Gay Erotic Stories

A Stu for Dad

by Lew
09 Feb 2015

Gay Erotic Stories Older/younger

The flickering neon light above the Gold Diggers Bar kept the street below intermittently illuminated, but once anyone went into the bar, it became even darker than the night outside. The Gold Diggers was not what one might call a dive or a dump, but they seemed to have a problem with their lighting. At no stage in all the years I’d been frequenting the bar, had I seen the place in bright light. However, having said that, it was amazing how quickly one’s eyes adjusted to the dim light and how quickly one was able to survey the crowd of young and older men drinking and cruising one another. I had always made a point of visiting the bar at least once a week, usually over a weekend and over the years I’d managed to pick up a couple of interesting guys to take home for the night, but none proved as interesting as one evening a week ago in the middle of a hot, sultry summer. I am, according to my close friends, considered to be reasonably good looking, with short gray hair with a few strands of blond scattered through it. I’m tall and slim and have kept myself trim by going to gym as often as possible, so whenever I head to the beach, I know that I draw attention to myself as I wander around in my Speedo displaying my trim, slightly muscular torso. I actually find it quite interesting that the majority of guys who pay attention to me are younger than me. As I’m fifty-five, that makes me “old” in the eyes of my nephews and nieces, but it pleases me to know that men much younger than me still find me attractive. That’s not to say that a few Daddies have also made passes at me. Now don’t get me wrong, I consider myself a Daddy and have had quite a few boys who have pleaded with me to bed them, and I’ve obliged. In most of these cases, the boys have seen me on the beach and noticed the full bulge in the front of my Speedo, so I wasn’t always aware of whether they wanted Daddy’s big dick or his trim body, but whatever, they left satisfied enough to ask for more. This sultry evening at the Gold Diggers was spent drinking cold beers to alleviate the thirst I had from the dry heat outside the bar. I had decided to slip on a white vest that showed off my tan, even though it was pretty dark in the bar, and a pair of tight fitting jeans. I liked the feel of the tight denim as it cradled my ass and pressed hard against my full package in the front, and as I stood at the bar sipping my beer, a few wandering hands caressed my ass and I heard comments like ‘nice’, ‘hot ass’, ‘that looks fuckable’, and such like. Naturally, I was flattered by the compliments and I knew that if I wanted a guy for the night, I could easily get one, either younger or about the same age as me. I had been chatting to my friend Mike, who was a year or two older than me and who had been a good friend of mine for at least six years when a young guy walked up to us and started talking to Mike. I noticed how interested Mike suddenly became when the young man sidled up to him. Mike had not kept himself in the same state of physical fitness as I had done and so he seldom got young guys chatting him up, so this was a rarity for him. I decided to turn away from them slightly as I sensed they wanted to be a little private – as private it could be in a busy bar. Although I tried not to listen in to their conversation, I did notice how every so often they both looked in my direction, and wondered if they were talking about me. After ten minutes or so of intense conversation, the young man left and wandered off in the direction of the toilets. “So what’s happening?” I enquired, hoping that Mike had a date for the night. “Apparently you have a fan,” he replied. “Me?” I asked incredulously. “But he was coming on to you.” “Oh no, not Ben…” “Oh I take it his name’s Ben.” “Yes. He’s not interested in you but his friend is.” “And who’s his friend?” I asked looking around the bar to see if the new found Ben was busy talking to anyone. “I don’t know but he said that his friend was very interested in meeting you.” “So what about you and Ben?” “Well, that seems to depend on you and his friend.” “I don’t understand.” “Well Ben said that if you and his friend got together, then he would go home with me tonight.” I laughed heartily, as I could see how desperate Mike was looking, especially if he knew that he could get a young guy for the night. “Listen buddy, I’m not promising anything. If the friend turns out to be some geek, then I’m not on for tonight.” I could see the possible disappointment in Mike’s face and I was hoping that maybe we could both score. We finished our beers and ordered another round but still no Ben or his friend. “I think we might have frightened Ben off,” I said, looking around the dimly lit bar to see if I could see him again. The longer we waited, the more depressed Mike appeared. “Hey, if the worst comes to the worst, I’ll take you home with me Mike. It won’t be the first time, so don’t look so despondent.” He tried to conjure up a smile, but I knew he’d prefer a much younger guy than me. Mike was a Daddy who never went with older guys than himself – except if he was really desperate. As we stood looking around the bar, I noticed Ben coming from the far end of the bar, accompanied by a very good looking, muscular young man of about twenty-two or three. “Hey Mike, check over there,” I said nodding my head in the direction in which I’d seen Ben. “I think Ben’s coming back and if that’s his friend; I like him.” Ben moved through the crowd with ease and was soon back with us. “I thought you’d done a duck,” said Mike, his smile reappearing again. “Let me introduce you,” said Ben. Mike this is Brad, my friend.” They greeted each other and I cut in with “And I’m Hank”. My eyes met Brad’s and I felt myself being scrutinized in depth. His eyes seemed to pierce through me and into my soul and I scanned his tight T-shirt that sculptured his defined chest with its buffed pecs, tight six-pack and slim waist. His shoulders were broad and his face was young-looking with a buzz-cut head of blond hair. As my eyes trailed down his body I noticed with interest his firm legs, tightly encased in his faded jeans and the neat bulge in the front. I was tempted to turn him around so that I could survey his ass, but I thought that might be pushing it too far. I didn’t have long to wait because as I stood there gazing at this stud, he turned slightly allowing me access to his ass. What an ass! It was tight and he had slim hips which emphasized his ass even more. This was a cute boy and Daddy Hank liked what he saw. “Can I offer you a drink, Brad?” I volunteered, placing a hand on his broad shoulder. “Thanks. Beer if you don’t mind.” Mike had already seen to Men’s requirements and they had huddled closer together to talk above the noise of the bar. The beers arrived and I handed Brad his. “Do you come here often?” I asked. “No, not really; Ben said he felt like going out and asked me to go with him, but normally I don’t do bars and clubs,” answered Brad. “Are you and Ben an issue? I mean are you two going out together?” Brad laughed above the noise. “Oh no, we’re just good friends.” “I see.” “Others might call us fuck buddies, but we get on very well together.” My mind spun when he said they were fuck buddies and I immediately had erotic visions of the two of them together. I don’t know if Brad sensed what I was thinking, but he added, “We’re like animals when we get together.” That was even worse for me because my imagination then spun out of control. I suddenly had visions of having both boys for the night and knowing that Daddy would have been the most contented Daddy in America. “What about you and what’s his name?” asked Brad. “Oh, you mean Mike. We’re good friends as well; not in any sort of relationship,” I added as an afterthought. Brad nodded and smiled. Our drinks were swallowed hastily and Brad ordered more beers for him and me. The noise levels had risen in the bar so Brad suggested we might find a quieter spot to go and sit in so we could hear each other talk without having to shout all the time. We both looked around to see if we could find a spot and eventually he suggested we go outside for a ‘smoke’. “Do you smoke?” I asked, knowing how I had given it up to focus on my physical development. “No,” laughed Brad, “it’s just an excuse.” I beamed as we walked towards the exit. Once outside, the spattering neon sign continued its stuttering illumination. We stood in the warm evening air smiling at each other. “You know what I want,” said Brad no sooner had we got outside. I looked bewildered but waited to hear his request. “I want that fine ass of your,” said Brad, squeezing his crotch as he said it. My ass was not given away freely and for a boy to demand Daddy’s ass was something that never happened. I laughed at his suggestion. The flickering neon light lit up his face, which was strong, and his eyes pierced into me again. This boy was serious. I felt a sudden pang in my groin area. Brad had grabbed my balls and dick in my jeans. The pain shot through my body up to my brain and I cried out probably more in surprise than anything else. His eyes remained glued to my face as he watched me writhe in pain. I began to get used to his tight grip and found I was enjoying his touch. As I grimaced with an increased exertion from him, I noticed that the bulge in his jeans was becoming more pronounced. Brad was being turned on by my pain. “What’s your decision, Daddy?” he asked with a tinge of sarcasm in his voice as he said the word ‘Daddy’. I felt as if this was like a fight that I didn’t want to lose, but it was evident that he didn’t want to lose either. “I’ll think about it,” I replied, trying to glare at him in intimidation. Nothing seemed to faze him. He even had a wry smile on his handsome face. I could see the thick biceps tense as he squeezed my crotch once more causing me to buckle in pain. By now, my balls were hurting and I had developed such a rigid erection in my jeans that my dick was eager to be released from the constriction of my briefs. “OK, all right!” I groaned. “What?” “I said OK.” “That’s a good boy,” said Brad triumphantly, releasing his grip. I tried to adjust the lie of my dick and gently massaged my aching balls while Brad stood smiling at me. “Right, let’s goad n finish our drinks and then head back to you place,” said Brad, pushing me towards the bar entrance. “Where have you two been?” asked Mike when we returned to the bar counter. “Just went for a break outside,” said Brad confidently. Mike looked at me and asked, “Are you alright, Hank?” I tried to smile nonchalantly, still massaging my aching crotch. “Sure,” came the feeble reply. “Come on, Hank. Drink up,” commanded Brad, emptying his glass and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. “Are you guys going?” asked Mike, on hearing Brad hurrying me. “Yeh. We’re heading back to Hank’s place,” replied Brad, flinging and arm around my shoulder like bosom buddies. I must admit that I enjoyed his touch and in fact I felt almost protected with his arm around me. “Will I see you tomorrow?” enquired Mike. “I hope so,” was my immediate response as Brad dragged me from the bar. Outside under the flickering neon light, Brad pulled me closer to him and gave me a wet kiss on the cheek. “If you’re a good boy, your new Daddy might give you a good reward,” said the cocky Brad. “Now get us to your place.” We drove back to my apartment in silence, but I admit that I glanced at Brad on numerous occasions as we did so. I couldn’t resist his manly strength and appearance, even though I knew myself to fit those characteristics. As young as he was, he exuded an air of domination that intrigued and aroused me – something I’d never experienced before. A funny observation suddenly struck me – I had a hard on that had not subsided since he let go of me outside the bar. We arrived back at my apartment and after we’d entered I asked Brad if he wanted another drink. Without answering, and standing in the lounge, Brad took hold of the neck of my white vest and ripped it down the middle, revealing my chest to him. My nipples were hard and were protruding substantially. He saw this and with both hands, took hold of each nipple, pinched and twisted them ferociously, causing me to gasp and flinch at the same time. Immediately a searing but exhilarating pain hit my dick and I felt it throb. The more I cried out, the more Brad pinched them until he soft whispered with his snide grin, “Kneel Daddy!” His hands began to pull my nipples downwards, forcing me to my knees. Once I was kneeling before him, he let go of my nipples and grabbed the back of my head, forcing my face into his crotch. “Suck your stud!” he commanded, rubbing my face into his hard dick. I could feel his full length and my mouth tried to open to follow the outline of his dick but he kept my face pushed into one spot all the time. With my hands, I tore open his jeans; the buttons popping as I ripped them open. He had no underwear on and as soon as his dick was free from the constraints of the tight denim, it sprang vertically and slapped against his stomach. I stared in awe at the sight. Brad was blessed with an incredibly long, cut dick, but what impressed me the most was the mushroom-shaped head that splayed out far and wide above the long shaft. I had always admired guys whose cock heads had much bigger circumferences than their shafts. The sight of this beauty caused my cock to dribble some pre-cum as it throbbed, but then I remembered what Brad had said he wanted. As I opened my mouth to encompass his huge cock head, I thought of that spreading my ass and trying to sink deeply into it. It frightened me. I began to suck on his cock head while he continued to hold the back of my head, forcing his big dick further down my throat, causing me to gag a couple of times. “Suck it!” came the deep seductive voice of Brad as he began a slow face-fuck. I soon became aware that I was enjoying sucking on his long dick and instinctively I placed both hands on his tight ass to bring him further into my throat. At this point, for the first time, I heard a sound of pleasure emerge from Brad. He sighed deeply as my mouth worked his full length, drawing his cock into my throat and then sliding off it. Brad continued thrusting his hips back and forth, forcing his dick in and out to meet my head movements. It got to a stage when Brad ran his hands through my blond-gray hair as he sighed. This turned me on because it showed that he had a passionate side to him and it wasn’t just total domination. “Stand up Daddy,” said Brad, brusquely after a while. I stood up not knowing what to expect. As we came face to face, I could see how his eyes had softened somewhat, but that sly grin was still evident. Without taking his eyes off me, he grabbed my jeans and shucked them to the ground, taking my briefs along with them. I stood there naked with my jeans wrapped around my ankles. He turned me around and shuffled me towards the sofa in the lounge. He then positioned me next to one of the leather arm rests and commanded me to bend. I bent over, resting my swollen cock on the cold leather arm rest. The next thing I felt was Brad’s hand parting my ass cheeks and then the roughness of his tongue as he dragged his tongue the length of my ass crack. As his tongue ventured over my pulsating hole, he would hesitate and flick his tongue into my opening, causing me to groan each time. It felt good to have him treat me like this. Most guys I’d been with never worked my ass as I did it to them, so to feel someone else doing it to me was sending shockwaves through my body. He was rimming my ass and making my hole so wet with his tongue and then suddenly, the tongue disappeared and was replaced by his thick fingers. He caressed my ass hole, playing teasingly with it and driving my emotions higher. I was getting so worked up by his actions that I forgot what his intention was and wanted him to do anything with this Daddy. I was sighing, cooing and groaning, the more he played with my ass, until I instinctively uttered, “Please fuck me stud. Fuck me deep with that hot cock of yours.” I think I had gone beyond the point of worry – worry of getting hurt by Brad. Brad continued his teasing but this time he included his engorged dick rubbing over my hole. I felt something cold spread over my hole and wondered what it was, but then I realized he’d slicked up my ass with some lube. I felt the bulbous head of his cock nudge my opening and could feel a slight pressure being exerted on my opening. Slowly I gritted my teeth as I felt the broad head opening me up and sliding into my chute. Suddenly the head passed my sphincter and I relaxed a little. Brad had held his position momentarily to allow me the pleasure of getting used to his size, and then he continued his journey into my inner depths. As I felt my chute being spread wider to accommodate his size, so I moaned and was sure that I was seeing stars before my eyes. I had expected extreme pain, but instead my stud had made a placid, gentle entry and I was enjoying every movement that he made. Soon I felt his heavy balls slap gently against my ass and I knew he was in deep. After a moments rest, he began to withdraw and instinctively I clamped my ass muscles around his cock to prevent him from escaping. “You like this hey, Daddy?” “Oh yes,” I groaned. At that, Brad forgot his gentleness and began to push hard and fast into my ass, causing me to slide back and forth over the leather arm rest. His breathing was labored and fast just as his action had become frantic and deep, but at the same time, I found another pleasure running through my body: my cock was rubbing on the leather arm rest and this was causing me to become excited. My cock had been dribbling large quantities of pre-cum and this had made it slick on the leather. I was so enjoying the friction of cock on leather that I knew I was about to blow my load. I cried out to warn Brad, but that didn’t seem to concern him. I shot a load that spread rapidly on the leather armrest making it even more slippery as my cock moved back and forth over the leather. Then a second shot was fired and a third until the armrest was spattered with juices that made me glow with excitement. Brad never let up his thrusts. Knowing that I had cum, seemed to push him to even greater depths as though he was trying to take control of my body. He grabbed my hips to steady himself as his thrusts became frantic and then I heard his growl a low, deep noise. I felt his body stiffen and his cock seemed to grow thicker, and then came the shock. As he was about to fire his load, he pulled out of my ass. I tired desperately to contain him in me, but without success. I felt a shower of warm cum hit my back, then another hit my ass crack, and another splay over my hole. I thought it was all over and that Daddy had for the first time been fucked by a young stud, but I was wrong. Just as I was about to stand up, I felt Brad’s muscular arms push me back onto the leather armrest and I felt his still swollen cock get driven back into my hole. His cum had slicked up his cock and he was thrusting once more, groaning and sighing as he did so. If my stud wanted a second round, then I was willing to take him on. “Does Daddy like what his stud can do for him?” enquired Brad as he continued to pummel my ass. “Oh, yes, yes! You’re the Daddy now.” On hearing that, Brad slapped my ass and increased his pace. Soon we were both lost in our passion, me encouraging him to go deeper and harder and him obliging. Never once did he ask what Daddy wanted – he just seemed to know how to please this Daddy who had relinquished his position to a twenty-three year old fuck stud. Eventually, when we both collapsed on the leather sofa, exhausted, I asked if he was going to stay the night. “That’s for your new stud Daddy and not for you to decide,” answered Brad, giving my ass a squeeze. I smiled at the way he had put that; and for the first time in my life I was being controlled by a younger man who one day would make an outstanding Daddy, if not for me, at least for someone younger than him in years to come.


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A Stu for Dad

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