Gay Erotic Stories

My Nephew's fetishes Prt 1

by Horny4Daddy
17 Apr 2014

Family Fun Fetish Older/younger


There were times that my dreams brought back the memories of the last time I had seen my older brother but today it was a message online from my nephew.

I recalled that early morning all those years ago stood in my brother’s living room when he had confronted me. I had stayed the night on his couch after a night out on the town with him and his mates and had woke up and only just got dressed and my brother walked in wearing just his boxer shorts.

His wife Diane was still in bed and I just recall that look as he stood right up in my face

“What the fuck is this?” He asked angrily his face red as he waved a magazine at me

“Have you been going through my bag?” I asked

“Just as well I found it and not my son you fucking perv”

“Wait a minute it is just a lifestyle magazine” It was indeed just a mens fitness magazine

“Full of scantily dressed men you fucking poof” And with that my brother had gone to punch me.

I blocked his strike and he dropped the magazine to the floor and went to strike with his other fist. This time I dodged the punch and grabbed his arm getting him into an arm lock before pushing him to the floor pinning him down flat as he shouted and protested, all the time insulting me with names.

“Calm down” I said in a low voice

I turned to see my nephew at the door and wondered how much he had heard and witnessed

“Get the fuck off me you faggot”

“I said calm down and then I will let you go”

He struggled but the arm lock only caused him more pain as he tried to move. He finally stopped moving and lay his breathing heavy and laboured his face still red his eyes wild.

“I am going to let you go then get up and take my things and go, alright?”

“Go! Get out! “, he cried out obviously feeling humiliated.

That had been the last time I saw or had contact with my brother or nephew and I often wondered if he had mellowed out a bit since.

The message from my nephew just said he needed somewhere to stay for a few nights as he had some work in the area. It seemed somewhat presumptuous but it would be an ideal opportunity to find out how my brother was. SURPRISE NUMBER 2

My Nephew Travis was due to arrive while I was out so I give him instructions on where to find the spare door key. I returned home later than anticipated and could hear the TV in the living room as I entered the front door.

I stopped in my tracks as I entered the living room door to see Travis sat on the couch in no more than a small towel his bare manly body on show.

He had certainly grown into a fine 24 year old man and I am sure my jaw dropped.

He jumped to his feet

“Hey Uncle” he said smiling as he stepped towards me his hand held out.

His upper torso was well toned and lean and he had a sprinkling of blond hair in the centre of his chest with a few stray hairs around his nipples as well as a wispy blonde track of light blonde hair below his belly button that disappeared beneath the towel. His head hair was blonde and spiked from the shower.

I grabbed his hand as I said hi and felt him lean forward as he pulled me close his other hand wrapping around my shoulder and my free hand instinctively reaching around under his arm till my palm landed on bare flesh.

“Great to see you” Travis said holding me towards him longer then felt comfortable or natural given we had not seen each other for so long and given his current state of undress

“Yeah and you” I replied my voice wavering a little from the feeling of awkwardness that was rushing through me at the close contact.

Finally his grip loosened and I backed off

“So you got some work in the area?” I asked

“Yeah a friend of a friend has a contract on some houses near here and needed a plumber”

“Great, so how long will that take you reckon” I enquired wondering how long a couple of days was in his mind

“Oh about a month or so you know” he replied with a cheeky grin knowing that his statement of a couple of days in his message was widely misleading

“I see” I paused no doubt a disproving look on my face

“So you have any other accommodation lined up?”

“Not yet” He grinned his eyes opening wide as he looked at me with a helpless look.

“OK well I see you have settled in already so have you eaten?” I asked changing the subject

“Yeah I had something on the way here” he said sounding relieved that I was not going to make an issue of his longer term lodging requirements.

As we sat talking Travis sat with his thighs spread wide giving me a teasing glimpse up the inner edge of his stocky thighs.

I found my glance going back time and time again wondering if he moved a little one way or the other would he reveal more.

“So do you have a girlfriend?” I asked snapping my attention away from the gap in the towel and his inner thighs

“We split up a few weeks back”

“Oh I am sorry” I said with a sympathetic tone

“She was seeing someone else and so we thought we would go our own way you know” his said calmly

“Another bloke, that is a real shit”

“No” he laughed looking at me “not really, it was a girl” he said in a casual matter of fact way

“Oh right”

“Yeah she had been seeing her and me and well they wanted to be exclusive for a while and see where it went you know” he added as if that was the norm

“Oh I see” I replied but I did not really understand. Where things so different with his generation that sexuality was a non issue and something to be explored freely?

In my youth the only time I saw porn was when I sneaked in my brother’s bedroom and got a magazine from his stash. Then I would flick through the pages quickly trying to find pages with guys on. Some magazines had pages ‘For Readers wife’s’ allegedly and amateur pictures taken by male readers would appear. I would stroke of in a rush fearing I would be caught and then would be filled with guilt after shooting my load.

In todays world with the internet there was no end of images on line for every taste and curiosity in the privacy of their own bedroom.

Surprise number 3

Travis was obviously used to his mother cleaning up after him and he had only been living with me three weeks and I had told him numerous times about keeping the room tidy, about laundry and about dirty cups left in his room and as I walked past the open door to his room I saw a pile of dirty clothes pushed to the corner an unmade bed and a number of dirty cups that I had wondered what had happened too.

I went to collect up the cups and noticed a few damp towels that had also just been put in a pile and were starting to give off a mildew odour

“Dirty little fucker” I muttered leaving the cups where they were and leaving his room in a huff.

I knew he meant nothing buy it he just had never been made to do any of this stuff himself. I was happy to put up with him walking around the house in his underwear all the time as I gained a certain pleasure from that but this irritated the hell out of me.

I could feel the frustration building up inside as I went over and over what I was going to say to Travis when he arrived back.

It was a Saturday and he had gone off with a few blokes from the building site to play footie and I was about ready to chew him a new one when he returned for not being respectful.

It was 5pm when I heard the front door close and I was in the kitchen. I waited a moment and took a few deep breaths as I heard him make his way up the stairs. I stood at the bottom of the stairs for a minute and I could see the door to his room open.

I marched up the stairs and as I stood in his door way I let loose on him giving him a piece of my mind. It was not till I stopped that I realised he was stood in just his football shirt and footie socks his shorts and jockstrap already kicked to the side of the bed.

“Sorry Uncle” he said looking at me with a pathetic stare

“Sorry is not going to get the fucking mess cleaned up and the laundry done is it?” I barked my anger still filling me

“I will clean up now if you want Uncle” he replied as he began to pick up the cups that sat on various surfaces around the room some leaving rings on the wood.

“And you will need to give that a good bloody polish too” I added pointing at the top of the dresser

“Yes Uncle, if you show me were the polish is I will do that too”

I will show you were the polish is as well as the bloody washing machine, vacuum and sink for the washing up” I rattled off letting go my frustrations on the poor lad who was probably wondering what was going on being the spoilt only boy whose mother done everything for him.

I followed him as he moved down the stairs at a pace his hands holding as many cups as they would allow and he put them in the bowl in the kitchen sink

“You want me to wash these up first?” he asked looking flustered as to what to do first from the list

“You can start with your room, get all that bloody laundry out of there and give it a good clean”

“Yes OK Uncle” he replied quickly making his way past me to the stairs.

I followed him my eyes fixing on his bare ass cheeks as he moved two steps at a time hurriedly upstairs in an attempt to appease my temper. I had almost forgotten he had only just removed his shorts and underwear when I had interrupted him and in the commotion I wondered if he had forgotten too.

I watched in his room as he bent down to pick up his washing, some from a pile and other bits littered around the room no doubt that he had just chucked and left expecting the cleaning fairy to do its miracle work.

I watched his cock and balls swing from side to side as he moved and could not help but notice his perfectly formed cock. It was not large but the appearance was pleasing along with the two small testicles the size of quail eggs that swung in his smoothly shaved nut sack.

Travis kneeled down and then got on all fours as he reached under the bed giving me a clear view of his ass and the fuzzy blonde hair that run between his crack. As he leaned forward more I caught a glimpse of the darker pink flesh of his soft puckered hole.

“Jeez” I muttered as I focused in on the glorious sight. Those chunky thighs with that wonderful round butt perched on top like two half globes that framed perfectly that sweet looking hole.

I felt my cock respond as he stretched further under the bed to retrieve whatever laundry he had stuffed under there.

Travis pulled out socks and underwear that he added to a single pile that was fast becoming nothing short of a mountain. How could he wear so much in so little time and how did he not need to do any laundry sooner?

“I think that is it” Travis said as he picked up a handful of various items and began to move downstairs.

I smiled to myself thinking here is going to come another lesson. “What the fuck are you doing?” I asked as he piled as much as he could into the washing machine opening

“My washing” he said with a vacant look on his face that told me all I needed to know

“You can’t put that much in at once and items need to be separated” I explained sounding a little pissed

“Oh” he said looking confused

“OK well bring it all down and I will help you sort it out”.

So it continued the cleaning of the room and I was determined to make sure it was done to my standards. The fact that he was wearing only his footie shirt and footie socks was an added bonus, not that I would purposefully make him do an exact job just so I can watch his tackle waving around... grin

Travis had almost finished the bedroom. He had removed the laundry, removed all dirty cups, changed the bed sheets, vacuumed and was now polishing, all the while with me supervising closely. Just to make sure it was done right of course.

It was while polishing I noticed growth in Travis’s cock. His shaft lengthened a little and was swinging at more of an angle as he moved.

The girth soon began to increase too as veins along his length began to protrude and the foreskin retract creating a small opening that exposed his piss slit.

A single clear droplet appeared on the opening and as it dropped slowly it hung there like on a silken thread that stretched out little by little as it got lower.

As he moved the drop hit his middle section of his inner thigh where it stuck and the thread remained like a single strand of web catching the light and glistening.

His cock thickened further the angle ever so slowly increasing as the shaft lengthened but the defiant strand remained anchored to the piss slit that was now more exposed as more of the foreskin retracted under the swelling of his cock head.

Travis was rubbing a patch with vigour where a cup had left a stubborn mark and this caused his now fully erect cock to sway

“I think that does it” he announced as he stopped and looked around the room surveying his handy work

“What do you think Uncle?” Travis asked as he stood with the can of polish in one hand, a duster in the other and his cock stood perfectly upright

“Well that is one room done” I remarked wondering if that comment would dampen the enthusiasm that was in his voice

“So what next Uncle?” Travis replied sounding just as chipper My attention was pulled away from the nodding motion of his cock that throbbed and bounced but Travis did not look down to follow my gaze. He just stood with a grin on his face.

“This cleaning lark is not that bad” Travis added

“So I can expect you to be doing a lot more then”

“Depends Uncle” Travis said with a sly grin

“On what?” I asked wondering what he was thinking

“Well...” he said and then looked down briefly before looking back up

“Well what?” I asked impatiently wondering what the catch was going to be

“If I do more around the house and keep this room clean and other rooms too” there was another long pause and he glanced down again and back up at me with a nervous smile

“Come on” I said the penny not dropping even as his cock continued to bounce more rapidly and other droplets pushed their way out so that the top section of strand looked like a string of transparent beads.

“Well I was wondered if I could do the chores naked like” Travis finally said sounding a little awkward as he confessed his guilty little secret

“So you only want to do the cleaning and domestic chores if you are naked?”

“Well no I will do them but well I just” now he was sounding flustered not knowing if I understood where he was coming from but I knew.

“If it is going to take being naked for you to do the chores then you better be naked all the time you are in the house” I added with a stern look trying not to give away that the idea appealed to me and was making my own cock leak as it throbbed in the restriction of my jeans.

“Will you be dressed?” Travis asked curiously “Yes of course I will why?”

“No no that is fine”.

So now I understood. He liked the feel of humiliation. All this walking around the house in his underpants the last three weeks in front of his gay faggot Uncle was giving him wank material.

The little shit was getting off on feeling like he was exposed and vulnerable in front of me. I did not know how far his fetish or desires went but I was happy to play along and find out.

It might never lead to sex as such as that might not be his angle, the humiliation might be enough to fuel his fantasy.

Well I could live with that, some hot eye candy to look at and a fucking clean house to boot nothing wrong with that picture.

I could be inventive enough for it to get me off too no doubt...

Feed back welcome


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