Gay Erotic Stories


11 Jun 2009

Gay Erotic Stories Hairy

What you are about to read is a story of total luck. I was a bit daring in acquiring such luck, but boy am I glad I was so bold! It’s my account of a 42-hour foray across several state lines with a Railroad Engineer and his big engine. A name could never be important here, but he does work for a company known the world over. THE AUTHOR


My mood was one of total exploration. From the moment I woke that morning, there was an uncontrollable hunger for new mental challenges. By evening I was so bored with the day’s findings, a few drinks seemed in order. Along the way to do so, I crossed the tracks as I normally would and looked both ways for oncoming trains. The familiar rumble of the engine that sat in wait by the old freight buildings made me stop and look again upon reaches of the safer side. I was quick to get caught up in my lifelong fascination with, and sensible fear of the engines. All that raw power set to roam on steel wheels. My mind also wondered about the guy who sat up there so high. I wondered how he felt to have control over so much power... well, my mood was exploratory, and that was surely a mental challenge, so I crossed back over the tracks and headed for the engine. I had seen the Engineer was astare as I walked closer, and then was close enough to somewhat make out his face--right manly looking, handsome and healthy face with a nice moustache. I tilted my head back further so as to look up, he leaned out the window. “Hi.” I said and smiled as he looked down at me. “Good evening.” His smiling mouth said. “Can I help you with something?” “Maybe. It may sound like a crazy question, but. What’s it like up there?” “What do you mean?” he asked with a smile that made his green eyes sparkle. “What does it look like?” I asked, almost embarrassed to be over twenty-five and not know what the inside of a railroad engine looked like. “Lots of switches and dials, some electronics and controls for various things.” he replied. “Any chance of my being able to see it?” I asked with my most boyish and curious smile. “Well, I’m not supposed to, but you just seem so curious. Get in on the other side.” he said with a smile that warmed me. “Alright!” I said and practically ran to get there. Once there, I felt the intimidation of the imposing size of the machine and hesitated in the last step as I looked up at the door. Evidently I waited too long because he opened it and extended a big hand to me. I took its warmth into mine, got grip and he helped me up. Once in the seat, we made eye contact. I checked him out quickly as best I could and then looked at what he’d described to me.

“Wow! This is amazing! Bet it took you some time to get an understanding of all this.” “Well, I guess, but after seventeen years it’s sorta like the back of my hand.” he said proudly as I looked at those hands. When I turned and looked out the window, I realized how high up I actually was. Then I felt the deep rumble of the engine and looked at him again with that smile. “What’s it like to ride in this big engine?” “Almost like riding in any other vehicle, except for its size.” he said. “How fast can it go?” “We like to keep it below sixty for most freight?” he said with a chuckle. “What does it feel like to have control over so much power?” The stare he gave lasted a few seconds, I could tell he was in thought and I enjoyed being able to stare into his green eyes while he thought of an answer. “I can’t say I’ve ever thought about it in that manner, but it’s a good question. In the power sense, guess I’d say it feels pretty damn good!” “One more question.” I pushed. Sure.” he said and smiled. “Ever taken anyone on a short run?” I never have, but there are guy’s who’ve taken kids on short runs from station to station within their hometown, with parents waiting to pick them up. Why, are you one of those curious kids deep down?” “Today, yes.” I said and tried to retain my smile. “Why, are you willing to satisfy that curiosity and take me on a short run?” “In this town, there’s no such thing as a short run anymore. If I were to say it’s alright, you’d have to ride to the next state at least, to get where I may be going.” If I were to ask for a ride, would you say it’s alright?” I pushed further and looked into his eyes. He shook his head gently and smiled. “Normally, I’d say no, but you and your curiosity are genuine. You really know nothing more than just seeing these engines as they go by?” “I know these things; it’s pure power on steel wheels, they are awesome, and I have always had a healthy respect for them.” “Only if you’re absolutely sure you have no obligations for next many hours, which could turn into days. I’m warning you, I never know where I may end up and have no idea when I’ll be back this way.” I stared into his eyes and over the rest of his handsome body before I spoke to him, to let him know I understood the gravity of the situation. “I am as free as I need to be.” I said and felt the excitement roll through. “All right, ‘cause it’s about time to move out.” He said as he looked at his watch. “One thing though. When we pass the station, could you try and be out of sight of the tower operator?” “Sure will.” I said. In a short time, I got to feel somewhat comfortable with the trip and listened in earnest to his radio transmissions. When I heard he was to join in a pickup and haul from a different place a state away, I became more excited. We made eye contact and I could again see the question in his beautiful eyes. “I am sure.” I said to have him nod and look forward. My awe with what I was in, what was happening and he, never waned. Our conversation remained active to the pick up and through out the haul and then we pulled into a station where he instructed me to get out with him. “Hope you have some cash, I stopped here to get a bite to eat, then it’s back into the engine.” “Why?” I asked as I again checked out his six-foot form from behind my glasses. “To wait for the next call; I don’t just pick up the load, deliver it and then go home. I told you, sometimes I can be out here for days.” “So you sleep there, in all that rumbling?” “You’ll understand how I can do it when you have to sleep. Believe me, tomorrow morning, you’ll thank me and my big engine.”

Much to my surprise, our food came to us in ‘to go’ containers. I knew he saw the look in my eyes, but he said nothing. Time for sleep came nigh and there was I. A few states from home for an unknown amount of time, in a Railroad Engine with a black haired, green eyed, moustachioed and humpy Rail Engineer. As I became lost in my thoughts, I fell deeper into sleep. Then swore I felt the once hard rumbling die down to an almost soothing purr. I tuned my ears to just that sound and let it reverberate through my body like a perfect massage. The seat began to feel even more comfortable, and then I was soon in dreamland. My dreams were of a sexual nature and my dick had me awake within seconds of my conscious realization that it was throbbing. I opened my eyes and had his thick and trim body as the first sight. I stared his sleeping form over, felt my cock throb and then had to close my eyes again, to cease my lusty gaze over his denim. After all, the guy was nice enough to break the rules and take me along, right? I then decided to have a cigarette while I watched him sleep. Within three puffs, he stirred and then opened his eyes. Their greenness locked with my chocolate ones and sent a hot shiver through me. “Think I can have one of those?” He asked and made that moustache move. I tossed him the pack. “Didn’t think you smoked, being that you haven’t had one.” “Occasionally, I’ll have one.” He said. “I’ve done it for years and never developed the habit.” I agree it’s a habit, and a bad one. Wish I’d never started.” Our eyes locked again and he looked me over. “You want to know something about this job that I think really sucks?” He said and puffed on the cig. “What’s that?” The sometimes endless hours sitting in this thing. More often than not, I’m alone the entire time. Not that I really mind being alone, but occasionally I’ll see someone walking the rails and they’ll stop and talk, but never for too long. I’ve seen you before and there were times I thought you would stop by and talk, but you never did. You just stared a while and then moved on, most times with some sort of smile on your face.” “What does that mean, some sort of smile?” I asked, though I knew why I smiled. “I don’t know, almost like you were thinking something. Or maybe you were wondering about the train, considering the questions you’ve asked.” He told me with a smile. “Probably, and the fact that I’m here, thanks for curing the kid curiosity within me. I greatly appreciate it.” “No problem, besides I’m enjoying your company.” He said and then our eyes locked for what was a really long moment. I then gave him back the body stare he had given me a short time before. When our eyes met again, he smiled and then we followed nature and began to move closer. Just before our lips touched, I dragged a finger over his thick and black moustache and felt another hot shiver roll through. The feel of his mouth on mine came to pass and we began to mesh moustache like wild. He was quick to break away and then begin to lick over my neck in a right slow manner. He fully utilized the heat of his eager tongue to lick my neck from my Adam’s apple to my collarbone. He worked that area until he had me gurgling, but things were due to only get better. On the trip back, he used the three-day bread growth that covered his square chin to make me start to rasp. Almost gasp for air as my fingers wrangled through his soft black hair.

I used the wrangle to this his head after a while and then I turned it so we were face to face again and I locked our mouths in another kiss. When he slid that hot, thick and meaty tongue into my mouth, I trapped it with my teeth. He relaxed it like he knew what I was going to do so I applied the wet slurp action while I dragged mine over it. He moaned and reciprocated the action as his fingers slid over my scalp cropped black hair. My readiness to strip him down began to push maximum so I broke free of him and began to unbutton my shirt. He managed to cease my action with no more than a raised finger. “Oh, you want to do it.” I said low.

“Sure do, but it has very little to do with your clothes.” He said in a manner that made me wonder for a second what I’d gotten myself into. He got me staring into those beautiful eyes and then he made his move. He used those warm and thick hands to position my body across the seat with my back against the door, of course with a perfect view of himself. He then carefully spread my legs and positioned himself between them. That delicious tongue came out and slid so sensuously over his lips as he first unbuttoned my fly, and then oh so carefully he extracted my cock. That’s when his eyes ceased gazing into mine. “Boy don’t you have a great cock! Too bad I didn’t have binoculars for I certainly would have stopped you before now. Man, what do you do with all that cock?” “I give it to guys like you so you can figure out what to do with it.” I said to have him again look into my eyes for long seconds. Then he snickered. “I don’t know about the rest, but this guy sure knows what to do when another guy offers him nine inches of cock.” My jeans were removed and then I could only sigh as he slipped my cock into his warm and wet oral shelter. His bobbing action was immediate, slick and carried the heat that comes only from the mouth of a man. It took him no time at all to have me open mouthed and putting forth staccato breaths. I slid my hands slowly through his hair, my eyes went closed and visions of the rest of his body rolled through my mind. The longer he continued his oh so excellent sucking of my meat, the more I felt the need for some of him. I set aside my urge to have him stop and eased a hand first down one side of his face; so as to capture a feel of the masculine badge there. He swallowed my cock until I began to grunt, and then he stared into my eyes as he lolled his tongue around the cut head. My motion was to him as my hand traveled down his neck to just under the collar of his shirt. I paused there a few seconds to explore the solid meatiness of his shoulder, he slurped his way back down my meat, and then I moved the hand further down inside the company shirt to his chest. “Oh yeah!” I said when I felt the hair I knew was there. “Thick and manly chest hair! Come on man, ya gotta let me see the rest of it! I gotta touch it, lick it and rub my face through it!” Sure he moaned in protest, but I managed to separate us. I made my position belong to him and quickly opened his shirt and removed his big black boots after he undid the straps. I tried not to hurry in pulling his denim off, but it was done with a bit of speed. Then I climbed between those thick and hairy thighs and began to lick over both his balls. Just a few licks and that property-of-the-rail-company stud began to moan really low and deep. He slid his thick fingers over my cropped hair and softly spewed strands of words I barely understood. The one time I lapped right forcefully over his perineum and he bucked hard to me, it became obvious things were gonna change. I felt his body shift, stiffen through a few groans and sighs and then his feet touched my shoulders. I adjusted for comfort and angle and then went for that middle muscle once more. “Oh yeah man! Do that, oh FUCK!” he growled. “Feels so good! Aaaah yeah keep on doin’ me, keep right the fuck on!” “Glad you like it!” I said and grabbed a fresh breath. “I love it man! Don’t know where you learned to use your tongue like that, but damn! I sure do love it! I didn’t know I was so sensitive there but you can keep that up as long as you want!”

That fucker knew exactly what I wanted. Experience was where I learned to use my tongue that well, and the longer my experienced oral assault continued, the further up his humpy body I slid my hands. I felt the urge to get grip on his cock when I felt the heat of his tool box, but I forced my fingers into foregoing fists and headed them back up his chest. To have seen how that cock bulged commando in his jeans inside the eatery told me it was sizable enough to please me. So the best was to be saved for last. But oh how I relished the feel of the hair that graced his chest and the rest of his manliness, for it was all so hot. Soft yet rough and I fanned my fingers out in attempt to cover the expanse of his chest. His heaving breaths moved the thick pectoral muscles beneath my hands and the light sweat there served as a tactile catalyst to continue my play over it all. A finger on each hand contacted a nipple and another one came in automatism to form the light beginnings of the pinch yet to be applied. “You got it man!” He said as he heaved in exhale. While I nuzzled my face up through his middle, I maniacally sniffed his balls, only to feel my head begin to rush from the masculine scent of him. I exhaled on the wane, just as the engine made some sort of vibration change. The base of his meat and my nose made contact; I rushed through the home stretch and moved right to the head of his cock. I used only my lips tongue and an occasional groan fueled by his man scent to take that dick in. Then I slowly and wetly descended upon it until it was buried in my hungry and adept throat. In the beginning of my holding time, he seethed to varying degrees. He slid a hand over my head and thrust half wild to me. By the middle of the minute, I had him groaning loud and saying everything he knew would keep my action constant. His legs had moved closer to being around my neck and both of his hands had a practical death grip on my head. At the end of the minute I freed his cock from my throat but let him continue to shove that uncut cock to my face, as he felt fit. All the while I stroked my meat wildly and had extreme difficulty holding off my load because I felt so hungry for more of him. “Damn you can really suck a cock! You suck that cock like you want that load! You wanna suck down my load man!?” I moaned loud and pinched his nipples harder. Aaah Yeah! You must really want it!” he said and heaved for a second or so. “You can damn sure have it! Just keep sliding that hot mouth up and down! Pinch those nipples, uh huh! Just like that man, just like that!”

I wanted to touch my cock so bad but felt afraid it would blast off with the touch of a single finger. Besides, as thick and pinchable as his nipples were, it was better to stay right there. The Engineer was right about what I wanted and the anticipation only pushed me to go for it all the more. “Oh man, you’re gonna get it!” He said. “That load is coming right to ya, right in your fucking mouth oh yeah!” Just as I was fully prepared to feel and taste his hot man seed as it blasted into my oral cavity, he lowered his hips so that his cock became free. I was in wonder for a quick second and then to watch how he whole-fisted that eight-inch meat pulled at me and I began to stroke my cock in time. Our loads blasted free somewhat simultaneously with my mouth wide open to catch his. The first shot blasted my uvula so hard I felt it. Every following blast only made the next, and oh man, that load was thick, plentiful and tasted so good. I let it all coat my mouth before I swallowed it and then my load began to blast. He groaned hard and deep with each blast that splashed on his hairy calves and muscular thighs. I opened my eyes a few minutes later to find that in all our wild ecstasy, we had lowered ourselves almost to the floor of his big engine, and some of my load was on his ass cheek. I laid my head in his hairy belly, he stroked my head and at some point we separated; cleaned up in silence and then moved back to ours seats and fell asleep. The sound of his next call coming in was what woke me at seven the next morning. I was not surprised to find that humpy fucker awake and already on the job. He told me where we were going to assist in the pick up of freight cars, but didn’t speak of the destination. We instead talked of the ride and how it made me feel to finally have ridden in a Railroad Engine. Although he was happy about it, for obvious reasons, he remained in disbelief that I had actually asked him to take me along with him. There was a slight silence, a gaze or two and then he spoke of the mansex we had shared. He thanked me for my appreciation of him and his bearishness and that alone made me want to hang out longer. After all, as willing as he’d been in the throes of what we exchanged, well, the rails were looking better to me. Not long after the conversation and the accompanying heat in talking about it waned, there was a sign. That familiar landmark let me know where not the load of freight, but I was destined. When we arrived at the point, the light on the tower was red.

“Thank you for everything.” I said and gazed hard into those green eyes. “My pleasure. Thank you for also, for the company. I can’t say for sure, but maybe, one day if I’m back this way and I see you…” “All you gotta do is get my attention, let me know it’s you and we’ll be gone. By the way, you were so right. I do thank you and your big engine, for such a wonderful night and night’s sleep.” “It’s certainly our pleasure.” He said with a smile that made me kiss him once more. After one more stare over his humpy frame, I was walking the tracks back at home again with my mental challenge fully fulfilled.


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