Gay Erotic Stories

Construction Worker's Son, Part 5

by Rimpig
23 Nov 2004

Family Fun Fetish

by RimPig (c) 2002 (

Now you might think that the rest of the night Josh and I fucked each other like rabbits. Well...we did make love to each other a couple of more times. But that was like icing on the cake. What we did do was talk.

It was after I fucked him and pissed in his ass that we went to the shower room and I drank all of my piss and cum from his butt. He almost got off on the feelings that this engendered in him. While he had the same kinky desires that I had, he had no experience sharing raunch with someone else. We lay on the floor of the shower, kissing and licking each other’s bodies until we were too hungry for food to accept sex as a substitute anymore. Josh was laying on his side with his head held up by his bent arm and hand and gently tracing his fingers over my chest and abs while I lay on my back, my body pressed as close to his as I could get.

“So what do you want to eat?” Josh asked.

“You mean besides you?” I answered.

“Yeah, besides me.” he smiled and leaned down and kissed me.

“Well...” I said when the kiss ended. “What have you got to offer?”

“How about a thick, juicy steak, baked potato and green salad?” he asked.

“Yeah, and what take-out place are we going to get THAT from?” I retorted.

“Josh’s Kitchen. Open all night and the prices are very reasonable. In fact, they’re free!” he replied with a grin.

“You can fucking cook?!” I was amazed by this boy’s talents!

“I can both fuck and cook, but not at the same time.” he laughed.

“So what the fuck are we waiting for! I’m starved!!!” I yelled, jumping up and running out of the shower room.

Josh was right behind me. When I got to the kitchen, I stopped and waited for him to catch up to me. Josh went to the refrigerator and pulled out two huge, thick steaks. He put them on a tray, grabbed a set of tongs and headed towards the bathroom. I was, needless to say, shocked. He was going to cook in the bathroom?! I followed him to find out what was up.

When we got inside the bathroom, he opened a door I hadn’t noticed before. He entered a small room with a circular, metal stairway leading up. I followed him up the stairway and when we got to the top, there was another door. It opened onto the roof of the old firehouse onto what was evidently a rooftop garden! Large areas of the roof were boxed in by thick wooden beams and contained beds full of growing things. Not flowers and stuff. No! Vegetables! I could see tomatoes and what looked like cabbage and lettuce growing in well tended beds.

“I grow a lot of my own food,” Josh explained. “That way it’s not only fresh, but it is organically grown.”

“This is fucking amazing!” I replied.

Josh went over to the side of the roof and there was a large gas grill built into a brick base which gave him more space to prepare foods and that also included a sink. He turned on the grill and put the steaks on it. Then he turned to me.

“Go pick some tomatoes and some lettuce for the salad. Those long green stalks over there are green onions. Pull a few of them, too. I run down and get the salad dressing and put the potatoes in the microwave. Everything should be done in a few minutes.

I picked several red tomatoes and a head of lettuce along with about six green onions. I was washing them in the sink when he got back.

“Here let me do that! You’re a guest.” he said.

I looked at him for a moment. “I thought I was more than that.” I said quietly.

Josh stared at me a second and then dropped his eyes. We just stood there quietly for a few moments before he could speak.

“I’m so sorry, Matt. Of course you are--so much more. I told you before, as far as I’m concerned, this is your home, too, now. I’m just not used to having anyone here yet. I’m not used to sharing things. You’re absolutely right. You continue with what you’re doing. Will you forgive me?” he said, looking at me as if his whole world would collapse if I didn’t.

I leaned over and kissed him gently. “Of course I forgive you! This whole thing is going to take some getting used to for you and for me. Now, you take care of the steaks and I’ll fix the salad.” I said, going back to what I was doing.

As I turned back to the sink and began washing the vegetables again, I felt his arms slip around me and felt myself being hugged to his body. I felt his lips begin nibbling on my neck and his hands begin to stroke my chest and abs. My cock immediately started getting hard again and I felt his hardness pressing against my naked butt.

“If you keep that up, the steaks going to be burnt to a crisp and this salad is never going to get made!” I laughed.

“I think I’d rather eat you!” he murmured in my ear.

“Well, cannibalism is against the law. I suggest that steak is far more nourishing, if you want to have the strength to continue with what we were doing before.” I said, leaning my head back and rubbing it against his.

“Okay. But later, I want you for dessert!” he said.

The meal finally got on the table for two that sat on the roof. From the downstairs, Josh brought the baked potatoes, butter, sour cream and all the possible condiments on a huge tray. He also brought china and silverware and tall thin crystal glasses he called ‘flutes’. Into this he poured champagne from a chilled bottle which he also brought up. I looked at the bottle and blanched!

“Dom Perignon! Fuck! Josh, I’ve heard about this stuff! It’s like a hundred dollars a bottle!” I exclaimed.

“More like two hundred and fifty for that one. It’s one of the best bottles ever sold and it’s quite rare.” he grinned.

“We’re going to sit here naked on a roof drinking stuff that’s two hundred fifty dollars a bottle!” I couldn’t get over the extravagance of this!

“What would you want to drink at a wedding? Bud Lite?” he grinned.

That stopped me short! Wedding? What wedding? Oh...our wedding!!! I had said that we sounded like we’d just gotten married.

“Josh, are you SURE?” I asked.

“Yes, I am. Aren’t you?” he asked, looking at me.

“Yes, I am. I know I want to spend my life with you. I know I’m supposed to be too young to know that, but I don’t feel that I’m too young.” I vowed.

“Did you know that at the turn of the last century—1900--someone your age would already have been married and probably have at least one kid and be running his own farm? Of course, the life expectancy of a male in those days was age 42. But if someone younger than you could make a decision about who they wanted to spend their life with - and there were no ‘easy’ divorces in those days so it was for life - then why can’t you and I make that decision?” he said reasonably.

God! Those looks, that body, that cock and brains, too! What the fuck was I marrying?! Oh, yeah--a god! The God Josh! I started giggling over these thoughts and Josh looked at me weird.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

“Not funny, exactly. Incredible! How can anyone be so fucking beautiful and so fucking intelligent at the same time?” I asked.

Josh did his usual blush. I just loved doing that to him! The look on his face was priceless!

“I’m no brain, trust me. I just found History to be really interesting. I’m interested in old things, like this building. And my Trans Am. I want to know what life was like before we got here.” He explained.

“So why didn’t you go to college? Given all this, I’m sure you could afford it.” I said.

“Oh, my Dad would have paid for everything if I’d gone. But I didn’t want to. I really hated school. I did ok in it, but what I really like is building things. I didn’t want to design them; I just wanted to build them. So college held no attraction to me at all.” he said. “What about you? Do you want to go to college?”

“Absolutely! I have to! To be what I want to be, you have to go to college.” I said.

“And what’s that?” he asked.

“I do like to design things--especially buildings. I want to be an architect.” I said.

At this point, Josh almost choked on his glass of champagne. He looked at me like he was seeing me for the very first time.

“You’re shitting me, right? You don’t really want to be an architect, do you?!” he exclaimed.

“I’m not kidding! I’ve wanted to be an architect since I was a little kid! Ask my Dad! My favorite toys were my Lego’s! I would sit and build things for hours! Why?” I asked.

Josh stood up. “Stay right here, I’ll be right back!” he said and ran downstairs.

He was back in a few minutes with a large, leather-bound book in his hand. The leather was black and there were gold edges to the pages. A red satin ribbon hung out of the book as a marker. He opened to a page and set it down in front of me. I immediately knew what it was. His personal journal!

“Oh, Josh! I shouldn’t be looking at this!” I exclaimed. “This is personal to you!”

“Matt, I love you. I have no secrets from you! I want you to know who I am. Just read that page there.” he said, pointing to a page dated a week previously.

“Dear Journal,

Another long, hot day. Sometimes I wonder if all this is worth it! I know I’m learning a lot from Mike and the guys. I know that I need to learn all this if I’m ever going to be able to be a contractor. But sometimes it depresses me to be so alone. I can’t talk to anybody about what I’m feeling. I can’t say that I desperately want to find a guy to love and who will love me! Sometimes I become convinced that there’s nobody out there for me to find! And besides --who’s going to want a contractor for a lover? I guess I’d better go over to the University and start hanging around the School of Architecture! That’s probably the only guy who’d want somebody like me! Actually, that’s not such a bad idea! Wouldn’t that be great!!! The two of us--partners! He’d design his dreams and I’d build them for him! I don’t think anything could make me happier! Now, how the fuck do I find out if any of them like guys???”

I sat there stunned. It was like Josh’s dream come true! No wonder he couldn’t believe me when I said it!

“Do you understand now?” he asked, shyly.

“Oh, god! Do I!!! Oh, Josh! This could be so wonderful! Us, building things together! It would be a dream come true!” I said, smiling into his face and getting his smile in return.

“And if you think that’s weird - read the next page!” he exclaimed.

I turned the page and found an entry for the next day.

“Dear Journal.

After work, I got to spend some time with Mike alone. We had a couple of beers and just shot the shit. He asked me about my plans in life and I don’t know what got into me - I started telling him all about wanting to be a contractor and build things. I told him how I wanted to have a ‘special’ relationship with an Architect and build his designs exclusively some day. I thought he’d just laugh at me, but instead, he took it very seriously. He said that it was a great idea. That working with one architect alone would create a very powerful bonding of ideas and work. I kind of floated home on my dreams! At least Mike doesn’t think they’re crazy! I don’t know what Dad would say about them.”

I shut the book with a thump. “That conniving, manipulative son-of-a-bitch!!! Just wait until I get my hands on his meddling ass!!!” I screamed.

“Matt! What’s the matter?” Josh was on his feet, looking very concerned.

I looked at him with fire in my eyes. That is until I realized that this was Josh, the guy I just said I wanted to spend the rest of my life with! This wasn’t his fault. He was as much a dupe as I was!

“My Dad! He did this on purpose!!! Don’t you see? You told him about wanting to have a special relationship with an architect - to build buildings together. My Dad has known I want to be an architect since I was a little kid!!! He set this whole thing up!!! He pushed us together on purpose!!” I was practically yelling I was so mad.

“And what does that matter?” Josh said reasonably.

“What does it matter!!!” I screamed. “Don’t you see?”

“Yes, I do see!” Josh said, coming over and putting his hands on my shoulders and squatting down until he was looking directly into my eyes. “I see that your Dad loves you very, very much!”

“What?” I exclaimed.

“Your Dad loves you very, very much.” he said very slowly and deliberately--like I didn’t understand English very well. “He wants you to have everything in this world to make you happy. He saw a chance--just a chance--that you might find what you were looking for in me and I might find what I was looking for in you. What is so bad about that?!” he asked.

Putting it that way, I began to see that I was being an asshole again! Josh was absolutely right. I remembered that conversation that Dad and I had in my room a month or so ago when I told him how much I longed for someone to be in love with. And here Dad had gone to all the trouble to find him for me and put us together and, little in-grate that I was, I was angry about it! That cooled my jets real quick!

“About a month ago, I was getting really down. I loved Dad and I was happy sharing his bed and his body and having sex with the guys out at the job site, but I felt like something was missing! I didn’t know what. Finally Dad had a talk with me. He figured out real quick that what I was missing was you==someone to love who would love me. He told me then that he would do anything he could to make me happy. I guess he kept his promise, didn’t he.” I said quietly, tears starting to drip from my eyes.

“Yes, he did. And more successfully then he even knows right now!” he said and then leaned over and licked my tears off my face.

“Well, I guess you know by now that I can be a real asshole at times!” I said, hanging my head.

“Yes, you can. And so can I. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop loving you, Matt. It’s okay to be human and be an asshole sometimes. I won’t ever stop loving you for that!” he raised my head in his hand and grinned at me.

I reached out and wrapped my arms around him and kissed him deeply. “God! How I love you! I feel like I want to burst inside from all the feeling.” I said.

“Don’t do that! I’d hate to be cleaning ‘Matt’ off the roof!” he laughed.

I laughed, too. But I didn’t let go of him. I wanted to be in his arms. He quickly realized this and put his arms around me. He held me to him tightly and I closed my eyes, loving the feeling of being loved and protected by him.

The next thing I knew, he’d slipped one arm from around my body and put it under my legs and lifted me into his arms! He carried me down the circular stairway and over to the bed where he lay me down and got in beside me! I was blown away! I didn’t know he was strong enough to carry me all that way!

“Fuck! I don’t want to ever wrestle you!” I exclaimed. He grinned at me. Then he slowly reached up and started stroking my face with his hand. “You are so beautiful, Matt. I almost want to cry every time I look at you! I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found you! It’s like we were made for each other!” he said softly.

“See, I told you that!” I smiled. “And I guess I should thank God that I have a Dad who loves me enough to want me to be happy with you.”

“I need to thank your Dad for several things! First, for giving me a job. Second for having you as a son. And third, for giving that son to me!” he said, leaning down and kissing me.

“Now, if only I could do the same for Dad!” I sighed.

“What do you mean?” Josh asked.

I told Josh the story of Dad and his friend Matt. By the time I finished telling it, both of us were in tears.

“God! He must have loved Matt so totally! What a terribly sad story! You’re right. We have to find somebody for your Dad!” Josh stated.

“And just how are we supposed to do that? Put an ad in the paper? Wanted: One hot kinky man into man smells, fucking and piss for hot Construction Foreman. Apply any day between 8 and 5!

Right!” I said.

“Actually, we’d need two ads.” Josh said softly.

“Two ads?” I asked.

“Yeah. We’d need one for my Dad. Wanted: One loving, caring loyal mate for Real Estate executive who has no life and no one to care for him except a son who’s found someone else to love.” Josh said, a note of extreme sadness in his voice.

“Josh, what about your Dad? You haven’t said a word about him.” I said, reaching up and stroking his hair.

Josh moved down on the bed, pushing his body against mine and laying his head on my chest. My arm went around him and I held him while I continued to stroke his hair with my other hand. “There isn’t a whole lot to tell. He’s been alone as long as I can remember. When I was six months old, my mom ran off with somebody. We never heard from her again and Dad never wanted to talk about it. I gathered from what little I could learn, Dad had gotten Mom pregnant when they were both very young and they were forced to get married. It didn’t work. And Dad refused to ever even try again. He raised me alone but I never felt deprived in any way. He was always there for me! He always supported everything I did. When he found out I was Gay, however; he had a hard time with it at first.” Josh said.

“Why was that? Didn’t he still love you?” I asked.

“Of course he did! That’s what all the trouble was about. Dad was very concerned that I would be very unhappy in life because of it. He was afraid that I would never find someone to love who loved me and would end up alone like him! I think you will make him very, very happy!” Josh said, gently kissing my chest.

“Maybe. Until he finds out how old I am!” I said.

“Will you get off the age thing!” Josh said, poking me in the ribs and making me jump! “You aren’t that young! Dad was only a year older than you when he got my mom pregnant with me!”

“You’re kidding! That’s how old my Dad was!” I exclaimed.

“Yeah, let’s face it - we are the way we are because we come from really horny fuckers!!!” Josh laughed.

“Your Dad certainly loves you though! Buying you this place and all!” I said.

“Yeah! He really does. It was his decision that I should be on my own. He didn’t want me to feel like he was ‘looking over my shoulder’ if I was having sex with other guys or, hopefully, falling in love with one.” he said.

“Do you really think he’ll like me?” I said, a strong note of uncertainty in my voice.

“My Dad will love you! Just like he loves me! You will be like a second son to him! I promise. After all, you both have something in common. You both love me!” he said, raising up and planting another big kiss on my lips.

“Yeah,” I said. “There is that!”

And with that, he kissed me again. Before things got carried away, I put my hand on his lips.

“Josh, don’t you think we ought to clean up the dishes and stuff before we get involved with anything else?” I asked.

“No. We don’t do the dishes until dinner is over. Dinner isn’t over yet - we’re just about to have dessert!” he said and kissed me deeply.

I let myself go and was overcome by the wonderful feelings of lying in this bed and making love to the most beautiful male in the world! We were both instantly hard and before I knew it, Josh was down between my spread legs and sucking on my butt again, getting it wet for his cock.

I lay there moaning in joy, feeling his tongue deep inside me. I couldn’t wait to be joined to him again. I wanted to feel him inside me - feel us one with each other. I wanted this to be a long, slow fuck! I wanted it to take hours. I didn’t want to think anymore. I just wanted to feel loved and wanted.

Josh seemed to feel exactly the same way. He entered me with exquisite slowness. We both were groaning as his cock made its way deep into my body. When he was buried to his pubes, he lay down on top of me and just held his cock there. I could feel it’s thickness and length filling me inside. Filling up that empty place physically and emotionally that Dad and I had talked about. I now knew what it was like to be loved. I now knew what it was like to love. And I now knew what true happiness was.

After a long while, Josh began to slowly fuck me. I don’t know how or where he got the control, but he never speeded up. He just kept slowly fucking in and out - almost driving me crazy at times. But I surrendered to him. I wanted him to use my body anyway he wanted. He would bring us almost to the point of orgasm and then stop. He would just wait until we had both calmed down and then he would start again. He did this at least a dozen times until I reached a point that I needed to cum so badly my balls actually hurt! For the first time in my life, I experienced ‘blue balls’ and I didn’t like the feeling at all!!!

“Josh, for God’s sake, fuck me!!! Make me cum!!! Josh, my balls hurt I need to cum so bad!!!” I almost screamed.

Josh let out and evil, almost sadistic chuckle. “Well, why didn’t you say so? All you had to do was ask!” he said.

I had about sixty vicious things I wanted to say at that point, but instead, when I opened my mouth, all that came out was a groan. Josh had immediately started power-fucking my ass like this was the last fuck he would ever get in his life! Within a minute, we were both cumming. Him, deep in my butt and me, all over the bed, me and him!

Josh collapsed on me, breathing hard. It has been a masterful fucking performance! I had never seen anyone fuck as long as he had. He lay on me like he had passed out! But soon, he recovered and looked at me.

“I’ve gotta piss.” he grinned.

“So do I.” I grinned back at him.

“Let’s do it together!” he said.

And matching words to actions, he pulled out of my ass, spun around and took my still hard cock into his mouth while his dangled above my face. I reached up and brought his cock to my mouth. I caught the smell of it--his cum, his sweat and my ass! What a wonderful ripe smell! I quickly gobbled his cock, tasting everything I was smelling. I loved the taste of his cock when it had just been in my ass. I nursed on his cockhead and felt his piss begin to flow into my mouth. At the same time, I let go of my flow and I could feel Josh begin to swallow all of my golden piss. This was wonderful! I’d never done it like this, pissing in somebody while they pissed in me! It was like I was sucking on my own pissing cock!

After a while, our flow gave out and Josh spun around again and pushed his mouth on mine. I opened and a flood of my own piss flowed into my mouth. We swapped the piss back an forth between our mouths until we both swallowed it and continued to lick out the insides of each other’s mouth. After a while, we finally stopped kissing and just lay in each other’s arms, gently stroking each other’s bodies.

“This is so amazing!” Josh said. “I can’t believe we not only love each other, not only want a life together, but we’re both kinky in the same way!” He laughed.

I knew what he meant. I never thought I’d find someone who could take me where I needed to go sexually. Josh not only took me there, I knew he went there willingly with me! It was like we were literally made for each other.

After a while, we finally decided to get up and clean up after dinner. We worked together quickly and easily - like we had lived and loved together for many years--and yet, unbelievably, we had only met this morning!

It was getting late. We went into the large shower room and took a shower together. We spent a lot of time washing each other bodies by running out hands all over each other, delighting in the touch and feel of each other’s skin. I shampooed Josh’s beautiful dark hair and he did mine. There is no more sensual experience out of bed than having someone shampoo you! We finally took a long time drying each other, grabbing kisses and licks of each other’s bodies in between. Finally, Josh took my hand and we walked over to the bed. He stripped off the leather cover and pillows. He brought pillows from drawers under the bed and pulled back the sheets. I crawled into bed beside him and noticed his scent on the sheet. I was a wonderful smell! I curled up in his arms, Josh, spooned behind me. I could feel his breath on my neck and his head rested against mine.

“I’m exhausted. I can’t imagine why.” I said.

“No, I can’t possibly imagine either. Maybe it’s the fact that we’ve made love so many times today I can’t even remember how many times!” Josh laughed.

“Six.” I replied.

“You kept count!?” Josh exclaimed.

“Well, not exactly. But I wanted to memorize every moment with you! I was afraid it would never happen again.” I admitted.

“It will happen again. I promise!” Josh said.

“Yes, I know that now. God! It’s going to be hard getting up tomorrow! I’m so tired.” I said.

“No, it’s going to be hard going to bed tomorrow when you’re not here.” Josh said quietly.

I heard the sadness in his voice. I knew exactly how he felt. I didn’t want to leave either. Now that I’ve found him, I didn’t ever want to be parted from him. I had to talk with Dad tomorrow. I had to work something out so that Josh and I could be together!

“I’m going to work something out, Josh. I promise I will! We’ll be together! I don’t want to be without you either! I want to share this home with you. I want to be your mate, if that’s what you want.” I promised.

“I want that more than anything I’ve ever wanted in my life!” he swore to me, pulling me closer and tightening his arms around me.

“Let’s just sleep on it. I know we will find a way to be together. I just know it!” I said.

“I’ll trust your belief. It seems to be pretty accurate so far.” he murmured. Being held by him, I soon fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

The next morning, I woke up still wrapped in the arms of my beautiful lover. There is absolutely no better way to wake in the morning than in the arms of someone that you love and who loves you. There was no way around it! I was not going to give this up having just found it! I was going to find a way for Josh and I to be together--no matter what.

But at the same time, I knew that I was all that Dad had. I was his whole world. Without me, he would be completely alone. I guess I was just going to have to find him someone, like he found Josh for me. I didn’t exactly know how I was going to do it. But I was going to try. In the mean time, however, I didn’t know what I was going to do about Josh and me.

I was laying there just thinking about the wonderful day and night he and I had spent together. The wonderful dinner. The love-making. And then it hit me! Something Josh had said last night when he’d wanted to stop me from making the salad! He said he hadn’t learned to share yet. That’s was it! It was a matter of sharing. If Josh would go along with it, I think I had a way to keep us together and keep everyone happy! At least I sure hoped so!

While I was laying there thinking, I suddenly felt Josh’s arms tighten around me and his lips kissing and sucking at my neck. I moaned at the feeling. I also moaned when I felt his hard cock pressing against my ass, seeking entrance to my body.

“Umm! You feel so fucking good!” I heard Josh’s sleepy, deep voice in my ear.

“And you feel fucking hard! Want to put that where it will do some good?” I replied.

“Gotta piss first.” he murmured and then laughed deep in his throat.

“How do you want to do it?” I asked.

“I don’t know. I saw you checking out the piss trough yesterday. Wanna see if it will hold you?” he asked.

My cock went from plump to full hard in seconds!

“Yes!!!” I all but screamed and struggled to get out of bed.

I rushed to the bathroom, but I looked back before entering. Josh still lay in bed, laughing. I walked back to the bed, looking down at his naked body as he convulsed in laughter.

“And just exactly what is so funny?” I asked.

It took a few moments for him to get himself under control enough to answer. “You!” he said, still laughing.

“What do you mean?” I asked again.

“I can’t believe how incredibly horny you are!” Josh smiled at me, a horny leer in his eyes.

“And you’re not?” I asked, walking over to the bed and grabbing his hard cock in my hand and giving it a squeeze.

“Not like you! God! You are so fucking exciting!” Josh swore as he continued to smile at me.

I couldn’t help it. I smiled back.

“Everything is exciting with you, Josh. I spent so much of my life believing that what I wanted was wrong and sick. It doesn’t feel that way with you! I feel free to express myself, be myself, with you. Can you understand?” I said. “Now, get the fuck out of that bed and come piss on me!”

He smiled and rose from the bed. Throwing his arm around my shoulder, we walked to the bathroom together. Once there, I got into the trough. It was long enough that I could lay down completely in it. The cold porcelain against my back was cold. However, I knew I would soon be covered with Josh’s hot piss. I looked up into his eyes as he stood over the trough, fingering his cock, trying to get it to go down enough to piss on me.

“I have to piss, too. Do you want me to do it on myself or do you want to take a turn in the trough?” I asked, a horny leer on my face.

“I want in the trough!” he answered, his own look as horny as mine.

He finally got his cock soft enough and began to drench my body with his hot piss! The smell was strong. This was the first piss of the morning and had been fermenting overnight inside Josh’s body. He started at my crotch, soaking my pubes and running down my balls to my ass. He moved the piss up my body, wetting down my abs and then my chest. He pointed his stream at each of my tits and I raised my arms so that he could drench my pits as well. Finally he brought his stream to my open mouth and I began to drink down his strong, rank piss. I loved it! This offering from my lover’s body. I could suck down his piss all day long. And, since we would be together, I would have the chance to do just that!

Josh’s stream finally stopped and he leaned down into the trough and kissed my open mouth, tasting his own strong piss. He licked out my mouth and then began to lick down my body tasting more. When he got to my cock, he sucked all his piss out of my pubes and then sucked my cock into his mouth.

“You keep that up, and I’ll never get it down enough to piss on you!” I warned him.

He looked up at me with a horny grin on his face. He stood and helped me from the trough, still dripping his piss. Then he got into the trough himself and lay in the remnants of his piss. I stood over him, looking down at his beautiful body and his incredibly hard cock pawing the air. I had to close my eyes and not look because just the sight of him was keeping my cock too hard to piss.

Finally my cock softened enough to let my piss flow. I did the same to him, starting with his groin and washing my strong morning piss up his body to his open mouth. He drank down everything I had to give and then began sucking on my rapidly hardening cock. As much as I wanted to cum down his throat, I pulled out before I lost it.

“What?!” Josh asked, looking up at me.

“I don’t want to cum. And I don’t want you, too, either.” I said.

“Why not?” he asked.

“Well, if we’re going to have any cum for Dad, we’d better save it up now.” I said.

“Fuck!” Josh said, sitting up in the trough. “You really weren’t shitting me last night, were you? You do want to have a three-way with your Dad this morning. Do you really think he’ll be into it?”

“Bet on it! That horny fucker will eat you up like a cat licking cream!” I laughed.

“So what do we do now?” he asked.

“I suggest we let this piss dry on us as a little appetizer for Dad while we go to ‘Josh’s Kitchen’ for breakfast. I have a feeling we’re going to need all the nourishment and strength that we can get!” I said.

Josh made us incredible vegetable and cheese omelets with friend potatoes and coffee. We sat there, kissing and feeding each other like a couple of newly-weds. We were so much in love. I’m actually glad that no one could see us. I’d been so embarrassed; I would never have been able to stop being red! But it was fun. After breakfast, we got dressed and slid down the firehouse pole to the Trans-Am.

“I’m sorry to be leaving here, but if my plan goes well, we’ll be sleeping together tonight – just not here.” I said as we walked to the car.

Josh opened the huge garage door and then went to the passenger side and started to get in. I stood there looking dumb and wondering what the fuck he was doing? He looked at me and then reached in his pocket and tossed me a set of keys across the roof of the Trans-Am. He expected me to drive his Trans-Am!!!

“Are you kidding? You want me to drive?” I exclaimed, looking at him with my mouth hanging open.

He smiled at me. “You can drive a stick, can’t you? And you have a license, right?” he asked.

“Well, yes! But you’re going to let me drive the Trans-Am?!” I exclaimed again.

“Matt, you’re my partner. Not only is this house you’re home now, this car is for both of us.” He explained, smiling at me with such love I nearly lost it and started crying. But this was no time for tears! I was going to drive the Trans-Am!

I got in the car and turned the key, the car roared to life with the growl of the massive V-8 under the hood. I couldn’t believe the feeling of power that went through me! I pulled out of the garage. Josh got out and closed the garage door after pulling out and, when he got back in the car, he asked what I meant. I outlined my plan to him. The one who would be most hurt by me living with Josh would be my Dad. So the two men in my life who I loved more than anything were just going to have to share me. I was going to propose to Dad that he let me stay at Josh’s every other night and at home with him--and with Josh there--on the alternate nights. Since it was summer, I wasn’t going to school but spending every day at the job site helping out anyway. When school started again, we’d see how things would work out then.

I also wondered how Josh would feel about this, but he was very enthusiastic.

“That’s a fucking great idea! How’d you ever come up with it?” he asked.

“Actually, you did.” I replied.

“I did??!! When??!!” he exclaimed.

“You remember when you said that you were having trouble learning how to share? That’s what gave me the idea.” I explained.

“That’s great! Are you sure your Dad won’t mind having me there?” he asked.

“Well, if this morning goes the way I think it will, I think Dad’s going to love having you there!” I said.

“Well, let’s hope. I will do anything to make sure you sleep in my arms every night.” Josh vowed.

Getting to my house, I told Josh to wait downstairs while I went upstairs and found out if Dad was awake or not. I went quietly up the stairs. I looked into Dad’s room. He was still asleep, lying naked on the bed. I crept back down the stairs.

“Okay,” I whispered to Josh. “He’s still asleep. Let’s strip here and go up and wake him up.”

Josh and I started undressing and I could see his cock was really hard and dripping. He was really turned on to this - really looking forward to having sex with my Dad. I started to really believe my plan might just work.

We both crept naked up the stairs and went into my Dad’s bedroom. He was laying on his back and his cock was hard. I motioned to Josh to get up by the head of the bed while I climbed onto the bed at Dad’s crotch. I opened my mouth and slowly sank on the way down on his smelly, raunchy cock. Dad slowly began to wake up. The first thing he did was reach down and rub my head as I gobbled his cock and groaned at the good feelings I was giving him. Next he looked over and I watched as he looked up at Josh’s beautiful body and immense cock, harder than hell and dripping cock-snot like a faucet.

“Wow! Where the fuck did you get a pecker like that, boy?” he asked, looking up into Josh’s face, a very horny smirk on his face.

“I got it looking at your hot body, Mike!” Josh said, his voice husky with sexual need.

“Well bring it over here where I can fucking get my mouth on it. Let’s see if I can take that fucker down my throat!” he said, reaching for Josh.

We were now all three on the bed. Me deep-throating Dad’s cock and Dad trying to deep throat Josh’s. The room was filled with the sound of sexual moans and the smell of three horny, raunchy fuckers! Dad pulled of Josh’s cock and looked up into his eyes.

“Well, I guess you and Matt must have talked about things, huh?” he asked.

“Yes. We did a lot of talking, Mike.” he said, reaching down and stroking Dad’s hair.

“And you’re ok with this?” he asked.

“More than okay. I’ve wanted to get it on with you since the moment I met you.” Josh explained.

“I kind of figured that, but I thought you might possibly want to get it on with somebody else more.” Dad admitted.

I raised up off Dad’s cock and looked at him.

“You did plan this whole thing, didn’t you? You wanted Josh and I to get together.” I said.

“Well…yes. I figured anybody as beautiful as Josh would probably drive you nuts and that part went fine. I was also hoping that you two might find more than just sex with each other. You know, Matt, like that talk we had a while ago?” Dad admitted.

“Well, Dad,” I said, looking right into his eyes. “It worked a lot better than you ever expected. Josh and I are in love and we want to spend the rest of our lives together. What do you say to that?” I asked.

Dad didn’t say anything for the longest time. He just sat there looking from Josh to me and back again. Finally he spoke.

“Yep! You’ve both got it!” he said.

“Got what?” I asked.

“The look.” Dad replied.

“What look? What are you talking about?” I insisted.

“The look that everybody gets on their face when they are so fucking gone in love with somebody that they can’t hide it! Yep! You’ve both got it and you’ll both be fucking useless without each other! So I guess my little plan did work better than I expected.” he said, a self-satisfied smug look in his face.

I reached up and kissed him. “Dad, I have a plan to suggest to you and I hope you’ll hear me out.” I said.

“Okay, a plan about what?” he asked.

“Dad, Josh and I really are in love. I know I’m young, but we don’t want to be apart from each other all the time. And at the same time, I don’t want to desert you! I love you, Dad. I still want you sexually and so does Josh. What I’m suggesting that Josh and I spend every other night here with you and the rest of the time at Josh’s place. At least until school starts again and then we can see. After all, until school, Josh and I will be working with you every day. How does that work for you?” I asked Dad.

“I works fine, Matt.” Dad answered. “But look, Matt. You don’t have to worry about me. I understand how you’re feeling. If you two want to be together, I don’t want to stand in your way.” Dad said.

“No! You don’t understand, Mike.” Josh suddenly said. “He really loves you. You’re still his Dad. I don’t want our love to come between you and him. He still needs you. I just don’t want to have to be without him. I’ve looked for him for so long!” Josh was almost in tears after this impassioned plea.

Dad reached up and pulled Josh down onto the bed beside him and put his arm around him. “Look, son. I guess I can call you that now, huh?” Josh nodded. “Well, son, I understand. If you two want to be here with me, you’re always welcome. We don’t have to set up systems unless you both feel more comfortable with that. I figure the way I see it is that I’ve now got two hot, hunky sons and having both of you around half the time kind of equals having one of you around all the time and miserable for the other one!” He hugged Josh and I hugged both of them.

“Now, I’m horny! Is anybody else in this bed horny?” Dad asked us.

The End of Part 5 of “The Construction Worker’s Son”.


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