Gay Erotic Stories

The Deal Ch. 2

by DutchBoy
01 Feb 2001


Patrick waited nervously. When he got home Friday night he expected to find me, but instead found only my note. Patrick, Sorry I couldn't be home when you got there. I've had a very hectic day getting ready for the weekend, and decided I needed a few more things. I want you to take a bath. After you finish, go to my jewelry box and you will find another note. Do not open it until after your bath. Do not put clothes on after you bath until you read the second note. I will know if you have done what you were told. If you follow orders, I promise you a night you will always remember. If you do not follow my instructions to the letter, the deal is off! Remember, I am in charge! Your loving wife, Rachael No doubt he thought this was a strange message, but he's used to me doing strange things. I knew he was in the habit of taking a shower when he came home from work anyway. He must have decided to go along with the game, for a little while at least. He went upstairs and started his shower. What he didn't know was that I was in the house, waiting to see if he'd follow my orders! He'd promised me that I could be in charge of the weekend's festivities, and now I was going to see if he'd meant what he said. The proof would be whether or not he was naked when he opened my jewelry box. Just thinking of him made me hot! I thought about him in the shower, water running down his back, down his legs, some of it running into the crack of his ass, some of it running down the length of his shaft. His shaft! I knew it was probably hard right this minute. I knew he'd soap it up, run his hand up and down its hardness, twisting it back and forth as he jerked it back and forth! For just a moment I thought about getting in the shower with him, falling to my knees and sucking his hard dick into my mouth as the shower spray pelted my face. I could taste his salty cum as it would splatter against the back of my mouth, and slide down my throat, followed by yet another blast and then another! I loved to suck his cock. Well, actually, I love to suck any one's cock, but especially his. My mind wandered back to a party we'd attended last weekend. I remembered Peter Jenson, and most especially I remembered Pete Jenson's hard cock! I'd been talking to Pete Jenson, enjoying the delicate pleasures of good conversation. Pete's a friend of my husband. They worked together years ago when both were starting out in business. They'd remained friends for all the years following. Pete likes me. I mean, he likes me a lot! He'd fuck me in a heartbeat if he wasn't married to the mother of all bitches, Harriet. Harriet is a woman upon which a pussy had been wasted. As far as Pete's concerned, it could just as well have been sewed shut years ago. Harriet has one thing going for her, one thing that made her a wife worth keeping. She's worth a little better than $10 million dollars, and she holds the mortgage to Pete's business. It was for that reason, more than any other, that Pete stays faithful to his wife. I guess I should say, "stayed" faithful, because after last Friday, I don't think he still falls into that category. You see, I wanted to fuck Pete. I knew I'd have an uphill fight, and that the efforts probably wouldn't have been worth my trouble except for one thing. Patrick has told me about Pete's cock. They showered together after a round of golf at the club, and Patrick told me the man could use his cock for a golf club! Last Friday, after what I did, I would have gladly been his caddie. It really wasn't planned. Not at first. At first I was just talking to him, about business, about Harriet, and about life in general. Then the conversation turned to sex, (it always seems to when men and I talk) and he confided that he'd not had sex in better than a year! At first I thought he'd been joking, or trying to play on my sympathies, but the more he spoke, the more I believed the man. A year! Harriet had decided the two of them would be celibate, and to that end, she cut out all sexual relations between them. He was becoming a basket case. I asked him why he didn't get some from another source. "After all, Pete, damn near every woman's got a pussy, and most would share some with a sweet guy like you." I really had embarrassed him with that statement. He wasn't used to a woman using that type of language, and I guess I shouldn't have said it. But a year? Pete explained to me that he'd never been unfaithful, and his intentions were to remain so. He didn't want to risk losing his wife over a quick piece of ass. Besides, he could always masturbate, he said, and did quite often. But he added that lately, there wasn't much pleasure in even that. I knew right away what his problem was. A man has to have something to fantasize about if he's going to pull the pud. I decided then and there that I would give him the inspiration he needed, if ever the opportunity arose. And it arose fifteen minutes later. Pete excused himself. He had to find the little boys room, he said. I told him I knew where it was, and I'd take him there. He declined at first, and just asked where it was. "Nonsense," I replied, "Let me show you. You'll never find it by yourself, and besides, I don't want you to piss in the linen closet!" Taking this shy guy by the hand, I led him upstairs to the master bathroom. He thanked me and turned to go in. I waited outside as he closed the bathroom door. I didn't hear it lock! I waited close by the door, waiting to hear the sound of pissing, waiting to know if he was really in there doing what he said he was going to do. I heard noises, all right, but they weren't bathroom noises. At least not the kind most people make. No, these were noises of pleasure. I slowly turned the door knob. I was right! He hadn't locked the door. As I pushed the door open, I caught sight of Pete's back as I saw his reflection in the mirror. I knew from the position of the back that he couldn't see the door open. Finally, it was open half-way, and I knew what he was doing. Pete Jenson was jerking off! I could tell by the way he was hunched over the counter that he was whacking the bishop for all he was worth. (I'd just learned that phrase a few days earlier, and have liked it ever since!) I must have let out an involuntary gasp, because suddenly Pete whirled around and faced me, his hard cock still in his hand. Actually, in fairness, I should say his hard cock was partially in his hand. That boy was holding more hard meat in one hand than I'd seen at my last three swing parties combined! I am sure it must have been at least fifteen inches long, and big around as my arm. No wonder Harriet became celibate. That thing could kill a normal woman. (but what a way to die) Pete just stared at me, sorta like a wounded animal. He was trapped, and he knew it. I guess he was worried that I would say something to some of the other guests at the party. I guess he thought I wouldn't be able to keep what I saw private. He was wrong. I wanted to keep that thing of his very private. I mean, if Harriet didn't want it, I sure as fuck did. When Pete didn't say anything, I stepped into the bath room and closed the door behind me. "Please," he started, "I'm sorry you saw this. It's just that talking to you got me so hot, and I needed to relieve this...this...thing." "Pete, Pete! It's okay baby. I'm not mad or shocked. I just want to help you with it, that's all." I started to walk toward his giant prick, but he stopped me. "You can help, but you can't touch it. I was serious when I said I'd never be unfaithful to Harriet. But you can help." "How?" "Just stand there. And watch." His words had a plea in them that I could not ignore. Of course, I'd stay and watch! In fact, a message from the president couldn't have gotten me to leave at that moment. Presently, Pete began to jerk on his cock again. He used long, twisting motions while at the same time pulling his dick back and forth, increasing the speed as time went by. I leaned against the sink and watched, utterly fascinated as this shy fellow continued to jack off in front of me. I wanted that cock worse than any I'd seen in years. I started toward him again. And again his only reply was, "No. Stay there. I need to come so bad, and I'm thinking of you while I'm doing this." I relaxed again against the sink. The mirrors were floor to ceiling on the side facing me. And watching Pete continue to pull his cock was making me hornier and hotter each moment. I had to do something. Reaching down to the hem of my skirt, I lifted it slowly up to my waist. I know this show must have affected Pete. His tempo was picking up speed, his eyes were glued to the figure standing in front of him. He took in my long legs, my slender thighs, my garter belt holding up the silk stockings Patrick liked so much. his eyes continued to travel upward, upward to my closely haven cunt which was framed by the belts off the garter. I was wearing no underwear, save the garters and stockings. My finger started to flick across my clit, and my wet steamy cunt was already starting to take on a life of its own. I put first one finger, then a second, and then a third into my own pussy. I started to move my hand to the same tempo Pete was moving his. I opened the top of my dress. My naked breasts became visible to Pete. I took my right hand out of my cunt and smeared pussy juice on my left nipple. It was already hard as a rock, and now it glistened as the juice from my cunt gave it a sheen. Pete was pumping his dick harder now. It seemed to have gotten larger in the process. My dress was open all the way down to my waist, and the skirt was tucked into the waistband. I was losing control, lost to my passions and my obsessions. And I wanted that monster cock in me. In my mouth or in my pussy. Or in my ass if that was the only place I could get it. Patrick always tells me that a hard dick has no scruples. I counted on that being true. I slowly crossed the three feet of empty space that separated me from the biggest dick I'd ever seen. This time Pete didn't tell me no. This time, he just looked at my exposed body and continued to pump his rock hard cock with the dedication of a jack hammer breaking through concrete. I slowly lowered myself to a knelling position in front of his hand held cock. It seemed even bigger just inches from my face, just inches from my mouth! I leaned forward. It was now or never. My breath was warming the end of his cock. Slowly, almost without motion, he brought his dick to meet my moist, open lips. I don't know if I leaned into it, or if it slid into me, but within micro seconds, his cock was in my mouth, filling my cheeks to capacity. I couldn't suck it in, I could only allow it to force its way between my jaws. It was so big, I couldn't get the whole head in! I sucked at what I could, flicking my tongue around whatever space it left me in my mouth. Pulling my lips off the cock head, I opted to lick the long under shaft. He had not stopped his incessant hand movements, the jacking, the twisting, the distorting constantly of shape and color! My lips and tongue reached the base of his cock. I licked under the base, licked his ball sack, kissed the hairy wrinkled bag of balls. I wanted more! I wanted to shove my tongue between his legs, to lick the rim of his ass, to plunge my hot, pink tongue inside his ass hole. He must have felt my urgency. He squatted down a little and spread his legs. I was on the floor, my head disappearing behind him, my tongue licking his ass cheeks, and now, as he opened his legs wider, I scooted under and up. I found his ass hole. As I pushed my tongue inside, tasting the bitter taste of his ass, my hand snaked around to the front of his thighs, my nails brushing his hairy legs, reaching higher and higher until my hand found the treasure I wanted so badly to fuck! I had my hand on his cock, helping him jerk. The back of his legs were rubbing against my breasts, my nipples already committed to a degree of hardness I'd never remembered before. I have done some tawdry things, fucked some rough guys in rough places, but nothing like this had ever gotten to me before. I was sitting on a bathroom floor, my body open and exposed, my head buried in this man's ass, while my hand was entwined through his legs and around his cock, and I couldn't have cared who saw me. And almost like an answered passion, the bathroom door opened, and there stood my husband! I stopped for a moment, when I heard the door open. I looked down, between Pete's legs, and saw Patrick standing there. I smiled at him and continued my licking, jacking, biting actions. I opened my legs wider still, giving my husband a clear view of my wet pussy. I wanted a dick there, and I guess my exposing it to Patrick was my way of asking him to help me. But then, it happened. Pete let out a grunt more primitive than any I'd heard before, and suddenly his massive dick was pouring out cum, not by the squirt, or the teaspoon, but by the quart! I was not prepared for the quantity of come that flowed from his giant dick! It was the equivalent of having an entire cocktail poured on your face. As quickly as his passions had built, his cock went soft in my hand. Suddenly I was able to judge the full heft of this giant cock, as the strength it possessed waned, and it became dead body weight. And it was sooooo heavy! I wiggled out from under him. He was as close to a catatonic state as I'd ever seen a man. There was no doubt he'd enjoyed what had transpired. He was exhausted from his efforts. And mine. Patrick watched as I stood up. I wanted to lick the come off my hands and arms, but there was just too much of it. I did the next best thing. I licked my fingers clean, and then turned on the faucet to wash the rest away. After my hands and arms were clear of semen, I started to button my dress, only to find the front of it was coated with his come. Unbeknownst to me, Pete had shot a few good squirts on my dress! I was mess. Patrick seemed to enjoy this whole scene immensely. He stood there at the entrance of the bath room, and watched as his wife tried to clean the come of another man off her dress. "Close the door, please," I asked him. "Why?" he asked back. "For privacy!" "You don't need privacy, bitch. You need an audience!" And then he smiled. I was thinking about this story while I stood downstairs and listened to Patrick's shower run. I would have liked to have gone upstairs and gotten into the shower with my husband. I would have liked to have gotten on my knees in front of his cock, and would have liked to have recreated the scene in the bathroom with Pete. But that would have spoiled the evening, and I have such great plans for Patrick. For Patrick and Patrick's cock! When Patrick came out of the shower, I listened downstairs to his footsteps. He still didn't know I was home, but I had left explicit directions for him. He was to go into our bedroom, still naked, and open my jewelry box. There he would find his next set of instructions. I listened to the bathroom door open, I heard his footsteps as he walked down the hall. I listened as he opened our bedroom door. The intercom was on in our bedroom. We had the light disconnected so we could take turns listening to each other whenever we had company over to spend the night. It was Patrick's idea. He said it turned him on to sit in his shop downstairs and listen to me getting fucked by another man two flights up. But the light as a dead giveaway, so he disconnected it. Now it was my turn to listen. I heard the top open on my jewelry box. The familiar tune to the love song from Dr. Zhivago played every time it was open. I heard him sit on the edge of the bed, and then silence. That would have been while he read the next note. My dearest Patrick, Hope you had a good shower. If you are doing everything I told you to, you should be in the bed-room, buck ass naked. Ummmmm, wish I were there. I have a great weekend planned for you, but you must help me. I have some things you need to do, and some things I need you to wear. If you open the door to my closet, you will find a small paper sack. In the sack you will find three items. Please put these on before you get dressed. I don't care what you wear for outer clothes. I would suggest casual, but you must have the three things on under them. If you don't the whole night is off. And I should tell you, you'll miss the best weekend of your life. There is also a small key in the bottom of the sack. I would suggest you remember to put it in your pocket. love, Your Mistress. I heard the closet door open, and the bag crinkle as he opened it. Silence. Then I heard the bed squeak again. I knew he was sitting on the edge again. I imagined what the expression on Patrick's face must have been as he took each item out of the bag. He must have looked them over and over, turning them this way and that, and finally he would make his decision. I knew how he would decide. The items? A jock strap, a cock ring, and an anal plug. The jock strap was a common garden variety, nothing special, except the size. Patrick wore a size 42, I had purchased a size 36. The cock ring, and the butt plug were special, however. I had paid big bucks for them. But I knew they were worth every penny they'd cost me. They were remote controlled vibrating units. Of course, Patrick couldn't have known that. The other thing he didn't know was that the cock ring was fixed with a locking latch. Once it was on his dick and around his balls, and he snapped it closed, it would only open with a key. The key in the bottom of the sack. I took the last envelope for him out of my purse and placed it on the sofa table at the bottom of the stair case. It had Patrick written on it in red lipstick. I knew he'd find it when he came down stairs. I listened to the intercom, but there was no noise. I know I must have listened for at least five minutes. And then I heard it. CLICK. It was the cock ring. He'd put it on and snapped it closed. Seconds later I heard his closet door open and the sound of hangers moving. I knew he was getting dressed. If all went well, our fantasy weekend would start in about ten minutes. I went through the kitchen and into the garage. All I could do now was wait. As I sat in the darkness of the garage, waiting in the back seat of our luxury sedan, I ran the scenario of what was probably happening inside the house. I looked at my watch. By now, Patrick was coming down the stairs. He would find my last letter. He'd open it. It was short and to the point. Patrick: If you are ready to begin, you will now go into the kitchen, pick up the car keys on the kitchen table, and go into the garage. Do not turn on the garage lights. Go directly to the Lincoln and get in the front seat, behind the driver's wheel. Do not look behind you. Start the car, and head for the interstate. Do as you are told, speak only when spoken to, and obey every command. The fantasy will last until you fail to follow these instructions. Follow my orders and I will take you to heights you've never even dreamed existed. Fuck up, and you fuck alone. Mistress Rachael As the contents of the final note were thought through over and over, my concentration was broken by the sound of the garage door being open. As ordered, Patrick walked down the steps without turning on the light. He walked up to my car, opened the front door, and slid behind the steering wheel. Without looking into the back seat, he started the car and drove out of the garage, turned right, and headed toward the interstate. The fantasy began! After we had left our neighborhood, and the suburbs were behind us, Patrick picked up speed. I didn't say a word for fully ten minutes. This was more fun than I ever imagined it would be. I knew Patrick sensed I was sitting there behind him, but he followed my orders exactly! I wasn't sure exactly how to break the silence. Then, suddenly I knew. The answer was about a hundred yards up the highway. I saw a man standing on the side of the road. His hand was out, his thumb pointed westward. It was a spur of the moment decision. I knew this was the perfect opportunity! "Stop the car and pick up the hitchhiker!" I heard my voice say, and even I was surprised at the authority in my voice. Apparently, so was Patrick. He hit the brakes in time to stop before we passed the boy. (Now that we were closer, I realized it was a boy.) "Lower the window." Patrick did as I commanded. The side window on the passenger side, back seat, came down. I leaned over to that side of the car. The young man looked in, first at me and then at the front seat, at Patrick. "You want a ride?" I asked the stranger. "Yes'm. You going to Dallas? "Hop in, we'll get you there." I answered him. "Thanks." He got in the back seat and looked over at me. "I didn't think I was ever going to get a ride." I looked him over, as well as I could in the darkness of the back seat, and decided that he was a nice looking young man, but not very old. He seemed a bit ill at ease. I knew I could make him comfortable. "What's your name?" I asked "Kyle. And yours?" "Rachael. And my driver is Patrick." "Oh, hi. Glad to meet you. You too, Patrick." Patrick was silent. At first I thought it was disapproval, but then I remembered the game. "Patrick, speak to Kyle." "Hello, Kyle." Perfect! He was following my instructions to the letter. He was not speaking until I spoke to him! This was going to be a great weekend! I turned my attention back to Kyle. "You live in Dallas, Kyle?" "No, ma'am. Fort Worth. But I plan on spending the night in Dallas, and then going on to Cowtown in the morning. I go to school in Fort Worth." "And what are you studying?" "Economics with a minor in Accounting. You live there?" "Oh, no. We live about five miles from where we picked you up. We're just going to Dallas to spend the weekend. To party!" "Oh, I see." Kyle was puzzled, I could see that. "Do you and your chauffeur party together?" Now that was funny. It hadn't occurred to me that this boy wouldn't realize Patrick was my husband. Of course he wouldn't. I hadn't introduced Patrick as my husband, and when I spoke to him, I did so in a sharp and curt manner. I decided to continue the charade. "Patrick is an excellent party partner. He approves of everything I do, and never gets in the way of anything I want to try." "You like to party?" He asked, more I think out of politeness than curiosity. "Sweetie, sweetie, I AM a party!" I moved a bit closer to him, my knee touching his. He was interested in me, I could see that by the bulge in his pants. I've become quite a pants bulge expert over the years, and this boy was registering a six on a ten point scale. I thought I might raise his ratings a bit. As we continued to talk, I rested my hand on his thigh. Just rested it there. He opened his legs a bit, I'm sure just a reflex, but the movement was there. We continued to talk, mostly about schools, the high cost of living in big cities, and finally, the subject of girls. "You got a girl friend?" "Yes, ma'am. That's where I was today. Visiting her yesterday and today. But I have to work tomorrow night, so I needed to head back." "I'll bet she was glad to see you." "Well, not exactly. We've been fighting all week by phone, and so I hitchhiked up her to try to straighten it out But I'm afraid it didn't work out like I'd hoped." "Oh, I'm so sorry. What are you two fighting about?" "Well, it's kinda embarrassing." "That's okay, sweetie, you can tell me. Maybe I can help you figure out how to solve your problem." "You sure it won't embarrass you if I tell you?" "Kyle, there is nothing you could tell me that I haven't heard before." "Well, the problem is sex." "Ooo, how so?" "Well, she doesn't like to do it as much as I do, and when we do it, she's" "Inhibited?" "Yeah, that's it. She's so inhibited. I mean, she has to have the room dark, and she'll only do it once a night. I mean, I'm not a sex fiend or anything, but come on, I gotta have more than that!" I moved my hand along the inside of his leg. Not a lot, just a little, just enough to let him know I was interested. I thought I'd raise the ante a bit. "Does she suck your cock?" That did it. The bulge in his pants moved to a nine. He was taken back by that question. But he recovered nicely. "Not well, and I really like that done to me. I mean, I REALLY like it!" "Well, if you were my boyfriend, I'd suck your dick at least once every day! But then, I really like to suck cock." BINGO! The boy hit a ten! "Well, if you were my girlfriend, I'd certainly let you suck it as much as you wanted." By now, my hand had traveled the entire length of his leg, and was resting against the hardness I could feel pushing against the back of my hand. I turned my hand over, so the softness of my palm could measure the hardness of his cock! Without saying anything, I rubbed and massaged his cock till I thought it was going to come through his pants. He leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. He intended to make it an exploratory kiss, just a quickie to see if I was as friendly as I was acting. I had other plans, however, and pressed my lips back against his. I opened my mouth, inviting his tongue to come visit. And it did. This boy could kiss! Kyle may have been young, but he wasn't shy. As his tongue pushed its way into my mouth, his hands roamed over my breasts, tweaking my nipples, making them harder than they had been. He felt me through my clothes better than many men did when they had me totally naked. I was hot! I wanted to know this boy better. My hand was rubbing his cock through his jeans. His dick was well defined even under his clothing. I knew there was a treasure in store for me, and I wanted to dig for buried treasure! As my husband continued to drive along I-20, I returned to my explorations. Taking Kyle's hand, I moved it under my sweater, encouraging him to continue his bold moves but this time, flesh on flesh. He discovered I wore no bra. While his left hand kneaded my tits, his right hand slipped under my skirt. I parted my legs, giving him greater access to my pussy. It was protected by a pair of sheer panties. As his hand discovered this hindrance to his forward progress, I felt his discouragement. "Rip them!" I whispered into his ear. He didn't need to be told twice. His hand bunched up my panties, with no attempt to be delicate or gentle, and suddenly tugged them in one jerk. The wispy fabric didn't stand a chance. He withdrew his hand from under my skirt, and with his hand came what was left of my satin briefs. I took them from his hand and tossed them over the seat. They landed next to my husband's hand. He knew what had happened. After this, I knew there was no turning back. I was going to be fucked, and fucked hard! I sensed this boy didn't have a great deal of experience, but his enthusiasm more than made up for his lack of expertise. For a moment, I thought he was going to rip my sweater off. I headed him off by pulling it up over my head. This too, I threw over the seat. Patrick was keeping track of my state of undress by the garments that were coming over the seat. It was my turn now. I opened Kyle's shirt, one button at a time, replacing each buttoned area with my mouth, my tongue licking Kyle's hairless chest. My long red fingernails traced the path of my lips, raking across his tender skin. I paid special attention to his nipples. They were taunt, and like the rest of his body, hard! My mouth sucked in one then the other, each nipple hardening in my mouth. I knew he'd never had a woman do that to him before. Young girls don't know about this part of a man's sexuality. I continued to unbutton his shirt, and soon, it was completely open. My hands didn't stop there. I unlatched his belt buckle, and pulled open his belt and unbuttoned his fly. I felt the heat from his hot cock long before I actually saw his massive tool! Young cock! Hard as a rock! I pulled his jeans down around his ass. He wore no underwear. (Damn! I was going to throw those over the seat also.) His hard, hot cock sprang out at me, like a javelin suddenly appears in the enemies' hearts. I couldn't wait any longer. I wanted that cock! I NEEDED THAT COCK! My mouth watered for the young boy's dick. There was no finesse in my approach to his suckable cock. I simply leaned forward and swallowed his dick, straight down my throat, until my lips were tickled by his pubic hairs. Then I began to suck! I wanted his come, and I wanted it NOW! He was developed like a man, but he had the control of a boy. A young boy! I was no sooner sucking his dick that I felt it start to swell, preparing to come in my mouth. I was torn between pulling my mouth off him, and the empty feeling I knew I'd feel if I did! Fortunately, I didn't have to make my decision. As quickly as I began his blow job, he spilled his hot seed in my mouth. And it was so sweet! I sucked him as hard as I could, I wanted more of his cum, but for now, this boy-man had no more sweet nectar for me to draw through his dick. His cock was still hard, though, and I didn't want to waste it. I unzipped the side of my skirt, slipped my hot ass out of it, and tossed it over the seat for my husband. Now I was naked, and my pussy was burning with need. I allowed Kyle to lay me back on the seat, and pulled him on top of me. My legs were as wide open as they could be in the back seat of the car. Kyle aligned his dick against my pussy, and suddenly he shoved his cock into my tender pussy. He began to bully his dick into me. He may have been a boy, but he was fucking me like a man! I couldn't believe how good the boy could fuck! His girlfriend was an idiot! If I had this piece of meat hanging around for my use, I'd have this boy in my cunt so much, he'd think he'd grown a pussy on the end of his dick! I put one arm on the back of the front seat for balance. It touched Patrick's neck, and I left it there! I didn't have time to think about Patrick right then. At that moment, the only thing that could get my attention was the thrusting of Kyle's cock, in and out of my tender pussy. I wanted to ask him to be gentle, but didn't. I somehow knew he wouldn't know how to be gentle. At his age, he was doing well to know how to fuck! There was something wrong, however. I couldn't place what it was, but I knew there was something not quite right. Then it hit me. Patrick had pulled around a truck on the interstate, but instead of passing it, he allowed the trucker to view down from his cab high above our sedan. And what a show the man was getting. I had my legs up, one over the front seat, the other on the rear deck! Between these two shapely legs, I had Kyle's hard dick firmly encased within my cunt. And add to all this the fact that a strange man was watching what was happening... At least, I comforted myself with this thought, at least the trucker can't see everything. My wanton act of sexual frenzy was partially concealed by the fact that the car was dark. I knew what I had to do. I called out to Patrick. "Hit the lights!" He knew what I wanted. Almost instantly the dome light inside the car came on. Suddenly our act that was started in privacy now had an audience. The trucker was getting an eyeful watching Kyle fuck me. Kyle didn't miss a stroke, Patrick kept our sedan equal with the truck, and I had an extra orgasm knowing the trucker was able to see Kyle poking his cock into my cunt! My orgasm triggered the one building in the youngster pounding my pussy. He suddenly pushed his hard cock into me as far as he could, and I felt it convulse wildly as he pumper spurt after spurt of hot come inside my steaming cunt. I felt him release himself as his sperm drained from him into me. The hot fiery liquid burned its way into my pussy, and I felt the ultimate conquest! Kyle pulled his dick out of my love hole. Patrick allowed us to fall behind the trucker, who was now about a half mile ahead of us and by now probably was pulling on his own cock, seeking the relief in his hand that Kyle had already found in my pussy. I told Patrick to pull over. He did, pulling off the interstate, and into an abandoned gas station. He stopped the car, but did not turn around. I knew he wanted to, I knew he wanted to look at his naked wife as she lay entwined in the arms of this boy-man, this person who had just shot hot come into his wife's pussy, but he did not. He was waiting for permission to look. Finally, I knew it was time. It was time to begin Patrick's fantasy weekend. "Patrick, get out of the car and come around to my side." He did as he was told. He opened the door of the car and looked inside. What a picture he found. His wife and the boy both naked, both spent from fucking moments before. I spoke curtly to my husband. "Clean me. And don't use your hands." Kyle watched with amazement as Patrick fell to his knees and placed his mouth over my cunt. As my husband licked me clean of all residue from the stranger's cock, my clit became hard again, straining from under its hood, trying to secure another orgasm. It was only right that I should give it what it wanted. As my husband licked my pussy, Kyle twisted my hardened nipples in his hand. I wrapped my legs around Patrick's head and used my ankles to force his face deeper into my cunt. As he licked, I built toward an orgasm. I was stalled however, just before coming. I couldn't go over the edge. I wanted to, I needed to, but something held me back. Until I thought of the finale to this little adventure. And once the thought came into my head, I started to come! I am always amazed how easily a wicked thought or action can be transformed into an orgasm. As this one ran through my mind, my pussy quivered with anticipation, and once I was settled back to reality, I knew what I had to do. "That was very good, Patrick! Now, I believe it's Kyle's turn. Clean him up, too!" And with those words, I came again! This story is continued in The Deal Part III. Hope you enjoyed it so far. Write me at


More Gay Erotic Stories from DutchBoy

A Birthday Story

Yesterday was Rachael's birthday. She turned thirty-five, and I swear, she looks younger than when I met her nine years ago. Her firm body is just as firm, her proud breasts are still high and taunt, her bullet nipples still become likes little stones when she's excited, and these days she gets very excited, very often. I want to tell you how we celebrated her "coming" of age into

The Basketball Player

We had been up late the night before, Patrick, my husband, had brought home company. I wasn't really expecting any visitors...but when I saw whom he'd brought, well, let's just say I'm the forgiving type. He'd met this individual on a plane, and I was very excited to meet him. My husband knows a lot of important people, but very few of those people are in sports. This new friend,

The Bellman

Last weekend, Patrick and I decided we'd seen enough of Dallas, and took off for Houston. It was a great trip down, with me giving my loving husband many opportunities to watch as I flirted outrageously with every male we encountered over the two hundred mile trip. I wore my white sundress, nothing underneath. Whenever we stopped, and I got out of the car, everyone could plainly make

The Chess Player Ch.1

Patrick, my husband, and I had spent a long day in Dallas, and instead of going home (we lived about a hundred miles away) we decided to spend the night there. That's not an unusual thing for us to do. We often went to Dallas just to party, and since we were already there, we figured we might as well have some fun. Patrick is always ready to have a good time, and we hadn't really

The Comparison

My wife, Rachael, and I tell each other everything. Thursday, we were on our way to a club for a few drinks and perhaps some dancing, when the subject of my new friend from England came up. I was telling her that he, like myself, enjoyed sharing his wife's adventures with other like-minded men. I told her I'd read several of his stories, and that I noticed a particular fetish of

The Deal Ch. 1

My husband, Patrick, and I have a very active and wide ranging interest in sexual affairs. Ours is a marriage bonded on mutual love, respect and lust! I am a shameless exhibitionist. Patrick is an avid voyeur. Together we have had hundreds of exciting and in many cases, breathtaking experiences. Last week, however, I think we crossed over the last barrier to total freedom of exercise

The Deal Ch. 2

Patrick waited nervously. When he got home Friday night he expected to find me, but instead found only my note. Patrick, Sorry I couldn't be home when you got there. I've had a very hectic day getting ready for the weekend, and decided I needed a few more things. I want you to take a bath. After you finish, go to my jewelry box and you will find another note. Do not open it

The Deal Ch. 3

Phillip did as I'd instructed him. He didn't hesitate when I told him to clean Kyle's cock, sucking it clean from the remnants of our fuck session. I stood outside the car, having slipped my dress back on, with nothing else underneath, and watched as my husband sucked my lover's cock with an expertise I didn't know he possessed. Kyle's hard dick responded to Phillip's mouth, and was

The Deal Ch. 4

I told Patrick to clean himself up as I started to dress. It was already past eleven, and I still needed a hard dick in my pussy. Patrick could have serviced me, and for a brief moment, I considered letting him hammer his ten inch cock into me, but the whole point of this weekend was to drive him crazy with desire, and besides, I could fuck him any time I wanted. After eight years

The Englishman

Last night I wanted to surprise my husband with a special homecoming. He'd been to Scotland for a seminar and I was picking him up at our local airport. Patrick and I enjoy a rather exciting sex life, and there are no taboos or restrictions on our activities. Getting back to last night, I was very anxious to see my husband. He'd been gone five days (and five long, long nights!) I

The Gardener

Rachael was waiting for me when the plane landed. I'd called her that morning and told her what time I'd and, and she said she'd be there with a special present for me. I was sure I knew what that would be. Rachael loved to fuck as much as I did, and she'd been without my cock for almost two weeks. Knowing her as I do, I didn't for a minute think she'd been without any cock all

The Police Officer

Author's Note: This is really part two of "The Chess Player", as it took place immediately after the incident in the motel with the chess game. Thought you'd like to know that in case you're keeping score. * * * * * As I got into the front seat of our BMW, I made no effort to cover my legs with my dress. It had settled comfortably about two-thirds up my thighs. I knew Patrick

The Pool Player

For everything there is a first time. This story is about the first time my husband, Patrick, and I ever partied with another man. Patrick and I talked about opening our marriage, but until that night, it was just talk. But we knew it was only a matter of time before we went all the way, before we invited another man into our bed, into my pussy! It happened kind of suddenly. We

The Shoe Salesman

I knew I was in trouble. I should have been home six hours ago. It was already 11:00, and I knew Patrick would be worried. I started to think of a good excuse, a story I could tell him that he would believe. Car trouble came to mind, but he'd ask why I hadn't called him on the car phone. I looked in my purse. Damn! He'd paged me three times. I didn't have my beeper with me most of

The Traveling Woman

This is a continuation of the story "The Trucker" Hope you enjoy this as much as we did. If you'd like to write to either Rachael or me... * * * * * I lay there for a few moments before I spoke to my husband. It wasn't even ten in the morning and I'd already had my first orgasm of the weekend, and what an orgasm it had been! Patrick had finger fucked me in the front seat of our

The Trucker, Part 1

Patrick and I decided to travel by car on a mini-vacation. Because of time constraints, we usually fly wherever we go, but this time we wanted to relax, so we figured if we vacationed closer to home, we'd have more time, but still enjoy ourselves. Besides, wherever we go, we enjoy ourselves (and others!) Since we live in the eastern part of Texas, we decided New Orleans might be nice.


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