Gay Erotic Stories

Lunchtime Snack, Part 3

by Dead serious
15 Oct 2004

Chance Encounters Man Meets His Man Romance

We had taken off to the west and made the wide turn to the east. While the plane was banking slightly to the left…this afforded a great view of metropolitan Houston...and accordingly, Carter was busy looking out the window. Usually I prefer a window seat if all things are equal. I’ve flow a lot, but always like the view—plus you don’t have anyone crawling over you to either stand in the aisle or head for the toilet.

I instinctively leaned forward and captured the view from the forward window as Carter was looking through the one adjacent his seat. This afforded me a great view—of the city—but more importantly of Carter. I made mental notes of his straight shoulders, his muscular arms, and the finely chiseled facial profile, even noticing the pronounced dimple on his right cheek.

The plane completed its turn and the cabin leveled off. Carter turned away from his window and caught me looking—for all he could tell—out the forward window. “Nice view—I always love to watch…” he commended.

“Yeah, I always like to look as well…” I replied. I thought of the double meaning and smiled inwardly. I was momentarily at a loss for further words, so I opened my book and spread it on my lap. Carter did the same with his selection, “The Poet”. I’d barely finished the first couple pages when the flight attendant came by us again offering the usual fare of pretzels and/or mixed nuts. We both took one of each, and I used the break to recommend another book by Connelly called, “The Narrows” which I found to be even better.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Carter replied. Actually I bought that book at the same time as this one; I’ve not read it yet, but it’s next.”

Now thinks were really getting strange… As long as we were going to be predictably visited by the flight attendant asking for our drink orders, I continued with more casual conversation and Carter was only too happy to talk. It turned out that Carter was not actually from Houston, but actually from El Paso and was heading to Fort Lauderdale on a job interview, indicating that it was some sort of IT related position, monitoring servers. He had the interview on Friday morning and had been booked on a return flight in the late afternoon.

“Too bad they don’t let you stay the weekend,” I commented.

“Yeah, it would have been great, but they apparently didn’t want to pop for more than one day’s hotel room. Too bad, as I’ve never been to Florida—any part of it. Ahh, but hopefully I’ll ace the interview and be back…I just love the idea of being near the beach. You know…something we just don’t have in west Texas.”

“Yeah, I sort of know what you mean. We moved down here from Chicago. We had Lake Michigan, and the waterfront was great…but the lake’s too cold for much swimming. The first year or so, Bill and I spent a lot of weekends on the beach, but then we just got busy with our jobs, etc. and sort of stopped going for the most part.” I realized my little slip, but was temporarily saved by the appearance of the flight attendant taking our drink order.

After she left, Carter asked, “You’re married?”

“Ugh, no; I’m single and live by myself,” I replied without planning ahead. I realized I was leaving myself open for explanation. I was fidgeting and Carter being perceptive picked up on this.

“Yeah, I’m sort of at a crossroads, if I land this job I’ll be moving by myself. My roommate’s got a great job and doesn’t want to leave it,” he volunteered. Just then we were served our drinks and the conversation came to a halt.

I didn’t know whether to continue the talk, since I’d invariably have some explaining to do, but as it turned out I didn’t have a choice. Carter continued, “Yeah, we’ve been living in this great apartment for the past three years, and we’re very happy, but my company is moving its computer service center to India, so my job’s going away.” Then he looked straight at me and winked, “Justine’s sort of pissed.”

My hopeful little scenario’s bubble burst…okay…the guy’s just a friendly Texan and he’s apparently straight as an arrow, I thought. Carter continued, “Actually his name’s Justin—I call him Justine just to bug him. He’s the domestic one.”

This caught me in cocktail mid-swallow and I almost choked, trying to cover my sputtering as delicately as I could. Carter just smiled—that damn dimple was really too cute. The ice was broken, and we both pretty much told each other our life stories in a nutshell’s condensed version. It turned out that Carter and Justin had been “together” since college days and they were now approaching 5 years. I told him my history and that I’d been single and living alone for the same set of circumstances he was now facing, and for as long as he and Justin had been together.

No further reading was accomplished on the flight home. It was also the shortest two hour flight I’ve ever taken. To say we “hit if off” just wouldn’t do it justice. On landing we exchanged business cards, telephone numbers and addresses, but went our separate ways, as Carter’s potential employer provided door-to-door service. I was a bit disappointed, but also realized that I’d have some household chores to do before any potential company. It was then that my thoughts turned to Rodrigo and Friday night.

I’d completely wiped my mind of him and was upset with myself at the ease of my forgetfulness. Fortunately, I’d not mentioned Rodrigo to Carter, and I realized there was really no need. Probably the last thing he’d want to hear about was any potential dating I might have in the works. Also, I really didn’t know if anything would come of it anyway. Carter picked up his bags and left before mine made their appearance on the carousel—typically my luck…first ones on the plane, last ones off. He’d promised he’d give me a call at my office either when he’d completed the interview, or before he left town and let me know how it went.

I had the strangest feeling…I really hated to see him disappear…however crazy, it was like saying a permanent good-bye to a close and very special friend—but we’d just met. This was just too strange. I saw both of my bags coming around and walked a few steps and picked them up, put the together and headed for the exit doors. I walked down to the Tri-Rail courtesy bus stand, and collected my thoughts. “When it rains, it pours,” I thought. Now that’s a statement for someone living in South Florida!

The courtesy bus came within five minutes and ten minutes later I was on the Tri-Rail train headed northward towards my office where I’d left my car. As if extracting a penalty for my thoughts, it started raining, so I opted for a short taxi ride from the train station to my office parking lot. I mean it was short—when’s the last time anyone got out of a taxi spending $5 bucks—including tip?

Half an hour later, I was home in the apartment listening to the collective protests of my cats—they were happy to see me…but just had to get in their collective “bitching” at being left alone, save for the daily visit of my assistant. I made myself a frozen dinner and went through my mail, then straightened up the apartment, changed the liter box, and settled down in the master bedroom to catch some TV. I was half way through ER when the phone rang. It was Rodrigo.

We talked for a good half hour, made plans for dinner tomorrow night. Rodrigo made it very clear that he had missed seeing me and was anxious to hook up. I almost thought about ‘cutting to the chase’ and inviting him over tonight, but thought better of it—at least that’s the excuse I gave myself. Tomorrow night dinner and all (hope springs eternal)…would come soon enough. After nearly 5 years of celibacy and self-gratification, what’s one more day?

I hung up the phone and found myself thinking first of Rodrigo, but then of the flight with Carter. What the hell was I thinking? Don’t be a fool—this is no time to get greedy, I told myself. I’d lost interest in the rest of ER, and the 11 PM news was just coming on. I caught up on everything up to the sports, then shut off the Sony and went to sleep—eventually after the cats finished tearing around the house and settled down on the foot of the bed.

To be continued,


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Lunchtime Snack, Part 3

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Lunchtime Snack, Part 5

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Lunchtime Snack, Part 7

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Lunchtime Snack, Part 8

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Lunchtime Snack, Part 9

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