Gay Erotic Stories

Paying Back Dex

by SexiBeast
10 Jan 2003

Bondage Chance Encounters Sex On The Road Straight Men, Gay Sex

I cursed silently under my breath as I walked underneath the scorching desert sun. I had gravely misjudged my gas mileage and was now stranded in the middle of nowhere with a car that refused to budge. And, of course, I would have to choose the most desolate road in Arizona to do my traveling. I had been walking now for at least three hours and still hadn’t seen any signs of life, unless you counted the numerous scorpions and tarantulas that scurried along the hot desert sand beside me. I had stripped down to nothing except my jean cutoffs and my hiking boots, but I still sweated like crazy in the stifling heat. I won’t even begin to describe my thirst!

This was supposed to be one of those “go out and discover yourself” trips that are so common in college. You know, the trips where you call home for extra money for an “educational retreat” and then pile into a car with a suitcase and maybe a buddy or two to drive who knows where and do who knows what. My major oversight, as I saw it now, was to brave this adventure alone, without the aid of someone who could look over and say, “Uh, Brad? Your fuel gage looks mighty low.” As a result, I was stranded somewhere in between two small towns nearly ninety miles apart. I picked which town I thought was closer, the one I had been heading towards, and started walking. I just hoped I didn’t completely dehydrate before I was able to get some help.

I was seriously contemplating giving up and leaving my carcass for the buzzards when I thought I heard a noise behind me. I turned and saw a faint plume of dust rise in the distance. My heart skipped a beat. Someone was coming! I waited patiently along the side of the rode and watched as my one hope for salvation drew closer and closer.

Before I knew it, a single man on a motorcycle caught side of me and pulled over just a short distance up the road. I looked him over as I ran up to him. He was a large man, probably standing a good six inches taller than my average 5’10” frame and knotted all over with thickly sculpted muscles, but he seemed decent enough. His blonde hair was neatly buzzed to a short crew cut and I saw no hint of tattoos on him. Just like me, he was shirtless, but he wore jeans and black chaps with black motorcycle boots. As I approached, he turned to look at me, his face expressionless and his eyes covered in dark sunglasses.

“That your car down the road a ways?” he barked out in a gruff voice.

“Yeah,” I answered sheepishly. “Thought I had enough gas to make it.”

“Guess you’re in a shit load of trouble then, aren’t you?” he replied ominously.

I shrugged, feeling somehow miniscule in the presence of this oppressive man. “It would appear so.”

The man looked at me for a moment from behind his dark shades, and then turned to look up the road where I had been heading. “Nearest town from here is over forty miles,” he growled. “You weren’t planning on walking that whole distance in this heat, were you?”

“I had hoped someone would come along and maybe, you know, offer some help,” I said meekly.

“Help doesn’t often come cheap around these parts,” he implied.

I sighed, realizing I’d probably have to cut my trip short now to pay this man, but it still beat roasting to death on the side of the road. “I can pay,” I relented.

I watched as the man raised his massive hand up to tip down his sunglasses and peer over the top of them. A pair of scrutinizing crystalline blue eyes glanced me over, head to toe and back again, before the man said, “I’m sure you can. What’s your name?”

“Brad,” I offered reluctantly. “And you are?”

The man huffed before he said, “The name’s Dex, but you can call me sir.”

“Yes, sir,” I mumbled, starting to feel ridiculed by Dex’s demeanor. I stood anxiously as Dex continued to look me over . “Well, what are you waiting for, dipshit?” Dex suddenly barked. “You want a ride to town or what?”

“Yes, sir,” I said eagerly, nodding my head . Dex thumbed to a small space on the seat behind him as he said, “Then you’d better jump on and grab hold. I’m fixing to roar out of here pretty soon.”

I took the hint and climbed cautiously onto Dex’s motorcycle. Within seconds, I was perched on the seat just behind Dex, clutching onto the sides to keep myself from falling off.

Dex just groaned and looked over his shoulder back at me. “Weren’t you listening, shit for brains? You’d better hold onto me if you don’t want to fall off this baby. I’m not stopping till I reach town whether you fall off or not, got it?”

“Yes,” I said in a low voice, anger getting the best of me now for Dex calling me a shit twice now, “But I don’t appreciate the way you’re talking to me.”

Dex just snorted at this. “You appreciate walking forty miles in this heat?” he replied.

I got his point, no matter how “subtle” it was. “No, sir.”

“Then I suggest you shut your mouth, wrap your arms around me, and hold on tight or else you can wait for someone else to take you down this god-forsaken road,” Dex said, his face getting a little red. “Yes, sir,” I replied obediently, and then did exactly as he said. It felt funny to grab hold of another man like this, and I ended up just grabbing his shoulders. Dex groaned again, and then started to speak before he shut his mouth again. Finally, he just looked back at me and said, “That isn’t going to do it, boy. You’ve got to wrap your arms around my chest and lean in tight otherwise you’re going to end up sprawled across the Arizona highway.”

“Sorry,” I apologized. “I’m not used to this.”

“You will be by the time we get to town,” Dex said gruffly. “Now, try it again.”

I did as Dex said, wrapping my arms loosely around his broad chest in an effort to keep some distance between our naked torsos. Dex just grabbed my wrists and pulled tighter, causing me to fall against him, before he said, “Like this, Brad. It’s the only way to do it.”

“Yes, sir,” I squeaked out, a little freaked out at having my body touch another man’s like this. Still, I had no choice if I wanted a ride, and a safe one at that. Dex spoke not a word as he roared off down the highway with me clutching so tightly to him that I could smell his sweat.

It seemed an eternity before Dex and I reached town. “Town” turned out to be little more than a rundown convenience store gas station, a small derelict hotel, and a few ramshackle houses off in the distance. The sign read “Desperation Gulch” as we roared past and into the gas station. Desperation didn’t begin to describe my feelings for getting out of there, but the low hanging sun in the west was forecasting a night for me spent in that decrepit hotel we passed. I sighed and tried to be thankful that Dex had given me the ride. He strode into the convenience store behind me as I made my way to the counter.

The man behind the counter looked shocked to see anyone there in his store. He looked at me for a moment before his eyes focused on Dex and narrowed. “Hi, do you have any gas tanks that I can fill up?” I asked, approaching the counter. The man didn’t take his eyes off Dex as he pointed down an aisle and said, “They’re over there.”

“Thanks,” I called back, grabbing a gas tank and taking it out to the pumps with me.

Dex waited outside, strapping the tank of gas to the back of his motorcycle, while I went in to pay for the tank and the gas. As I handed the money to the clerk, he looked outside at Dex again and asked, “You know that fella out there?”

I looked back at Dex and shrugged. “My car ran out of gas about forty miles back and he gave me a ride here.”

The man looked back at me with suspicious eyes as he said in a low voice, “I suggest you part ways with him as soon as you can.” I was about to ask what he meant when he suddenly said, “Two dollars and fifty-three cents is your change. You have a good one.” With that, he turned and sulked off to a back room.

After another long ride back to my car, forced to hold on tightly to Dex again, my tank had enough gas to get me to the town again and fill up completely. Dex just leaned against his motorcycle and stared at me as I poured the gas into my car. He waited until I fired my car up to make sure it would start. I was so thankful to hear it roar right back to life. I left it running as I walked over to Dex.

“How much do I owe you?” I said with a bit of an edge in my voice, upset he was going to take advantage of my misfortune.

Dex shook his head and held up his hand to tell me to stop taking out my wallet. “I don’t want to get paid that way,” he said vaguely. I put my wallet back in my back pocket and looked at Dex. Maybe I had him pegged all wrong.

“Thanks for helping me out,” I said briefly, wanting to get on my way . Dex just shrugged. “You going to be staying at that hotel in Desperation tonight?” Dex questioned as I started back to my car.

I stopped and turned back to him. “Looks like it.”

Dex nodded. “I’ll find you tonight. You can repay me then.”

I guess I didn’t have him pegged all wrong, I thought to myself as Dex straddled his motorcycle and started down the highway again.

Despite the outward appearance, the “Desperation Hotel” was not as bad once you got inside. It was a bit out of style, but it was kept clean enough. Probably because nobody ever used the rooms in this god-forsaken place, I laughed to myself as I lugged my suitcase onto one of the nearby beds.

No shower ever felt as good as the one I had that night. My shoulders and face were more than a little pink from walking in the desert that day, but the cool water still felt amazing. I dried off quickly, throwing on a pair of boxers before laying back on one of the beds in an exhausted heap.

It was dark when I heard a loud knock at the door. I jumped in surprise, having nodded off long ago. I tried to get my bearings straight for a moment when the knock sounded again. I stood up slowly as I called out, “Who is it?”

“Dex,” came the curt reply.

I groaned inwardly as I called back, “Give me a sec.” I searched my luggage for a pair of nylon shorts I wore to lounge in before I walked over to the door.

“Hi, Dex,” I mumbled sleepily as I cracked the door open just a hair to peer out at him. He still wore the same getup I saw him in early, even down to the dark sunglasses despite the fact that it was black as ink out there now.

Dex frowned at me. “It’s sir to you, boy,” he growled. “I came for my payment.”

God, I couldn’t wait to get rid of this guy. Something about him was starting to put me on guard. Maybe it was just what the guy at the gas station said today. Whatever it was, I didn’t invite him in as I turned and said, “Yeah, let me go get my wallet real quick.” I let the door close to keep Dex from getting in as I walked over to get my wallet off the dresser . My plan didn’t work as Dex caught the door at the last minute and showed himself inside the room. “I told you I don’t want that kind of payment,” he said in his gruff voice as he closed the door behind him.

“Well then, what do you want?” I turned, getting exasperated with his whole “tough guy” routine. “I guess I just don’t understand.”

Dex smiled, but not a pleasant smile. “Here’s the deal,” he began in an ominous tone. “I’m on that motorcycle almost the entire time I’m awake. You have any idea what having that kind of power between your legs almost all day long does to you?” He didn’t wait for me to answer as he said, “Makes you horny, boy. Hornier than a damn college kid at a frat party.”

My blood was beginning to run a bit colder as he spoke. “What are you trying to tell me?” I murmured.

“Seems to me that it would be a fair trade if you get my rocks off for letting you use my cycle today, boy,” Dex said with an evil grin, lowering his sunglasses now to look at me.

I gulped, unable to believe what I was hearing, as I stammered back, “I, uh . . .I don’t swing that way, sir.”

Dex just huffed and sneered at me. “I don’t give a shit what way you swing, boy,” he barked in a gravely voice. “You told me you would pay and it’s time to pay up.”

“But I didn’t know that’s how you wanted me to pay,” I protested.

Dex just smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “Guess you should’ve asked.”

I couldn’t believe this was happening. My head was swirling as I just looked at Dex in disbelief. “I don’t have to put up with this,” I finally said, starting to make my way to the door. “You can’t do this to me.”

Dex moved swiftly and stood in front of the door, locking it behind his back. “Who’s to stop me?” he taunted, rising up to full height. God, he was a large man. “We’re alone in here and I don’t think you’re any match for me, boy. The manager is dead drunk in his office like he always is, and the nearest police station is fifty miles away.” He ended with a sickening smile as he crossed his massive arms across his barrel chest. “So, are you going to do this the easy way or the hard way?”

I looked up at Dex with a myriad of emotions coursing through me. Fear, anxiety, excitement . . .they were all there. Still, what could he really do to me, I figured? Even if he roughed me up a little, if I could just get to my car, I should be all right. I just looked up at him defiantly as I said, “I think you need to go.”

Dex shrugged as he said, “Have it your way.” I thought he was going to leave when he spun around with an agility I had never seen before and grabbed hold of me. Before I knew it, he had me in a choker hold, squeezing my neck just enough that I couldn’t breathe. As I gasped for air, he lowered his lips to my ears and began to speak.

“I have no qualms about finishing the job, boy,” he seethed. “I’d be long gone before they ever found your body. I’ve done it before, and I can do it again. So let me ask again . . . you going to do as I say here, or do I have to keep squeezing the life out of you?”

I knew he meant business now, and the knowledge of what would happen if I refused overrode the fear of what might happen if I agreed. I tried to squeak out a meager, “Okay, okay,” but it only came out as a chortled garble.

“What was that?” Dex teased, releasing his grip on me ever so slightly.

“Okay,” I screamed. Dex laughed as he shoved me to the floor. I fell into a crumpled heap, laying there gasping for air. “That’s what I like to hear,” Dex purred, kneeling down to get into my face. “Now then, the rules are you do whatever the fuck I tell you to do. Otherwise, I might have to mess you up a bit more, got it?”

I nodded, still trying to catch my breath, as I said, “Yes.”

“Yes what?” Dex demanded, grabbing my hair and yanking my head back.

I stifled a small scream as I gasped out, “Yes, sir. Yes, sir!”

Dex just smiled. “That’s more like it, boy.”

As I sat there, dazed and gulping down air, Dex walked over to a small chair in the room and dragged it over until it was in front of me. Fighting back the tears of fear, I watched him from the corner of my eye as he sat in the chair, his large boots just inches from my face.

“My boots are pretty dusty,” Dex said after a moment. “Why don’t you go ahead and lick them clean, boy?”

I glanced up at the boots looming in front of my face. They were filthy, covered with the dust of what must have been a hundred desert roads. Not able to keep the disgust off my face, I turned my head away.

Suddenly, one of Dex’s boots flew up and connected with the side of my jaw, causing my head to reel and my face to throb. “You heard me, fucker,” Dex shouted. “Now get to work or I swear I’ll break something the next time.”

Still determined not to let Dex see me cry, I choked back the tears and knelt back down to Dex’s boots. I also had to keep from retching as I slowly stuck out my tongue and slid them across the toe of one of the boots. Dex just laughed as I cringed and went in for another swipe with my tongue. “That’s it, bitch,” he cooed. “You just keep going until those things are sparkling. I’ll let you know when to stop.”

My tongue felt raw and swollen when Dex suddenly placed one of his feet on my shoulder and kicked me back until I sat on my knees before him. “That’s good enough, boy,” he grinned. “Now take them off. It’s time to start this party.”

Still showing a defiant face, a face that would not be broken by this man, I grabbed one of his boots and started to yank it off. A rank odor filled my nostrils as Dex’s foot emerged from the boot. It was as if he hadn’t taken them off in a few days. That might not have been to far from the truth from the looks of him, I thought to myself. I gagged at the smell of Dex’s feet as I pulled off the other boot. Dex just laughed at me.

“They nice and ripe for you?” Dex mocked, shoving one of his feet in my face. On instinct, I turned my head to escape the smell, to which Dex responded by kicking me again in the same place as he had just moments before. Even though he didn’t have the boot on anymore, it still hurt as he disturbed the wound. “You take what I give to you, bitch,” Dex said in a raised voice, just before he lowered it and added, “You take everything I give you and I don’t have to hurt you, understand?”

“Yes, sir,” I mumbled, not even daring to look at his face.

“Now, turn your head back here,” Dex demanded. “You’re going to take these socks of me and give my feet the same attention as you gave my boots, got it?”

If the thought of licking Dex’s boots had made me queasy, the notion of doing the same to his feet made me positively ill. I went as slowly as I could, taking off the socks that now appeared dingy gray from lack of being washed. Once Dex’s feet were bare, I hesitated for a moment, looking at those feet and trying to calm my stomach before I began. I must have taken too long as Dex showed one of his feet right against my nose and growled, “Go at it, boy.”

My eyes watered as I immediately stuck out my tongue and began lapping at Dex’s feet. He both laughed and groaned at this, rubbing his feet all over my face as I continued to lick. My head was filled with the sour smell of his feet as I just kept going, not daring to stop.

“God, that feels good,” Dex murmured. “You ever done this before, boy?” I just looked up at him in disgust as he laughed at me. “Just don’t forget about in between the toes,” Dex smirked as he rolled his head back and groaned.

I wanted a drink desperately when Dex told me I was done, but I didn’t dare ask. I awaited the next disgusting task as Dex stood up in front of me. I watched as he unfastened his chaps and threw them to the floor, and then he undid his belt, sitting back down as soon as he was finished. He looked down at me and grinned. “Let’s give you a little break,” he said, a glint coming in his eyes as he looked at me. “All you’ve got to do now is stand up and turn around.”

“What for?” I questioned without thinking.

Dex reached down and grabbed my face, squeezing my cheeks painfully, as he seethed, “Because I said so, bitch. That ought to be reason enough for you, right?”

“Yes, sir,” I mumbled, finding it hard to talk with Dex’s squeezing my face.

Dex smiled and patted my cheek. “Good boy,” he taunted. “Now, stand up and face that wall.”

I did just as he said, getting to my feet before I turned away from him to face the opposite wall. “That’s it,” Dex purred. “That’s what I’ve been waiting for. I’ve been looking at that sweet little ass all day, boy. Anyone ever tell you what a fine ass you’ve got?”

“No,” I cringed, still unable to believe this was happening to me.

Dex chuckled. “I bet you’ve got the sweetest, creamiest little bubble butt I’ve ever seen,” he continued. “Why don’t we get a look at it?”

Without warning, I felt Dex’s hands slide under the waistbands of both my shorts and boxers just before he yanked them down. I gasped, unable to keep a small tear from sliding down my cheek as Dex let out a low whistle.

“Mighty fine, boy,” Dex said in a low voice. “Mighty fine. That’s one tight ass.” I felt his strong, groping hands grab a hold of my ass and begin to knead the flesh. It was all I could do to keep from breaking down as Dex violated my body, but I somehow managed to stuff it all down and keep my composure. “Aw, yeah,” Dex clucked as he continue rubbing my ass. “I’d love to eat that baby out someday, but not today. Now turn around and let me get a look at the other side of you.”

I kept my face blank as I turned, giving Dex a full view of my complete nudity. His eyes went right for my crotch. I could feel my cheeks burn as he sat forward in the chair and ogled my exposed member. “Not bad, boy,” Dex said eagerly as he scoped me out. “You are one hot dish. I’m glad I ran into you today.” He looked me in the eyes as he smirked and said, “Aren’t you glad you met me?”

I glared down at him as I hissed, “Yes, sir.”

Dex just smirked, turning his attention back to my groin. “Shit, I’ll bet that’s just as sweet as cream,” he grumbled. I watched in horror as he leaned forward and slid his tongue along the inside of my thigh, brushing up against my dick as he licked all the way up to my pubes. He leaned back then and frowned. “Damn it,” he said. “You already showered.” He looked up at me and smiled wickedly as he said, “I sure didn’t though. On your knees again, boy.”

I followed his orders without question now, hoping that maybe if I obeyed promptly, this whole ordeal would be over quickly. As soon as I was down there, Dex grabbed my hand and placed it on his own crotch. I started to grab my hand back, but I remembered in time not to defy Dex. Dex looked at me and ginned again as he said, “Why don’t you go ahead and undo these jeans for me, boy?”

Using both my hands and a lot of will power not to shudder in revulsion, I quickly unbuttoned Dex’s jeans and then carefully undid his zipper. Once done, I put my hands back at my side. I couldn’t help but turn my head; still wanting no part of this, as Dex pulled back the flaps of his pants to display what was there . “Go ahead and look, bitch,” Dex demanded once he was finished . I turned and forced my eyes to Dex’s groin. I found that he was wearing what looked like a jockstrap underneath instead of underwear. The pouch of the jockstrap was stained a pale brownish-yellow, probably from being unwashed like his socks had been. Dex spoke not a word, but went for my hand again and plopped it down on the bulge inside his jock.

“Feel that?” Dex rumbled. “Why don’t you give that a couple of good squeezes for me?”

I did as he said, my heart pounding as I realized I had never touched another man’s dick besides my own. God, I wanted out of this, but the nightmare just kept going. “That’s nice and all,” Dex said after a few excruciating moments, “But I’d love for you to get your face down there and find out what a real man’s cock smells like.”

I gulped, my stomach tied in knots, as I slowly began to lower my head towards Dex’s crotch. Dex ended up just grabbing my head and shoving it into his lap, my nose now firmly nestled beside the length of his dick. I choked as the stale, musky odor of Dex’s crotch and more than a few piss stains filled my nose. Dex just laughed at me as he said, “Guess what you get to do now, bitch? Hope your tongue’s ready.”

I had reached my breaking point. The tears finally started to flow as I gasped out, “I can’t,” my face still buried in Dex’s groin.

Dex let go of my head instantly and said, “What was that?”

I lifted my head slightly as I sobbed, “I can’t, sir. I’m not . . . I mean, I don’t do this kind of stuff. I can’t do it.” I ended with a few more sobs as Dex just looked down at me.

I was surprised to feel his hand reach down and caress my cheek tenderly. “Tears?” he questioned, looking at me as if he actually pitied me. “We can’t have tears. Come here.”

Dex stood, bringing me up with him before he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me close to him. It felt so gentle, so warm after all he had done to me and I started in on a new round of tears. “Shh, no tears,” Dex said in a soft voice as he continued to hold me. “We can’t have tears, boy. You know why?”

I just shook my head. Maybe this whole nightmare was over . Dashing all my hopes, I felt Dex’s massive hand grab me by the balls and begin to squeeze. “If we have tears,” Dex began, hissing directly into my ear, “I’ll be forced to rip your balls off and make you eat them.”

I tried to stifle another sob, but I couldn’t help myself. Dex squeezed harder now, but all I could do was gasp in pain. “I mean it, bitch,” Dex said, his voice dripping with cruelty now. “You’d piss all over yourself if you knew even half of what I’ve done to men twice your size. Now be a good boy and let’s make sure you live through this, okay? Know how you do that?”

I shook my head again, the fear causing my tears to stop. Dex looked at me with hatred in his eyes as he said, “You drop to your goddamn knees and get your fucking tongue out to start licking my jock, you stupid fucker.” With that, he let go of my balls and shoved me to my knees hard.

“Now, go to it!” Dex demanded, grabbing me by the ears to force my head back into his crotch again. Fearing again for my life, I stuck my tongue out immediately and began lapping at Dex’s rancid jockstrap. Dex just moaned and rubbed his filthy crotch all over my face, much like he had done with his feet, until his stench filled my head. I gagged a couple times, but Dex just moaned.

“Aw, fuck, yeah,” he gasped. “I knew you could do it, bitch.” Before long, I could feel Dex’s crotch begin to swell and I knew what was happening. Still, I willed myself to keep going as Dex’s just rubbed his hardening member all over my face. He was still groaning when he let go of one of my ears and moved it to the waistband of his jockstrap. I was numb now from the whole ordeal as he started to slide his jock down his hips.

I shuddered when I first felt Dex’s thick, golden pubes tickle my nose. It was all happening so fast, and I just wished it were all some bad dream as I felt the base of Dex’s naked shaft run past my cheek. Suddenly, it was no longer his jock that Dex was rubbing on my face, but his naked, exposed cock. He rubbed it now against my one cheek, moaning as it ran over my face.

“Shit, yeah,” Dex hissed. “Get that tongue back out, boy. I want to feel you licking on my balls.”

I just stuck my tongue out and Dex positioned himself so that his balls ran back and forth over my tongue. It was such an odd sensation, feeling Dex’s hairy, wrinkled nut sac roll around on my tongue, tasting their musky, salty flavor. I still couldn’t believe I was honestly here, that this was really happening. Maybe it all really was a dream . . .a really bad one, but a dream nonetheless. I think that’s what I told myself so I could make it.

Dex continued like this for a moment before he yelped out, “God, bitch, you’ve got me so horny! I can’t stand it any longer.” He backed away from me, then bent down to rest his hands on his knees, panting at the action I had been giving him. I just sat there blankly, trying to remove myself from the whole thing through the power of my mind. Dex began to look around for a moment before he pointed to the hotel bed and said, “Get up there, now.”

I did just as he said, watching as Dex bent down to grab the belt from out of his jeans as well as both of his long boot socks. I caught a glimpse of his cock, still unable to believe that thing was rubbing all over my face. It was quite a bit bigger than mine, maybe just a hair thicker, with two huge balls swinging back and forth behind. I didn’t want to get that close to it again, but I knew I didn’t have any choice. Better to let him get it over with than wish it wouldn’t happen.

Dex turned back to me again and ordered, “Lie down on your back.” I did as he said, lying back limply like some rag doll. Dex strolled over to me and then placed one knee on my chest, pinning me down firmly as he grabbed my wrist. “No struggling, boy,” Dex warned as he pulled my arm up by he wrist, “Or I will draw the first blood for the evening.” I didn’t even watch as Dex pulled my wrist up to the old bedpost and tied it there securely with his belt. Once finished, he circled around to the other side of the bed, pinning me down with his other knee as he used one of his socks to tie my other wrist to the bed. That done, he grinned at me with evil delight as he used the last remaining sock to blindfold me. I was completely broken by now, unable to cry, unable to react to being bound and blinded by Dex. I just lied there and waited for the worst to happen.

“Much better,” Dex snickered. “I shouldn’t have too many problems having my way with you now, isn’t that right, boy?”

“Yes, sir,” I mumbled lifelessly.

Dex chuckled. “Now, let’s get back down to business.”

I could sense Dex circling around me, much like a wild animal before the kill. At one point, he leaned in and licked one of my nipples. I didn’t even react. Circling again, he dodged in to bite the other nipple. Again, I remained motionless. Not even when he got on all four on top of me on the bed did I flinch. I could feel him come closer and closer until his lips rested on my ear. He gave a little lick, and then hissed, “Time to get a look at your sweet pucker, boy.” He ended with a nip of my ear before settling back on the end of the bed.

Covered in darkness, I tried to wish myself to another place, far away from Dex and what he was doing to me. Though my mind wandered such places as my apartment back at school and my parent’s big backyard, I could still feel Dex take my legs by the ankles and bring them up to rest on his shoulders. Numb beyond the point of fear now, I just let Dex expose me for his personal whims.

Dex let out a low whistle before he purred, “There’s your man pussy, boy. I can’t wait to pop that cherry. I’ll bet it’s nice and tight.”

A moment passed before I felt what I thought to be Dex’s thumb swirl around my asshole. It felt wet, probably because Dex had moistened it with his own spit. My heart started racing again, but with so many different feelings. There was definitely the fear of what Dex was going to do, but there was also a strange . . . curiosity, I suppose you’d put it, at being touched in a way I never had before. I wasn’t ready for the sensation of Dex’s thumb pushing into my asshole, and I bucked in pain as he jammed it in. Dex just laughed as my face contorted with the sensation. “Just take it, bitch,” he said in a gruff voice. “It’s going to be a whole lot worse when it’s my cock up there.”

Dex was merciless in his exploration of my ass. His large thumb jammed in and out of my tight hole, stretching it and causing it to tremble. After a few moments of this, I noticed the pain begin to melt away into something new something unexpected. I had to do a mental check to see if this was right, but this new sensation seemed to be one of . . . pleasure. There was something in that foreign invasion of my body that was strangely erotic. Without being able to help myself, I gasped and then let out a small moan of delight.

Dex seemed to misread my moan as one of pain as he said, “What’s the matter, fucker? Too much for you?”

“God, no,” I sighed without thinking. “Keep going.”

Though I couldn’t see his face, I knew I had made Dex angry. “You’re enjoying it?” he seethed. “You’re going to be begging for mercy before I’m through with you. Try this on for size.”

With that, I felt Dex’s thumb leave my ass, and I found that I was somehow disappointed. Before long, however, I felt not one, but two fingers pushing at the entrance to my ass. I let out another moan of pleasure escape my lips as Dex’ pushed those fingers in as far as they would go. This time, I bit my lips and smiled as he violated my ass.

“You think that’s funny, you two-bit whore?” Dex practically screamed. “I’m going to make you pay now.”

The fingers left my body and I couldn’t help but utter, “Please, don’t stop.” I strained to hear what was going on. I could hear Dex spit into his hand a couple of times, and I could hear the sound of him rubbing his spittle over what I assumed to be his cock. I almost surprised myself as I moaned, “Yeah, give it to me.” What was I saying? It was like I was intoxicated by something my life had never known up to that point and I just wanted more and more of it. “Shut up!” Dex yelled. “I’m going to make you sorry for asking for it. I’m going to fuck you raw, boy.”

I could feel Dex shift slightly on the bed, raising my ass up a little higher. I felt the tip of his cock perched at the entrance of my chute for just a moment before it plunged in, tearing at my insides until it was buried to the hilt deep inside my gut.

I let out a loud scream, the pain more intense than I had ever imagined. Dex yelled back at me. “I told you, bitch,” he barked. “I told you I’d make you sorry.” I bucked and squirmed as Dex pulled almost completely out of me and shoved himself back in almost immediately. The scream died on my lips this time, my body quivering at so many feelings, so many sensations. “God, you are so fucking tight,” Dex growled as he went back for another go around.

The third time Dex buried his cock in me, I noticed it didn’t hurt as bad. In fact, I could feel the first wisps of pleasure slowly creeping back when Dex thrust into me again. Before long, my ass was accustomed to his beast inside of me and I went back to letting out the groans. My body itself began to react to this feeling that was so strangely erotic and I found that I was soon sporting what had to have been the largest erection of my entire life.

“What the fuck?” I could hear Dex question. If Dex had been angry before, he was furious now. “Goddamn, you fucking whore,” he bellowed, still fucking me slow and hard. “You fucking slut. You’re getting off on this?”

“God, yes,” I moaned, bucking now against Dex’s cock instead of away from it. Dex huffed as if unable to know what to say. “Goddamn,” he finally shouted, his breath becoming labored. “I’ve never had . . .” he started to say, but he caught himself. “I’m just not through with you yet, bitch.”

With that, he redoubled his efforts and fucked me even harder. His swollen cock tore in and out of my willing hole now at record speed as he tried, in vain, to fuck me to the point where I begged for him to stop. I just moaned and grinned like I’d been born to get fucked. At one point, I even purposely tightened my asshole to get even more sensation.

“Aw, fuck,” Dex suddenly whimpered. “Don’t do that! I can’t stand it!”

The sound in his voice was new and it only took me a split second to realize what was happening. Even though I was the one who was bound and blindfolded, I was now the one who had control. “Why don’t you just pull out if you can’t handle it?” I cried out in a seductive voice.

“Fuck, I can’t,” Dex sniveled, still fucking away at me.

“Oh? Why not?” I teased, tightening my ass again.

I could hear a small cry emerge deep from Dex’s throat as he said, “I need your ass.”

Met with a new rally of boldness, I somehow worked my legs around until they were wrapped around Dex’s waist. Dex didn’t fight me until I squeezed hard and he found he couldn’t move enough to fuck me anymore.

“What are you doing?” Dex screamed in a panic. “Let go, let go!”

“Beg,” was my simple reply.

“What?” I smiled at Dex, not caring I couldn’t see him through the blindfold as I could hear the desperation in his voice. “I said, beg!” I ordered, squeezing my asshole against his cock again.

Dex gasped and then said, “All right, all right!” He took a moment before he said in a meek voice, “Please?”

“Please what?” I demanded, tightening again and driving him nearly insane.

“Please, may I fuck your ass?” Dex cried out hurriedly. God, I was enjoying this. “Take my blindfold off and we have a deal,” I purred. I had to see Dex’s face now.

“No way,” Dex protested. “I’m still the one in charge here!”

“Oh really?” I quipped. “Then I guess we have no deal.” With that, I squeezed my legs even tighter, resolving to get my way.

Dex lasted only a second or two before he shouted out, “Okay, fine!” He ripped off my blindfold and I blinked at the freedom. I looked up at Dex and saw the urgency in his eyes right away. “Please, boy,” he begged. “Please let me keep going.”

“The name’s Brad,” I demanded, glaring up at Dex. “And I’d better hear it more often or you’re shit out of luck, got it?”

“Yes, sir,” Dex slipped, but I caught it. I just smirked at him as he tried to figure someway out of calling me “sir”. I didn’t give him a chance as I loosed my legs again for him.

Dex started in again like a rocket, fucking my ass as if his life depended on it. “Oh, Brad,” he groaned. “Oh god, Brad.”

Content with the way things were, I laid my head back and let myself enjoy it now, still shocked that I had not only gotten the upper hand here but that I was enjoying what Dex was doing to me. The sensation was so much different than being with a girl, something I knew about. It was new and exciting, and it stimulated me like no sexual experience had ever before. I moaned along with Dex as he just kept humping my ass.

“Oh shit,” Dex said after a few minutes. “I’m going to cum.”

I hardly heard him as I realized that I was going to cum also, from nothing else than the sensation that was filling my ass right now. As Dex kept going, I twisted against the constraints that still held my wrists as my gut began to boil with the oncoming orgasm. While Dex was starting to take shorter, quicker strokes inside of me, I couldn’t hold back any longer. My back arched as I let out a loud shout.

“Aw, fuuuuck!”

My balls exploded as every muscle in my body tightened. My eyes were closed in ecstasy, but I felt something hot and sticky splatter up against my stomach, my chest . . . even all the way up to my cheek. I had shot my jism all over myself. I twisted and bucked as shockwave of pleasure after shockwave of pleasure ravaged my body. “Oh, shit,” I could hear Dex pant. “You came all over . . .”

His words were cut short as a deep guttural growl emerged from his throat. With a yelp that was somewhere between a sob and a scream, he shoved against me hard, burying his pulsating cock further than ever before and unloaded his thick cum inside me. I could feel him quiver at the sensation as I squeezed my ass, milking every drop of his man juice out of that huge cock. I finally opened my eyes and looked up at him, the first sight I had ever had in my life of watching a man come to orgasm because of me. I savored the look on his face, the silent scream on his lips, the sweat on his brow. He stood motionless for a second before he crumpled on the bed, falling on top of me as his cock left my ass in the process.

We lay there for a few moments, panting at the energy of our exertions. As we rested, I couldn’t help but gloat inwardly at the change of events that had occurred there that night. I was the one in control now, and I had broken this man who had intended to break me. I turned slightly to glance at him. I could just see his ear as he lay there, still trying to gather himself. I knew I wasn’t finished with him yet. I leaned over and whispered into his ear, “Let’s do it again.” I ended by scooping his ear lobe in my mouth with my tongue and nibbling on it playfully.

Dex reacted immediately, pulling away from me as he sat up on the bed. “Stay away from me,” he snapped, not even turning to look at me.

“Oh, Dex,” I mocked. “How can you say that? I want you inside me again.”

Dex turned to look at me now, his face a strange mixture of agony and anger, bitterness and brokenness. I just smiled up at him, giving him the most seductive look I could muster. “Please,” I whimpered. “I could do this all night long.”

Dex jumped off the bed, unable to face the shame I was putting him under. “Where are you going, bitch?” I demanded, relishing the fact that I could use that name for him now and he had no power over me to fight it. “Aren’t you man enough to fuck my tight ass all night long?”

“Man, you’re crazy!” Dex blurted, visibly shook up by all that had taken place here tonight. “I’m getting the hell out of here.”

“Don’t forget your belt and socks,” I teased, still just lying there as “innocent” as a dove.

Dex got the hint and untied me quickly, practically recoiling in horror as I sat up and rubbed my wrists. I watched in amusement as this once proud yet ignorant man hurried around like a flustered schoolboy as he got dressed, unable to speak, unable to look at me for fear that he might invoke the beast he had awaken in me. I slid into my boxers quickly as I saw him frantically searching the floor for something. I knew what he was looking for and grabbed his other sock from in front of the headboard of the bed, where it had fallen when he took it from my eyes as the makeshift blindfold. He visibly jumped as I snuck up behind him and dangled it in front of his face.

“Don’t forget this,” I said in my still seductive voice.

Dex frowned as he grabbed it and finished dressing. When he was ready to go, he searched around silently for his last possession: his infamous sunglasses. I could see the disappointment in his face as he turned and found me wearing them.

“It’s time for you to leave and never come back,” I said, serious as a heart attack. “And the next time you even dare to think about doing something like this to someone else, you worthless pile of monkey shit, you’re going to see my face and you’re going to remember the night you lost in your own little game. Is that understood?”

“Yes,” Dex replied sheepishly, looking down at the ground.

“Yes what?” I insisted, stepping closer and glaring up at this shell of a man through my new pair of sunglasses.

“Yes, sir,” he grumbled, pain etched over every inch of his face.

“That’s better.” I walked to the door, unlocking it before I pulled it open. “Now, get out of here.” I watched as Dex left, his shoulders hunched, his head hung low. He seemed so big and intimidating to me just a few hours ago. Never again would I let this happen, not to me, not to anyone. I waited until he had just reached his bike when I called out, “Oh, Dex?”

Dex turned to me slowly as I peered down at him over the top of his sunglasses. “Thanks for the ride.”

The next morning, the same man who had been working at the gas station before sat again behind the counter as I entered. I could see the look of shock in his eyes as I paid for my tank of gas, but I just smiled back. “I guess you took my advice about that guy yesterday,” he finally said as he handed me my change.

“No, I saw him again last night,” I said confidently . The man gave me a strange look as he said, “I’ve never seen the man who’s crossed paths with Dex and came back smiling the next day.”

I smiled a little broader, putting on my new sunglasses as I said; “I don’t think you have to worry about him anymore.” With that, I walked back out to my car and started back down the road that had started it all just the day before.


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