's still sucking mouth. "Give a guy a break! I know you love cock, but enough's enough," chuckled the 19 year old as he tumbled backwards and landed on the floor. "You are one fucking, fantastic cocksucker, Superman," laughed the spent young male as he looked at the kneeling Man of Steel. "You give one hell of a blowjob," snickered Gunnar as he watched Superman stare at the Swede's softening dick. "Damn, you really are a faggot," continued the young lifeguard as he rose to his feet while watching Superman's eyes follow every movement of his now detumescent penis. "Well, now it's time to get down to business," Gunnar announced as he plopped down on Superman's chair and covered his blond haired groin with his navy blue gym shorts. "Hey, I had to get your attention," barked Gunnar to the kneeling superhero who now looked into Gunnar's face. "You can look at my dick later, but right now, we are going to discuss the terms of your new life. Listen closely. These are the terms. They are not negotiable. "Okay, okay, get on over here," said the exasperated Swede as he tossed his shorts aside and once again allowed the hard on sprouting Superman to stare at his sleeping cock. "Here's the deal, Superman. I'm gonna let you hold my dick in your mouth while we discuss your new life. Now, you can't suck on it. But you have been a good cocksucker tonight, so I'll let you keep it in your mouth. And since you can't talk very well with my dick in your mouth, we're going to set up a little signal system. When I ask you something and the answer is yes, I want you to lick my cockhead twice, do you understand," the young man asked as he pulled Superman's face upwards. Superman nodded. "Now, if the answer is "no" then I want to feel one lick on my dickhead. Okay, those are the rules. Here's your goody" laughed the college male as he spread his legs apart. Within seconds his dick was once again inside of the mouth of the Man of Steel. "Okay," Gunnar said to the face wedged between his lanky legs, "here are the terms of your new life." "Number 1. You openly acknowledge and admit that you are a cocksucking, faggot whore suckslave." A moment later the 19 year old felt Superman's tongue swipe his cockhead twice. "Good, You're a fast learner. " "Number 2. You will suck the cock of any man who Lex Luthor or one of his associates tells you to suck." Once again, the young Swede felt a tongue hit his dickhead twice. "Number 3. "Unless instructed otherwise by the man, or men, whom you are blowing, you will swallow all that is ejaculated or emitted by the urethra of each penis of each man that you are blowing." Two tongue taps on his Swedish dickhead. "Number 4. You will suck no cocks, other than those provided to you by Lex Luthor or his associates." After a short delay, the college intern felt two tongue contacts on the head of his penis. "No freelancing, faggot" warned Gunnar. "Don't worry, we will keep you well supplied with cock." "Number 5. You will continue to fly around fighting crime, being a general pain in the ass do-gooder, and you will maintain a good public image. However, you will not interfere in any of Lex Luthor's dealings, or those of his associates, unless specifically authorized by Lex Luthor." After nearly a minute, Gunnar's dickhead registered a single lick. "Hey, dick breath, this isn't a negotiation session. These are the terms of your new life. You will accept and obey every single one of these fucking rules. Remember, we have thousands and thousands of hot pictures, videos, and every other kind of fucking media showing you sucking lots of cocks and swallowing cum by the gallon. We not only have the power to cut off your supply of cock, but we have the power to turn the people of the world against you. Every newspaper, magazine, tv and radio station, binary newsgroup and webpage will have thousands of those pictures within an hour unless I feel your tongue lap by cock twice," bellowed Gunnar Thirty seconds later, Superman's tongue lapped the head of the Swede's dick, twice. "I knew you'd come to your senses," continued Gunnar. "Now on to Rule 6." "Number 6. You will strip of your clothes and display any and all parts of your body when directed by Lex Luthor, one of his associates, or a male who you have been authorized to blow." Two laps on the head of Gunnar's penis. "Number 7. You will not ejaculate unless you receive permission from Lex Luthor, one of his associates, or a male who you have been authorized to blow. Spontaneous orgasm while sucking on another man's cock, not assisted by your own hand, will not count. You agree to lap up, ingest and swallow any and all semen ejaculated from your faggot penis when ordered to do so by Lex Luthor, one of his associates, or a male who you have been authorized to blow." After nearly a minute, the young Swede's dick was lapped twice. "Number 8. You agree to submit to any physical or medical examination, including full body cavity searches, and agree to permit the insertion of medical or other examination devices and instruments into your body cavities, when ordered by Lex Luthor or one of his associates." Thirty seconds later, two laps on Gunnar's dick. "Number 9. You agree to admit and proclaim to Lex Luthor, any of his associates, or any male who you have been authorized to blow, that you are a faggot. You agree to study, memorize, and repeat with feeling any sentence, phrase, or term, no matter who graphic or demeaning, admitting, embracing, acknowledging and celebrating the fact that you are, always have been, and always will be, an orally receptive homosexual; ie an oral bottom." After a fifteen second delay, two tongue strokes on the head of the 19 year old's dick. "Number 10. You agree to study, practice, improve and refine methods, ways, techniques and procedures to provide, prolong and enhance your ability and skills to perform oral sex acts on Lex Luthor, his associates, or any male who you have been authorized to blow." Two laps on the Swede's dick. "That went very well faggot," chuckled the 19 year old blond as he playfully tasseled the hair of the Kryptonian stud who still held Gunnar's penis in his mouth. "And in celebration of your new life, Mr. Luthor has ordered me to give you a present," revealed the Swedish male as he pulled the dick engorged Man of Steel's head upwards, reached over to his gym shorts and retrieved a condom. "Slip this around the head of your dick, superfag, just the head. Lex is going to let you beat off into it. Once you fill it with your faggot goo, we will let you swallow your own nutsauce. I know that you like the taste of your own cum, fairy. I saw that film they made of you when you laid on your back and eagerly gobbled your own jism. I watched Tony pour your own scum into your mouth. And I watched you lick the fucking scumbowl clean. I know what you like. Okay, faggot. Slip on the rubber and get to work. I don't have all day," observed the grinning Swede. "Oh yeah, feel free to stare at my dick while you're playing with yourself. You can remember how much fun you had sucking on it," laughed the 19 year old as he watched the Man of Steel open the condom and place it around the corona of the formidable head of Superman's still erect phallus. Four minutes later, his eyes riveted to the blond enshrouded penis lying before him, the body of Lex Luthor's new suckslave began to spasm and shake as the masturbating superhero experienced the fifth orgasm of his life. A series of "Uuuuhh, Oh, unnngg" and other grunts was all that Gunnar heard as he watched in amusement as end of Superman's condom began to fill with fresh Kryptonian semen. "Very good, Superman, very good" mocked the 19 year old as the final spasms of pleasure ran through the extraordinary body that knelt in front of him. "Now, take your hand and milk that shaft from the bottom to the top. That's right," said Gunnar as the Man of Steel began to squeeze the remaining droplets of semen from his own cock. "We don't want to miss a single sperm. I think that's done it. Now take of the rubber and had it to me. Excellent!" continued the 19 year old as Superman obediently removed the scum laden condom and hand it to Gunnar. "Now, open your mouth nice and wide. Very good. Here's the present Mr. Luthor promised you," the college intern announced as he upended the semen loaded rubber and began to pour Superman's own ejaculate into Superman's mouth. "You can now swallow Mr. Luthor's present," said the obviously entertained cousin of Lois Lane as he emptied the last of Superman's thick, white semen into his open mouth. "Good boy," Gunnar chuckled as he watched in fascination as the Man of Steel obediently ingested his own semen. "You damn faggots are something else," declared the blond collegian as he got up from the chair and slipped into his gym shorts. "I will never understand why any guy would ever eat that stuff. All I can say is that I am glad you like it, because any time you need some, you just stop by a see me," exclaimed the 19 year old. . "These babies will whip up a batch for you in no time," Gunnar announced as he lewdly grabbed his crotch. "Oh, yes, one more thing faggot," continued Luthor's youngest agent as he reached into a pocket of his blue gym shorts and extracted a folded piece of paper. "You'll be pleased to hear that Mr. Luthor intends to keep his new whore very happy, and has already made arrangements for you to swallow your next load of balljuice. This paper contains detailed directions to an estate on the outskirts of Lagos, Nigeria. You will arrive there at 10:00 PM tomorrow, Lagos time. Your old friend Tony will meet you there and deliver you to our very first customer. As Mr. Luthor's cocksucking whore, you will blow customer, swallow his load, thank him for letting you swallow, proclaim your homosexuality to the customer and do whatever else Tony tells you to do. You will come back here, return to work at the Daily Planet, and await further instructions. Have a nice day, faggot!" laughed the 19 year old blond as he tossed the paper at the still naked Man of Steel and left the apartment. The cum-addicted Man of Steel remained on his knees staring blankly at the piece of paper for nearly fifteen minutes. It was only after the receptors in the pleasure centers of Superman's brain began to record the presence of digested semen components in his bloodstream and ratchet down the intensity of the craving feeling, that the disgraced and subjugated supermale was able to reassert some control over himself. It was only when the mysterious feelings of serenity, contentment and fulfillment returned to his body, that the Man of Steel was able to comprehend the enormity of horror that had just befallen him. But this time even Superman's astonishing mental powers could not find a way out of the inescapable psychological, emotional and most important of all, physiological trap that Luthor had created. Isolated, betrayed, degraded, blackmailed, and oblivious to the fact that he been secretly addicted, the staggeringly powerful, heterosexual Man of Steel gave up the fight and capitulated. He was now Lex Luthor's whore.


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