Gay Erotic Stories

Tough Dominant Cop

by Poked
05 Aug 2005

Caught In the Act Chance Encounters Cops Discipline Gay Erotic Stories Jockstraps Man Meets His Man Mature Muscle Public Places Sex On The Road Straight Men, Gay Sex True Stories

The snow fell in large heavy clumps as I drove my little car down the highway. It was 9 pm and I'd just left Boston heading for Providence. My car didn't have a heater and the cold crept in, freezing my hands to the wheel. I'd just put in a 12 hour shift for the company and didn't want to wait for the snow to stop. I just wanted to get home.

It's about 45minutes to Providence in good weather but with this snow it would probably take about twice as long. The snow wasn't deep yet, but it was slippery; and the going was slow and nerve racking. I was already tired from the long hard days work. About a third of the way home, I got a flat tire. The car swerved and slid, crossing onto the median, then back off onto the road, across the road onto the embankment on the other side. It stopped for a moment facing the tall hill, hovered there and then slid down sliding, back into the road facing the on coming traffic. Thank God there weren't many cars on the road. I had just enough time to turn the car and get it off to the side. It was all ready pitch black without any street lights. The snow made it almost like day time. I looked at the tire, swore a number of filthy oaths and opened the trunk. The car was jacked up, and in the process of changing the flat, the jack slipped on the snow with the weight of the car. I had just gotten the tire off. As I pulled myself out of the way I already knew I wasn't taking that car anywhere soon.

Getting back into the driver's seat, I reached behind me. There was a blanket back there and I wrapped up as tight as I could. An hour later no one had stopped and I had premonitions of freezing to death. Then I remembered I had a propane tank in the trunk.

I got it out along with a fitted spigot that would make a blow torch out of it. It was dangerous but it was the only way to keep me warm. I placed it where it was snug and secure in case I fell asleep. The heat fogged up the windows, and that, with my exhaustion, put me to sleep. About three hours later I woke up. It was getting cold in the car. The fog on the windows had turned to frost. I pulled up the blanket and looked at the clock. 1:00 pm.

I sat. Then I sat. Then I sat. It was about 45minutes later. The cold was getting to me. I could hardly feel my hands. The temperature must have been near zero. The red and blue lights were dull flashing illuminations in the frost of the back window. I thought I was dreaming and it was Christmas.

He stepped up to the side of the window and knocked. I reluctantly opened it and felt the colder air hit my face. "Are you okay in there?"

"No officer!" What the hell did he think, I was having a party? "I got a flat tire and the jack slipped. It was too far to walk anywhere in the snow."

"Jeese, you must be frozen. Get out of there and into my squad car to warm up."

A warm car. Fuck, I wasn't about to argue. I got out, blanket and all, and practically ran for his car. I couldn't feel me feet very well. Stumbling a few times I made it to the passenger side and climbed in. "I'm officer white." He put the heat on full, and as I tried to keep my teeth from chattering, I told him my name was Ron.

Officer White, picked up his CB. "Jenny? I got a young man here who was stuck on the highway. I'm going to take him over to mike's. It's the closest place to here and the kid is practically frozen. Nah! He's alright. Nothing a nice warm fire at Mike's won't cure."

A short distance off the highway we stopped at a fairly big looking house in the woods. The idea of getting out of the warm car wasn't very appealing. I had trouble walking. My feet were still frozen and it was hard to balance with no feeling. Officer White came around the car and grabbed me around the waist. His arms felt like steel girders. Thick massive muscle held me like I were nothing but a feather.

We walked right in. "Mike? Mike you here?"

Well, no one's home right now. I'll make a fire and you can warm up by it." I sat in the large over stuffed chair still in my blanket; but feeling better every minute. Officer White took off his leather jacket and hat. Those massive arms I felt, stretched the material of his white, long sleeve shirt to the limits. His big muscular chest strained at the shirt buttons. I could take my time looking him over.

I couldn't do anything but sit and look anyway. In the light of the fire I could see the outline of thick thigh in his blue uniform pants with the red stripe down the side. The pants were very fitted and tight and the thigh muscles flattened the crease that should have gone down the front of the leg. They sat just above the hip. He had a small waist which accentuated his crotch and his ass. His crotch looked like he stuffed one of those huge Christmas balls in his pants. The two mounds of ass cheek were round and lifted.

Damn! As I warmed up my crotch stirred at the sight and my mouth went dry. Officer White left for a moment and I settled down. What the hell was I thinking anyway. He was a cop for Christ sake. He came back with a huge pot of water, placed it in front of me and started to take off my shoes and socks. "What are you doing Sir?" "Well your feet are in a little bit of trouble and we have to get the frost out of them or it could be bad for you." He placed my feet in the water. It felt hot, but actually it was only tepid. It really hurt; but he wouldn't let me take my feet out. He took my hands in his and rubbed them vigorously, first one then the other. Even though feeling had returned in them, I didn't stop him. I watched his face as he looked at my hands.

His face was cut in a masculine line of straight jaw and high cheek bones. His eyes were set wide apart, with thick brows that were so perfectly shaped, you'd of thought they were plucked. His pupils were of a hazel brown with gold specs in them. The hair was a little longish and set straight back. Now as he bent forward, a thick lock of hair hung down on his wide forehead. He looked up at me and smiled with a set of thin lips that were cut in a perfect shape. The man was fucking beautiful.

"There now! Feeling better?" "Yes Sir! Thank you. I think I would probably have been dead by morning. I don't know what to say or how to show my appreciation." "That's okay. Maybe you'll think of something." Think of something? Fuck I could think of a lot of ways to thank him if he'd let me. I wondered what he meant by the remark. Did I denote an underlying hint in it?

"Do you drink? Are you old enough?"

"Yes for the first one and of course for the second one. I'm 22 last summer. How old did you think I was?"

"I was going to ask to see your license ‘cause you don't look old enough to drive." He smiled.

"Damn! You think I only look 15?"

Officer White laughed deep and masculine. "Okay, okay, I was just kidding." I knew he wasn't kidding at all. I new I looked very young for my age, but damn 15?

He brought back a hot cup of hot chocolate. "Here, drink this it'll warm you up faster." I took the cup in my hands. The warmth of it felt good. Being a hot chocolate lover, I took a big swallow and gulped it down. "Whoa! What the hell man?" Officer White laughed heartily.

"That's just a little brandy in there." I felt the brandy warm up my insides and the blood rush up into my head like a flame up a pole.

Having drunk the hot chocolate so fast I felt a little light headed. I'd never had anything but beer before. I became very at ease as we talked. The blanket fell away and I felt damp. My jeans were still wet from trying to change the tire in the snow. Jeans don't dry very fast when they get wet. "Damn boy! Your jeans are wet. Why didn't you say something. You might catch a cold or worse, the flu like that. Take those friggin’ things off."

"Oh, that's okay, I don't mind." I didn't want to let him know I wasn't wearing any underwear.

"No, no! Now common lets get them off. Who's the fucking cop around here. You have to do what I say." He reached for the belt and undid my jeans. I stood up, still a little wobbly. My hand went out and grabbed his thick shoulder. He'd been on his knees undoing my belt. Now he just pulled on the legs of the jeans and down they came. "Well, aren't you the sexy little dude?"

There I stood. Naked from the waist down with my cock hanging over my big balls half full of blood from thinking about him naked. His face was a couple of inches from my cock and it jumped at my thinking about that. My cock lightly brushed his cheek. He didn't show any sign there was a problem. "Common now, step out of them and I'll put them by the fire to dry. He hung the pants over a chair by the fire. I was still standing as he turned to look at me. I wasn't sure but was he staring at my meat?

"Common, I'll show you where the bathroom is and you can take a hot shower." I started to walk and could feel the floor under my feet; but they tingled and stung from thawing. It felt like when your foot falls asleep and you try to walk on it. He rushed over and held me up by the waist. Again I felt the hard thick muscles. I was a little embarrassed being naked from the waist down. It hurt to walk. He picked me up, cradling me in his massive arms. "You don't have to do that." "Well, you can't walk yet so I guess I do." There I was with my crotch laid out in front of his face again. "Ummmm! You smell good. Is that talcum powder you have on?"

"Yeah I always put some on my balls after a shower." I said it a little sarcastically.

"Don't get testy. I was only making an observation." Damn, me and my big mouth. He put me down on the edge of a huge oval tub. Just then the lights went out. "I'll be right back." While he was gone I took off my shirt. A couple of minutes later he returned with candles burning. He placed them by the tub and ran the water, testing the temperature. I put my legs over the tub wall and he helped me slide in. Just as I got down in the water, he slipped and his hand came down into the water right between my legs. I could have sworn he copped a feel of my cock. He said nothing, just smiled that sexy smile of his.

Officer White left me to myself for a while. The water felt so good and soothing. I slipped under with my head and blew some bubbles, then came back up. He returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "I hope you drink wine. Mike doesn't drink beer or anything else but wine, so we're stuck with this." He poured the glasses and handed one to me while he sat on the edge of the tub. I sipped it. The red wine slipped down smooth and warm.

"It's great. I've never had wine." I was nervous having him so close and drank the glass quickly. "I'll have another if you don't mind.

"Sure, that's fine, but wine sort of creeps up on you when you're not looking and before you know it you're bombed." He poured another glass for me.

"Oh that's okay; after the day I've had I deserve it. Say what do they call you besides Officer White anyway.? I can't keep calling you Sir all the time."

"Sure you can. I like being called Sir. It asserts my power over you."

I smirked. "Okay, my friends call me Whitey. I guess you can be considered a friend, lying here naked with me." He laughed. I blushed.

"Whitey, the water’s getting cold. I think I'm alright now. I may even be able to walk." I got out of the tub. Yes, I could walk; but the wine made me tipsy and he had to help me anyway. "Man, Whitey, you've got some mean muscles there." What the fuck was I saying?

He laughed again. Boy he sure laughed a lot. "Yeah well you ain't seen nothing yet boy."

"Don't call me boy. I'm not a boy. I'm a man. Look at this fucking thing between my legs man. The fucker's huge and you should see it when it's hard. Sticks out to here man." I held my hand out about two feet in front of me.

Whitey laughed so hard I thought he'd split a gut. "Let's see yours man! Common whip it out. Fuck, you've been looking at my naked cock all night. Fair is fair. It's about time I had a look at yours." I think I had more wine then I thought I did. I pulled on his belt. He tried to stop me but I managed to get it undone and pulled it right through the belt loops and fell back with it in my hand onto the couch. Whitey bent over me and tried to get the belt but I had half of it under my back. I saw my chance and undid his pants top and unzipped him. He kept laughing, trying to get his belt. I pushed his pants and jockeys down off his beautiful round ass together. Out plopped his big fat cock and balls. "Holy fuck!" I couldn't believe the size of him. I grabbed a hold of both the cock and the big balls hanging in the low ball sac.

I looked them over with growing interest. I was interested. My cock was growing. Whitey tried to get up; but lost his balance and fell back on top of me with his cock in my face. I immediately opened my mouth and sucked the cock head in. He pulled away and stood up. "What the hell was that man? Did you do that on purpose?"

"I'm sorry Whitey. I didn't mean to. It just happened." "It just happened? I don't think it just happened. I think you wanted it to happen. I think you like sucking cock. I think you wanted to suck my cock. You're a fucking cock sucker. You want to eat cock? Well common over here and eat it fucker."

Whitey grabbed me by the wrists and pulled me up and dragged me by the fire. What the hell was this? He had treated me so tenderly all this time and now he was rough and unforgiving. Maybe he hated cock suckers and was going to take it out on me. He had me down on my knees. "Lets go fucker. Show me how you like to eat cock. Suck my big fucking dick man. Eat it! And you better be good. Let me see you eat a man's cock." He put the head of his dick at my lips. He rubbed his cock head back and forth on them and then started to slap my face with the flaccid thick cock. "Yeah man I'll show you who's boss. You're going to do what I want and you're going to do it now." He pulled on my chin. "Open up fuck face. Open nice and wide." I opened my mouth and he pushed the soft cock head in with his thumb. He was so rough and as much as it surprised me, I liked it. He was in charge and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I sucked on his cock. It felt like a large soft glob that any minute would start to melt in my mouth. Then it began to grow. The cock head got larger. The cock shaft started to become more rigid. Not so soft anymore. "Ummmm, yeah! That's it man. Show me you can make me hard, yeah, you know how to suck cock boy. Ummmmm, you're good." I got lost in the moment. Every time I suck a cock from soft to hard, the exhilaration I feel kind of overwhelms me. I feel light headed with the idea that I could do that for a man, that I could make him so stiff, so hard, so masculine and an all powerful butch stud.

Whitey grabbed my hair and started to pump his hips into me. He held my head back with my mouth open and fucked his hips back and forth. I gagged each time his cock head hit the back of my mouth. "Hey man, open that fucking throat. Open it cock sucker. I want my cock deep down your fucking throat. Do it." I sucked in air and opened the back of my throat thinking of an open tunnel. He plowed his cock meat in as hard as he could. The huge cock head banged against the back wall. He pushed harder. Then I felt it. The cock head slid past and down into my throat. He put a hand around my neck and felt his own meat deep down inside me. He stroked his own meat by rubbing the outside of my neck. He could feel his hand on his own dick in my throat.

Whitey pulled out to the cock head and then plunged back in, over and over. He attacked my mouth viciously and without mercy. I fucking loved it. I needed him to be as masculine as he wanted to be. He pulled his cock out; all wet with saliva and slapped my face hard with it. I could hear and feel the wet cock making those loud slapping noises. Whitey pulled his cock up against his belly. "Suck my fucking nuts man. Suck them Ron. Suck them good."

Yes! I'll suck those big low hanging balls. He shoved my face down into his fleshy ball sac. I smelled him. The sweat, the talc. I sucked in the first one. What? His balls were hairless. Why did he shave his balls? Has he done this before? Fuck it! Just enjoy the meal. I licked and sucked and licked some more. I was heaven bound. He tasted clean. He tasted sweaty. He tasted manly. He held my head tight and rubbed my face into his balls hard and rough.

Then Whitey walked forward. I fell over on my back and Whitey came down on his knees, sitting on my face. "Suck my ass perv. Clean out my hole and suck it up." He spread his ass cheeks and pushed his ass pucker ring right down on my lips. I kissed his pucker and stuck out my tongue, licking the outside. I bit his ass ring with little nibbles and he writhed back and forth on my face. I rolled my tongue in a point and rammed it as deep as it would go. "Oh my fucking ass. Oh that feels so fucking good. Oh man. Oh fuck man. Oh Ron, your tongue is so fucking hot. Yeah dig it in deeper man."

I kept ramming my tongue in like I was fucking him. Then I pulled it out and put my lips against his pucker ring and sucked as hard as I could. I sucked on the ring like it was candy. Whitey moaned and threw out dirty words and moaned some more. I was giving pleasure to this beautiful man, this hot fucking gorgeous stud.

Whitey got off my face and rolled me over. He pulled me up on all fours. Thawack! My right ass cheek stung and I yelled out. Thawack! Again the pain. Whitey had his belt in his hand. He reached his arm out as far as he could, then came down as hard and fast as he could. My ass was burning. Now he started on the other cheek. He kept swatting with the leather belt. My beautiful ass went from pearly white to pink, then to red, and then to hot fire red and welts popped up distorting the skin. I felt ready to pass out from the pain. Nothing mattered any more. I looked down at my hard cock, bigger and fatter then ever.

Getting up from the floor he said, "Don't move. Don't you fucking move!” He leaned down grabbing my hair and put his face in mine. “Do you understand me when I'm talking to you fuck face?"

Weakly I answered. "Yes!"

"Yes what slime ball?"

"Yes Sir!" Whitey retrieved his cop's hat and his utility belt. He wrapped the belt around his naked waist. Then he walked around and placed a foot on my burning ass and shoved. I fell flat on the floor, my hard cock feeling the unyielding cold wood floor. He knelt down straddling my legs; and buried his face into the hot beet red mounds of my ass.

"Ummmmm!" he started to lick from my big balls all the way up the crack to my lower back. He went up and down, flicking his tongue over my ass hole. Then he took a finger and shoved it in to the third joint. The pain seared through me. He fucked me hard a few times and the in went another finger and then a third. I would have crawled away from the pain but there was no where to go. As he finger fucked me he put his face down and rested his cheek against my red hot ass, feeling the heat. He turned his face and bit one of the cheeks hard. He sank his teeth in until he drew blood. Then he licked it and tasted it. His salty saliva burned into the wound.

Now, Whitey pulled me back up on all fours again. He spread my burning ass cheeks and placed the cock head at the entrance to my heated tunnel. He shoved hard and fast. The cock head slid in along with a quarter of his shaft. The cock was so big and fat and long. The pain went through my ass and up into my head. I screamed. Whitey didn't move. He just stayed motionless for at least a couple of minutes.

"Here we go boy." He steadily slid the length of his cock slowly in. He kept going until his balls pressed against my thighs. "Get ready for the ride of your fucking life man."

He pulled out to the cock head and all the way back in. It felt like his shaft didn't have an end to it. His stroke in one direction seemed like it would last forever and then it reversed and again seemed like for ever. It was a slow even steady set of movements. I could feel each inch inside me, sliding along my ass walls. About a quarter of the way in, I would feel the thick cock head slide over my prostate. Again on the way out it would rub its soft texture on the button. I would squirm and rotate my ass trying to keep the same rhythm as Whitey.

He leaned in, his massive muscled chest with no hair pressing against my naked back. His hips continued their rhythm as he sucked and bit my neck. He filled the sides and back of my neck with” hickies” and bites. I was rocking and wanted more of his cock in me. "Please fuck me hard Whitey. Please fuck me. I need it man. I need you to ram that big fucking cock up my ass."

"Okay! Here we go fuckhead." Whitey knelt straight up and grabbed my hips. He quickened his pace and started to ram his cock deep into the recesses of my ass hole. The sweat pored off his forehead and dripped on my back as he shoved every inch as deep as he could.

He plowed, rammed, and porked my ass without mercy. His hand came down Whack on my already red sore ass. Whack again and again as he fucked for all he was worth. "Fuck you! Fucking fuck you!" Whack, whack, whack, whack. "You like it mother fucker! You want my cock up your ass. You're getting fucked man. You're getting fucked by a real man you fucking cock sucker. Take that fucking dick. Take it all. All fucking nine inches you cock lover!”

I was wild with desire for his cock. I was loving every stroke driving into my ass hole. I loved his dirty talk and the rough masculine way he fucked me. My big heavy balls ached for release. I wanted to cum so bad. "Yeah you fucking cop. Fuck my ass. Ride your fucking meat into me. Ram the fucking shaft all the way in. Let me feel your fucking cop balls slapping against my thighs. You fucking cop. Pump that cop cock hard man. Show me how good a cop fucker you are."

Whitey continued to batter my ass with his hand slaps on every stroke. "I'm fucking close kid. I'm going to pop my nut up that hot butt hole of yours. Take it you fucking dick. Oh fuck! Oh man! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Arghhhhhhhh! You fucking cock lover Ohhhhhhhh!!! Yeahhhhhh!!! Take it fucking alllllll.”

His cum shot up into my ass and I felt the warm thick creamy cum soothing the hot pain inside. It covered my ass walls. He shot again and again and then again and again. My ass filled with his cum. It oozed out of my hole and ran down my leg. He held that big fucking boner all the way in and I felt it pulsing over and over; the throbbing meat banging against my ass walls softly deep inside.

The second shot of cum up my ass called out to my own prick. I squeezed my ass muscles on Whitey's cock and my balls came up against the base of my cock shaft and my cock grew thicker and longer and the head felt like it would burst open as my cock slammed up against my stomach and let loose it's first load. It shot out and up into my face. A huge glob of hot creamy cum. Then another shot out across the floor and another. After about six loads, my pulsing cock began a steady dribble out of the cock slit as it dripped to the floor.

Whitey collapsed on my back and I collapsed on the floor. We were both breathing heavy and I lay in my own cum as I licked my face to taste my own sweet juice. Whitey couldn't seem to move for a very long while and then, slowly he started kissing my back and shoulders. He rolled off and lay next to me. "Man you are one wild fuck." He put his big meaty hand on my head and tussled my hair.

He picked me up and rolled me on top of him. Whitey licked the cum I couldn't reach off my face. He placed those beautiful carved lips against mine. He kissed me softly. I felt his lips warm against mine and then his tongue slipping gently in and out of my mouth. "I love a good hard fuck and any guy that can take it. You were amazing Ron. You took every inch down your throat and up your ass. You got me so hot I thought I would pass out before I shot my stuff. I hope you didn't think I was really mad at you. It's just more exciting when it's not explained. More spontaneous and erotic to just go for it."

"Well, you had me going there for a while. I've never had any kinky sex like this before. I shot more cum then I ever have before so I guess I liked it."

The sun was coming into the room and the two guys realized they had fucked all night long. The front door opened and Mike walked in. "Hi! Hey what did I miss? Whitey, you fucking dick head, I told you to let me know when you're bringing a young stud home so I can join in."

"Don't worry Mike. This little stud will be around. With this snow he can't go to work anyway, so we may as well keep him here and have our way with him. I was just breaking him in for us. If he liked me, I knew he couldn't wait to get his hands on you. He's a great cock sucker too. Go ahead Ron show him your stuff."

By the way, Whitey isn't the kind of cop that picks up guys while he's working. This is just one of those things that were meant to happen. Now whenever I go home to visit, I make good and sure I head towards Boston and stop in to see Mike and Whitey. They still leave the door open...

This is the first time I ever had rough sex and I learned to love it. I like vanilla too though. If you'd like to comment or write well, its:

Hope you enjoyed it.


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