Gay Erotic Stories

A Kiss is Just a Kiss!

by Tjr
22 Aug 2011

Bears, Daddies & Cubs Interracial Older/younger Role Playing

A Kiss is Just a Kiss! tj ryder From 'Escape to Jamaica!"

Chapter 1:

"Nope! I can't do it!" the big, black man said into his cellphone between sips of beer on this perfect evening at Sloppy Joe's in Key West.

"You got to man, ain't nobody else!"

Sipping his first, cold beer at his favorite bar after working on his boat all day, Bronk Jackson frowned because he didn't like the way this call was going. An old friend wasn't letting him off the hook and for a lot of reasons he had a bad feeling about this job.

"C'mon marine, don't you miss the action?" his friend urged!

"I'm not the one who dumped out before my twenty!"

"Dirty pool, besides I just joined the grunts to get into the police! Your'e the lifer!"

"Was you mean! 8 pounds of stainless steel and VA disability!"

"And you can probably still set the obstacle course record; c'mon, we'll call it even if you take this boy for a little while!"

The big, muscled-up buck sighed, he owed Frank the 'Big One' from his first tour and in the years since he left the corps he had done him a couple of little jobs, back and forth for a few bucks, but nothing like this.

"What kind of kid is he?"

"Freshman at U of Miami, father deceased, marine pilot, no other parents!"

"What is he really like?"

"Naive as all hell, new to this country from South Africa, quiet scholar, blonde, slight build, average height or smaller!"

"Oh my lord, and what is he running from?"

"A possible hit from the Latin Kings because they think he might be a witness!" Frank's tone was more relaxed now. They both knew the black man was going to do it!

"Awjeezzz, ... and is he?"

"Nope, but word's on the street that there IS a witness going to testify in some grand jury and the LK's are clipping everyone!"

"Keep gettin better don't it? Does he know how bad it is?"

"Not really, but he's kind of shaken!"

"I would be too! So I have to babysit him until the grand jury?"

"Yup, like last time, only this time it might be kind of twisty!"


"Because there might be a leak in the department. I can't use any department money or resources, and the kid has only an annuity; but after the grand jury convenes I'll see what I can do to compensate you!"

"Where is he now?"

"On a bus coming down to Key West, where he is going to get a room at the Ocean Breeze motel, in one hour!"

"And your'e calling me on my cell phone?"

"No other way in time for you to meet him there! But after this, well, you know the drill!"

"Yup! Lan lines and message drop!"

"Shouldn't get that bad, but ...!"

"I got it, why pick Key West?"

"Well, I heard there's lots of gays there and I thought he'd blend in and mainly cuz your'e already there!"

"Is he gay?"

"Dunno, he's legal age though; which is good because otherwise child services would have taken him in and he'd be dead by tonight even if the LK's didn't get to him first!"

"Okay, tell me this, does the kid have a reservation at the motel!"

"Think I'm stupid? No, he's using all the cash I could scrape together and they have vacancies, and he has my lan home number!"

"And me, did you tell him about me?"

"Not much except that you were big, black and ugly and he could trust you!"


"Better get goin!"

"Yup (click)"


The waitress came over, "Another beer, Bronk?"

"No thanks Fran, say, where's the Ocean Breeze?"

"6 blocks south!, 2 or 3 blocks west!"

"Is there a bus station here in Key West?"

"Don't know, maybe not!"

'All right', said Bronk, paying his check and walking out into the tourist-, pervert- and grifter-filled sidewalk as people got out of his way. Standing 6'5" of solid black gleaming muscle in a black t shirt and shorts, with some facial scars that some thought were intentional and decorative tends to keep people at a distance; except for the crazies and drunks who are always on the prod for a victim they could boast to their peers about. Not much time while he started adding it up!

'No gun, that's real nice! And no preparation on my boat for a quick getaway if things turn to shit! No time even to GET to my gun and still get to the motel!'

He knew one thing already: It wouldn't be this unplanned unless Frank thought there was a major problem. And for all he knew he's the next target with his cell phone in his pocket and the insider in the Miami PD already tracing it to him and his location within a city block; as if he would ever be hard to spot!

'Never would have noticed this place,' he was thinking as he found the one-story motel in the middle of the block.

As he walked through, wishing he was wearing more business clothes to at least look somewhat professional, which for his shape and race was usually something like service industry, electrician, utility worker or janitor; he tried to be unobtrusive. He walked to the office as he passed a pair of middle-aged couples in the small pool.

An older woman with blue hair and sun wrinkles squinted up at him from her lower window, looking worried. He got that a lot so he did his best friendly smile.

"Hi, I have a computer service request for an Eric Lindstrom, can you tell me if he's checked in yet?"

"No," she said, looking him over doubtfully, "nobody's checked in today by that name and I don't have a reservation for him!"

"Okay, I'm probably early," he could tell she didn't want him hanging around so he looked like he was walking off. By the look of the place, he couldn't see how anyone would be waiting for him already. If nobody made a reservation nobody could know about it. So all he had to is to hang around outside and wait for him; which again was a problem but at least this was Key West and shorts and tshirts were worn by most, except most of those had 40 inch waists and plaid shorts, except for the gays, and he got those hungry looks as usual from desperate aging queens and just nodded, no smile, no encouragement.

An hour went by but no cars full of LK soldiers waiting or cruising, nobody else went into the motel, and then he saw a blonde kid with a shoulder bag walking his way. Maybe 5'5 and 135 lbs, and a car cruising behind him! Oh yeah, a car with 4 dark shadows inside and the kid hadn't noticed or he wouldn't be looking at a piece of paper in his hand to see if this was the right motel.

Good thing was he hadn't seen them yet either and start to run. They could hit him right there on the street and he couldn't do anything. 'Why aren't they' he wondered? Looking around! 'Why aren't they?'

'Too many people around probably! Key West is kind of an island, they had to get back to Miami, 3 hours possibly and all you had to do to is block one road! Unless they had a boat ready, and that's still touchy. They'd want a few hours head start! That's what I'd want! Nope, probably didn't know where he was going and just followed the bus until he got off and got someplace with no people around him..'

He stood under the parking ramp as the boy paid for his room, walked over, opened the door and went in. The boy looked around worriedly once, and Bronk knew the clerk told him about the big, black man with a service request, but then he didn't see anyone, so he checked into the room anyway, which was stupid! 'If I had heard someone was waiting for me I'd change motels immediately but maybe the description matched what he'd heard about me!' He was hoping it was the someone Frank had sent!

But he didn't want to lose his only lifeline! That told him a lot! When he had time to break it down it would tell him a lot of what he was facing, but he had no time now. 'Now, where was the LK crew?' He looked and saw one probable on the sidewalk on the opposite side down near the corner, mainly because he had a good view of the room and pool and Eric's only exit. Latin kind of looking, reading a paper, sitting on a bench, no reason to be there, no busses Saturday night! In a perfect view of Eric's room. Only way in and out! The rest were waiting until dark probably, or at least until the two couples left the pool area. Walking carefully around the back, he saw openable windows on each motel room, but with heavy fixed grates! But he didn't see anyone else there thankfully, still wishing he had a gun because if they were already back there he'd be dead now but he had to take the chance!

"Tap tap!!" He saw Eric pacing around inside and then freeze and turned when he saw his big, black smiling face with his hand softly tapping the window. Naked fear on the face so he waved his hands to reassure him, but the boy was panicking! He made universal peace gesture, hoping the boy would come over. Then he saw the cell phone, and he shook his head, no no no!

"Eric,' he said, too loud, "Frank sent me, just give me a minute to talk and you can do what you want!"

That got him to come closer, and open the window, but his finger was still about to dial that 911.

"Frank, remember? Small, black/puerto rican mix, ex marine, going to fat, Miami PD!"

"Yes," the boy said, his eyes wide.

"Eric, do not dial that number! Listen, a crew followed you here! Theyr'e likely monitoring the police band! Cops wouldn't get here in time!"

His face turned even whiter, "oh no!"

"But it's all right, okay, relax! Frank asked me to help, didn't he mention me at all?"

"Not much," he took a deep breath! "What do I do?"

"Open the window up more, your'e checking out now! What they used to call a drummer's exit! Good, now turn the TV on, louder! Good... get your bag and come over to the window! Oh and first move some furniture in front of the door please; wait, prop a chair under the knob, just in case they come busting in when I make some noise with this security grate!"

"But how will you do that?"

"Just do it, kid, cmon!" The grate was iron, not steel, just decorative, anchored to the concrete in 4 places. He studied the bolts, probably only in an inch into the concrete blocks. Taking the top left hand corner, bracing himself, he began to work it, getting some play. Throwing all 250 lbs in and using his thick legs he began to bend it and finally the bolt popped out! PTANG! Oh shit! Looking around he didn't hear anything.

"Eric," he panted, "now listen! Go to the window, don't open the curtain, don't be seen and take a look at the guy on the bench across the street? Do you see him?" He waited as the boy fearfully peeked.

"Yes! Is he an Latin king?"

Taking a sigh with relief, Bronk said yes, and Eric said he hadn't moved.

"Now just watch him, and if he picks up his phone to his head, wer'e doing this real fast so be ready!"

"Y-yes sir!"

The rest of the grate work had only one loud noise when the frame bent, and he looked at Eric's back but he didn't move or signal the lookout heard.

"Did he do anything, even pick up his cell?"


Out on the alley, working his way through a private yard. "Now look Eric, if I have to run and we separate, you go the other way and just hunker down someplace, and then we meet again at a place called Sloppy Joe's, anyone can tell you where it is, at 9 pm, got it? And stay visible! Don't go in the mens room or anything until I see you. If I'm not there, you call Frank on his LAN line and if you don't reach him just find the first policeman and tell him what's going on!"

"Why don't we just do that now?"

"Because all this info is coming from inside the police! Frank said there might be an informer for the mob and I think there is now! But it might buy you some time!"

"Do you want me to leave you out of it?" he could tell the boy really wanted to call the police, give up his freedom for the illusion of safety, and he had to tell him the score.

"If we get split and I'm not at Sloppy Joe's at 9, I'm out of it permanently!" That made the boy shudder. "See kid, both of our cell phones could be tracked right now, we can't chance they aren't!"

"Should we turn them off?"

"No, no, don't, we can use that. Now since wer'e still close to the motel, dial this number and order a pizza, give him your room number at the motel, have it delivered at 7pm, not before!" He held up his cell phone display for the boy to read.

He did so while he moved into a shadowy car port on some private property.

"Good, now you call the motel and leave a wakeup call for quarter to seven!"

"Why? okay, I'm doing it!" Bronk waited, looking up and down the alleys.

"Now turn off your cell, cuz your'e taking a nap in the motel room and a pizza guy is going to knock on your door at 7 pm. That is a textbook setup for a hit! With your cell turned off they can't track it!"

"I think I see, but...!"

"Now its anchors aweigh!"


chapter 2

Twenty minutes later, sometimes leading the boy by the hand through alleys, he got to his marina where his boat was.

"This is not what I wanted to do, kid, but..., wait here," as he checked his boat out, didn't see any spotter, and could tell by his little detectors nobody was on the boat.

"Now this is going to be a little tricky, kid! I dropped my laundry off and we don't have time to pick it up. Come on out here, kid. Some of the richer types have their laundry delivered and you might find a bag hanging on a hook by their mailbox number on the dock. Snatch a few if you can find any and come back to that boat there! See it!"

"A sailboat?"

"Yup, the Easy Mae, now meet me there, I'm going to get some stuff we need!"

"Where are we going?"

"Don't know yet, have to think a bit, but we got to get out of this place, like it said in the song!" As usual his music reference met with a blank look.

"Different generation! Come on, kid, go!"

"By myself, but what if...!"

"Nope, theyr'e waiting by your motel room until 7 pm!"

"But what if theyr'e not?"

"Nothing is certain, kid, go!"


"Sorry, I only found one bag and I figured you didn't want me to look outside the marina!"

"That's good, toss it in the cabin and give me a hand with all this rope!"

"W-what do we need all this for?"

"Because wer'e leaving at exactly low tide which normally is stupid because we might get stuck! Because when they don't find you at the motel and they got my cell phone number, this is their next stop! I figure they'll be here by 8 pm max. Could even have a spotter here now!"

"Right! What's that?" the boy's eyes widened when he saw the gun in his waistband.

"Just in case, don't worry about it!" After fiddling around he led the boy to the wheel and controls.

"Oh, I thought we'd use the sail, make it quieter!"

"You might have to gun the engine and back it up, now get ready for a crash course, because I might be a hundred feet away on that pier hauling on this heavy rope, so let's talk some hand signals!"

One hour of exhausting labor, Bronk swam back to the boat, and the boy had to help him get aboard, as they ditched all the rope and the winch, the 37 ft boat finally floating free in the channel.

"I hope I didn't pull my shoulder, sheeeeit!" he gasped, and then patted the boy's arm. "Good work kid, you learn fast! If we had got stuck we'd have to steal a boat and I know all these people!"

"Where are we going now?"

"Just down the channel, and then wer'e going to stop and do some painting!" He motioned to the pair of paint cans and some brushes.

"Wer'e going to paint the boat?"

"Just change the appearance a little, always wanted to. And change the registration number on the side!"

"Isn't that illegal?"

"Kid, everything we have to do to stay alive is going to be illegal because any other way is going to get us caught! They got automatic cameras registering boat numbers just like car license plates. All going into a computer!" An hour later it was getting dark.

"That's it, kid, how you doing?" he yelled while on his knees and partially over the side.

"Almost done, pretty crappy though, really needs a primer coat to cover!"

"Yup, but any plane would not be looking for a black cabin and transom! Yup," he said, standing up and wincing as he rubbed his shoulder, "your'e finally hitting the islands, Fred!"

"Who's Fred?" the boy asked.

"Wer'e in his boat now, a 36 Catalina but close enough. He hasn't taken it out of the marina in two years but always talking about the Bahamas!"

"That was the license number you used?"

"Yup, a phoney one would be noticed as a red flag. All right, wer'e going to pass a couple of yachts in a few minutes, get your cell phone ready and take mine and stand up in the bow and get ready to throw them onto the deck of the first one I get close enough to!"

"Should I turn mine on now?"

"Good thinking! Go ahead!" Then he had a thought.

"Eric! Did Frank call you on your cell about going to Key West?"

"No, he saw me at the police station!"

"Did you have that shoulder bag with you?"

"Yes, he asked me to bring it, and then he drove me to the bus station!"

"Go below and gimme the bag!"

"Going through it he didn't see anything, but it did have a base!"

"Your'e looking for a tracker device?"

"And your'e wondering why he would put one in if he knew where I was going?"

"And wondering why he would call me to meet you? Don't make sense, but I still don't trust him any more! These things can be real short range, hidden inside fibers and plastic! We don't have the time! Put the cell phones inside the bag and toss it onto this yacht wer'e about to pass!"

"It's got all my stuff, clothes, papers, college stuff!"

"You can replace that easier than your ass, throw it!"

A luxury corporate yacht that hadn't moved since the stock market crash was their first one, and Eric looked as he nodded, and lightly tossed them onto the back deck. Then they pulled out and away back into the channel.

"Would have been nice if we could have found a yacht underway in another direction but beggars can't be choosers!" The boy was still upset about the loss of his remaining belongings but he was trying to make conversation. They used the engine and ran down the edge of peninsula, where an old abandoned railroad was built on concrete bridges that were mostly broken now. Eric stayed up on the bow on watch, but Bronk didn't really need him there, just to look out for any drifting junk. Finally, cruising at low speed they went through a small opening in the railroad bridge and into a quiet grotto, less than a hundred feet in diameter. Turning off the engine, he set the anchor, and they went below.

chapter 3

'Wow it's kind of small, especially for you!" he remarked when they got into the main cabin.

"I have to duck a little; now wer'e anchored in a fishing spot nobody but me knows, and wer'e going to wait till dawn to take off!"

"To where?"

"That's the next problem!" He showed the boy how to work the head, (bathroom) and the shower. His radar was on and his radio was dialed to the Key West police band as he looked at his watch. It was past 7 pm! As they had a dinner of canned soup cooked on a propane stove, their bare knees touching under the small table, their small talk was overshadowed by the police band. When they got to 8 pm, he turned it to the local news station. Nothing was mentioned out of the ordinary.

"Theyr'e pros!" he frowned.

"What makes you say that?" the boy asked.

"Because there was no commotion at the motel. They didn't cowboy their way in there, kick in the door, guns blazing! They politely knocked with a pizza they bought, and when they got no answer, someone went around back or maybe was already there and saw the grate on the ground! I figure they knew the score before 6:30 and been working real hard since to find us! We didn't get out of there any too soon!" The boy shivered.

"In fact they might have been on us right after we left. I bet if we called Dominos we'd find someone calling himself you cancelled the order soon after you made it!"

"But we can't call anyone now!" the boy was faintly accusatory over losing his phone, his only line to safety except the huge, scary, muscled-up nigger in front of him!

"Be real stupid to anyway!" he said. "I can always buy a disposable cell, in fact I have a few just in case!"

"Oh boy, this is real bad then!"

"Not too bad, kid! We dumped the bag before the channel divided going north and south, or from the Atlantic to the Gulf. They got 3 directions to choose from. I bet theyr'e right by that yacht now calling in for assistance, and someone in the Miami PD will be asking for help from all the cooperative agencies, even island police. Question right now is, where do we go?"

"I heard it was easy to drop out in the carribbean!"

"If nobody really tries to find you! I know some real third world fishing spots we could anchor in, but we'd never know what was going on. We need a lan line for that, and a getaway right afterwards!"

"Plus, I like to see it coming, kind of religous that way. See, if they do find us on some tiny inlet it'll be too late to escape from whatever boat they got! Nawww," he said, pulling out a map of the whole caribbean, going over the possibilities, "we gotta break it down. What do we got first?" He grinned, "a big, ugly black man and a cute, white boy ain't hard to spot!"

"Wer'e not going to split up?" he asked, worried.

"No, relax, I promised Frank, remember!" He mused, tracing a big black square finger over the map. "There's some gay resorts where a couple like us would fit in if we weren't so mismatched, and my guess is theyr'e working those already if they are pros, and they are!"

"Mmmmmahhhh," the boy yawned, the adrenaline wearing off, "How long are we going to look?"

'We gotta pick a place by dawn! Wer'e too close to Key West. Go ahead take a shower, take a nap, eat some more while I work on it. Gotta take a shower myself and some Alleve. Marines left me with a few pounds of steel in my skeleton and that towboat rope fucked me up!"

The boy stood up, peeled his shirt off, and hesitated about stripping in front of Bronk a little. "Um, all my stuff is gone now, Mr. um, Bronk! Do you have anything when I get out of the shower?"

He grinned, big white teeth in a black face, "you don't know bachelors too good, boy. Everything I'm not wearing is in a Key West laundry waiting for pickup!" Then he paused, "Listen boy, I don't know what you heard but I don't want you to worry about, well, you and me, okay? I know this is small quarters for two people!"

The boy shook his head to deny he was worried but his face showed relief, "I was not, but I was wondering if there is another bed!"

"Yeah, but its full of junk. Just one bed, but we can deal with it, or you can take some cushions out of the bench, whatever you want, boy!"

He hesitated, "I don't want to seem too much of a pansy, Mr. Bronk, but it just seems whenever I'm too far away from you I start to tremble. Iv'e been trying to control it, but...!"

"Oh relax, kid, first time in combat, totally normal for a soldier!" he joked. "Iv'e seen em cry, freeze, and some just snap. Youv'e been doing real good!"

"But, I'm not a soldier!"

"Nobody's born a soldier, kid!" he lied. "But, to answer your first question, wer'e going to have to wash our clothes in the shower and then let them dry. Probably take over night. And we don't have much fresh water either. Tomorrow night we can get some new stuff, but wer'e going to be pretty cheap, using cash only, and I don't have a lot of cash!"

The boy was stripping then and Bronk sucked in his breath at the sight of his perfect white buttocks, and tried to think instead of the problem of the destination as he heard him scrubbing himself in the shower.

"Sheeit," he murmured, thinking of his glistening naked body in the shower, 'this boy likely to fuck my head up before its over!'

Finally, the boy came out, naked except for the thin towel around his waist, Bronk kept his eyes on the chart, getting angry now because he had a rock and no ideas where to go.

'Um, sir! This is your only towel? What will you use?"

Forced to look at the boy then, he frowned, "Didn't you say you swiped a laundry bag?"

"Yes," he smiled, "great!" and he walked over to it and peeked inside, and then shook his head. "Oh no! Sorry Mr Bronk, I should have looked," and he dumped out a girl's lacey panties and bras and nylons and a couple of silk skirts and blouses.

"I'm sorry, Mister Bronk!"

Bronk smiled, nodding his head. "Figures! Toss it overboard, we'll figure something out! Wan't your fault boy, no time to shop!"

The boy padded up the steps to the deck on bare feet, and Bronk said "Wait!"


"Yeah, don't throw it just yet, c'mere!" He took out his big nautical chart and used a protractor to figure distance, currents and tides. The boy sat there with his towel still around his waist. Finally Bronk put down his ruler.

"I know where wer'e going now, kiddo! Long trip but you'll be a good sailor by the end of it! Ever been to Jamaica?"

"No, never been anyplace in the caribbean!"

"Well, wer'e going to a resort in Negril, Jamaica. I don't know why I didn't put it together but that bag you stole did it!"

"I am sorry, should have looked further but...!"

"No, that bag is what we need to NOT be noticed! Like I said, they might check the gay resorts for a black and white couple, but what if it was a resort catering to black men and white girls? Get it? And there is! And I'v'e even been there on leave with some marine buddies. A Club Mandingo!"

"Y-you don't mean... that I..." and he held up the bag, "and this stuff...?"

"I even know the dockmaster over there, a retired marine, and anyone coming and asking around would stand out and people would warn me; and that's our concealment AND our exit strategy. It fits! Question is, will that fit?" he laughed. Eric frowned, his mouth open!

"You mean you want me to...!"

chapter 4

'Just try it for size, I mean I have to know what size to get you when we get to Negril anyway and I don't know anything about women's clothes! So let's see!" The boy reluctantly dropped the towel and Bronk sucked in his breath, as he opened the bag and took out a pair of violet bikini panties.

"Gosh, Mr. Bronk, I feel kind of, well, strange; and these are awfully small!"

"Just slip them on, kid, let me see!"

The waistband was too large actually, but the crotch was naturally too small, his big testicles on each side of the seam down the middle.

"Try some other stuff, no, well, okay try the cotton, it might stretch better, yeah, that's not bad actually!"

"I look like a freak!" the boy blushed under Bronk's scrutiny.

"Listen, take this beachrobe and slip it on, and stand back!" He paused, gaped a little and smiled as the boy blushed.

"Geez, kid, you could pass as a girl! A fucking babe even!"

"My life's ambition!" he replied drily. "I don't have boobs!"

'We can pad that somehow, but I mean even your hair's long, no protruding adam's apple, even your overall size and voice, just a little low is all!"


"Not feminine though, gonna have to practice!"


"Now look, kid, I know it sounds silly, but the one thing we got to take seriously is our cover. That's the only thing keeping us alive and we know there are some serious pros out there! This is going to take some work, and I gotta know before we take off, are you willing to do what we have to?"

"But, um, sir, I don't know what, exactly...!"

He put his big hand on the boy's forearm, feeling the electrical contact and warmth. "Kid, I think this solution has been dropped in our lap and it'd be stupid not to use it, cuz, ...well, mainly I can't think of nothing else worth crap!"

"I know that, but...!"

"Try not to think of what particular thing you might have to do when you work with a teammate, boy! Makes em nervous! All your team wants to know is that you will do whatever it takes! Got it?"

The boy sighed, "But I feel so stupid wearing this!"

Bronk laughed, returning to his charts, "Once I took a cover as an insurance claims agent in an emergency, boy. And I made a good one too. I didn't look like one but I made em believe it! You already got the look so your'e a big step ahead!"

"Yes sir!" he said, resignedly.

"Now, in my other cabin I have a secure uplink that's untraceable as long as we don't make any inquiries that I normally would make. Now you log on, google around, and find out what you have to do to pass as a girl, all the little tricks an stuff, get whatever advice you can, makeup, all the stuff I don't know shit about! Now remember, don't ever use our names, locations, anything, and never send anything up or download anything. The computer's not even registered to me and the IP address is hidden!"

Half an hour later, Bronk was finished taking his shower, and the boy came back wearing his panties only, having taken off his robe, and gaped for a second at his muscular, scarred, naked, ashblack body before Bronk saw him and turned and tied the damp towel around his six pack abdominals. If he was alone he'd just hang around the cabin naked until his last set of underwear dried. Even so the boy gaped at a huge bulge in the towel.

"Oh, wait, Mr. Bronk, you don't have to use the towel I think!"

"Haw, your turn to make me into a girl, boy!" he smiled as he saw him root through the bag.

"I thought I saw a pair of something might fit you, at least it'd be dry!"

At that he pulled out a pair of white sheer cotton panties!

"Hmmm," Bronk grinned, "what's this, the gal's perverted aunt's panties?"

"I think they'll fit, sir!"

"Yup, theyr'e stretchy!" He felt stupid about turning around in front of another male, even if he was in a dress, but he knew some guys in the corps would tend to check out his package a little too long and he got into the habit of pretending to turn around to put his leg through an opening. Loose at the waist, they were bikini panties, but kind of tight on the thighs, but at least his genitals were covered, but when he turned the boy blushed as he looked.

"Oh, well..." the boy stammered. Bronk looked in the small mirror and winced. The small white panties against his ash black skin emphasized his huge cock even flaccid and his full balls!

"Well, at least theyr'e dry! I wouldn't suggest going out in them, sir!" he smiled, unable to take his eyes off.

Unfortunately the sheerness of the panties and the boy's closeness made his cock begin to stir, so Bronk swallowed, growling a little and turned and sat down on the only chair, part of a vinyl covered bench where one person would eat. He had removed all the stuff another person would use to conserve space. All he had was the bed, and he was wondering as he looked at the boy's beautiful, smooth white body as he also turned, getting hard himself in his own panties! What was going to happen?

"Oh yeah, another thing, kid, and I'm doing it myself, we got to practice talking to each other a little different, a whole lot different. Easier and tougher working with a partner. No more sir! Call me, hmmm, can't call me Bronk! Call me Buck! Buck! or Captain! Work on our backstory! Captain because you met me on vacation with some other coeds on a fishing trip and we sort of paired off and decided to come to Jamaica, Okay?"

He knew the boy was a fast learner. "That's our story?" he asked.

"Yeah, you have a kind of English accent so your'e from there; not South Africa, definitely not there, and nobody around here could tell the difference anyway.

"Captain, I like better, more, well, authoritative!"

"Captain Buck even, and your'e, well, not Erica, too obvious! What do you suggest? I mean your'e the one gotta answer to it!"

"Terri! I had a cat named Terri, and my middle name is Terrence!"

"You know, use that when asked, but I'll just call you babe, or chile or something! It's not bad because the women at the club frequently don't use their real names! I mean we just hooked up a couple days ago remember, for our story!"

"Oh, yeah, that's right, I have to pass in front of real women!"

'Just don't volunteer much info. And use the ladies room!" The boy groaned at that but nodded.

"I was reading that online, plus a lot of other stuff. Do you have a razor? I need to shave my pits and legs!"

"Yup, medicine chest. Anything else?"

"Um, well," he smiled, "I'm waiting for you to try on your clothes, Captain Buck!"

"Haw, you asked for it, babe!"

He dropped the towel, standing a little sideways, but the boy still gasped, his half flaccid cock and huge testicles, and the panties did cover his sack, with a little stretching, but the bikini cut prevented him from tucking his 9 and a half inch python even when half hard. He had to admit he liked the boy's jaw dropping as he gaped at his sack but also felt guilty.

"Well, gonna have to do something,...!"

"Um, wait," Eric said, moving his hands and adjusting the waistband but for an instant touched the warm lump stretching the sheer fabric. "Sorry!"

"Fuck," Bronk groaned, because that touch gave him the edge over and his cock swelled upright more, and now popped out under the waistband up to his belly button.

"Oh oh! Well, " the boy blushed, his cock hardening also, "fortunately you don't have to wear a dress, sir!"

He laughed, embarassed. "Guess I'd make an even uglier woman!"

"(yawn) Are we going to bed now, sir?"

chapter 5

Bronk cleared his throat, "um hum, mmmmfff, yeah! Now I'm going to make some rules okay, kiddo? We need to sleep cuz we need to be sharp tomorrow and tired soldiers make mistakes they shouldn't. So I'm out and you hear anything, you wake me up, just tap me and whisper!"

"Yes sir!"

"Don't get up and move around or go up on deck without telling me. Even asleep I've been alone on this boat so long I'd think wer'e being invaded!" Eric gasped as Bronk took the 9 mill automatic and put it on a little pouch by the head of the berth.

"I got it, I won't! I don't want you to shoot me!"

"Me neither, but it takes time for any team to click and that's the danger time!"

"Sooo, um, are we going to share this bed then?"

"You can sleep anywhere you want, just letting you know the score. I'm going to have a shot of JD and some Alleve and I'll zonk fast!"

"Okay," the boy smiled. Bronk nodded and took an almost full bottle of Jack Daniels #7 from a cupboard, poured a healthy shot, eased back on his cushions, and sipped it while he went over the day and looked at a nautical map. The boy moved around the cabin, had some more dried food from the refrigerator and drank some more water. After he had a little buzz, grateful that Eric didn't want to chat some more, he laid on his side, with his huge left arm out, looking at the route and tide tables, beginning to relax finally. He reached down and took a sheet and pulled it over his body to his hips and then slipped off those ridiculous panties. That felt better, and he tossed them over a bench. Eyes getting heavy, he switched off the overhead light, wondering where Eric was, when he felt the bed sag and the sheet lifted. He was lying on his other side. Despite being drugged and half drunk and dead tired, he felt his cock swell, but he forced the thoughts from his head, focussed on tides and currents and marinas and his trip, and drifted off instantly.

"Mmmpf," he started, and wondered what that was, feeling the warm body pressed against him in the back, realized it was Eric, who was sleeping, heard his breathing. Dazed, he went back to sleep and then began to dream.

A slight rocking motion, he woke up, probably the wake of a big ship putting a couple of waves into the grotto. It was, he decided as it died down; and then realized his front was against Eric's back. His cock pressed against his smooth buttock. Eric must have removed his panties also. Oh boy, he groaned, and rolled over onto his back, trying to focus on other things, but the boy, still asleep, groaned and rolled over also, still pressing against him, and one arm fell across his chest. Their arms were uncomfortable, so he moved his left arm out under Eric's head, and then Eric rested his head on his bare shoulder and Bronk could feel his breath against his face as he slept, him now with a giant rampant erection and the feel of Eric's genitals against his hip.

"Nope," he said, and his arm uncomfortable again, he moved Eric's nude body off and moved a foot away, both arms out. That was better, he thought, and eventually dozed off. His legs apart, his huge arms outstretched as much as the bunk allowed, he went back to sleep. After a bit he felt Eric's body closer but it wasn't uncomfortable to his shoulder, and then felt the pressure of his warm skin against his, front to front. Their nude fronts with Eric's light body resting partly on him, on top of his now hardness again, feeling Eric's own genitals almost on top of his.

But it was the only position he could think of without his cock pressed against the boy's smooth butt that didn't hurt his shoulder, and he wasn't all that heavy, compared to his huge size. After a bit Eric sighed, softly snoring, and reached around and put one arm around Bronk's thick neck, and buried his face into his corded neck!

"Good lord," Bronk moaned, "give me strength tonight, all I ask!" After a bit he grew accustomed to the extra warmth and weight, and almost went back to sleep. But then Eric had a disturbing dream, moaning, twitching, murmuring and Bronk put his huge hands on his back, as the boy sobbed in his neck.

"It's all right boy, everything will be fine!"

The pats on his back and naked buttocks and his voice calmed the boy down, and soon he was softly snoring again.

Now he had to keep his hands on the boy until he was sound asleep, sighing. 'This is going to be one long hard night!'

"Mmmpfff!" he heard Eric moan, and move off, still asleep. Then he spooned against him once again.


"Groan!" Man, he thought as he woke up, the boy almost spooned against him, the sheet gone, and he realized he had woken up maybe a dozen times last night and the boy appeared to be unconscious. Maybe he should get up, still not rested, his eyelids heavy, and he drifted off!

"MMM, you awake, sir? I must have really been out! Are you, oooh!" Eric had sat up in bed as Bronk stirred and was looking down at his huge black erection.

"Um, ahh, uhmmm, yeah, you slept pretty good, boy!" as he turned to try to conceal it.

"Um, I hope you didn't mind me sharing the bed, sir!"

"No, no, I said you could sleep anywhere you wanted!" he said, still tired. He had a fitful, restless sleep all night long and now had a set of inflated balls and a hardened steel cock.

chapter 6 They had a cold breakfast in mostly silence, and Bronk shuddered every time the boy's skin touched his, knowing he couldn't help it in the confined cabin. After the boy cleaned the dishes, he asked him what he wanted to do today.

(Sigh) "Well, I think it's time we got ready to set sail, kid!"

The boy looked a mixture of emotions and Bronk couldn't figure which one was dominant.


The boy frowned, "I don't know if I can make this work, sir, um, Bronk!" He winced! "See that, I'm still calling you SIR!"

"I know, but that isn't the main reason your'e worried is it?"

"Well, it's only a matter of life and death!"

"Yeah of course, but..., okay, they taught us about getting into character, going undercover, some tricks we could try!"

"Who is they?"

"Never ask who THEY is! Listen, I'm taking my coffee up on deck to look around, maybe drop a line in for a fish, and you dress up just easy, just panties or whatever to get into character and let me try to remember a few things!"

He had to get some space between himself and that beautiful boy so he busied himself on deck. He knew they had to get going but fact is, nobody would believe he and Eric were lovers, let alone him being a girl, not yet anyway. He had conflicted emotions about it himself.

The boy came up on deck wearing just a pair of bikini panties, feminine slippers with rubber soles and a cheap dime store necklace, bracelet and a see-through short sleeveless blouse with a padded bra.

"Wow, there was even a bra in that bag!"

"Yes, isn't that great? We don't have to buy one! Want to see me walk?"

Bronk had to laugh as he twitched his butt and the boy frowned and stopped.

"I thought you said I had to be feminine!"

"C'mere kid, they don't walk like that except on TV, and no more lipstick, let me wipe that off!"

"You told me about makeup!" He stood still while Bronk tilted his chin up, and he used a rag to wipe his lips, their faces close now, and he grunted and moved back.

"You don't need lipstick! The bra works though, have to buy a better fitting blouse!" The boy stood there waiting for instructions, and Bronk bit his thick lip.


"Um, okay, remember when I said I played a bond salesman. Well I watched a video of one, a real guy The one thing I got from it was how he opened his briefcase, arranged the papers, put his calculator and pen on the table, his little mannerisms. He just didn't open his case and spread papers, he was setting a stage for his presentation, and it was designed for himself to get his pitch ready and to impress his client!"

"Um, I see, I think!"

"Now, we need to find something like that for you and me! It doesn't have to be much; just so its believable. And what it has to accomplish is make people believe that we are a couple! That your'e a girl and your'e having an island fling with me!"

"Yes," he said, nodding, "I see what you want!"

"Well, I got some old movie tapes and a generator we can hook up for a couple hours and then we have to stop. We'll watch some and see what you think you can do. I'll help you set up!"

Back in the cabin Terri moved back on the bunk with his legs crossed as Bronk picked a few titles.

"What kind of movies do you have?"

"Mostly surveillance tapes that I tape over but anything that has men and women socializing would work. Here's one of an embassy party at a fancy hotel, you wouldn't know anyone in it; but just look for some kind of thing you can make work, okay!"

"Yes," he smiled.

"And then like you and I practice it until it seems the most natural thing in the world, and then when it is, we're heading for Negril!"

"Okay, I got it!"

Two hours later, Bronk was doing some deck maintenance when the boy switched off the generator and he came up on deck.

"Find anything?"

"Yes sir, a few things. I need your help though!"

"What do I do?"

"Just, well, you sit in the captain's chair as I pretend to come into the room!"

He walked over to the chair, spun it around to face the rear, and Eric walked out, tried to focus, and came in slowly, walked around Bronk with his hand lightly on one shoulder, brushing his other shoulder with his hip, and then smiled down and sat on his lap!

Feeling bare skin and his butt on his basically panty clad groin gave him a shock and elicited a grunt. The boy remained there, smiling at him.

"Um, okay, that's not bad, kiddo. But kind of limited isn't it! It only works as an entrance when I'm sitting down!"

"I know, but I did it pretty good don't you think?"

"Ahem, yes, you did it fine, now, get up!" feeling his cock start to swell! The boy rose up and stood close.

"But you didn't like it?"

"Um, it was good, but it has to be something you can generally do, not dependent on my sitting down and your'e entering a room!" To make his point, he stood up.

"People at those resorts are not usually sitting around, theyr'e out dancing or horsing around on the beach and stuff!"

"Well, yes, there was one thing I did notice, how aggressive some women were!"

"Yeah, your'e on the right track, especially at Negril!"


"Oh yeah, lots of those tourist women make the first move on black men. I mean sometimes theyr'e only there for a weekend or so and they don't wait around; and sometimes they don't even speak the language. I mean Iv'e been standing at a bar with a drink in my hand and a woman would just come up and smile and kiss men on their lips!"

The boy thought about that for a second.

"Well, that's pretty simple, actually! Can't I do that?"

"So yeah and, wait a minute! What did you say?"

"I said that I could do that just like those girls do! Why can't I just do that?"

"Well, I mean...!"

"I mean its not limited; we can do it anywhere, sitting, standing, on the beach!"

"Well yeah, but...! Eric, Terri, have you ever kissed anyone?"

"A girl kissed me once! But Iv'e never kissed another, well, chap! It's just a kiss! It's simple!"

"That's what I'm saying, see! It has to be believable, there's all kinds of kisses!"

"It's something we have to practice then!"

"No, not that, you see, because that's an action you have to initiate yourself, on your partner, me! So you have to do it when your'e ready, and maybe I'm not even ready for it, so I have to go with it!" He knew even as he said it it didn't make sense and the boy was puzzled by his reluctance.

"I see, so you were hoping for something like the briefcase thing I could practice on myself!" He paused looking down. "Well, sir, okay, can you think of anything else?"

Bronk frowned, shaking his head.

"But wait, sir, you said this gesture had to be tell people we were lovers. It HAS to be something we do together then! I mean I can't very well write you a love letter and let everyone read it!"

Bronk sighed, "maybe we should just try...!" He paused, "okay, look, go ahead, here I am looking out at the ocean, a foot taller than you are, twice your size and your'e going to kiss me?"

"Should I?"

"(Groan) I don't know anymore boy!" he sighed.

To his surprise the boy reached up with his hands and pulled his massive head down as he stood on his toes and he felt his soft lips on his. The boy held it for a fraction of a second and broke apart. Then he looked up at his eyes seeking a reaction and frowned.

"I'm sorry it wasn't very good, sir!"

Still reeling with shock, Bronk swallowed. "Well, I didn't actually think...!"

"Let me try it again!" Without warning, their lips embraced.

Bronk was almost panting when he began to back away from the boy. Bronk could not remember if anyone had ever kissed him in his life, especially on the lips, beginning with his foster home.

"Ummm, mfff, all right now, listen Iv'e got some work to do now and...!"

"But wasn't that better, sir?"

"Um, yeah, okay, It was better, now let's get the deck cleared and ready to sail!"

"But you said we had to practice until it was natural!"

"Yeah, yeah, right, but let's put some miles down and we have a few nights to get to Negril by the safe route yet!"

"Good," the boy smiled, "I really think I can do it better!" Bronk groaned, moving sideways so the boy didn't see his expanding front.




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