Gay Erotic Stories

How I Became Tony's Cock Slut, Part 1

by Storydude11
19 Jan 2006

Friends Interracial Jockstraps Tales From School True Stories

The following is a true story of my first experience with a guy. The name has been changed to protect his present-day “heterosexuality”. If stories involving dudes having sex together offends you, then read no further. You are obviously at the wrong website…

How I Became Tony’s Cock Slut, part 1

Back in my teenage years, I always knew I was gay. Actually, I knew something was different about me from the implementation of the dreaded “you must shower after gym class” rule of my seventh grade year. By the time high school rolled around, I was still closeted, yet I knew what I wanted. COCK--in my hand, in my mouth, in my ass. Unfortunately, finding any cock to play with amongst my classmates was difficult.

One of my good friends at the time, Angie, was dating one of the guys on the football team. Tony was his name – actually Antonio Garcia – and he was quite attractive in a white trash sort of way. Tony was half-Mexican and half-Caucasian, but looked more like a hot, rough, Latino dude. He stood about 6’3”, 175 pounds, he had brown shaggy hair, and he was firm and toned in that way that makes your mouth water. We were both 18 year old seniors, and Tony and I had known each other since our freshman year when I mistakenly thought football was the sport for me (later, I decided I far preferred wrestling with the uniforms and grabbing and sweating and obvious bulges…). Tony came from a home where the dad had left, leaving his mom, sister, younger brother and himself to fend for themselves. Everybody liked Tony, including several of the black athletes at my school and many, many females.

The day of Tony and my first “encounter,” Angie, Tony, myself, and another friend, Rachel were going to hang out and watch movies. With Tony coming from a single parent household, his mom was often away at work and we would spend hours getting into trouble at his house, drinking beer, smoking weed. We were in high school. None of us gave a shit. In any case, Angie and Rachel were off shopping and they instructed Tony to pick me up after wrestling practice and they would meet us over at Tony’s house after they were finished shopping. I remember stepping out of the gym, freshly showered, carrying my bag, and Tony was over leaning against his car talking to Tyson, an equally hot football player with big black muscles and the best ass I had ever seen. Tony leaned against the passenger side door wearing pants that were criminally tight – nothing was left to the imagination…I could see each nut distinctly when he wore them as well as which leg his dick shaft hung down – and an equally tight t-shit that revealed his defined chest and flat stomach. I didn’t know if I wanted to check him out or Tyson’s ass, which was facing my direction. As I approached the car, deciding to alternate my attention between both, I heard Tony speak up. “It’s about time, shit head.”

I nodded at Tyson, who replied with a similar nod before high-fiving Tony and walking off, as Tony moved over to his own door and climbed in. “Practice good?” he asked as he started the car and shifted the gear. “It was alright,” I replied. “I bet you liked it, all that rolling around half-naked with other dudes,” he said laughing. I promptly told him to fuck off, playing the role of butch straight dude. As we rode the few miles to his house, he told me how Angie and Rachel were probably going to be awhile but we could chill and watch TV and drink some beer in the meantime. I had no problem getting drunk with a fox like this.

When we got to his house, we discovered that nobody at all was home. His brother and sister were both at friends’ houses. Tony went into the kitchen while I stood waiting in his living room, and when he returned he was carrying a case of beer from the refrigerator. “Let’s hang out in my room till they get here,” he said. It was like he was reading my mind.

We got to his room, which had dirty clothes all over and was quite cramped. He set the beer down beside the bed and grabbed a big armful of dirty laundry that was scattered across it and threw it to the floor. “Have a seat, I gotta piss,” he said. I sat down on the bed as he exited the room. The large TV he owned was set up across from the bed, not at the foot, and he had about a dozen movies set up on top of the VCR beneath it. As I scanned the room, I noticed it: Tony’s dirty jockstrap was resting on the top of a big pile of dirty laundry about a foot from the bed. I quickly snapped it up. The inside pouch had yellow stains, apparently from piss. I held it to my nose and breathed in deeply. The musky smells made my knees shake. I instantly started getting hard. When I heard the toilet flushing, I quickly replaced the jock on the top of his clothes pile. He reentered the room and came over and sat beside me, reaching for two beers and the remote control. He flipped on the TV and we made small talk.

“Dude,” I said, trying to be like a straight dude, but actually being a gay dude masking my big picture plan, “do something about that jockstrap…nobody wants to see that,” I lied.

He reached down and picked it up. “What this?” he asked. He then reached over in an instant and pushed me down on my back, holding it against my face. He was laughing…after all; this was straight high school boy horseplay.

I used my somewhat powerful arms to regain control and pushed him off me. He continued laughing. “Dude, you need to wash that motherfucker,” I said, feigning objection to the jock’s smell.

“It don’t stink,” he said, holding it to his nose.

“Whatever dude,” I replied. “Man, I hate jockstraps.”

“Why? You have to wear them for wrestling don’t you?”

“We’re supposed to,” I said, “but I don’t. I don’t like how they feel. I don’t like how they look, even,” I continued.

“I love them,” he said. “I’m wearing one now. I think they’re great.”

I instantly saw my opportunity. “You’re fuckin’ stupid…you are not wearing a jock now. Why would you?”

“The hell I’m not,” he said as he stood up and began unbuttoning his button fly jeans. He bent down at the waist, gathering the jeans around his ankle and stood back up. In front of me was a similar white jock strap, only this time it was filled to its limit with what appeared to be a huge dick and balls. He pulled up his t-shirt a bit and I caught a glimpse of a sexy happy trail vanishing underneath the jock. “I like how they feel. Plus, you don’t need to take them off when you shit.” With that, he turned around to reveal his smooth, muscular ass cheeks framed by the white elastic straps. I could not help but stare, open-mouthed.

When I started to realize that I was staring for too long, I said, “dude pull up your pants, I don’t really want to look at your package.”

“Fuck that,” he said, stepping out of his jeans and pulling off his t-shirt. He had nice pecs with a bit of hair between them, two hard nipples, that sexy happy trail providing the center of the V shape that working out had rewarded him with, as well as that huge basket on top of two strong hairy legs. He plopped down on the bed next to me and took a big swig off his beer. “I’m comfortable…deal with it.”

“Jesus,” I said in fake disgust.

“Get used to it. You know you want in this jockstrap,” he said, laughing and rubbing a hand over the huge bulge.

We both laughed and continued talking and watching TV. It was an odd sight to behold. Me fully clothed sitting next to this white trashy fox in a jockstrap. About 5 beers later, my horniness was taking over. I knew Tony had some porn, I just didn’t know how to bring it up. I decided I’d ask about the movies he had on the VCR.

“Those?” he said. “I got some funny shit. Lots of Chris Farley stuff. Oh, just got some new porn too. Wanna see?”

“Why not,” I coyly replied.

He pressed play on the remote. “I think it’s already in.” Sure enough, on the TV appeared a girl sucking on a football player’s big dick while another football player fucked her ass roughly with an equally big dick. “Check out this girl’s tits as the dude in back fucks her. They’re huge. Look at them sway.” Sure enough, the tits were a-swayin’. “Yeah, man, she’s hot,” I lied. “That chick’s got like more dick in her than I’ve ever seen.”

“Those guy’s got nothin’ on me,” he said, rubbing his hand over his bulge again, this time a bit more filled out. “Can I tell you a secret?”

This was what I was hoping for! “Sure.”

“Tyson and I did this to Angie last weekend.” Well, it wasn’t the secret I was hoping for, but it would do.

“Really,” I said, now fully hard. I had to adjust myself.

“Don’t tell Angie I told you. It was hot though. One of the few times she has actually sucked my cock. And she sucked Tyson’s too. Tyson’s got a big dick, too,” he continued.

“She won’t usually suck your dick?” I asked.

“Nope, she says it grosses her out. And she would NEVER swallow.” Tony saw something on the TV. “And she would never to that either,” he said motioning towards the TV. The girl was now on her back getting fucked by one football player while the other squatted on her mouth, her tongue lapping away at his asshole.

“I think that if guys eat out and rim girls, then they should do it back,” I said. “Shouldn’t matter as long as the guy’s clean.”

“Have you ever rimmed a girl?” Tony asked.

Quickly lying, I said, “yeah, I was eating out this sophomore once, and her ass was right there, so I though, ‘why not’. She loved it, too.”

“Oh man,” Tony said, noticeably hard. His cock head was beginning to stick out from the strap of his jock. “I would pay someone to do that to me,” he said. “Hey…wait a minute,” he said, thinking. “Dude, I’ll make you a deal.”

“What,” I asked, pretending skepticism.

“I have fifty dollars in my wallet. I will give you all that and fifty more if you rim me,” he said.

Still pretending, I pretended to get disgusted. “What?? You’re fuckin’ disgusting. Stop playing around. I’m not gay.” I could have shot my load right then and there.

“Dude, you’ve done it before. I just showered before I picked you up. I won’t tell anybody and I’ll even give you one hundred dollars,” he pleaded.

“Yeah…I’ve done it before…to a girl. I don’t know dude,” I continued.

“Okay,” he thought, “I’ll even give you this porno.”

Ooooh, great…straight porno--just what I always wanted. But I also wanted that ass and those huge nuts and that cock in my throat.

“Well…you swear you won’t tell anybody?” I asked.

“You got my word,” he pleaded, not realizing he was falling right into my trap.

“Okay, I’ll try it,” I said and he suddenly was very excited.

“Fuckin’ A, dude, you’re the coolest,” he said. “How should I do this? How do you want me?”

“I don’t fuckin’ know,” I replied. “I guess, well, stand up here in front of me.”

He quickly got off the bed and stood facing me--his huge nuts hanging down and the head of his fat hard cock poking out of the waistband. I basically wanted him just like this so he could fuck my mouth, but had to continue playing the game. “Well, I can’t exactly rim you from the front, Tony, now can I.”

“Oh yeah,” he laughed, and then turned around bending over a bit at the waist.

In front of me, were two perfectly muscular, hairless ass cheeks. I was so hard that it hurt. I scooted up to the edge of the bed so that my face was about a foot away from his ass. His asshole was slightly exposed and there was a light dusting of hair surrounding it. I was so turned on at this point; I really didn’t care if the Pope walked in. “Do it, dude…rim my ass,” he pleaded. “Calm down, pull the cheeks apart a bit more,” I suggested. He did just that and his hole was perfectly exposed. I moved in slowly and blew on the hole. He completely shivered and moaned a bit. “Oh fuck, yeah, dude.” I then licked lightly the cheek just beside the hole, and then moved to the other cheek and repeated the lick. Again, he shivered. I then darted my tongue right across his asshole. “Oh fuck, dude. Do it again,” he insisted. I grabbed hold of the leg straps of his jock and pulled his ass into my face. He was using his own strong legs to push back against my tongue. “This feels fuckin’ awesome,” he continued, amidst moans and grunts. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see his right arm moving…he had to be stroking his cock. Meanwhile, I could feel my tongue poking through the strong ring of muscles and enter his ass. I was fucking his asshole with my tongue. But I needed to play hard to get.

I pulled my face away from his ass. “Okay, dude, there. I rimmed you.”

“No no no! More, dude. That feels so fuckin’ good,” he said, still in the same position, still stroking his dick. He had a slightly confused/ slightly pissed off frown on his face as he looked back at me.

“Dude, you never said how long I had to do it,” I said.

With that, he stood upright and turned around. His dick was sticking out the side of the pouch – his big beautiful dick had to be about 8 inches long and about 6 or 7 inches thick…the head big and purplish…the balls about the size of walnuts hanging down in a hairless sac – and he continued stroking it. “Listen, dude, you’ve already done it…now I can tell everybody you are a faggot unless you do whatever I say.”

“Wait a minute,” I said, “you said all I had to do was rim you and you would give me money and a porno and nobody would ever know.”

“I’ve changed my mind,” he countered. “You suck my asshole longer and maybe I’ll give you all that stuff.” With that, he turned around again and assumed the previous position. What he didn’t know was that he could have pimped me out to the football team and I would have paid HIM. “Now get back in their and lick my butt, faggot.”

“I’m not a faggot,” I said defensively.

“Well you’re my faggot now, so lick,” he said as he pulled his ass cheeks apart once more.

I moved up to the edge of the bed again, and pretending to be hesitant, gradually moved my face closer to his ass. When he realized how close I was, he again pushed his ass back in my face. I instantly started licking and poking my tongue at his hole. I was in heaven. I was licking this hot jock’s ass and he thought he was having his way with me. What a dumb ass jock.

As I continued lapping away at his hole, I decided to get creative. Amidst his moans of pleasure, I reached one hand beneath his crotch and found his nuts. I could feel them swaying back and forth as he stroked his cock and I began rolling them around and squeezing them and pulling on them. “Fuck yeah, faggot, play with my nuts…squeeze them…oh fuck yeah!” I continued this pattern for a few minutes when he pulled his ass away and stood straight up.

“What?” I asked. “Am I done with my end of the deal? Am I done licking your butt?”

“No faggot, now you’re going to suck on my cock,” he panted as he pulled his jock strap completely off with one hand and continued stroking his dick with the other.

“You gotta be kidding me with this shit!” I fake yelled.

“What did I say? You’re going to be my faggot now.” With that, he stepped closer and aimed his cock right at my face. “You want this cock?”

“No,” I lied, turning my head.

He slapped me across the face with his hefty slab of dick meat. “I said, do you want my cock?”

I paused. The big head of his cut cock was about 3 inches from my lips. A small drip of precum was oozing from his piss slit. It was enormously thick. He didn’t give me any more time to think about it. Before I knew it, that huge cock head was pushed against my lips, past them, and in my mouth. I could taste the precum on my tongue. “Oh that’s it, faggot,” he said. He then placed his hands on the back of my head and pushed as much of his wide dick into my mouth and throat. I started to gag. “Get used to it…and watch the teeth, dude.”

I did as he said…I relaxed my throat a bit, made sure my teeth were out of the way, and instantly I could feel the large head of his cock pop into my throat. “Oh shit…that’s it, faggot…take it in your throat.” I felt like a natural cocksucker and I had only done this two other times in my life. He pulled his dick back so that only the head was in my mouth and then repeated the thrust, sending his cock all the way back into my throat again. He kept a firm grip on the back of my head, not giving me many options. After about five slow, deep thrusts, he began his assault. His cock was like a piston, punching in my throat, pulling out, in the throat, out, in, out, in, out…all the while, he was moaning and saying things like, “Take my dick, faggot” and “You’re gonna swallow my load, faggot” and things like that. He was fucking my throat pretty fast and hard. I could feel his heavy nuts slapping me in the chin.

He pulled his dick from my mouth abruptly. “Scoot your ass back against the wall, faggot,” he ordered. One side of his bed was pushed up against the wall. I did as he wanted. “Slouch down a bit…get your head lower.” I did. He was stroking his cock. I wish I had a camera. He got up on the bed on his knees with one knee on each side of my chest. The back of my head was against the wall and his dick was once again pressed against my lips. I had no room to maneuver. He began fucking my face again, this time faster. I couldn’t move my head at all and he was fucking it like a big loose pussy.

“Fuck yeah, faggot, I’m gonna shoot soon…where do you want it?” I, of course, had a mouth full of cock and couldn’t answer. So he continued forcing his cock in my mouth. After a few more minutes, he backed off but continued stroking. He forced me down on my back and moved to straddle my chest. His dick was about 4 inches from my face. He grabbed the back of my head and forced my face up so that I was looking at his dick head on. “You ready faggot? Open up.”

I opened my mouth. His dick looked even thicker. There was a bit more precum oozing out of the tip, and instinctively, I stuck my tongue out to clean it off when, all of a sudden, a giant rope of cum shot from his dick and struck me between my top lip and my nose. My mouth was still open and it quickly slipped over my lip and into my mouth. Two more equally large shots of cum shot out going directly into the back of my mouth, followed my about five more smaller, but still large, shots. He was moaning and panting so loudly, it was a good thing nobody else was at home. He continued stroking after the cum stopped shooting out, finally milking the last bit onto my cheek. After that had been completed, he collapsed on the bed beside me. The rest of the house was quiet. The porno was still playing, now with two girls licking away at each other’s pussy.

“Damn,” he panted. “You’re a natural dick sucker. We’ll have to do that again real soon.” I didn’t say anything. “Tyson’s gonna like that too.” Now this peaked my interest.

“What?” I asked.

“I said I’m gonna have to let Tyson hit that as well. I was telling him how I was waiting for you to get done with practice and he said how he always catches you lookin’ at his ass. I said I would try to see if you I could get you to suck me off…he said if I did, that he would have to get some too,” Tony replied, very matter-of-factly. “You got a problem with that?”

“Well…” I started to say…

“Well nothing. I’m sure the guys you have to roll around with in wrestling would have a much bigger problem if they knew you were a fag,” Tony replied.

“But I’m not a fag,” I lied for about the 50th time that day.

“That’s right,” Tony continued. “You’re my fag.” Just then, we heard the girls coming in the front door downstairs. “Angie and Rachel are here. You got cum on your face, dude.” He took his long Mexican finger and wiped it off my top lip and shoved his finger in my mouth. “You better get used to the taste.” He then quickly pulled his shirt and a pair of shorts on and flipped off the porn and had just sat back down when the girls entered the room.

“Hi, boys…sorry we took so long. Hope you stayed out of trouble,” Angie said.

Little did she know that I was now “the other woman.”

To be continued…


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How I Became Tony's Cock Slut, Part 2

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The Gang's All Here, Part 3

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Used By A Straight Dude, Part 2

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Used By a Straight Dude, Part 3

The following story involves consensual sex between men (and a little bit of gross “hetero” action…sorry…). If this might offend you, then I would not advise you to read on. All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. And, damn lucky me, it’s completely true. I’m a sucker for straight dudes and I usually have no problem landing some. I hope you enjoy… Used by a Straight Dude,


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