Gay Erotic Stories

Mr Schulz Enjoys (And Spanks) A Straight Boy - PART 4

by Sebastian
18 Nov 2013

Discipline Fetish Older/younger Role Playing S/M Straight Men, Gay Sex

[Here it is, at long last. Thanks to all of you for sending the bags of feedback and all the constant reminders to get around finally to posting the next episode. Hope it was worth the wait...]

As soon as I’d asked Mr Schulz to take possession of my anus, I felt his one hand that rested on my bottom squeeze it as I lay over his lap; the other gripped my inner thigh and drew me closer towards him. He reached behind him and took a bottle which turned out to be lube.

“You’ll see that when this is done right, you get to enjoy it, boy.”

“Yes Sir,” I said meekly, more out of necessity than conviction. The most important point for me was to make sure that none of this got sexual in any way . As I felt his lubed finger begin to massage my tender and hitherto untouched hole, I told myself that this needn't be sexual. Was there much of a difference between him spanking my bottom and playing with my hole? After all, the spanking sessions featured me putting on items of clothing that turned him on, just to let him strip me out of them or for him to order me to strip out of them for him. This was then followed by him putting me over his lap and demonstrating to me that my body was his property, not to mention him getting me to tell him that I was his property. He drove this home by leaving me with a reddened and sore bottom after every visit; the result was that for the rest of the day I was unable to sit down without being reminded of what Mr Schulz was regularly doing to me and my bottom, and this in turn was a constant reminder of his ownership rights. I’d even licked his feet, his legs and his crotch while holding eye contact, all with the pure aim of pleasing him. And when I pleased him, I felt a sense of pride. So whether his forceful hand was taking possession of my arse by reddening it and making it sore or his fingers were playing with my hole, was there that much of a difference?

One thing was clear here and now: there was no way I could take a further spanking, particularly if it was going to be a hard one. And when all was said and done my hands were bound firmly behind my back anyway, so didn't that mean that Mr Schulz could do what he wanted to me?

Of course he could do what he wanted, and that was just what he’d been doing to me and my body ever since I first walked in the door. But despite not wanting any of this, it could have been much worse, and if I had stumbled upon someone other than Mr Schulz, it probably would have been. It didn't bear thinking about.

That was where that shocking thought kicked in again: I honestly did feel that I could trust Mr Schulz. I’d heard of the so-called ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ and wondered whether this was it. Yet somehow I could see that, while there was absolutely NO way I wanted to be in this situation and would have done anything to get out of it, Mr Schulz wasn't just anyone. He was an imposing man whom it made sense to obey and please. I respected him, whether I liked it or not. I would rather it be Mr Schulz that had me in this position than someone else.

“OK boy,” Mr Schulz said, as he increased the pressure with which his finger massaged my hole, “while I'm doing this to you we can have a talk. You have permission to talk freely, but that won’t involve you overstepping the mark. Don’t forget your place.”

“No, Sir, of course not.”

“Good. First of all, you’ll notice that spanking your bottom doesn't only cement and demonstrate my ownership over you and your body, not to mention the beautiful red colour your bottom gets when it’s been spanked. You’ll notice that when I spank you…” he said, bringing the palm of his hand down firmly on my bottom with a loud crack, causing me to gasp as his finger suddenly slipped into my hole, “it relaxes your hole and gives me the full access I need. The full access you want to give me.”

I lay over his lap in my bondage, surprised by the unexpected sensation of my smarting bottom and from feeling his finger inside me. He slapped me again and I actually felt his lubed finger move around inside my hole. But he was right. I remember my hole being examined by the doctor once and it all being very difficult; I tried to grit my teeth and get myself to relax, but I couldn't and the doctor lost his patience with me a few times. There was no way I enjoyed being spanked, but Mr Schulz really was right. I hardly even felt his finger enter me; it definitely didn't hurt. He really seemed to know what he was doing. And now I was already getting used to having him inside me; just knowing that it was OK and that it was Mr Schulz, who had my trust, made me relax even more. So it hardly surprised me when he spanked me again and added a second finger. A part of me felt proud that I was able to give Mr Schulz full access to me, to my body, to my hole. The other half of me felt simply violated by him.

“OK boy, we've now had a few meetings. What does it feel like being someone’s boy?”

“I never imagined that this would happen to me, Sir.”

“Why not, boy?”

I used the opportunity to state the obvious. “Because I'm completely straight. I've never been attracted to men, Sir. I have a girlfriend who I love very much and we have a terrific sexlife.”

“Nothing will change about any of that, boy. Stay straight and keep your girlfriend. But as my boy you’ll serve me with devotion.”

There are times when an answer leaves you knowing less than before asking the question. I ventured on carefully: “What would… I mean what will that involve, Sir?”

He laughed to himself. “Boy, that will involve obeying me down to the last word. Your primary interest will be pleasing me and providing me with maximum satisfaction.”

I wondered how to word the next question. He had given me permission to talk freely, but at the same time he’d reminded me to remember my place.

“Sir… will that involve sexual stuff?”

He laughed again. “Of course it will.” As if to emphasise this, he twisted his two lubed fingers around inside me, causing me to grunt as I lay over his lap in my bondage.

“But I'm straight, Sir.” I checked myself, hoping that hadn't sounded too indignant.

“I know,” he said, giving his fingers another twist, drawing them apart and spanking me a few times with his other hand, “but what does that have to do with anything, boy?”

“I… well…” I grunted again as he continued to twist and open his fingers inside me, “but Sir, surely if a man is straight…” What I was getting at seemed so obvious to me that I just didn't know how to put it.

“Yes…?” I sensed a tinge of enjoyment in his voice as his fingers stretched my hole, which he kept relaxed by spanking me now and then with his other hand.

“Well, Sir… I would imagine that normally two gay men have sex with each other…”

“I think you may misunderstand an essential part of all this, boy. You can be as straight as you want; you’re still my boy. You can have zero attraction to men; you’ll still serve me, including sexually. It makes absolutely no difference. I've already explained that your aim is MY maximum pleasure and satisfaction, not yours. If I want to fuck you, then I will. And your sexual preferences play no role in that whatsoever. You’re my boy, and you belong to me. Serving me is an honour for you. Getting fucked by me will be an honour for you, is that clear, boy?” He brought the palm of his free hand firmly down on my bottom with a loud crack to emphasise his ownership.

“Yes, Sir. Understood.”

So that was it. This was going to turn sexual, and there appeared to be nothing I could do to prevent that. And right now, draped over his lap with my hands tied behind my back, my arse spanked red and two of his fingers implanted deep in my hole, I was hardly in a position to argue. He went on:

“But I’ll train you. And later you’ll be surprised what you’re able to take. If I told you some of the things now that I’ll be putting you through, you’d really panic. But trust me: you will never be harmed physically or in any other way. That doesn't mean you won’t be thoroughly disciplined and kept in line as I see fit and whenever I deem it necessary. Or just when it pleasures me to do so, which it certainly does in your case. But I would never want to harm you, so I won’t. Do you trust me on that, boy? I want an honest answer.”

My answer was honest and sincere: “I trust you, Sir.” I felt his fingers probe deeper inside me; I’d now more than got used to having him inside me. Suddenly, they touched a spot I never knew was there. It caused my cock to swell suddenly, irrespective of the man-sex issue, filling me with a sexual feeling that is the closest I've ever come to an orgasm without actually having one. I felt electrified as I lay in my bondage over his lap. It was so strong, so hot, so ecstatic that I couldn't have cared less what caused it. I just didn't want it to stop. He must have noticed this and manipulated the sensitive spot with his fingers, causing me to groan:

“Oh Sir, Mr Schulz Sir…”

He laughed. I turned to look up at him. The feeling was indescribable, and it was Mr Schulz who knew how to give me this. Despite nothing having changed about my sexuality, the power he had over me and the way he was now making me feel became much more forceful. He played with his fingers again, causing me to groan and my cock to throb. He spanked me again and I didn't care. At that moment I didn't care what he did as long as he kept his fingers deep inside me and carried on doing to me whatever it was he was doing. His other hand continued spanking me, and I think that I must have been well past my previous limit, but now I barely noticed. His fingers inside me kept on manipulating my insides, increasing his possession over me even further than before.

“You see boy, this is why I actually like you being straight. It means that when I have you in my power like this, then I REALLY have you. It’s not because you wanted it, liked it, got turned on by it or wanted me from the beginning. It’s because I took you and made you accept my ownership rights over you, and you've long-since accepted them. We’re just cementing them even further, right boy?”

“Oh Mr Schulz, Sir…” I groaned, not wanting him to stop. “Sir, I belong completely to you. I'm your boy, and it’s an honour. I want you to know that it’s an honour for me to serve you and for you to use my body as and when you like.” I was no longer saying the things I thought he wanted to hear. I was speaking the truth. It wasn't that I had turned gay or something. It was just that he was giving me and my body a sensation I’d never had before, and I would have done anything not to let it stop. I just wanted him to do and take whatever he wanted in order to continue making me feel the way I was feeling now. Little did I know at that moment that I would be deeply ashamed later on at home for having had these thoughts.

“Boy, not only will you always obey me. When instructed by me to obey certain other people, then you will. Disobedience to them would be equal to defying me, and that wouldn't be acceptable. Is that clear, boy?”

“Yes, Sir…” I gasped, prepared to agree to anything Mr Schulz said. He went on:

“If ever you’re in my presence and you realise that I haven’t yet given you a spanking after a certain amount of time since the beginning of our meeting, then it will be your duty, boy, to beg me for a spanking. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Sir.

“Good. Never again will your bottom remain white within my presence. If you notice yourself that it’s losing its reddish colour, you’ll ask me, just like my submissive boy should, to do something about that.”

“Yes, Mr Schulz Sir…” I groaned.

Mr Schulz then told me to get up, taking care to keep my fingers deep inside me, and walk over to the table, my erection leading the way and my hands still bound behind my back. He more or less guided me over to it using the hand that I was impaled upon, and which continued to manipulate my sensitive spot, causing me to groan loudly.

“Now boy, you’re going to lie down on the table on your back. I’ll help you, and my fingers will be staying inside you. Get to it.”

“Yes Sir.” I struggled, but he helped me. Soon I was lying on the table on my back with my arse right at the edge. His fingers moved around inside me and I noticed I was covered in sweat. Leaning over me to keep one hand inside me, he moved to the other end of the table where my head was. Before I knew what was happening, he’d pulled his enormous erect cock out of his underwear and let it loom over my face. I was very confused. I still wanted to avoid anything sexual, but when it came down to it I did already have him inside me. His cock glistened with precum, and this precum dripped down onto the side of my face. I looked up at him and he grinned back at me through narrowed eyes, using his fingers the whole time to make me groan and make my cock throb. He massaged his cock with his other hand and some more precum made its way down towards my face. He aimed his cock so that it dripped onto my lips. His fingers deep inside my hole touched my sensitive spot again, causing me to groan, and when I did he allowed generous amounts of precum to drip into my mouth. This shocked me. I looked up at Mr Schulz in horror, aware of the taste of his precum inside my mouth. He looked pleased, both at what he was doing to me and at my reaction.

“Take a moment to taste it, boy. Then swallow it.”

I did as I was told without a word. I couldn't say ‘yes Sir’ and concentrate on tasting his precum at the same time, so I made up for this by holding eye contact as I obeyed him. He seemed to savour the moment when he watched me swallow his precum obediently.

“Good boy. Now open your mouth, boy, for the next lot.”

“Yes Sir.”

He repeated this several times, after which I’d got used to it and to the taste. He looked ever more pleased and rewarded me occasionally by manipulating my sensitive spot again with his fingers. At one point he did this, and this time when I groaned he lowered his erect cock down into my mouth. I hadn't been expecting this, which probably sounds incredibly naïve. I’d never contemplated having another man’s cock in my mouth. As my mouth was filled with his cock I stared back up at him wide-eyed, in shock. He really seemed to enjoy looking down at me as I looked back up with that expression on my face and his cock in my mouth, and I could also tell by the way his cock throbbed in my mouth. He then proceeded to use my mouth to massage his cock while continuing to reward me with the fingers that were inside me. I’d been given blowjobs before and knew how important it was to make sure that the teeth never touched the cock, so I made extra sure to keep this in mind as I sucked Mr Schulz’s cock. He made sure that I got used to having his cock in my mouth and ventured ever further down my throat, turning my head sideways towards him in order to penetrate me further.

And to think that I’d intended on coming here today and making this my last visit, making sure that nothing ever got sexual – even if that meant allowing him to spank me again. It was now sexual and there was no going back. It was going to continue being sexual, get even more sexual. And I was still going to get spanked just like before, if not more.

After a while Mr Schulz took his cock out of my mouth to avoid ejaculating and took his fingers out of my hole.

“We’re going to move back to the sofa, boy. Come on.”

“Yes Sir.”

He helped me up off the table and I wondered whether I could ask him to untie my hands, but I thought better of it. As we walked back to the sofa he spanked my arse a few times. His cock was no longer in my mouth, and although I’d swallowed all his precum obediently, I could still taste his cock in my mouth. All of these things made me feel particularly uncomfortable and violated, but I seemed to have got more used to feeling like that now.

“Your arse isn't red any longer, boy.” He looked at me questioningly. I understood immediately.

“Sir, may I have another spanking, Sir?”

“Of course you may, boy. Get over my lap.” He sat down on the sofa and guided me down over his lap before giving me a thorough spanking. It hurt quite a bit, but the experience of having had his fingers inside me somehow made it easier to take.

When he’d finished spanking me, he took some more lube and continued playing with my hole, still delighting in my reactions. He did this for a while, enjoying having me over his lap with my hands tied behind my back, before deciding to change positions.

“OK boy, now what I want you to do is straddle my lap facing me.”

“Yes Sir.”

I struggled up and got down on his lap as he had instructed, rather embarrassed that I had an erection from what he had been doing to me while his fingers were inside me. As I carefully positioned myself and lowered myself down onto his lap, I was quite worried about what would follow. But his hand was waiting for my arse’s arrival, and as I lowered myself onto his lap, his fingers found their way back into me. He was alternating now between two and three fingers, and now he insisted that I hold eye contact with him while he fingered me.

“Now this straight boy is mine,” he said in a low voice, punctuating the word ‘mine’ with his fingers on my sensitive spot, deep inside me. This caused me to jolt forward towards him; our faces collided lightly, my lips briefly brushing his unshaven face. Mr Schulz went on: “He’s straddling my lap, he’s sucked my cock, he’s swallowed my precum, he’s licked my feet, legs and crotch because he asked if he could, and I've already got several fingers inside him. Who do you belong to, boy?”

“I belong to you, Sir,” I gasped as he continued to excite me, causing my own cock to throb against his belly. He began increasing their movement but warned me not to come, and that if I did there’d be serious consequences. This made me nervous because what he was doing to me was something I’d never had done to me before. I wondered if I would be able to keep sufficient control.

“How do you find this position, boy?”

Of course I didn't actually like being perched on Mr Schulz’s lap and impaled upon his hand, unable to control my state of arousal. But I knew better than to voice that.

“Any position that is to Sir’s liking is preferable for me, Sir,” I gasped, becoming aware of the fact that my hole was now actually trying to draw Mr Schulz’s hand further into me.

What happened next caused my heart to leap into my mouth. There was a knock at the door. My body jumped, almost causing me to become completely detached from Mr Schulz’s possessive fingers. Mr Schulz frowned, using his other hand to pull me back down onto his fingers, which he moved around to make sure that they were planted deeply inside me. He called out:

“Tommy, is that you?”

Hearing that name caused me to jump again, but Mr Schulz was still holding me firmly in place, firmly impaled upon his fingers that had no intention of leaving the confines of my insides. While Tommy isn't the commonest of names, it’s not as if there were that many of them kicking around. I knew a Tommy, and if this were to be that person, then this was a situation that I felt I would almost risk my life in trying to prevent. There was absolutely no way that the Tommy I knew could be allowed to see me ‘serving’ Mr Schulz like this or in any other way. I couldn't bear the mere thought of it.

“That’s me, Mr Schulz!” the voice called back. It was him. I recognised the voice immediately. I panicked and felt my hole involuntarily grip Mr Schulz’s fingers tighter than ever as my whole body went tense and I broke into a cold sweat. I couldn't remember whether Mr Schulz had the kind of door that could be opened from outside without a key and felt my heart racing in anticipation of what would happen next.

“I’ll be right there, Tommy…” Mr Schulz yelled back, watching me carefully, unable to hide how intrigued he was by how I was reacting to this situation. I noted with some dismay that there was something about it that he was enjoying, and enjoying by no small measure. I felt myself trembling and sweating; I’d never come so close to how it must feel when your life is dangling on a thread. Sitting there on Mr Schulz’s lap, his fingers inside me, my hands tied firmly behind my back, I began to stammer pathetically:

“Sir… please… I beg you, Sir… I’ll do anything. Anything!”

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If you like this story, let me know. If you didn't like it, let me know what you didn't like about it, what you missed or what you would change (I'm genuinely curious and love to hear people share). If you have any inspiration you want to share about how it could or should continue, let me know. Email:


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