Gay Erotic Stories

Joey Adams, Part 1

by SirRichard
12 Jan 2004

Bisexual Straight Men, Gay Sex

Joey Adams

Story By Richard Barber

If you are offended by, man-to-man sexual contact or you are under legal age in you country or state, then read no further, and if you are looking for role models or standards of acceptable or safe behavior, you shouldn’t be reading Erotic stories. All of the characters in my story are 18 or over.

Part 1

One cold and rainy August night in Berkley, California a young pretty woman about 19 came into the emergency room of St Joseph Mercy Hospital. She was about to give birth to a baby and was quickly taken to the delivery room where nurses and doctors tried desperately to keep her alive as she struggled with her birth. A decision was made to give her a cesarean operation. The pretty young woman went into a coma but first she gave birth to a healthy 7-pound baby boy before she died. The mother arrived alone at the hospital and had no identification of any kind, and every possible means available to the hospital authorities, they still failed to discover who she was, or where she came from. The baby was placed in the hospital until authorities could decide what to do with him. He was put in a foster home, and after a period of time, he was put up for adoption. The publicity and news about the event went nationwide, but still no one claimed the woman or the baby. Many people applied to adopt the boy and soon he was placed with a family in a good home in Berkley. They had named him after the hospital and the street name outside so he became Joey Adams and this is where I tell the story of myself.

I grew up in a nice home but when I was only 5 years old, my parents went on a boating trip in the San Francisco Bay, their boat capsized during a sudden storm, and they both were missing. Once again, I was alone until my Father’s younger brother and his wife took me into their home. I was relocated with them in Los Angeles, California.

My new family was not as stable as my first adoptive parents and within a few months I was the subject of many a family argument. I had already become a burden on them because the insurance company needed proof of kinship before they would pay out any insurance money. My new family had only taken me because of the hopes that my first family would miraculously show up or the insurance company would pay out the two million to my guardians. Neither happened and I once again was placed in an adoption home waiting for another adoption. By this time, I was 7 years old and not as desirable for adoption. My life in the adoption home went on as expected and I adjusted because I knew only of life without parents. Finally, another family came to the home and I was placed in another foster home until I was adopted. The family seemed nice but had three other boys that were kept by the family too. Once again, I had to adjust but now I was 14 years old. I was to attend public school along with the other three boys in the home. They were all older than I so none of us were in the same classes. The boys ranged in age.

There was Gary, the youngest boy at 12. A quiet boy with blond hair, light complexion and blue eyes. He seemed to keep mainly to himself and liked to play computer games. Randy was 13 and was a feisty guy with dark hair and green eyes. He seemed very hyperactive and played lots of outdoor sports and rode his bike all over the area. He delivered newspapers with the oldest boy Norman.

Norman was 16, tall for his age, had light curly hair, dark eyes, and great complexion, liked to work out and was developing a nice body. He had a certain command about him that was obvious the minute you met him. Since he was the oldest and had seniority over us, he let us know he was boss. He made most of the decisions and he told us what to do and when to do it. He did keep us in line when we disagreed about some stupid things and kept us from fighting. We respected his decisions most of the time and felt more secure at school when some of the other guys started to hassle with us. He was our protector and we were proud to have him as our friend. We all slept in a large divided room with one private bathroom we all shared. The bathroom had a double sink, an enclosed toilet, a single urinal and a large double shower. We each had a small dresser and plenty of room in the two double closets and our own single beds that could be stacked as bunks. Later on, we were given two computers to do our homework and play games. It turned out to be a pretty good situation with good surroundings.

My foster parents were Mr. James and Joan Bradley. A Midwestern couple from Nebraska. I discovered they could have no children so that is why they fostered us. Mr. Bradley was about 42 and worked for a construction company. He was pretty serious about house duties and instructed us to keep in line, but underneath that hard exterior, was a neat guy. He and Joan had been married for about 24 years and were still very close. James was a good-looking man and would work out with the boys in a make shift Gym we had put together in the shed in the back yard. I began noticing his masculine physique at an early age. I found myself watching for him to go work out, then I would rush out to the gym to join him or help him on the bar bells. I found myself staring at his big bulge many times and wondered what was buried underneath those work out shorts. That was the first time I became aware of my desire for man-to-man relationship. I later took a job mowing lawns and yard cleaning in the neighborhood to make extra money. I was now 16 and was developing into a desirable young man. I kept healthy, ate good and worked out regularly. Some of the girls at high school were beginning to flirt with me and talked to me more often.

I started to become more active in sports activities at school and joined the track team. I found myself looking forward to showering with the other boys and noticed I was pretty well endowed compared to most of the other boys, except one. I tried not to stare or notice the other boys for fear I would be labeled as a homo or queer boy. It was difficult not to get semi-hard, especially when Kevin, the one with the large dick, would shower with me. I realized he was doing it on purpose and later we both would get a boner and openly admire each other’s dicks. After we got used to each other and were alone in the showers, we would jack off together and shoot our cum into the flowing water. One day he got brave, touched my dick, and manipulated me until I came. I found it exciting for another boy to touch me, and it soon became a routine thing. I started to touch his dick too and found myself exploring his testicles and even his buttocks. I had heard sometimes you could stick your dick in a guy’s asshole and cum so I was exploring the thought about Kevin. He was very popular and good in most sports, and had a nice firm body. I never in a 100 years thought we would ever make this contact and of course, we never spoke of it outside of the locker room. One day when we were playing around in the shower, I thought I saw our coach, Robert Robertson walk by the lockers and the sudden fear of being caught, caused us to become more cautious of our sexual activity. The coach always showered after everyone else had left and we seemed to always be the last ones out of the showers. Perhaps he had become aware and suspicious of our pleasures. Coach Bob, as we called him, was a good-looking athletic man about 35. He had been a professional basketball player until he hurt his knee, then he gave up the game and started teaching athletics at our school. He was tall and had the form and grace of a basketball player. All of the girls would flutter their eyes, sigh and do their girlish giggle after he passed them. I could understand this completely and found my breath increase and my heart flutter at his nearby presence. I got a boner when I thought how I would like to see him in the showers and let him jack me off. One day the coach called me into his office. I was scared that he was going to say something about Kevin and me taking late showers together, but he looked me straight into the eyes and asked me if I could come to his house this weekend to mow his lawn and prepare the yard for some Spring planting. I was so relieved I immediately said yes and got his address to make a visit to start working on his yard.

Saturday came around and I went over to Coach Bob’s house. I found him in the yard planting some plants around his front walkway. He was dressed only in jean cutoffs, body shirt and old navy work boots. He looked very sexy but I tried to conceal my admiration for his splendid body. He stood to greet me and then showed me around the yard while he explained what he wanted to do, and how I could be of help. He wiped his brow, pulled off his garden gloves and motioned for me to follow him around his yard and gardens. Spring break was coming up and I would have a few days to spend at the place to work. It seemed he needed me for several days and I was happy to work for the extra money.

His wife Bonny came out while we were in the back yard and asked if we would like some fresh lemonade, she had just made. We all 3 sat at the back yard patio and chatted while Bonny placed a rough blueprint on the patio table, with plans of the way they were going to do the yards. I could not help notice Bonny in her tight white shorts and her low cut t-shirt. Her breasts were very large, like one of my favorite models in Playboy Magazine I had in my home locker. She looked great. She wore no bra and the impression of her large nipples protruded from beneath her t-shirt. As she leaned over the table, she exposed the cleavage of her large breasts and her white shorts were so tight, and form fitting you could almost imagine the crack of her pussy. I was getting excited and knew my cock would start to get hard as she flaunted her beautiful body before us. Coach Bob didn’t seem to mind at all and I thought I saw a quick smile when Bonny casually rubbed one of her breasts against my body. Bonny was younger than Coach Bob, probably about 28. Coach Bob married Bonny a few years ago and they still had no children. Perhaps they were either waiting or just couldn’t have kids. I noticed another woman in the house but assumed it was their housemaid so I tried to keep my mind on the garden plans. It was difficult for two reasons. I was sexually turned on to my Coach Bob and hoped that someday we could have a session together, and now his wife, Bonny was as equally desirable and I would like to throw her in bed and fuck the daylights out of her. I had to control myself and not show my desires for either, but I was at that age where I had a constant hard on and could cum several times a day, and usually did. We continued to look over the plans and then I realized it was already lunchtime and should head out. I was going to excuse myself when Coach Bob insisted I stay for lunch. Bonny and her younger sister, Janice, had fried up some chicken and made some sandwiches for everyone. How could I resist? They were being so nice to me besides I wanted the sister too. Janice came out in shorts and a blouse. She had beautiful legs just like Bonny and I could see the family resemblance, even here breasts were almost as large as Bonny's. She had a cute smile and seemed to be attracted to me in a kind sort of way. I guessed she was 22 or 23 years old. Her hair was blond like Bonny and had a cute smile. They all made me feel so welcome like I was a family member. We had a nice lunch then Coach Bob told me to show up tomorrow morning and he would get me started. He said he had to go to an out of town meeting and would be gone a few days but he trusted me to do a good job. Bonny would be here and would also instruct me on what needed to be done. I said my good bye and looked forward to my new job.

The next day I was at Coach Bob’s home and Bonny immediately gave me the instructions on what I was to do. I worked hard that day and about lunchtime, Bonny came out and told me to come around to the back of the house to have some lunch. I had my lunch while watching Janice spread out on a lounge chair sunning herself. She really looked very nice and very desirable but I knew this was a hands off. I saw her wedding band yesterday and besides she was about 5 years older than I was. I was still a virgin male but hoped soon I could nail one of the girls at school. I kept satisfied when I took my showers with Kevin, but now I was on Spring break, and would not see Kevin for a few days. I just had to jack off my young hot dick by myself. I left so quickly this morning before I had a chance to drop a load and boy, was I horny.

I went back to my gardening until late that after noon. Janice left in her car earlier to run some errands or something and now I was about to leave. Bonny came outside once more and told me to come into the enclosed garden between the house and the garage. It was a pleasant garden with a fountain in the center. The garden was off the living room and later I was to revamp the whole place. I entered the garden, Bonny told me there was an outside shower next to the garage, and I was welcome to shower off. She handed me a large bath towel and sat on the nearby bench to feed the fish in the pool. I hesitated at first but the idea of the shower was great. I turned on the water, removed my shoes and moved under the water in my body shirt and cutoffs. It felt great. After I was wet, I removed my shirt. Bonny kept glancing at me under the water while feeding the fish, then she stood and walked over and joined me under the water. It rather surprised me, but I was excited that she did, Her t-shirt got soaking wet and she almost looked naked. Her big breasts stood out with luscious desire. I wanted to grab her tits and give them a squeeze but controlled myself, after all this was my coach’s wife. I could get killed if I made a move on her. After she was soaking wet, she removed her t-shirt. I was now in shock. My dick immediately went full mast. Why was she tempting me so? Man, I was so hot for her now. She looked at me, smiled and started to unbutton my cutoffs. I was not going to stop her; after all, she started this. As soon as my buttons were undone, my cutoffs fell to the shower floor. There I stood in all my glory. My young boy cock was as big as most men I had seen in books, and larger than most of the guys at school.

Bonny looked down at my hard dick and wooed in a surprised but pleased sound. Her one hand slid down my hard stomach and touched my pubic hairs. Her other hand softly caressed my low hanging balls. Then she gripped my hard dick. I thought I was going to cum right then but before I did, she dropped to her knees in the water, took my dick into her mouth and started to give me a blowjob.

I had never had a girl or woman touch my dick before and now I was getting my dick sucked by this beautiful woman. My coach's wife…Oh my god. Her warm mouth felt so good on my dick and a few good moves and I started to cum. I tried to pull away, but she gripped my dick and took my sperm right into her mouth, then she swallowed. It was awesome. I had a big load but she kept slurping down my sperm like it was honey. My knees buckled but I stood firm while she continued to suck on me. I expected her to stop but she kept sucking on me until I knew I was going to shoot a second load. She was good and was enjoying my dick as I pumped into her beautiful mouth, another load. It felt as good, if not better the second time around. I was so hot when she first started sucking me I came fast, but this second blowjob was even better because I could relax and let her make me feel good.

After I gave her my second load, she stood and kissed me softly on my lips, and walked back to the bench. I put on my clothes and shoes and shyly dried myself. Bonny said I was expected again tomorrow but before I started, I was to report here in the garden. She said I could concentrate better if I got at least one blowjob each morning before I went to work. She waved, blew me a kiss, and then headed back into the house.

I was in shock but pleasantly pleased. Wow, I just had my first blowjob from a beautiful woman and was expected to provide her another sperm load tomorrow. My dick was still hard thinking about it. I headed out of the garden gate just in time to see Janice pulling up in the driveway. I hopped on my bicycle and headed home.

I wanted to tell someone about it but only Norm would appreciate it. He was almost as tall as my coach and well hung. I had seen Norm naked many times but noticed it was usually when the two of us were alone. I had never seen it completely hard but knew it must be good size because I had seen his semi-hard dick after he had been looking at some porno magazines he hid under his mattress. I think he was seeing a special girl because I saw a few packages of condoms in his gym bag. When I arrived home, I saw the light on in our back yard Gym shed and a head bobbing up and down at the window. I parked my bike and looked in the window. I had another shock coming to me. Our daddy James had Norm’s legs up and around his neck and was fucking the hell out of him. My mouth must have dropped open and I was frozen in astonishment. Here was daddy James slamming his hard cock into my oldest foster brother’s ass. I quickly recovered from the shock and wanted to move in closer to watch. I went around to the door and looked through the small dirty window to watch. I had heard that a person’s ass could take a dick, but when I saw daddy James' hard dick slamming in and out of Norm’s asshole, I was amazed and excited. I had never seen daddy James dick hard, and didn’t realize it was so big. Perhaps it was even larger then Coach Bob’s. It was just fantastic seeing Norm toss his head from side to side and sighing out in obvious pleasure while getting his ass fucked. I must have arrived at just the right time, because daddy James cried out in pleasure and started pumping harder and harder into Norm’s asshole. I don’t know how Norm did it, but it evidently wasn’t the first time he had gotten fucked. Now I know why he had all those rubbers in his gym bag. All this time I thought he was fucking some girls but perhaps some other boys and men were using his ass. I wondered who else was fucking him? I had desires before but now I was going to take advantage of a good thing. I was going to fuck Norm the next time I had the opportunity. Wow! This was cool. Perhaps Norm would be my first piece of man ass. I always loved Norm but now I had the chance to make love to him. I hoped he’d let me do it to him.

My dick was so hard again that I took it out of my cutoffs and started to jack off while watching Norm getting fucked by daddy James. It didn’t take long for me to shoot and when I did, it landed on the door and streamed down to the sidewalk. I held back a sound of pleasure, put my dick back into my pants, and quietly went into the house. What a day this had been. I went upstairs to my room, undressed then took my nightly shower and went over to the computer to check on any email. I heard Norm come up the stairs and he seemed surprised to see me when he opened the door. He must have thought I was still out. I asked him where the other boys and mother Joan were and he explained to me that they had gone to a Boy Scout thing at school and wouldn’t be back until about midnight. I finished my email reading and hopped onto my bed waiting for Norm to settle down. We both slept in the same area of the partitioned bedroom together. I had a chance to talk with him now that it was quiet. I was still so excited and anxious to tell him about my experience today. I began to tell him about my new job with the Coach and about his beautiful wife and his wife’s hot looking sister. Then I explained to him about how I was taking a shower in the outdoor garden when the Coach Bob’s wife, Bonny joined me in the shower, took down my cutoffs and gave me two fantastic blowjobs. His mouth dropped open and his dick hardened as I told this story in full detail. He wanted to hear it again. I could tell it really was turning him on. His dick was pushing against his boxer shorts and I could see a wet spot that had developed from his oozing penis head. He looked into my eyes, and then looked down at my hard dick bulging under my shorts. He then did a surprising thing that he had never done to me. He reached over and gave my hard dick a squeeze.

Norm and I had never made it together although we would sometimes find an excuse to playfully wrestle until the other two boys would interfere. Many a time I felt his hard dick press against me, and found pleasure pushing back against his hard firm body. I didn’t push his hand away but leaned back on my pillow and let him caress my dick. I turned off my bedside light and leaned back hoping he would continue. He asked me in a low voice if I wanted to jack off together, that I had made him so hot talking about my first blowjob. I immediately pulled down my shorts. He stood by my bed, took off his boxers, and threw them on his bed. I looked up to see a very large thick uncut cock and a set of low hanging balls. I had never seen Norm this hard before and it was awesome. His dick was perfect and much larger than I had imagined. I patted the bed for him to join me, and he quickly lay beside me with his head against the pillow.

He started manipulating his big cock as I started doing the same with mine. He took my hand and placed it on his cock and then he placed his hand on mine and we continued to jack each other off. It felt good but not as nice as a warm mouth over my dick head. I already knew Norm liked getting fucked in the ass because I saw that pleasure look on his face as daddy James was fucking him earlier this evening. I was curious if some of James' cum was still in Norm’s asshole so I placed my hand down the inside of his crotch and put my finger towards his anus. Norm spread his legs to give me better access. Then I bravely said for Norm to turn over on his stomach, because I wanted to ‘bung hole’ him. He looked at me and not saying a word, turned over, placed the pillow under his hips and let me have his ass.

I was so excited to think I was to have my first piece of male ass the same day that I received my first blowjob and first sexual contact with a beautiful woman. Was I living right or not? I managed to crawl between Norm’s legs and place my dick to his moist hole. I knew he still had some of daddy James’s sperm inside his body. This excited me even more and if I didn’t hurry, I would cum before I had a chance to feel the warmth of Norm’s hole. I placed my middle finger in his asshole and shoved it all the way in. It felt nice and moist so I knew Norm was ready to take my thick dick. I leaned over his firm masculine buttocks while he guided my hard dick into his butt hole. Once I knew it had passed his sphincter, I moved in slowly to enjoy this new feeling. It was awesome. Once I buried my dick into his anus, I paused so I wouldn’t cum too quickly. I wanted to remember this feeling of my first ass fucking.

Norm moaned softly, then started to move back into me so he could feel my dick in him. I started to fuck him slow and easy at first, but after a few short minutes, I felt the cum building up in my balls, I pumped madly until I released another big load in my buddy's tight ass. I must have cum a big load, because I could feel it oozing from his well-fucked ass, but perhaps daddy James left a nice load in there too.

I slightly lifted my body from Norm, to pull my dick out of him, but he grabbed my buttocks and told me to turn on my side and leave my dick in him. We turned and he backed into me and tightened his body around my semi-soft dick as he jacked on his dick. I knew if he continued this my dick would harden and I would have to fuck him again. I guessed that is what he wanted, because he caused my dick to become hard again and I started to fuck him. I put my arms around his firm body and rubbed my hands over his well-developed chest. His nipples hardened as I caressed and pinched them. He tightened his ass muscles around my dick, and the good feeling caused me to pump into him harder. As I shot my second load into his ass, he shot his load into my hand. I cupped my hand to catch his warm cum, and then I moved my hand to my mouth to taste it. It was sweet and pleasant to my taste. I had always licked off my own cum when I jacked off so I automatically placed his cum to my mouth and licked off every drop. I just fucked my long time friend’s warm and welcome ass hole, I had tasted his cum and it was good. We lay in each other's arms until we fell asleep. Later in the night, I heard the bedroom door open and saw daddy James making his rounds checking on his boys before he went to bed. He couldn’t help notice our naked bodies entwined in each other’s arms. I was afraid to move but then he pulled the sheet over us and left the room. I think he knew that we had just had sex and didn’t want to disturb us.

Story by Richard Barber at


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Lost in Transfer. I'd completed my training at the Bainbridge, Maryland, Yeoman School with high honors, and now I was to be transferred to a ship of my choice. The ship was still out on maneuvers in the Gulf of Mexico, so I was to be transferred by Navy Transport to the ship's homeport at Norfolk, Virginia, to wait for the ship there. I had discovered early in my Navy service that the

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Mardi Gras Sailor The continuing story of Mike the sailor. Part 01, Off to New Orleans After my time with the Pacific Fleet, and my frequent stops in the Port of San Francisco, I was reassigned to the Atlantic Fleet and stationed in Key West, Florida. I had some extra ‘liberty time’ coming to me, and decided to make a jaunt to New Orleans during the Mardi Gras. I saw a bulletin on

Park Rangers

Story written by Richard Barber at I was still in high school when I purchased my first car. I began cruising the parks to convene with other guys for immediate sexual encounter or friendship. I discovered that one of the local park zoos had many acres to explore, with secluded bushes, forest area, and several obscure public restrooms for private rendezvous. Summer

Ricky Right, Adventure 1

Ricky Right, Adventure 1 This is an almost true story of a young man that lived during a time when a boy could do almost nothing wrong. It was a time before, during and after World War II. It was the time when a normal health young male was sexually active and every sexual contact seemed right, and Ricky was one of those boys.

Sailor's Delight

Story by Richard Barber This fantasy story contains domination, anal penetration, golden shower activity (urination) and man-to-man sexual contact. All the characters are over the age of 18. If this type of story offends you or you are under the legal age, then you should leave. Part 1 Let’s Go Roll Some Queers. Our ship had docked after being out to sea for several weeks. We were

Trucker's Parking Area

Truck Parking Story by Richard Barber Part 1 - The Parking Lot Encounters. I left the Trucker’s Bunkhouse and headed for the truck parking lot outside. This area was reserved mostly for trucker’s overnight parking. However, an occasional auto would wander into the area. These were mainly “ladies of

Trucker's Parking Area

Story by Richard Barber Part 1 The Parking Lot Encounters I left the Trucker’s Bunkhouse and headed for the truck parking lot outside. This area was reserved mostly for trucker’s overnight parking; however an occasional auto would wander into the area. These were mainly “ladies of the lot”. (Prostitutes)

Truckers' Bunkhouse

This is a story of man-to-man sexual encounter. If this offends you or you are not of legal age in you country or state, please leave now. Story by Richard Barber Part 1, Trucker’s Delight I left the mall restroom nearby, where I had just serviced several hot dudes at the glory holes. I guessed I had been there for about 2 hours and needed to stretch my legs

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