Gay Erotic Stories

æéåï òã ëàá

by Jason Ball
07 Apr 1999

In Hebrew

äúçú ùìé ëàá òåã îäæéåï ùì àúîåì òí òãå. äåà ú÷ò ìé àú äëìé ùìå áìé øçîéí, âðç åöò÷, åäùôøéõ ìé ëàìä ëîåéåú ùëîòè ëì äùôéê ðæì äçåöä îäçåø ùì äúçú ùìé. éãòúé ùäéåí àðé ìà éëåì ìøàåú àú òãå, ëé àí àðé àæãééï àúå äåà é÷øò ìé àú äöåøä. îöàúé áàéæä ùáåòåï îåãòä ùì ôàá ìâééæ åäçìèúé ìðñåú. äâòúé ìî÷åí. äñáéáä äéúä çùåëä, àáì äöìçúé ìæäåú àú äôàá. äî÷åí äéä ãé ðéãç, àáì áôðéí äéå ëîä òùøåú âáøéí.áëðéñä òîã ñì÷èåø, ùäçìéè îé éëðñ ìôé ääåôòä: çúéëéí ðëðñå, åîé ùìà ðøàä èåá ìà äåøùä ìäëðñ.ìùîçúé äøùå ìé ìäëðñ. àðé ðøàä ãé èåá. àðé îúòîì åéù ìé âåó ãé øæä åùøéøé. éù ìé úçú çì÷ åøòá åæéï ùîï áâåãì ÷öú îòì ìîîåöò. áëì àåôï, äâòúé ìî÷åí åîéã äúéùá ìéãé áçåø áùí ðéø. äåà ñéîï ìé ììëú àçøéå, åäåáéì àåúé ìùøåúéí. áùøåúéí øàéúé îçæä ìà éàåîï: äéå, ëøâéì âáøéí ùäùúéðå (åéëåìú ìøàåú àú ëì äëìéí ùìäí - ëðøàä ùúëððå àú äùøåúéí áëååðä ìæä). åçåõ îæä äéå òì äøéöôä ëîòè òùøä æåâåú âáøéí ùäæãééðå áéðäí. çì÷ äéå áùìéùééä. àðé çééá ìöééï ùäñì÷èåø òùä òáåãä îöåééðú: ëì îé ùäéä ùí ðøàä ëàéìå äåà éöà îçåáøú ìãéâîåï úçúåðéí. ëåìí äéå ùøéøééí åøæéí, çì÷ ùòéøéí éåúø åçì÷ çì÷éí ìâîøé. äéå ùí ùçåøé ùéòø åáìåðãéðéí, åäëé çùåá: äéä ùí øéç çæ÷ ùì æéòä âáøéú åùôéê çí. áðåñó äéå áî÷åí ùìåùä âáøéí ùìáùå úçúåðéí. äí äéå äëé çúéëéí.ùìåùúí äéå âáåäéí åùøéøééí îàã, ã÷éí åçì÷éí. ëì àçã îäí ðøàä ëîå àôåìå. ãøê äúçúåðéí øàéúé ùäéå ìäí ëìéí òð÷ééí åáééöéí ùì îîåèä, àôéìå ùæä ðøàä ùäí äéå ø÷ çöé-òåîãéí. ëì äùàø äéå òøåîéí åäæãééðå. îäø îàã äáðúé îä äéä äúô÷éã ùì ùìåùú äçúéëéí áúçúåðéí (åâí ÷ìèúé àú ùîåúéäí: àáé, ùçø, åøï). ëì ôòí ùîéùäå îäâáøéí ùäæãééðå ðéñä ìäôñé÷ ëùäùåúó, ùìå òãééï ìà âîø - 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æéåï òã ëàá

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Night of the Werewolf, Part 1

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Punishment Or Pleasure

I was at a my best friend’s apartment watching the game with some of his tenants when a knock came to the door it was my friend’s neighbor from down stairs the minute I saw him may pulse begin to race and my limp dick being to stiffen. Shawn was 25years old he was black but Light-skinned with hazel brown eyes. He was about 5 feet 8 inches tall with broad shoulders. He looked like

Red Cowboy Boots

Christy peered into her closet trying to decide on which outfit to wear for her usual Saturday night outing. Being from Ft. Worth, Texas, her destination was sure to be one of the many cowboy bars that dotted the Metroplex landscape. She finally decided on a long country style dress that was low cut on top, yet loose enough to allow her freedom of movement on the dance

Roommate's Boyfriend

The day began when my clock-radio went off at 5:00 am filling the room with the soulful voice of Kelly Price sangin' her heart out about the betrayal of a friend and a lover lost. I sat up in my bed and lit a cigarette as I listened to the emotion with-which she sang. My first thought was what a fucked up situation, then I dismissed the emotion as I crushed the butt of the

Roommates Boyfriend

The day began when my clock-radio went off at 5:00am filling the room with the soulful voice of Kelly Price sangin' her heart out about the betrayal of a friend and a lover lost. I sat up in my bed and lit a cigarette as I listened to the emotion with-which she sang. My first thought was what a fucked up situation, then I dismissed the emotion as I crushed the butt of the cigarette

Saved By The Bell, Part 1

It was getting late that Friday afternoon. Track practice had ended a while ago, but Zack just entered the dark locker room. He looked around and saw no one, so he began peeling off his sweaty T-shirt. Zack was disappointed in not seeing young, naked studs showering in the damp locker room. He passed a mirror and paused to admire his conditioned body. 'It isn't as good as Slater's,

Scifi Fantasy/The Stranger

Let me introduce myself, my name is Matt, I am 5'10, about 210 lbs. (a bit overweight). I have sandy blond hair, and clean shaven. I am moderately hairless, except for my crotch. I often fantasize about hairy men. Basically that is all I do...fantasize. I was going to meet my friend Chris at the park where we usually cruise for guys, and watch the joggers as they go by shirtless.


STORY #82 THE APPOINTMENT Chet nervously looked at his watch for the third time in the last five minutes. What in the hell had gotten into him, was he out of his mind?!? Meeting a woman in person he has been having an on line relationship with--totally nuts! Here he was, 33 years old, good job, married to a beautiful woman, two small children, a whole lot to lose, and he could


STORY #51 THE BREAK IN ”This was just to easy,” thought Vic Tabor, as he carefully opened the unlocked window on the first floor of the secluded farm house. Climbing silently into the dark room, he snapped on a small but powerful flashlight and surveyed the surroundings, and pulled out an old pillow case from inside his coat. Moving quickly to the buffet, he found a drawer full

The Chatroom

Sarah nervously reviewed the instructions that Megan had written for her on the back of a restaurant napkin. Hit “enter”, wait for the screen to load, then make up a chat room “handle”, type it in, then hit “connect me”, and you’re in! A live sex chat room! “I must be out of my mind,” thought Sarah! How did she ever let Megan talk her into this?!? “Well, no harm in just sitting in,

The Cruise

STORY #89 THE CRUISE Maureen O’Connell strolled leisurely down the pier, taking in all the sights and sounds that surrounded the departure of a luxury cruise ship. A native New Yorker, Mo had spent the last several days cruising South Beach and enjoying the Miami sun, and boy, this was living, the middle of February and the temperature had been hovering in the mid 70’s! As Mo walked

The Fitting

”Awwww mom, do I hafta,” cried Judy Kilmer!?! “Now be quiet and sit still,” her mother admonished her, “we’ll be there in a few minutes!!!” Judy turned her head and looked sullenly out the passenger door window, dreading her first visit to her mother’s lingerie shop. “Jesus,” she thought to herself, “I’m only nineteen years old, what the fuck do I need custom made lingerie for

The Guidance Counselor

Emma Jelkon sat in her office waiting for her next appointment to show up. Looking at her appointment calendar, Timmy Floyd was scheduled for a one period meeting because his teachers had recently contacted her about his lack of interest in his classes. Being a counselor for twenty-six years, the last fifteen at Lincoln High, Emma had heard just about every story you could think of!

The Halloween Party

Halloween had never been my favorite time of the year, I couldn't stand costumes and all that candy crap. But this year I was in for a treat that I's never forget. It was my Junior year in high school and I was quickly discovering new and interesting things about myself and all the other guys around me. Particularly Brendon. He was a tall senior with short brown hair and blue eyes

The Hike

Steve had always been athletic. He enjoyed working out, biking and best of all hiking. All the activity kept him lean and muscular. His 6' frame was handsome, he had 16" arms and a broad, 46" chest. He was by no means a bodybuilder, although in his fantasies he had always wished to become a "freak". He knew at 34 years of age, he'd probably not make the Mr. Olympia

The Librarian

Ryan pushed the heavy cart containing at least on hundred books down the narrow library aisles, stopping occasionally to return the volumes to their proper place. To most people rummaging around a bunch of dusty books and periodicals would be a chore to be avoided at all costs, but Ryan was different, he loved feel of the books in his hands, the aroma of old manuscripts filling his


STORY #22 THE MAID Mary was depressed. Out of high school for three months now and not one decent job offer. She was getting desperate!!! Her parents were on her back and she couldn’t blame them, underfoot all day and just generally in her mom’s way. As she scanned the want ads for the 23rd time her eye caught sight of an ad she must have missed. It read, “Older widowed lady

The Temple of Size

Jack had been traveling through the South American jungle for weeks. This land had once been the domain of a race of fierce warriors, who legends said were muscular giants who overcame all their opponents by their massive size and strength. All but one of his guides had abandoned him in his endless quest for the warriors' great temple. Now only Jack and Medio were on hand to see the


UNDER THE TABLE Cori stuck her head into Jake’s office and asked if he was ready to go to lunch. “Sure am,” he said, jumping up and grabbing his coat. “Where to,” he asked, as they hurried towards the elevator. “I’m really tense today,” she replied, “how about Under The Table?” He laughed, and said, “Tense huh? Sounds good to me!” Talking shop until they entered the restaurant,

Unexpected Guest

Gwen anxiously climbed the stairs to the apartment she shared with her room mate, Anna, who had promised her a big surprise when she got home from work. All day she had been wondering what it would be, and it had been driving her crazy!!! Fumbling with her key, she heard Anna yell from inside the apartment, “It’s open!” Gwen hurried inside, eager to find what Anna had in store for


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