Gay Erotic Stories

On My Way Home, Part 1

by Bearliners
25 Apr 2005

Bears, Daddies & Cubs Hairy Sex On The Road

Have you ever been through days where you wonder what you’ve done wrong in a previous life, to get such crap on your face? You know, one of those days when you just can’t put up with life any longer. You feel like you could crush a stone out of sheer anger because every single thing goes wrong???

Well, I was having one of those days. After 6 months in the city of brotherly love, I was finally going west, back home for spring break. Back to my native homeland; back to the Treasure State--Montana.

I was supposed to pick up a flight to Chicago and connect to Billings and then connect again to Missoula, where Dad would pick me up. I was really looking forward to seeing him and Mom again. You see after I graduated from High School. I left the Northwest to pass my degree at Penn States in Philly... Leaving the mountains was hard, and even though Philadelphia is a great city, boy I was looking forward to getting back home-- where realized I belonged.

Well, I got up early that day, grabbed the SEPTA train to Philly airport, and on terminal D the United Airlines check in lobby was frantic. Passengers everywhere--some had their flights cancelled due to the rough weather in Chicago. I ended up being rerouted though Denver, with a connecting flight up north to Billings, where I would try to connect by bus to Missoula, since I would have missed the last flight of the day.

Anyway, yes the flights were bumpy, and on top of that, I landed two hours late in Denver, which caused me to miss my flight to Billings, and instead I ended up on board a flight to Idaho Falls where I landed at 9:30 PM. I got my back pack and was then supposed to grab a bus to Missoula, and then connecting with a local service to Kalispell, my final stop. I thought dad or Mom would never wait that long. When I had called home from Denver, I got the voice mail, so I left them a message.

"Sorry Sir, but the last bus to Missoula’s gone an hour ago. The next one will be tomorrow at 11 am,” the ticket agent informed me.

Ta Da! Welcome back! I threw my backpack on the ground, " Fucking shit! Oh Maaaan!” That was the icing on the cake! Here I am stranded, unable to get home on time. I dalled home again and got Mom. She was worried sick, and Dad was just back from Missoula airport where he got the message about my missing my connecting flight. All right, at least they know, and they gave me the okay to use my plastic and get myself a hotel room for the night.

The air was brisk. I pulled up the neck of my coat, and zipped it up. I grabbed my rucksack and looked all around. Near the bus station, there was not much around really. A small Seven-Eleven, a CVS Pharmacy store, and a Taco Bell--nothing really thrilling, so I decided to walk across the street and have a bite at the truck stop on the other side of the road. Yes, I do like trailers, trucks and even more the truckers...but, believe me, at 10 pm, on a mild but still chilly spring evening, sex was not what I really had in mind. A good bunch of trailers were parked in the rest area. Some with their lights off, some drivers were talking to each other; a couple of cars were there as well. I head toward the non-trucker area and pushed the door open. The atmosphere was warm, cozy, and woody with a nice smell of fresh coffee in the air. I headed toward the counter and ordered a coffee. A cheerful voice greeted me there.

"Oh My God! I can t believe it! Peter! Peter Skavland. What on earth are you doing here? " I felt all the heads turning towards me. I looked at the waitress, dumbfounded. It was Pam, Pam Gerdestad! Our neighbor when we used to live in the Billings area in the 80’s.

She went around the counter and gave me a hug. It was great to see her. Pam used to be and still is the sweetest thing I’ve ever met on that side of the mountains. Her husband Haakon was like my dad, a member of “The Sons of Norway" Montana branch and she, her son, and I used to hang around a lot. Her son, Kristjan was now working as a school teacher somewhere in the mountains, near Polston, just south of Flathead Lake. I was just finishing my courses in math--algebra and linear arithmetic.

"How are things? But what on the earth are you doing here so late?"

"It’s a long story Pam. Cancelled and missed flights, I’m just arriving from Philadelphia and I was trying to reach Kalispell before tomorrow, but look at that--no bus, I mean... forget it."

"Did you eat, Sweetie?" she asked while pouring me a nice hot cup of coffee.

"Not much, just a fajita on board hours ago, and that's it."

"Let me fix you something, Hon..." She got me something to eat, and we chatted, about life, about me, about her son, Kristjan who was now engaged and tying the knot next July, and about her other son, Knut , currently in Norway for a whole year doing some kind of exchange with some distant relatives.

It was getting to be nearly 11 pm and I was getting worried about finding a place to bunk for the night. It was obvious that Pam would offer me a bed if I was stranded, but for some reason, I was not thrilled with that idea. I was hoping that I could find a way to reach home early tomorrow morning and surprise my folks..

"I understand," said Pam with a wink in her eye. "You do miss the mountains, don’t cha? Suddenly, her face lit up and she winked at me. "Hold on a second, I may have a way to get you there." A bit later, while I was watching some local news on CBS, she left the bar and went somewhere, toward the trucker only side.

I did not really pay too much attention to it until, a good half an hour later; I heard steps and her voice calling me. She was talking to a stocky guy, definitely a trucker, but because the guy had his back toward me, I could not see his face. He was probably around 5"10 and was wearing a blue and purple flannel shirt. His hair was showing out of the back of his cap was dark and shining in the restaurant’s fluorescent lighting.

Pam smiled and introduced me. "Peter, do you remember Cliff? He used to live on the other side of Shirley's place by Matt and Sue."

My heart jumped. You bet I remembered this guy! That man was the most stunning gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. His daughter had a crush on me when I was in high school and we hung around together for a while, but nothing came of it. Our relationship was mainly based on friendship and purely plutonic, but the great point was that it gave me access to her house, where I have had the chance to see her dad often with his chest naked when at home.

Boy, Cliff Robertson was a fucking hunk. Thickly built, half Welsh, half Dutch, the guy was a fur ball, showing all summer long his well defined chest, flat stomach, and bulging muscles. The man was a feast for the eyes, and it was a treat for me as I could see straight through his garden from my bedroom. I used to enjoy looking at him, watching him mown the lawn, light their barbeque and put some steaks on, while his hairy chest was glowing with sweat under the sun.

The guy was also involved in our church and used to play the organ when he was around. I know, it always made me laugh to see such a powerfully build guy playing a church organ and moving his cowboy boots on the pedal boards, but the fact is--he was pretty good at it, and even gave a 2 hour organ concert one Christmas to raise money for a local charity. Cliff was really a nice man--and a damn hot one as well!

"Hi Cliff," I said. We shook hands, and for a moment, just in a second’s glimpse, I felt my heart melting. Oh boy!

"Hello Peter. Long time no see. So, you’re heading home I hear." He locked his eyes onto mine and grinned.

"I’m trying t, but my flights were cancelled, and then delayed, and I missed the bus…"

“Listen, I’m heading north to Calgary. On my way, I can drop you if you don’t mind spending the last 8 hours in a truck, or if you prefer, you can stay here with Pam, have a nice sleep in a nice soft bed, and take the bus tomorrow morning."

It did not take me long to make up my mind. I wanted--I was dying to get close to Cliff--even if the guy was married and had never shown any interest in me. Well, at least it would be a feast for my eyes--and enough time spent to give me some serious jack off fantasies for the next year or more.

"If that’s okay with ya, I’d rather join you."

"Fine with me buddy. Listen, why don’t you finish your platter and we meet up…let’s say in 10 minutes. I’ll come and get you. Okay? See ya in a bit."

Whoa the guy still had that soft, low bass voice, and these two piercing green eyes. Life is great, I thought. I look at him while he walked away. That guy still melts my butter like no one else does. In the truck stop, the local country station was playing "Too Much Fun" by Daryl Singletary. An appropriate song indeed when I recalled all the fun, the jerk off fantasies that man had triggered in my childhood head years ago.. I tell ya--what a small world!

Pam, was not too busy, and we ended up chitchatting, about the good old days, bringing up some memories from the years spent in Lockwood, a suburb of Billings. It was five minutes to midnight when Cliff patted on my shoulders, "You ready to go? Let’s hit the road friend…" Then Cliff grabbed my backpack and while I was giving a last hug to Pam, who by the way did not charge me anything for the meal, Cliff was already heading out. I ran behind him to catch up.

“You’d better bundle up. It s not Florida here," he said with a chuckle while adjusting his coat tightly around his neck. "It’s been a while huh. Pam told me you’re now studying in Philly. How do you cope with cheese steak and root beer?"

I laughed. “Well sure, Philly’s known for those two specialties, but boy that city has so much more to offer. Go one Friday morning to the Amish market, near market street and enjoy! It’s a treat for the mouth--and easy on your wallet.”

His rig was parked just around the corner. Once outside the diner, we could see the mountains and the full moon was giving the whole scene that magic touch, I can only find in the Rockies. Majestic! Man, it’s great to be back home--where I belong, I thought.

"Here we ar,” said Cliff opening the passenger side of his cab. "Let me help ya," and after throwing my 47 lb backpack inside the cabin as easily as if it was a feather duster, he put his hand on my ass and pushed me upward. I was launched into the cabin and found myself discovering the world, from a trucker’s point of view. Surprisingly, but maybe I just imagined it…I felt like his hands gave a light squeeze to my ass. Or didn’t they? Well, I was not too sure anymore…it was late, I had a serious case of jet lag, and it was 3 AM Philly time and I was sure didn’t really know the line between fantasy and reality anymore.

Cliff slammed the door behind me and went around to the driver’s side. He hoped in, put his jacket on the back, and started the engine. In a roar and vibration, the truck woke up and we were on our way.

"Welcome on board son," he said patting my knee. "Do make yourself at ease buddy, I always push up the heater on board, so, you’ll be hot soon. If you wanna get rid of your coat, you’ve got a hanger just there on your right, behind the seat; or just do like I do, throw it on top of the bed, behind. I got some iced soda there and some tissues if ya need ‘em."

"Thanks Cliff, that s really awesome. First time I’ve been in a truck. Whoa--that sure makes you feel like the king of the road."

Cliff burst out laughing, a warm hearty laugh, that came straight from the heart. "Well said! I’m sure you’ve been watching "The Convoy" when you were young. The difference is, I ain’t got a CB on board, and I seldom listen to country and western music. I’m sure you’ll probably hate my choice in music."

"Let me guess, do you have any pop, or rock?"

"Not really son, see I rather dig Bach, Buxtehude…classical and liturgical music. Kind of a surprise huh?"

"Not really, I just didn’t know if you were still playing the church organ or not. I remember the charity you did ages ago…you were still living in Lockwood."

"Gosh, that was a long time ago. I’m now graduated from the academy of music, and I do play, when I can, at church. The point is there, and playing the organ doesn’t pay the bills. Can t believe you remember that!"

I looked at his face which was lit from the blue light coming from the dash board, his face was glowing. He was looking straight in front of him, his beard was shining in the dim blue light, his eyes were fixed on the dark asphalt ribbon that would lead us home, in the thickness of the night. The full moon we enjoyed in Idaho Falls had now vanished under what looked like some thick clouds. On the northeast horizon some lightning could be seen, probably from a thunderstorm on the other side of the mountains.

The cabin was quiet for a while. Cliff was driving, and I was lost in my thoughts--all the memories I used to have when I was a kid. Guys, let me tell you--that man by my side fed all my fantasies until we relocated to Kalispell, when Dad got his new job as a principal in Evergreen, just a couple of miles away. Mom, being a nurse didn’t have any problems getting a job there as well, and I must admit that part of Montana’s absolutely breathtaking. That was, the hardest thing when I had to leave such a beautiful place to end up in Philly. What a change that was.

But, I do owe to the city of brotherly love the fact that I came out, nobody to judge me there, no one to tell me I was wrong, I felt like I could be myself--and myself I am since! No, I m not bragging about my lifestyle and shouting to the world, "proud to be a fag" let’s be real here. But I did enter a gay bar for the first time in Philly "(the Bike Stop, a great place) and I did my first country gay line dance and two-step at Woody's (thanks June). I enjoyed Pride Week and went to the Gay Pride celebration at Penn’s landing, discovered the Mummer's Parade on New Year's Day too. Well… I used to be a mountain kid, and I was turning into a urban man.

Cliff's voice took me out of my dream, "Hope you’re okay, I gonna make a break in a mile. I need to pee badly. I’d do the same if I were you, son! We may not have the chance to do another stop for quite a while. It seems we may get hit by a storm. The Weather Channel was talking about some severe storm warning for West Montana and North East Idaho, so..."

"I think I’m gonna join you. That coffee plus all the sodas I drank on board the planes did their part."

Cliff exited the road on a rest area, and after putting on the truck brake, he turned the ignition off. He opened the door. The air outside was hotter than in Idaho falls, hotter and also thicker…yes a thunderstorm was definitely around the corner.

I opened the door on my side and jumped down. Whoa, it's 2:10 am on my watch, local time, 5:10 am Eastern and I’m not even tired any more. I’m just ever so excited to be here--in the middle of the Rockies--with a gorgeous man by my side. I just don’t want to loose any minute of it.

Cliff joined me, "Good to stretch your legs son," and turning toward the front right tire of his rig, he opened his fly and flipped his cock out. He let out a heavy stream of piss. I could hear it hitting the floor. I went by his side, opened my fly and proceeded to take my hardening cock out of my jeans and relieve myself. The sad part in that story, is that the night was so dark, I could not see, not even take a glimpse of Cliff 's cock.. I tried to sneak on his side, but even though I knew he was by my side, I just couldn’t see anything. It was far too dark.

God must have heard my wish as suddenly a flash of lightning tore the sky apart and because I was glancing on Cliff's side, I got a glimpse--a quick view of his cock--still in his hand. He was shaking the last drops out of it…his cockhead seemed like a huge mushroom. It looked like the man had a thick one. A loud rolling clap of thunder brought me back to reality.

"Boy, I needed that! Man feels like I’ve lost two gallons; feel better son?"

"Sure does…I needed to pee badly as well."

"Well, let's get back on board and hit the road while we can. I think we’ll be in for a good thunderstorm sooner than expected..."

We climbed back on board; Cliff eventually took his shirt off and ended up in just a tank top behind the wheel. Five minutes later we were cruising along a nice gentle speed on the I-15 North. I was contemplating that fur of his, which was driving me wild when I was younger. Well, I could rather say, is still driving me wild as I’m dying to rub my hands in it and touch its crisp silkiness. A bear in a tank top--what a sight!

"You all right, kiddo? If you wanna sleep, just jump on the bed and enjoy. I’ll be just fine—you must be dead."

"I’m fine, Cliff. In fact I’m not at all sleepy. I’m just excited to get back home I guess; I never thought I would miss the mountains that much."

"Know how you feel kiddo, I left this place once, only for two weeks as Linda wanted to go to Hawaii. So..well…to Waikiki we went. Oh it was nice, sure--hula dancers, coconut and pinneaple punch, Maitai’s, and nice food. Great people and nice hotels too, but man, I sure was glad when we landed back in Great Falls and drove back home. Too many Japanese there for my tastes."

"Great Falls? You’re not living in Lockwood any more?"

"Hell no! It’s been a while now! We left Lockwood in 1998, when Kathryn went to medical school in Helena. We now live in Deer Lodge. Kathryn’s still working in Helena, and for Linda and myself, well we have a log cabin outside town. Nothing great, but it’s ours, and the nicest part of all, I can play the organ whenever I want, as Linda is a good friend of the Episcopal Church minister's wife." Cliff paused for a moment, "and what about you? Any love affair going on?"

"No, unfortunately not, but mind you, Mom would tell you that I have better things to do as a student anyway."

Cliff laughed, "Sure…but son, sometimes you need something else than books and essays to keep ya happy; no girlfriends?"


A bolt of lightning split the sky and the suddenly all hell broken loose. The rain was like an open air shower. It was like driving through a curtain of water.

"Don’t tell me you have to crank your dick every day to get some relief! That's bull shit son. No one aged 22 should have to jerk off every evening to enjoy some sex life."

I was dumbfounded. Now I was talking sex with my living fantasy bear. Was he a tease or didn’t he know what effect he had on me?

"Son, you don’t miss much anyway...I guess."

"What do you mean?"

Cliff cleared his throat, "Simply that sex with girls is not as good as sex between men!"

I choked and coughed. Cliff looked at me and smiled, "Hey! You all right kiddo? I don’t wanna shock you or anything but buddy let me tell ‘ya, after doing it both ways, you’ve got the best of it all," he added and winked at me.

"I thought you were straight!"

"I am son, I am, and I sure do enjoy making it with Linda every evening.,but I also enjoy having sex with men. See buddy, let me tell ya a secret--and don’t repeat that to your folks, all right? I love to get my cock sucked, and I also love, more than anything, to fuck a tight ass. Two things Linda has never shared with me so far, and probably never will, so once in a while--when I do feel horny, like tonight, I sure do enjoy man sex."

I remained silent. Boy--that was it. Cliff openly admitted his bisexuality and he also threw me a stick about his horniness. It was my chance! "Cliff, I don’t have a girlfriend because...well…how can I say that…"

"Because you prefer men…that’s simple, son."

I felt myself blushing. Why did I suddenly feel so unconfortable?

"Hey son…you re all right. Nothing to be ashamed’s not everybody's fate to be straight ‘ya know kiddo. You’ve got nothing to blame yourself for.” Cliff adjusted his crotch. It was definitely bigger and something inside it was making a very nice bulge.

"Being horny is wonderful. Look at me son, I’m now 51 and I still crank my dick every day when I’m on the road--unless I get a chance to meet a partner willing to take care of me. But I’m not ashamed of my sexuality--damn not, and see--I even get hard. Look at me."

I was looking at him all right and my cock was painfully hard too. Boy I was dying to suck his cock, or to sit on it. I was hypnotized by that guy…under his control. I slightly bent my head toward him and I felt his right hand caressing my neck.

After a while he let it rest on my upper leg. "Son, I remember having caught you looking at me when you were younger from your bedroom window. A couple of times--like that time when you were chatting with me about, can t remember what it was, but your eyes were all over my chest and you sported a hard on."

I didn’t what to say to that. I just remained silent.

He patted my leg, "Hey, I ain’t stupid. I knew you were gay, but you being a kid under legal age…well…that was the end of it! Plus my daughter had a crush on you."

"Did you tell her?"

"No I didn’t say a darn thing, but like all the girls, her heart went after someone else, when she realized she would not get anywhere with you."

"Thanks Cliff. That’s sweet of you. Gosh. And I thought I was being discreet."

"You were very discreet son--very discreet indeed. But sometimes your cock speaks out what your brain can’t." He squeezed my leg and moved his hand up towards my crotch. He rested it against my fly. My cock was rock hard. He could feel it and was putting gentle pressure on it.

"How did you notice then? Someone told you?"

"I noticed it, simply because I was having an eye on you too..."

I choked. I felt my jaw drop.

"Bingo…yes son, you were and still are a very handsome young lad. And by what I can feel under my hand, you still seem to enjoy my company. I’m glad about that."

I was in heaven! "Cliff, I have to say this: you have triggered more teenage jerk off fantasies than anybody else—then and since. You have no clue how I was dying to make it with you at that was an obsession. I even wanted to start studying music, so that you might be my teacher."

Cliff smiled. I saw his face shining in the obscurity when lightning split the darkness in half. "And what about now? Are you still hot for me? I can tell you are…come on…son.. be nice…pull that cock of yours out for me. Let me stroke it."

He unbuttoned my Levi’s with his hand while, I was undoing my belt. My jeans fell on my feet, and my boxer shorts were stretched to the limit Cliff pulled them down, ripping them apart. "Well, what a nice cock you’ve got son. Nice and soft--just the way I like them." And while still driving, he started to move his hands up and down on my cock, sending bolts of ecstasy all through my body. Electricity was in the air--and not just outside.

"Do you suck cock son?"

"Yes, Sir."

Cliff pressed his hand tighter around my cock. "Goooood. Do you like to get fucked as well?"

Well that was another story, I only got fucked once in my life, and it was one evening, I decided it was time for me to experience and enjoy anal sex. It had been last summer at Aunt Elsa’s, in Provo. I was staying at her ranch with my folks and one evening I took a small sized zucchini out of her fridge and covered it with a rubber and decided to sit on it. It was badly painful at first, but I did achieve a majestic orgasm, once I correctly lubed my ass and the small sized zucchini slid in. My experience was far from being huge, but there was no way, I would let that chance slip by--being fucked by Cliff.

"Yes Sir, I’d love you to fuck me," I boldly admitted.

"Well, boy--at least you’re going right to the point. I did not say I wanted to fuck you, even though I’m planning it. Tell ‘ya what, why don’t we stop in the next rest area, pull the curtains together and hop in the back for a while?"

"That would be great," I confirmed, and in a burst of courage I extended my left arm and laid my hand on the silky fur on the top of this chest. "Sorry Cliff. I was dying to caress you chest."

"You like hairy guys?" He left my cock for a while, and removing my hand from his chest, proceeded to take his tank top off while he was driving. "Much better; let me tell you son, there’s plenty more to enjoy. Caress me all the way you want, son. I am all yours."

I ran my hands through his chest, enjoying the silk fur, playing with it, pushing my fingers through its thickness. His jeans were now showing an orange-sized bulge in the crotch area. I led my hand down towards his navel, and slowly led it down toward his crotch,

"Yeah…go for it son--caress it through the jeans; you can even open my fly if you want. I go commando…you won’t find any underwear...just my cock."

The thing was definitely warm and hard; hard like a concrete block. I undid the top three buttons of his fly and pushed my hand inside.. My blood sizzled when I got my first contact with his cock. The guy was massive…definitely massive…it could be well in the 10 inches club. Cliff put his hand on mine.

"Yes son, I’m big. I have a big cock…a big and thick cock, but I promise I’ll go gentle on you--unless you like it rough. I’ll stop in about a mile, just before we leave the I-15 N and join the I-90 W. Be patient son, daddy will take care of your throat and your ass in a couple of minutes."

I rested my hand on his oversized cock. What a feeling--warm… I can feel his pulse as if I had my hand right over his heart. Cliff looked at me and patted the back of my neck. He bent towards me and gave me a quick kiss, "You and me, we’ll be just fine…I can tel."

I was in bear lover's heaven. The storm was decreasing in its violence and now, it was more a steady rain than that unbelievable downpour we had just a couple of miles ago. "Why don t make yourself comfortable on the bed. I’ll park in 3/4 miles just put your clothes on your seat. You won’t need them for a while..."

I left my seat and opened the curtains behind me. Whoa--that was more than a simple bed there. Cliff had it all in his cabin..a bed, some shelves with a couple of books, a small boom box and a color TV linked to a DVD player. The guy sure must spend a lot of time in this place. A nice orange light was giving me enough lumination to see perfectly. I quickly undressed and threw my clothes on the front seat. My cock was hard as a bone and I was dying to lay my hands on Cliff.

Thank heaven; I did not have to wait long. I heard the engines winding down and Cliff stopped it all, engaged the hand brake and switched off the cabin night light. I heard some clothes being wrinkled, a zipper being pulled, and some boots slamming on a floor. The curtains suddenly opened wide and Cliff appeared through them in his naked glory... his cock was hard as well, and looked incredibly thick.

He turned me on my back and immediately went on top of me His face was so close to mine, I could feel his breath on my lips. His furry body was sending sparkles of pleasure to my brain, while his cock was crushing mine; his balls resting in the space under mine

"Hello boy," he said and started to kiss me, gently, teasing my lips with his. "I’ve been waiting for this moment all these years since when you were a kid. Now, I hold you and I wanna make sure you’ll remember the first time together."

I wanted to answer but he pressed his lips against mine and we kissed, my mouth went wide open, and Cliff began caressing my mouth with his tongue, teasing it. I cuddled against him and he locked his arms around me. It was obvious that I was where I belonged. Cliff held me tight and we locked eyes. My eyes locked in his. I looked at every single line of his face--what a gorgeous man he was. Still, now, just thinking about it and I could draw you a picture of his face.

My mind went back to reality when I felt his hand taking mine and putting it on top of his fuck club. "Why don’t you get down there and see if you can make me happy, son." He gave me a kiss, "I haven’t cum for a whole week, and I sure do need to get some release. Can you feel my heavy balls, son? They’re so full of my juice. I fucked Linda twice before I left, but well, what can I say--the doc says that I produce too much male hormone--that s why I’m always so damn horny. Come on son, get down to business."

I moved away from under his hairy body and tried to turn him on his back, but Cliff had something else in mind. "No, son," he said putting me back on my back and pushing me steadily downward his crotch, "my idea is to fuck your mouth…"

My nose was in his pubes and now his hefty cock was resting on my face, its smell was musky, rich--like a good man sweat. I licked its length and went further down to kiss his two balls. Cliff let out a groan, "Well, you’re a natural! Come on kiddo, let me put my cock inside your mouth; open up for me." His cockhead was leaking precum over my lips and when I opened my mouth to lick it, Cliff pushed his cock inside. Man--that thing was so fucking thick--I only had its head and the first two inches inside me and already my jaws were opened to their max. My lips were covering my teeth, to avoid scratching him and he was forcing his way down my throat. I gagged. My eyes filled with tears--the man was really hung thick. Cliff was steady, moving his hips slowly up and down, caressing, stretching my mouth with his thicky--while I was caressing his balls with my hands.

"Well done boy. You sure do enjoy making me happy. Come on--suck that cock--hmm.. yeah boy, swallow my big fucking cock. I wanted to fuck your mouth so bad and wait ‘til I fuck your ass. I’m sure gonna make you moan for joy. Come on, swallow me…"

And I felt him pushing his massive schlong all the way down, until it hit my throat. I tried to adjust my mouth so that my neck was stretched enough to get some air, but Cliff pushed his cock all the way down past my tonsils until his low hanging balls rested directly over my chin..

I shivered all over and tried to swallow him. "Yeah!" he said in a frenzy, shoving his cock all the way up and back down again my throat. "Fucking good man--oh boy--you do know how to suck cock! I knew it--I knew you would be a great fuck buddy! I’m gonna cum son—yeah--oh boy! I’m gonna flood your stomach with my sperm! Suck me. Suck me all the way through--come on son—just do it!"

And he fucked my mouth with all its length for a good five minutes, breathing heavily, grunting, crushing my face with his strength, while he was burying his cock inside my mouth.. My hands were jerking me off and I was on the verge of cumming. Cliff must have sensed it as he withdrew himself and flipping me around, pushed my hands away and while he pushed himself back inside my throat, I felt my cock being wrapped in something wet and soft. I grunted and in a spasm, arched and came like if it was the first time ever in my life.

"Yeaaaah…cum for daddy, son--give me your fuck juice man! That’s it boy...empty these balls of yours. Yeaaaah! Good boy!" Cliff swallowed my juice and didn't release his grip on my cock, "Daddy’s gonna cum son.. I’m gonna shoot inside your throat. Open up wide kiddo. I’m cumming..;ooohh…YEAAAAAH. I’M GONNA FUCKING CUM! TAKE IT…NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW!" Cliff tightened his grip over my head and pushed his cock all the way down my throat and emptied his fuck juice inside in long, syrupy gushes of thick male juice—completely coating my throat. His cum was tasting nutty and a bit bitter…just the way a male should taste. Cliff withdrew his log from my mouth; his cock was shining in the orange glow of the cabin. He took me in his arms and gave me a long, passionate kiss. "Thank you, boy! Hmm, you’re natural cocksucker son. Where did you learn to suck dick like that?"

I smiled, "In fact I didn’t learn. You see I’m not that experienced…and I just..." Cliff interrupted me, kissed me again and grunted, "Boy, who ever taught ya sure did a great job!" I heard him fiddle with something and a moment later, his hands were on my arse, laying something slick and cold on my hole. I tighten up… Cliff hushed me, "Shhhh…relax son. Let me loosen you up. Don’t ‘ya enjoy the feeling of my fingers inside your chute? Hmm. nice and tight...just perfect."

Cliff has two fingers inside my hole now and was teasing me. My ass was now relaxing and was surrendering to the intruders. I must say that his fingers were feeling good. My cock was back to full mast already, and I was shivering like a cat in heat, while my hands were playing with his luscious hairy chest. My face crushed against his neck, his silky beard caressing my skin.

"Good boy! Yeah…you loosen up real good don’t ‘ya. You’re dying to get fucked by my big cock, aren’t you son?” He pushed his fingers further inside my arse and pressed his hard cock, against my leg. "Wait a second, son," he said, grabbing the remote control and pressing a couple of buttons, "watch the screen and enjoy the show."

On the TV screen two guys more or less the same age, one red haired brute with a full beard and a blond fur ball with a goatee, were going at it. The brute was fucking the blonde bear's ass with gusto and they were both grunting heavily. I felt Cliff lying behind my back and he took his fingers away. I felt his cock head rubbing against my gasping hole.

"Are you really gonna fuck me?" I asked nervously.

"I ain’t been rubbing lube inside your ass for nothin'," he answered, "and I ain’t gonna kid ‘ya. It's gonna hurt like hell for a while, but then, it’ll feel so good, you’ll ask me to fuck you every day!"

I looked behind me and saw Cliff spitting in his hand and smearing the liquid over his massive cock, smearing a heavy drool of precum with it. Now instead of just the head of that huge cock, the whole huge pole was wet and shiny. He aimed it at my puckered hole and my body tensed in natural reaction

"Shhhhh boy…just relax and don’t do anything," he said. "I’ll go easy but I AM gonna fuck you, son! Make like you’re taking a dump,. It will help it go in."

I was not sure what he was talking about but I tried to relax and I felt the pressure building as he pushed his cock against my resistant anal ring. I wanted to feel that huge pole inside my ass, but at the same time, I was afraid he might rip me to shreds with it . I told myself to relax and began feeling my asshole stretching and opening to allow Cliff's huge shaft inside.

I yelped and felt a sudden tearing pain when his cockhead popped inside my chute. "Oh god Cliff. I don’t think... I can’’s painful…please…take it out…it hurts!" He kissed my neck, "Shhhhh! Don’t move son, just let the pain vanish…it’s vanishing already…see, I’m not moving inside. Just lay there and let your ass adjust to my size I love you son and would never do anything to hurt you."

He was right--it hurt like a son-of-a-bitch! It felt like he was shoving a fence post up my ass. I was sure he was ripping my ass apart. I let out another loud moan of pain. I tried to focus on the film, but in fact, my whole being was focusing on that bear man behind me--and on that beer can of a cock he was showing inside my chute.

Cliff held still for a moment, letting my agonized ass get used to being overstretched. He pulsed his cock a little bit to help the over-extended muscles relax. The pain eventually vanished and Cliff began slowly putting pressure steadily forward, sending inch after thick, hard inch of his cock into the depths of my no-longer-virgin ass, stopping only when his wire-haired groin pressed against my ass cheeks. He held still and throbbed his cock. His balls were resting against my buns.

"God you’re big!" I moaned.

"You want me to take it out?" he asked. "It'll only hurt for a few minutes more."

Somehow he knew I did not want him to take it out. I suddenly realized that I was holding him by the hips and pulling him toward me.

"Hooooh. Boy, that’s like a furnace in there—a hot and steamy one. Now, let me fuck that ass of yours."

He pulled his cock over half way out, spit in his hand again and applied the lubricant. Then he slid forward again--all the way. The fence post was turning into a telephone pole, but it was also beginning to feel good, bloody fucking damn good! Just what I was hoping it would feel like being fucked by Cliff? It also felt as though the big head of his oversized cock was somewhere up near my chest, playing around with my heart and lung--like they were some kind of odd billiard balls. It was hard to breathe, but we were both sweating and neither one of us was about to quit.

"Yeah," he growled, "I’m fucking your ass son. You’re gonna get fucked by a bear! Here’s my treat for you son…" And slowly, he began pumping his gut-stretcher in and out of my overstuffed ass, setting up a very constant, very gentle rhythm, pausing every now and then to apply more lube and saliva until my hole was well-oiled and slick. And soon, as my ass got used to the stretching and the rubbing, the pain began to further ebb, and eventually disappeared.

I remembered that one time, when I happened to catch my dad and mom fucking. He was fucking her in the ass and she was loving it. I wondered how she could take all dad's dick up her tail without hurting, how she could enjoy it. Now, I knew the answer to both questions. I was filled with an incredible feeling of being stuffed full, ripped apart, and being wonderfully massaged from the inside out. It was simply fan-fucking-tastic!

Cliff began to pick up the speed of his pumping, and the pain that had once been there was now a deep-seated heat that was spreading throughout my body. My cock had gone completely soft when he had entered me, and was now beginning to harden up again, As his cock teased my already sensitive inside, I began to drool precum even heavier than usual. I was shocked. I was actually enjoying Cliff's oversized cock up my ass. Hell! I was loving it--100% loving it!

In a very short time, I was shoving my ass up to meet his trusts and I was groaning loud and deeply, and it sure was not from the pain. I could hear his moans and grunts as he began slamming into me. My cock was bobbing up and down. I was leaking precum like a dripping faucet and I could feel the familiar balloons of pleasure building in my nuts in a hurry.

"Shit. I m gonna blow!" I gasped.

"Me too, son!" he grunted, slamming into me again and again. A few thrusts later, I felt my load of cum race through my cock, and as Cliff slammed into me harder and faster, the full load erupted out of it and sprayed all over my chest; some on the comforter.

"Yeah…shoot that load, boy!" he grunted.

Glob after glob of hot cum jetted out to land on my chest and belly, on the comforter, on the pillow. He slammed into me extra hard a couple more times and let out a roar like a wounded bear, and I felt his cock quivering and jerking and throbbing in my ass, followed by the spread of hot wetness up in there. It was as though that brought on a second climax for me, and I just kept cumming, leaking sperm--everything was kind of spinning--my heart was banging inside my ribs.

We lay there connected for a long time. He held me tight in his arms and gently was still kissing my neck, while his hands were caressing my sticky chest. We were both gasping for breath. Our cocks gradually went soft.

"I knew it would be good!" Cliff said after a while. "I knew you would be hot in there. Did you like it? Was it good for you too?"

"I turned my head and kissed him. He was smiling; his face was shining with sweat. "It hurt, " I said, "but after a while it really felt great. Yeah. I loved it!”

"I kinda thought you would," he said and kissed me again. I kissed him back. We lay there for another moment, kissing, hugging, and talking until his drained cock oozed out of me, sending a slight twinge of pain through my tortured hole. I felt so great so relaxed. I looked at him and…

...A kiss on my neck took me out of my dreams. A kiss, a long chest rub. I turned around. Cliff was there looking at me, a smile enlightened his bearded face. He bent over and kissed me. I kissed him back. It was broad daylight outside.

"Good morning sleepy head. Do you fancy joining me for a cup of coffee and something to eat? My treat. We’re in Paulson…and you’ll be home in less than an hour. Come on son; let’s have a coffee and a bite to eat."

I stretched, my ass was a bit sore but I was feeling fine, just great. "What time is it?"

"Quarter to 9; you’ll be home by 10."

I blinked at the daylight and put my clothes on. "What happened? Did I fall asleep?"

Cliff laughed, "Asleep? Yes buddy you slept and snored your lungs out!" He bent over and kissed me again. "Come on son, let's get some fresh air!"

I jumped out of the cabin, and the air hit me. I finished buttoning my jeans. All around me the mountains were there. YEAH! I was definitely back home! Cliff went my side and after locking the cabin and we walked toward the truck stop.

"How long will you stay here?" he asked.

"I must be back in Philly in two weeks time."

Cliff scratched his beard and paused for a second. "I’m going to Casper next Friday to pick up some goods that I have to bring back here. Care joining me for 2 days?" he winked at me, squeezing his crotch.

"You bet!" I said licking my thumb like if it was his cock, "Count me in!"

bearliners 22Nov2004


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