Gay Erotic Stories

The Three Day Pass, Part 11a

by JoyStick
01 Dec 2005


By: JoyStick

This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free to contact me - all E-mails will be answered to the best of my ability. I would like to thank all of you that wrote and told me how much you like the story. Keep the letters coming and send in a donation to the site you are reading this on.

The Three Day Pass Chapter 11a

Driving back to base, a thought flashed into Joseph’s mind. He pulled to the side of the road and punched in William Barns home phone number. A female voice answered and said, “Hello?”

“Hi, is this the home of William Barns?” Joseph asked, and when the party on the line confirmed it, he asked if Bill was at home.

“Yes he is, but he is rather busy right now. May I ask who is calling?”

“Please, just tell Bill that Joseph is calling from a cell phone and that it is rather important that I speak with him.”

Joseph heard the woman call out, “Bill–someone called Joseph–calling from a cell for you.”

“Joseph! Anything wrong?” Bill asked breathlessly.

“No, nothing really wrong–I just had this feeling that I should call in and tell you about something that happened this evening when I got to the Muhammad house. When I arrived, only the girl was home.”

“Well a nice, quiet evening at home together,” Barns said leeringly, “bet you were thrilled.”

“As a matter of fact, I was, and things were going along as you would expect,” Joseph said. “However, when I asked where her parents were, Kassie said that Fazzi and Mary were at a meeting of the ‘Justice for the Middle East Committee’. It was some sort of executive meeting and Fazzi, as an officer in the organization, was required to attend. At the time, it just did not seem important or unusual. Later, we were interrupted by a phone call telling me to get back to the base ASAP as the base was on alert. Just now, while driving back, suddenly a thought came into my mind. Knowing Arab culture, and Mary in particular, it now strikes me as rather unusual that she would be invited to a meeting of the executives. While it is not unheard of for women to hold positions of importance, it was just a bit out of the ordinary. I thought it might be important–so I figured I’d better contact you.”

“Joseph, can you stay where you are and on the line? I need to go into my den. Give me time to fire-up my computer. I’ll be able to access my office files from there and look up that organization. Don’t move from there. We have a clear connection and I don’t want to loose you.” he said, and started leave.

Joseph screamed, “Hey Bill I can’t wait! I have to get back to the base!”

“Fuck the base! This just may be important. I’ll cover for you with the base. Just don’t move until I check this out. And that’s a direct order coming from the FBI. I’ll get back to you right away!” Barns yelled.

Joseph was used to taking orders, so he sat there with the phone to his ear–feeling rather foolish–and waited. He waited twenty minutes ‘til he heard the voice on the phone again. “Yes?” he asked, “what do you have for me? Give it to me quick. I told the base I would be back in two hours and I’m going to be late.”

“First of all, relax. I will call your Commanding Officer. The alert is most likely just a practice drill. If it were anything serious–I would have known about it. I’ll tell him you are working for ‘Homeland Security’, and that you will be back as soon as I let you go. He’ll approve anything I order him to, so you just listen to what I have to tell you–then decide what you want to do.”

“Sure, whatever you say Bill. I just don’t want to wind up with a Court-Martial or even a week of K.P. Who the hell do I take my orders from?”

“Look, anything having to do with Homeland Security–I’m your boss and my orders supersede any army orders. The only person who can countermand my orders would be my District Chief. I think I can trust you to know the difference between an army order and an FBI order? As long as you do your job, I will back you up to the hilt,” he said, and continued, “anyway, I looked up that organization, and it is a cover operation that raises money for ‘Hamas’. Are you sure Kassie told you he was an officer? –Because his name is not listed.”

“That’s what she said,” he assured Bill, “but she might have just assumed that her father would be an officer in any group in which he had a membership.”

“Can you get back there tonight and get me more information?”

After thinking about going back for a while, Joseph told him, “I could go back now, but I don’t think it’s wise to do. If I came running back right now, with my base on alert, they might think that was weird, especially, if I started to ask questions about that committee business.”

“Bingo! Anyone ever tell you that you have a nose for this type of work?” the FBI agent said, “you’re right, this may have been a slip or it might even be a way of testing you. You have to play it like you are not interested in Fazzi’s meeting. I’m sure you can figure a way of getting more information on the organization in the future. Just play it cool and be careful. This could be the break we need to get ‘goods’ on them. Our government has finally recognized ‘Hamas’ as a terrorist organization. Wait a second. You know, I never asked you if you were circumcised.”

“I’m not circumcised. Why do you ask?” Joseph answered; trying to figure out what Bill could be getting at.

“I’m glad you’re not. If you were, they might think you were a Moslem or an Israeli spy. That just may be one of the reasons they might want you to ‘bed’ either Kassie or Fazzi. ”

“Well, you can stop worrying about that Bill,” the soldier said quietly. “They both know I have not been skinned.”

“I won’t ask you how they know,” Bill laughed, “but I could guess. Get back to the base. I’ll see you Sunday. Have a good weekend.”

Joseph turned on the radar detector and drove at a good clip back to the base, making record time. He pulled the car into the school parking lot and made his way to the Company Headquarters. Soldiers in field dress were scurrying here and there loading up trucks with all kinds of gear. He reported in to the company clerk.

“You’re twenty minutes late. I hope that girl was worth it, because this is going to cost you! Where the fuck was you?” Williams demanded to know.

“Didn’t a Mr. Barns contact you? He said he was going to talk to the C.O. about this,” Joseph said, just as the C.O. came out of his office.

“Corporal Williams, I’m sorry I forgot to tell you, Benson was on special duty for me,” the C.O. said, and then told Joseph to join-up with his unit in the barracks.

Joseph ran to his quarters and found Ibrahim packing his gear. “Glad you made it back buddy,” his roommate said, as he continued to pack his duffel bag. “Get packed. We are moving out.”


“I don’t know. All we were told was to pack our field stuff as if we were going out on field maneuvers,” he said. “We were told to pack for a week in the field. What with the weekend coming up everyone is pissed off. Where the hell were you?”

“On overnight with Kassie in Paterson,” he said, “we got caught at a most inappropriate time, damn it. Her family had left for the evening and we had the house to ourselves.”

“Oh!” he laughed, “got caught with your pants down? I still hope you know what you are doing, Joseph.”

“It’s gone beyond playing games, Ibrahim. We are talking about a future together,” Joseph said, and then asked Ibrahim, “If I should need a Best Man would you like to take the job?”

“You don’t know what you’re getting into, buddy. Are you aware that you might have to convert to Islam? And are you sure you want to go through with that? You would have to be circumcised!”

“I’m not so sure about having my cock cut,” the soldier said as he packed his field kit. “Her mother was Christian, and we might get hitched in an army chapel. We have not even discussed that part yet–but as much as I hate the thought–if it comes down to that–hell, with the size of my cock, I think I can spare a bit of foreskin for her. Besides, there is still plenty of time to think about that.”

“Well you better start to think about it. No Muslim father is going to permit his daughter to marry a Christian. We don’t like losing any of our people to you infidels. Then there is also the matter regarding the restrictions on not eating pork,” Ibrahim jested, “who will I give my bacon to…to say nothing about those pork chops you love so dearly!”

“Now you Muslims have gone too far,” he jested, “much too far. There, I have my gear all packed–what now?”

“The usual!” Ibrahim said. “We wait.”

They sat around until a little after midnight. Then the “Stand Down” command was heard over the school ‘Bitch Box’: “Stand down. The alert is canceled. Resume regular duties.”

A loud chorus of moans, groans and curses could be heard. Typical army shit–hurry up and wait.

“What are you going to do now–go back to Paterson?” Joseph’s roommate asked.

“No, I think it’s too late for that,” he said; “besides I need a good night’s sleep. I’ll just call her and tell her I’ll see her Monday night.”

“Not going there over the weekend?” asked Ibrahim.

“No, I have something to do for Kassie’s father on Long Island this weekend. She knows all about it,” Joseph told him. “I’m going outside to give her a ‘good night’ call before going to bed.”

“Hey you don’t have to do that–I would love to hear how you make love to her in Arabic,” Ibrahim said, as he dodged a pillow thrown at him by Joseph while he left the room. “Come back soon. It’s unusual having you sleep here, and it will give us a chance to catch up on things.”

Walking outside, the soldier found a secluded spot and called Kassie. He told her the alert had been just a drill, and that he would see her Monday night. She said that since she had the weekend free, she and her mother had decided to visit relatives in the Dearborn area of Michigan. They would not be back ‘til late Monday evening. He wished her a safe trip. Then, sounding very disappointed, he told her that he would miss her. “Please tell Fazzi that I hope to have good news for him about my meeting with Mr. Worthington by Sunday evening.

“Maybe you would like to stop off here on your way back from Long Island?” she asked. “It would break up your trip. Perhaps you could also pick up the laundry you left. The maid says that she washed and ironed your uniforms and they are waiting for you.”

“Oh yes, I forgot about that,” he said. “Please thank her for me. I don’t need them now, so I will pick it up next time I see you. I’ll miss you, ‘habibi’. I’m sorry about tonight. Perhaps next time I shouldn’t answer the phone!”

“I love you, ‘habibi’, and I really wanted you tonight, but the army comes first. Coming from a military family I understand, truly I do,” she cooed. “Maybe next time. ‘Til Tuesday then.”

Joseph went back to his room and found his roommate stretched out on the cot, still dressed in his field uniform, sound asleep. Joseph undressed, crawled into his bed and got a good night’s sleep.

Saturday, after inspection, he drove the car into New York City to pick up Richard. It was the first time he had driven in a city of that size. At first he was a bit scared. The drive through the tunnel was unnerving, but once he got that under his belt, he was able to find his way about Manhattan. He had studied the city maps, and after a few bad turns, he finally made it downtown to Richard’s apartment. He found a place to park within view of the front door and called Richard on the cell phone. “Hey babe, I’ll be up in a few minutes. Are you packed and ready to go?” Joseph asked.

“Yes!” answered an excited Richard: “I’ve been ready and waiting for a half hour. We can leave as soon as you get here. That is, unless you have another plan in mind, babe. It seems like years since we have seen each other. I’m so horny for you that I’ve been sitting here thinking about raping you the moment you walk in the door!”

“You’re going to have to hold that thought until we are in bed tonight, lover. You know how I hate to fuck and run. And we are going to have to run if we are going to catch the train,” Joseph lied–laughing to himself–“besides, I want to make love to you under your parents’ roof. It’s a real turn on knowing they will be in the same house.”

“That’s all well and good, but I just hope I can hold out that long!” Richard screamed into the phone. “Just get your ass up here fast!”

Joseph closed his cell, got out of the car and opened the trunk and removed his small overnight bag–which he carried into the apartment building. Using the key that Richard had given him, he entered the lobby, found and rode the elevator up to Richard’s floor. He opened the door to the apartment and there was Richard, waiting for him. The two lovers embraced each other and kissed.

“I’ve missed you so much, luv,” Richard said, as his hands slipped down to Joseph’s ass–his hard erection grinding against the soldier’s groin. “You sure you don’t want to forget about going out to the Island tonight? We could stay here tonight and catch the first train in the morning. I’ll call dad and he will understand.”

“No Rich, as much as I’ve missed you, and want you right now, there are reasons that we have to leave now. For one, you know your family must have prepared supper for us, and that they will be very disappointed if we don’t show up tonight,” Joseph said. “As for the other reasons–I will explain them to you while we are on the way. Just hold that horniness ‘til later, my love. I promise you won’t be sorry.”

“Spoil sport,” the dejected lover said, as both he and Joseph picked up their travel kits and together they made their way to the elevator. “Man, do I have a lot to tell you too.” Riding down in the elevator, Rich told Joseph that he had got the ‘underwear’ job he had told him about. “The money is enough to pay for my acting school, full-time. Also, remember that small part, the one I told you I was auditioning for? My agent said I’m a shoo-in.”

“Fantastic! I’m really glad for you. No more tables to wait on,” Joseph grinned.

“Well, like they say, maybe I should not give up my day job just yet,” said Richard, as they left the elevator and went out on to the street, “but at least I don’t have to wait tables on the weekends.”

As Joseph started to walk in the direction of his car, Richard grabbed his arm and said, “Hey, haven’t you learned where the subway is by now? It’s the other way.”


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The Customer/ Dexter's Saga Part 7By Joystick Disclaimer: This story may contain scenes of a graphical nature that may not be legal in your area. If you are under 18, or if material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now. By reading on, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story.This story is a work of pure fiction.

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The Customer/ Dexter's Saga Part 8By Joystick Disclaimer: This story may contain scenes of a graphical nature that may not be legal in your area. If you are under 18, or if material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now. By reading on, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story.This story is a work of pure fiction.

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The Customer/ Dexter's SagaPart 9By Joystick Disclaimer: This story may contain scenes of a graphical nature that may not be legal in your area. If you are under 18, or if material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now. By reading on, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story.This story is a work of pure fiction.

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This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free to

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By: JoyStick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work,

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By: JoyStick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work,

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This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free to

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By: JoyStick “That was my driver; he has just crossed the George Washington Bridge.” Fazzi said as he put down the telephone, “We still have time, but I think it would be nice if we were there to greet Worthington when he arrives. We will take your car Yussef, and since I know where the cafe is, I will drive. Wait for me in the hall; I want to say good night to Mary before we leave.” Fazzi

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The Three Day Pass, Part 15b

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The Three Day Pass, Part 16

The Three Day Pass Part #16 By: JoyStick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that

The Three Day Pass, Part 17

The Three Day Pass by Joystick Chapter 17 This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas

The Three Day Pass, Part 18a

The Three Day Pass Part# 18 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or

The Three Day Pass, Part 18b

This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free to

The Three Day Pass, Part 19

The Three Day Pass Chapter #19 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas

The Three Day Pass, Part 2

This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free

The Three Day Pass, Part 20

The Three Day Pass Part 20 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may

The Three Day Pass, Part 21

The Three Day pass Chapter 21 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that

The Three Day Pass, Part 22

The Three Day pass Chapter 22 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that

The Three Day Pass, Part 23

The Three Day pass Chapter 23 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that

The Three Day Pass, Part 24

The Three Day pass Chapter 24 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that

The Three Day Pass, Part 25

The Three-Day pass Chapter 25 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas

The Three Day Pass, Part 26

The Three-Day pass Chapter 26 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas

The Three Day Pass, Part 27

The Three-Day pass Chapter 27 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas

The Three Day Pass, Part 29

The Three-Day pass Chapter 29 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that

The Three Day Pass, Part 3

A Three Day Pass By Joystick Chapter 3 The shrill ringing sound pierced his brain like a thousand church bells. He forced his eyelids open and for a few milliseconds he could not recall where he was. Somewhere off in outer space a phone was ringing and making one hell of a racket. Then, silence followed by a sleepy male voice. “Hello, who is this?” the sleepy voice asked. “Yes, this is

The Three Day Pass, Part 30

The Three-Day pass, Chapter 30 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas

The Three Day Pass, Part 31

The Three-Day Pass Chapter 31 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that

The Three Day Pass, Part 32A

I had hoped to end this story with Chapter #31, but so many of you have written to say that you either did not want it to end or that the way that it ended was too abrupt. I admit that it was rather cut short. I had to do that as I was in the process of moving and had little time to polish it up. Now that I have had time to reflect, (and rest a bit) I have decided to continue the story. As

The Three Day Pass, Part 32B

As much as he did not want to, Joseph got up and took a shower. He felt bad about missing Richard this morning. Rich had become the beginning and end of his being, but there could be no running away now--no matter what happened in Washington. He was committed. He would stay until the end - whatever and whenever that was. He would make Richard understand and he would make it up to him, somehow.

The Three Day Pass, Part 33

The Three-Day Pass Chapter 33 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that

The Three Day Pass, Part 34

The Three-Day Pass Chapter 34 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is both your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas

The Three Day Pass, Part 35

This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is both your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free to

The Three Day Pass, Part 36

The Three-Day Pass Chapter 36 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is both your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas

The Three Day Pass, Part 37

The Three-Day Pass Chapter 37 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is both your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas

The Three Day Pass, Part 38

The Three-Day Pass Chapter 38 By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is both your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas

The Three Day Pass, Part 39

Joseph and Allie go to a Boy's Camp

The Three Day Pass, Part 4

This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free to

The Three Day Pass, Part 40

The Three-Day Pass Chapter 40By JoystickThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. As fiction, the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual

The Three Day Pass, Part 5

By JoyStick His eyes adjusted to the changing light as the bus left the darkness of the Lincoln tunnel and came into the bright sunlight of morning. Once again he was looking out the window at Manhattan, only this time he was staring at the receding skyline of the city. As he leaned back into the seat trying to get comfortable, his mind wandered and images of the past three days flooded his

The Three Day Pass, Part 6

By Joystick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work,

The Three Day Pass, Part 7

The Three Day Pass Chapter #7 By JoyStick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas

The Three Day Pass, Part 8

The Three Day Pass Chapter 8 By: JoyStick This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily. I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas

The Three Day Pass, Part 9

The Three Day Pass Chapter 9 By JoyStick "It's a bit cool out tonight. Do you think you are going to need a sweater?" Joseph asked her. "I have one in the hall closet. How about you? Are you going to be warm enough?" "As long as you stay close to me I'll be fine" Joseph grinned. Joseph opened the door and they both walked out onto the porch. "It's a beautiful night tonight. Just

The Three-Day Pass Part 41

The Three-Day Pass Chapter 41By JoystickThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. As fiction, the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual

The Three-Day Pass Part 42

The Three-Day Pass Chapter 42By JoystickThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. As fiction, the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual

The Three-Day Pass Part 43

The Three-Day Pass Chapter 43By JoystickThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. As fiction, the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual

The Three-Day Pass Part 44

The Three-Day Pass Chapter 44By JoystickThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. As fiction, the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual

The Three-Day Pass Part 45

The Three-Day PassChapter 45By JoystickThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. As fiction, the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual

The Three-Day Pass Part 45A

The Three-Day PassChapter 45aBy JoystickThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. As fiction, the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual

The Three-Day Pass Part 46A

The Three-Day PassChapter 46By JoystickThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. As fiction, the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual

The Three-Day Pass Part 46B

Part b of chapter 46Later, after they had eaten and when they were alone in their rooms, Joseph’s cell phone rang and seeing who the caller was, he picked it up. “Yes, Bill, I just got back and I’m beat. What’s new here?”“The man wants to see you. Take the 7AM plane out tomorrow and he will have a car waiting at the airport for you. I do not think you will need me to sneak you into the

The Three-Day Pass Part 47A

The Three-Day PassChapter 47 ABy JoystickThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. As fiction, the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual

The Three-Day Pass Part 47B

A few moments later he came back with his luggage and took it to Joseph's room and in a few minutes returned, dressed in the robe. “MMMMMM you look great in that robe.” Joseph said as he checked out the muscular hunk standing before him in a very tight fitting white robe that just about covered his dark skinned body. “It almost fits you. Come sit down and eat dinner before I decide to eat

The Three-Day Pass Part 48

The Three-Day Pass Chapter #48By JoystickThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. As fiction, the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices

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