Gay Erotic Stories

Sex On The Beach, Chapter 4

by Dickneck2003
25 Dec 2004

Camping College Days Coming Out Sex On The Beach Straight Men, Gay Sex

Fun at the Beach Series (Section 4)

How to Grow a Big Dick

On June 1st I moved back home with my parents for the summer and took up residence in our guest house by the pool. Our yard is quite large and private with a large pool and patio set well back from the main house and secluded by a tall hedge. Once I got settled, I went for a dip in the pool and lay in the sun to relax. My thoughts ran back to the camping trip on the beach with Rolf and his two buddies, Dan and Randy. I recalled the events of that first night when I finally initiated Rolf into the bi-life and also the excitement of introducing Dan and Randy to the pleasures of a man’s body. My dick began to rise in my swim trunks even more as I recalled Billy and his unbelievable javelin size cock. Pre cum began to flow with the memories of our last day at the beach when Pam and Sandy joined us for an afternoon that was as hot as it gets (and I don’t mean the weather). I now had a raging hard on and the head of my dick poked his shinny wet tip out from the top of my trunks as if to say, ‘Want to play?’ so I considered stroking off right then and there, but my folks were home and I decided not to risk it just yet. I dove into the pool to cool down my passion and then went inside to get a beer.

The phone rang and it was Pam. She said that her younger brother was celebrating his 18th birthday on Friday and she would like to give him a real special gift. I asked what she had in mind and she told me that she wanted to arrange for his first lay and Sandy was going to be the designated hitter. “So what do you need me to do?” I asked, suspecting that she intended more than straight sex for him.

“Well” she said, “Kevin is a handsome guy and works out with gymnastics so he really has a hard body. Why don’t you invite us over on Friday and ask your buddies to drop by as well. We will get him laid by Sandy and then, if things work out like I think they will, we’ll introduce him to the bi-life. He’s straight but I think he may have inherited some of the wild side.” Remembering my first time at seventeen, I agreed. It was set for Friday, which was tomorrow. How lucky could I get? Dad was leaving tonight for a convention in Denver and Mom was going with him. They were staying over till next Tuesday to enjoy the mountains while on company expense.

I hung up and called Rolf. Dan and Randy were with him (I can’t imagine what they were doing together) so I invited them to arrive about 10 AM for a few beers and a swim before Pam and Sandy arrived with Kevin. I tried to contact Billy, but he was out of town with his folks till Sunday. Mom brought out some sandwiches and Dad arrived with his martini shaker. We sat by the pool most of the afternoon and talked about my first year at college. It had been a successful year and, although my grades weren’t exceptional, they were acceptable. I had joined Dad’s fraternity and had mad it through Hell Week. Some of the things the Brothers made the Pledges do were perverted, to say the least, but the Brothers all had been through it before us, which made it bearable. I looked forward to this fall’s pledge class where I would be dishing out the tasks.

I wondered if Dad had experienced the same sort of things I had. Somehow I couldn’t even begin to picture him stripped naked and bound to a chair with a hard cock in his mouth and 20 more waiting in line. I had gone into my freshman year about as straight as anyone but had lost all my inhibitions about the pleasure of sex. I was Bi and I loved to swing both ways. The real effeminate-gay guys didn’t appeal to me at all. I needed a hard and muscular man to excite the cum in my balls. I wanted to give as much as receive.

My folks went back to the house to finish packing and I drove them to the airport about 4:30 PM. On the way home, I saw a young guy hitch-hiking at the on ramp and he looked good to me. He looked young, about 17 or 18, with sandy blond short hair. He was wearing shorts and sandals and had a backpack, loaded with gear, strapped to his broad shoulders. He looked clean and healthy (and very handsome) and his blue eyes locked onto me as I approached. He was not wearing a shirt even though he should have while carrying a backpack. His arms were heavily muscled and his abs chiselled and hard. The straps of the backpack pulled his chest back and displayed his handsome pecs like they were sculpted in stone.

When he saw me look at him, he stepped forward and exaggerated his thumbing while presenting a broad smile across his handsome face. Oh, what the hell. I don’t normally pick up riders but this guy looked okay so I signalled and pulled over about fifty feet past him. He slung the backpack from his shoulders and carried it with one hand as he ran to my car. His biceps bulged with the strain and the smooth-firm flesh of his stomach revealed the hard muscles working underneath. I reached over and opened the passenger door and he stuck in his head and said, “Oh man, do I ever appreciate the ride!” I told him that I was glad to help and tripped the trunk for him to toss his backpack. He climbed in and grabbed my hand like a vice grip and pumped a handshake while thanking me again and telling me his name was Mark Barrett. I said my name was Jim and asked him where he was headed and he said New Orleans. I told him that I wasn’t going that far but could give him a lift about twenty miles to my exit.

We shot the shit for a while and Mark told me that he had been standing in the hot afternoon sun for three hours before I showed up. He apologised being sweaty and said that he was really looking forward to cooling of and washing up tonight, if he could find the right spot to sleep. I imagined how he would look, naked and splashing in some distant cold-water creek. My dick was beginning to awaken at the thought. His shorts were like those we wore in gym-class, loose and baggy but cut high up on the legs, and showed off his strong leg muscles, which he flexed and massaged to recover from standing so long. I told him not to worry about the sweat. His slightly musky smell was turning me on and I found every opportunity to look his way and admire his young-hard body.

I told him that we were coming up on my exit in a few minutes and he sighed. He said that sitting down in the cool air-conditioned car had spoiled him after waiting so long for a ride. I jumped at the opportunity. “Look, Mark. If you want a place to stay tonight and rest up, my place is not too far from the Interstate. I’ll give you a ride back to the on-ramp in the morning if you want to stay over.”

He considered the offer for a few seconds and I thought he was going to say no-thanks but he accepted. “Man, Jim. If you are sure that it’s okay. I’d really appreciate it.” We took the exit and wound our way into the suburbs and finally turned into the front gate. I triggered the remote to open and Mark marvelled at the beautifully landscaped entrance and yard. We drove around to the guesthouse and parked in the garage. He got his backpack from the trunk and followed me around the brick walk to the pool and front door. “Holy Shit, Jim. You own all this?”

“Fuck no” I said. “This is my folk’s home. I’m just home for the summer from college.”

“This place looks like it belongs in one of those architecture magazines. This is beautiful!” he said, admiringly.

“Just make yourself at home, Mark. I’ll show you where your room is.”

He reached down and splashed the water in the pool with his hand and asked if he could take a dip. I suggested that he might want to shower and have a beer first. He lifted his right arm and took a quick sniff of his armpit and grimaced a little. “Excellent suggestion. Just point me in the right direction.” he said with a flourish.

When he got to his room, I told him where the towels were and he headed for the shower. He left the door open and I could see his shape through the steamy glass of the big glass shower as I fixed some snacks in the kitchen. I heard the water stop after about 10 minutes and made sure to be in position to see him step out. He stepped out into the bathroom to grab his towel and everything I had hoped for was in plain view. This was one good-looking young man. His youthful body was nearly hairless except for a small blonde patch of pubes crowning a modest cut cock and a low hanging set of balls in their hairless sack.

As I looked discretely back to preparing the snacks, he began towelling off his back, which made his flaccid dick slap from side to side like a pendulum. I started talking to him while he dried off and asked him to tell me about himself. He wrapped the towel around his waist and joined me in the kitchen. He told me that he had been visiting his uncle in Kansas City and was headed home after being gone since school let out about two weeks ago. He had lost his bus money playing pool with some college dudes in the local tavern and knew that his uncle would have had a fit, so he decided to hitch hike home.

He asked about me so, I told him about college and my fraternity. I kept it clean for now. He said that he was looking forward to college in a few years but didn’t know which one or what to major in. I told him that he had plenty of time to make up his mind and asked him if he wanted a beer. “Sure!” he said. “I used to sneak one from my Dad’s cooler every now and then but had not really enjoyed the taste until his uncle let him have some during his visit. I opened the beer fridge where we kept a keg and drew us both a frosty mug of suds. We toasted to a good time and walked out by the pool with the chips and dip. Mark asked if he should get dressed first but I told him that my folks were gone and the place was totally private, so he should just relax and enjoy himself. He laid back on one of the lounges and sipped his beer, which began dripping cold condensation on his firm and bare stomach. He sat up with a shock when the cold water touched him and his towel came loose. He casually tossed it back over him and used it to dry off his mug. He hadn’t covered himself very well and I could see his cock and balls in the shadow quite clearly. I made it a point not to stare.

It was beginning to get dark and the underwater pool lights came on making the pool look beautiful with dancing reflections. He looked at the inviting pool and asked if he could swim for a while. I, of course, said sure. He looked a little embarrassed and asked if I could loan him some trunks since his things were all dirty. I said that the ones I had would be too big for him but he could just go in the buff if he wanted to. I reminded him that the place was private and secure. I could see that he was nervous, so before he had time to answer, I went back in the house to get some towels and another beer. As I entered the kitchen I heard a splash. Cool, I thought.

I returned with the towels and beer and saw his handsome body swimming laps. I called him over and handed him a beer, which he sipped as he propped himself up on the side with his elbows. “It’s not glass so don’t worry about it breaking” I said. He finished the beer and said that he was getting a nice buzz. He asked if I was going to join him and I said, “Sure” as I pulled off my t-shirt and stepped out of my shorts and kicked then over onto a chair. Mark looked up at me and I could see that he was admiring my swimmer’s build and big cock. He looked away, embarrassed, as I dove in. The water distorted any view of his cock, but the dancing images it allowed were sexy. My cock was almost completely soft and I noticed that Mark would steel a look every now and then, checking me out. I climbed out and walked back to the cooler for another round of beer and returned to sit on the edge of the pool. Mark watched me intently. I told him that I would hold his beer till he climbed out so it wouldn’t spill. He climbed out and sat next to me as our legs made slow strokes in the cool water. I handed him his beer and caught him looking at my cock again. He took the beer and looked away, embarrassed. I waited.

He downed the rest of his beer and said that he needed to go take a leak. I watched his tight ass and muscular legs as he walked into the house. I think he knew that I was. He returned in a few minutes, but now his cock wasn’t completely flaccid. He was sporting a little firmness, which waved between his legs as he walked. I think that he had been stroking it in the bathroom. He sat back down and sipped on the beer he brought from the cooler. He noticed that mine was empty and jumped up to get me another refill. I got up to take leak and noticed my cock getting aroused as I shook off the last drops of piss. I gave it another few shakes and it responded at a little less than half-mast.

Mark watched me as I returned and I stopped to turn on the stereo. When I sat back down beside him, he handed me my beer and I could plainly see that he was semi-hard so I told him that my girlfriend was not going to be home for another week and I was more than a little horny just thinking about what it would be like to fuck her out here by the pool. He nodded understanding and said that his girlfriend had dumped him for another guy before school was out and he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Mark confided that he’d never been to bed with her, or anyone else for that matter, and asked if he could ask me a question about girls. He said that his Dad was not cool enough to talk to and he didn’t have an older brother. He said that I was older and wiser and he really would like to know how to take a girl to bed. I smiled reassuredly and said that I would be proud to give him some advice.

We talked about what turned girls on and how to pleasure them with a cock. As the talk got into more detail and I described how a blowjob felt, his cock grew to a full six inches and sported a nice drop of precum on the tip. Seeing that, mine grew to its full eight inches and I had to pull my balls out into a more comfortable position. Mark looked down at my thick-hard cock and said that he hoped his would someday be that big. I pulled back the foreskin from my uncut head and told him that, to make it grow bigger, you had to exercise it a lot. “It’s no different from the muscles in your arms or legs,” I said as I reached over and felt his firm and pronounced biceps and said, “You obviously exercise these a lot, that’s why they are so big and strong.”

He flexed his arm to look and show off a little. “Yeah, Jim. I know that you must be right. I don’t exercise my cock enough. I jerk off every now and then when I’m alone, but not very often. How often should I do it?” he asked sincerely.

“Well, everybody’s different, but I do it several times a day. Either my own hands or with sex.” I said knowingly. “But more important than how often, you have to do it properly or you can do more damage than good; like if you do sit-ups the wrong way, it doesn’t make your abs firmer.” I went on to ask, “When you fist yourself, how do you do it?” Mark was so serious about this that he wasn’t embarrassed at all. He started to explain that he only rubbed it up and down till he came. I said, “You’d better just show me exactly what you do so I can try to help.”

“Let’s go inside. It’s getting too dark out here to see.” I said while standing up. I gave him a hand and pulled him up from the side of the pool and his hard-young cock stood proudly at attention and stuck straight out, bobbing up and down slightly with every heartbeat. He looked over at my big cock as we walked into the living room and sat beside each other on the couch. He laid back and grabbed his young cock with both hands and started moving his cock-skin up and down the shaft.

“Well there’s your first problem, right there” I said. He asked what he was doing wrong so I told him that he should use one hand with some lubricant and use the other hand to massage his balls. “Here, let me show you” I said as I walked into the bedroom to get the KY Jelly I keep by my bed. I returned and sat beside him and explained that this was the best stuff to use, but a good hand lotion would work almost as well. I squeezed out some jelly and spread it over my throbbing big dick and laid back. I slowly stroked my monster until the veins stood out and the purple head began to flare.

Mark was mesmerised by my action and watched closely as my other hand began fondling my low-hanging scrotum. I moaned and said that doing it correctly was infinitely better than the way he had been doing it. “Here, take some of the jelly and try it yourself,” I said. He squeezed out a big plop of jelly and spread it over his young-virgin cock and lay back just like I had done. As he massaged his meat with the slick skin, he began to moan in pleasure. “Don’t forget about your balls” I reminded him, and he dropped his other hand down and duplicated exactly what he watched me do.

“Now don’t let yourself cum yet. You have to get it close and then stop for a minute; the more times you can get it almost ready to ejaculate and then stop, the better.” I said like his coach.

“Wow, Jim. I see what you mean. This feels awesome, man! I’m getting close!”

“Stop for a minute,” I said, and he did but he was leaking precum in a big way. I resumed my stroking and stopped just before it was too late. The sight of this handsome-young stud stroking his boy-cock beside me was a huge turn on for me. “I have something else that really makes your cock grow, I’ll be right back.” I went back to the bedroom and got two of my plastic cock-rings. I told him to watch me as I slipped one of them down my slippery dick and gently pulled through one testicle and then the other. I then positioned the ring all the way down to the base of my cock as far as it would go and resumed stroking.

Mark gasped as my eight-inch cock swelled another inch in length and a lot thicker than before. The color deepened from the engorged blood supply and my cock-head flared out wide and purple. “Fucking wild, man. Show me how to do that!” he said anxiously. I took the other cock-ring and helped him slide it on and then showed him how to position his balls through it. The feel of his young cock and balls on my hands was sending me higher and faster than I was ready for. He resumed stroking his dick and fondling his modest size balls and watched as he grew about an inch (I was impressed) and swelled thicker by about a half inch. Mark marvelled at his achievement and thanked me over and over for helping him.

When we had each gotten to the edge of cumming and back down again six times, neither of us could stand it any longer. “This time we go all the way, Mark,” I instructed and we bent to the task. His breath was deep and rapid and he began to tense up those handsome pecs and abs of his. I was close behind. With a loud series of grunts, Mark shot his sperm clear over his head and onto the floor behind the couch. He kept on blasting away as my first salvo fired onto my chest and splashed onto my face and eyes. He turned to watch me with halted breath as he saw my jism surge out onto my rippling abs and run down my sides like small rivers of cream.

“Fucking awesome cum!” he stammered as he kept stroking the last of his sweet juice onto his hard-flat stomach. We both slowed to a stop and lay beside each other with our chests heaving from the excitement. “I never thought it could feel this good, man! I never thought it could be so awesome!” Our cocks were still rock hard and would stay that way as long as we kept on the cock-rings. Mark sat up to admire his magnificent cock and looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back and asked if he was ready for his second lesson.

“You mean there’s something better than this?” He asked anxiously.

“Sure there are” I said. “But some of these next exercises are best done with someone’s help.”

“Please show me more, please.”

“Okay, I’ll have to help you with this one and it may scare you a little at first but it will really help your cock grow and you’ll be able to fire lots more cum. The more cum you can shoot, the more your balls will make and the stuff they make is called testosterone. That’s the stuff that makes us men. A dose of testosterone is powerful shit. Are you sure you’re ready?” Mark vowed that he was ready for anything. I told him that I wouldn’t ask him to do anything that I hadn’t done, which reassured him.

I explained to him that he should lay back and spread his legs wide and begin stroking himself again. He looked surprised about spreading his legs so I explained that there was a gland a little way inside his ass, which controlled the amount of semen, or sperm that he could ejaculate. I told him that I was going to massage it while he came and he would be amazed at what would happen. He agreed and I lubed up my finger and used my other hand to massage his balls as he stroked his boy-meat into service.

He was obviously enjoying the feel of my hand on his sack and balls and moaned with pleasure. As he stroked, I began rubbing my finger around the outside of his ass rim and saw that the sensation was really turning him on. He said that he was getting close but I told him it was okay to let it go all the way. I gently worked my finger inside his tight ass and he again moaned with the sensation. I began moving it in and out but went further in each time as he relaxed. When I found his sweet spot I applied some pressure and massaged it around and around. His stroking got faster and he began to tense up to shoot. I could feel the sperm leaving his balls to begin the journey.

As I felt his contractions start to pump it out, I massaged his sweet spot harder and faster and Mark arched his back off the sofa. Before the first blast made it out the tip of his purple and wide cock head, I leaned forward and took it into my hungry mouth. He gasped in surprise but didn’t stop me as I pushed his fist down the slimy shaft in advance of my descending mouth. Now I was massaging his sweet spot with one hand and his balls with the other as he blasted his sweet boy-juice into my hot mouth. I pressed down harder with my mouth and felt my throat close and grip his throbbing member and milked it for all that it was worth. My nose was buried into his soft pube nest and I could feel his pumping cock with every release and taste his sweet virgin cum with my eager tongue.

Mark was grunting like an animal in rut as he reached a level of sexual pleasure that he never knew existed. He kept convulsing his body with each massive ejaculation and I know that he had emptied at least a cup of his spunk into me. When he finally finished his life changing orgasm, I withdrew my dripping mouth from his firm pole and he collapsed back onto the couch in total exhaustion. I sat by and watched his beautiful boyish body as it transformed into a man. He opened his eyes to look at me and tried to speak but he was too far out of breath. His eyes said it all and a wide satisfied grin flashed across his face.

After a few minutes, we went to the shower to get cleaned up and I helped him remove his cock-ring so his cods would relax. Once mine was off too, he reached down and took my softening cock in his hand and marvelled at its size and width. We washed each other down and I paid special attention to his boy cock and scrotum. His boy cock started to swell in response to my touch. He gently pushed me back against the shower wall, and knelt down. With the warm water cascading off his handsome-young body, he slowly took my firm dick in his hot mouth and teased my hooded foreskin with his darting tongue. Mark tried to go deeper and take more of me inside his youthful lips but I was simply too big for him.

I felt cum begin to rise to attack his tonsils and lightly pushed him back because I wasn’t sure if he was ready for that yet. He resisted leaving my swollen cock and moved his head faster, bobbing up and down about six inches of its length. I reached down and lightly held his head as the first spurt of cum invaded his virgin mouth. He gagged a little as more and more of my hot jism splashed into his mouth and throat, but swallowed long and hard, taking most of it home. He pulled back and let the last few shots of my sperm splash onto his handsome face. He stood up and wiped some of cum off his face with the back of his hand and then licked it clean.

He smiled and looked into my face and then down at his stiff cock and announced, “You weren’t kidding about the testosterone, were you Jim?”

“No I wasn’t kidding, Mark. Why do you ask?”

He grinned his handsome grin and took hold of my cock in his hand. “After that dose of your sperm, my cock has already grown bigger. I can really tell.” he said.

“I think you’re right!” I said. “It does look bigger, much bigger, and I think your voice has gotten deeper too.

“No Shit, Really, you think so?”

“Sure do, Mark, much deeper. Oh, before I forget, you don’t have to take the sperm in your mouth all the time to get a dose of testosterone. It works just as well in the ass. It just takes some getting use to, though.”

“Really?” he said. “Will you show me?” he asked urgently.

“I’ll tell you what, let’s dry off and go into the bedroom and I’ll let you give me a dose in the ass. That way you’ll see exactly how it works.”

“All Right!” he shouted, “Fuckin’ all right!”

We retired to my bedroom and I lay down on my back and pulled up my legs, rolling my ass up into the air. Mark put some KY on his dick and lubed it up and approached. I told him that he needed to limber up my ass hole a little before he put that ‘big dick of yours’ inside. He laughed and stroked it a few times with glowing pride. He reached out his hand to touch my hole but I stopped him and said that he should use his tongue to do the best job possible. He said “No way! Really, use my tongue?”

I dropped my legs back down and said, “I’ll show you how to do it. Lay down like I was on the bed.” Mark lay down and hiked up his muscular-young legs and presented me with his tight-virgin ass hole. I bent forward and buried my face there and flicked my tongue around and around his puckered door. He immediately began to moan with deep sobs of pleasure and I pressed my tongue inside his tight ring. As I pressed further, he relaxed and my darting tongue leapt inside and probed his sweet ass deeply. He was shouting “Oh yes! Oh fuckin’ yes! That feels soooo funckin’ good, Jim. Don’t stop!”

So I didn’t. I pressed as deep inside as I could and began pulling it out and in with quick thrusts. Mark was delirious with the sensation and said that he was going to blow his wad without even touching his throbbing dick. I wanted to feel him up my ass so bad that I stopped and stood up. “So, Mark. Can you do that now? Are you ready?” He stood up and said he was ready. There was a golden ribbon of precum hanging off the head of his pulsing meat. I lay down as before and Mark bent forward and lightly touched his boy tongue to my ass hole and then lightly began to orbit the opening with it. I moaned, “Oh yeah, Mark. That’s it. That’s right!” He pressed his tongue firmer and slipped it inside for the first time in his life. He worked it in and out and the boy stubble on his cheeks tickled me as he moved. Deeper he pressed and I relaxed my ass ring (I had practice) and he went all the way in.

I was writhing with pleasure and about to cum myself from the excitement. I was in heaven but I wanted to feel his cock in my ass. I told him that he had done that like a pro and I was ready to receive his special delivery. He laughed as he stood up and pointed his weapon into my target. I felt him enter and could tell when the flared-wide tip gained access to my hot ass. I felt my ass ring snap in tight behind his wide cock head and I gripped him as tight as I could as he wrestled his way in. “Oh fuck yeah, Mark. That’s wonderful. Drive it in, boy. Drive it deep!” I was shouting.

Mark buried his six or so inches all the way to the hilt and began pumping me in and out. I told him to go for the longest strokes he could and he pulled back to let his cock head pop out of me. “Yeah, that’s perfect! Do it some more!” I urged him on. Mark long-stroked me with his purple dick head exiting and entering each time. I could feel it pass by my sweet spot and dash deeper into my abyss over and over again. He was getting faster now and his balls were slapping against me with each stroke. He began to tense up and grunt so I knew he was about to nail me with his white-hot bullets of sperm. I felt the first blast explode in me and then the second and third. I grabbed my dripping cock and exploded with the first stroke. This kid had me so hot I couldn’t stand it! Cum spewed out of my cock and I opened my mouth and drank it down. Some of it ran from my lips and onto my chin so I licked it with my tongue.

Mark watched with excitement as my cumshots hit their target at the same time his rammed inside me. He must have cum even more than before because I could feel the sweet syrup oozing out my ass. He was shivering with energy with each additional spurt and I admired his young chest and the firm hard pecs and his washboard stomach while he pounded me. He gripped my thighs with his strong hands to thrust even harder than before and his biceps stood out like steel and bulged from the rapid flexing. He threw back his head with one last, shattering thrust and collapsed onto me. My own warm cum lubricated our pressed stomachs as he hunched his hips involuntarily for a few dying strokes.

We lay together and slept in lustful bliss for about an hour and then went to the showers again. We took turns washing each other with the mitt and shower-gel and enjoyed the feel of each other’s hard muscled body. When the hot water began to run out, we dried off and went back to the bedroom. Mark said that he was ready for his dose of sperm, if I was able to deliver it. I asked if he was sure and remarked about my size, but he convinced me that he was ready and willing. He laid back for me to rim him in preparation for the big boy and I used my tongue to drive him into low orbit. He had his legs pulled up and his young hard cock was almost touching his chest when he said that he was ready for me.

I lubed his relaxed hole and my thick eight-inch cock with a generous amount of KY and pressed my wide cock-head to his young ass. I wiped the head of my dick around and around the opening and felt the shiver of excitement grow from the caress of that sensitive pleasure spot. I reminded Mark to relax and I gently began to press for entrance. His young ass spread and strained at the invading monster and he bit his lip with pain as my cock-head popped inside. I stopped and let him get accustomed to the intrusion and when he said he was ready, I gently pressed about an inch inside. I could feel him straining to accept it, so I slowly began to withdraw and penetrate ever so slightly. This worked and I could feel him relax more as I slid deeper into his hot ass with each tender stroke. He asked how far in I was and I told him I was half way. He smiled and said to go ahead so I resumed my tender pumping until I was about six inches inside. I then pulled way back and popped out of him and re-entered without him flinching. He said that the first pain had gone and this was starting to feel good. I asked him if he wanted me to long-stroke him now and he nodded yes. I again pulled out and re-entered but this time I went in for six inches. I could feel him loosening and relaxing so I continued as gently as I could. He asked me if I was in all the way yet and I said that there was just a little bit yet to go. He took a deep breath and said to go all the way.

I pulled out and then pressed in without much resistance and gently lowered all of my eight inches into this handsome lad. He accepted the entire length of my man meat and I slowly pulled back an in until he said for me to go harder. I quickened my thrusting and watched the muscles in his handsome chest and neck twitch with each penetration of my penis. He excitedly said that he could feel my balls dash against him now and to go faster. I did as he asked and was now pumping him hard and fast. He was moaning with pleasure and saying, “Oh…fuck me, man! I can feel you all the way in and out. Fuck me hard, Jim! Fill me up with your college sperm!” I was now banging him like he was an old pro at this and my load was getting ready to cum.

“I’m cumming, Mark! I’m letting it loose nowwwww!” I yelled as my jism exploded from my cock and into his hard-young virgin body. I arched my back as he grunted with each down stroke.

A surprised look came on his face and he said, “Is that what I think it is? Is that your sperm I feel hitting inside me?”

“Yes” (slam) “It” (slam) “Is” (bam), I spoke between each pounding thrust. “That’s everything I can give you!”

“Fucking awesome. Jim. You’re so fucking AWSOME!” I was almost at my last shot of spunk and delirious with pleasure when Mark reached down and began madly stroking his cock. He shouted that he was going to cum and couldn’t stop and I felt his ass contract as he pulsed and blew his boy juice all over his chest. He opened his mouth and let it flood inside and swallowed as much as he could. I was still pumping him but not as hard as before and I slowed to a stop as he finished his last shots of creamy cum.

I lay down on his stomach like he had done on me and we embraced and could feel the pounding of our hearts through cum drenched hot skin. We stayed like that until we went soft and then showered off. We towelled off and Mark climbed in naked beside me in the bed. He slept with his head on my chest the rest of the night and I stayed awake for hours just to feel his virile-hard and warm body pressed against mine.

In the morning, I awoke and looked over to see him sleeping like a log and spread out beside me. As he lay on his back with one muscular arm under his head, I leaned over and nuzzled his deep armpit, which barely showed a light dusting of blonde young hairs. He moaned slightly and I saw that his young cock was rising to full mast and starting to throb with his beating heart. Remembering the wake-up-call that Randy had given Dan, I leaned down and gently blew across his hairless scrotum and watched its flesh crawl and massage the teen balls it concealed. I wondered what he was dreaming as smiles danced across his face and his lips twitched. I hoped it was me as I gently lowered my warm mouth over his young cock.

He awoke just as he was starting to cum and watched me take in all he had to give me. He pumped with his hips to increase the pleasure and sat up on his elbows to watch me devour him. When I had licked him clean, he asked if he could stay a little longer. “Sure you can” I said, “I have a few friends coming over in a little while and this afternoon and of my gals is bringing her little brother over for a birthday present.”

“I’d love to stay and meet your friends,” he said with honest commitment. He asked what the birthday present was and I told him it was a special surprise for her seighteen-year-old brother. “He’s going to experience some wild sex for the first time, can you believe it?” I said with a laugh.

Mark grinned and said with a fake husky voice, “Those young virgin kids don’t know shit, do they Jim?”

“Well, most of them don’t. Maybe you will help us teach him a few things.” I said as I slapped him on the shoulder. We laughed together until he noticed my big-thick cock beginning to rise to meet the day.

End of section 4

If you liked the story, please let me know. How about attaching some hot pics I can use to illustrate the action. Comments,


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