Gay Erotic Stories

When It Hits You In The Face, Part 1

by Tongueincheeks
04 May 2005

Chance Encounters

I consider myself pretty fortunate in life so far. I grew up in the Midwest and was raised by hardworking, loving and nurturing parents. I discovered my sexual preferences during my early high school days, but never acted on my inclinations, with the exception of fooling around with my cousin when our family all got together on holidays, etc. Raymond was fun, to be sure, but neither of us were adept and versed in all sexual nuances…we just experimented and had fun.

Following graduation, I had a car and set about cruising the streets and driving around downtown in search of hook-ups. Fortunately, this was prior to the AIDS epidemic, and even though I was very worried about picking up some sort of sexually transmitted disease, I successfully found several like-minded hotties and had my share of further experimentation. That is until I met my first significant other. That one week whirlwind escapade turned into nearly a 15 year relationship, and during its course, I don’t think there’s much that we didn’t experience together. Sadly, our careers launched us to opposite ends of the country, and our relationship fizzled.

After a pretty damn dry three years, fate interceded again. Same darn thing; one week’s wild ride and we’re setting up housekeeping…this time for 13 years. If I’d have to decide which one was better…it would be the second. Much more sex and wilder passion. Not too much on the kinky side, but lots of lube and cum everywhere…we always had to shower afterwards and change the bed linens. Again, careers got in the way. My company relocated and number two stayed put.

I was prepared for the customary multi-annual drought, and was sort of planning it being three years again. I was wrong…much more. By this time I’d grown accustomed to living alone and actually liked it pretty well. Nowdays, with all the AIDS issues and other STD’s that are looming out there; I successfully had convinced myself that a life of relative celibacy might be a good thing. After all, I had my porn collection—lots of VHS tapes and a fair number of DVD titles too! The object of my desire or fantasy affection—just call him “HE” could change as frequently as I wanted, I could “be” with him any time I chose, and I could get off any way I pleased without being the least bit concerned as to his preferences or sensitivities. I don’t think I was becoming inconsiderate or selfless, but I managed to keep my pipes clean as a whistle!

One of my other cousins (I have fourteen in total) called me out of the blue and pretty much invited herself down to South Florida for a visit. Mary had decided that she was going to quit teaching music and band on the high school level, following the death of her husband, Dick, from his battle with diabetes. Knowing the sad situation of Dick’s early demise how was I to refuse? She was intent on scoping out the area, as she thought she’d like to move out of the Midwestern Snow Belt for either Florida or Texas.

Mary sort of surprised me when she advised that she would be traveling with a friend, who was also a musician. This friend also turned out to be a guy from Colombia named Altomar. I did my level best not to sound surprised, and my having a one bedroom apartment, thoughts of how this was going to work rapidly surfaced. Mary picked up on the hesitance of any response telling me they were just good friends. Well now, just how good? But I couldn’t ask out right. I just stated the accommodations. I have a queen-sized bed in the master bedroom, and a queen-sized sofa-bed in the living room. I also had a blow-up air bed left over from the house up north (but I held this tit bit back). Two weeks later I was collecting them at the Palm Beach International airport.

Even by Florida standards the day was pesky hot; very humid and sunny, but no breeze as is usually the case. Well—after all—it’s a sub-tropical climate. It was obvious Mary wasn’t comfortable with the temperature adjustment, but Altomar didn’t seem bothered at all. I found myself apologizing for my car’s air conditioning…it had been getting low on coolant, and I’d been meaning to have my mechanic check it out, but hadn’t gotten around to it yet. I only drive a short distance to work and only short errands and shopping trips.

Back at the apartment, we settled in and after a couple hours of conversation and cocktails, we got ready for dinner. We let Mary shower and dress first. Meanwhile this left me alone to entertain Altomar. Call me blind, but even I was able to notice that every time I looked at him, he was looking back at me. I interpreted it more as maybe there was something wrong; I’d checked the fly of my jeans already. I couldn’t pin it down, but he’d just smile politely.

Dinner went off without a hitch; I’m not a bad cook if the truth be told. Both were tired from their trip and elected to turn in early. This brought up the subject of sleeping arrangements. I re-stated the accommodations. Mary was the first to speak, saying she could take the hide-a-bed. Both Altomar and I agreed that she should have the master bedroom. Now what about Altomar? Of course I offered him his choice, which he elected the sofa-bed. I told him I had an air bed I’d use, but being polite he was making this an issue. Finally he relented.

Once the sofa-bed was extended, there wasn’t that much floor space left in the living room. He stopped me blowing up the bed, stating that if I didn’t mind, he sure didn’t mind us sharing the bed. After all, he’d grown up with 8 brothers and sisters and was used to sharing a bed back home in Colombia even throughout his high school days. He had a point, and we wound up sharing the bed each night.

Nothing much happened other than the occasional bumping into each other. Of course I had my own thoughts. Here was a very handsome 6 foot Latin guy that was probably half both Mary’s and my ages. Having lived back in South Florida for some 5 years, my fondness for Latin guys had re-surfaced. Altomar was NOT hard to look at. He slept only in his boxers…and he was nicely built…muscular but slim…nice chest…nice “V-shape” to his body. I’d already decided that if somehow he made a move on me…I’d be the last to stop him. Over the course of the following week, I’d had the occasion to get a visual line on his morning wood…definitely well endowed, but nothing came of our nightly co-habitation. I was even feeling sorry for myself.

During the day interactions, I couldn’t help but feel a bit strange when our eyes kept meeting off and on. I told myself that I was also looking at Mary when we talked, and this was nothing more than just being courteous, a good guest, and an active listener to our conversations. Perhaps, even though he spoke good English, Altomar needed to listen more intently to our conversation, so I pretty much passed it off.

Altomar the musician surprised me one afternoon as I came home from work. I’d never heard my piano sound so great. I’d always taken good care to protect my investment, having it tuned every six months or so, but didn’t play it much, due to living in close quarters and I usually was only home at night. Between Altomar and Mary, my old grand piano came alive! I’d bought it new, but as little as I used it, it was hardly broken-in…something that Altomar noted.

The rest of the second week, then took side trips, having rented a car for the week, so were only home sporadically. Actually I enjoyed having them around, and it was all too soon at an end. Mary had pretty much decided on Texas rather than Florida. Who was I to tell her that Dallas gets just as hot in the summer—if not hotter—and it snows occasionally in the winter—just like home.

I dropped them off at the airport and bid them good-bye. Our family has always been a “touchy-feely” sort, and true to form, Mary hugged and kissed me farewell. I reached my hand out to Altomar, but to my surprise, he did the same; a quick kiss on each cheek and a very sincere hug, which I thought lasted a bit too long, but just attributed it to his Latin custom.

I drove home and set about straightening up the house and ferreting out my favorite gay magazines and pictures, etc. No need to keep the apartment de-gayed any longer. I settled back into my routines and the cats were relieved to be able to stalk the place at will and settle where they damn pleased, rather than scrambling under cover of the bed on a second’s notice, and eating at odd times.

I got a thank-you card from Mary about a week later, and as I’d surmised, she had already made plans to go to Texas. She also surprised me by saying that Altomar had accepted a teaching job at the University of Texas and would be relocating there by month’s end. She didn’t come right out and say it, but I figured she’d go with him and maybe even live together. She had made it clear that even though he was younger, she had more than a common musical interest.

True to form, months rolled by and I didn’t hear a peep from Mary; not even an email, which was kind of unusual. Being normally the busy sort, I didn’t get overly concerned or inquisitive, just figuring I’d let it go until she decided to check in. All my cousins are kind of like that…scattered throughout the USA and beyond.

I’d kept busy with work and sporadic travel both for business and pleasure, and was just moving forward with no real changes, other than the occasional new friend…and hopefully future physical interest…which nearly always evaporated, but remained casual friends. One Thursday night, after having returned from a 10 day business trip out west, I walked into the apartment with the phone ringing. I managed to catch it after dropping my briefcase and keys.

“Hello, Chris?” I confirmed with a simple ‘yes’. Hopefully you remember me; this is Altomar; I visited you a while ago with your cousin.”

“Oh sure, of course I remember…” I paused.

“I was hoping that you could make me… err do for me… much favor.”

I didn’t know just what Altomar had in mind, and I sure hoped he wasn’t calling to ask for any money…like my sister was in the habit of doing. I just cleared my throat and chose my words, “Mmmm, what can I do for you?”

“Well, I’m coming there to Miami to check out a position with Florida International University next week and I was wondering…” his voice trailed off, apparently waiting for me.

“Of course, you can stay here if you would like to…when are you coming? Do you need me to pick you up, or are you renting a car?” I decided to add the bit about the car rental as I really was in no position to play chauffeur, and I did need the use of my car.

“Actually, I’m flying in on Saturday morning; I have a meeting Monday afternoon and the flights on Sunday were fully booked. I’ll be glad to rent a car once I’m there, but I really don’t know my way…so if you could get me, I’ll pick up a car either Sunday afternoon or Monday morning if that’s okay.”

“Sure Altomar, no problem. When do you get here?”

“I’m on Continental and arrive in Fort Lauderdale this time, at 9:45 AM. I hope that’s not too early and it’s not out of the way for you.”

“Actually Fort Lauderdale’s easier to get to and closer as well. I’ll pick you up curbside on the lower level, probably figure at around 10 AM. I’ll check the flight status, so I’ll know if you’re early or late. Any problems, here’s my cell number…” He took down the number and thanked me.

“Great, I look forward to our meeting on Saturday,” he said, “Bye for now.” He hung up and I put down the receiver.

Damn, I’ve got to go through the apartment and put the “gay things” away. Then again, I could just leave them out and see if he notices… Nah, probably a bad idea. I was pretty sure that Mary had as good idea, but unless she came out and asked, who was I to proclaim my gay self? I then realized that I’d not asked him just how many days he’d be staying, but I figured it wouldn’t be much longer than a couple of days, as he’d have to get back to his teaching position at U of T. I guessed I could easily make do for a couple of days…so would the cats.

Friday morning, as I was going through my email, and answering my phone messages, I came across an email from my ex-partner, as well as a back-up phone message. Out of the blue, he was flying into Fort Lauderdale today to attend his older brother’s wedding. He was also bringing a friend with him, and at the end of the email he mentioned that his parent’s house was full with company, and was hinting about the possibility of staying with me. I returned his phone message and told him the Altomar story, but said that as long as he and his friend didn’t mind sharing a bed…there was no problem. He thanked me and said he was renting a car, so wouldn’t need me to pick him up at the airport. I suggested that he stop by my office, so I could give him a key and directions, etc.

Well, Altomar didn’t know if, but he was going to share a bed again. That I didn’t mind, but having my ex-partner in the house with his “friend” kind of complicated things a bit. Then again, maybe not. Ex-number two was not the most macho thing on two feet, and who knew about the friend? Then maybe the whole thing would just pass over Altomar’s head. Anyway, everything was going to play out one way or the other. Besides, if he was some sort of strictly straight Colombian, he’d just have to deal with it for the time here—the price was right—free.

Late that afternoon, Andy and his friend showed up at my office. Andy introduced me to his friend, Bruce. He quickly pointed out his nickname “Bruno” which was a definite match. Bruno towered above Andy, and was clearly about three inches above me. This guy exuded “macho”; big arms, and a tuft of black chest hair poking out of his open collared shirt. Damn nice chest too. Andy winked at me, and instantly I knew just what type of friend Bruno was…Andy’s ass-pounding plumber.

Since it was nearly time to leave anyway, I just had them follow me back to my apartment. I was relieved at seeing Bruno, but also a bit concerned as to what might go on during the night. I hoped Altomar was still a sound sleeper, and I’d just hope for the best; I was resigned to being a fatalist.

Once in the apartment, Andy gave me a sincere hug and a kiss…and I kissed him back. Clearly we still thought a lot of each other, and both of us had thought that if his company might have transferred him home to South Florida, we might have pulled together again. After several years, hopes faded for us both. Bruno was a friendly sort and immediately made himself at home. Within the hour, we were well on the way to being good friends, and any misgivings evaporated for us all.

Come bedtime, they elected to take the sofa bed since Altomar would probably feel more comfortable sleeping with me in the master bedroom. I set them up with extra pillows, fresh sheets, etc. and we said our good-nights. I closed the door to my bedroom and a sinking feeling came over me…there was Andy in the very next room… I guess that’s about the end of it. About thirty minutes later, I turned off the late night news, and settled in…only to become aware of noises coming from the living room. It was clear that they were consummating their “friendship” or what ever stage their relationship was at. Now this was shall we say…irritating…hell it was sort of pissing me off. At least they could be a bit more discrete… What about tomorrow night.

This carrying-on went on for a good half-hour. I finally decided I’d go to the bathroom ostensibly to take a leak, which would afford me a look-see on the return trip. I guess being a snoop got the best of me. On the way back they were still going at it…apparently oblivious to my presence. “Hey you two lovebirds, hope you get it out of your system tonight…don’t know just what Altomar might make of it,” I nervously chuckled, hoping to place the “hint” in proper context.

Andy spoke between breaths, “It sure took you long enough…I knew you probably couldn’t stand it.”

Before I could reply with something witty, a big arm wrapped itself around my left leg and I was propelled forward, falling on top of them both.

To be continued…


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