Gay Erotic Stories

Cocktails, Part 4

by Manny
19 Oct 1997

First Time

Cocktails, Part IV Since it was Sunday, the pool was busy, as I tried looking for the gang. I caught sight of them on the far poolside and Achmed and I made our way over. Brooks was not there. With introductions all around over, I took Achmed to the locker rooms to get changed. His swimsuit was one of those scanty bikini's and left nothing to the imagination. I must admit that he did look good and my spirits lifted. Achmed was in the pool stroking away, and I with the guys outside, when Brooks and Celia walked up. They looked like cats who had just lapped up a bowl of cream--I wondered whose cream. Brooks nodded stiffly in my direction and Celia of course ignored me. "Fuck them!" I thought and looked across the pool at Achmed who had been swimming some laps quite well. After a while, Achmed joined us and sat and chatted with the guys about his life in Turkey. A number of questions were asked as he was one of the very few Turks who had ever visited our town. I looked at where Brooks and Celia were attempting to tan themselves and saw that he was watching us. After a couple of minutes he sauntered over to us alone and said "hi!" in the general direction of Achmed. I took it upon myself to make the introductions but left out where he was staying. Naturally Brooks asked Achmed where he was staying and Achmed said at my house. At that exact moment I saw Brooks glance down to check out Achmed's basket. He turned to me, raised an eyebrow quizzically, smiled at Achmed and went back to where Celia was frying in the sun. So...I had faced them down but I felt nothing--no pain, no triumph, just nothing. The rest of the day was pleasant enough, and dad was a good sport, indulging us with beers as we watched the game. After dinner we went straight up to bed as Achmed had an early start the next day. Just before I drifted off to sleep, Achmed asked me: "How well do you know Brooks?" "OK, Why?" "I thought he was looking at me very know what I mean?..funnily..." "Don't bother, you probably imagined it, he's just one of the guys...nice guy..." Before I knew it, Achmed was asleep and by his breathing I knew that "again" would have to wait another day. Gently I jacked off to the image of Brooks pile-driving my ass as my eruption stained my briefs. When I surfaced the next day, Achmed had already left for school. I hung around all day and left for work just before Achmed was due back from his evening language laboratory. In fact our routine was such that we hardly got to see each other much during the week. That Thursday was like any other day. At around six in the evening I received a call from Brooks. He sounded very disoriented and I thought had had been drinking. The gist of the conversation was that he wanted me to come over to his house on my way to work. I told him that I had to be at work by nine, and maybe it would be better if we met the next day during his lunch break, but he was very insistent. Till this day I do not know what got into me that I agreed. Brooks opened the door and I knew instantly that he was destroyed. Strange sounds emanated from the family room and I was intrigued enough to find out what the hell was going on in there. I was told that his parents were in the Bahamas and were expected back only sometime next week. I followed him in and headed toward the den. I had no intentions of going upstairs where the bedrooms were. He wanted to go up, but I was firm in my decision to stay down and refused to go up. He had a movie on at full volume. On closer view I was appalled to see that it was one of the gay porno's that I had heard so much about. An older man was about to ram his humongous cock into the waiting ass of a blonde youth. I stared with my mouth open as it slid in ever so slowly into the folds of his ass, accompanied by loud yells of encouragement by the impaled youth. Reluctantly I turned to Brooks and asked him what was so urgent that he had to see me immediately. I told him that I did not want to come as for the past couple of days he had been treating me as though I had died. Inexplicably he exploded: "You cock sucker--You're asking me what's so urgent? Can't you call? Who the fuck is that staying with you? Are you fucking him? Don't lie! "None of your fucking business!" He struck me hard on the side of my head, like a rattlesnake strikes, hard and with lightning speed. I was taken aback and stumbled behind falling on to the couch. He was on me quickly, hitting my sides with his balled fists. I tried to retaliate but he had me good and proper. I covered my face for protection so that there would be no tell-tale marks. He grabbed me around the throat in a half Nelson and began to squeeze the life out of me. I struggled to get up, to get away, but he was possessed by a demonic strength. I felt his other hand pull out my shirt and slip below the elastic of my briefs , just above the crack of my ass. "Nooo..." I whimpered as he thrust down and inserted a finger up my anus. It was done so roughly that it hurt fiercely. I knew that if I continued the struggle, both of us would get hurt, and so accepted the inevitable. I just lay there still hoping he would not hit me again. By now he had managed to uncover my ass, and I felt him sliding off his shorts. He had by now two fingers up my ass and he roughly twisted them inside before pulling out. I felt the familiar mushroom head probing my asshole, and with a shout of "Bitch!", he entered me to the hilt. I had not stood a chance. Erratically he fucked me with such venom, that the tearing pain in my ass brought tears to my eyes. With a shout of triumph he thrust into the core and started pumping his sperm deep inside of me. It was over in a few minutes. He rolled off of me and I got dressed as quickly as I could and headed for the door, not looking back. "Run home to mommy!" he jeered at my back as I reached to open the door. "Wait!"--there was so much pathos in the voice that I had to turn around. I saw that he had followed me into the hallway. There were tears streaming down his face. When he came up to me he fell on his knees and grabbed me by the waist, burying his head in my lap. "What have I done?! What have I done?!" he wailed. "Just fucked me!"-- I thought He was getting more hysterical by the minute so I picked him up and led him to the den. He sat crouched in his chair never looking me in the eye. In spite of all the hot action on the screen, I thought it prudent to switch off before we went on. Something dreadful was bothering him and I had to find out. As best as I could--considering his treatment of me earlier--I gently questioned him to the reason of his apparent distress. He finally looked at me mournfully, and in fits and starts his troubled story tumbled out. He had been rather upset that I had been dating Celia. He had not believed me when I had said that the relationship was more or less platonic. He knew that Celia was a horny cunt who put out for anybody and definitely anyone that she dated. I had not been able to fool him. He knew that I was screwing Celia. With this twisted logic, he had decided to date Celia and get his own back at me. He knew that Celia had had the hots for him as she had been coming on strong on him even while she had been going out with me. So he had decided to teach me a "well deserved" lesson. He thought I was the town slut. He did not believe I was a virgin at our first time, because the way I had fucked told him that I had been at it for a long time. I thought to myself, that with his claimed inexperience, it would be difficult to judge my experience! Slowly it dawned on me that Brooks was jealous of my other experiences, however unfounded that might be. I waited for him to tell me more, but he just continued to sob some more. I was at my wits' end as to what to do next. My head told me to clear out before life became anymore complicated, but my heart told me to stay. I could not understand why--here I was just beaten and buggered--but I knew I had to, for Brooks' sake. I went over to him and gripped by the shoulders. He looked up at me and seeing the misery in those baby-blue eyes melted my heart. All my resolutions flew out of the window as an all pervading sense of love consumed my heart. I tried to gather him in my arms and seat him next to me on the couch, but he came on his own. I hugged him tightly and cradled his head in my arms--I do not know why. He had, by now, regained his composure and so he continued. Celia had been good fun as she was quite willing to go along with Brooks' plan. However, he kept on putting off the inevitable fuck as somehow he did not have the will to do it. They had explored each others' minds and bodies during their time together but Celia demanded more. In fact, she was exasperated that in spire of her best efforts, Brooks was unable or not willing to consummate their relationship. Finally, today when he got back from work, she had turned up at the house. They started making out in the den and she tried every trick in the book to arouse him, but nothing worked. She started getting pissed off and then got violently angry. At last, when she knew that nothing was going to happen, she slapped Brooks' face and said, quite sarcastically, that she did not know why she was hanging around with a "queer". To save the other girls the torment that Brooks had put her through, she was going to spread the word around. He was frightened that she would do what she had threatened and he did no know what to do. He had called me since I was the one responsible for this mess. He said that had I not fucked with him, none of this would have happened. If I had refused, said "No!", the first time, he would not have known the carnal pleasures that ate into his guts. It was basically my fault that he had turned "queer", and what did I propose to do about it? After this diatribe he lapsed into silence. I heard him sniffle and he wiped away his tears and looked at me imploringly for me to work a miracle. I was nonplused. There was nothing I could do or say which would change things. He had managed to lay a guilt trip on me , and sucker that I was, I fell for it. Gently I told him that I was genuinely sorry that he felt this way. As for Celia, I told him not to worry as no one would believe her. She had been rebuffed so often that none took her or her stories seriously. I said that she had threatened me the same way and I had paid no attention to it and nothing had happened. I continued stroking his head and kissed the crown lightly. As I cradled him in my arms I wondered why life was becoming so complicated. I thought I had managed to comfort him as he sat up and looked at me quite deliberately and said: "What would I do without you Manny?" I wanted for him to say more-- to say that he loved me--but as I waited I realized that it was not to be. The conversation had reached a dead end now, and I excused myself and got off to work. That night at work I really did a lot of thinking. I had been raped and abused and yet I was not willing to write off my relationship with Brooks. Let's face it--Brooks was my destiny! "What's wrong with you?" I thought. I had no one to confide in and I was finding things very difficult to handle alone. I was frightened by the depths of my feelings for Brooks and I also had the foreboding that I was going to end up in a serious mess. Fear of exposure also haunted me and I thought the best thing would be to swear off sex with anyone for the rest of the summer After this last episode, Brooks avoided me as though I had the plague. I was hurt by this new development, but by now I had grown used to his mercurial bouts of friendship and sex, and honestly, I was able to pull on for the next three weeks without tormenting myself with thoughts of Brooks. My relationship with Achmed had flowered into one of genuine affection, and because of our timings which prevented us from getting together during the week, we made special plans for the weekends. Most of the time we hung out with the guys while Brooks was conspicuously absent. My resolution to avoid any further sexual contacts with Achmed had held and he seemed none the worse for it. The pattern of my life now seemed smooth, and in a long time I was contented. This was to be Achmed's last weekend with us. In honor of this I had the pleasure of getting Friday evening off from work. His dad was flying in and taking him to the city and then to college in the Midwest. Sunday night we were all to go out for dinner, hosted by Achmed's dad. I looked forward to it as I enjoyed having the luxury of eating out once in a while. Friday, at lunchtime, I received a call from Brooks. His parents were out for the weekend as usual, and without Celia he was at a loose end. The bastard wanted to know what my plans were, and I told him that since I was not working that evening, Achmed , I and the guys were planning on going to a party in the next town. We had commitments and were definitely tied up. "Why don't you come here first and then we'll see about the party?" "No! No...I can't...the guys...No, really..." "Suit yourself!" He hung up abruptly. I could not believe it! After three weeks of treating me like shit, he just calls up and expects me to go running? Shit! This was unreal. After the indignation passed the yearning started. I willed the phone to ring and it did. "Are you sure you won't come over this evening?" "What about Achmed?" "Bring him along. Spend the night here. We'll have a good time." "What d'ya mean?!...OK...You sure?" "Yes!" With Achmed around I was sure I was pretty safe. I told mom that we would probably be going to a party with Brooks, and since we would be returning late, we would sleep over. And that was done


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Cocktails, Part IV Since it was Sunday, the pool was busy, as I tried looking for the gang. I caught sight of them on the far poolside and Achmed and I made our way over. Brooks was not there. With introductions all around over, I took Achmed to the locker rooms to get changed. His swimsuit was one of those scanty bikini's and left nothing to the imagination. I must

Cocktails, Part 5

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Cocktails, Part 6

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Cocktails, Part 7

Cocktails, Part VII COCKTAILS VII By Manny As the term progressed, the workload had increased dramatically. The subject that needed a lot of working on was turning out to be math. High school math was a cinch compared to what we had covered till now. Charlie found it a breeze, but I knew that if I did not concentrate, I would soon be in trouble.

Cocktails, Part 8

Cocktails, Part VIII COCKTAILS VIII By Manny Spring break had come and gone. Brooks had spent the entire break with his grandparents in the City. Although I felt bereft without him, I was growing quite used to his being away from home during the vacations. The only thing that bothered me, was that he never mentioned his plans to me in advance. My parents

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Cocktails, Part IX I had decided that the best course of action would be to avoid meeting Brooks alone. He was bound to ask me about pledge night, and sure to discuss my story with Lloyd. Given enough time, his curiosity would wear off and my secret would be safe-I hoped! For the next month or so, before initiation, I avoided Lloyd--ike he had the plague. In

Cocktails, Part 10

Cocktails, Part X COCKTAILS X By MANNY The meeting was the next day--just two days before the finals started. The vote would be taken, results announced and the initiation ceremony would be a day before we broke up for the summer vacation. I was sure that because of Lloyd, I would not be attending any of the ceremonies. The stand off the other night in

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Cocktails , Part XI (Conclusion) The finals were over and I had done well in spite of all my trepidation. We had to play our inter-team match to finalize the rankings in the team for the year. I was playing, as I was going to try out for the tennis team the next year. The match got over at about seven in the evening, but I had pulled the short straw to put the


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