Gay Erotic Stories

That's When I Knew

by Andrewcraintx@gmail.
07 Oct 2013

Bisexual College Days First Time True Stories

Twenty-two years ago I was a freshman at the University of Texas. It was a huge campus, and I had grown up in a small town. So at first I felt overwhelmed to be at a college that had so many students. My dorm roommate was not someone I knew - he was assigned to me two weeks before the first semester began. His name was Kevin; he was from a very small Texas town near Amarillo. I liked him, but he was very quiet and kind of nerdy, a science major, and seemed to keep his nose buried in textbooks almost all the time. He didn't drink at all, so I found other friends in the dorm and in my classes to drink beer and play pool with. Kevin and I didn't really enjoy many of the same things.

Sometimes when I returned to the dorm late, especially on a week night, Kevin acted somewhat resentful that my coming into the room woke him. A couple of months after the first semester began Kevin confronted me when I came back to the room really late - it was about 1:30AM on what was then a Thursday morning. He told me it was inconsiderate of me to stay out late and then to wake him on a week night since I knew all his classes started early. I tried not to get defensive, but after he finished I told him to please remember we were only roommates with independent lives and that I always tried to come in quietly. He then apologized and told me he was such a light sleeper that almost any noise or sound would wake him up. I promised to be extra quiet when I came back to the dorm in the future.

In late October of the first semester I started dating a very hot blonde who was from Houston. At first Angie seemed to be a nymphomaniac, and we were fucking and eating each other wherever we could find even a little bit of privacy - in our cars, in the park, even on campus under a group of large shrubs. I rented a hotel room for us a few times too. Unfortunately Angie flunked out the first semester and had to move back to Houston to attend a community college closer to her parents. I tried to see her some, but it was too far and inconvenient for us to get together often. Before long we weren't even calling each other anymore.

Meanwhile Kevin and I occasionally had pizza with some of the other guys who lived on our dorm floor. Kevin was always the quietest one in any group of guys, always drank Pepsi while the rest of us usually drank beer and had no funny stories to tell - certainly no tales about pussy or women he might have dated in high school. I asked him one time if he had ever been serious about a girl in high school, and he said "sort of - once." That's the only time we ever talked about the possibility of his having any dates.

One night I returned to the dorm earlier than normal because I had been at a study session for a math exam coming up later in the week. When I came in the room Kevin was on the phone, laughing hysterically. That was odd to me, because I had never really seen him laugh much at all. In fact, he didn't usually even smile much. When he hung up he seemed to be in a very good mood, which I also thought was unusual. He told me that Daniel, a guy who lived upstairs from us in the dorm, had called to tell him of a funny prank he had pulled on his roommate the night before. Apparently while Daniel's drunk roommate was sleeping on his back and snoring loudly, Daniel had gone into the bathroom and filled a coffee cup with very warm water. He came back into the room, knelt down beside his roommate's bed and held the cup so that his roommate's fingers were easily dipped into the warm water. Within a minute or so Daniel's roommate started peeing in his briefs while he was sleeping. Apparently he was drunk enough that he didn't wake up and completely soaked his underwear and his sheets - then continued sleeping and snoring loudly. Daniel was amazed that his roommate never woke up and slept all night. The next morning Daniel expected his roommate to say something about what had happened to him, but when Daniel woke up the roommate was not in the room and had taken the sheets off his bed, covered the wet mattress with his bedspread and left. I guess the guy was too embarrassed to talk about it and assumed he had been so drunk he had peed himself. It was a funny story, and I had heard when I was in high school that putting someone's fingers in warm water while they were asleep could cause the person to pee. It was nice to share a laugh with Kevin, and it actually made me feel we had the beginning of at least some camaraderie, even if we had very little in common on a day to day basis.

That weekend I went out drinking with two guys I had become friends with while we were all taking history together. We went to a few strip clubs, met some cute ladies and drank a lot. I was pretty loaded when I returned to the room at about 2:30 Sunday morning. Kevin was asleep and didn't even move when I came in. I was glad, because I wasn't in the mood to get a lecture, but then I remembered since it was a weekend maybe he wouldn't be so put out with me. Our dorm room air conditioner wasn't working well again, and the room was probably almost 80 degrees. We had very small windows that would open a little bit, but it was humid outside, making it even more uncomfortable inside. By the time I brushed my teeth and took off my clothes I could feel my forehead sweating. So I took a wash cloth into the bathroom and soaked it with cold water. I got in bed wearing only my briefs, as usual, laid down on my back and put the wash cloth over my eyes. It was cool enough that I felt much more comfortable albeit still pretty drunk and fell asleep almost immediately.

Sometime later I felt myself jolted awake. I could hear and feel a snore coming out of my mouth as I woke up, but the wash cloth was over my eyes, and it was dark, so I couldn't see anything. For a moment I didn't know what had awakened me, but in a few seconds I realized that Kevin was holding a cup or glass of warm water next to my left hand, which was hanging off my bed. He was trying to make me pee just like Daniel had done to his roommate. I felt my fingers in the warm water and thought it really did make me feel like peeing, especially since I'd had so much to drink earlier. However, I just laid there and didn't move - kept breathing rather heavily as if I were still asleep. Then I felt Kevin's hand nudge my cock through my underwear and thought he was trying to coax pee out of me. Then I felt his fingers press down on my bladder. I almost laughed but was able to maintain my composure and continued to pretend I was sleeping. Then it happened - Kevin gently squeezed my dick through my underwear. I wanted to sit up and hit him. Instead I felt my cock getting hard. It was embarrassing and definitely made me want to continue feigning sleep. Once I was really hard Kevin stopped touching me for a minute. I kept waiting for what he might do next and hoped he felt awkward and went back to his bed. I heard him put the water glass on his desk across the room and then heard him open a drawer in his dresser. Then I heard the click of the switch of his study lamp and knew there was some light in the room now. I continued to lie there with the wash cloth over my face as if I were asleep, but now I really did have to pee.

My cock was so hard it hurt, and I thought I maybe I should pretend to be waking up so I could go pee. Before I could do that I realized Kevin was kneeling over me; I felt his breath on my stomach. I did not have a sheet over me, because it was still pretty warm in the room, and I usually end up sleeping uncovered because I get warm at night very easily. Again Kevin touched and then squeezed my cock through my underwear, and then he slid the front of my briefs down far enough to put the elastic waist band underneath by balls. I realized my hard cock and balls were now completely visible to him, even though there wasn't much light in the room. I was beginning to panic, not knowing whether he was just looking at my hard dick or had something else in mind.

Then I heard what sounded like a plastic cap being popped open, and I could smell something that I realized was Kevin's hair gel. In a few seconds I felt a sticky hand around my cock and knew Kevin had squeezed a glob of hair gel in his hand to jack me off with. I was shocked and frozen. No man had ever touched my dick before. Would he really believe I was sleeping through this? He stroked me slowly at first, and it felt fantastic. I was breathing through the wash cloth, which was across my whole face, and I knew that if he kept doing this I was going to cum and was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep from moaning loudly. Kevin stroked a little faster, then stopped and added a bigger glob of the sticky gel to his hand. Now he was stroking me even faster. I could hear him breathing hard, and I was torn between pumping my hips up and down, which I desperately wanted to do in preparation for what I knew would be a fountain of hot cum, or lying perfectly still and trying to stifle the ecstasy that I feared yet prayed would happen when my cock began to spew all over the place. I sort of hoped that my cum would be masked by the hair gel all over my cock and Kevin's hand, so he might not realize I was cumming. That was not possible. As I felt the orgasm about to explode I could not contain my anticipation any longer, and I started to writhe. Kevin then put his other hand inside the front of my briefs, reached down lower and squeezed my balls while he continued to jack me off. I was out of control now and opened my legs wider, dug my heels into the mattress and lifted my ass off the bed just as the orgasm hit me. I felt cum spewing out of me and blurted out a loud moan at the same time. I quickly tried to control the volume of my voice so that the guys sleeping in the next room wouldn't hear me through the thin dorm walls and realize what was going on. Kevin kept stroking my cock and holding my scrotum tight with the other hand while I moaned softer now, sounding almost like I was sobbing, as I pumped my ass up and down. I was really enjoying this amazing hand job. While I was still cumming he loosened his grip on my balls and slipped a finger behind my scrotum and up my ass - and then squeezed my slimy cock tighter and stroked me harder. I moaned so loud and hard I started coughing, finally cleared my throat and kept pumping my hips up and down. He kept stroking me for what seemed like three minutes, and as it all subsided I was feeling very embarrassed, knowing I would ultimately have to acknowledge to him that I was much more than comfortable letting him see and play with my cock.

Even after I stopped cumming Kevin kept stroking my lubed and cum-slimy cock very slowly until it was soft. I thought the surprises were over, and I was lying there wondering what I was going to say, since no one - including me - would believe I had slept through that, especially with all the moaning and humping on my part. Before I could say anything I could feel the warmth of Kevin's mouth around the head of my dick, sucking the dregs of cum out of me. Then he started licking the cum and hair gel off my stomach, and I hate to admit that it made me hard again. My cock head was very sensitive from having just cum, but his mouth on my cock felt too good to refuse. He reached up and took the wash cloth off my face. "Watch me," he whispered, and in the dark room with only a little study lamp illuminating us, I stared intently as my roommate Kevin, who I really didn't know well at all, looked into my face while he sucked on my cock. He stopped once to cover an index finger with hair gel and then slid his finger up my ass. Then he gently massaged my prostate while he very slowly and methodically sucked my dick and moved his mouth up and down on the shaft. It only took me about five minutes this time to reach another orgasm, and when I started to cum Kevin moved forward and took my entire cock in his mouth and down his throat. No more sucking and stroking - he tightened his lips around the base of my cock while the head was somewhere down his throat and used his finger to diddle my prostate and milk all the cum out of me. I really wanted to scream and moan very loudly but knew I'd wake up our neighbors in the next dorm room. I reached down and grabbed his shoulders with my hands as I raised my hips up off the bed again, pushing my cock as far down his throat as possible. The combination of this second orgasm, knowing that Kevin and I were both aware we were having sex together, the feeling of my cock in his throat and his finger up my ass was just too much for me to stifle. I was making continuous moaning noises, trying to be somewhat quiet but knowing that this night marked a change in my sexual orientation. I would from this point on always love women but would continue to seek the best and most uninhibited sex from men. When I finally finished cumming Kevin suckled my cock, caressed my balls and massaged my sphincter with his finger. I was blissful and spent.

I didn't bother to offer any explanation to him as to why I had let him do all of this to me without objection; I'm not sure I could justify any of this even to myself, but I finally told him I did have to pee. He told me to wait, went to his desk and brought back the glass of warm water. He turned me on my side and submerged the head of my cock below the water. It wasn't as warm now but was still sort of warm and felt soothing to my bright red cock head. He told me to pee in the water. It took me maybe a minute to be able to let loose while I was watching him hold my cock in the water. And he was watching me. When I started peeing I knew there was too much water in the glass to hold everything in my full bladder. He told me to keep peeing and not to worry. Just as my pee started to overflow the glass Kevin leaned down and put my cock in his mouth, then pushed on my bladder. I knew what he wanted - for me to pee in his mouth. I did it, and he swallowed all of it. I was totally exhausted and very appreciative, and I felt I really owed him. Regardless of my disinterest in having sex with any man before tonight, I knew I couldn't let someone do everything to me that he had and not attempt to return the favor.

I made myself stand up, although my knees almost buckled because I was so exhausted. I was facing the opposite side of the room, where Kevin's bed was. He was still sitting behind me on mine. Kevin was wearing a T-shirt and boxers. From behind me Kevin pulled my briefs down to the floor and lifted my ankle with his hand so I would know he wanted me to step out of them. I did so. I told him to please lie on his bed. He took me by the hand to his bed and signaled for me to lie on top of him in the 69 position. I pulled his T-shirt up over his head, and he dropped his boxers to the floor. Even in the dim light I could see precum oozing down from his cock in sticky threads inside his thigh. He laid down on the bed and was underneath me. I was face down, with my head toward his feet. My cock was so sore I didn't really believe I could endure any more stimulation, and I could see his long, thin erection in the darkened room with precum all over his legs. I lifted his hard on and bent it back to my mouth. I started to suck him and feel his balls; Kevin had a very large and pendulous scrotum, much larger and hanging much lower than mine. It only took Kevin about two minutes to cum, and I wasn't prepared to deep throat him, but he stroked so hard his cock was forced past my gag reflex, and he pushed the back of my head down so his cock would be pushed down my throat. I tried hard not to throw up or gag, and I could feel his cum running down my throat without my actually swallowing. What an unusual feeling. By sliding his fingers in and out of my asshole Kevin was able to tease my cock to a third erection and another amazing orgasm. I had never had such great oral sex with any woman. He was relentless.

By the time we were finished, morning was happening in Austin. Kevin and I ultimately sat naked next to each other and talked about everything that led up to this experience. I think we both knew we didn't really have a lot in common, but we both liked sex, and we obviously pleased each other very well.

During that school year we probably had sex together over 50 times. Eventually I let him fuck me - even bareback. To our knowledge none of the other guys in the dorm ever suspected. One problem was that Kevin was jealous of women I dated, and he would ask me when I returned from a date if I'd had sex and, if so, was she as good at blow jobs as he was. Actually no one I've met yet - even after 20 years - is as good at blow jobs or any sexual activity as Kevin was.

We lost track of each other over the years. Certainly I will never forget the night that I became bisexual. I seriously wonder where Kevin is now. It would be nice to spend an evening with him again.

This is a true recollection that happened to me during my freshman college year. Your feedback is welcome - Andrew.


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More Gay Erotic Stories from Andrewcraintx@gmail.

That's When I Knew

Twenty-two years ago I was a freshman at the University of Texas. It was a huge campus, and I had grown up in a small town. So at first I felt overwhelmed to be at a college that had so many students. My dorm roommate was not someone I knew - he was assigned to me two weeks before the first semester began. His name was Kevin; he was from a very small Texas town near Amarillo. I liked him, but


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