Gay Erotic Stories

Construction Worker's Son, Part 4

by Rimpig
23 Nov 2004

Family Fun Fetish

by RimPig (c) 2002 (

The ride to Josh’s place took a while. Just like a couple of love-sick teens, we held hands the whole way. Even when Josh had to shift, he just put both our hands on the stick shift. It was exciting riding in the old “muscle car”. The roar of the V-8 engine and the blaring rock music from the killer CD system in the car prevented any real conversation. But that was cool with me. Josh and I didn’t seem to need to talk a lot. We seemed to have already done our talking. Now it was just nice being quiet together.

We drove to an old, industrial part of town. The street was full of abandoned factories with shattered windows. Brian pulled up in front of what looked like an old fire station and got out and opened the huge garage door. He then pulled the Trans-Am inside. The inside of the building was a complete surprise. This garage part, where the fire trucks had been parked at one time, now held a complete garage set-up with hydraulic lift and a monster tool bench. There was also a wood working area with several large standing saws and drill presses. There was also a laundry area. An area was set aside for a basketball hoop and half court painted on the cement along with a complete set of weights and bench for working out. The only thing left of the firehouse origins of the building was the long, brass sliding pole that still went up through a hole in the ceiling to the second floor.

“Holy Fuck!” I exclaimed. “This is incredible! How the fuck did you ever get to live here?”

“My Dad’s in real estate. He found it when the city put it up for auction. He bought it for me for next to nothing.” Josh explained.

“Fuck! You mean all this is yours!?” I said, not believing that he could own this whole building.

“Yep! All mine. Course, there’s a mortgage on it, but the payments are really low. It was an 18th birthday present from Dad. I’ve spent the last year making it into someplace to live. Come on upstairs and I’ll show you around.” Josh said, heading towards the back of the building to a set of wide metal steps.

The second floor was even more amazing than the lower level. Brian had evidently taken out almost all the walls. The second floor was like one big room. At one end, I could see a very large bed on a platform covered in what looked like black leather. There was a part of the room with two couches and chairs and a huge stereo/DVD/giant screen TV set-up nearby. Against one wall was a very modern kitchen and there was a lot of empty space in between. The floors were all wood and highly polished. Throughout the room there were large skylights in the ceiling which let in light and air.

“Come here, I want to show you something.” Josh said, taking my hand to lead me over to one of the walls. We went through a door and were in what had been the bathroom for the firehouse. There were still two toilets in stalls as well as four sinks with mirrors. One wall held a long, trough urinal which I eyed with envy. Thoughts of lying in it had me wondering if it was strong enough to hold my weight.

“I re-enforced it so that it will hold up to 500 lbs.” Josh said with a grin, having apparently read my mind.

I guess it’s catching, because I blushed at this. I could actually feel my face heat up and go red. He pulled me over to another side of the bathroom and there was the shower area. A rack ran across one wall with 8-10 hooks for towels and the shower itself was huge! It could hold at least 6-8 guys at a time and had that many shower nozzles.

“I didn’t touch anything in here! I wanted it just this way.” Josh grinned at me.

“I don’t blame you. That looks like it could be a really fun place!” I said, eyeing the shower.

“We can try it out later. I’ve never had anyone else to share it with.” he said shyly, looking down, not meeting my eyes.

I moved closer and gently put my lips to his. He gently put his arms around me and we kissed deeply for a while.

“Thank you.” I said.

“For what?” he asked.

“For bringing me here and letting me be the first to share it with you.” I said.

Now it was Josh’s turn to blush. “Do you mind if I get out of these clothes? I usually don’t ever wear anything when I’m home. I’ll leave my jock on if it makes you uncomfortable.” Josh asked.

“You should get out of those clothes before I tear them off you! And the jock, too! But put it somewhere where I can get to it later. I want to sniff it some more.” I said smiling.

“So, why don’t you do the same?” Josh asked.

And so I did. Within seconds, we were both naked. Josh took my hand again and we walked back into the main room. He led me over to the platform which held the bed. Up close, I could see that the king-sized bed was covered in solid black leather with a lot of leather covered pillows. Josh jumped on the bed and sat up against the pillows. He patted the bed by his side and I quickly got settled next to him.

“So what do you think of the place?” Josh asked, taking my hand and bringing it to his lips. He kissed my fingers one by one.

Trying to answer while he was doing this was next to impossible. “It’s really great!” I managed to say. “I wish I could live someplace like this someday.”

“Yeah, I figure there’s plenty of room for two.” Josh said, finally taking my fingers away from his mouth and looking deep into my eyes.

I didn’t know what to say to that. I was stunned. Was Josh actually asking me to live with him? Talk about a speeding locomotive! This train was definitely moving fast.

“Josh, you don’t mean that.” I said.

“Yes, Matt, I do. Oh, I don’t mean right now. I know you have to finish high school first. But I want you to know, this isn’t just a one time thing. In fact, if that’s all it is, I’d rather not do it at all. I think that there is something very special happening between us. I want to give it a chance to grow. I just don’t know how you feel about it.” Josh looked away, almost embarrassed by his own feelings.

I reached over and took his chin in my hand and made him look at me. Oh! Those fucking green eyes. Like deep pools I could so easily get lost in!

“Josh, I know that there is something very special between us. I want nothing more than for it to grow. I know now what I’m feeling isn’t just lust. Yes, I want you. I want you really bad! But it’s you I want. Not just your body. I want Josh. I want the really sweet, gentle guy that I’ve been seeing all day peeking out every so often.” I smiled. “As to this being a one-time thing, you may eventually have to throw me out of here from begging you so often to make love to me!”

“Never happen! Your Dad may end up calling the cops on me for kidnapping his only son!” Josh laughed.

“Never happen. Didn’t you see the way he was grinning. He set this whole thing up! He wanted us to meet! He knew all along about both of us. Didn’t you notice, neither one of us mentioned me spending the night. He came up with that all on his own!” I explained.

“Yeah! You’re right! We didn’t talk about that! I never thought to even ask about you spending the night. I figured that was going much too far. How come he’s so accepting of you?” Josh asked.

I got suddenly quiet. I didn’t know how much I could say to Josh. Yes, it was obvious that he was into some kinky things, just like me, I just didn’t know how he would deal with the idea of me having sex with my own father. Josh noticed my concern, however.

“What’s the matter, Matt. He does know, doesn’t he? He must!” Josh asked.

“Oh yes. He knows. But there’s more to it than that. Josh, I’ve got to tell you something, but you’ve got to promise me something first.” I said.

Josh got a very serious look on his face. “Anything, babe.”

“Josh, you’ve got to promise me that what I’m about to tell you, you’ll never tell anyone else--not anyone! And you’ve got to promise not to hate me for it.” I said; my voice husky with emotion.

“What is it, Matt? I won’t tell a soul! I promise! And I could never hate you--no matter what!” he said, putting his arms around me and pulling me close.

“Dad definitely knows about my preferring guys because we’ve had sex.” I said it all in a rush, to get it out.

“You’re shitting me! You’ve had sex with your Dad! Wow!!! He’s such a fucking hunk!!!” Josh exclaimed.

“You’re not freaked out by it?” I asked.

“Fuck no! Not unless he forced you or something. It wasn’t like that, was it?” Josh’s voice suddenly showed real concern.

“Oh, no! It definitely wasn’t forced!” I grinned. “I’d wanted to get in his pants since I was 12 and started jacking off! I always thought he was a real hunk, too!”

“So when did this all start?” Josh asked, his voice betraying curiosity and some lust.

“Several months ago.” I grinned sheepishly.

“Well I’ll be fucked!!!” Josh exclaimed.

“That can be arranged.” I grinned.

“So how’d it happen? Tell me all the details!” Josh was really getting excited now. I noticed that his cock had risen to almost completely hard.

I told him the story of what had happened that first night between Dad and I. I told him, too, about Joe and Randy and all the fun we’d been having together. Rather than being turned off, Josh was completely turned on by the tale.

“Fuck! I wish I could get it on with my Dad! He’s a hunk, too!” Josh exclaimed.

“Well, I kind of figured that.” I said.

Josh looked at me puzzled.

“You’ve never heard the saying that ‘The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree’?” I asked. “After all, look at the hunk you are! You had to get those genes from someplace!” Josh grinned and blushed at the same time. I just loved this guy!!!

“I’d love to get it on with your Dad, too.” Josh said, continuing to blush.

“Oh, I think that can be easily arranged!” I said, beginning to plan a little surprise for Dad in the morning.

“Maybe that’s something we should talk about, though.” Josh said.

“About having sex with my Dad?” I asked.

“No, that would be so cool! No, about having sex with other people. Look, I know that I’m falling in love with you. But I’m a guy and so are you. I know that we’re probably not going to be completely faithful to each other. I don’t know how much experience you’ve had, I haven’t had much at all. Just mostly just mutual jack off sessions with guys in High School. But eventually, we’re going to want to get it on with other guys. That’s just the way guys are. I don’t want you to ever feel like I don’t love you.” he said, his eyes looking deep into mine.

“I understand. Horny is one thing, love is another. I’ve already figured that out. The only people I’ve ever had sex with were my Dad and Joe and Randy. I’ve been too afraid to do it with other guys at school. I figured that they would know I was gay and I would never be able to deal with what would happen.” I admitted. “I love you, Josh. I can’t believe I’m saying that! We’ve jut met! But I do! I feel like I want to be with you forever. But it would be so cool to have sex with other guys - especially together! In fact, I think that’s going to happen tomorrow morning!” I exclaimed.

“What do you mean?” Josh asked, a puzzled look on his face.

“Well...when you take me home, Dad will still be in bed. He always sleeps in on Sundays. I think that we could both easily end up in his bed with him! What do you think?” I grinned a horny, leering grin at him.

I could see Josh’s mind working on that one! An equally horny and leering grin started to spread across his face.

“Yeah! I think that would be awesome! You don’t think he’d be mad, do you?” Josh asked.

“Fuck no! He’s as equally horny and kinky as we are! Who’s piss do you think I drank first? And guess who drank mine this morning!!!” I exclaimed.

“Fuck!!!” Josh exclaimed and we ‘high-fived’ each other.

“Of course,” I said, calming down and looking very serious. “That is if we can still get it up tomorrow morning.” And I started to grin. Josh saw the look and started laughing. He grabbed me in his arms again and we started rolling on the bed. The next thing I knew, Josh was on top of me and he was kissing me deeply and I was sucking on his tongue. My hands were roving all over his body and he was moving down my face to my neck. His mouth moved over my chest and I felt him begin to suck on one of my nipples. The sexual charge that went through me when he did this caused me to arch my back and push my chest harder against his mouth. My hands went up and grabbed his head to pull him even closer. My fingers worked through his dark hair and I begged him to suck harder.

Josh moved to the other nipple and began to give it the same treatment. Then he moved up to my underarm and pushed it with his head, forcing me to let go of his hair and raise my arm above my head, laying open my armpit to him. He shoved his nose into the soft, golden hair there and I could hear him taking deep whiffs of my pit-funk. After two days without a shower and all the sweating I’d done while working with him today, I knew that the ripeness in my pits was powerful! But Josh was evidently as big a sniff-pig as I was because the moans and groans that came from his throat left no doubt as to how much he loved my ripeness.

His tongue began to lick through my pits, causing a slight tremble to go through my body. Now it was my turn to moan as his licking and sucking under my arm was driving me crazy with lust! The feelings were ever so much better than I could ever imagine - mostly because it was Josh’s mouth that was causing them. When he pulled out of one pit and was moving to the other, he looked down at me. Our eyes locked and I knew, right then and there, I had it really bad! I was completely totally in love with him. Nothing was going to change that now. We’d just have to see how this was all going to work out. Funny thing was, I had no doubts that it would work out. I guess that’s the optimism that comes with being young.

After drenching both of my pits with his saliva, he proceeded to leave a trail of wetness down my body and into my groin. My pubic hairs were quickly saturated and my balls equally wet. But it was when he lifted my legs and began breathing in my ass funk that I just about lost it. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he proceeded to drench my trench with his saliva as well. This boy has the wettest mouth! He finally centered on my hole and began sucking it while shoving his tongue up my eager butt.

“Yeah! Fuck, yeah! Eat my fucking hole, Josh! Pack it full of spit and fuck my brains out!” I yelled as he looked at me over my balls and incredibly hard cock. I could see his eyes grinning at me as he sucked my hole and drove me crazy. His eyes told me he knew exactly how crazy he knew he was driving me!

“No, more! Please! Fuck me, Josh! Please fuck me! Shove that monster cock of yours in my ass! Please!” I begged.

He rose up between my legs, spit in his hand and began lubing his cock. Getting another look at the length and thickness of it, however, were giving me second thoughts! It was immense and I had only had my Dad and Joe’s cocks in my ass before. And while not small by any stretch of the imagination, but they weren’t the monster that was hanging between Josh’s legs! Josh could see the fear in my eyes and got off the bed and went over to the bedside table. He opened the drawer and brought out a bottle of clear liquid. He got back on the bed and poured some on his fingers and began to rub it around and in my hole. It was cool and very slick. He also coated his cock with it before pushing back my legs and putting his cock at the entrance to my body. Then he looked down into my eyes.

“Don’t worry, Matt. I’ll be very slow and gentle. The last thing on earth I want to do is hurt you. You do know that, don’t you?” he asked.

I nodded my head and smiled at him. “I can’t believe this is really happening. I can’t believe that you’re here, waiting for me to make love to you for the first time. And that’s what this, Matt. Love. I promise you that!” he swore.

He then began to very slowly push against the opening to my body. I pushed down and the next thing I knew, the head of his cock was inside me. He waited to see my reaction. My reaction was simple - I reached for his hips and pulled more of him inside me. There was no pain--only a wonderful feeling of completeness. I felt joined to Josh, like we were one body, one person. With Dad, that first night, there had been love and horniness. With Josh, it was so different. The feelings were welling up in me - overwhelming me. I never knew that I was incomplete within myself until I felt my body joined to his. My whole body seemed to cry out in joy for the feeling of being one with him.

He continued to slide gently into me and when I felt his pubic hairs tickling my hole, I knew that he was a far inside me as he could get. The union was complete. I wrapped my legs around him and he leaned forward over me, holding him self up by his arms. But he was too far away for me! I reached up and pulled him down until he was actually lying on top of me. The feeling of his cock deep inside me and the touch of his body on mine sent my emotions spinning out of control. Tears began to form and to run down the sides of my face. Josh immediately became concerned.

“Matt, what’s the matter. Does it hurt? Do you want me to pull out?” he asked, his voice trembling with concern.

“No!!! It feels so wonderful!!! Oh, Josh! I never knew it could be like this! The feelings are just too much for me right now! I want to stay joined to you like this forever!” I all but screamed.

Josh smiled and began to lick my tears away. He chuckled down in his throat. “I don’t think they’ll let us into your Senior Prom like this!” he said grinning at me.

I smiled back. “No, I guess they won’t. So I won’t bother going because I’d rather be here with you anyway!”

Josh kissed me deeply and passionately, burying his tongue in my mouth like his cock was buried in my ass. Then he began to slowly fuck me. His strokes at first were short and slow, but he quickly lengthened the stroke and quickened the motion. Soon he was driving himself in and out of me like a pile driver!

“Yes! Josh! Fuck me! Fuck me HARD! Fuck me DEEP!!!” I moaned as he complied with my demands.

“Oh, FUCK!!! Matt! You feel so fucking good! Your ass is so hot and so tight!!! I could fuck you forever!!!” he cried as he continued to pound away at my body.

“Yes, Josh! Fuck me forever!!! Never stop fucking me!!!” I screamed as well.

But that was, of course, impossible. All to quickly, I could feel Josh’s cock become like a thick piece of iron in my ass and Josh drove in me one last time as hard as he could, burying his bone as deep inside my butt as he could reach. At that point, I could feel the tremors in his cock as he began to shoot his load of cum deep in my guts. This triggered my orgasm and, without touching myself, I began to shoot volumes of cum between our bodies. We were both drenched with my seed. I never came that much in my life as I did that first time with Josh!

Josh collapsed on top of me, our bodies glued together by my cum and our sweat. The fumes of our ripe bodies, the smell of my cum and our fucking created a miasma of rich, masculine scents around us that we were both enjoying as we came down from our sexual high. We lay there, wrapped in each other. Josh went to move off me, but I held him where he was.

“Don’t move. I don’t want you to pull out yet! I need to feel you inside me a while longer. I need to feel your body on mine. You have no idea how good this feels. I feel so protected and loved! I don’t want it to end.” I whispered in his ear.

Josh groaned at my words and I felt his hips reflex and push his cock a little deeper in me. He began licking and nibbling my shoulder where his face lay. I kept running my hands up and down his muscular back, feeling the thin sheen of sweat that lay there. He nuzzled my ear and then began to lick and nibble on it. He put is face over mine and began to lick at my closed eyes, and then my nose until his mouth reached mine. He kissed me gently on the lips--just a quick, simple kiss. No tongue. Almost like a butterfly alighting on my lips. I opened my eyes and looked into his.

“Josh, I love you!” I said quietly.

The words seemed so inadequate for all of the emotion I was feeling, but they were said so earnestly that Josh’s tears began to fall on my face. He said nothing, but leaned down again and, this time, kissed me so passionately, I thought I would pass out for lack of oxygen. When he finally broke the kiss, he again looked into my eyes. It was obvious that he was trying to get himself under control enough to speak.

“Matt, I want you to know that I’ve had sex before, but I have never in my life made love to someone before now. This was the first time. In a way, I wish I could just die right this minute because it is hard for me to believe that there is any way that I could ever be happier than I am right now in life. But I can’t bear the thought of being parted from you so that is not going to happen! I never want to ever make love to anyone but you, Matt. I want to make love to you for the rest of my life. I don’t know if you can handle that or not, but I can’t change the way I feel about you.” he swore.

“I can handle it, Josh. I have to. I feel the same way about you! I’m yours forever, if you want me. Nothing is ever going to change that. And, even though I know this doesn’t make any sense, I know that somehow, someway we will find a way to be together always.” I swore.

Josh just smiled at me and I smiled back. It was as if we were both of the same mind and body. We were one, and to our mind, it was forever.

“I think we just got married.” I said, giggling.

Josh laughed. “Yeah, it sure did sound like that, didn’t it!” he said, leaning down for another quick kiss.

His softened cock finally slipped from my ass and he rolled over on his side, pulling me with him and gathering me close in his arms. I lay my head against his chest and he stroked my hair. After a while, we both fell dreamlessly asleep.

Many hours later, I awoke. I could see through the stars twinkling in the night sky through the skylight. Somehow, I had turned over and now was facing away from Josh, but his strong arms were still around me and his body was spooned up against mine. I could feel his warm breath at my neck and could feel his cock pushing against my ass. I was surprised that I woke up without disorientation. Even though I was in a place I had never been before and in a bed which I had never slept in before, I felt a warm and comfortable as if I were in my own home and in my own bed. But from the way Josh and I talked before, I guess this now was my home and it was my bed. Except it was OUR home and OUR bed! What a fucking concept that was!

I began to wonder what Dad would think about this turn of events. I still thought that he had arranged for Josh and I to meet and hoped that we would perhaps like each other. I wondered what he would think when he found out how extremely well his little plan worked. Much better, I’m sure, than he anticipated. But I wondered if it was too far beyond what he expected for him to deal with it? But laying there in bed with Josh and feeling his strong arms around me, nothing else mattered. Nothing could disturb me. I was so happy. The feelings of love and being loved flowed through me and I was at once completely at peace and at the same time, filled with excitement.

Josh must have felt that I was awake because I could feel his arms tightening around me and pulling me even closer to him. “You are still here! I thought it was all a dream.” Josh murmured in my ear.

He nuzzled the back of my neck and I could feel his hips pushing his cock harder against my ass. I loved the feel of his body against mine. I loved the scent of him that surrounded me. I loved that long hard cock that was trying to get back into my eager hole!

I reached back and positioned his cock so that the head was resting right at the opening to my body. Josh’s load was still up my ass and provided lubrication for his hardon to slide back into my depths. Josh did not rush; he pushed slowly--very slowly, exquisitely slowly--into my hole until all of him was once again buried inside me. Once he was, he stopped and drew me even closer. He seemed content for several minutes just to rest there, buried inside me and me wrapped in his strong arms.

I, too, was content to just lay there joined with him. We were again one. I could again feel that completeness which has never failed to surprise and move me. I began to softly moan at the intense feeling of being joined to him and the tremendous desire which was welling up in me from feeling his hardness inside me.

“I love you, Matt.” Josh whispered in my ear.

“Oh, God! How I love you, Josh!” I moaned, “I’ve never loved anyone before. I’ve never felt like this before! But right now, all I want to feel is you fucking me!”

“I have a problem with that.” Josh murmured.

“What problem?” I asked.

“I have to piss really bad! I woke up with a ‘piss-hard’ and I’m about to burst.” He moaned.

“Then piss!”

“But I don’t want to pull out of your ass, it feels too good.” he moaned again.

“Who said anything about pulling out? Piss in my ass, right where you are and then fuck me!” I said. “Dad says it’s his favorite way to fuck ass--one filled with hot piss!”

“You’re sure?” he sounded dubious.

“I’m sure. That’s how Dad and I fucked each other last night!” I giggled. “Of course, if you’re afraid for the bed...” I offered.

“Fuck no! This cover’s had my piss on it before and there’s a plastic cover over the mattress just in case.” he assured me.

“Well, then, just roll me over onto my stomach with you on top and just piss! I promise you, it’s an experience that is like nothing else! For both of us!” I promised.

He got on top with me lying there face down and without any wait, I felt my ass filled with warmth and fullness. I had taken Josh’s piss down my throat and now up my ass! I was in heaven!

“It’s kind of like marking territory!” he said. “This ass is MINE!” he said laughing.

“This ass was yours the minute I laid eyes on you this morning! You only had to ask.” I said.

He leaned down and kissed me gently on the cheek. He lay on top of me, his cock still hard, soaking in his own warm piss in my ass.

“You know, there’s one thing I can’t figure out.” he said.

“What’s that, Josh?” I asked.

“What the fuck did I do to deserve you?” he asked.

“I personally choose to believe that we were meant for each other from birth. It just took a while for us to meet.” I said quietly.

“I like your belief. I think I’ll believe it, too. I already feel like I’ve known you all my life!” he replied.

“Enough talk--more fucking!” I said. I didn’t want to talk anymore. My feelings were running away with me again and I needed him to fuck me so I could just get lost in his love and not think. About anything!

“Yes, sir!” he answered and began slowly fucking in and out of my ass.

I could feel little gushes of his piss pouring out of my ass and down over my balls each time he pulled back. It was so erotic. I guess he felt really good, too!

“God! This is incredible!” he cried. “I love fucking you when you’re full of my piss!!! Oh, I want you to do this to me!!! I want to feel what it feels like!”

“No problem!” I said, but in my mind I was going nuts!!! This gorgeous hunk not only wanted to fuck me--he wanted me to fuck him!!! He was willing to give his ass to me!!! This was WAY beyond anything I ever expected!

His fucking became hard and fast--almost violent. But it was just what I wanted and needed. It didn’t take him long to cum. I could feel his body tense above me and then he was screaming out in ecstasy as he shot deep into my piss-filled ass! I felt at least ten twitches of his cock inside me delivering his second load into my ass. His orgasm triggered mine and while he shot into my butt, I was shooting my cream all over his bed. I don’t know what the bills are for cleaning this bed cover but I was afraid we’d go bankrupt doing so!

Josh collapsed on my back, breathing hard and sweating. I could feel his wet body on mine and smell the fresh sweat and the re-invigoration of his previous odors. I loved it! I loved the smells of his body! I loved him!!!

After a while, he got his breath back. “So what do we do now?” he asked.

“Well, that depends on exactly how kinky you are. What Dad and I do is go into the shower and just dump the piss and cum on each other. Sometimes we even drink it right out of each other’s ass. I don’t know if you’re ready for that yet?” I replied.

“Just fucking try me! I want to suck my cum and piss out of your ass!!!” Josh answered with real lust in his voice.

“Okay, pull out slowly and gently to keep most of inside me. Then go to the shower and lay down on the floor. I’ll follow and then squat over you. Then you have the choice of whether you want to drink from my butt or just have me cover your body in the piss and cum that’s inside me.” I replied.

Josh did as I said, and I walked carefully to the shower room, holding my ass together with my fingers to prevent any more leaks. I found him there, laying on the tile floor, his cock as hard as it had been 30 minutes ago when he started fucking me.

“Doesn’t that thing ever go down?” I joked.

“Not when you’re around it doesn’t!” Josh answered. “Come on. Put your ass on my face! I’m thirsty!!! I want that ass flavored piss you’ve got for me!”

I did as he requested. I squatted down over his face and he leaned up and locked his lips to my butt and began to suck. I let go of my muscles and I could feel the piss and cum pouring out of my hole right into his fucking mouth. I heard and felt him swallow all of it and then I felt his impossibly long tongue digging in my ass for more! I grabbed my cock as he ate my ass and almost got off. But then I remembered that Josh wanted to be fucked, too, so I held off.

Josh got back to his feet and took me in his arms and we began kissing. I could taste his piss and cum and my ass juices in his mouth! It was incredible! I pulled back from the kiss and looked him in the eyes.

“Still want to get fucked?” I asked.

“More than you can ever know, Matt!” came his reply.

I took his hand and walked back to the bed. I sat him down on the edge of it and stood in front of him. He grabbed me around the waist and laid his head against my abdomen.

“Have you ever been fucked before?” I asked stroking his head and running my fingers through his hair.

“No.” he said, confirming what I already figured.

“Are you sure you want this? I’ve never had a virgin before. I know how to fuck but I’ve only fucked guys who were really experienced. My Dad is better at breaking in guys than I am. We could wait until tomorrow.” I suggested.

He looked up at me, a fierce look in his eyes. “No!” he said firmly. “I want you to be the first. You know what to do, I know you do! You won’t hurt me. I promise you! But you’re the only one I want to do it to me. I want you to be the one who takes me the first time. I love you. Don’t you understand?” he begged.

“Of course I do! I would give anything if I could have given myself to you the first time. I won’t hurt you for anything. You’re right about that. And I am so honored that it’s me you want to fuck you for the first time.” I said.

“No, Matt. Not fuck me. Make love to me! That’s the difference. You’ll do it with love.” he said, looking up into my eyes.

He was right. I would make love to him, especially this first time. There was nothing more I wanted to do in the world at that moment.

I got the lube from the bedside table and raised his legs as he lay back on the bed. I got down on my knees and started eating out his hole! God! I loved the taste, the feel, the scent of his ass! I wanted to fill his hole with my cock and my cum! I wanted to give him the good feelings he had given me.

As I continued to eat his hole, I could hear him moaning. I looked up between his legs. His head was back and his eyes were closed. A look of sheer ecstasy was on his face as I shoved my tongue as far up his hole as I could get. His cock was rock hard, despite cumming just a little while ago. I was almost overwhelmed at the site of him. I figured I’d better get to fucking before I left my load on the floor!

I leaned back on my haunches and looked at his beautiful pink hole. It pulsed and seemed to beg me to put myself in it! I took the lube and began working it into and around his pucker. My finger slipped inside and he moaned. I added another finger and he moaned louder and his cock pulsed out a load of cock-snot onto his abs. I added a third finger and his eyes flew open and he opened his mouth. He couldn’t say anything at first. All that came out was a louder, deeper moan. Finally he found his voice again.

“Oh, Matt! That feels incredible!!! God! Fuck me! Please, fuck me!” he begged.

I wanted him even more turned on, though. I wanted him to want my cock so bad that his ass would open and allow me entry without any pain to him. To this end, I felt up in his body and found his prostate. His joy button was already getting hard. I stroked it a few times and each time more cock-honey flowed out on his abs until they were drenched in it. I didn’t want him to cum, though and end everything.

I quickly got to my feet and pushing his legs back with my hands while spreading them as wide as they would go, I maneuvered my cock to the opening of his body. I then very slowly but firmly began to press my cock into him. With almost no resistance, my first effort buried almost half of my cock in his butt. I immediately stopped to assess how he was taking it. His butt was so hot and wet inside, I nearly lost it right there. But by standing still, the intense need to cum started to recede.

“Are you okay, Josh?” I asked.

Instead of answering, he grabbed hold of my hips and pulled the rest of me inside him. My pubic bone crushed against his butt hole and I was buried to the hilt in his ass. At this point, his eyes opened again, he raised his head and he looked at me with a lust-crazed stare.

“Fuck me! Fuck my ass! Fuck me hard!” Josh ordered.

I complied. I started fucking in and out of him accompanied by his loud moans of pleasure. I was glad that the buildings around us were empty! Somebody hearing this would think I was killing him! Yeah! Killing him with love!

I quickly picked up my pace and began to pile-drive his ass. I couldn’t stop! I was in a fuck-frenzy that could only stop when I came deep in his ass. That time was not long in coming. Luckily, Josh was one step ahead of me. Without either one of us touching his cock, I saw it rise up and begin to unload burst after burst of white, slimy cum all over his body. Some of his cum hit the bed above his head. The rest coated his face, his chest and his abs. The start of this orgasm, with his impossibly tight, hot butt clenching on my cock was enough to send me over the edge. So while Josh was shooting cum all over his body, I was shooting my cum deep inside his guts.

Coming down from the most incredible fuck of my life, I collapsed onto his body. I began to lick his hot cum from his chest where my head rested. Without looking up or even opening his eyes, Josh put his hands onto my head and began to stroke my hair.

“That was so beautiful!” he said quietly, his voice betraying his exhaustion from his orgasm. “I now know what you’ve been feeling when I fuck you! No wonder you like it so much!”

“I don’t like it, Josh. I love it. And I love you!” I murmured to his chest.

“By the way,” he said, finally looking down at my limp body laying on him. “Don’t you have to piss?”.

The End of Part 4 of “The Construction Worker’s Son”.


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